Taimiyyah Zubair – Seerah 02

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The importance of studying the Prophet sallavi alayhi wa sallam as a test for one's behavior and the success of the Prophet's life, including his success in royal and secular phases. The success of the Prophet's life is due to his success in both secular and religious levels, and the importance of his teachings and his success in the church is emphasized. The importance of learning about the Prophet's teachings and setting goals to achieve their impact on one's love for Islam is emphasized, as it is the only person to talk to and understanding the meaning of the Prophet's words.
AI: Transcript ©
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My mother who was earlier lotto soudal Kareem and my birth for the villa him in a shoe primatology industry led by him. Rubbish rashly suddenly were suddenly empty.

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So we learned about the importance of studying the era of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, why is it necessary to study the zero? Why is it necessary? There are many reasons who made us. Allah subhanaw taala who sent us here in this world? Allah subhanaw taala why, and what is this life? If you were to use one word to describe this life? What word would that be? It is a test. This life is a test.

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A lady Hola, como tal hayata Leah blucon ayoko Arsenal am Allah, Allah has created death and life in order to test us as to which of us are good in our actions. So this is the test of life, our actions, how good are they? Now what is good? Every person has a different definition of good, right? But the one who made this world, the one who made us he defines what is good, right? And so in order to teach us what is good, Allah subhanaw taala sent the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as a guide, as a teacher, as someone whose example we can emulate.

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So we study the Sierra, in order to find out which lifestyle is the most beloved lifestyle to Allah soprano Varna, we study the Sierra to know which actions are most beloved to Allah subhana wa Tada. We study the sila to attain Allah's pleasure, because remember that our actions cannot be good, they cannot be beautiful, our life cannot be beautiful, if we do not follow the footsteps of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Because who was he, a role model for us was what has been the best example a role model for all of us. So in order to improve our condition, in order to beautify ourselves in order to improve ourselves, this is why we need to study the Syrah

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in order to successfully pass the test of this life, and you know, these tests that come in our lives, are just destined to translation tests that we test, there are tests and this is just the beginning. Right? inshallah, there are many more to come. These tests remind us that every moment of our life is actually a test. Did you study for your test today? Are you worried about your test today? Would you like to do well, in your test today? In sha Allah? Would you like to pass your test? For sure in sha Allah, and not just fast, but get good grades? So when this is the case with tests that only bring us marks and certificates in this life, which will finish? Then what about the

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test of life, which will bring us eternal reward or punishment in the aka?

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Isn't that a test that we need to take? Seriously? Right? And in order to pass that test, in order to do good in that test, who do we need to follow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we cannot follow him unless and until we know about him. And we cannot know about him unless and until we make the effort to study his life. So this is the reason why we're studying the seal. Now, just a quick review of what we learned yesterday, what is sealer?

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What is the literal meaning of the word zero, to travel to journey, and then zero as a term? What does it mean? biography, buddy.

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All right, the way of life, meaning the way someone has lived their life, their conduct, their demeanor, their life history, their biography, and remember that the word sealer can apply to anyone's biography. You know, for instance, you may have heard similar to Sahaba, the seal of the female companions, right, or seal,

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the seal off of avacado della horn. But remember that in the Islamic context, when the term sealer is used on its own, then it refers to the Syrah of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. It refers to Hayato, Nabi sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam, his life, his statements, his actions, his sifat, his qualities, his Hulk and his whole, his appearance as well as his mannerisms. So remember that sealer is a comprehensive term that includes all of this, not just the life events, the major life events,

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But it also includes his mannerisms, his demeanor, it includes his physical appearance, and all of that. Now remember that when it comes to the profit side a lot of items life, meaning the incidents that occurred in his life in a chronological order, then we divide that into three sections. We divide Syrah into three sections. The first section is the Prophet sallallahu sallam, his life before Prophethood. How long was that period? How many years good 40 years. So that is one section of his life that we study. Then the next is when the prophet SAW the letter sent and received Prophethood until he did digital. So this is called this is also known as the mecca era. All right,

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so the meccan era applies to which period of his life from when he received Prophethood until he migrated to Medina, and how many years was this 13 years. Then the third section of the prophets have a lot of systems life is the Medina and era, which is from the time that he migrated to Medina until he passed away. And how many years is that? 10 years. All right, so this is a zero, it includes all of these three sections. Now, Hades is also a term that is used to describe the words, the actions, the approvals of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But remember, that applies to what he said what he did, as a prophet. So that is after Prophethood. But sila includes his life,

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the study of his life, even before Prophethood. So you understand, Sierra includes the study of his life, even before Prophethood. Now, remember that studying the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is not like studying the life of anyone else. There have been many people throughout history, people have been very successful in what they have done. And we study the lives of various people who have been successful to learn what they did, how they reached, you know, their goals, and how they became successful. And the reason is that we want to learn what they did, so that we can also emulate that. And we can also become successful, but to remember that out of all people who have been successful

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in their respective fields, who has been the most successful in every way, in every sense of the word, it is only the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he is truly the most successful man in every sense of the word. And you find out why. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam Who was he habibollah, the Beloved of Allah, Allah Mustafa, the chosen one, and Allah made him successful. Allah made him dominant, Allah gave him victory. And we see that this is something meaning his success, this is something that is justified by the Quran. All right, we see that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has been described as also has set the best example to follow. He has been described as Rahim Allah,

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Allah, Allah mean a mercy to the world. But we see that it's not just justified in the Quran, by the Quran. And this is not just something that is said by the Muslims, but also non Muslims. Even they acknowledge the success of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And you will find many historians of the past and of the present, who will acknowledge this fact and who will praise the prophets of Allah set him for his success. You know, the famous author Michael Hart, I'm sure every one of you have heard about him. He said about the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that he was the only man who was supremely successful in both secular and religious levels. So not just successful, but what

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supremely successful, in what way in the secular level as well as religious level. Because if you look at it, generally people who do succeed in life who do have a big name, who have left some mark, you know, in this world, we see that either they have succeeded in worldly terms, or they have succeeded in religious terms, we don't see a person in a reaching great heights at both levels secular as well as religious. Right. So for instance, people who have, you know, for instance, great philosophers, great thinkers, likewise, scientists, or right, or even political leaders, people who've brought great revolutions, we see that generally, they're far from religion, or even if they

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are religious, that religiosity is just limited to their personal life. It's not like they have brought success to their religion also. And on the other hand, we see that people who have brought, you know, success to their religion or they have excelled in their religion. They're not that successful in worldly terms, but we see

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That the profits are the lowness of them really. If you look at his life when it comes to Nevada, when it comes to the worship of Allah subhanaw taala just take a cursory Look at his fasts, his worship, his prayers, his dealings with other people. And not just that, at the same time, a political leader, and not just that leader of the army, in every sense of the word as a family man as a father, when he did business, in every sense of the word, we see that he was always always successful. And this is the reason why the study of the prophets on Adonis Adams life is a very noble study because this is what leads a person to success. And when we realize that Allah subhanaw

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taala has given to them as an example to us to follow. Then, this really is a huge blessing from Allah subhana wa tada because he's given us one man, follow Him, study his life, see how he was successful what he did what he said, and you'll, you'll be successful. And this is the reason why the coming of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam This is described as a huge favor from Allah Subhana. Allah.

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In the Quran, Allah Subhana Allah says, local

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Li mu mu

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mu b ob Lakota men Allahu Allah has certainly conferred a huge favor upon who upon the believers. And what is that huge favor, when he sent among them a messenger from themselves, who recites to them his verses, and purifies them, and teaches them the book and wisdom, although they had been before in manifest air.

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Look at the word locker the Manila who Manila who is from man, and man is used for a huge favor. It's a huge favor, endless favor.

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So the coming of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Having Him as our Prophet as our teacher, as our guide, is no ordinary blessing. This is a huge favor of a loss penalty, because the prophets Allah alone is Allah. He is a source of guidance for us, he has taught us he has taught us what purifies us, what nurtures us use a key him. Right. And for this blessing of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. As grateful as we may be, it is insufficient. It is insufficient. Allah has given us many blessings.

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But Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he is also a huge blessing for us from Allah azza wa jal, a prophet whom we can relate with a prophet who we can follow a prophet who cared for us a prophet who suffered for us a prophet who strove for us a prophet who conveyed everything beneficial to us and a prophet who stopped us from anything and everything that could harm us.

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A true guide, a true blessing from Allah soprano.

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And this is the reason why we must look into the life of the prophet SAW the light of Salah for our own success, for our own salvation in this journey as well as indeed.

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Now we also looked at the sources of Sera, where do we take the Sierra from right? Now remember that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he is mentioned in the Quran, right and this is the reason why the first source of Salah is what the book of Allah the Quran, but remember that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam while he is mentioned the Quran, his COI is not mentioned in great detail. You know for instance, use of RSM his entire life story is mentioned. Right musalla Center, even his life is mentioned over and over again in various sources, but the prophets on the medicines life that is not described in such a manner in the Quran. And this is the reason why after the Quran we must refer to

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we must refer to Hadith as well in order to learn the seal of the prophets of Allah. So what are the two primary sources the Quran and Sunnah. But then after that, we also look at the books that have been written exclusively on the subject. And what are those books? The books of zero? All right. Now, one may wonder that how are those books reliable? Somebody just sat one day

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wrote down the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and it was passed on generation generation. No, this is not not how it happened. Remember that during the life of the prophets on Elias and under sahaabah, they wrote the Quran, they memorize the Quran,

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all right. And in order to understand the meaning of the Quran, they also record it in their minds, as well as wherever they could, in a physical form, anything that would help them understand.

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And that includes the words of the prophets have a lot of sentiment and also includes the details of his life. All right, because as we discussed yesterday, that the Quran cannot be properly understood unless you know the context in which it was revealed. And what is the context, the life of the Prophet sallallahu. So in the preservation of the Quran, what else was preserved? The seal of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is why we see that one of the earliest books on Sierra was written by otowa are the one who was he was the nephew of a Chateau de la horna. All right. And basically, I showed a little on how was My Hunter, right? And he was her student, he spent many

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years studying with her. And he asked her any question and every detail that he wanted to know. And all of the things that he learned from her was also the seal of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and arola It is said that he was the first man to ever compile or to ever record the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. However, what he wrote, is not found to be we don't have that book that he wrote, but its name is mentioned or the fact that he compiled it. This is well known in Islamic history. And then you saw the various books that were written over time. And we see that very soon after the death of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in his house, in which year did he record

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the sila? Which year 151. So, we see that the zero was compiled from the very beginning, all right, it was compiled from the very beginning. And we see that over the centuries, numerous books have been written on the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, according to a rough estimate, there are approximately 500,000 books

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500,000 books that are about the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and this number has not stopped because books continue to be written even today.

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Even today, in if you just look in the market for new books, and Sierra, you always find something new, you know, for instance, and these books are not just written by Muslims, but even non Muslims. Right? You thought American Muslim was the book, right? And then when the moon spit was the book, and then you find out No, there's more books. Right? There's many more books on the Sierra, which have been written by Muslims as well as non Muslims. Right? There's a British author by the name of Leslie, I forget the last name, but even she has written a book on the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam very recently. All right, and Karen Armstrong, I mean, these books are well known.

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Right? So Muslims and non Muslims. And the reason is that the prophets have a lot of them his personality is such that no matter how much is read, and how much is written about him, it just doesn't feel enough. Right? It doesn't feel enough, you read one book, you get one glimpse into the life of a sort of our son alongside him, you read another one another glimpse, and then yet you see that people who are writing books about him, they don't think that the works that are already present, have done justice, which is why they feel the need to write more, and every now and then there is a new book on the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. This is why it is said that, well

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as in our annual meeting from the era of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam the family had, meaning you cannot understand life, without studying the seal of the prophets of Allah is Allah. So numerous books have been written in order to make the profits of a lot of cinemas life, understood and known to people. Because history is a testament to his success. Right? Everyone believes that he was successful. Now, when it comes to the books of 01 thing that you must understand is that there are many details found in the books of Syrah. And these books may be classical meaning very old, as well as contemporary more recent ones. There are details found in the books of zero which are not

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entirely authentic.

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And this is why when we study the sealer, we have to be a little critical. I mean, just because something is written in, you know the book of Martin Lynx, for example.

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The life of the Prophet sallallahu St. Martin things was a Muslim, he was a convert. And he wrote a book, which is very beautiful and the life of the prophets have a lot of sentiment. It's named Muhammad Sallallahu. It is beautiful, meaning it's written in the most beautiful way. It's literally written like a novel. And I would recommend that, along with this book, also use that book, right. But there are some things that are mentioned in that book, which are not entirely authentic. And this is the reason why there was a competition that was held by the government of Saudi Arabia, in which the challenge was that whoever would compile the most authentic book on the biography of

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Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, they would win $100,000. And many books were written, many books were written, but who won the prize? The author of the Hakan macoun, the sealed nectar. All right, and who was that same author, Sophia Romano. bhelpuri. He was from India. And he wrote the original book was in Arabic. Can you imagine an Indian living in India, and he wrote a book on the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in Arabic. And he won the price. And then that book was translated into English as well as Urdu. The book that you have with you when the moon spread, this was also originally written in Arabic from Arabic was translated into Urdu, and then it was translated into

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English. So you understand now why many books of zero don't have that kind of flow?

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Because they're translated works, but still, inshallah we will benefit from them. So anyway, the point that I'm making over here is that every detail that is found in books of zero is not necessarily authentic and hamdulillah. Now there are books, which are based on entirely authentic reports. Now, the reason why the scholars accepted, even weak reports was that they treated Sierra like history. Right. And when it came to history, an incident that took place in the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam or something that happened before the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was born, they weren't that strict. With respect to the authenticity of those reports, they were a little

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lacks over there. Okay.

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Even humble, he said either jitna illa de de de Helena. When we approach that is meaning history, then we are a little lenient, we don't put in too much effort to ensure that the report that the chain of transmission is 100% authentic, but when it comes to Hadeeth, than though we are very strict, we are very strict. Okay. And this is the reason why we see that the earlier books of zero do contain reports which are not authentic.

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But Alhamdulillah. Later on, as the scholars progressed and realized the need to purge the inauthentic from the authentic, handled allows the ahaadeeth they were clarified, the inauthentic were distinguished were separated from the authentic Syrah was also worked on in the same way, and Alhamdulillah. Now, there are many books which are based on a Syrah

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authentic Syrah, which is based on authentic reports. And that is something that we should seek. Now remember that the scholars the reason why they weren't that strict when it came to reports about sila is because they said we're not deriving any laws from this. You understand? We're not deriving any laws from this. So something that happened before the life of the prophet SAW that a lot of them, okay, this happened, there was a battle between this tribe and that tribe, this tribe came in and evicted that tribe, okay, we're not extracting any laws from this, this doesn't affect our Hillel and how long you understand. This is why they weren't that strict but Hadees if you say the

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Prophet sallallahu Sallam said such and such, we're extracting law from that, that better be authentic.

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Understand, however, later on, they realize the need that know the life of the prophets of Allah, his enemies, and that must be clear to us because the life of the prophets have a lot of it and that is supposed to be an example for us. Right? And example, something that we have to emulate.

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So we better know for sure if that happened or not. So inshallah as we study the seed of the prophets of aloneness and and we're also going to look at this in sha Allah, this is going to be based upon authentic reports. And this is the reason why we're using this book as our primary resource book. And the famous stories which have been circulated amongst the masses or which have been, you know, commonly believed in about the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and these stories are not authentic inshallah, they will also be mentioned, inshallah, because we should know,

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you know, for instance, if you love someone and you want to know what happened, you want to know if it

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really happened. And if it didn't happen, please don't make it up. Right? Because otherwise you're in doubt.

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Now also remember that the books of zero,

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they have been written from various angles. So for instance, some books, their approach has been entirely historic in the sense that it's like a book of history. This happened then that happened and that happened. chronologically everything has been recorded. other books. The objective is to show the military aspect of the Prophet sallallahu Slim's life the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as a military leader, for instance, or the military expeditions. There are also books on the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as a teacher. So from his life, those sections have been recorded, which show what kind of a teacher he was. And there is a very beautiful book by the scholarship of the Fatah Buddha

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on the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as a teacher and his teaching methodologies. And it has been translated into English also.

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So anyway,

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there are many books written on the seat of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and each book has a different approach, because the objective was different. Now, when we're studying the CETA, what is our objective? Each and every one of us is not a historian, nor are we members of the military or anything like that. So is the Sierra still going to be relevant to us? We have to make it relevant, right? Because the prophets have a lot of signal was sent as a guide for every single person, whether you're a mother or a teacher, or student or a friend, whoever you are, you can find example in the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So when we're going to study this, you know what is

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going to be our objective, we're going to study his life and extract lessons, practical life lessons. So as we studied, let's revive our intention.

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Okay, why are we studying? Why are we teaching? Why are we reviewing the life of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam? What's the reason? Be very clear, because unless the reason the objective is clear in your mind, you want to reach it.

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And if you don't have a plan, then you're not going to get anything out of it. So when you start something, you need to make sure what is it that you want to achieve? So I'm asking you,

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what do you want to achieve by studying the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam? She wants to learn how to deal with children, very good. What else? We want to love the prophets on a lot more than we love ourselves, our children, our families,

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what else? So study his life and adopt his way.

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So first and foremost, we want to do this, for the pleasure of Allah soprano.

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To make Allah happy with us, because a loss Panther loves the Prophet sallallahu Sallam right? Is there any doubt about that? He was habibollah. So if we study the life of Allah is heavy, you think Allah would like that?

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Do you think a lot would like that?

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If we're reading a book, if we're listening to something before spending some time thinking about the loss of the loss and reflecting on his life, do you think this is an action that a lot would appreciate? Yes, he would. So let's do it for that reason. For the Allah, I'm studying the life of the man who was most beloved to you, so that you can be happy with me? And why am I studying his life, to learn the way he lived? Because his way was the most beloved to you. Yeah.

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And perhaps if I learned that, if I study that, if I read that, maybe I will also follow, maybe my actions will change, maybe my lifestyle will change, maybe my demeanor will also improve, maybe my mannerisms will also improve.

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So the reason is, the main goal is then to beautify our knowledge, as well as our actions

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to increase in our knowledge of a sort of loss of aloneness alone, and also to improve our actions. Remember, this journey is not just going to be for the sake of increasing our ill

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because there are many people who study the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and they have more knowledge.

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Okay, then, we could have by studying this one book, but yet those people don't believe in the Prophet sallallahu.

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If you look at the books that have been written about the Prophet sallallahu Sallam so many of those authors are non Muslim, so many. So is our objective is just to increase in our knowledge of the law. So

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if that's the case, then you know what those non Muslims are better off than us because they have more knowledge. they've studied more, they've done more

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Research, they've read 1000s of books, then how are we truly going to benefit

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when we increase in our knowledge, and our actions also change.

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When we increase in our knowledge, and we take the sort of loss of a lot is Allah as an example to follow

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as a leader, when we grow in our love and our appreciation for him, and not just stop there, but really obey Him

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and follow Him. This is when we're going to benefit. This is when we're going to be successful. So I'm going to be what costs, Robbie Alomar and who he used to teach his children to zero.

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And his son Muhammad, he would say that our father would teach us the Sierra and he would tell us, these were the ways of your forefathers. So learn them learn the Sierra, why? Because these are your roots. So as Muslims, what are our roots,

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the time of the Sahaba, the time of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam because that is where Islam came from. Correct.

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That is when it was established. So we must be familiar with our roots. Our foundations aren't even Hussein, one of the great grandsons of our little the lower on who he said we were taught sera like the way we were taught to the Quran,

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we were taught Sera, just as we were taught to the Quran, so how are we going to study sila now?

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just as we study the Quran,

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when we study the Quran,

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do we say oh yeah, these verses are talking about this team. So don't just move on.

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Just move on. Yeah, I know this already. Yeah, I've heard of this already. Let's move on. No, when you're studying the Quran, what's your focus? Okay, this ayah even though this message was given earlier, but this ayah has been mentioned in a different way. And we can learn this lesson from this ayah. So when we're studying this era, don't think like, I know this stuff before from before.

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I know all these stories, yeah, I've read them many times.

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I did Islamia and Islamic Studies and so on and so forth. Know, our purpose is not just to increase in our knowledge, what is our purpose, extract lessons. So whether you are studying siedel for the first time, or the second time, or the third time or the fourth time, or the resilience, time, whatever.

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What is our objective here, extract lessons.

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And please don't leave that to me only that I should be extracting lessons in presenting them to you on a platter. All right, you should be engaged in extracting lessons as well. So embark this journey with full attention with mindfulness. Consider this journey to be rabada

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an act of worship and do not consider this to be a burden. Because the last panel tada has given us a great gift in the form of lawsuit of loss of the law.

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And the study of the life of the prophets on a lot of time is a means to attain Allah's law. It's a means to deepen our understanding of the due process perfect our EMA.

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There's a hadith in which the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that no one will taste the sweetness of faith until he loves a person only for the sake of Allah. And until he would rather be thrown in the fire than to return to unbelief. And until Allah and His Messenger are more beloved to him than anything else, when will the person experience the joy, the sweetness of faith, when when he will love Allah and His Messenger more than

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anything, anyone else? That is when a person will find comfort in his faith, he will be confident in his faith in his religion. Having that Eman will bring him comfort, calmness, tranquility, then, that faith has really taken a place in his life. When When will the person reach that state, when he will love Allah and His Messenger more than

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anybody else, more than anything else?

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And if we want to know how the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is to be loved, then we need to look at the Sahaba or modal dialogue on who when he learned that demand is not complete, until you love Allah and His messenger and His Messenger more than any other human being. He was very honest. He said, Yes, I love you. But I love myself more than you.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said no then

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it's not yet. Not yet, meaning you haven't reached the perfection of faith and

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Until you love me more than yourself even

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and then are modelled the lower and who it says if he consciously embraced that love and he consciously prioritized. No okay yes, I love you more than myself I have to prefer you over myself.

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So you have to make that conscious effort. set this as your goal. I want to love lawsuit of loss of a lot more than I love myself more than I love my children. Think about your children, my son, my daughter, you know, think about them, bring their names to your mind. I want to love Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam more than my son more than my daughter Fatima more than my daughter rod the more than my son nephew more than my husband more than my mother more than my father. This is my goal. Because until we reach there, our Eman is not complete. It is not complete.

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We cannot follow Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. Think about how much time we spend serving those who are close to us. How much we cry for them, how much we care for them. We spend hours cooking, cleaning, doing laundry in who service, the service so of those who are close to us. What about Rasulullah sallallahu sallam,

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we need to love him more than we love anybody else.

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That is our goal.

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And we see the companions truly did that. And when they experienced that love for a sort of loss that allowed them then they consider themselves successful. We see that are motivating us. When he was close to his death. He said to his son, there have been three periods in my life. He said there have been three periods in my life. The first was when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was the most hated man to me. I hated him.

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And I wanted to kill him.

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Then Allah subhanaw taala cast the love for him in my heart. And he became the most beloved meant to me. And then we did what we did. Along with him being we strove with him. We did so many things with him. And that was the joy of faith that I experienced. So much so that had I died during that time, I would note that I have departed with good.

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And then came the time after his life meaning the Prophet sallallahu Sallam passed away, and I was still alive. And now we have fallen in the state that we have fallen meaning into so many problems, so I'm only hopeful for Allah's mercy. You see how he considered himself successful when he had the love of the sort of law settled on cinnamon his heart. So we cannot consider ourselves saved, successful in worldly terms or religious terms. We cannot consider ourselves Beloved of Allah, until we love Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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until we love him. Now, this is something that we acknowledge if you ask any Muslim, which person do you love the most? What's the answer? What's the right answer? Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and this is the reason why we see that wherever there's a Muslim population, the most common name over the years which name Muhammad Sallallahu radiocentre. This is a sign of love. Right? Muslims do love their messenger. So a lot of them even if they do not know him that well. But, my dear sisters, real love, real love and real appreciation comes with in depth knowledge. It comes with awareness. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam He is such that the closer a person got to him,

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the more they increased in their love and appreciation of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, the Sahaba How did they increase in their love for him? When they were with him, when they got closer to him, when they spent time with him when they traveled with him, when they saw him when they prayed with him, when they fought with him.

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by his side when they defended him. We cannot see the prophets of Allah Selim today.

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We cannot prepare food and give him we cannot stitch clothes and give him we cannot do anything of the sort to show our love for him. So how can we get closer to the sort of loss of aloneness alone?

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by gaining knowledge about him, because True Love Comes with in depth knowledge. The more you study Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam The more you love him, the more you appreciate him. And you have to know him, your self, your self. Don't know him through your mother, or through your father or through your teacher. Yeah, your teacher told you something and Okay, yeah, I appreciate the prophets.

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Otherwise, no, study him for yourself. appreciate him yourself, love him yourself. Because

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it is of the signs of the hour. It is of the signs of the day of judgment that people will become ignorant of the seal of the profits are the lightest,

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and they will become distant from his Syrah. And we don't want to be of those people. We don't want to be of this people

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are they thought of the lower end who he said that the people used to ask the profits on the water center about good

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about good things.

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He said, But I used to ask him about evil, out of fear that evil might overtake me. So he said that once I asked the prophets of a lot of Allah's Messenger, we were in ignorance and an evil meaning before Islam and Allah sent Islam that we accepted, and he also sent you to us.

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Now we are in a state of good, will there be any evil after this good? He said, or who they first read the book of Allah and observe its commandments. Read the book of Allah, observe its commandments, read the book of Allah, observe its commandments. So basically the prophets Allah Lawson was hinting that yes, they will be evil, but I don't want to say that to you. Sir, they understood that there will be evil. So he said, O Messenger of Allah, will there be good after that? He said yes, but it will be tainted with evil. So the he asked, What is that evil? The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said there will be some leaders after me, who will not follow my Sunnah and will

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adopt a Syrah other than mine.

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They will adopt a Syrah other than mine, you will find some of their actions good and some of their actions evil and there will be some among them in the form of human beings but their hearts are purely devil purely shavon. And the prophets Allah gave more of that description. So in this Hadith, what do we see that when people move away from the Sierra from the lifestyle of the prophets of Allah sentiment, then they're not upon good.

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They're not upon good.

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They're being led by who? People whose hearts are shavon

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so this is why we really need to look at the seat of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, so that we can improve our lifestyle, our manners, our culture,

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we can live the way he lived, we can idealize his life, because what is it that we idealize? What is it that we love? What is it that we move towards that which we know that which we appreciate? How can you appreciate the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, if you know him, so May Allah, Allah protect us, and we lost parents our guidance, and we lost parents, it really gives us the ability to study the life of a sort of loss of a lot of them with the correct intention. And may we reach that goal as well with this intention be truly realized, in child before I conclude, there is one homework for you, which is that inshallah, a link will be emailed to you. And that is basically a

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brochure on what different people have said about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because, you know, when we appreciate the fact that the prophets on a lot of time was successful, then we're going to be willing to study his life. Right? So please do read that and also the first two pages, okay. So that is page number because the book begins from page number 17. So page number 17 to 20. I would like you to read that before the next class. So page number 17 to 20 and secondly, the link that will be emailed to you in Sharla. So panic alarm will be handed a shadow layer either enter a stockbroker what

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

The Importance of Studying the Seerah

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