Tahir Wyatt – Dua For Breaking The Fast – Ramadan Duas on Repeat #03

Tahir Wyatt
AI: Summary © The importance of being aware of the prophets of Islam and the reward established in MAC is highlighted, along with the significance of the "will" of Islam and the reward it provides for actions. The speakers stress the importance of rewarding one's actions during the day to regain consciousness and regain consciousness for the fuller picture. The need for individuals to practice good behavior and avoid regret is emphasized, along with protecting one's fast from evil behavior. The holy war provides reward for actions and the need to remind oneself of the consequences of fasting and the importance of protecting one's health.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hungary Laos salatu salam ala Rasulillah we're back. Sometimes we think of dual eyes as a wishlist. Oh Allah give me this whole long Give me that. Allah save me from this or I seek refugee from that but many do eyes as we know them from the Quran and from the Sunnah of the Prophet ideas Salatu was Sadam are just humbling expressions

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devoid of any explicit ask of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. And the DUA that we're going to be learning today is of that time, in our model, the low tide and Huma reported that the prophets of Allah who it was son was say, upon breaking his fast, they have a vomit, what 10 Little oral whatever, it's a rule in sha Allah. So in this to add the prophesy, sunnah Miss saying, they have a vomit, the thirst is gone, gone, it's the thirst, what tell little oak that the veins have become moistened with Thaba tell Agito in sha Allah, and the reward is established in sha Allah. So you look at the components of this do and note that this is one of those do as that be in the lay, you're going to say every

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single day in the month of Ramadan. Now, this is not specific to Ramadan, it's for when you break your fat. So even after Ramadan, if you have to make up fast, so you're fasting six days of show while Are you fasting when you're out of or I should or whatever it is that you're fasting, this is the day that you want to make upon breaking your fast upon breaking your fast means after you've actually had some water or date or whatever it is that you're breaking your fast on, then you want to say this, some people make the mistake of saying that a woman will tell it to her or whatever it's allegedly in sha Allah, before they actually put anything in their mouths before they actually

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break their fast. So you want to say this after you've actually completed the fast and that you've actually broken the fast. So let's look at each one of these components of this Do they have a villa that the thirst is going Subhanallah when did the thirst go away? You were thirsty all day, maybe it was a hot day, it was one of those days where Subhanallah you had to do some some, you know intense labor or whatever it may be so you fast and you were thirsty. And the thirst was gone with a sip of water with just a little bit of water Subhanallah other times of the year is frustrating when you just have a little bit of this or a little bit of that. But after fasting, even that little bit, you

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know allows you to to be replenished and it shows you how perhaps in appreciative we are of the blessings of Allah subhana wa Tada it reminds us that we only need a little actually, you know to be satisfied. What turn little Little Rock that the veins have become moistened. Meaning that what you have put in your body now, not just that it quenches your thirst, but that you're actually nourishing re nourishing your body with the lights on after you've left off that food and drink for you know a significant portion of the day. Now, here's the part of the die that I really want you to pay attention to which is with habitat as you do in sha Allah, the reward is established in sha

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Allah with the will of Allah by the will of Allah, we're actually discouraged from saying in sha Allah into AI. So why is it that we're saying in sha Allah here, when we're saying that the reward is established, this is because no individual knows what their reward is for fasting, or if they even have a reward for fasting, maybe somebody did something during the day that would decrease diminish that reward, or perhaps even erase the entire reward of fasting. And that's what we need to be careful of. Now the reward for fasting is tremendous because Allah Subhana Allah says in the Hadith, and could see that every action that the son of Adam does is for himself and it will be

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rewarded 10 to 700 times over the last so for in the holy war NSCP except for fasting, fasting is for me, and I will reward for it. This is what Allah Subhana Allah says so the reward for fasting is tremendous. At the same time, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam warned us and he says in the Hadith manlam Yada Kola zoar Willamette Levy, for a sudden, he had its own a yerba atanga, who was shut up, whoever does not leave or false speech and evil actions. That is why he's fasting. Allah has no need for him to leave off his food and his drink. So look at what we're doing throughout the day. Are we saying

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evil things about people, are we doing things that are unbecoming of a Muslim? These are things that we think about, as we're saying this to how you go, now, you're breaking your fast, and you're saying thepotential edger the reward is established in sha Allah, because you really don't know. But you should be reminding yourself and it is a reminder for you at the end of your fast to make sure that you protect your fast from those things that will harm it. The Prophet it is Salatu was Salam also said a CMO Janina, they're fasting is a shield mallam, your critical as long as a person doesn't puncture that shield, and it will be a protection for him, your fasting should be a

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protection for you, you should get a great reward for it. And this do I that you're making, at the end of the day, as you're breaking your fast should be a reminder for you to be mindful during your fast that the final takeaway that I want to mention from this particular hadith is that it's an encouragement for us to strive in a bed. How so? Because right away, we're saying that a woman will tell it to look, sabotage vitellogenin, sha Allah, and in all of that day that you were fasting, the fatigue or the exhaustion that you may have faced, it's all going away in an instant. And subhanAllah that is the reality of every activity better that we do. Yeah, it may involve some

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difficulty while we're going through it. But the but it goes away, the difficulty goes away. And you think about it, if you may have in the past, face some difficulty. Do you remember that difficulty right now? Probably not, if you fast it last Monday or last Thursday. And now you know, you face some difficulty during their fast do you feel that difficulty right now? Absolutely not. The whatever acts of worship that we do whatever difficulty may be associated with that act of worship or whatever fatigue that we've gone through and performing that act of worship. It goes away almost in an instant, but the reward remains 111. The same is true for sins. Maybe a person enjoys the sin

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while they're committing it. But afterwards the regret that they feel the the fact that that sin has been written down and recorded and perhaps there's consequences in this life in the next for that sin. Was it really worth that very temporary enjoyment. Same thing. You know, when we talking about now this fatigue that a person goes through in the worship of Allah subhana, WA Tada, all of that fatigue goes away, but the reward is established in sha Allah and a person will see that reward when they take their book in their right hand, the left hand side and they say to everybody else on that day, how are Makara Octavia here, read my book. They have a Varma or two little oak, whatever agile

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insha Allah learned that to memorize it, make sure you say it every day when you break your fast and teach it to others. Like Alavi Comm, which is a common law.

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