Taimiyyah Zubair – Tafsir Surah an Nisa #01 Introduction S4 V1

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The title[SPEAKER], [The transcript discusses the importance of the seven long S recognize in the Prophet sallam's Surah and the need for forgiveness. It also touches on the importance of avoiding mistakes and balancing one's past. The Surah is taught to women and is used to teach men to hold their rights. The importance of honoring family members' rights and treating family members with respect is emphasized. The transcript also touches on the language and culture of the people and emphasizes the need to uphold ties of kinship and not cut anyone off.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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Rosa Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim wa Salatu was Salam O Allah Rasool Allah Karim rubbish rocklea sodbury where silly emri wash little rock that Emily Sani yaffa who Polly Allahumma the Kirby was sadly Sonny was also him at the Colby amin Yoruba alameen

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Alhamdulillah. Today in sha Allah We will begin with the seed of suta to Nyssa Surah Nisa is a very very important surah of the Quran and it is a surah about which many people are unaware of or many people have heard verses which are mentioned in Surah, Nisa, and a lot of these verses people have misconceptions about them or misunderstandings about them. And it is extremely important for us to not only have belief in the Quran, it is not enough for us to just believe that the Quran is from Allah. But it is also important for us as Muslims, to accept whatever is in the Quran, and to believe with conviction that it is the best that these words are truly the best. This guidance is

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truly the best guidance. So we are not just to believe that yes, the Quran is from Allah. But in addition to that, we are to wholeheartedly accept what Allah subhana wa tada has revealed, to be happy with it to be pleased with it to like and appreciate the law that Allah subhanaw taala has given us this is something that is a part of our Amen. And I asked Allah subhanaw taala to give us the ability to understand the laws that he has revealed and to wholeheartedly accept them and to be at peace with them and to benefit from them. So that we can be of those who are successful. Now sorta Tony Sir, it is the fourth surah in the Quran in the most half. And before we go into that the

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scene of the sutra I want to spend some time discussing the importance of the sutra, a few facts about the sutra and also the themes which are within the sutra. Now the first thing about sort of the Nyssa is that we should know when exactly it was revealed. Soltani sir was revealed after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam migrated to Medina. Therefore the soda is a Madani surah I Chateau de la Mourinho said and this is reported in behati. She said that Surah Nisa was revealed when I was with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, meaning when she was married to him and when she was living with him, and it is well known that that happened after the Prophet sallallahu Urdu

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sort of migrated to Medina. We also learned that sort of to Nyssa was revealed after the revelation of sudo TL monta Hana and that is clearly a Medina and surah. So Surah Nisa is a Madani surah and in Sultan Nisa, there are 176 verses. And the surah is extremely significant. First of all, we see that in the surah, is a verse which al Bara, even as the bragi, Allahu anhu reported, was the last verse to be revealed. And it was the last verse to be revealed regarding the law of inheritance. So the surah contains that verse. Secondly, we see that the first is the first verse of the surah is a verse which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recited frequently, especially when he would

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address people. We learned that Abdullah Al de la Mourinho reported that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us the hotbar hajra. Right. Meaning what the Imam is supposed to say when addressing the people and part of that is

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The first verse of sudo to me sir, yeah, a you haven't yet a urinal sutopo Robuchon, Allah the hollow Kakuma, nuptse wahida. wahala. caminhada woba thermen humare jellen katheer on when he saw what topple la her lady de ser aluna behavioral or ham in the Lucha kennerly con la Kiba. And this is a reason why a lot of us have heard this verse over and over again in our lives, especially when we listen to the Friday Healthwatch. And this shows us how significant this verse is that this verse was recited in in public addresses, and this shows us how important it is for us to know the meaning of this idea, and its implications as well. Surah Nisa is also from the wild surah of the Quran, the

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three wild surahs are basically the the seven long surah of the Quran. And in a Hadees we learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that are three to McKenna turati surber that I was given in place of the lot the seven Sutras, meaning the seven long Solas and these seven solos are from suitable bacara until surah, two Toba and Sultan Nisa is actually one of them. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that I was given the seven sutras in place of the tau dot. Now it is well known that the total art or the first testament it contains a lot of laws. And you will notice that in Surah, Nisa also there are a lot of commands a lot of legal matters, so I shall do a

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lot more on her. She reported that men are the several one four who or how broad that whoever learns the seven first surahs meaning the seven long sutras of the Quran from Surat Al Baqarah to suta to Toba. Then, such a person is a habit, a habit is a scholar. So such a person is a person of knowledge. The person who learns the the seven Sutras, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said regarding them, as I mentioned to you earlier that he was given the sutras in place of the Torah.

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Now, this surah doesn't just contain, you know, laws and legal matters. But at the same time, the sutra contains many uplifting verses. There's a lot of hope that is given in the surah. Because when we think about legal matters instantly, we think about, you know, consequences and punishments and penalties, etc. But in the surah, where there are legal matters, there's also a lot of universes that are very motivating and uplifting. So, even Massoud that will do a lot more on who he is reported to have said, that there are five verses in Surah to Nisa that I prefer over the life of this world and everything that is in it, meaning these five verses are more beloved to me than

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anything of this world. And what are those five verses? He mentioned? The first one which is verse number 40 of pseudo Tunis that in Allah Allah Yahoo limo myth color, the era that surely Allah does not wrong, even the weight of an atom. Allah subhanaw taala does not do any injustice even in the least bit. The second verse, he mentioned, the verse number 31 in touch, then he will cover your Mattoon whoa nanhu that if you avoid the major sins, then your minor sins will also be forgiven. Then he mentioned verse number 48 in the law, hilarious, futile, unusual Kirby he well futile Medina Valley Karima Yasha, that Allah does not forgive that partners are associated with him, but he

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forgives what is less than that. And then the next verse that he mentioned, verse number 64, well unknown Illa Allah mu and mu Sahaja Orca that if they when they wronged themselves, and you know they made a mistake, and they came to you and they asked Allah subhanaw taala to forgive them. And you also prayed to Allah subhanaw taala to forgive them that Allah subhana wa tada would have forgiven them.

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And the last verse that he mentioned, verse number 110, that when my yarmulke Tzu and a yellow lemon of Soho, Samia Stubblefield ilaha yeji de la hora rahima, that whoever does something evil or wrongs himself, and then after that seeks forgiveness from Allah than such a person will find a lot to be forgiving and merciful. You see, whenever we think about legal matters, whenever we think about commands and rules, and the do's and the don'ts, where, you know, it is good to know what we're supposed to do, there's always that sense of fear that what if

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make a mistake, right? I don't. And a lot of times we hesitate to learn because of this fear that I don't want to know. Because then I will have to follow and I know that I cannot follow because I'm imperfect. And I know that I will make mistakes, right? We always have that fear that what if I mess up? What if I do something wrong? And these verses are truly so uplifting, that it doesn't matter. You know what mistake you have made, you are human, yes, you will make mistakes. It doesn't mean that you become complicit. It doesn't mean that you stopped caring about the laws that Allah has given, but that every single time you find yourself slipping, then get up again and seek forgiveness

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from Allah subhana wa Tada. So, in the surah, is a beautiful balance, that where we are given that sense of responsibility, that you must be careful about the laws that Allah has given. At the same time, there is always a there's also a lot of hope that is given that it doesn't matter how your past has been, and the mistakes that you have been making up until now. There is always room for improvement for change. So turn towards Allah subhanaw taala seek forgiveness from Him and ask Him for strength. Then we also learn about this sutra that the Prophet sallallahu early he was sending him actually asked are the leaven Masood radula Mourinho to recite the surah to him. There is a

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beautiful Hadith and in Abu Dhabi in which we learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to our beloved Massoud, that it gra aleja Surah Nisa that recite to me solar to Nyssa so are the light that Masaru was surprised. He said that Accra or Laker? I should recite to you why alayka on Zilla while it was actually revealed to you any the pseudo was revealed to you. How should I recite it to you? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that in the Hebrew and a smart who means it? I like to listen to it from someone other than me, meaning I like to listen to its recitation as well. Yes, I recited myself, but I also like to listen to it. So I believe in Masaru,

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there'll be a lot more and who began reciting the surah. Until when he reached a certain age, and he saw that the face of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his eyes were filled with tears. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was moved by that recitation and he was moved by listening to the powerful words, the powerful messages of the surah. So we should also develop that taste and that joy of listening to the Quran. And I hope that in sha Allah, these classes will help you develop a greater understanding of these verses so that when you listen to these verses, you are able to understand them, you are able to reflect upon them and inshallah they're inshallah your

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heart has also moved in your eyes are also moved to tears in sha Allah. Now, the Surah Surah Nisa is called a Nisa. And a Nisa means women. Why is the sort of called Nyssa? And what are some of the themes of the surah? We're going to discuss that now. Now, sort of the Nyssa is also called pseudo to Nyssa. A Cobra, Al Cobra means the bigger one. All right. And so the talaq is called pseudo NASA or solar a solar means the smaller one. So there is the longer sort of the NASA and then there is the shorter sort of to NASA. And both of these sources, they contain legal matters, especially related to marriage and divorce. Now sooner than NASA is such that there the word aneesa appears 20

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times in the sutra, right 20 times in the sutra. And the surah is not called a Nisa, because it only talks about women or it only addresses women. But we see that there are many legal matters which are related to women. So this is one thing that we must understand that the sorter doesn't just address women or doesn't just talk about issues related to women. Rather, it contains many issues that are related to women. All right, and that are,

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you know,

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specifically regarding women, so specifically, we see that there are three types of commands that are mentioned regarding women. First of all, marriage, secondly, property inheritance, and thirdly, legal punishments. Alright,

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Now we see that when these laws are mentioned and sort of an aside, it's not that women are being told that you must do this, and you must do that,

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we see that the address is to all people be addressed is to men as well. So it's as though the society is being taught, right, the society at large is being taught that they must observe these, these commands, in regard to their dealings with women, and in regard to their dealings with, with other members of society who are oppressed, or who are marginalized. So we see that first of all, through these laws, there is clarification of the fact that a woman is her own person, she's not simply a man's extension, because we see that up until very recently, there are you know, there have been societies there have been legal systems in which a woman is not even recognized as a person,

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which is why she cannot own property, she could not inherit, or she did not have any say in her marriage. So when a legal matters related to women are mentioned in the surah, whether it is something related to marriage, or it is something related to property, inheritance, divorce, legal punishments, what does that show this shows that a woman is a part of society as an individual, she is her own person. So it's as though her her, her identity is being recognized it is being acknowledged. And secondly, we see that, as is the case, in many societies, and many cultures, women are, are mistreated, or they are marginalized simply because of their gender. Right, we see that,

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even today, so many women, they're not given equal pay, why simply because of their gender. And we see that it's not just women who are treated differently, or who are marginalized, it is also other people who don't have a certain social status. So for example, if a person doesn't speak a certain language, or if a person has a certain skin color, they will be treated differently. At the time, when the Quran was revealed, there were similar issues. So for example, if there was a child whose father passed away that child, that orphan, would be treated very differently. So we see that the vulnerable, the people who are weak, the people who are oppressed, the people who are marginalized,

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such groups, their rights are given in the sutra. So the surah, upholds justice, the surah teaches us to recognize and, and and give the rights of, of all people, even people whom we because of our culture, or because of our you know, the way that we think we look down upon them. So the sooner upholds justice. Now, one thing is that it is very important to understand the concept of justice before we proceed. Now, remember that justice is not just about treating everyone in the same way.

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Why? Because people are different. their needs, their responsibilities vary, and Allah subhanaw taala tests people in different ways as well. So there are matters in which all people are equal. And there are other matters in which some people have been given,

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you know, greater status compared to others, right, where some people have been given preference over others. And we see that this is something that you will find in every legal system, right? Because for societies to function, there needs to be law and order, right? Freedom or equality doesn't mean that you have the right to say anything, that you have the right to incite violence, you have the right to infringe upon the rights of other people, you have the right to reject facts. No, freedom doesn't mean that. So for people for societies to function, there must be law and order. There must be people who have authority, there must be legal systems. So where there is justice,

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there is insoft there must also be Islam, there must also be reformed. And part of reform is penalties and disciplinary measures. So this surah does not simply advocate for the rights of women. The surah does

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Not simply teach us that women should have everything or that every person, you know, should have everything No. The surah teaches us what the rights. The surah teaches us what the rights of women are, for example, and also their responsibilities. and were required, what disciplinary measures there must be. So and this is something that is important everywhere, where people have rights, they also have responsibilities. And this is something that we need to keep in mind as we study the meaning of the surah insha Allah so with this introduction, let's begin with the seed. Or the Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim In the Name of Allah the Most Merciful v

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Especially Merciful Yeah, uh, you harness all mankind, it the core of back home, fear your Lord and levy hollow cocom who created you may not see wahida from a single soul will holla come in has Oh jaha and he created from it, it's mate. We're both the men who Maddie gel and Kathy Ron when he saw and dispersed from both of them, many men and women, what the hula and fear Allah, Allah de de ser aluna behave through whom you ask one another one or ham and the wounds or the ties of kinship in Allah Cana la cumbre peba Indeed Allah is Ever over you an observer,

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the surah begins with the address yet a yohannes all mankind, all people, all human beings, Allah subhanaw taala addresses all people over here meaning all people that are to come until the day of judgment, which shows us that what is being mentioned here is not just important for Muslims, it is important for all people, it's not just important for women or just for men or people of one race or people have a certain status the rich or the poor or the people with authority are the people who don't have authority know what is being mentioned over here is important for every single person because you are human, what is mentioned over here is relevant to you, what is mentioned over here

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is necessary for you it is essential for you, it is very important for your success. Yeah a you harness all mankind or people and what is it that is being commanded over here? What is the instruction that is being given to all people? Yeah, a yohannes it the core of bircham have Taqwa of your Lord, it the core of back home, you see when it comes to our dealings with one another, right in in the family or at workplace, when it comes to dealing with one another, you know, in financial matters or in terms of working with each other, you know, managing guardianship, etc. We see a lot of times there is dishonesty. Right? There is unfair treatment. So yeah, uh you harness all mankind.

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You need to observe the color of your Lord, you must observe the color of your Lord, because only then can you be honest only then, can you be fair, only then can there be justice and reform. It the who are back home or mankind. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked by one of the companions that or messenger of Allah advised me and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said oh sleeker be taqwa Allah. I advise you to observe the COA of Allah. Why? Because it is the foundation of every virtuous matter. It is the foundation the basis for every virtuous matter. Meaning when there is stuck Well, when there is consciousness of Allah, then you will be able to do good. In

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another Hadees winner will seek a be taqwa Allah. I advise you to observe taqwa of Allah, because it will beautify every matter of yours. Every matter of yours will become beautiful when you observe the

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taqwa of Allah. So what is the core then, that Allah subhanaw taala is instructing all of us to observe that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, was the foundation for every good matter, and was something that would, is something that would beautify all of our affairs. taqwa means to be conscious, the core means to safeguard oneself, to protect oneself. Now we safeguard ourselves from a lot of different things, anything that we perceive to be dangerous, anything that we perceive to be harmful and detrimental towards our, you know, physical health, or our relationships or our, you know, career, our money, then we become very careful, we avoid all those things that could

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potentially harm us. Now, what is the core, the core is to safeguard oneself, from the failure from which there is no recovery. It is to safeguard oneself from the loss against which there is no helper, no one to help you, no one to rescue you, no friend to come to your aid, no friend to to bring you out of that loss. It is to protect oneself from the pain from which there is no escape. It is to safeguard oneself from real loss from real failure. And what is that real loss? What is that real failure? It is the failure, the loss in the hereafter for eternity. And that happens when a person earns the disapproval of Allah, when a person brings about the Wrath of Allah upon

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themselves. So essentially, dakhla is to safeguard oneself, from doing what brings about Allah subhanaw taala his disapproval? You see, we try so hard to make sure that people are not upset with us. Right. One of the things that that a lot of people suffer from is people pleasing, that we're so obsessed with making sure people are happy with us. They're not upset with us. But if you think about it, if people are upset with us, can we still survive? Absolutely we can. We can do we can we can survive. Even if people are upset with us, they're angry with us. But if a person earns the disapproval of Allah, then remember, there is no success, absolutely no success, such a person

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cannot succeed. So the question then is that how do we safeguard ourselves from the disapproval of Allah? This can be summarized in two ways in two things. The first is by doing what Allah subhanaw taala has commanded. safeguard yourself from the disapproval of a law how, by doing what he has told you to do. Allah subhanaw taala did not give all of these commands so that we ignore them. We live our lives as if these commands don't even exist. No, we must acknowledge them, we must do our best to observe them. And then secondly, by staying away from what Allah subhanaw taala has forbidden, because if we do those things which Allah subhanaw taala has clearly forbidden us from then what

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does that show that we don't care? It shows that we don't care whether Allah is upset with us or not. So taqwa to safeguard oneself means essentially, to do what Allah subhanaw taala has commanded, and to stay away from what Allah subhanaw taala has forbidden. Now, of course, as human beings, we can't be perfect, right? We can't be 100% you know, obedient all the time and one 100% staying away from disobedience all the time. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I lay Kirby tako Allah must authority. You must observe the taqwa of Allah, as much as you are able to the best of your ability. And this is something that we need to consciously try to do, that we, we consciously try

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our best to obey Allah subhanaw taala. To stay away from what Allah subhanaw taala has forbidden. So observe the taqwa of Allah to the best of your ability. And the taqwa of Allah is necessary, not just when, not just in terms of worship, right? That for example,

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I'm afraid of Allah. I'm going to pray. Right? I'm afraid of Allah. So I'm not

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gonna lie, right? I'm conscious of Allah. So I'm going to, you know speak the truth. The core of Allah is important everywhere and in every matter. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, we'll seek a beautiful Allah heafy silly Amreeka we're Alinea tea. I instruct you to fear Allah in your private affairs and in your public affairs. Now when it comes to our public affairs of course we become extra conscious because people are watching. But when it comes to our private affairs, then who is watching a lie still watching. So have Taqwa of Allah, be dutiful to Allah, be conscious of Allah in every matter of yours, and no matter where you are, whether people are watching or

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they're not watching, so yeah, a yohannes it the quarterback on all mankind, or people fear your Lord. We see that sort of Hajj, another surah in the Quran, this surah also begins in a similar way. Allah subhanaw taala says over there Yeah, Are you her NASA Dakota back home, in the Zelda Lazzara t shirt on are lame, that all mankind, fear your Lord, have consciousness of your Lord, safeguard yourselves from the wrath of your Lord from the displeasure of your Lord. And then a warning is given that indeed the earthquake of the hour, meaning the earthquake of the Day of Judgment, that will commence the Day of Judgment, it is shaped on our lien It is something tremendous, it is

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something huge. So, we need to remember that you know, where we are conscious of Allah, we need to remember that we are heading towards our Lord. We are going to meet our Lord. There is a day that Allah subhanaw taala has appointed when we're answerable to him, so it could have become fear your Lord, don't just live your life as if you will never be held responsible. As if you are free to do whatever you want it Dakota back home. Who is your Rob and levy Hello kakum the one who created you and a lady Hello Coco monopsony wahida. He is the one who created you from a single soul we're gonna come in has xojo her and from that single soul he created its mate, we're both Thurman humeri gel

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and Kathy Ron one is

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and he is the one who has scattered from them, many men and many women. So if you are people you exist, whether you exist as individuals, or as families or as communities as societies, you exist because of who because of Allah. If he did not create you, you would not exist. You did not make yourselves you did not come out of nothing. You belong to someone. So do not forget him. Do not live your life as if you made yourselves live your life while remembering that someone owns you. You belong to someone. And who is that someone, the one who created you, you're Rob, and remember that Rob is who Holly Malik muda bear Harlock Rob is rob the word Rob gives us three meanings. The first

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meaning is Harlock meaning the Creator. So he is our Rob, meaning he created us. He is our Malik meaning he owns us we belong to Him. And then he is Buddha bid or Razzak meaning the one who nurtures us the one who provides us so it the Quran, Allah de Hanako be conscious of your Lord who has created you and be conscious of him. Consider his power that he created all of you lot from what from his single soul. min nuptse wahida from one person from Adam, one human being in Surah two room verse number 20 Allah subhanaw taala says women a tea and color cup koco min to Robin, it is from His signs that he created you from dust, meaning other Marty's salon was created from dust. So many

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that anthem buchon tanta Sharon, and then how all of a sudden, all of you people are scattering spreading all over the world. In total anon verse number 98. a las panatela says we're who were levy and share a common nuptse wahida

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That he is the one who has produced you from a single soul and let the Holocaust come in Nazi wahida consider his power that all of you human beings, your origin is what one person one human being, Allah subhanaw taala created that person and then from from that one person, unless panel thought about all of you into existence and look at the diversity, any from one DNA, right? Look at all the genetic differences between people, Allahu Akbar, and the fact that people are scattered all over the world, every continent, right? every single part of the world you will find, you know, some human civilization. So, a lady Hello kakum may not have seen wahida when Allah subhanaw taala has

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created all of you from one person from the same origin than why the arrogance, yes, you have your social systems because of which, you know, you think that some people are more superior to others. But at the end of the day, all of you are human. Nothing makes one person intrinsically superior to another person to another human being. And lovely haha common obscene wahida. So we see that any arrogance that a person may have, due to their gender, due to their age, due to their height, due to their physical appearance due to their social status, or due to their wealth, or their race.

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In any type of arrogance that a person may have because of any of these reasons or more, that arrogance is being destroyed here, that Allah subhanaw taala is the one who created you, and all of you human humans are from one origin. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam addressed the people in the days of Hajj in a yamata shape. And he said that all people, verily your Lord is one, and your father is one. Verily, there is no superiority of an Arab over a non Arab or of a non Arab over an Arab or have a red men over a black man meaning a white person over a black person or of a black person over a white person, except in terms of the poor, because in a chemical Marine, the law here

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at koco Indeed, the most honorable of you, near the sight of Allah are those who are most who are most conscious of Allah. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked, Have I conveyed the message? And the people said, yes, you have. So the Prophet sallallahu earlier said him said, the one who is present should convey this to the one who was absent, meaning what you have heard from me, you must convey to others. And what's the message over here? The message over here is that no human being is intrinsically superior to another human being. What makes a person better than another is the taqwa and that the core is known only to Allah in a chromosome or in the law, ie a

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So, it the pura bucho Allah de holla Kakuma, nuptse wahida fear your Lord who has created all of you from a single soul will holla come in has Oh jaha and he created from that single soul, it's zoji its mate meaning however, and notice how it is mentioned over here minha meaning how well was created from Adam, she wasn't created from a different you know, soil or earth or something like that know from a different origin. The origin of hawala is who Adam meaning Allah subhanaw taala created what from Adam, so, what does this mean? This means that you people are are are from the same origin right you are from one another barber comin borrowed. So, yes, there may be differences

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in terms of you know, how one one person may may have certain strengths All right, which another does not have or one has certain weaknesses which another does not which the other does not have one has certain preferences, right, which the other does not share? There are differences, and especially when it comes to differences between men and women, absolutely there are there, but those differences do not mean that men are entirely different species from women. No, well, hello comin has Oda her. He created from it, it's mate, so we're not supposed to be enemies to each other. Men and women are not

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Supposed to be enemies to each other? No, there's no competition over here. There's no rivalry over here. There shouldn't be any animosity over here that a person becomes a woman hater or a man hater. This is, this is not right wahala come in has a jaha Allah subhanaw taala has created all of us from Adam.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that when Allah the Most High created Adam, he created however from his from his short rib meaning the origin of what is what the rib of Adam earning his salary, that is where you know, that is from where the substance was taken Willa, who are them and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam is also reported to have said that

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the woman was created from a rib and inshallah we will discuss that at another time, later on in the suta. Now, what Hello, come in has Oh jaha

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that he created all of you from a single soul. And then from that single soul, Allah created its spouse, meaning other money has sent em was given is OGE. Right? How well and this is such a huge blessing. So you see over here, the blessings of your Rob are mentioned are highlighted, that Firstly, the fact that he created you, right, the fact that he is your Rob, so he provides for you and he nurtures you. And part of that is that he has granted you spouses so that you find sukoon not so that you create war. So fear Allah, it itakura back home, because you see the blessing of zoji as mentioned over here, and this blessing comes with a test as well and irresponsibility.

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We're both amin humeri Jana and Kathy Ron when he saw and he scattered from both of them, meaning from Adam and Hauer re Jalan Men Castilian many when he satin and also many women. Now Bertha means that he spread he scattered, right? Meaning that he scattered so many people all over the world. And all of these people came from who Adam and Hauer and betheme in Houma, scattered This shows the diversity that Allah subhanaw taala has has created within people, different languages, different races, different cultures, different strengths, different weaknesses. In sort of the room. I have number 22 a last panel tada says woman a tea Calico somewhat he will own that from His Signs is the

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creation of the skies and the earth was Tila for elsina, tikamgarh elewana calm and the diversity of your languages and your colors. This is a miracle. This is a sign of Allah subhanaw taala not something over which you begin to think that one is superior to another inserter hirji Roth IRA number 13 Allah subhanaw taala says, Yeah, a yohannes in a hollow canal come in record in what unser that all mankind? Indeed we have created you from a male and a female, what you're allowed come sure Reuben will cover in a liter our fu and we have made you into different nations and tribes. Why in order that you recognize one another. These differences are for the reason of our for the for for

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the purpose of identification.

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Because when you can categorize people or you know similar objects into different categories, it's easy to recognize. So Lita awful in a Chroma coma in the lie at Arkham Indeed, the most honorable of you near Allah is the one who has most taqwa. So we're both Semin humare gel and Kathy are on one is many men, many women alows prarthana has scattered them all over the world, different regions of the earth. And if you think about it, the population of of people on earth is ever increasing. It's almost a billion now. almost a billion. Hello acaba. And now imagine Allah subhana wa tada is the rub of all people

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are back home. He is the Lord of all of you. So fear your grub. And then again it is mentioned what the COVID law and fear a law and Lady the Sir aluna V, in whose name you demand, your

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from one another, notice how earlier it was said it the hora bacame. Fear your Lord. Here it is said it the hola fear Allah. Right. First Rob is mentioned now the name Allah is mentioned, when it was mentioned at the core of bekam there is that sense of, you know, love and mercy. The fact that Allah subhanaw taala created you, he provides for you, he, he guards you, he, you know he, he nurtures you, he sustains you itakura back on, and now it the coma, the one whom you worship, there's the whiff over here, there's almost like a threat over here. So yes, we should be conscious of Allah. And there should be both love and fear in the way that we think about Allah subhanaw taala we should

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have that feeling of love, that we seek, you know, the mercy of Allah, we have hope in the mercy of Allah, we long to please Allah subhanaw taala. And then there should also be that fear, where we are afraid of, of his punishment. So it took a backhoe And here what Tacoma and now what is specifically mentioned is what the cola levy the Sir aluna Biggie, Fear Allah, the One by whose name you demand from what another meaning when it comes to the rights of people, we see that it that that a threat is given or or a more powerful address is made. Right What the Allah Allah did the Sir aluna B. Now the SA a Luna be the sound will is to ask one another, right to demand from one another. So the ser

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aluna b he means that by his name, by taking the name of Allah, by mentioning Allah, what do you do? You demand your rights from one another. You say things like I ask you in the name of Allah, I beg you in the name of Allah, I beseech you, I adore you in the name of Allah for the sake of Allah. Right? Give me what I deserve, give me my right or fear Allah and give me what is mine. And we see that this is fairly common, that people take the name of Allah, when they are asking for their rights. Right? When they remind one another, you know of Allah in order to make their claim stronger. Right, we use Allah's name in order to strengthen our claim.

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But here it is mentioned what the law of fear Allah, meaning you use his name to your advantage, but do you also fear him? When it comes to your rights? You take his name very easily? What about when it comes to your obligations? When it comes to your duties? Do you fear Allah? You tell others to fear Allah, right, which is why you take his name when demanding your rights from them. Do you also fear Allah when it's your your duty to give other people their rights? So what the palapa levy the Sir aluna Biggie, Fear Allah,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that whoever seeks refuge with you in the name of Allah, meaning whoever asks you to protect him In the name of Allah, then give him refuge. So for example, if someone were to come to you and say, Please, I asked you in the name of Allah, please protect me. Right? Let me stay over here I asked you in the name of Allah, right for the sake of Allah. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, grant this person refuge and whoever asks you in the name of Allah than give him something for our to give him what he's asking for. So what the hola hola DITA Sir aluna behave well or ham, and also the ER ham. Now what is a ham? bruh ham is

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the plural of Rahim, which is the womb. And what is meant is the ties of kinship. And why are the ties of kinship called or ham because they're connected through the rahem? Right? they're connected through the womb, it is through the, you know, the through birth, and these relationships that Allah subhanaw taala has created within people, right that we are connected to one another. So fear Allah subhanaw taala in regard to the around fear Allah in regard to the ties of kinship

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This word while or hammer, this has been recited in two ways. meaning there's two recitations of this part of the idea. The first way of recitation is that which is

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more commonly known. And that is what you can see on the screen as well while our hammer, meaning the meme has a Fatah. And what this means is that what are Harmer ties of kinship, this is the object of the word with the whole meaning fear Allah in regard to the ties of kinship. So what the color and what the color home, so fear Allah, and also fear, meaning Allah in regard to the or home. In other words, do not sever them, do not fall short in your duty towards them, Fear Allah in regard to the ties of kinship, that he has bonded you with. Because you see, we don't choose our relatives, right? We don't choose who our father should be, who our mothers should be, who our grandmothers

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should be, who our uncle should be, and who our cousin should be, and who our you know, child should be. These are not choices that we make, these are decisions, these are decrees of Allah azzawajal. Right. So the relatives that Allah subhanaw taala has chosen for us specifically for you as a blessing for you or as a trial for you. This is Allah subhanaw taala his decision, so fear Allah in regard to them, and do not cut off from your relatives, and do not shun them, and do not fall short in your duty towards them. And then one or hallum, this has also been recited with the customer under the meme, well, or how me and in this way, this would be connected with B here. So what the

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color levy the Sir aluna b he will or HMI meaning fear Allah, in whose name you demand your rights from one another. And also in the name of ties of kinship, you demand your rights from one another, or at least you used to write meaning in the time of day helliya in the time of ignorance, pre slap, people would, you know, swear by their fathers, for example, when demanding rights from each other. So for example, they would say, I swear by, you know, my father, etc. You know, like a brother would say to the, you know, to to his brother, that I swear by my father, you give me what is mine. Now, of course, this is something that we're not allowed to do anymore, because the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam said, let live will be ever equal, do not swear by your forefathers, right? Do not swear by your forefathers, we are only supposed to swear by Allah. But even if you know, people don't swear by their ties of kinship, at least they remind each other of the relationship that exists between them when they're demanding their rights. So for example, a woman says to her child, I'm your mother, I'm telling you, as a mother, right? That you must do this, right? Or, for example, a child says, You know, I am your child, after all, I am your daughter, after all, I am your son, after all. So please don't do this or that to me, please let me do this or that. Right? So we remind

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one another of the relationship that exists between us why in order to soften each other's hearts, right, in order to,

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you know, create affection in order to demand our rights. So, in other words, any honor these ties of kinship, Allah subhanaw taala has bonded you in them, so you must honor them. And you must fear Allah in regard to them. And this shows us how important it is to uphold these ties of kinship. You see, where it is important to uphold the rights of Allah? And that's mentioned two times in this I already what duckula What if the poor have back home? What duckula right, fear your Lord, Fear Allah. It is also important to uphold the rights of the creation, especially of those who are closest to you the or harm the relatives, right? The ties of kinship, and the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam, he said it the cola was cielo a hammock home, Fear Allah and join your ties of kinship. Do not cut them. In a Hades we learn that Allah subhanaw taala

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As an Irishman, I am a rock man haluk to rahima I have created the lamp meaning the Wu waszak to Lucha means me and I have derived its name from my name, meaning the regime, the womb its name has been derived from rush man, Rahim rush man. So for many years Lila her also who, who from an ER Sinha also who that whoever joins the the womb meaning the ties of kinship, I will join with him, when May your thoughts Haha, and whoever cuts it up the thought who I will cut from him meaning leaning such a person will be cut off from Allah.

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So it's very important for us to pay regard to these ties of kinship, that Allah subhanaw taala has bonded us in. Now, if you think about it, why is it that ties of kinship are severed, right? Or they're not respected? When there is hurt, there is anger there is, you know, unfair treatment, where there is jealousy, or people, you know, certain people feel that they have been treated unfairly.

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You know, there there's infringement, you know, upon their rights. So, what why is it that it is that things get to this point, where, you know, for example, a child is being abused, right, or a parent is being abused, his spouse is being abused, or, you know, people are being cheated on, right by their own family members. The brother, for example, takes away all of the father's estates, and the sister is not given anything, right? Why? Why do these things happen? These things happen because of ignorance, that people don't know the law of Allah. And they also happen because people don't fear Allah. It is when we don't fear Allah, that we, you know, abuse one another, verbally or

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physically. It is when there is no fear of Allah, that people infringe upon the rights of others. So this is why you see, the choir is mentioned over and over again. And it is especially highlighted, that, that fear your fear Allah, in whose name you demand your rights from each other and fear Allah in regard to the ties of kinship, which means that if you do not maintain the ties of kinship, if you do not give to your closest relatives, what they deserve from you, if you infringe upon their rights, you are not safeguarding yourself, you are presenting yourself for the Wrath of Allah, you are presenting yourself for the punishment of Allah stuffit Allah, this is something that we all

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need to be afraid of. Because we think that you know what, when it comes to strangers, when it comes to people outside we have to, you know, treat them very properly, etc. When it comes to people in the family, people at home, we think we can treat them however that we want. We can speak to them however that we want. We can abuse them however that we want, we can take what is theirs, and we can break what is theirs and we can break their spirits and it cetera. But the warning is being given over here we are being told to fear Allah, especially in regard to the relatives in regard to the people who are closest to us. And if we don't, it's as though a threat is being given what the hola

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fear of law, because there will be consequences. And then it is said in the Lucha Cana la cumbre Kiba Indeed, Allah is Ever over you, Rocky, Rocky, ever watchful, an observer, meaning Allah is Ever watchful over you. He is always an observer over you. He is always watching you. So he sees you where others don't see you. He watches you, even when you're alone. He has an eye on you, even when you're with your family in the Lucha can or la cumbre Kiba. Now, the name of a lot of pib we just discussed this in the last the previous class, the names of Allah this Saturday, you can find the recording online.

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Repeat is

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One who is always observing, or watching keeping an eye. Why in order to protect in order to guard and also, in order to seize and catch? Because Rob is Ithaca is to actually wait for someone like you're you're, you're lying in wait, you're watching out why waiting for them to come so that you can seize them. Okay, this is the the meaning of the root. So the cave is who the one who is watching over you now watching over you, why would someone watch over another, to guard them to take care of them to protect them, but also to keep an eye on their activities in order to give them their consequences? You know, like how some others are literally like hawks, right? They're keeping

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an eye on their children. That what is the child saying? What is he typing? Who is he talking to? Is he actually in class? Right? Who is he texting? What's his password? And where is he going? And what's his location? Right? And who are these friends? And where did you get this from? And where did you get that from? And you cannot close your room door. Right? Why? There is that sense of I have to guard my child I have to protect my child. Right? So in Allah can Alejandra peba we are, you know, so particular about keeping an eye on our children, for example, but we forget that we are also under observation, we are also being watched. If our child uses the phone too much or uses the

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computer so much right beyond 20 minutes or beyond the half hour or one hour that we have allowed them. We become so strict over there. What about us?

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What about us? Do we have any rules for ourselves? Because while our parents may not be watching over us the way they used to when we were children? Allah subhanaw taala is still watching over us in the Lucha Cana la cumbre Kiba. So, this is a threat a warning that Be careful. Allah subhanaw taala is always watching you. He sees you when you are with your family, when you are dealing with your close family members, when you are cheating them when you are being dishonest with them, when you are abusing them, when you are dealing with them in a way that is not correct in the law, how can I lay camera peba

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and so, on the one hand, this is like a threat that you are always under surveillance.

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And at the same time, this is also you know a good news in the Lucha Khanna la cumbre Kiba. Because he is always watching over you, meaning he is guarding you. He's protecting you, he is taking care of you. And we see that sometimes people are

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not safe in the place where they're supposed to be safe. Meaning there are individuals who do not find safety in their own homes. Why? Because they are being mistreated by who their closest family members, the people who are supposed to protect them are the very people who are abusing them or harming them. So you feel so alone in a situation like that. But remember, in the Lucha Cana la cumbre Kiba Allah is Ever an observer over you, he is watching you, and nothing that is done to you is hidden from him. Nothing that you do is hidden from him and nothing that is done to you is hidden from him. Ramana katabi said that Rocky is a Hatfield, ullery laborer and who shape he is the

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Guardian, the protector from whom nothing at all is hidden. So whether something happens in front of other people, or something happens behind closed doors, there is open treachery or there is you know, hidden ways through which your rights are being compromised. Allah subhanaw taala knows all about it in the Lucha Cana r la cumbre Kiva. So this is the beginning of Surah Nisa, and look at how powerful the the surah begins, the we're all commanded to have the color of Allah and join ties of kinship and respect the bond of marriage, and, and respect the bond of kinship that Allah subhanaw taala has tied us all with. And at the same time, we must also have this humility that we don't feel

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intrinsically superior to others, but that we remember that all of us are from the same origin from one person. So we should not feel

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Superior because of our wealth or because of our status or because of our gender, what we need to be concerned about what is most important is our relationship with Allah subhanaw taala. And our relationship with Allah subhanaw taala is not limited to salah and because it includes how we think of other people and how we deal with them, how we treat them. May Allah subhana wa tada give us all the ability to fear him in private and in public. And may Allah subhanaw taala forgive us all for our shortcomings. And we'll also panel how to soften our hearts so that we treat our relatives in the most in the best way possible. And Allah subhanaw taala forgive us for any shortcomings in our

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part in the in regard to our duty towards him or our duty towards the people that he has bonded us with. In sha Allah, today's session will end over here. So panicle lahoma would be handing a shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta a stone Furukawa Tobu la wa Salaam Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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