Taimiyyah Zubair – Seerah 03

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The importance of good news and happiness is emphasized in culture, along with the need to read and be prepared for sessions. The importance of reading and sharing knowledge to increase their knowledge and awareness is emphasized. The importance of finding one's love in the context of the Prophet salall automate is emphasized, along with the historical and cultural context of the Middle East. The segment also touches on the return of Makjit and the return of the Quraysh leaders, as well as the leaders of Mak desired and the Quraysh leaders.
AI: Transcript ©
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watashi Meeny

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Meeny Nabi

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you heard some verses right now.

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Do you remember these I had from my first lesson of pseudo class.

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What do these verses mean?

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Who do they talk about?

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The Prophet are they sold out to a seller

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and in these verses we are told about who the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is in our Salah, aka shahidan we have sent you as a showerhead as a witness. When MOBA Shirin one of the era someone who brought good news and also warning

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and then in the last day that we heard we also learned what but she didn't mean give good news to the believers. When is it that you're given good news? Good news means what? That you have been given something huh?

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When are you given good news? Think about it.

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Okay, when you've done something good, what is good news?

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Okay, some news that will make you very happy and that when you when you are being given a gift when you're being given a reward? What is that? It is good news. So again of the believers good news that for them from Allah is a huge Fadil. A huge bonus a huge gift. And what is that gift? Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So when you're given good news, do you feel happy?

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Do you feel happy? Okay, so next time inshallah, when we hear these ayat, then show that happiness

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because Allah is giving us good news, and and receiving good news, we should show that we are happy.

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Right? So when we think about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. When we are studying his life, when we are doing some homework related to the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this should bring us stress or happiness, happiness, and good.

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Okay, so let's begin our lesson. Now how do we know sadly or not so little Kareem Amma borrowed for the villa him in a shape Pinilla Jean Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim from his surgery where Siddeley MD Dr. Tan melissani of Gokhale. So I had given you some homework, and what was that?

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You read something? Okay. You were asked to read a few pages of the book. All right. And why do you think I asked you to do that, to become familiar with what we are going to study today. inshallah, when we are going to be in class, I am not going to read from the book, okay. Because if I'm going to read from the book, you're going to fall asleep.

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Okay. So I want this session to be interactive, a session in which you are actively participating. And for that reason, you have to be prepared as well. I come prepared, and you come prepared. You understand, because all of us together are going to extract lessons from the seed of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And this is the reason why I'm going to ask you to read certain pages before you come to class in Sharla. And if you don't read those pages, then you will be lost in class. Okay? Because I'm not going to explain every story and go into the detail of every story. I'm not going to wait for you to write everything down, because every major detail is written in the book. All right. So I'm going to be reviewing what you have read in the book and adding some more details, and together inshallah we will be extracting lessons. All right. So my job is to come and review with you, but your job is to

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read from before.

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Would you like it if I came to class unprepared?

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Would you like it? No. So likewise, I won't like it if you come to class unprepared.

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All right. So all of us have to do our part agreed in travel. And I understand that you have daily homework, right? And I fully understand what you're going through. And I know that you have a life as well. All right, as a mother, as a daughter, you have other responsibilities. So in sha Allah, I am not going to give you more than what I think you can do within a day or within a week in sha Allah. All right, and you have a week in the middle as well. So during that time, you can do some

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Reading and this is also for another reason, and that is to develop the habit of reading.

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Alright? Because you cannot continue to learn, you cannot Excel unless and until you become a reader.

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So inshallah, this will be an excuse for us to develop this habit, most of us think, Oh, I love to read, really, if I ask you, how many books did you read in the past few months? How many?

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Seriously How many?

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Exactly, just a few pages, a few articles here and there, maybe half an article, quarter of an article and then we got bored, and we turned it off when we left it. So this is going to be an excuse for all of us to develop the habit of reading because readers are

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okay, those who read there are those who increase in their knowledge. Okay. So inshallah we want to increase and grow in our knowledge. inshallah, I also asked you to read one more thing, and what was that?

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It was a brochure about what different people have said about the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. And the reason why I asked you to do that was to become aware of how others also view Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and by others, I don't mean the common masses. I mean, historians, people of knowledge, academics, are philosophers and thinkers. All right, what do they think about the Prophet sallallahu wasallam and it really makes us realize how much awareness we need to spread about Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam and as we study, inshallah, we will in Charlotte, try our best to increase in our knowledge of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and also spread this knowledge spread

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this awareness. Okay, so this time I asked you to read something besides the book. Now inshallah you will be asked to share something as well.

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So anyway, let's begin our lesson for today. You all have the handout.

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If you were to describe Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. In one word, what word would you use? Rama, mercy. Hero. Good. What else? Teacher successful.

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The greatest man on the earth leader. Okay, put on.

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well wisher, guide, mentor.

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Messenger. I mean, trustworthy. Perfect example. Most superior man on earth. Okay, intelligent and wise. Okay. How about my beloved Habibi? Because there are many people whom when we think about we think of them with a lot of love and affection. And out of all the people who deserve our affection and love and respect is who Rasulullah sallallahu ala and this love this attachment has to be there. Because who is it that we idealize? Who is it that we look up to? Who is it that we respect those that we love? Who do we follow? Who do we emulate? Whose word do we take whose request we never refuse, the one whom we love. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, one of the first things

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that should come to your mind, the man whom I love,

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the leader, the teacher, whom I love and respect,

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because he was a Beloved of Allah.

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So when we ask Allah, Allah Houma in me as a Luca hubback, Oh Allah, I asked you for your love, will Hubba and the love of May your handbook of the one whom you love, Allah loves his messenger. He loves him. And as you study the Quran, you will realize this very clearly how much Allah loves his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So Shouldn't we love the Beloved of Allah? How do we get that love? One is the step that we're taking here. Learn about him.

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And another is we ask a lot to grant his love to us. Because you know how love is also risk. It is also granted it is ultra provision, like the Prophet sallallahu Sallam used to say about Khadija or the lower earner in Nipa druzy.

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I have been given her love, I have been granted her love, love for her has been given to me as risk. It's given to me I can't I can't get over it.

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I can't leave it. Even though Khadija lower earner died, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam spent many years without her, but he would keep remembering her and keep mentioning her to the point that I should have, I would feel jealous. And she would say Allah has given you better wife, younger and more beautiful and everything. But the prophets of Allah sometimes too loved for the general the lower honor, because he was given that risk. He was given that provision of love for Khadija. So we ask Allah to grant us all this noble risk also love

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For a sudo Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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and the one whom you love, you always mentioned them in positive terms. Right? So the Prophet sallallahu sallam, whenever his name is mentioned, what is the etiquette? Say sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. You don't have to say it out loud every time. You can say it softly. But my dear sisters, don't forget to say that.

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Because Allah subhanaw taala commands us in the Quran, to send Sadat on Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, when we love someone, we want to know about their background also, where did they come from? What are their roots? What's their ethnicity? What Which country do they come from whose children are they, which family do they belong to, so on and so forth. And when the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is studied, and especially his birth, then the context in which he was born in is also studied. So this means that we have to look into the state of the Arabs, if we want to study the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his background, so studying

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the Arabs, Arab history, a little bit about it, this is part of studying the life of the prophets are the lightest and and because we cannot cut the Prophet sallallahu Sallam off from the place and the people that he was born into, we cannot remove him from that context. You have to know the context also. Because why did Allah choose that his final messenger should be an Arab and not somewhere else? Why did Allah decide that maka, the Kava should be in Arabia? And why is it that Allah decided that we're sort of lost that a lot of them should come at that point in time at that place amongst those people? There's a reason.

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Right? So this is the reason why we have to look into a little background about the Arabs also. Now one thing, the Arabs unfortunately, love Jamelia are heavily criticized. All right, and a very bad image is portrayed. Generally when we talk about the Arabs of jelenia we, we think of things like Oh, they used to kill their babies, and they would keep many wives and they would torture their slaves. And they were very savage nation. Right? And the purpose of this is to show that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he came in he he was a savior of humanity.

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But this methodology is incorrect because the prophets on a lot of them is still the savior of humanity. He is still the best of all men, even if the Arabs were good. You understand? It doesn't matter where the Arabs were good people or bad people, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is good and perfect and excellent because of who he is. Not because he came from a very savage background, not at all. So we don't try to highlight the personality of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam by portraying the Arabs as very bad people. No. The Arabs, yes, they had many problems amongst them. But at the same time, they also had many good qualities that we cannot overlook, we cannot ignore. Remember

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that the Arabs, there were some poor tribes amongst them, who used to practice female infanticide, who used to kill their daughters. Not every tribe did that. And why is it that those people killed their daughters out of fear of poverty?

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Likewise, we see that it was only the tribal chiefs or the very rich men who had multiple wives. Every single man in Arabia did not have multiple wives. All right. Likewise, they were a warring nation. They used to battle a lot. But they also made alliances, they also made pacts and they also kept true to their word. We see that honesty and fulfillment of promises was was considered a great virtue. Amongst those people, truthfulness was a great virtue. We see that some people kill their children, but there were also others who rescue children.

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There were people that were very promiscuous, very shameless. There were prostitutes and such. However, there were also people who were very modest, who had a lot of higher they were bashful. And we see that the Arabs they were a very generous people. They were hospitable. After all, they were the caretakers of the karma, the hosts of the pilgrims, of all the people who came to perform Hajj in Mecca, and remember that Hajj was performed, since after the time of Ibrahim A listener. So Hajj was performed even before the Prophet sallallahu Sallam came, and the pilgrims would come from all over the ages. And who was their host? It was the people of Makkah, it was the Arabs, and they were

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very generous to them. So we see that this is the case with many non Muslim societies that where there is evil in them, there's also good in them and we have to be fair, we cannot overlook the good qualities amongst them.

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Generally we see that Oh, a certain group of people because they're non Muslim or because they do Schick, or because they have this in this bad practice. They are terrible. They're terrible. So overlook every good quality in them. This is not the correct approach. We have to be fair and just so we see that the Arabs Yes, they're possessed many that bad traits, but they were also very brave, very courageous, strong bodied, very patient, because life in the desert is not easy. very patient and tolerant and, and strong people. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was an Arab. And Allah caused him to be born from the descendants of Abraham. Right? And I'm in Makkah.

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Right. And the prophets of Allah center was born 2500 years after Ibrahim A sinner.

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So there was over 2000 years between apply humanism and the Prophet sallallahu radiocentre. Now, who were the Arabs? Where did they come from? How did they come into the hijas? History tells us that there were three kinds of Arabs, you can divide the Arab people into three categories. All right, and Arabs are who people who live in the Arab peninsula. If you look at page number four of your notes, you'll see a map at the bottom. And you see Saudi Arabia. So this entire area, Saudi Arabia, with Yemen, in the south and Oman, also, this entire area is known as the Hijaz.

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Alright, what is it known as, hey, jazz. So in this area, we see that there were three kinds of people or you can say, say that the people who lived here, you can categorize them into three groups. One is the first category is allowable, by either by either means extinct, meaning those people who lived here once upon a time, but they finished, they cease to exist. All right, those populations, they were finished completely, we see those their ruins their homes, but we don't see those people anymore. And there are no people who trace their lineage back to those tribes, they have gone completely extinct.

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And who are these people, they're, they're people of odd people off the mood. They're mentioned in the Quran. And the people of the mood. They were in the south of the hedges, close to the border of Yemen and Oman. This is where the symbols used to live. And the odd were also nearby. And these are the earliest civilizations of humanity that lived in the Arabian Peninsula. All right, pre Islam by 1000s and 1000s of years. Now, the second category of people who live who live in the Arab Peninsula, who are they allowed to kill bacteria, bacteria, what does that mean?

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those that remain.

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So the back into ancient people who lived once upon a time now extinct, no traces of them back here are those that still remain. And these are further divided into two categories. One is an audible arriba and audible arriba means original Arabs, original Arabs, who are they? These are known as the Python.

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Alright, the bond. Now Python was actually the name of a man. He was a man from the descendants of new alayhis salam.

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All right. He was a descendant of new hallasan a new Harley Salem It is sad that he had three sons. And remember that at the time of new Harley's and what happened, huge flood, all people finished. All right, and only a few people survived with new Harley's and me they said that there were only about 80 people who believed in him. All right. And the people who did live on afterwards the the future generations they were primarily the descendants of new Harley's it isn't that new Harley, Sam, he had three sons, and one of them was Sam. All right. And the different people that come from the son of new Harley, Sam, Sam, they are known as the Semites. So all his descendants was Python.

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Now kufan his son, his name was Yara or Yana.

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Does that resemble any word? What?

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Yeah, they'd be out of out of all right. So this man, he came into the area of ages.

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Alright, he came in the area of hedges and he lived there.

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So he's considered the father of the Arabs. Now, where exactly do they live? They inhabited the southern part of Arabia.

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Right, the southern part of the hijas. If you look at the map, the southern part of it. This is where they used to live. And in history, we learned about many different nations.

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And tribes, for example, the people of Subbu have heard the people of Sabah, right. Likewise the tribe of Judah home.

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Likewise, the ohss and the hustle, Raj. All right, they were all phonies. They all trace their roots back to who? Parthenon fun. All right. And these people are known as auto Bula arriba. Also the Hassan IDs,

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lesson IDs, inshallah, you will learn about them when you study sort of October, actually, before that, inshallah, when we are studying the CETA, we will learn about double standards. All right. So they're all known as albala arriba. Why original Arabs? They were the first ones to inhabit this place. And the language the Arabic language is traced back to them.

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The Arabic language is traced back to the funnies.

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All right. Now, where do they come from into the hedges? Because you wonder they came into the hedges? Where did they come from? It is said that they came into the hedges from Yemen. Now, where's Yemen?

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Look at the map, South all the way at the bottom. And if you look to the left of Yemen, what do you see water, the Red Sea? If you look to the bottom, what is the Arabian Sea? All right. Now,

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remember that if you look at the hijas, it is completely separate from the rest of the world how that there's water all around it.

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You understand? There's water all around it. So it wasn't like people could easily travel to hijas. So they came into the hijas. From where through water.

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So it shows that they came in for the purpose of trade some business. All right. So we see that there were some communities that had settled in Yemen.

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And they had come from where? from Africa

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because to the left of hijas is Africa. You see Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia. This is Africa. So they came in to Yemen. And from Yemen. Remember that Yemen, in ancient communities lived over here. Ancient, even before he jazz was populated, Yemen was populated. And the populations that came into the hijab, primarily they came in from Yemen, because because remember that the hijas is is all desert.

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All right? And people came into Yemen for the purpose of,

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you know, seeking livelihood, and so on and so forth. I remember that in in Yemen, there was a huge flood. Once upon a time, I'm not going to go into dates into details, there was a huge flood, sailor Adam and this has mentioned in the Quran. Now, when that happened, this place became unlivable, nobody could live there anymore. So people went out looking for other places where they could live. So this is how the Taiwanese moved from Yemen into hedgers

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understand into hedges. So wherever they found a good place to live, that's where they began to live. So these are their honorable arriba. This is how they spread over the hedges. Now there is another group of the honorable valkia which is known as the audible was started by who are the most valuable?

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The people who became Arabs, meaning they were not originally Arab, they became Arab.

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And these are known as the Adnan

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who are Adnan, who are there audible arriba, pifan. Who are there audible.

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Now, who are their nannies? That nannies came much after the ponies. Okay, kufan were the first ones to settle in hedges and inhabit that area. Okay, so who are their nannies? That came much later.

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Now, Ibrahim alayhis salam. By the way on page number three, do you see this

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chart of the prophets

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so you see Ibrahim are listening.

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All right, so Ibrahim Renison. You see his son is married and his help. So Ibrahim or s&m he was a non Arab.

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He was not an Arab. Where was he from? Iraq.

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All right. And whereas or, or is in the north of Persian Gulf by Euphrates River. So look at your map. Look at Iraq. You see the Euphrates River, very tiny in Iraq. Do you see it? But if you look at the map of Iraq, all right, and you'll see Euphrates River

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towards the bottom. Right. So close to that is a city of

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Close to the Euphrates River is where it is what the city of

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Ibrahim run is Sam, you remember his story how he did that with his family? he asked his father, why do you worship these idols? And what did his father say if you don't stop telling me I'm going to stone you to death. If I ever listened, I'm didn't stop what happened. They built a huge fire for him and they threw him into the fire. And Ibrahim already sent him a loss pantalla saved him. And he murdered Sam left his people. right he did.

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When he left or who was with him, Lutheranism who was his nephew, who believed in him, and also saw his wife.

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Now, these three, they left Iraq, and they went to heroin. And they traveled far and wide for the purpose of doing Dawa. And they went all the way to Egypt also.

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So if you look at the, you know, distance between Iraq and Egypt, imagine somebody traveling by foot

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sopran Allah, Ibrahim or listen, I'm traveled all the way to Egypt. Also, in order to do Dawa, he encountered Nimrod he encountered encountered many people. Anyway, in Egypt, what happened was that sada she was captured by the king.

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All right, she was captured by the king. She was very beautiful and the king wanted to do harm to her. He wanted to sexually assault her. But what happened sada she prayed to Allah, Allah, Allah saved her and the king he was not able to do any harm to her. And he realized that this woman is extraordinary. There's something special about her, because his body froze. It became paralyzed when he tried to harm her. So he lets out I'll go, but when he said he lets out our goal, he also gave her a gift. And what was that gift? Hi, Jeff. All right. It is said that Hi. Joe was actually the daughter of that King.

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She was the daughter of the king and others say that no, she was not the daughter of the king. She was just a slave. She was given as a gift to Sarah. Now, salani, Brahim Ellison and they were married and they did not have any children. And anyway, they went all three of them, they went to Philistine and that is where they settled.

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Lutheranism he was sent to the towns of so do to do that over there. He was sent as a prophet over there. So doom and Gomorrah, right. And Ibrahim and his son, I'm Sarah, and how they came to Philistine.

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Sarah loved her husband, and she saw that he did not have any children.

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She did not have any children.

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And she wanted him to have children. So she gifted her job to Ibrahim raisina.

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Hi, Joe had a baby and the baby's name was is my real. Sarah as happy as she was for her husband. She was a human being and she was jealous and she could not tolerate her anymore. It was very difficult for her to bear someone else with her husband. So at the command of Allah subhanaw taala, Ibrahima Salaam had to take Hydra and his Maori were all the way to Makkah. I want you to look at the map again. Look at where Philistine is and look at where Makkah is. maka is like the heart of hijas. It's in the middle. Literally like the heart because it's also on the left side.

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They traveled all the way to Makkah. And Ibrahim is and I was instructed to leave Hydra and his mareel in Makkah who lived in Makkah at that time.

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Nobody not a Soho

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nobody there were no people no Connie's lived over here at that point. And Ibrahim realism as he left her and he was walking away, had her asked him why he was doing that. He was quiet. She asked Allah Who am I gonna be Heather has Allah commanded us to do this, our family to do this, that you should leave us here and go back and it will hammer this and I'm sad now. Is that that How does she replied heslin. Allah when aramaki If Allah ordered this and then Allah is sufficient for us and he's the best one to rely upon. Or she said, even lay lay over here and Allah, then Allah will never waste us. And so it happened. Firstly, Allah subhanaw taala gave her Zamzam

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remember the story of Samson? how smart he was thirsty, he was crying, and had ran back and forth between Safa and Mandala looking for water but she couldn't find anything nothing at all. And when she returned, what did you find water flowing from the ground

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and this water of Zamzam. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said it would have been a flowing stream, but Hydra was afraid that if this water is coming out of the ground, and if it's spreading, it's going to dry up. So she built like a small wall around it in order to contain the water systems and became a well and Zamzam means to stop stop being she didn't want the water to spread and dry up. So Allah pounds

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gave her thumbs up and remember that the Zamzam is the best water. And you can realize how excellent this water is that when we learned that when who came to wash the hearts of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam which water was brought them so

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the bowl was from Jenna, it was it was from up there. All right, everything else was from up there. But the water with which the heart of the prophets on a lot of them was washed. That was um, so this shows to us how pure how excellent, how beautiful, how beneficial that water is.

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So anyway, this was given to her. And secondly, because there was some some there was water in Makkah, wherever there's water than what will follow next life. Right. So we see that the tribe of gentlemen, who were they there were from Yemen, they were the katanas. What happened there was a flood, they wanted to leave, all right, and they were looking somewhere to settle. So they came and they settled in Makkah, they came they found water. They asked Hydra. May we use this water with you? She said yes, you may use it. But remember, this is mine. You cannot take ownership of this. I rule here still, this water is mine. So anyway, the gentleman came and settled in Makkah. And

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remember the gentleman who the California is

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now is my 11 Islam he grew up amongst the Jew home. And when he grew up, he married into the gentleman also his children and their children and their children. They were all known as the Banu is married.

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They trace their lineage to who is married or a Santa, from the descendants of his married early Salaam was a man known as Adnan. They were approximately seven to 10 generations between arginine and ismart really are the center. So rather than the people who trace their lineage back to Earth man who trace their lineage back to his married early s&m, in other words, the children of Israel, who were they are the nannies.

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They were not originally Arabs, but they,

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but they became Arabs. So you understand how they became Arabs, because they lived in Arabia, they married into the phonies, so they became Arabs. Now remember that being from the children of Israel or Israel was considered very noble in that society. There were many tribes that were nannies. And the best of them, you can say was the pradesh or the kurush.

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The tribe of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And it is said that our Nan was the 20th grandfather of the prophets, a lot of

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the 20th. All right, and then seven to 10 people between RNN and ismar either already set up. Now what do we learn from this so far? what you have learned? What do you learn?

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Anything historical Brahim is no

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story of how do you see how an entire nation came about, From who?

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The sacrifice of one woman.

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And this woman, firstly is making a huge sacrifice. She's living all by herself with her baby in the middle of nowhere without her husband, single mother. All right. And then on top of that, she was made to be in that situation, apparently, because of the jealousy of someone.

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Right? Now, who was jealous.

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Jealousy is natural. Because we are human beings. It happens.

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Just because someone feels jealous. That doesn't mean they're very evil. To act on that jealousy that is wrong. Jealousy is natural.

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And remember that if someone is ever jealous of you, then what should you do? Be patient and ignore that jealousy. Because understand that this is a natural human emotion. It's a natural human feeling. It happens.

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And if because of someone's jealousy, you're evicted from your home even and you're made to live in the middle of a desert. And you accept your fate while they're lying on a loss penalty for being patient for his sake and accepting his decree. And you say, husband, Allah, whenever a key

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ally sufficient for me, even when people are envious and they want to take good away from me. But Allah is enough for me. When the doors of this world are closed upon you, then remember that Allah He can cause Samsung to flow from beneath your feet. He can give you risk he can give you a provision from where mentality or truly come from beneath your feet.

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Because the gifts that Allah subhanaw taala wishes to give to his slaves, no one can withhold them.

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No one can. If Allah decides to give you something, no one can stop that from you. Allahu malema, neera Lima Arpita. Allah No one can stop that which you give which you decide

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To give because in alpha will be at the law bounty grace gifts there in whose hands unless he gives

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and we also see over here that when there is jealousy

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ill feelings between people that avoid confrontation. You see her just she was made to go don't confront the other person avoided because you can't cure their heart

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What do you know even they cannot fix it human they're having a hard time with themselves. So give them space and we see that Allah gives our child also is how it was born 13 years later in Palestine now here it is Sam when he settled his marine in Makkah

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remember that he made a draw

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he made a draw when he left his smart eat or his salmon maka Let's listen to that Dora, Myrna

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intellective rahima 34 to 36 we learn if Bala Ibrahim Robbie Jarl * Bella de eminent he said, Oh my Lord make this city secure meaning Makkah, make it secure and keep me and my children away from worshipping idols. Oh my Lord, indeed these idols have led astray many among the people so whoever follows me then he is off me and whoever disobeys me, then indeed you are Forgiving and Merciful. He said Rob Burnett in need a scan to misery Yeti wedding lady these are in are in the vertical mohalla ravanelli up masala. He said, Oh my Lord, I have settled some of my children in an uncultivated Valley near your sacred house, our Lord so that they may establish the prayer. So make the hearts of

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people inclined toward them and provide for them from the fruits so that they may be grateful. Ibrahim renesola made the basically that Makkah should become inhabited. And that barren Valley, where there were no crops, no houses,

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no water, even Allah subhanaw taala made that place.

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so busy. Allah inhabited that place. So much water if you go today, you don't know where to sit even. You can find a spot for yourself. Just imagine that place was completely barren once upon a time. Ibrahim alayhis salaam he built the Kaaba with his son is Marian because remember that Ibrahim al Islam came multiple times to Makkah, he visited. Alright, and I'm not going to go into the details of that. So Abraham Lincoln when he built a car, but he made a draw, he said Robin our barthelme Rasulullah minhang Oh, my Lord sent a messenger among them.

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That messenger yet to do or lay him I will recite unto them your verses. Well, you are Lima homolka will hit moto user Kim and a messenger who will teach the people your book, who will teach them wisdom and who will also purify them. If he ran his salon made a DA and his daughter was answered. But after a couple 1000 years, then we see that Ibrahim alayhis salam when he built the Kaaba, he also announced the Hajj in the Quran, we learn what infanatil * or Ibrahim proclaimed to the people that had made the announcement for Hajj and imagine Mkhize empty. All right. And no people live nearby Ibrahim and his son and went on to the hilltops, the mountains that were near and he

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made the announcement for Hajj and Allah subhanaw taala cause that voice to be heard.

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how Allah He does whatever he wishes. So people came to Makkah from various places in order to perform Hajj.

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And you see that maka? It's the heart of Arabia.

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Right? And we see that the people of Yemen

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they traveled through the hijas all the way to Sham what is Sham in the north of Arabia, Syria, Israel, Jordan, this entire area of philosophy and all of this is what a sham. Alright, and over here we see that the the people of Yemen traveled all the way to a sham, and the people of a sham also traveled all the way to Yemen. So mocha was in the middle.

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They passed through mocha, and the various tribes that lived in the area of hijas. They also came to mocha. So we see that mocha was in the trade route. And that is the reason why

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mocha became even more and more inhabited.

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Now Ibrahim are in Assam his son is married Ernest is married and so now it is said that he had 12 children 11 sons and one daughter. Some of them settled

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McCain, some of them went elsewhere. And

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it's my honor to send them after him. We see that Jim home. They basically ruled over Makkah.

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All right, people come for Hajj from various places. And who is it that hosts the Hajaj? The dome. All right. And this happened for about 2000 years. How many years? About 2000 in around 100 ad?

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All right in around 100 ad. What happened? The bundle Hosea who were the Bahasa, they were from the descendants of RNN.

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All right, they fought and they took over MCE when they took over maka, they basically evicted Who? The Jerome

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the Septuagint home get out of here. We are taking over now you are phonies. You get out you leave Mecca. So if you see how I mean there are nannies they could never have grown had the gentleman not been there. You understand the dunums air sign on the nannies. But what did our nannies do? They evicted the children. So they said get out of here. We're gonna be the leaders. So they remained in Makkah, they began to lead and these people who Zara they were the descendants of Mr. Bonilla. Hi. I want him to high. Remember he was the man who introduced idolatry in Makkah.

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All right. And from Makkah, idolatry spread all over Arabia, because Morocco is a heart.

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And what comes to the heart spreads everywhere. So the gentlemen were evicted that our nannies remained in Makkah, and when the gentleman left, they did something What did they do? They buried the well of Zamzam. And there were some other valuables also, gold and treasures and all of that they also they put that in the well of Zamzam. They buried it, they hid it, and they left Makkah,

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who took over bonacasa

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All right, and the Bahasa, they ruled Makkah for about 300 years. And at this time, idolatry was rampant, rampant, it's spread everywhere. Now one 400 ad we see that to say even keylab he was from the descendants of Qureshi who is married, he took guardianship of Makkah, how that could say, he was a Qureshi. His father died when he was still an infant. And what happened was that his mother will say his mother, she married another man. And that man was from the tribe of Israel. And she married into them, and she moved with them and they lived near Syria. So she left Makkah, she went to Syria, and she lived over there. And who's with her, her son, Jose. Jose grows up thinking that

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he is from Syria. There was a coral that broke out in the family. And they told him, you're not one of us anyway. You're an Arab. You're from Makkah. He said, what I'm from there, he confronted his mother. She said, Yes, he got so angry. He left everybody. He went back to Makkah.

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He came to Makkah. He lived there for some time. And then the leader of Makkah, that time was fundable, nouveau czar, the chief of Makkah to say married his daughter.

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All right, and we'll say he was a very strong personality. And the leader poulain, right. He saw leadership qualities and Jose. And when he died before he died, he handed the keys of the car bought all the authority that he had to his daughter. And what that meant was that who was going to be the successor for say, circle ci, he became the leader of Mecca. And he was supposed to he was from the Quraysh. All right. Now, we'll say he had a lot of power. He's basically the guy who brought Quraysh to power. The Quraysh were settled around Makkah. He told them come and live in Makkah. He built their houses near the Kaaba. They were scattered everywhere. And he brought the kurush together. All

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right, he ruled over mcca as a king, he reconstructed the Kaaba, he made the dowel network, which was what you can say was like a town hall, where all the major meetings were held. The tribal chiefs met for important meetings. It was like a parliament. All right. And we'll say also generously served, the Hajaj established a system of playing host to the pilgrims, he served food and beverages, right to the to the Hajaj. And the Quraysh, therefore became the most respected Arab tribe

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in Arabia,

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the most respected Arab tribe and also the most respected our nanny tribe, because what did they have? They had the power, but in addition to the power, what else did they have lineage? They weren't an odd nanny tribe, they trace their lineage back to who, back to who is married to them. So they had religious authority, political influence, they had the blood, they had everything. They were the most respected people in Makkah, all through the hijab even and it was a prophet sallallahu sallam. Who was the

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Qureshi now, you see why I chose the profits on a lot of them to be from the kadesh. Now with respect to the lineage of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam inshallah, we will go over that tomorrow. inshallah, if you did not do your homework yet, please, please, please do it. Alright, because I saw some of you were trying to take notes, good that you're taking notes, but when you're taking notes, then it makes me nervous that I have to slow down and this is something that I cannot slow down in. If you look at your book, everything's there. Most of the stuff is there. Alright, and Sharla is panic alarm will be handed to a la ilaha illa Anta Mr. felucca wanted to willick

History of  Arabs and the Arabian Peninsula

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