Tahir Wyatt – Ubudiyyah – Ep. 08

Tahir Wyatt
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of embracing one's actions and embracing one's environment to avoid harming their bodies and environment. They stress the need for provision and guidance in describing actions and words, and stress the importance of begging for survival. The speakers also emphasize the need for humility and caution when asking for help, and emphasize the importance of not overthinking and not letting people overcome their fear.
AI: Transcript ©
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Okay, when is it not okay to ask people for things? And when is it okay? And what is the default ruling? When it comes to asking other than Allah subhanaw taala these are things that we have to understand, because they do relate to our daily lives. And they have everything to do with the hearts attachment.

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Okay, as will begin to, to recognize and shallow and part, a lot of what we're doing is not things that that you don't know, it's about recognizing, being more cognizant of what you actually do, and, and the effect that it has on you. Because many times we do things, and it doesn't have an immediate effect, right, there's a cumulative effect. So you don't even see the effect that it has until down the line. I mean, imagine that, for example, person, a person starts dieting.

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The day after, they don't, they don't eat any, they just drink water that whole day, they come back the next day, we lost 15 pounds. Now,

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right? It takes Matter of fact, they might go back on the scale the next day, and they find that they actually gained weight, they try to figure out what the world's but I didn't mean anything yesterday, right? There's a cumulative effect to a lot of what we do. Okay, as a matter of fact, majority of what we do in life, it The effect is over time, it's not immediate, you know, effects that that you'll see. And so, the same thing is with a bed, you know, even with even with salad, you know, there's a time period that all of you can remember when you first entered into Islam, or when you first consciously started praying five times a day

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does it have an immediate effect? Not exactly for most people, it takes time for you to see the effects of that and the effects of not having that in your life as well. So this is how it is with a beggar in general. So we need to be more conscious and cognizant of what's actually going on so that we can monitor to handle I mean it's like our health it's like what you eat it's like all of these things. It's similar when it comes to a bed and if we pay attention then we will be able to realize more what it's doing to us right so readership please

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esteem the creation one weakens the heart to breed servitude three negates kawakubo type

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All right, and we'll see that this is not

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sloppy he is they say it's it's this is not a rule across the board. But you'll see where this is relevant the inilah hate ad type. If we turn to page

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63 page 63

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start from the top seeking sustenance from among assessments from a law net other people

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IE Elisa Lam advise translation beads, then seek justice with a law worship Him and be grateful to him to him will be your return okay. Actually,

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what it says in Arabic is feber to who en de la he have this code which which would translate as then from Allah seek sustenance. What do you see your book What does it say? In the book

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seeks sustenance with the law, okay, it it's it would read better as and more accurately as then from Allah seek sustenance. What's the difference between seek sustenance from Allah and from Allah seek sustenance, man.

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Right so when you say seek your sustenance, seek sustenance from Allah, Danny seek risk from Allah then then you could also say and someone else. So seek your sustenance from Allah and from your parents, for example, that would work for you. And what does it when you say and seek from Allah your sustenance?

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A way becomes exclusive at that point, right? And that that's an Arabic construct, but we also we have similar uses in English. But but just so that we know when you recite Fatiha everyday you say iaca Naboo and we don't say what nambucca we don't say we worship you. When is that you know big, right or and that we seek assistance from you. We say yakka Naboo

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It is You we worship, and from you we seek assistance. And that when you switch the order of the object and the verb right here, then what then what you gain is exclusivity, or what we benefit from that is exclusivity fight. So, for example, if a person says, if a person says, I love you, right, then we understand that they love that person, but does that mean that they only love that person? Oh, I love you. And I love this person. All right.

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When you say, when you say it is you I love, then what do we what do we get that that's, that's exclusive. Okay, that's exclusive. I see many of you laugh. And for some reason, I don't know what's going on in your house. I lost friends out in those Best Buy,

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is you I love, right. So when a person says that we get what, but by them putting the object before for the verb. And at that point, we also even in English, there's a level of exclusivity to that. So it should be it's better when the translation reflects that. So it should say, or it's better to say than from a law success than its meaning what seek your risk from Allah subhana wa tada alone. Now, there's a difference between seeking risk and I hope I want this point to be clear, is the difference between seeking risk which is your sustenance in general. And, and, and a specific,

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for example, piece of wealth or property,

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that it's okay to, you know, ask someone for something specific in terms in terms of property, or in terms of wealth. So, it is fine for a wife to go to her husband and say,

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I need $200 for example, but that's different from seeking risk as in sustenance as a as a whole clear like

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so seek your sustenance from Allah seek your sustenance and worship Him and be grateful to him not why we do wash Kula la de todo na fellowship, and to Him will be your turn. Now, everyone needs provision and reasonable if a person seeks this risk from a wall, and he will be a slave to alone, and feel in need of him, if he seeks it from some creative being, he will be enslaved by and feel in need of that being clear. Because Because here we're talking about what we're talking about those feelings, we're talking about the field because the feelings are going to define what the heart is attached to. So if if you feel like you are in need of this other being no matter what it might be

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for your sustenance, then you will become a slave to that thing. And the more that you put that with a loss of habitat, the more you will not feel a need of anything other than a loss of habitat. And that's what they call it still in that and it's still in that which is which literally is seeking elvina seeking wealth seeking to feel sufficient seeking to feel independent seeking independence. Okay, that's it's determined. Otherwise a person feels dependent upon other than Allah subhanho wa Taala even though the reality even though in reality the man now

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this is why is basically forbidden to ask for anything from another creative being. Okay? Okay. Okay. So here this translation is does not work. When we say in English is basically something What does that mean?

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kinda like this right now. That's definitely not what it means here. Shake was stand by him en la Tada. He says what he has that candidates Miss Ella Tomas leuke. mohar. Rama 10. Phil. Awesome.

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Okay. mohana Phil also, meaning the default ruling

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of asking other than a loss of habitat it is that it is haram. That's the default rule that you only ask Allah subhana wa Tada. All right. That's, that's the default man. Well, that will be helped lead Dora and it is only permissible to do so in the case of necessity. Now here

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it doesn't just mean the ruler has its as its own.

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its own terminology in in terms of filk here, total water refers to what is a necessity or what is that which is close to a necessity a little bit and fifth terminology

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Is that which without a person cannot sustain life, or would lose a limb.

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So in that case, it becomes a bura to do a certain thing. So for example, if a person is choking, and the only thing that's around is, is a glass of wine, and that's the only thing is going to be able to wash down I think otherwise, he's going to die, then he can walk. And he can drink the wine with the rod to cut the avocado Rehan, which means that in every necessity is measured by

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what actually makes it a necessity, meaning that a person stops at the point where the necessity no longer exists. So there was an entire cup, okay, and he only needed a fourth of it to wash down whatever it was that he was choking on, he can't just say, Well, I might as well just knock it off, right?

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you don't want to be wasteful, right.

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So if the ruler stops, where the necessity is, once the necessity is removed, so here we're not talking shapeless things, not only talking about in the case of necessity were going to die, but also in the case where there is a need, which which would cause which would otherwise cause great difficulty, even if the person is not on the brink of dying.

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And in that case is definitely permissible. And in fact, according to the majority of the scholars, it becomes waggy for a person to ask if that is the only way for him to sustain life.

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There are many ideas for building this kind of axing, asking from people for example, one of you will keep asking until he comes on the Day of Resurrection with no flesh on his face.

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Pinky read from up here because there's gonna be several ahaadeeth in a row and not all of them are

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just taken from the

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last messenger stumbling block while they were selling said one of you will continue to pay until he meets a law on the Day of Judgment without any flesh on his face or inquiry or Muslim.

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Okay, all right.

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Let us understand this hadith

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as it was mentioned by the prophet Isaiah slots are saying

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here, what we benefit from this hadith is the impermissibility of one

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continuing to bank that is not that a person asks once or neither the person as twice but that this becomes a person's habit. Okay. So this ruling does not apply to a person who needs to ask once or needs to ask twice but this ruling applies to what as the prophet Isaiah said it was sent him said lads has to be it can be any one of you will continue to ask him beg people all right. So it is important to understand that this is a specific circumstance. However, what we also benefit from this is that begging In this sense, is a major sin.

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How do we better how do we get that from this hadith

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terrazza Valley. Now why do you feel

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and that is that there is a punishment that has in the hereafter that has been ascribed to it

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has been ascribed to it. So we know from that, that this is considered to be a major sin. It's not something minor. Right? And why do you think that it is a major sin?

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Are you asking for? What are you asking for? No, no.

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I'm asking you. What are you asking for?

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All right, it's your money.

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It's your money you can ask for 20 years if you need to. Man. Nice if you got a question by all right. So again, my question is why do you think that this is a major sin?

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No, no, no Raise your hands I love the way you guys do that.

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And everybody knows we can just speak and he won't understand

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it because Okay, so you said because the person then becomes dependent on that type of income meaning they become dependent on begging for their for their survival. Okay, keep going. Yeah.

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But mesh, we know that howdy through the prophecy. So if you ask ask of Allah

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Why is this a major sense? So you're right there which is that the person becomes what? dependent on this for their for their survival?

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It makes you what makes you a slave to what

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type almost I can't see who you are but your hand back there Yeah.

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Because you become dependent on human beings and your tawakkol is not upon a loss of habitat so it takes away It takes it what it totally what it destroys to a call that destroys to walk up and makes you reliant upon the human beings. Okay? And I mean, it can take a person to a very dark place. Now. Notice that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in his headings, he says he'll continue to beg until he meets a law true philosophy. What does he mean? And that he has no

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meat left on his face without any flesh on his face? What's the significance here of the face?

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time allowed to cool him the man in watch man a Hindu man watch time trans translated literally, Mohammed

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lalala memorization preservation of the water of one's face by preservation of the water on one's face. I forget what that means in Arabic, but does that sound like an English?

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Who said it? Mashallah see that we went to the same high school that's why it's so smart. Mashallah. So Radhika

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Yeah, you didn't know. That's 2523 and Mashallah, you got about about 35

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saving face, we don't say that in English, doesn't mean save your face, literally.

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The face is used from a social concept. Or in sociology, the face is used to mean money, Your Honor, your respect, right? So a person now by going out and asking people has humiliated themselves, they've humiliated themselves. And so they come on piano

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without any flesh left on their face.

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panelizer Joe when he talks about the reward of the of non Muslims, he says jezza and we felt that they will be given exactly what they deserve. So we've had a lot so a person who humiliated themselves and and subjected their honor to to humiliate or put put themselves in a humiliated you know, state will be humiliated on that day.

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Long will

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not return straight from me is the same same thing that's in a book or sister, translated a little differently will on a lot messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever builds while having enough to suffice him is begging will come on a dead resurrection, like lacerations on his face and his Hadid is in a sunon and ism as

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a Buddha Buddha tirmidhi in the same manner, manage it, they will collect this Heidi, this was I met. And many of the scholars of Hadith say that it is that it's Senate or that is chain of narration. So hey, and some of the scholars of Hadith say that it is not Sahih however, it is very similar to the Hadith, that we just that we just read, the difference here is that there is a condition that has been added and it is significant, which is what whoever bags while while having enough to suffice. So person who has enough to suffice him Subhana Allah and I mean you see this throughout the Muslim world and you see this

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even stuff, even here, even here that non Muslims who pretend to be Muslim, especially in Ramadan, now will live in it come and they come around and eat because they know the most generous, even more generous in Ramadan and they you know, they learn how to say something

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easy meaning law,

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oh Samadhi combat that was even before they started.

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So the reality is, is that this is something that also subjects one to the punishment of Allah subhanaw taala in the hereafter. And our Prophet it is Salatu was sin and gives us the instructions that will allow our hearts to be attached to a loss of power to Allah and him alone.

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And so we start thinking about what it means to ask others to go out and beg to then a person steps back and says wait a minute.

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My tawakkol is a panelizer with john alone. And let me find another way to to do this.

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And then we'll talk about some of the particulars in a minute inshallah.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, begging is only allowable for one extreme poverty, when severely burdened by debt, or one who has taken responsibility for paying black money.

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This heavy eath

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is by efe

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but that's why sacred stamp says in the Arabic version, though it does not saying in English in English, it just says Abu Dhabi and obey hottie and Arabic it says we're had and minor fussa here. And the meaning of this hadith is found and Asahi and here's referring to Sahih Muslim. The reason why shaftless name use this particular narration because it's a lot shorter than the one that's inside a Muslim as you'll see right now. followship

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copy of COVID kabisa cabeza in Sahih Muslim copies

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may have already Allahu and said, I incurred debt and then went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and asked him for help concerning that. He said to the lowly selama wait until we get charity set up and we will give you a push. Then Allah is messengers from a long while, he went ahead and said, Yeah, kabisa charity is not permissible except for one of three, one, a man who has incurred debt. So it is permissible for him to be given charity until he finds means to make them independent, and to suffice him to a man who was stricken by calamity and his property was destroyed. So it is permissible for him to ask for help, until he has enough to get him back on his

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feet three, and the man who is stricken with poverty and three sensible men from among his own people justify that sell themselves in desperate need, then it is permissible for him to ask for help, I can find means to make an independent asking for help in cases other than these young Kapisa is lawful.

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And the ones takes it is takes it is consuming it lawfully

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that had is a Muslim. As you can see, it's a lot longer than the previous Hadeeth. Right. So check out the spam use the other rewired because it's shorter, but the meaning is very similar to what we find. And this particular Heidi, and Heidi speaks for itself does not need a lot of explanation. These are the words of our Prophet Isaiah Salatu was Salam instructing one of the companions can be served on the heart of the Allahu taala and who now

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asking other

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asking other than a warm shirt for been permissible, recommended, obligatory

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under law, this part here, we're gonna just go outside of the book for a minute, so that we can put these texts into context and understand what asking other than a loss of habitat what are the rulings of asking other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. And in when we go into that type of detail, there are five rulings.

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The first is that asking other than Allah subhanho wa Taala either can be should,

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it can be considered shirk, meaning that it is the worship of other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. When is that the case?

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In three circumstances one is when someone asks the dead

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no matter who that dead person is asking the dead for anything

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and asking those who are deceased going to the graves and asking

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those who want believes the saints or so forth, asking them as opposed to a loss of Hannah who what is considered to be sure.

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is asking those who are alive but not present.

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So, they may believe that the money or the shape of this particular vehicle, for example, who lives in a totally different different continent, can hear their petitions. And so they call upon them,

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they call upon them and not a loss of hands out of a call upon them with a loss.

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And this issue

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is the worship of other than a loss of hands on.

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And then the third

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category under this or third scenario is asking someone who is alive and present for something that only Allah Subhana which can give,

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like those who believe, for example, that their chef has the power to

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you know, give their give them a child. Their wife hasn't been, you know, the wife has been bearing for five years. And they asked the shithole, bless her with the child and so forth.

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and this, this is real, this stuff happens. It's it's not make believe, is not something that's just in the books. It happens until today. Alongside by

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second category is,

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when asking other than a lot of hands, it is hard, though it is that reached to the level of shooting.

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And that is, when a person asks without a need, when a person asks, without a need. And this is Han by consensus of the roadmap.

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And our Prophet alayhi salatu salam said what He then said,

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First learn if you asked an ask of Allah subhana wa tada ask him Allah. And we just saw, I just read certain Hadith where the Prophet sorry Sonam clarified that asking without a need is what Hassan prophesied in the who so

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in a person who doesn't is taking whatever they have taken unlawfully. So when a person goes, and they ask their brother for something, and they pretend, or they make it look like they they're in need, and they're really not. And this is her arm,

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this is her arm,

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and part of that one. And

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we'll probably get there, at some point, later in the lesson.

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Maybe we should just talk about it right now, part of that is and people don't tend to think about asking, unless we're talking about asking individuals. But the same thing goes for asking groups.

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The government, how many people you know, right now that take assistance from the government, and they really don't need it, they fudge their documents, so that they can receive food stamps, or there's not food stamps in what they call an

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access card. Right. So they receive government assistance, and they actually don't really need it.

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Now, a person who is in need, for example, who cannot afford health insurance, very different,

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very different scenario, than a person who's taking health insurance and taking,

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picking food assistance, and they really don't need it.

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And as critical because what you eat, if it is not halau can prevent it from being accepted by lots of hands on and eating from that which is not hallum does not just mean you're eating pork,

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or that you're eating something that that has a port product in it or that it's not the behind.

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It can mean that you're eating from what you have purchased with non halau earnings.

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So person has to be very careful because asking from a loss

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and that's what's happening when a person goes and they're asking for government says does it just fall out the sky?

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You have to go would have to go ask for that. And again, there's a there's a big difference between between the health insurance which in this company

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And this country is ridiculously expensive. And there's a lot of waste on a administrative level.

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And there's a lot of work that doctors are forced to do in terms of paperwork that has nothing to do with what they went to school for and spent all those years doing

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it really, but our medical system is jammed up.

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put that to the side and, and focus on the other area which is a person getting what they know they don't need and be careful what you consume. Be really careful what you put into your body and how it gets there. In terms of halal and haram because it can affect everything else that's going on Willemstad

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In general, in general, if a person asks without need, then the default rule is that it is hot.

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And, and we'll we'll talk about that in a minute. inshallah we will get to the prophet Isaiah Salatu was Salam said mania, 70. Yo Nila, whoever seeks independence, Allah will grant him independence. And even though there's happiness, there's some weakness. When the prophet SAW Selim says was had female Ada ness, you have broken ness,

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have zoned for what's in the hands of people don't even want what they have. And the people will love you. A person can feel when you want something from they can feel that and your heart should not want what other people have if you don't really need if you don't really need otherwise as the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said we'll cover this as well. There won't be any barakah in which a given any way so the prophecy some says so it's like the person who eats and never gets full.

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And and that's normally what happens that's what it means don't break me off. He just got a case. No.

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Because that's how people that's how we get rich right? Happy to be on a separate bus when

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my neck Emma back.

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Let's get through this shallow pipe. So the point here is that what that it is impermissible when a person

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asks ask without need number one. And number two, when a person asks when they have the ability to earn

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when they asked when they have the ability to earn. So if you work for yourself and you just grind a little more,

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you'll have it or if you date, overtime hours are available, if you just work a little bit more you would actually have what you need in that scenario is not permissible for a person to ask, clear play. When is it permissible for a person to ask it also becomes clear. The Hadith of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam when a person clearly has a need, person clearly has a need and they don't have the ability to earn or they don't have the ability to get enough through their earning to to cover what they need then it is permissible for them in those circumstances to ask Is that clear? also under this category as the sky was mentioned,

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it is always permissible to ask for your rights.

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So if somebody owes you some money, it is permissible for you to ask them to give your money back if your employer hasn't paid you and it's time for them to pay and you can say you can talk to your employer but all of those are permissible questions. Okay. Time

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recommended when is it Mr. have to ask

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okay being cool fall under permissible that would be colloquial for mobile.

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But not not Mr. Have not recommended when is it recommended now?

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who actually can't I mean, who's behind?

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Oh though further.

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Ah. So asking for knowledge normally is going to fall into one of two categories, either Mr. head or wedge. Type What else?

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00:34:52 --> 00:34:59

Ah, not just your family. When you're asking on behalf of someone else to relieve their need, then

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You that deed is Mr. Head.

00:35:03 --> 00:35:14

So when someone else is in need, and you're aware of their need, and you may not have the ability to fulfill the need by by yourself without causing a lot of difficulty, it is Mr. Head for you to ask

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other people to help that person and nonprofit is allowed to slam did this himself. I previously did this himself. And the same thing goes for a person, for example, who was going to

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ask people to donate to a particular charity, Masjid and so forth, then this is comes under the category of Mr. Hebb.

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Because they're not asking for themselves. They're asking for something that is genuinely in need.

00:35:47 --> 00:35:56

When does it become? Interestingly enough, there's something else that I forgot that just remember I was the hub.

00:35:57 --> 00:36:03

When you ask someone to make do it for you, stay with me.

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Because you want the angels to make do it for them. And that was the hub.

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Repeat that back.

00:36:17 --> 00:36:25

Okay, so not just asking someone to make do it for you. Because that may even come into the category of mequoda.

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Especially if a person asks someone else to make do it for them, and they don't make do it for themselves. Which is very common, by the way, especially amongst the IOM. I mean, you know, just

00:36:39 --> 00:36:49

the fall, if you will, where they just go, they just forgotten, just go to the email and tell me, you know, I'm going through a rough spot right now make the out for me.

00:36:51 --> 00:36:52

for yourself, yeah, I mean,

00:36:53 --> 00:37:11

you you are best in this situation, Ma, you will either die. Who is it that is going to answer the one who is mortality, and he's in a difficult situation, if when he makes to add to them, except for last minute, wait, that sounds like a bad end for me.

00:37:12 --> 00:37:17

Today, he said that, I answered the call of the one who calls upon me when he calls upon me

00:37:18 --> 00:37:34

to offer yourself there's nobody can make the offer you better than you. Right. So, so in most in that scenario is actually much cooler, because a person now becomes attached to the one who's making draft with them.

00:37:35 --> 00:37:43

Or they there is a level of attachment. Right? But, but when a person asks someone to make do for them,

00:37:44 --> 00:37:49

never a day. So I go to you and I say this,

00:37:51 --> 00:38:01

make the last make do I to a lot of ease my fears and so on and so forth. But I'm really I really just want you to make do I when I'm not around so the angel can make dua for you.

00:38:05 --> 00:38:20

The Prophet alayhi salatu salam said that for every for any person who makes their eye for his brother fee via little hype, when he's not in his presence, there is a medic, there is an angel who says and meanwhile I could be missing.

00:38:21 --> 00:38:35

So when you make dua for a brother, when he's not around for his sister, when she's not around, you say, oh law, ease their fears, give them the best of this life in the next give them A, B, C and D, the angel says and the

00:38:36 --> 00:38:44

one ad can be missing and for you and for you the same. So the angel is making drive for you and you make drive for your brother.

00:38:45 --> 00:38:59

So in the scenario where you're telling someone to make do it for you, but not because you are really concerned about them making drive for you. But because you want them to be engaged in a better of a loss of habitat in

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the same way that you might encourage them to pray at night. So you're encouraging them to do what to make dua so that they get the reward for making black and so that the angel does want that the angel says mean it makes do it for that person, then then that is muster head for you to do.

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00:39:20 --> 00:39:21

man, I mean,

00:39:31 --> 00:39:33

there is no problem with that. But

00:39:35 --> 00:39:44

the reality is, is that when we look at the practice of the early Muslims, that does not seem to be something that was very common.

00:39:47 --> 00:39:59

I'm not aware of any scenario with any of the companions who did not get to go to Hajj, ask the prophecy send them to make the offer them or out of the bucket to make the offer them on offer.

00:40:01 --> 00:40:08

Again, there's no harm in doing so there's no harm in doing so and for a person to do it from themselves is better anyway.

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that you make do it for the Muslims and in general make the do it from the Muslims that you know, from your relatives and so on and so forth that you do that from yourself without being asked is better anyway, and there's no harm in doing so.

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However, the practice of when you

00:40:31 --> 00:40:36

give some lambs to the Prophet it is Salatu was saying that does not have a hustle industry.

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And the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said in the last millennium, he couldn't say yeah, he you build the hoonah and Mathias Salaam,

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the practice that Allah has angels that travel the earth they bring the Salaam from to me from my oma

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in the salata come to blue, he hates to come from the process I'm saying yes a lot of time he reaches me wherever you may be. So there's nothing that would indicate that a person should go when they when they tell you are you going to Medina Rasulullah Sennett now you believe

00:41:17 --> 00:41:22

the angels do the tablet, they're better than me. And they're guaranteed to get there. So maybe we don't know what's gonna happen.

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obligatory when does it become obligatory to,

00:41:31 --> 00:41:41

to ask it becomes obligatory as we mentioned before, and most according to most of the scholars, when a person is on the verge of the brink of death,

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or in a very difficult situation, and he then it becomes where gebouw

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obligation for them to ask if that's the only way for them to to survive? Because Allah Subhana Allah says, well, that could be a decom illa taluka and don't put your own selves into destruction. Don't put your own selves into destruction so if a person

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does not have the ability to purchase water and they're about to die and they go into a store they have to beg please I need some water guys like nah man this is aviana whatever stuff is called This is $5 a bottle I said listen please man listen I'm about to die what's it called

00:42:28 --> 00:42:46

a Mian and whatever. Anyway, you get the point they charge an airport prices and you know a person says I don't I don't have it and I need I'm about to die please you know at that point they have to they have to even if they have to beg that'd be becomes their obligation at this point.

00:42:47 --> 00:43:01

Mm hmm. Malta Anna was asked about a man who was very thirsty on the brink of death because of thirst but wouldn't ask anyone for water and he said that

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this person is

00:43:05 --> 00:43:05

an idiot

00:43:07 --> 00:43:07

a fool

00:43:09 --> 00:43:13

and in the statements of the scholars related to that are many that we're going to have to clashing

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also, when it comes to things that are minimal in value, then there is no harm in asking like asking a neighbor for some eggs. You in the middle almost done making this cake and you realize you didn't and you don't want to have to go 20 minutes to the store back there's no harm in that. The rule is this by Elisa fee. Who do own Lima lukey Okay, whatever there's no

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like you're putting yourself down or in front of the creation you're humiliating yourself that which there is no humiliation and it is not haraam is not hot. Okay, after class by

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borrowing things does not harm our property. So it was saying borrow things.

00:44:08 --> 00:44:13

You know, so I mean, it becomes clear that the dean is not

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the stiff is a good word. I mean, it's it's, it becomes clear that the objective of these rulings from our profit idea selected was same so that what that enough step Kleiza and he that that person remains honored, the date that they are that they are honorable, that they keep their dignity, that they don't put themselves in a position where they lose the dignity and the respect and their honor. And the index, the month loop here, and therefore, that is what keeps the heart attached to a loss to Allah and Allah azza wa jal along

00:44:53 --> 00:44:54

now she

00:44:56 --> 00:44:59

continued, this is all in the book. By the way. This is a log message

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Pay this pay 63. Now what was the lam said by him in whose hand is my life, it is better for one of you to take his rope and then cut wood from the forest and carry it over his back and sell it then the ask someone for something, whether he gives it to him or not.

00:45:25 --> 00:45:51

Right so so what happens when you ask somebody, they may or may not give it to you, they may or may not give it to you. And even if they do give it to you, when they don't give it to you really feel bad, even when they do give it to you the Prophet alayhi salatu salam is saying that the one who has the ability to earn the one who has the ability to go out and make his own than that is going to be better for him and Allah Subhana Allah will put Baraka in that, nah.

00:45:55 --> 00:46:34

Matt said, I heard Mr. video, I say the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to give me payment. And I would say, give it to someone who was more in need of it than I am. Until one day he gave me some money. And I said to him, give it to someone who is more in need of it than I am. He said, Johnny, the prophesies on him said to Oman, or the law of wine, Uh, huh. Take it and use it, or give it in charity, whatever, pay attention to this, because this is the part that's in the open up your books, page 63, I want you to just look at what you see at the very bottom.

00:46:35 --> 00:47:06

It says whatever wealth you receive, you see the very bottom, right, so they don't give you that it doesn't give you the back ground any of the heads so that you see where this is coming from. Because I want you to understand that not the prophesies, I'm saying whatever, whatever comes to you of this wealth, and when you are not hoping for it and not asking for it, take it and whatever does not, do not wish for whatever it comes to you have this wealth when you are not hoping for it. Yeah, and your heart is not

00:47:07 --> 00:47:09

even you're not expecting it.

00:47:10 --> 00:47:34

You don't want it snapping your heart. And you're not asking for that whatever comes to you and take it probably some said, Hello, Fatima? Well, honey, take it and use it or give it away in charity. Or give it away a charity. So many times, you know, something may come to you a gift comes to you or you did something for somebody not wanting any payment for them, but they still gave you something

00:47:36 --> 00:47:57

for tomorrow Well, unless you know that that person is struggling and they really, you know, they only given it see. In other words, it depends on on the situation. But the Prophet sallallahu wasallam here is showing that when it comes to you, not because you were asking for it or not, because you were showing some kind of yearning for it. You know, because sometimes

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sometimes a person may not ask for it directly, but they did throw hints

00:48:04 --> 00:48:15

you know, so you go out with with your blood brother, right? Who who has some, you know, who's who and they, you know, he takes you out to a nice restaurant said, Man, my cell line.

00:48:16 --> 00:48:26

blessed me with what you have, man, I would do A, B, C and D, you know, he, he's not asking for it directly. But you notice that there's hints

00:48:28 --> 00:48:45

that the person actually in their heart, they really, they really want it and they show that they want to but otherwise what comes to you take you and some staff and some time a person shouldn't feel bad about that. And it has this precedence in this Hadith, which isn't Bukhari and Muslim if I'm not mistaken.

00:48:47 --> 00:48:48

By the privacy center.

00:48:56 --> 00:48:58

The prophesies on them, right here See?

00:49:02 --> 00:49:28

The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not like anyone to ask for anything, whether he asked for it verbally or by longing in his heart, according to So hey, IDC, said, translate. Now, for the reader here, whoever wants to be independent, a lot will make them independent. Whoever wants not to have to ask people for anything. Although what happened about man?

00:49:29 --> 00:49:58

One minute on the board, no laws messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever seeks to be contact, a law will make him content who ever abstain from asking others along with sufficing and whoever remains patient or law will grant him supper. Nobody can be given a blessing better and more encompassing than some type this heavy, which isn't available Hardy

00:49:59 --> 00:50:00

and Muslim

00:50:02 --> 00:50:40

This this hadith is so important how we're not going to have enough time to go over today because I do want to get through the rest of this. This Hadith comes from the authority of God, while the Allahu taala. And who he said that there was some people from the Ansoff who came to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And they asked him, so the prophets I send them gave them. And then they asked him again and the prophets I send them gave them again until what the prophets I send them had in his possession was gone, it was exhausted. And so the prophets, I sell them told them he said, whatever goods whatever I have, I will not withhold it from you.

00:50:42 --> 00:50:49

But he who refrains, he may get stolen, he, you mean,

00:50:50 --> 00:50:55

whoever seeks to be independent, and as the scholars have mentioned,

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here, independence means that they are seeking elkanah that they want to be content with what the last pensado has blessed them with yoga mihaela Allah will make him content. And where is this seeking? This is the seeking of the heart. So it's still gonna, whoever wants to feel content than a law will make him content, while many years staff if Yanni beanie Sani, he, you're in for hula, and whoever

00:51:27 --> 00:52:13

abstains from asking others, meaning that they don't actually go out. So there's the heart, there's the issue of the heart wanting. And there's the issue of the tongue, asking, right? And whoever abstains from asking others Allah will suffice. And Allah and so so here we see, again, we're not talking about the regular asking, not talking about someone asking for an egg or asking for a half a stick of butter or asking you, you know, your spouse to get you a drink of water? No, we're talking about the asking that has a level of little or Madonna, what is what is a person who has some level of humiliation without asking or or person having to,

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you know, lose some of their dignity, if you will. All right. But even in circumstances when it's not like that, and it's better for a person not to ask, it's still better.

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It's still better for a person not to get used to asking.

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And that's the difference here. And so it's like a person should realize that they're asking somebody for something, and push themselves to go to another level. And as you'll see, with the companion with some of the companions, they push themselves to that level, where they would be on their camels and they stick would fall and they wouldn't ask somebody, they would get off the camel pick up the stick and get back when they can not because they couldn't ask somebody, but because they want it to go to another level. And it is another level. And it's not normal. And it's okay not to be on that level. But a person should still strive. This the same way some handler, when it was

00:53:15 --> 00:53:19

seen or him or law, was asked about was asked

00:53:20 --> 00:53:23

backbiting non Muslims.

00:53:24 --> 00:53:27

He said in the UK, and yet, with Elisa and Wiley,

00:53:30 --> 00:53:34

I don't like that a person's tongue gets used to backbiting period.

00:53:35 --> 00:53:38

Even though what the person is saying is true.

00:53:39 --> 00:53:45

He's saying that what a person doesn't want to get used to doing certain things.

00:53:46 --> 00:53:48

It'd be no matter the amount of time and who

00:53:49 --> 00:54:02

in whom I used to say, Hey, boy in your corner, baby ouabain elhassan hedges mental health. I like that between me and the harm, there is a barrier of have

00:54:03 --> 00:54:15

you know, there's that there's that point where now what, when I get out of the wagon, when I get out of the muster hub, I'm still not even getting to macro, because there's this big thick wall of halab.

00:54:16 --> 00:54:30

You know, and so a person has to be very careful. So even in this issue of asking, you don't want to get used to the concept of asking and asking and asking because it can go from permissible to macro or haram very quickly.

00:54:32 --> 00:54:36

And there's a lot that can be said about this from you just gotta go. This

00:54:39 --> 00:54:39


00:54:41 --> 00:54:51

this is also in the book, the prophet SAW his son have advised his closest companions, not to ask anyone for anything. It was reported in Alamos net, that if Abu Bakar Nan

00:54:53 --> 00:54:59

angle dropped his whip. He would not ask anyone to hand it to him. He would say my cornea

00:55:00 --> 00:55:25

commanded me not to ask people for anything. Hola. hollywell is the highest level of Sahaba the highest level of companionship. And so it is your bosom buddy, your closest friend. Okay, so he said that my family have an abacus Mr. Leo commanded me and Amina the prophet SAW his son commanded me not to ask people for anything,

00:55:26 --> 00:55:37

any anything. This is, this is again, this is Abu Bakr Siddiq we're talking about Bobby allow China and it doesn't mean that a person should strive to be at that level, but is this

00:55:38 --> 00:55:50

we also don't want to go to extremes. Meaning that a person doesn't want to go to the point where they start thinking that that is the norm. And this is how they deal with the people in their own home.

00:55:51 --> 00:56:02

So, so their wife comes and she says, Can you go out and get any says, No, I'm not going I'm gonna teach you how to not ask for anything.

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Until he needs something later than that.

00:56:07 --> 00:56:07


00:56:11 --> 00:56:35

Okay, so so it says Muslim and others reported from alphabet Matic that the prophets I send them received from him with a group of people and whisper to them that they should not ask people for anything, some of the people of that group if they happen to drop a whip, whilst writing would not even ask anyone to hand it to them. We're going to mention the whole Hadith here. So it can make sense or, and it gives us more context further. Yeah, read it from here because it's not

00:56:36 --> 00:56:43

a radio that we reported seven, eight or nine people, including myself with.

00:56:44 --> 00:56:46

He was selling on an occasion when he

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remarked, would you pledge allegiance to passage of the law, as we have taken an oath of allegiance shortly before we said, we've already done so you have a pseudo law, he gets asked, Would you not pledge allegiance to pursue the law? So we stretch out our hands and said, We have already made our pledge with you? Yeah. rasulillah. And when should we make a pledge with you now, he said, to worship a law and not to associate anything with him to perform the five days for that and to obey. So the process and said these things loud, loudly, he said to worship Allah taboo, the law, and especially Coby he Shea. And he's constantly reminding them of this obligation to worship Allah

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alone, we should never get tired of hearing that he's talking to the companions who already gave the prophecy, send them back. And he's reminding them of this obligation to worship Allah don't, do you think he's telling them just a word of realizing don't bow down the aisles. The products I sell them is emphasizing this point of the year, that is for a loss of handling alone, and to perform your daily select your five daily prayers and to do what and to obey? And then what then go ahead and read. Then he added, that he added in a low tone here says what and he whispered to them, right, this is so that we understand the context. And then he whispered to them what and not to ask

00:58:13 --> 00:58:15

Allah, Allah NASA she

00:58:16 --> 00:58:49

thereafter I noticed that some of these people who were present did not ask anyone to pick up even the whip for them if it fell from their hands, you understand. So here Now, again, this is how many campaigns the promise is almost seven or eight or 900,000 campaigns or more, more In fact, 100,000 may hedge with the profit idea slightly slant. So this wasn't the level either. Even all of the companions made it to write, but it's something to understand.

00:58:51 --> 00:59:01

It's something that should humble us, make us strive for that which is better make us be more cognizant when we are asking now we're going to cover these last few

00:59:02 --> 00:59:04

slides inshallah that will be done

00:59:08 --> 00:59:18

with Mila so hockeyville exam will be alone China and who said, I was asked a last messenger somebody was selling for something and he gave it to me since I Buhari

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and I asked him again and he gave it to me and I asked him again and he gave it to me three times. And then he said, Yeah, Hakeem, this property is like this sweet.

00:59:31 --> 00:59:32

Have a

00:59:34 --> 00:59:44

man who ever takes it without greediness without longing for it without being greedy than he is blessed any

00:59:45 --> 00:59:59

but who ever takes it be shut off enough seen the power Some say that is the longing for it? Now, LEM, you Berek Lahu feeling Mubarak la houfy

01:00:00 --> 01:00:47

Can Lydia kulula lash back from sorry Sam said that he will not be, they will be no Baraka in what he takes. And he is like a person who eats but is never satisfied. See, sometimes that door of asking, opens up other doors and it doesn't close. And a person just keeps on asking. And that's like the prophecy, some seller says Allah, Allah to be I had become a person, one of you will keep on asking until he comes on Yom Okayama place if he was he was I mean, so it comes on that day of judgment, he has no flesh left on his face. This is the idea a person asked and then this is the bucket and what he is receiving. And so he has to ask for more. Like the person who eats but it's

01:00:47 --> 01:00:55

never satisfying. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and yet Aliyah hi young men and Leah the souffle.

01:00:56 --> 01:01:13

That the upper hand the hand against is better than the hand that receives better than the hand that receives this is very important. From our Prophet, Isaiah Salatu was sent in that we realized and to get to panela, to get back to that point,

01:01:14 --> 01:01:27

what we talked about earlier about going and asking assistance from the government, it has created a mentality where a person feels like what that they should receive.

01:01:28 --> 01:01:42

It creates a mentality and so we don't become people who who give because we are, look what happens. You just get used to receiving and giving becomes very difficult. And when you do give,

01:01:43 --> 01:01:46

give very minimal amounts and you really feel like you did something

01:01:48 --> 01:01:50

Subhanallah Think about it.

01:01:52 --> 01:02:10

Think about it. So it creates a mentality, and it has created a mentality. That's why it's very important that we don't look at these things lightly. And just realize what are prophesied. Selim is showing us the best way, showing us how to live honorably and dignified.

01:02:11 --> 01:02:18

But when a person lowers themselves, and they always take take, take take take, it creates a mentality, it creates a demeanor,

01:02:20 --> 01:02:21

and it is very hard to break.

01:02:22 --> 01:02:25

And it can overcome a people. It's panela

01:02:27 --> 01:02:52

Hakeem added assets or laws, Mr. Cicilline by him who essentially with the truth I shall never accept anything from anybody after you until I leave this world. That's it. Once he heard that from the province I felt that was enough. He said I'm not taking anything from anybody than ever bucket door when he was the Khalifa he called Hakeem to give him a share of the war booty is his hack is his right, like the other two pages of the process, but he refused to accept anything.

01:02:54 --> 01:03:26

Out of the allow China angle, called him when he was the Khalifa to give him a share, but he refused. And on that side and we say all Muslims, I want you to witness that I offered Hakeem your share, and he refused to take it. So Hakeem never took anything from anybody after the Prophet sallallahu Sallam until he died. That was it. And again, this is next level, you know, but we should realize that this next level of udia is what makes the difference between a person crossing the Sirat

01:03:27 --> 01:03:31

like the blink of an eye and the person who's crossing like he's on a horse.

01:03:32 --> 01:03:37

And we shouldn't think that we're going to be of the next level until we get to the next level.

01:03:39 --> 01:04:22

There are going to be people who are standing on the piano and they're going to be in the shade that allows fans out improvising and others will be be in the sun and some of them will find that that perspiration up to their ankles and some up to their waist Gani. It's about what is done in this life. And so if you want to be from the foremost savvy cool and a savvy cool then there has to be suck and IT person has to push themselves for that in this life. Allahu Allah Mustafa and then we end with the command to ask only Allah subhana wa Tada. And this is covered in the book at the end of page 64. Where the author mentions four proofs. He says here that the texts indicate that we

01:04:22 --> 01:04:44

should ask from Allah Subhana Allah and not from the creative beings, Allah subhana wa tada says, for either for the phone submit a lead follow up so when you have finished anything from your occupation and those mundane things, then stand up for laws worship until your Lord alone turn

01:04:46 --> 01:05:00

with your prayers yeah and what he left what follows up and that is an indication what a lab beaker follows up that you should only see your that your Rothbart should be for Allah subhanaw taala alone in the past

01:05:00 --> 01:05:39

Some sensitive and I bet that's a lot of us and a lot of you asked asked from a loss friends either way, this time the first time and when you seek assistance seek that from Allah subhana wa Tada. And Ibrahim on Instagram said February when the law he or risk which we started with which is to do what? To seek your sustenance from a lot seek your sustenance from a lot securit sustenance. And he didn't say fabrics have always been in the LA seek your sustenance from Allah. He said what from Allah seek your sustenance they undertook Lima Barfi usually it will be the sauce, he will hustle, going to call it a bit of a risk in learning the law. He said, because when we let's just say when

01:05:39 --> 01:05:42

the there's a syntactical rearrangement,

01:05:43 --> 01:05:48

then it is indicative of exclusion. Yeah, whatever that means.

01:05:50 --> 01:05:51


01:05:52 --> 01:05:56

I know that just that's linguistic talent from shake honey for one

01:05:57 --> 01:06:16

adult and don't seek your risk from other than Allah. Yeah, I mean, that's, that's what it means. And don't seek your risk from other than Allah only seek your risk with Allah. And Allah Subhana. Allah says what Allah has been friendly and ask Allah from his grace, and from his bounty. The point of all of this acquire,

01:06:17 --> 01:06:28

brothers and sisters is just to, again, recognize panela I don't know of any other book, where this type of

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this type of attention is given to making sure that one is more conscious of his actions. Even even something as small as asking that we become conscious of what we're doing that we are, that we are more in tune with our hearts and making sure that they are attached to a loss of habitat. And this is just the beginning of this chat. By the way, this is only our first pages 61 through 64 we still have a ways to go. And we'll see each step of the way. inshallah, I'm hoping that each week and each step of the way, we start to draw closer to a loss pans out and realize that many of these things are very subtle acts that we could do to draw closer to loss fantatic and get rid of shore of the

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ship. Because we're not totally sure it has what branches just like a man has branches. And so we start to realize that that's a branch so we get that out of my life. Let me get this out of my life. And we're more conscious of that. We asked a lot of hands out of his two feet below. It was a lot of subtle robotic I don't have enough

Not Asking Allah

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