Tahir Wyatt – 5 Keys to success #01

Tahir Wyatt
AI: Summary © The upcoming schedule for a workshop on Islam is a refreshment break, questions to ask, and the importance of protecting one's privacy. The speakers emphasize the benefits of studying the Prophet's teachings, praying outside during church events, avoiding harms, and investing in the stock market. The importance of hardship and embracing the church's values is emphasized, as individuals may not do well during the digital age.
AI: Transcript ©
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inspirational session before I go into the, for those who need an introduction to the shed, I want you to just go through the program today

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the program will start and we will have a moderate break from 520 to 6pm then the second session will be shut off from 6pm to 7pm. We'll have a break for Asia between seven 730 which will be followed by a refreshment break from 730.

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And the last and final session will be 745

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questions to ask a question when the opportunity asked that they should be specific to today's seminar.

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if you read each one of us is originally from Philadelphia, USA, and except in 1993 at the age of 16, after three successful and exemplary semesters at University studying graduates in mathematics, he was was granted a full scholarship to study at the prestigious Islamic University of Medina in Saudi Arabia

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Associate's Degree in the Arabic language in 1999, and his BA in science in Islamic Studies.

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In 2004, he received his first postgraduate degree in Islamic Studies, and in 2009, she was awarded a Master of Arts degree.

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In November 2012, she was appointed by the country as the third person to teach in English of province of a law

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in Medina. He then went on to earn his PhD at Islamic University of Medina. He received the highest classification of distinctions with a recommendation to publish his work

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Alhamdulillah my mother who want to stay in or who want to stop

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when I was a villa human Sharona fusino Satya Medina, Mayor de la Fernando de la oma you minute little fella hurry Allah, Masha Allah, Allah illallah wa the hula sharika was shadow Anna Mohammedan Abdullah, who was Rasulullah sallallahu ala a while early he was happy he was seldom at the Sleeman kathira inna Yama Deen and my bad Samarra como hacer la hora Cacho.

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We've got a long day to day.

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But let me just say this to start out with as

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Mujahid Rahim, Allah Allah to Allah said, He who is shy will not learn to stay late.

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So there are gonna be several questions that you are asked today.

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put some thought into the answers to those questions and work with me. Because it's going to be very important that you are a participant today we're going to have classes or a series of classes, not lectures, and I hope that that's understood that means that you have to participate. And if you're shy, you're not going to learn what I titled them in Muhtar Kent

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and also the one who is full of pride and ego is also not going to learn so if you think you know everything, are you sitting back like, you know, I already know everything that there is to know about Islam, you're not going to learn. You have to be somebody who has a degree of humility, and also a degree of courage in order to learn the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala The second thing is that it's never too late to learn. So don't think that because you've reached a certain age that you cannot learn or that you should not be studying the deen of Allah subhana wa Tada. Knowledge is a lifelong pursuit. So it does not matter how old you get

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in fact,

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How many of you have heard of the great scholar His name is Eben L. Josie, not even Kamal, Josie but even all Josie Have you ever heard it Raise your hand if you've heard him it'll Josie fight. Even though Josie did not start learning Kira acts which are the different modes of recitation of the Quran until he was 18 years old. And so I don't see anybody here that looks at

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the point is that no matter how old you get, there's still something that you can learn from the deen of Allah subhanahu wa Tada.

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Even hasm, who was a great scholar from the lahori madhhab.

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He didn't start studying Islam until he was 26 years old, which was considered to be old to start studying back then. And the reason is, and Allah Subhana Allah knows best This is the story that's narrated, is that he went into the masjid. And he sat down he was waiting for janessa and they told him stand up pray to rec x. The prophesies on him said will you come to the masjid don't sit down until you pray to records.

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So he stood up, he prayed to records. He went back to the masjid another time. It's close to solatube mother.

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And he started praying to records and the people in the message, start praying, start praying.

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And so he said, What is this? I come and I sit down.

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And they tell me stand up and pray to rakats I come and I pray tell me Stop, sit down. It's not a time for prayer. He says show me the house of the puppy. Is that * love? Okay. So he went there and he started studying the motto of Allah medic Rahim, Allah Tada. And the rest is history became one of the great scholars of Islam. So the point is that we do have to push ourselves in this pursuit of knowledge.

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The other point that I'd like to make before we get started today in shallow time,

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is just to recognize that this is a noble pursuit. That is the pursuit of learning more about a loss of habitat as Dean, you could be doing anything right now. And a lot of other people are doing other things. They're entertaining themselves. And in fact, the level of entertainment that exists in the world today is beyond anything I think imaginable. Especially for those who are you know, above the age of 30 for example, you look back to your own childhood. And what

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people do today was not something that we could envision back then the fact that you can walk around with entertainment in your hand constantly constantly doing what thinking about other than what you were created for.

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And that's what entertainment does, it takes you away and that's not to say that it's haram or anything like that because things that are done with a you know degree of moderation are okay.

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But it's just to recognize that we weren't created for that.

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And it is a great blessing from Allah subhana wa tada to guide you to a measureless or a city in which we are reminded of him Subhana who was at

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and this is from the forms of worship.

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And Eliza gel tells us in the Quran in the Hulk is similar to a lot of sealevel lately when the half that is the only

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Latina yes kurunegala have tm okuden Why did you do with him, we had to affect Corona. The Hulk is similar to a lot of NMF a lot about him and so behenic 14 As of now, and allows her to add, and it's to summarize what he's saying in these AI is that in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of night and day are Signs for people of understanding those who remember alone standing on their sides, or when sitting in on the sides laying down

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and they do what gets affected Corona v Hulk is similar to Allah they actually give thought this is a better way to think about the creation of the heavens and earth

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about Bana masala had about 11 Oh Allah, you did not create all of this for no purpose.

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You didn't create all of this in vain.

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Who is doing that? Now? Who thinks about the creation of the heavens and the earth? a llama Rahim Allah. So for those whom Allah Subhana Allah has mercy on because we're too busy doing nothing. I hate to say it like that. But that's the way it is. busy doing what you can ask a child. He's seven years old. Come do abs. I'm busy. I'm busy doing what planning

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fortnite and this is busy. So, the point is that it's a great blessing from Allah subhana wa Tada, you know, to guide us to want to learn his Deen.

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And today, they delight Allah, we're going to cover what we can

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from a monumental book that was written by one of the greatest contemporary scholars

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of the Rockman, the NASA the city, by him Mahalo to Allah.

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Who was the shape of many of the shakes, whom you probably have heard of, like sacred theming or hemo, lozada. He was his main shape

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and shake up with NASA, the city

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who died in 1373. I believe that's 1963 or something like that, or 53? I'm not sure.

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But he's contemporary nonetheless.

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The shape by him allowed to add was considered to be the second coming of event okay him if you will, he was one who focused on the heart.

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But he was extremely knowledgeable about fifth and solo and collided for tea and tafsir and athlete and multiple sciences in Islam.

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And one of the

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books that he's most famous for, is a poem. One of the books that's taught the most often is a poem that he wrote, that deals with Alcoa outfit here, which can be loosely translated as legal Maxim's or universal principles in Islam, which we'll talk about in a minute inshallah. The The point is, he starts off this poetry, and we're going to cover a different book that he did on kawhi. But I want to just deal with this poetry real quick because he's going to give us an introduction to what we're covering today.

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And he talks he begins by talking about the importance of knowledge. So he says, lm Hu, DITA en de La Nina, Elmo New Zealand shut khanqah done.

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We actually full hacker legal kulu we will use yellow lab, the Elon Musk movie. Here he says, No, may Allah guide you. May Allah guide you who DITA and of Dolan meaning that the best of all favors is knowledge. The best favor from a loss of data is knowledge. Use de Lucia khanqah done, what kind of knowledge knowledge that has certain characteristics. It is a knowledge that removes from you doubt,

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misconceptions, anything that falls under that term schuck.

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So the knowledge that you gain of the religion of Allah subhana wa tada should serve that purpose that it removes from you any doubts that you may have or misconceptions. It also removes a done, which is another word for filter impurities

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that are in the heart. And this is one of the primary objectives of the mission of our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he purifies us that he removes us removes any filth and impurity from the heart.

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And does anybody know? And I'm actually asking you a question. I don't want to answer it. I want you to answer it.

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The prophet Isaiah Salatu was Salam. His mission

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was summed up in the Quran

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in surah, Al Baqarah, I'm bringing it closely. Surrattsville, Bukhara in the death of one of the prophets. Does anybody know what that do? I was that tells us what the mission of Mohammed sallallahu wasallam was.

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You know, these lights I can't see too much so you might have to shake your hand not just waiting. I'm just raising

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The duality Ibrahim alone or somebody else's with him.

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And it's my man. Amen, sir. That's correct. And in that

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they said to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Whenever I see him or Suleiman whom, oh, Lord, send among them or send to them a messenger from among them yet so I lay him at reciting to them your verses. So this was the first

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objective of the Prophet it is selected was sent in is that he brings the revelation to

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To us the way that it was revealed to him that this is, this is something that we should be proud of as Muslims. There is no other Dean on the face of the earth that has revelation as it was revealed to their prophet.

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The Jews do not have a book that was revealed to Musa and it's with them today and adulterated even they don't even claim that

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the Christians do not have the Injeel they have an edgy and they have gospels, they don't have the gospel of Christ, at a cent they don't have that they have the Gospel according to Mark the Gospel according to Matthew the Gospel according to Luke, so on. So the reality is, is that the prophet Isaiah selects was sent in one of the main aspects of his mission was to bring us the revelation as it was revealed and then a loss of Hamlet to add it took responsibility for for preserving that and so we have the Koran today, as it was revealed to the Prophet at a select was silent and will lie that's a great

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it's, there's no ability whatsoever to be able to articulate that Nima from a loss of habitat. So that was the first part Yes, do I lay him is that is that he recites to them your science that is the Quran, where you are Lima, whom will keytab will hikma and he teaches them the book. And he teaches them the wisdom meaning the sun. But what's the difference between reciting the IRS and teaching them the book?

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Anybody you can scream it out.

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What's the difference?

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pile Exactly. So we have recitation and then teaching is actually the explanation of the Quran. So the prophet Isaiah is selected was Sam did not simply bring the book he also taught them the meanings of the Quran. And he taught them through his son Nadia selected the Sunnah while using key him and to purify them. This was part of the mission of the Prophet it is selected with Salim that will be purified. So here, the best of knowledge

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is that which removes doubt and it is that which purifies the hearts. We actually will have to live in kulu B and it also reveals the truth to those who have attentive hearts, where you will see the lab that Elon Musk movie and it takes the servants and the one who is seeking that knowledge to his destination.

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Then he says by him Allahu tada

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practice Allah for Amica lil kawaii, jammy atom Messiah, Alicia de de photographie fill in the hieromonk Chaka, what's up the fee su * muhfucka and this is going to explain to us why we're studying what we're studying today. With Elijah. He says Faris Allah Farmiga little collide. So be keen on understanding the collide collide. collide is the plural of Clyde

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in a car either is usually translated as a principle.

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But what it's referring to here

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is the khoy l kuliah. Alpha here, so we're dealing with the universal principles of physics, from which we are able to know rulings immediately.

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if anybody's made aamra before, raise your hand or a hijacker on meridian

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hamdulillah if you're making two off

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and during the two off,

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you forget how many times you've gone around, you know, maybe the five times or six times.

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What do you do? How many times do you count that you've actually made to off?

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Five times, five times. Okay, we're going to talk about why in a minute.

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If you pray the answer, which you just did, inshallah

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and then you left the question.

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And as you're walking, you get this little whisper in your mind that you said, Wait a minute.

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Did I pray three rockets? or four? runtimes?

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What do you do?

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May we need a mic? I need you to scream or something. Alright, like I said, we're not doing lectures tonight. We're doing we're having class.

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But what do you do? For three? What? How do you count it?

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We counted as three.

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We ignore it because why?

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Because it's sheck. Uh huh. Okay. Okay. So So wait a minute, wait a minute, let's do another one.

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You may will do

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and you're headed to the masjid.

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And then you start thinking, Wait a minute that I do my left foot or not?

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Was was okay. What, what's the what's the common thread between these three examples

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is, is that we have something that we're sure about. And then we have something that is doubtful.

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And so we have a principle in Islam. We're not going to cover it today. But we have a broad universal principle. And that is a Latino lie is Zulu Bishkek.

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certainty is not removed by doubt. So I'm certain. I'm certain that I went around the Kaaba five times.

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I'm not certain that I went around six times.

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And so I get rid of the doubt, which is the six. And I build upon up which is five.

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But now let's look at the second one. I prayed. And I'm done. The prayer. Being that I've done the prayer that means that I know I pray for recognize what's coming into my mind now is doubt about did I pray three a night, that doubt is usually from the shape line, which as you know, what we'll do is very common. And so as somebody said, it's Wes was, that was wasn't

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are those whispers that's doubt. So we leave that off, and we build upon what we know to be certain. All right. So this is this is known as a chi Ada fit here. And it's one of the larger ones, if you will, one of the major Chi this and we're not going to cover that today. But this is

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this is what the shape is talking about when he says faddis fan, Mika little Hawaii. Why? Because they are Jeremy tomasa in the show odd because they gather for you those issues which are normally scattered, and you'll see that as we go along inshallah so all of these issues are fixed that are all over the place. What collide helped me to do is bring them all together. So when you have when you know these principles, and you know these legal Maxim's, they're going to help you understand the beam better, and they're going to help you see that common thread. And a lot of times we don't study Islam like that, a lot of times we study issue by issue.

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And what callide allows you to do is to zoom out and see things a little differently. All right, so it's very important that you study it Jeremy is a messiah in the show at the photography fill in me hieromartyr Chaka and so you climb the ladder of knowledge in the best manner. What tuck toughie, sublethally, deca goofy car, and you follow the path of those who have been given allows tofield Danny from amongst the scholars, why is that because all of them have studied collide. And that's from the first things that they study, because it helps to give you that bird's eye view before you go diving in to different issues.

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And so the title was given, so we're going to cover with the lighter, we're going to cover five of these collide.

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So we're going to cover five of these collide. This evening, Mila and that is why the title was given this is that my title by the way, disclaimer. This is why the title five keys to success was given because it is these five kawhi the shallow talent that through understanding them will help you to grow and your understanding of the deen of Islam, which is a prerequisite for success. All right.

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One second.

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All right.

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All right. So the first key if you will, the first car that you're going to cover deals with

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benefit and detriment are what are known as El masala wolmar facet which we're going to as you see we'll cover in Sharla where's that mic? You got the mic type? Somebody who can read both Arabic and English

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we need them to read this force here okay

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you found somebody

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while I am in

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a shared a shared in layout mo Illa de mer masala had to harissa tuna Raja was in her Illa mmf said to Hardison Oh Raja, okay, read the English.

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stop there. All right. What does it mean when we say totally or predominantly beneficial?

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What does that even mean? Something that's totally beneficial or predominantly beneficial. What does that mean?

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scream out. Don't worry about it. Just scream out.

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Okay, totally beneficial means that it's essential.

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Now, that's not that's not it. Something that's totally beneficial means that there's absolutely no harm in it whatsoever. There's no harm, there's no difficulty.

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There's nothing in it that brings pain, it's totally beneficial. Predominantly beneficial means that this thing that Allah Subhana Allah commanded us with, okay, is beneficial.

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But it also has some harm in it. But the benefit of it outweighs the harm.

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Okay. But the benefit of it outweighs the harm. You want an example for that?

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You do? Okay. polygyny, which is often called polygamy.

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Which means the license for a man to have more than one wife?

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Is that totally beneficial? The men don't need to say anything, let the women answer that question. Okay, we already got the answer. So it's not totally beneficial.

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But there is a dominant benefit that the benefit of it outweighs the harm as a system. This is also something important to understand. And to me, these are the things that we need to be understanding when we study this principle here. And so long, we'll recap this at the end.

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That when we talk about what Allah Subhana, who wants Allah commands, or we talk about what he has prohibited,

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there may be something that you think is beneficial for you. And it's Haram.

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There may be something that you think is harmful for you, even though it's commanded. And so when we look at polygyny, as a system,

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the benefit of it outweighs the harm.

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What's the harm in having more than one wife

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and justice now, that's somebody that doesn't know what they're doing.

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So what's gonna happen is now you have there's gonna be days when you don't see your children when you're not a part of nurturing them and,

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and helping them grow and develop

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the same thing for you for your first wife or your second way, they're not going to see you all the time. That's part of the detriment and having more than one family. But the benefit outweighs that. Now, again, for a particular individual.

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The harm may outweigh the benefit for that particular individual and in his case, it would not be met modern behave wouldn't be something that is

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Command, nobody even be something legislative for him to do we talk about the inshallah. So Allah only commands that which is totally or predominantly beneficial, totally beneficial, Like what?

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Like what? And we're talking about in the eyes of the believers, by the way, like, what? Like salon salon is totally beneficial when we're talking about that because somebody's gonna say no, but it's very difficult to get up for fudger right, it stops my sleep. And so that's a harm and we'll deal with that. And Allah only forbids that which is a total it should say of total net totally, which is a takeaway the above and the law only forbids that which is totally or predominantly detrimental, any harmful.

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This guide

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that we're covering,

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it is built upon

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the appeal of Allison well, Gemma, and that is that a law as well legislates with Hickman

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that everything that Allah subhanho wa Taala has created or legislated that he has done so with wisdom Subhanahu wa tada and that is out of mercy for his creation and out of his kindness for mankind.

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And so Allah subhana wa tada has done everything everything that aligns with Joel has legislated has wisdom

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and this is known as many of the the acts of the Quran. In fact, even okay am Rahim Allah tada said about this particular principle, if there were 100 or 200 is in the Quran that indicated this, I would have mentioned them, he said but there are over 1000

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there are over 1000 places in the Quran that indicate this principle from them and I'll just give you one example so that we can see what I can feel ki saucy higher tune with a comb filter saucy hired by that I translators in capital punishment. There is life.

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So Allah subhana wa tada here is telling us what the hikma is, why is there capital punishment? What does capital punishment mean, by the way?

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The death sentence, right?

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Some people say other things that the point is the reason why we use the term capital punishment is so that we understand we're not talking about vigilante justice,

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or you know, know that there is a process. So if someone kills someone else, then they are subject to the death penalty and this thing,

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and they may be executed by the state

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and allows them Hamlet's Allah says the reason for that, is that in that there is life.

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So we're talking about taking the life of someone. And Allah Subhana Allah says, No, don't look at it like that. In that capital punishment, there is life. How so? Because the fact that somebody knows that by killing someone,

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they will be subject to themselves being killed. That in a lot of times in itself is a deterrent.

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And so it's a deterrent for society from doing that. As opposed to the societies where you kill someone and they do eight years in prison or something like that.

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It's a deterrent, a major deterrent, because the person knows that if they do that, then they themselves are also going to be executed most likely.

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The so that's life, that's life. The second way that it's life, is that what happens a lot of times if someone kills and you got to think, you know, when the revelation came down, this is a time when the world was very tribal.

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If someone kills someone from another tribe, then what happens?

00:34:36 --> 00:34:56

That tribe goes now and they want and they want revenge. So they kill somebody from that tribe, but that tribe gets upset with you. And then you start almost like a civil war. But if the person that actually committed the original crime is executed the many times that brings the satisfaction

00:34:57 --> 00:34:59

to the first party

00:35:00 --> 00:35:13

And then you don't have this, you know, constant war going on. Right? So here, Allah Subhana. Allah is explaining to us, you know some of the hikma behind the rules that He has given us.

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Here, we're going to look at the general meaning of this maximum, which or this principle, which was somewhat covered already, but we'll go over just a little bit more, all right. And that is, a law only commands that which is totally or predominantly beneficial, he only forbids that which is totally or predominantly detrimental. And this covers the entire shittier.

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It covers this principle is not just a fifth principle, by the way. It also covers aqidah there's nothing that Allah Subhana Allah has commanded us to believe, except that it is beneficial to us. There is nothing that Allah subhana wa tada has prevented us from believing

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except that it is detrimental to us.

00:36:15 --> 00:36:30

So if we look at number one, which says worship, by the way, there are four things written here, worship, commercial law, civil law and criminal law. Does anybody know where that comes from?

00:36:31 --> 00:36:34

That comes from the fact that,

00:36:35 --> 00:36:38

in general, is four categories.

00:36:39 --> 00:36:51

So as the scholars say, Robert, and the bad debt, so a quarter of 50, and it doesn't mean that it's 25%. It means that these are four categories.

00:36:53 --> 00:37:01

The first category is the bad debt. So it is that your worship of Allah subhana wa Tada. And so if you open up a fifth book,

00:37:02 --> 00:37:04

it's usually going to start with what?

00:37:07 --> 00:37:09

What, what aspect of worship

00:37:10 --> 00:37:25

Sahaba Why does it start with Tata? Because purification is a prerequisite for salah and salon is the most important ritual in Islam. It's the most important ritual in Islam.

00:37:26 --> 00:37:42

And when we talk about rituals, we're talking about worship. We're not talking about al Qaeda here, playing the dead is usually going to be followed. So you're going to have your siliding as a cat in cm and Hajj in jihad. And then after that, that is followed by

00:37:43 --> 00:37:57

ruber and Mama let, okay, so the category of mama lacks, which can be loosely translated as commercial law, this is dealing with your buying and selling, and everything that revolves around trade.

00:38:02 --> 00:38:18

And that's because the most important thing in your life is the worship of Allah subhana wa Tada. And then the first thing that in general you're going to do that is outside of worship is by itself. You know why? Because you need to do something to stay alive, you know what it is,

00:38:19 --> 00:38:25

you need to eat, and you need to drink. And most of the time, the only way you eat and drink is through what?

00:38:26 --> 00:38:30

through trade. There's some type of tree. And so you have to learn

00:38:32 --> 00:38:40

those rules of trade. And so that's the second part that you cover. And the third is what they call it Uber and monaka hat.

00:38:41 --> 00:38:52

So loosely, you can translate that as marriage and divorce, everything that relates to civil law, so your marriage, divorce, custody of the children and so forth.

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And then that's fine. That's followed by Aruba, LG net, which covers criminal love. Alright, so this is most book of fits most books are going to be broken down into those four categories. This principle that we're covering, which is that Allah subhana wa tada does not command us to do anything

00:39:19 --> 00:39:26

except that it is totally beneficial or predominantly beneficial covers all of this. It covers all of us.

00:39:28 --> 00:39:31

So if we look at for example, a salon

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we say that salon is totally beneficial.

00:39:38 --> 00:39:43

Correct? Why is that? Is because that salon

00:39:44 --> 00:39:49

is what builds the connection between you and Allah subhanahu wa tada

00:39:51 --> 00:39:55

and it's the most important connection that you have with the laws of Hamlet tada

00:39:57 --> 00:39:59

and it is the best form of the bed the purpose of life.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:02

With some said, who will a bed

00:40:04 --> 00:40:10

do i is the worship and salon is built upon, sorta Telfair to her.

00:40:12 --> 00:40:16

And sort of, sort of 30 has, is drawn.

00:40:18 --> 00:40:21

And so we see that very important for us to understand this.

00:40:23 --> 00:40:54

That salad is of total benefit. Now, we'll talk a little bit later. Meaning that just put it in the back of your head and just say, Well, sometimes I find difficulty with salad and praying five times a day can be difficult, especially if I'm working. We're going to cover that in a little bit in shallow type commercial law. There is nothing that allows the camera to add has prohibited except that it's beneficial, except that it is detrimental and harmful. Like, let's look at one of the main rules in commercial law.

00:40:57 --> 00:41:12

What a * Allahu Allah obey wahaca mareeba. Allah Subhana Allah has made trade permissible. And he has made rabbet interest haram

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00:41:16 --> 00:41:20

now, I don't know how it works here in Dubai.

00:41:22 --> 00:41:31

But in the West, it's very difficult for a person to purchase a home without getting a mortgage.

00:41:32 --> 00:41:39

And those mortgages, if it's a commercial mortgage is going to be based on rabbet.

00:41:40 --> 00:41:42

And so somebody comes and says

00:41:44 --> 00:41:48

How can rabbet behera?

00:41:49 --> 00:41:52

If that's the only way that I can own a house?

00:41:58 --> 00:41:58

What's the answer?

00:42:03 --> 00:42:03


00:42:05 --> 00:42:06

Don't purchase.

00:42:07 --> 00:42:14

Okay, so the guy saying wait a minute, you telling me don't purchase I'm paying $2,000 a month for

00:42:15 --> 00:42:20

for rent. And after 30 years, I'm still I'm still not gonna own anything.

00:42:21 --> 00:42:26

And I can pay less I can pay 15 $100 a month and then after 30 years I own something.

00:42:30 --> 00:42:30


00:42:32 --> 00:42:33

It's only bad for you.

00:42:34 --> 00:42:36

But the answer is very simple.

00:42:39 --> 00:42:40

Don't put your intellect

00:42:42 --> 00:42:44

over the DEA.

00:42:47 --> 00:42:54

Subhana Allah, Allah azza wa jal woma cannot buka nesea. Your Lord was not forgetful.

00:42:55 --> 00:43:23

And part of this kind that is to understand that Allah is Aileen, and that Allah subhana wa tada is Hakeem. And there's nothing that he has prohibited, except that it's detrimental, even if you see some benefit in it. So let's take a step back. And remember what I told you earlier, don't look at what it is for you look at what it means for society as a whole.

00:43:25 --> 00:43:32

In general, who was it that benefits from Rebellion? Is it rich people or poor people?

00:43:33 --> 00:43:44

The rich people, if you're poor, you don't have anything to loan anybody. So you're not going to get any rabbet you're not going to benefit from rabbet you're going to be harmed by time when you look at society as a whole.

00:43:46 --> 00:43:54

Are the majority of the people wealthy, or the majority of the people, let's say middle class and under

00:43:56 --> 00:43:58

no class and under no doubt about it.

00:43:59 --> 00:44:08

Okay, in the West, they have that concept, the 1%, right? Who are the 1% those are the very wealthy, and then you have everybody else. Okay?

00:44:10 --> 00:44:16

The 1% even when there is recessions and depressions and all types of stuff, they always make out

00:44:17 --> 00:44:20

because they're gonna be credit, they're gonna do predatory lending.

00:44:22 --> 00:44:33

You're in a tight spot. You need money in order to accomplish some of your just, you know, regular routine things. So they're going to lend you that money.

00:44:34 --> 00:44:40

Let's just say they're going to get 10% back 20% back, even if it's 5% 3%.

00:44:41 --> 00:44:48

And so here, here's $100,000, but you need to pay me back 103,000 110,000 or whatever it may be.

00:44:49 --> 00:44:51

How are they benefiting?

00:44:52 --> 00:44:55

They're benefiting simply because they have

00:44:56 --> 00:44:59

because they have money. They're gonna make money off of the sweat.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:03

Poor people last panel data

00:45:04 --> 00:45:06

does not want that for his servants

00:45:07 --> 00:45:20

for her Rama rebel, so he made rebel harangue, because it's a system that's detrimental to society as a whole, even if it benefits and individual here are there.

00:45:23 --> 00:45:30

And by the way, I'm not here with talking in general. So I don't want anybody to get confused.

00:45:32 --> 00:45:40

Some people may have a particular password on the side, you have some people who come and they say, Listen, I'm married, I have nine children.

00:45:41 --> 00:45:56

Nobody will rent to me, which is, which is real that that does happen. I'm not saying here, but I'm saying in the West, that does happen, nobody will rent to me, I have nine children. I have no other solution except to purchase a home.

00:45:57 --> 00:46:09

I can't find an Islamic mortgage, there is no other alternative. Okay, that's a totally different situation that comes under a different principle that we'll cover later, which is a doodle right? To be homemade. Alright, that

00:46:12 --> 00:46:15

necessity removes restriction.

00:46:16 --> 00:47:02

So we'll cover that later in shallow ties. So that's commercial law. So again, what we see is that a last pantalla, prohibited rabbet. But that prohibition was for what is for the benefit of society as a whole because that system is detrimental. Even if there is a benefit to this person or that person, clear type civil law. We look at child custody, for example, a judge is always going to look at what is most beneficial, what is most beneficial for the child, because this is what has been commanded by Islam. When we look at criminal law, we talked about welcome silky, saucy Hayato. for you in capital punishment, there is higher there is life, another word and these are just, you know,

00:47:02 --> 00:47:28

examples of some of the things that come under these categories. When we look at the the issue of al Qaeda, for example, the the primary objective of the dour of all of the messengers was to call the people to the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala alone, to single him out as the sole object of worship, which is called what

00:47:29 --> 00:47:39

to hate, just call it to hate. So he is purely beneficial, partly beneficial, what do you think?

00:47:40 --> 00:47:44

purely beneficial, you know, and Allah Subhana Allah

00:47:45 --> 00:47:52

gives us an example in the Quran. Allah as we go says below Motherland, Raja lymphie, Shoraka and matuszewski So

00:47:53 --> 00:48:07

what did you learn Solomon the Raja Ling Han yester de Anima. Sana Kula Al Hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah balletto. La Yeah, the moon so Allah gives us this example of a man whose own Yeah, and he's asleep.

00:48:09 --> 00:48:16

He's owned by partners who are at odds they're not seeing eye to eye This one is telling him to do this. The other one's telling him to do the opposite.

00:48:17 --> 00:48:19

And they're all his masters.

00:48:20 --> 00:48:33

Okay, what are jhulan sedimentological and then a man who is exclusively owned by one master, are they equal in status of hamdulillah all praises to

00:48:36 --> 00:48:38

the one who has multiple

00:48:39 --> 00:48:45

idols that he worships. Now, when we say idols, don't think about a tree or a stone.

00:48:47 --> 00:49:14

Think about your desire to please other than Allah subhana wa Tada, that's an idol that dwells in the heart. If you aim to please someone, at the expense of displeasing a loss of habitat, in other words, at allies ojos expense, you are prepared to make someone else happy. Even if it means you're doing something wrong, that's an idol that you have in your heart that has to be broken.

00:49:15 --> 00:49:26

Because now, you are not looking solely to Allah subhana wa Taala as your object of worship as the one you want to please. And so what happens is the heart becomes scattered.

00:49:28 --> 00:49:30

And the heart that scattered is a weak heart.

00:49:32 --> 00:49:35

In the heart, that desires only allies there

00:49:37 --> 00:49:38

is a strong heart

00:49:40 --> 00:49:59

and it leads to a person being whole and it leads to true happiness. And this is why an Imam may have been NASA the city who were covering his collide now. This is why he says woman out of me for about ed i need to heat and the who you have really loved American Mcluckie. What time

00:50:00 --> 00:50:03

Look at him, while holding him Raja him while I'm on the edge.

00:50:05 --> 00:50:17

That from the greatest benefits of tawheed and from its virtues, is that it frees a person from bondage to the creation

00:50:20 --> 00:50:28

and being attached to the creation and fearing them and hoping in them and doing what you do because of them.

00:50:30 --> 00:50:32

It frees you from all of that.

00:50:33 --> 00:50:38

Because why because you're a slave of Allah hands out alone. You worship Him alone.

00:50:39 --> 00:51:14

Well, that he could shut off will alley will HIS WILL happy and that is the highest form of nobility. And that is true honor to be a servant of Allah subhana wa Tada. This is why Yusuf Ali salatu salam when he was in prison, and those men came to him asking him to interpret their dreams. He started off by calling them to to heat our bathroom with a phallic una mln weidel kaha having these scattered lords, Is this better for you? Or is Allah the one? The compeller subhanho wa Taala play?

00:51:19 --> 00:51:22

Okay, so we have these principles.

00:51:23 --> 00:51:29

And these principles, each one of them, we're going to cover evidence and examples for these principles and shallow data.

00:51:33 --> 00:51:59

I know that we were supposed to break at 520 Is that still the case? Five minutes, inshallah. All right, so we'll try to get through some of the evidence for this card. And by the way, all of the kawhia that we're going to cover today are agreed upon by the scholars, they are all held at Mac, there is no difference amongst the scholars about these principles in general. Some of the examples under the principles,

00:52:00 --> 00:52:19

there may be differences of opinion, but in terms of the principle itself, there's absolutely no difference of opinion. But we're still going to cover some of the evidence surrounding these principles in the light data. So the first of them is the statement of a loss of Hannah who was added in the law hat, yet Model B likely will So anyway, he turned it back

00:52:20 --> 00:52:27

on her and in fact, she will monkey will buddy come Laila come to the Kuru. And so Allah Subhana Allah

00:52:29 --> 00:52:35

says in these or in this I surely Allah commands look at what Allah commands, Justice

00:52:37 --> 00:53:20

pure benefit, benevolence benefit in generosity towards relatives. So, these are these are things that Allah subhanaw taala commands and they are either totally beneficial or predominantly beneficial. he forbids what he forbids and morality and sin and oppression. And these things are detrimental and harmful to people. He warns you Yeah, they'll come Lang the come to the Kuru, so that you may take heed. And so Allah subhanaw taala is teaching us here, that what He commands us to do is beneficial. And what he prohibits us from is detrimental. Like

00:53:29 --> 00:53:46

likewise, and we'll go through these quickly in Sharla. Eliza Joe says Alenia tibial nada Sula, Nabeel MI, la de dooda, who mature and endo unfit sorachi soldati will injure those who follow the messenger the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel, which is with them in their possession.

00:53:48 --> 00:54:22

Yet mortal home bill Murphy and hammelmann in munkar, he commands them to do what is model what is right and what is good when hair home and a moon cup, and he prohibits them from that which is evil, that which is wrong. Well, you hidden Lula home with a bet. He makes the good things lawful for them? Well, you heard him I lay him on eBay. And he prohibits them from those things that are hobbies, those things that are filthy and unlawful.

00:54:26 --> 00:54:40

He laughs Well, I The point is here that everything that the Prophet is selected was Salam commanded with his motto, it is good. And that which he prohibited us from his evil, it's mooncup. By

00:54:41 --> 00:54:42


00:54:43 --> 00:55:00

one of the issues that comes up is if we look at the categories, we talked about something that is totally beneficial. I still have three minutes, right. Something that is totally beneficial. We just get through this slide and then our staff inshallah, we have things that are

00:55:00 --> 00:55:27

Totally beneficial and things that are predominantly beneficial things that are totally evil and then those things which are predominantly harmful. And so the proofs, their proofs are that in the Quran, Allah Subhana Allah says, we as a Luna can and will humbly will may see Kulfi he Hema is moon Kabir, woman, if you will in s, what is muma at borromini Hema, pi

00:55:28 --> 00:55:34

comma, or intoxicants, alcoholic drinks have been prohibited for us.

00:55:35 --> 00:55:39

Raise your hand if you think that alcohol has benefit.

00:55:42 --> 00:55:46

Everybody should have their hand up because Allah told us in the Quran, that this benefit

00:55:48 --> 00:56:05

is benefiting alcoholic drinks. It does not mean you should go out and sit and have a drink after the session. It means that Allah Subhana Allah is clearly saying here that there's a benefit for people. What's the benefit? Well, tell me. What's the benefit? alcoholic drink? Yes.

00:56:07 --> 00:56:08


00:56:12 --> 00:56:15

it's good for the heart. Let's hope that

00:56:18 --> 00:56:32

they're actually study, a recent study came out that said that is there isn't an even though I do know what you're talking about. There's some studies that say that a moderate amount, if you will. But even that, I don't believe that. Now, yes.

00:56:35 --> 00:56:41

It gives you a temporary uplift a low atom maybe gives you a temporary, make you forget your problems.

00:56:42 --> 00:56:45

100 that's a great thing. As

00:56:47 --> 00:57:09

medical why it has many benefits. If you sell it, you're gonna make some good money. And you can ask the people in England who own bars and pubs and these types of things. There's a benefit monetarily and perhaps I don't know if there's any medical benefits alone. But the point is that there's some benefit. Is there a benefit to gambling? If you win there is if you lose, there's not.

00:57:11 --> 00:57:16

So there's a benefit. But alas, fans out it says confy he meant it's meant to be this great synonym

00:57:17 --> 00:57:21

woman airfuel in NES and both of them there are some benefits to people.

00:57:22 --> 00:57:48

What is mu max bottlemen Neff ri man, but the sin that is in them is greater than the benefit. So what do we get from that if the sin is greater than the benefit? If the evil outweighs the harm then what do we get? Then that thing is haram. It is prohibited in Islam. So we're going to stop there and shallow Tanna and we're going to pick up after select some of them and I'll pick up the pace as well.

00:57:49 --> 00:58:09

And it'll be a bit more interactive when we come back because there's going to be a series of questions inshallah. The point is that you gain as much as you can, and getting that broad picture of Islam and understanding the wisdom of Allah subhana wa tada in his Sharia law, who tada item was, hello sonowal bodek Vina Mohammed

00:58:20 --> 00:58:21


00:58:24 --> 00:58:25

Back here at 6pm.

00:58:30 --> 00:58:55

Only Salima shadow Anna Mohammedan at the Hoover Sula, who buys a hula hula Tell me a llama salad suddenly was a vertical no man no venum hammered. While early. He was so happy he Germaine a mermaid. So we're covering right now. The fact that there are certain things in Islam there are certain things period that combine between both

00:58:57 --> 00:59:49

the harm and benefit. there's pros and cons there's benefit and there's detriment. How do we handle that in Islam? what we've said is that if the good of it outweighs the evil than it is legislated in its name, and if the harm outweighs the benefit, then it is not permissible than it has been forbidden. The first of those proofs is the sort of Baccarat that talks about alcoholic drinks and gambling. And now we're going to cover the hadith of Asia about the Allahu Tana and her who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to her Lola Hadassah to economica will cover Lana cotton Kava wala JAL to her sassy Ibrahim. She said have you people not recently accepted Islam.

00:59:50 --> 00:59:52

I would have demolished the Kaaba

00:59:53 --> 00:59:56

by the tablet What shape is the Kaaba?

00:59:58 --> 00:59:59

It's a cube

01:00:00 --> 01:00:00


01:00:01 --> 01:00:20

However, that's not the way that those are not the foundations of Ebrahim that it was in a cube shape and so if you look on the on the Shammi side of the cabinet, the north side of the cabinet, you see that there's a semicircle right? And they call it what

01:00:22 --> 01:00:22


01:00:24 --> 01:00:24


01:00:26 --> 01:00:52

his smile right in the in the back part that's actually part of the camera. So the Prophet idea slides was sitting was telling a shuttle the alarm Turner in her head it not been for the fact that your people Nicola ish. Were have recently accepted Islam. I would have destroyed the cabinet. And he raised it and then built it back upon the foundations of Ibrahim that were laid by him.

01:00:53 --> 01:01:36

Because when Christ built the cabin, they reduced the area and I would have also put a door at the rear the prophet Isaiah select was Sadam says so here what we have is what there's some something that's good, and then there's something that's bad. The good thing is that the Kaaba be rebuilt the way that it was built upon the foundations of Ibrahim, but the bad thing is that if the Prophet sallallahu wasallam did that he feared that Quraysh would have a problem with it, because of the status of the Kaaba, and so they would have looked at that as being something absolutely crazy. And we're talking about the very beginning of the Prophet it is selected with synonyms dalla.

01:01:37 --> 01:02:11

So we're not talking about people having been Muslim for any long period of time. And therefore, the prophet Isaiah select was synonym is showing us here the importance of weighing the difficulty detriment and the benefit in all situations. And this is why an amendment No, we're not allowed to either. In explaining this Hadith, he says he that's out of the 10, Masada, old out of the Muslim Latin America with a little Jimmy Bain, a fitter than Musleh hottie we're talking about the Buddha.

01:02:12 --> 01:02:21

So here we have some type of discrepancy. And we're not able to combine between the harm and the benefit.

01:02:22 --> 01:02:49

Then we look at which is more important, which one is going to outweigh the other. All right, so we have these general rules here. That is that everything that a lot of commands is beneficial, either totally, or predominantly, and everything that a lot stands out It prohibits is harmful, either totally. Or predominantly. Now we want to look at some examples of this. From the life of the Prophet alayhi salatu was Salam

01:02:53 --> 01:02:56

I wish we had somebody who could read anybody

01:02:58 --> 01:03:03

can we just give the mic to like one person who will take care of the reading for us?

01:03:06 --> 01:03:08

Is my shake is my on

01:03:12 --> 01:03:44

fire. That's a good excuse. It's a good excuse. He's wearing glasses Mashallah smart people wear glasses alone. Fine. All right. I'll read for now, but we got to get somebody else later so that I can save some of this voice inshallah. All right. Jab it all the Allahu Tada. No. He says that we were in a battle for kesaji lumen and mahadji Nina Rahman and Saul. In other words, he kicked him cast that means he kicked him in his rear end.

01:03:45 --> 01:03:47

So now you can imagine this is a

01:03:48 --> 01:03:51

this that's going to start a fight.

01:03:52 --> 01:04:15

And so what happened is and this is a has been omitted from the story. What happened is that the one from the inside he said, he said, Yeah, lol answer, and he's calling the answer to come to his support and the mohajirs calling the rest of the Mohajer Dean to come to his support. What was the difference between imagining outside By the way,

01:04:17 --> 01:04:35

the mahadji Deena are the ones that made him realize so they accepted this ama Mecca. And then they made his euro to Medina, and the answer with the Muslims of Medina who welcomed the Prophet alayhi salatu salam and the Maha God and who came prior to him time. And so what happened was

01:04:36 --> 01:04:59

now, some of the answer, some of the people of Medina were actually not Muslims. They weren't inside. They were pretending to be Muslim, and they are called whiteness. LYNN MURPHY Kuhn. And the rods are the head, the head of the hypocrites

01:05:00 --> 01:05:03

Was Abdullah bin obey in saloon

01:05:04 --> 01:05:14

and so what he said was now mind you they're all out at battle. He said when we get back to Medina Legion and as Minghella Adel

01:05:15 --> 01:05:24

the honorable from amongst us are going to kick out the dishonorable. So who is he talking about? He's saying we're gonna kick them

01:05:26 --> 01:05:34

out of Medina, we're gonna show them who's boss. And so a lot of the Allahu tida and who he was upset.

01:05:35 --> 01:05:57

And mind you have to live in batemans saloon. He was the one who also lied against it shut off the low tide and he's one of the people who was involved in the story of the effect and saying that I should have the low tide and had committed adultery. He was a he was evil. And again, he was the head of the of the hypocrites. And so I'm about to learn one who said yeah, rasulillah

01:05:58 --> 01:06:16

Danny albery ohnaka head and Monique. Let me decapitate him, let me take his head off. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that who led to had the Xs and now Mohammed and he actually does have a Who? He said even

01:06:17 --> 01:06:31

the people should not say that Mohammed kills his companions. Let us let this sink in here. What is the Messiah here? What What is the benefit?

01:06:32 --> 01:06:33

Somebody screaming out?

01:06:36 --> 01:06:39

Well, okay, we don't just killing people is not a benefit.

01:06:40 --> 01:06:56

But But what what are we saying here? that his harm, he will no longer be able to harm, harm the Muslims, because he was he brought a lot of trouble to the Muslims to the oma and getting rid of that harm is a Muslim.

01:06:57 --> 01:07:05

But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam looked at something else. And that is that at this stage of Islam,

01:07:07 --> 01:07:10

the people from the outside looking in

01:07:11 --> 01:07:19

they looking at them all as Muslims, they're not looking at Oh, these hypocrites in Israel Muslims and no, they just all Muslim.

01:07:21 --> 01:07:36

And if something like that was the happen and be sanctioned by the prophet, it is Salatu was salam to people would begin to say that Mohammed kills his campaigns. And then what's that going to do? That's going to stop people from accepting Islam.

01:07:38 --> 01:08:02

And yeah, one brothers and sisters in Islam, be careful about the actions that you do. Because if what you do, stops, people from entering into this thing, you can talk all the talk you want. And you can say how beautiful Islam is, and you can, but if you don't walk the walk, if what you do is, in fact, something that pushes people away from the deen then you will be sharing in that sin.

01:08:03 --> 01:08:24

And so the prophets alive is something not want that to happen. His mission, he was a mercy to mankind, he didn't want people to leave, or not come into the religion of Allah Subhana tada and accept that mercy. He didn't want that. Because people will be saying that Mohammed killed his campaign. So we see how this, this idea of weighing the pros and the cons comes into play.

01:08:27 --> 01:08:27


01:08:36 --> 01:08:54

there's no doubt about it, no doubt about it. But there were later things that come on down the line when its name became strong, and people could could distinguish, they could distinguish that this person was executed because he killed somebody, for example, and people are able to distinguish they don't fight NSL the low tide and who narrated that a better one

01:08:55 --> 01:08:57

came and urinated in the machine.

01:08:59 --> 01:08:59

All right.

01:09:00 --> 01:09:04

So some of the companions stood up.

01:09:05 --> 01:09:08

And now, if you think about it,

01:09:09 --> 01:09:28

we hold the messenger to be the best place on Earth, the most sacred place, it's sanctified, it's supposed to be pure. And you can just imagine if this was a mansion, and somebody came over there, and he started urinating, I'd imagine that quite a few people would get up to try to take care of that.

01:09:30 --> 01:09:34

Right? The Prophet alayhi wa sallam told the companions

01:09:35 --> 01:09:37

that who will actually remove

01:09:38 --> 01:09:42

leave them, don't interrupt him. Fire

01:09:44 --> 01:09:47

what would be the benefit of them interrupting him?

01:09:50 --> 01:09:51


01:09:52 --> 01:09:58

We're gonna we're gonna we need to stop him from soiling the message right?

01:10:00 --> 01:10:05

But the Prophet sallallaahu Selim, say, leave him and don't interrupt him, you know why, where's the benefit?

01:10:07 --> 01:10:22

The benefit is that normally, if by the time they get to them and they try to move them, the urine is not going to be in one spot now. It's going to be all over the place. Because this one is gonna grab them from this way, and this one's gonna grab them that way, then it's gonna

01:10:24 --> 01:10:26

go all over the place. Right?

01:10:27 --> 01:10:38

And so the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, let him be. Now there's a benefit to the man as well because obviously if he stops midway, that's going to be detrimental.

01:10:40 --> 01:11:01

And then just look at the character of the prophet Isaiah Salatu was Salam and dealing with this man, to the point then, afterwards, the man may die and he said, as it comes in the narration of Bukhari, he said, Allahu Mohammed, Mohammed and voila, our hammer Anna had our law Have mercy on me and Mohammed and don't have mercy on them other people

01:11:02 --> 01:11:43

have mercy on anybody else. Just me and Mohammed and the province of light, it was something that had jumped up. Well, I see you've restricted something that is very expansive, meaning the mercy of Allah subhana wa Tada, it's, there's enough to go around. And so here again, what we have is the Prophet sallallahu wasallam weighing the pros and the cons, yes, we may be able to stop him from you know, soiling the master teach him a lesson, we teach everybody that comes after him a lesson, right? But that doesn't take precedence over just leaving it in at one place. And then the privacy, some call for a bucket of water, and poured it over the, the you're not tired. So let's just review

01:11:43 --> 01:11:49

this principle, and then we're going to move on inshallah, there are some things we do need to cover here.

01:11:50 --> 01:12:00

So, in review, we have categories of the commanded and prohibited number one, we have things that are of pure benefit, like what

01:12:02 --> 01:12:12

like, so heat, like salaat, like the care, and all of these things are things that Allah Subhana Allah has commanded us to do.

01:12:14 --> 01:12:23

And because he commanded them, then we know that Allah subhanho wa Taala loves them. And we know that there is a great benefit in them.

01:12:24 --> 01:12:27

We may know that benefit.

01:12:28 --> 01:12:32

And we may not know the benefit, and that's very important for us to understand.

01:12:33 --> 01:12:44

We may know the benefit, and we may not know the benefit. I'll give you example. How many of you have dogs don't raise your hand if you do. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

01:12:45 --> 01:12:48

said that whoever keeps a calendar

01:12:49 --> 01:12:53

whoever keeps and nurtures adult except for

01:12:54 --> 01:13:07

a hunting dog will kill bizarre which is the the dogs that they use for agriculture to you know, keep away unwanted things. So like you can say a guard dog if you will.

01:13:09 --> 01:13:25

And some of them mentioned as well the blind the the seeing dogs, whoever keeps a dog for other than those reasons that he loses an edge Azure every day. A mountain worth of has a net

01:13:26 --> 01:13:34

tie. Somebody comes in now says Well, why what's wrong with dogs? I don't understand it. And because I don't understand it.

01:13:35 --> 01:13:39

Then what? I'm gonna do what I want to do that is not Islam.

01:13:40 --> 01:13:52

That's not a slam. Eliza Joe says yeah, Latina eminonu Hulu facil me Kapha Oh, you will believe enter into Islam in totality, meaning Submit.

01:13:53 --> 01:13:58

Because what is your intellect

01:13:59 --> 01:14:08

compared to the Sharia in the decree? And the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala will lie as parents

01:14:09 --> 01:14:10

as parents,

01:14:11 --> 01:14:15

if you tell your child come here,

01:14:16 --> 01:14:18

tell you what's the command.

01:14:19 --> 01:14:20

Come here.

01:14:21 --> 01:14:31

And your child is doing something else. They feel like whatever it is that you're about to ask them to do is not as important as what they're doing. So your child says to you, why?

01:14:32 --> 01:14:33

How do you feel as a parent?

01:14:35 --> 01:14:37

You say, Hey, come here. say why

01:14:38 --> 01:14:40

that's problematic, isn't it?

01:14:41 --> 01:14:49

And none of no parent is going to accept that from a child. Even though you're both human beings and your child has a brain and and so do you.

01:14:51 --> 01:14:54

Why do we feel like it's okay for us?

01:14:55 --> 01:14:59

To say why to a loss of habitat, allies with job commands

01:15:00 --> 01:15:20

With something and then we say, Well, I don't understand why. So therefore, I'm not going to do it. Let what we have to understand number one is allies are jealous li li he is Al Hakim, everything that he has legislated for us. There's wisdom behind it, number one, number two.

01:15:21 --> 01:15:22

Number two is

01:15:23 --> 01:15:29

if he blesses you with understanding that wisdom Alhamdulillah If not, then maybe you need to do a little bit more research.

01:15:30 --> 01:15:46

And if you still don't understand, you're a Muslim. And so you accept what Allah Subhana Allah commanded you with because you also know that not only is he el Hakim, but he is a bomb. Or Rahim subhana wa Tada. He's the benevolent and he's merciful. And he's beneficence.

01:15:47 --> 01:15:52

And that he only commanded you to do it because there is a Muslim for you.

01:15:53 --> 01:16:12

And he only prohibits you from doing certain things because there is a left sided because there is harmony. If we understand that, it makes it a lot easier to accept. What Allah subhana wa tada has commanded us with now, just back in August, and you can look it up. I'm sure you probably will. Soon as the next break that we have, you'll be googling it.

01:16:14 --> 01:16:22

Back in August, not right now, please wait until seven o'clock. Back in August, there was a man who, whose dog licked him.

01:16:24 --> 01:16:36

He lost because of the bacteria. It created some type of infection, he lost some of his limbs and it created all types of problems on his face. And he's not the only case that's like that.

01:16:38 --> 01:16:38

All because

01:16:40 --> 01:16:42

of man's best friend, as they say.

01:16:43 --> 01:16:53

Any other scenarios I mean, there are other reasons that's that's not the reason but the point is that Allah Subhana Allah is Hakeem and he has also been and Rahim subhana wa tada

01:16:55 --> 01:17:02

pure benefit number two, that which is of preponderant benefit, or predominantly beneficial.

01:17:03 --> 01:17:55

Number three, those things which are purely detrimental. And number four are those things which are predominantly detrimental even though they may have some benefit, like we mentioned, alcoholic drinks, and gambling. That being said, one of the things that we benefit from this particular principle is that everything that is predominantly been beneficial is sanctioned in Islam. It may be an obligation, that obligation may be a communal obligation, or it may be an obligation on each and every individual, or maybe something this was the head. So from this, and this is one of the things that acidity, Rahim Allah, Allah mentions in his book, and the scholars followed him and that is

01:17:55 --> 01:18:06

that all of the beneficial sciences like medicine, and engineering, aerospace, engineering, plumbing, even

01:18:08 --> 01:18:11

learning how to be an electrician, a tailor.

01:18:12 --> 01:18:16

All of these things are from Islam.

01:18:17 --> 01:18:25

And they are sanctioned by the Sharia. And in fact, the scholars considered them to be a fuddled cafe.

01:18:26 --> 01:18:30

That is, it is a communal obligation.

01:18:31 --> 01:18:56

Everybody has a role to play to advance Islam. And I think that that's very important for us to understand because a lot of times, we downplay the skill set of other Muslims. So if you're a doctor, you look down on the engineer, if you're an engineer, you look down on the plumber. If you're a scholar, you look down on everybody.

01:18:58 --> 01:19:12

This is or or you want people to look up to you, whatever, whichever way you want to. But the idea is that everybody has a role to play. And if everybody only did one thing,

01:19:13 --> 01:19:17

then chances are as an oma, we will be sinful.

01:19:19 --> 01:20:00

So these things, these these areas, these sciences are a farrokh keyfile. Somebody from the oma the immediate oma has to learn them, to suffice the rest of the Muslim somebody has to know how to make clothes because we have to be clothed, right? Somebody has to learn medicine because we need people to take care of our physical well being. Somebody has to learn aerospace engineering so that we can fly from place to place. I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for somebody who knows how to make airplanes and fly them until the end. We The point is, we all have a role to play and this

01:20:00 --> 01:20:11

is important also, because one of the contemporaries of mathematical himolla to add things up the love and have the disease and the Almighty. He was from the grandchildren, great grandchildren of

01:20:13 --> 01:20:15

the Allahu tada and he was a contemporary mathematic.

01:20:16 --> 01:20:45

And he was an addict, meaning he was one of those people who spent his time in the masjid away from the people reading the Quran and prayer and so forth. And so he wrote to me and Malik one day, and he was encouraging him to leave off teaching. You're so busy teaching people that you don't have enough time for the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala and you should just go be one as in any away from the people unto yourself and just worship Allah azza wa jal, so you may reply to him

01:20:46 --> 01:21:03

by saying that Allah subhanho wa Taala opens up different doors for different people. And perhaps, one the door for him his salon, that door is open for him, figuratively and literally, because the doors of Paradise are How many?

01:21:05 --> 01:21:47

Eight not one, there are eight gates, some people will be called from the door of salon. Other people will be called from the door of CNN, Ibn Abdul Jabbar Rahim Allah to Allah He mentioned that normally for most people, if Allah azza wa jal blesses them with one form of a bed, they might want to be strong, and other forms of a bed. So you might find that this person as he magmatic is saying here you have two healthy babies cm while I have taken over by the South Africa, for example. So for him, he finds that fasting is easy for him. But giving charity is difficult. Maybe he doesn't have a lot of money or maybe his family responsibilities are heavier whatever. The point is what

01:21:48 --> 01:21:52

that each person strives to do what Allah subhanaw taala made them good at

01:21:54 --> 01:21:55

and the minute you try to

01:21:57 --> 01:22:37

do something that is opposite of what aligns with Joe created you for you're going to find it difficult and that's why the prophet Isaiah select was so damn said couldn't do. Mr. Lupo couldn't, we are certainly not gonna work. Because each one of you is going to find it easy to do what Allah Subhana tada created him for. Now, we all have to have a common denominator. It's like when you go to university and their core courses, right, everybody needs to have certain skills. So we all need to have enough knowledge that we worship Allah subhana wa tada that we can worship Allah subhanaw taala accordingly. But that's going to be different for different people, a medical professional is

01:22:37 --> 01:22:39

going to have to learn things that other people don't.

01:22:41 --> 01:23:20

If you have money, you're going to have to learn about the cat. If you don't, you don't have to learn about the cat to the end. And so the point is that each person is created a certain way. And you need to take advantage of that and excel and with the last and tada has blessed you. And so just to finish the mathematic writes back to him, and he says, and perhaps a person, this door is open for him and he says when Nashville the enemy will hate, to spread knowledge and to spread goodness is with a loss of Hamlet Allah has made easy for me and I don't think that that's any less than what you're doing. And I hope that both of us are upon higher upon goodness. And then Allah subhana wa

01:23:20 --> 01:23:26

Tada. He has my own fee agenda. And there are lots of data and he gathers us in gentlemen, type.

01:23:28 --> 01:23:35

The second point here is that anything that a lot legislates brings about an overall benefit. Again, we're just summarizing.

01:23:36 --> 01:23:57

See, it is not necessary that forbidden matters be void of any benefit. There are some people who think that oh because this is beneficial, or it has some benefit in it. That it's okay for me to do it. It's really not forbidden and that's not the case again, we have to be able to weigh those pros and cons tight.

01:23:58 --> 01:24:08

We're going to move on that's the end of principle one in shallow Tyler with Eliza don't make easy for us. Let's move on to the second key.

01:24:10 --> 01:24:11

Which is

01:24:13 --> 01:24:18

titled here ends and means and a means like

01:24:25 --> 01:24:26


01:24:27 --> 01:24:30

hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Taala

01:24:31 --> 01:24:32

A lot of you lottery winning dz

01:24:34 --> 01:24:34


01:24:47 --> 01:24:48


01:24:50 --> 01:24:53

means adapt the rulings of the ends. Now.

01:24:54 --> 01:25:00

If anybody told you that this seminar was going to be easy, that was false advertising

01:25:02 --> 01:25:05

You're going to have to pay attention you're going to have to

01:25:06 --> 01:25:19

use that brain that allies are jealous blessed you with means adapt the rulings of their ends, Alyssa Ilaha Can l maqasid.

01:25:21 --> 01:25:22


01:25:23 --> 01:25:26

we mentioned in the first principle

01:25:27 --> 01:25:38

that it covers the entirety of the Sharia, that everything in Islam is covered by the principle of muscle heart and

01:25:42 --> 01:25:47

what this principle is talking about because we're going to transition is that

01:25:48 --> 01:25:57

all of the commands and prohibitions of Allah subhana wa tada are considered ends. They're considered mocassin.

01:25:59 --> 01:26:00

So for example,

01:26:01 --> 01:26:03

Allah Subhana who were to Anna

01:26:04 --> 01:26:09

has prescribed as we mentioned earlier, salad

01:26:10 --> 01:26:15

and for males that have reached the age of puberty, where should they be praying?

01:26:16 --> 01:26:18

And the masjid type

01:26:19 --> 01:26:24

Have we reached the point where you can teleport to the masjid?

01:26:25 --> 01:26:28

You just close your eyes and you open them in the masjid.

01:26:29 --> 01:26:40

Maybe some of the young guys they they may have gotten it. Alright, for the rest of us. We have to get to the masjid. So how do you get to the masjid,

01:26:41 --> 01:26:47

you either drive or you walk or some other way ride your bike or whatever

01:26:48 --> 01:26:50

the end is what the goal is what

01:26:52 --> 01:26:54

to get to the masjid. To pray.

01:26:55 --> 01:26:57

The means is

01:26:58 --> 01:27:01

walking or driving or whatever way you get there.

01:27:04 --> 01:27:07

You can't pray in Jamaica unless you do this thing.

01:27:08 --> 01:27:10

That thing is called the was sila.

01:27:12 --> 01:27:14

The plural of which is Elvis and

01:27:18 --> 01:27:23

the goal is the Mk site, the plural of witches and mocassin.

01:27:24 --> 01:27:28

And so now walking to the masjid becomes whadjuk.

01:27:31 --> 01:27:38

Now walking in normal terms is what if we look at we have five major rulings in Islam right? What are they?

01:27:40 --> 01:27:51

Why are they which means obligatory must the hub which is something that is encouraged? MOBA which means what?

01:27:52 --> 01:27:58

It's neutral, right, there is no ruling for it. And then you have met guru, which means

01:28:00 --> 01:28:04

playing something that's disliked, it's been prohibited, but not in a strict manner.

01:28:06 --> 01:28:10

And then you have haram which is strictly prohibited. Okay?

01:28:11 --> 01:28:15

Walking comes under which one of those categories smoke,

01:28:16 --> 01:28:19

it's neutral. It hasn't been commanded or primitive.

01:28:20 --> 01:28:25

But now, because this is the way that you have to get to the master,

01:28:26 --> 01:28:28

it now takes the ruling

01:28:29 --> 01:28:33

of the map sight of the goal of the end.

01:28:34 --> 01:28:44

And that goal is what legend. And so now walking becomes what, why, and you will be rewarded as such.

01:28:45 --> 01:28:53

So lots of power to add it will reward every step that you take towards the message. You get in your car.

01:28:54 --> 01:29:05

Everything that you've spent on gas to get to the message, you're rewarded for the money that you spend, because that is a means towards the end.

01:29:07 --> 01:29:08

We understand.

01:29:09 --> 01:29:12

So, again, what we're talking about now,

01:29:13 --> 01:29:16

the first principle that we dealt with

01:29:17 --> 01:29:24

masala hammer facet are pros and cons harm and detriment. Those are ends, those are mocassin.

01:29:25 --> 01:29:38

Then you have things that lead to them. All right. And so that's what we're going to be covering in this principle in sha Allah. Whoa, Chad. All right. But before we start, we need to get your brains moving time. Go ahead.

01:29:49 --> 01:29:59

By the way, you're going to see these questions again and you're going to work with the partner to answer them. So if you're not sure now, make sure you pay attention

01:30:00 --> 01:30:01

If you already know you conduct

01:30:02 --> 01:30:03


01:30:05 --> 01:30:05


01:30:08 --> 01:30:10

is the validity of this principle?

01:30:12 --> 01:30:13

What is intended by

01:30:14 --> 01:30:16

the context of this principle,

01:30:17 --> 01:30:21

we both can end the meeting at the same time number three.

01:30:22 --> 01:30:28

So we kind of just talked about this what is intended by ends and means, in the context of this principle, anybody want to take a shot?

01:30:33 --> 01:30:48

Enter the things that Allah subhana wa tada has clearly legislated or prohibited means are the things that are necessary for those other things to happen. can something be both an end and a mean at the same time?

01:30:55 --> 01:30:57

Fire? Let me ask you this. We'll do

01:30:58 --> 01:31:00

we'll do is we'll do an endo. I mean,

01:31:02 --> 01:31:02

it's both.

01:31:04 --> 01:31:12

It's a goal in and of itself. And it's a means to purification which is necessary for select type number for further.

01:31:13 --> 01:31:19

Some scholars have said that this is actually a much of a larger universal Maxim.

01:31:22 --> 01:31:27

Is there a difference between this principle and the statement? The end justifies the means.

01:31:33 --> 01:31:33


01:31:34 --> 01:31:41

Oh, wow, we still have more. You got a lot of questions today. I'm sorry about that. Go ahead. Father, keep reading.

01:31:58 --> 01:32:00

What is the relationship between

01:32:03 --> 01:32:16

investing investing? Anybody investing in the stock market here? You can raise your hand, it's not necessarily hot on play. Nobody allow it well, okay. All right, gee, keep going.

01:32:17 --> 01:32:18

Who pays a cat

01:32:19 --> 01:32:22

hamdulillah Mashallah, by

01:32:24 --> 01:32:25

who takes care of their spouse?

01:32:27 --> 01:32:28


01:32:31 --> 01:32:31

All right.

01:32:38 --> 01:32:47

So when we're talking about a permissible act, we're talking about something that in general is moved back, you can do it, okay. But it leads to go ahead.

01:32:48 --> 01:33:00

It leads to either abandoning an obligation or committing a forbidden act, like we have 25 minutes, we're gonna try our best to to work through these in the live chat. All right.

01:33:01 --> 01:33:27

Okay, so we're going to cover here the general meaning of this principle means adapt the rulings of the end. So we have these different terminology here. The end is something towards which you strive we would normally call it what a goal or an objective, okay? That objective being legally commanded or prohibited.

01:33:28 --> 01:33:49

And commands in Islam are either YG backed or Mr had bet. So they either are obligatory or encouraged. And that which has been prohibited by loss of handouts, Adda ninja and who had met him yet they are either haram or makrooh. So they are either forbidden or discouraged.

01:33:53 --> 01:34:04

Right? So that's ends. The second one is means mean. So you look to the right, anything that needs to or results in an end.

01:34:06 --> 01:34:07

So if we look at,

01:34:08 --> 01:34:15

for example, backbiting backbiting is which category here, okay is haram.

01:34:16 --> 01:34:25

If you know that if you sit with this particular group of people, right, then you're going to backbite other people.

01:34:27 --> 01:34:48

Sitting with them sitting with somebody in general is more back, it's permissible. But if you know that sitting with them is going to lead to you backbiting then now sitting becomes what? Hold on. So it's anything that needs to or results in and and, and it otherwise is void of a legislative ruling and it doesn't have its own ruling. It's just moved back.

01:34:49 --> 01:34:59

Or you can say those channels, those prerequisites or conditions the shuttles or causes that are necessary to bring an objective to fruition.

01:35:00 --> 01:35:10

to adopt the rulings that is that they coincide and match and level of obligation and prohibition. So, what that means is,

01:35:12 --> 01:35:23

for example, being dutiful to your parents, being dutiful to your parents, is where does that what category bitter whitey? Dang, what category does that come under?

01:35:24 --> 01:35:32

That's whadjuk is from the greatest obligations that you have. If your mother lives in a different country?

01:35:34 --> 01:35:38

How can you be dutiful to her? What are some of the things that she can do?

01:35:40 --> 01:35:41

You can call her

01:35:42 --> 01:35:46

you can send money, you can visit her, right?

01:35:47 --> 01:35:52

calling her now? How do you normally call someone in another country these days?

01:35:54 --> 01:35:56

Are you guys this Emirates doesn't have WhatsApp calls,

01:35:57 --> 01:36:01

Skype maybe or whatever, right? But you're gonna you're gonna be using the internet.

01:36:03 --> 01:36:05

Paying for the internet now

01:36:06 --> 01:36:07

becomes whadjuk.

01:36:08 --> 01:36:22

And you're rewarded as such, the same way that people who use the internet for haram purposes to look at things that are haram or otherwise, the money is that is also Haram.

01:36:24 --> 01:36:27

It's as if you've paid something that is haram.

01:36:29 --> 01:36:30

You understand

01:36:32 --> 01:36:38

the means take the ruling of the ends.

01:36:40 --> 01:36:41

Going to the masjid

01:36:43 --> 01:36:55

mean praying and Jamaat is the end the means is getting there. Same thing for somebody who's going to a nightclub or going somewhere to drink. And I'm not talking about drink water, you get the point.

01:36:57 --> 01:37:00

Every step that they take towards that becomes hot.

01:37:04 --> 01:37:08

Now, we understand this principle now means adapt the rulings of the ends pretty clear.

01:37:09 --> 01:37:17

shala is that the same as the ends, justify the means?

01:37:18 --> 01:37:22

The ends justify the means? Anybody know where that came from, by the way?

01:37:23 --> 01:37:27

Machiavelli by have everybody heard of Robin Hood?

01:37:28 --> 01:37:30

What the Robin Hood do

01:37:32 --> 01:37:35

he stole from steals from the rich To do what?

01:37:36 --> 01:37:38

give to the poor is a great thing.

01:37:39 --> 01:37:43

It is giving to the poor is what?

01:37:45 --> 01:37:49

That's that's an end in Islam. And it's something that could be whadjuk.

01:37:50 --> 01:37:55

And it's definitely at least Mr. hem. But why don't we say here that the means

01:37:56 --> 01:38:32

adapt the ruling of the ends. Because the means itself is haram, which is stealing. It's not free of a legal ruling. So this is not something that was moved back. And then we looked at the end then it became haram or or or you know, makrooh or whatever to the end. Now this thing in and of itself is hot. And just because the end or the objective is something good. It doesn't make the means to it. Good. It doesn't make the means to adjust the fact so I hope that that's clear the difference between the two.

01:38:34 --> 01:38:39

What are the proofs for this principle? publishing?

01:38:45 --> 01:38:45


01:38:58 --> 01:38:59

What are your thoughts

01:39:08 --> 01:39:09

on Kufa

01:39:14 --> 01:39:14


01:39:27 --> 01:39:29

that we can you can start right there start reading the English

01:39:35 --> 01:39:39

thirst or hunger or any ordeal. Uh huh.

01:39:43 --> 01:39:44

Uh huh.

01:39:52 --> 01:39:59

Except that it should be written down as a good deed to their account. It's like what is the end here?

01:40:01 --> 01:40:02

What is the goal?

01:40:04 --> 01:40:04


01:40:06 --> 01:40:09

to please Allah Subhana tada through one

01:40:11 --> 01:40:46

time so so the this is which is are these ayat which are assorted to tober are talking about actively defending Islam. That is so a person is putting his life on the line to defend the deen. Okay. Now, in order to do that, as the Prophet it is slightly Sam has been established in any nation state, you have to have borders. And those orders have to be protected and you don't allow people to come in. And so here they're going out to meet whatever enemy there is.

01:40:47 --> 01:41:01

Now, that is the goal to protect this lamb to keep them from harming the Muslims clear on it. But there are other things that happened along the way, thirst, hunger,

01:41:02 --> 01:41:19

they may receive injury while doing so none of that is intended none of that is an objective in and of itself. But it is necessary to reach the larger objective. And so lost parents either says inland coochie Bella whom we hear

01:41:21 --> 01:41:39

that a good deed that good deed is written for them and is written down as good deeds to their account. In the law. You'll do original mercy Nina law does not receive the reward of the righteous. Well, are you in Africa? So Hiroshima Kabira. Well,

01:41:40 --> 01:41:59

aware de en el equipo de oma low accent Americana. Yeah, I'm alone. They don't spend anything not smaller, large, they don't cross the valley. All of this is what all of these are means to an end. And for that reason, Ellicott Rafi Rahim Allah Hosanna who has written a very important book on

01:42:01 --> 01:42:24

Gani dealing with this topic which is called an Farooq. He said first Abba whom Allah, Allah Varma, oneness, NASA, were in them Yoku Nam and fairly him. The End the Houma hustler, let him be celibate tawassul v. LG had a lady who was similar to me as as a Dean was sown al muslimeen. He says Allah Subhana, Allah rewarded them for their thirst, and

01:42:25 --> 01:42:51

for being tired, just just being tired and that path, even though none of that is from their own actions, but it happened to them as a means to an end, which is a jihad, which is to honor the religion and to protect the Muslims. And so for that reason, a lot parents Allah has written for them, good deeds.

01:42:53 --> 01:42:58

Next, Allah subhanaw taala says you can just read the English for the sake of time she

01:43:06 --> 01:43:46

hear what they have put forth, cut demo, what I sell a home and what they have left behind. So here's translated as what they have left behind. But some of the scholars have tips here. They say man cut them what I thought a home actually means their actions and the thought the things that were necessary to complete those actions, the things that were necessary to complete those actions and so this is another proof for that principle. Further whenever hora de Allahu Allah Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam economist Salah Qatari con el temi Sufi ala sallallahu alayhi tarricone lagenda read English

01:43:54 --> 01:43:56

right let's look at this Hadees

01:43:58 --> 01:44:05

and this Hadith, Allah subhanho wa Taala says that he makes the way to genic easy

01:44:06 --> 01:44:09

for the scholar is that what this hadith says,

01:44:12 --> 01:44:14

For getting knowledge

01:44:15 --> 01:44:20

before becoming knowledgeable for memorizing, know, for what?

01:44:21 --> 01:44:55

For traveling the path that leads to knowledge. And so lots of humans out of here and our prophesized time is informing us that the reward is for the path that leads to that thing, that that's what's being written. Not necessarily that a person is smart enough to remember, you know, has a great memory or anything like that, that he actually becomes a scholar. That's not what the reward for as much in this study. And so we see that the reward is for the means. The reward is for the means that lead to that end.

01:45:00 --> 01:45:01

Now I'm reading English

01:45:09 --> 01:45:11

even though I do not know

01:45:13 --> 01:45:18

if so where did this man he lived right next to the messenger correct?

01:45:19 --> 01:45:19


01:45:21 --> 01:45:27

Okay, where did he live? Very far away from domestic. So babe and cab went to him and what did he say? Go ahead.

01:45:33 --> 01:45:53

So this is we're talking about Medina where it gets to 115 122 Wheeler, what's that? Celsius 5055 degrees, you know, Celsius in the summertime. And this man is still he's walking to the mesh The sand is hot in the daytime at nighttime you can't see anything. It's not like that streetlights. So Bay is saying to him, why don't you just get a donkey? No.

01:46:01 --> 01:46:13

Okay, so this man says what I want my steps to the masjid to be recorded. For me, I want even the steps that I take to go back home, I want those to be recorded to me, for me

01:46:20 --> 01:46:21


01:46:24 --> 01:46:46

from the mercy of a loss of habitat. And so we see that here, the reward is for what for praying in the messenger or the reward is for the steps that are taken to go to the message. But this heavy gives us another benefit that the prior evidences that we covered the night and that is that even the steps that he takes to go back home

01:46:47 --> 01:47:02

are written for him. And these are what are known as syllabic the ones that are going to a chord and we're saying what becomes necessary afterwards is called at tilava and a person also gets the reward for that

01:47:04 --> 01:47:16

look at the mercy of Allah subhana wa tada Yanni you Your phone is broken, you need a phone so that you can keep in contact with your mother you go to buy a new phone with that intention your reward is great with the lust paradigm

01:47:17 --> 01:47:22

and so this brings up that importance of

01:47:23 --> 01:47:28

thinking about Eliza with Joe's rewards which we'll cover in just a bit inshallah

01:47:31 --> 01:47:39

skip that okay, examples of this principle examples of this principle

01:47:41 --> 01:47:47

making hij pie making hydrogens and what's the means

01:47:49 --> 01:47:52

huh? The journey towards height What else?

01:47:53 --> 01:47:54


01:47:57 --> 01:48:08

Finances Okay, perfect. Okay, can you if you have the money to make Hydra you have the physical ability? Can you just get on a plane and go to Saudi Arabia? What do you need? You need a visa?

01:48:10 --> 01:48:13

You need a visa that getting that visa now

01:48:14 --> 01:48:27

isn't is an end to the means and you're rewarded accordingly. From Allied soldiers mercy. All right. To the end of it, I mean, there may be some other things that become necessary for you as well. All right.

01:48:28 --> 01:48:32

praying and congregation we talked about Yella visiting the sick.

01:48:33 --> 01:48:36

Is that why our job was to help her our motto

01:48:39 --> 01:48:58

it's wagging its wagon, but not on every single person but on the community have been Muslim and Muslim shit peroxisomes said that the rights of one Muslim has over the other Muslims are sick from the six from them is visiting the sick pie. How does that happen?

01:49:01 --> 01:49:06

No, no. You said so. Seven o'clock. Wow, that 10 minutes. I'm not giving them up.

01:49:09 --> 01:49:09

We have to stop.

01:49:10 --> 01:49:11


01:49:12 --> 01:49:19

Okay, can I just finish this slide? Hello. All right. time visiting the sick What do you need to be able to visit the sick

01:49:21 --> 01:49:22

an appointment

01:49:24 --> 01:49:27

I thought I heard somebody say an appointment. Let's hope now.

01:49:29 --> 01:49:30

You need

01:49:32 --> 01:49:33

you need a sick person.

01:49:40 --> 01:49:57

Yeah, there's plenty of those around plenty. I lost friends I had to cure them and keep us in apphia file. So in other words, you but that's that's actually actually true. You need to know who the sick people are. And you have to have some concern for the Muslims

01:49:59 --> 01:49:59

and know who those people

01:50:00 --> 01:50:03

who are, who are sick, you have to have a means to get to them.

01:50:04 --> 01:50:30

Right? So you have to have if you can't drive them, you know, Uber or whatever is use your cream or whatever they use, right? And that money that you spent in order to do that takes the ruling of the end, and you're rewarded accordingly. Fight. Following a funeral procession is also a fun cafe. It's also a communal obligation.

01:50:32 --> 01:50:44

And everything that is necessary to be able to get that done. also become a communal obligation type going to a club. Why Jim? When was the head?

01:50:48 --> 01:50:50

I didn't say a nightclub any club.

01:50:52 --> 01:50:55

It could be Mr. Habit depends if you need to lose weight, it's nice to have

01:50:56 --> 01:50:57

go into

01:50:58 --> 01:51:38

an ad. Right? But if we're talking about we're talking about a club where there are impermissible things happening then going to that club is haram and everything that leads to that also becomes harangue also comes from which which should scare a Muslim. Yeah, and when you start thinking about wait a minute you now you have to start calculating everything that's going on. Because it's not just the act that you're doing. It's everything is leading to that that becomes harm as well. Once you get a little time to think about that. Those should be some of the things that keep a Muslim from falling into the hammer. So we have to stop now we'll come back after inshallah tada Hello Adam

01:51:38 --> 01:51:40

sulla some robotic. And then Amina Mohammed

01:51:45 --> 01:51:46

hamdu Lillah, WA

01:51:47 --> 01:51:53

Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah. Early he was happy woman, voila, my bad.

01:51:56 --> 01:52:03

We've covered some of these ends here making Hajj praying and congregation visiting the sick following the funeral procession to end on

01:52:05 --> 01:52:06

what we see here.

01:52:08 --> 01:52:12

And I was wishing that we didn't have to stop because I wanted to make sure that the

01:52:13 --> 01:52:21

everything stuck together terms of thoughts. What you see here is the importance of

01:52:22 --> 01:52:33

bringing to mind the worship of Allah subhana wa Tada. Even in the mundane acts that you do, even the things that don't seem to be worship.

01:52:35 --> 01:52:37

If you want to, for example,

01:52:38 --> 01:52:40

you want to pray a 200.

01:52:42 --> 01:52:47

Praying to HUD is an end. The means to that is what?

01:52:49 --> 01:52:50


01:52:52 --> 01:53:03

Okay, setting an alarm clock. Okay, if you set your alarm clock, for example, let's just say for 430, okay, but you don't go to bed until three o'clock, because you were watching a movie,

01:53:04 --> 01:53:17

then what's probably going to happen. alarm is not gonna do anything for you. Right. So going to bed at a decent hour is also important. And if you keep that in mind,

01:53:18 --> 01:53:25

then your sleep is a one it's in, it's a means to an end and it becomes a bed.

01:53:28 --> 01:53:44

We clear on that. Okay, and so now we see how it's related to the large universal principle in Islam, which is a moral. Pima Cassidy hen that matters are determined by their intention.

01:53:46 --> 01:53:57

In other words, the more that you are conscious of what you are doing, the more you can make it an intention of yours for which you will be rewarded.

01:53:58 --> 01:54:43

So visiting the sick part of that is knowing who's sick and getting there. And if you get in your car with that intention, I'm going to put gas in my car, or you guys say benzene here. So whatever way you go, you're going to fill up your car so that you can visit the sick then now you know that this money that you're spending to fill up your car, that you're doing that for the pleasure of Allah subhana wa tada and as you know we have different levels. And when it comes to Islam as a whole is Islam there's a man then there's a saint, which is worshipping Allah subhana wa tada as if you see him even though you don't you know that he sees us Hannah who attacked him. And so there's

01:54:43 --> 01:54:59

there various levels. And that's why it's so important. This guy, the this particular principle that we're covering is so important because it should make a person more conscious of their intentions. And that's why many of the scholars of Islam say that this principle which is

01:55:00 --> 01:55:15

wasa Lu, camel mocassin or means adopt the ruling of the ends that it actually comes under this principle which is matters are determined by their intentions or as our profit idea. So that's what Sam said in the beginning yet.

01:55:16 --> 01:55:22

All right, now we're going to look at branches of the principle that we're covering

01:55:24 --> 01:55:49

and means adapt the rulings of their ends that's our larger principle Now let's look at a branch mela it's simple metamodel in levy format modern B. Now a lot of people read this as melee at symbol wedge he will be for who imagine whatever is necessary for the fulfillment of an obligation also becomes an obligation. Okay.

01:55:50 --> 01:55:51

So for example,

01:55:53 --> 01:55:57

reading sorta till Fatiha correctly in salon.

01:55:59 --> 01:56:14

What would you say that is? That's Mr. hub, or what was it? Okay. So what that means is that you actually have to take the time to learn the Arabic letters.

01:56:15 --> 01:56:21

Or at least, that's for most people, or at least you have a good enough ear that you can pick up

01:56:22 --> 01:56:27

the sounds properly, but most of the time you're going to you're going to have to learn the letters. So

01:56:29 --> 01:56:37

learning sorta till fancy has going to require you to learn at least enough of reading the Arabic language so that you can recite so little fattier.

01:56:40 --> 01:56:52

But the reason why they say more, what is commanded and they didn't say a word is because what allows power to Allah has commanded is actually two categories. What are those categories?

01:56:53 --> 01:56:54

just scream it out.

01:56:56 --> 01:57:19

Why did you and Mr. Head, so if Allah subhanaw taala commands us to do something, and there is no leeway in that command, then it is wasted. And if he commands us to do something, that there is some leeway and we have an option, then that becomes something known as Mr. Hebb. All right. For you. What are some examples of Mr. Habad? Tell me something that you know, that's supposed to happen.

01:57:23 --> 01:57:24

Praying sooner. Okay.

01:57:25 --> 01:57:26

Anything else?

01:57:29 --> 01:57:31

Drinking while sitting down by

01:57:33 --> 01:57:43

fasting on Mondays and Thursdays? Okay, good. Let's use that as an example. Fasting on Mondays and Thursdays are encouraged, wouldn't you normally need to do too fast.

01:57:44 --> 01:58:09

You're going to eat too hard, you're going to go to bed on time. So you can get up for support, you're going to stay up all night like some people do. And Easter when they go to sleep afterwards. But the point is, whatever is necessary, in order for you to fast on Mondays and Thursdays, then that also becomes mooster head. So eating suffered becomes Mr. Heaven, is the things that just keep in mind, because we should become a lot more aware of our actions when we recognize this principle.

01:58:10 --> 01:58:32

So when we look at the commands, commands are broken down into two categories, obligations and encouragements, as was mentioned, fasting on Mondays and Thursdays, making certain do I pray and get night these are all things that are encouraged in this name, we talked about 200 for example, obligations are broken down into two categories, individual obligations like what

01:58:34 --> 01:58:37

like praying five times a day communal obligations, like what

01:58:39 --> 01:58:40

has sorry,

01:58:42 --> 01:58:56

the janaza prayer, for example, is a communal obligation. So whatever is necessary, in order to fulfill those obligations also becomes an obligation mesh, next branch.

01:58:57 --> 01:59:01

All right, and this one I want you to pay close attention to.

01:59:08 --> 01:59:16

Although we have to skip some things mesh, all right. And now who Anna Shay Matthew nanhu and Colima you at delay, read that read that in English please.

01:59:25 --> 01:59:25


01:59:28 --> 01:59:30

a loss of power to Allah

01:59:31 --> 01:59:33

prohibited adultery

01:59:35 --> 01:59:46

and everything that leads to it. So Allah as I said in the Quran, Allah tala boo, Xena and don't go close to committing Zina

01:59:50 --> 01:59:52

what things may lead to Xena

01:59:57 --> 01:59:58


01:59:59 --> 01:59:59

so good

02:00:00 --> 02:00:15

Usually is going to start because somebody is looking at something they should not be looking at. and Eliza gel says endocrine will kill me, Nina, you're good to me Never sorry. Tell the believers to lower their gaze. If you're not looking, you're not going to be enticed.

02:00:16 --> 02:00:21

Period. If you're not looking, you're not going to be enticed. What else?

02:00:23 --> 02:00:23


02:00:24 --> 02:00:25

I'll holla

02:00:26 --> 02:00:48

at submerge, okay, so, a woman who adores herself in a certain way instead of wearing Hey, Jen, could lead to Xena. I thought she said hello, which is actually what many of the scholars mentioned, which is being alone with someone of the opposite gender who is not permissible for you to be with. Otherwise no Zina is going to happen.

02:00:50 --> 02:00:55

If you're not alone, it's not going to end. And so the prophet Isaiah select was Salam

02:00:56 --> 02:01:00

prohibited Kala that is being along with the opposite gender.

02:01:01 --> 02:01:16

And he mentioned that when that happens, the shape iron is the third. Right? So all of these things lead to adultery because they lead to that which is haram they have also been prohibited.

02:01:18 --> 02:01:24

We understand that please don't forget that because we're going to go back to it in about two minutes inshallah.

02:01:26 --> 02:01:30

Next, consuming alcoholic beverages

02:01:31 --> 02:01:35

is prohibited in Islam type, what are things that lead to that?

02:01:41 --> 02:01:44

party's certain certain kinds of parties

02:01:45 --> 02:01:46

at going to a

02:01:47 --> 02:01:56

bar yourself or something like that all so what leads to it? Anything that leads to it is also prohibited by backbiting.

02:01:58 --> 02:01:59

halau harangue?

02:02:02 --> 02:02:06

backbiting is harangue, what are some things that lead to backbiting?

02:02:09 --> 02:02:18

Being in certain groups may lead to backbiting. And I tell you something, because I think that this is something that we we often don't pay enough attention to.

02:02:19 --> 02:02:23

Staying on social media too long usually leads to backbiting.

02:02:24 --> 02:02:36

You know why? Because backbiting is simply that you mentioned something about your brother or sister in Islam that they wouldn't like for you to say about them. That's backed by even if it's true.

02:02:38 --> 02:02:52

If it's not true, it's called slander, if it is true is called backbiting and it's still hard on. And so what you find is too many people that go on social media and they start, you know, scrolling down, and they see Oh, look at this person. Oh, she thinks she's cute.

02:02:55 --> 02:03:50

Okay, and then we'll look at how this is and look at how that is just because they have too much time on their hands going through social media, and you start saying things about people that they wouldn't like for you to say about them. And that's backbiting that is the definition of backline. So first has to be very careful, and not soon do the things that are going to lead them to speaking about other people in a manner that would be displeasing time, creating enmity between the Muslims is harm. The papillary Salatu was Salam and emotional Muslim or awful Muslim law of limbo? Well, I have zero. Well, I need a Muslim is the brother of another Muslim, he doesn't wrong him or oppress

02:03:50 --> 02:03:55

him. He doesn't forsake Him. He doesn't belittle him.

02:03:56 --> 02:04:01

None of these things, because all of that is going to create enmity between Muslims. As a side note.

02:04:04 --> 02:04:04

I want to

02:04:06 --> 02:04:14

thank Donald Marquez and monomethyl. Islamia for the work that they do.

02:04:15 --> 02:04:18

For those who have recently accepted Islam.

02:04:20 --> 02:04:31

And the reason why a lot of times we don't think about this stuff, the prophet SAW I saw him say, yes, Zulu who you know what forsake somebody means, you know what that means. What does that mean?

02:04:32 --> 02:04:32


02:04:35 --> 02:04:54

I can't, I can't hear to forget about them. Okay. Yes, it does mean to forget about them. But more than that, so for St. Someone means that you leave them out to dry Jani they needed you and you turned your back on them. When somebody accepts this lamb.

02:04:55 --> 02:04:59

They need us more than any other time.

02:05:00 --> 02:05:10

Because they need something that's going to help them stay firm, except in Islam is one thing, okay? And then learning about your religion and progressing in the religion is another thing.

02:05:11 --> 02:05:23

So the work that they're doing is work that takes the sin off of the rest of us. Because that's an obligation we have as Muslims, to welcome those who are new to Islam and help them learn their religion.

02:05:24 --> 02:05:29

And many of us have forsaken them. So we just get happy when we see somebody accept Islam.

02:05:31 --> 02:05:37

And then that's it is nothing else, there is no follow up. And that's forsaking them.

02:05:38 --> 02:06:09

So the fact that there are some organizations and brothers and sisters out there who take on that responsibility of teaching, and these new Muslims, that helps to remove the sin from the rest of us. Anyway, the prophet Isaiah select was Sudan said that the Muslim is the is the brother of another Muslim. So anything that is going to create enmity between the believers is haram. And this is why the practice of lights on him for example, for bid undercutting and selling, somebody comes in, he offers you,

02:06:10 --> 02:06:23

you know, a computer at a certain price. And then a competitor says, Well, how much did he offer to you, for you so 3000, I can do better than that. This is undercutting, and it's going to create enmity between

02:06:24 --> 02:06:26

the, the business people

02:06:30 --> 02:07:11

and assets with your feet. Any that you propose to a woman that you know, someone else has already proposed to. This is hard, because it creates enmity between a believer so anything that creates enmity between Muslims is also Haram. And so this is, if you look at what we've just covered. This is related to a larger concept in Islam. And I want you to know what this is called, okay, it's called said a video set of video. And you'll hear the scholars talk about this concept, which which we can translate as precautionary laws. So there are certain things that have been put in place in Islam.

02:07:12 --> 02:07:23

Not that they are so bad in and of themselves, but because what they lead to oftentimes is evil, then they have been prohibited as well.

02:07:25 --> 02:07:35

So for example, the first thing when I asked what is it that leads to Zenon a brother mentioned looking? Right? So

02:07:36 --> 02:08:03

here to look at the opposite gender doesn't necessarily mean that somebody is going to go do something that is hot, but because that is a step towards that, then we say that it is haram to him and we're saying, alright, so in other words, that this thing has been made impermissible because it is a means that leads to an end, we clear on it, because there's something that follows Okay. What follows is,

02:08:04 --> 02:08:15

if something becomes if there is a need to do something that has been made impermissible because it is a means to something that is haram,

02:08:16 --> 02:09:10

then that thing now becomes Hillel time. Give me an example. Example is this. We just said that looking at the opposite gender is haram. Right? But what if you're looking to get married? Now looking at the opposite gender is or the woman that you want to look at and vice versa? Then it becomes permissible, because there is a need here. If you're in the marketplace, and you need to be able to identify who the person is that is buying from you or who the person is that that you are selling to or that you're buying from, then you can look, because there is a need to do so. But the rule is this, for those of you who understand Arabic, my holy man said them Lydia, you bear holy

02:09:13 --> 02:09:24

whatever has been made impermissible as a precautionary lock is permissible when there is a need it is permissible when there is any

02:09:26 --> 02:09:27


02:09:32 --> 02:09:46

All right. We're almost to the end of this particular principle here we say any permissible act that leads to abandoning an obligation is deemed to be hot on tight. Praying selectel juwan is what

02:09:49 --> 02:09:51

why should we even for women,

02:09:52 --> 02:09:53

okay, why is it for who?

02:09:54 --> 02:09:57

For men only tire boys that are 15

02:10:00 --> 02:10:01

Your Man if you're

02:10:02 --> 02:10:03

not in my house

02:10:05 --> 02:10:20

all right. So we'll say that any, any male that has reached the age of puberty, all right, and is saying there are different conditions but in general, yes. Praying salata Juma is way cheaper. All right.

02:10:23 --> 02:10:42

Buying and selling after the second event of Juma what they mean by the second event is once the man gets on the minbar and he says, I said I want to learn and then the weather begins to call you, then that's considered to be the second event of algebra. At this point, forget the prayer listening to the football

02:10:44 --> 02:10:45

is wedge in

02:10:46 --> 02:10:52

not just the prayer, but listening to the hook, by the way. So if a person begins to buy and sell,

02:10:54 --> 02:10:57

after the second event, what are they leaving off?

02:10:59 --> 02:11:05

They leaving off listening to the quarterback, so that buying and selling even though it's permissible,

02:11:06 --> 02:11:16

and that is the base rule of buying and selling is is permissible, it now becomes Haram, because it leads to abandoning listening to the hotbar.

02:11:18 --> 02:11:18


02:11:20 --> 02:11:20

Is that clear?

02:11:22 --> 02:11:25

What is the ruling of buying and selling in general?

02:11:27 --> 02:11:35

It's permissible, right. But now because it's happening after the second, even if even if you were just about to close the deal.

02:11:37 --> 02:11:48

If you know that it's the time for the second event or you hear it finished. You that deal is not going to be there's not going to be any butter kitten that deal. Because it is haram.

02:11:50 --> 02:12:10

So you have to fear a loss of habitat and know that allies are always going to write for you What's best clear for you. Likewise, as we know, the time for prayer is more Sandy, there's leeway. So there were for example, comes in at what time 1206 or something like that here? And then answer comes in at what time

02:12:11 --> 02:12:17

310 All right. So you have about three hours to pray the Lord.

02:12:18 --> 02:12:19


02:12:21 --> 02:12:24

whatever happened happened, and now is three o'clock.

02:12:25 --> 02:12:28

So there's only about 10 minutes left.

02:12:29 --> 02:12:30

For us.

02:12:31 --> 02:12:33

That's what they call a locked,

02:12:34 --> 02:12:46

immobile. And it is the restricted now, this time because you only have enough time, basically, to pray the obligatory prayer

02:12:48 --> 02:12:51

during a business transaction at this time now

02:12:52 --> 02:12:53

becomes Haram.

02:12:55 --> 02:13:00

Because it's going to lead to you leaving off an obligation. All right.

02:13:02 --> 02:13:08

Now, that's very similar to this next one, but I want you to notice the difference. If I read this way.

02:13:14 --> 02:13:17

What's the difference between this one and the last one?

02:13:23 --> 02:13:30

What's the difference? The first one we said what? abandoning an obligation. This one says what?

02:13:31 --> 02:13:39

committing a forbidden act? Which one do you think is worse, to leave off an obligation or to do something that is haram

02:13:42 --> 02:13:49

to leave off an obligation. Now, in general, in general, this doesn't mean every specific thing. But if you look at the

02:13:50 --> 02:13:51

the sin of Adam,

02:13:52 --> 02:13:55

and a sin, and the system is

02:13:56 --> 02:14:04

totally different, at least left off an obligation. And most of the time people leave off obligations due to

02:14:06 --> 02:14:21

its arrogance. That's why a police did not obey Allah subhana wa Tada. Whereas people who fall into sins or they do something that is haram, a lot of times it's because of how their desires have overcome them.

02:14:22 --> 02:14:42

And being arrogant, and just being totally dismissive of a loss of data is worse than a person who whose desires got the best of them. All right. So here any permissible act that leads to committing a forbidden act is deemed to be Haram. An example of that is selling grapes to a wine factory.

02:14:44 --> 02:14:45


02:14:47 --> 02:14:55

Selling grapes, permissible or impermissible, permissible time, why is it impermissible to sell grapes to the wine factory?

02:14:57 --> 02:14:59

right because they're going to use it to

02:15:00 --> 02:15:06

make wine and you can aid them in that because that's the Italian analyst meet whether it's wine.

02:15:07 --> 02:15:08

tell you

02:15:09 --> 02:15:18

another example is Elena transaction. Have you ever heard of bear? Alina? Bear Alina? Anybody?

02:15:19 --> 02:15:20


02:15:21 --> 02:15:25

I'll give you an example of what be enemies.

02:15:28 --> 02:15:29

Let's just say

02:15:33 --> 02:15:35

you have a car.

02:15:36 --> 02:15:38

You have a car. All right.

02:15:39 --> 02:15:42

And you sell it to somebody

02:15:44 --> 02:15:51

for cash 50,000 cash. Okay, so now what happens is they take the car,

02:15:52 --> 02:15:54

and you take How much?

02:15:55 --> 02:16:06

50,000 All right, permissible, as permissible. And then you say to him, Hey, I want to buy that car for 70,000

02:16:07 --> 02:16:08

in installments,

02:16:10 --> 02:16:15

pay you back, you know, whatever 5000

02:16:16 --> 02:16:17

do to him

02:16:19 --> 02:16:21

for the next 14 months.

02:16:25 --> 02:16:26

So what just happened?

02:16:28 --> 02:16:39

You took the car, you took the car back? Correct. And now you're going to pay this person 5000 every month, for the next 14 months.

02:16:40 --> 02:16:41

What just happened?

02:16:44 --> 02:16:45

What just happened?

02:16:47 --> 02:17:29

You took that he's taking interest. So he's giving you a $50,000 loan, and you're paying him back. 70,000 you just put the car in there as a loophole to make it look like there was a sale going on. But there was really no sale. There was really no sale. So he gave you 50,000 and now you're gonna pay him 70,000 and nothing changed. And that's how, and it's a form of rebellion. Okay, so the permissible act was that you sold something, but it led to a forbidden Act, which is actually rabbet that's really what Bay lane is. What is legal marriage?

02:17:31 --> 02:17:34

What is legal marriage?

02:17:37 --> 02:17:46

This happens when a man has divorced his wife How many times? Three times right, up to laku? Marla 10. So

02:17:47 --> 02:18:11

you have that leeway of divorcing your wife twice. Not that it's recommended, but I'm just saying that you there's that leeway. But after the third time it's over. There's no returning unless Hector tenki her zolgensma IRA until she marries another man and that marriage is consummated.

02:18:13 --> 02:18:14

And then he divorces her.

02:18:16 --> 02:18:36

Only after that, will it be permissible for him to marry her again. So what some people do is because he's too quick to say I divorce you and every time he gets a little bit mad, I divorce you. But he really wants to keep her. Then he works out something

02:18:37 --> 02:18:38

with somebody

02:18:39 --> 02:18:41

to marry her.

02:18:42 --> 02:19:14

consummate and then divorce her there so she can become halau. Again. for him. That's called a tax lien. Marriage and the Prophet it is right to sue them. Lana lawsuit learning some lahardee was sullom Alamo Hill, one mohale Allah and the Prophet alayhi salatu. Salam, as mentioned that the curse of Allah is upon the one who does it. And I need the one who's involved in that marriage and the one who he is doing it for

02:19:18 --> 02:19:20

what was the permissible act here?

02:19:21 --> 02:19:37

Marriage, but it led to that forbidden Act, which is a legal marriage. So anything that is permissible at least to committing a forbidden act is considered to be Haram. Five benefits of knowing this principle read number one.

02:19:41 --> 02:19:59

Okay, do we see where that comes from? growing in consciousness and awareness of your actions. Once you know that almost everything you do leads to something else. You should be more conscious about even the little things and hoping for a loss of Hannah. What's sad is

02:20:00 --> 02:20:05

reward in fearing that you're doing something that is disobedient to parents out at night.

02:20:07 --> 02:20:08

Now, number two,

02:20:10 --> 02:20:29

why? Where is this thing leading, so you need to start thinking things through learning to be comfortable with deliberation, not just doing things, but start thinking about where does this lead because if it leads to something that is haram, I need to cut it off right now.

02:20:30 --> 02:20:34

This has no good ending. And so just cut it off. Now.

02:20:38 --> 02:20:59

Because what you see here just like we see with the first principle, which deals with masala and facet, or harm or detriment and benefit, and that we learned that Eliza jealous al Hakim, and we see that manifest itself. Here we see a loss of him without his mercy, that

02:21:00 --> 02:21:03

for every little thing we do,

02:21:04 --> 02:21:17

if we bring it to mind and we're more conscious that Allah Subhana Allah will reward us for that and that should allow us to grow in reverence for the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala tight right now and I want you to do

02:21:19 --> 02:21:21

for the next two minutes

02:21:23 --> 02:21:24

with a partner,

02:21:25 --> 02:21:39

preferably the person who is sitting next to you, I want you to work on answering these questions. So you're going to test yourself and see if you understand the questions are coming now pick a partner, even the young guys you got to have a partner.

02:21:40 --> 02:21:42

Ready? This will last

02:21:43 --> 02:21:44

two minutes.

02:21:48 --> 02:21:49

Right? I wish

02:21:52 --> 02:21:53

I was informed that there are some

02:21:55 --> 02:22:02

there are some ways some gifts for those who get correct answers.

02:22:06 --> 02:22:11

But that's okay. We can worry about that next time because your intention is just to

02:22:12 --> 02:22:22

get the right answer not to get the gift right. Okay. So So number one, what does means adapt the rulings of their ends mean? What does this mean?

02:22:25 --> 02:22:26

We need the mic. We need the mics.

02:22:28 --> 02:22:29

So I have a mic

02:22:32 --> 02:22:36

you can pick whoever you want. Because I can't really see anyway

02:22:38 --> 02:22:39

pick whoever you want

02:22:55 --> 02:22:57

anything that leads to an objective

02:23:01 --> 02:23:05

Okay, so those are means anything that leads to but what does the whole sentence mean?

02:23:12 --> 02:23:31

It also goes to anything at least so excellent. Do the sky is different about the validity of this principle? Absolutely not. They all agree to the validity of the principle number two, what are some tests that you don't have to do the Quran and the Sunnah whatever you remember, what are some texts? We got a young guy here Mashallah. And a bunch of sisters but

02:23:33 --> 02:23:39

you need a cyst as you wish as you wish I'm a guest. I don't know how things work

02:23:50 --> 02:23:51

there Mike wants to know

02:23:57 --> 02:23:58

texts from the Quran and Sunnah.

02:24:22 --> 02:24:27

Hungry Nah, Nah, that's good. Anybody remember remember you can scream it out.

02:24:29 --> 02:24:55

masala Katara can yell at me Sufi and whoever travels a path seeking their and knowledge what is intended by ends and means in the context of this principle. We discussed that already number four. Some scholars have said that this principle is actually a branch of a larger universal Maxim naming Okay, we got some in the back there ready? Mashallah.

02:25:04 --> 02:25:07

What is that larger universal principle?

02:25:14 --> 02:25:16

Right? Mashallah, can you translate that?

02:25:25 --> 02:25:44

Okay? Any actions matters deeds are, according to their intentions time, a little more capacity here, type. And then the last question here, is there a difference between this principle and the statement? The ends? justify the means?

02:25:47 --> 02:25:50

Explain your answer. Okay, from the sister side,

02:25:58 --> 02:26:03

this principle and the statement, the end justify the means.

02:26:10 --> 02:26:10


02:26:21 --> 02:26:57

That's good, right? So the means if the means are impermissible, right, then just because you're trying to do something that is good, does not make the means permissible. So when we talked about the means, here, we're talking about things that are permissible in the first place. And then they'll adapt the ruling of the things that they lead to. Alright, we're gonna go through this next part very quickly. Anything that is essential to the fulfillment of a command is also commanded is one principle that falls under this principle, what is the relationship between the affer mentioned principle and the final type investing in the stock market,

02:26:58 --> 02:27:08

in order to invest in the stock market, you have to know that this stock that you are investing in is permissible.

02:27:09 --> 02:27:16

Otherwise, it's impermissible for you to put money in that company, that company may sell things that are hidden,

02:27:17 --> 02:27:49

and they may sell alcohol, they may sell pork products they may sell. There's a whole you know, list of things that have to be avoided for a Muslim who is investing in the stock market as it relates to the product itself, then you have to look at how that company makes its money. How what is the percentage of the money that that company is getting from, for example, interest based savings that they may have, or whatever. So investing in the stock market requires

02:27:50 --> 02:28:04

that you know that you learn about what it is that you're investing it. Likewise, spousal rights, spousal rights, hokku, cadzow, Jane, the fact that your wife has rights over you,

02:28:05 --> 02:28:07

the fact that you have rights over your wife,

02:28:08 --> 02:28:32

this is something that if you're married, you have to know them so that you can fulfill them. So it even goes back to knowledge here. And you won't be able to fulfill those rights, which are commanded until you know what they are. So learning about them becomes an obligation to the end of it. I'm not going to go through each point, give an example of a permissible activities to abandon an obligation, yes.

02:28:39 --> 02:28:42

A permissible act that leads to abandon your obligation.

02:28:47 --> 02:28:48

What is it?

02:28:53 --> 02:28:59

don't pray? No, we need a permissible act is permissible, but it Yes, go ahead. just screaming.

02:29:00 --> 02:29:01


02:29:02 --> 02:29:09

Playing games during prayer time, so this is a permissible act, playing games is permissible in general. But if you

02:29:11 --> 02:29:18

depends what kind of games we're playing, but if you do it at the prayer time, and it leads to you leaving off

02:29:19 --> 02:29:26

praying in Jamaica, for example, then it is impermissible for you to do with that with that.

02:29:27 --> 02:29:30

All right. Time is not on our side.

02:29:32 --> 02:29:52

So in the lab, we're just going to try to work through these and shallows on it. Alright, the next thing and this one is super duper important. All right, and this is the third Chi that we're going to cover and it deals with hardship. It deals with hardship. Alright, let's go Bismillah.

02:29:55 --> 02:29:58

Repeat after me, Alan masakatsu

02:30:00 --> 02:30:01


02:30:02 --> 02:30:03

at ACL

02:30:04 --> 02:30:07

all right again, Alma Shaka to live with ACF.

02:30:09 --> 02:30:25

You will hear this principle a lot. Okay, and you'll see how a lot of what we've already covered, you're going to see how it falls into this. And we can translate that is hardship is a cause of alleviation.

02:30:29 --> 02:30:37

A lot of times, it's translated as difficulty begets facility. However,

02:30:38 --> 02:31:07

that is not exactly what this means the way that it's translated is closer to what it means. Because the difficulty itself doesn't bring about ease allows parents it brings about ease, but he brings it about because of difficulty because of the hardship. So hardship is a cause of Allah Subhana to add it, bringing about alleviation. Alright, so let's look at the questions here. Just make sure, yeah, we have two sets of questions. Right, number one,

02:31:09 --> 02:31:11

speak speak directly into the mic so everybody can hear you.

02:31:20 --> 02:31:26

I'm going to answer that now. The scholars do not differ at all. There's each mat about the validity of this principle. Keep going.

02:31:34 --> 02:31:35


02:31:40 --> 02:31:49

See, that doesn't happen here. But it's in some places where there is no massage it around. And it's time for prayer.

02:31:50 --> 02:31:50


02:31:51 --> 02:32:12

For those of you who come from Western countries, for example, you may have experienced this is no there is no Masjid around the time is going to go in and go out and you have to pray. Can you pray in the car? Because you're too embarrassed to pray in the in the parking lot. For example, embarrassment is a hardship, right?

02:32:14 --> 02:32:18

You'd like to be embarrassed, then then embarrassment is a hardship.

02:32:19 --> 02:32:22

So is it okay? We'll look at that now.

02:32:27 --> 02:32:43

Yes, it says wearing hijab is difficult. Is it okay for her to say Mashallah, to test people to see if she says hardship is a cause of alleviation. I find it hard to wear hijab. So it's okay for me to not wear hijab. Like

02:32:45 --> 02:32:46

number four.

02:32:53 --> 02:32:55

What is dn, by the way,

02:32:57 --> 02:33:05

translates blood money using so who covers that the D for someone who has killed someone unintentionally, like number five.

02:33:09 --> 02:33:17

Now, I know you're looking at this right now and it looks very strange, but half hour from now you'll be saying that's so easy. Man.

02:33:19 --> 02:33:23

No, no, no, read a read them. Give an example of the following types of alleviation.

02:33:28 --> 02:33:29


02:33:35 --> 02:33:36

All right.

02:33:41 --> 02:33:41

All right.

02:33:45 --> 02:33:49

The general meaning of this principle,

02:33:51 --> 02:34:03

hardship is a cause of alleviation. When we say hardship, what we are referring to is an abnormal difficulty

02:34:05 --> 02:34:17

exceeding that which is generally associated with a specific type of worship. Again, when we think about worship,

02:34:19 --> 02:34:27

every form of worship that you do has some level of difficulty or

02:34:29 --> 02:34:38

we can say there's a lack of comfort that may be associated with any type of worship when you make Hajj for example, isn't there some difficulty involved?

02:34:39 --> 02:34:46

Okay, fasting, isn't there some kind especially when the days are very long? Isn't there some kind of difficulty involved?

02:34:48 --> 02:34:52

Is that difficulty beyond what you can bear?

02:34:53 --> 02:34:54

In general, no.

02:34:56 --> 02:34:57

No, you can leave alone.

02:34:58 --> 02:34:59

Alone. Alone.

02:35:00 --> 02:35:06

Turns out is does not burden a soul beyond what it can bear. And so, Eliza gel

02:35:07 --> 02:35:09

has been extremely

02:35:10 --> 02:35:11


02:35:13 --> 02:35:36

with the oma Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he has removed the hardship that previous Omen have put upon themselves. They rejected a loss of hand without his favorite, and that's why our profit is selected with Sadam said in Edina. You soon the dean is easy. The Dean is easy now.

02:35:37 --> 02:35:40

If someone says, Well,

02:35:42 --> 02:35:57

I hear you. You're saying that the dean is easy, but I'll be honest with you gearing up for fudger It's not easy. It's difficult. What do you mean? Which is not easy? fasting? That's not easy.

02:35:58 --> 02:35:59

How do you answer that?

02:36:01 --> 02:36:08

givings a cat for example? taking money out of my pocket and that's not easy. How would you answer that?

02:36:10 --> 02:36:14

How would you answer that saying that the deen is easy. I'd love to hear what you have to say.

02:36:15 --> 02:36:16

You can scream it

02:36:17 --> 02:36:18


02:36:25 --> 02:36:27

looking at the bigger picture. Yeah, go ahead.

02:36:31 --> 02:37:03

Being easy to difficult is relevant. Let's go a step further. Let's go a step further. Okay. The major the bad debts of Islam that we all have to do are the pillars of Islam. Right. So we've got Hajj upon the start in order we've got salaat Zakat, fasting and Hajj. Okay, salon, what's difficult about salon? Let's just take fudger for example, the most difficult salon upon the minority Phoenicia fracture Why is it difficult? Because you have to you've got to wake up late what time

02:37:05 --> 02:37:11

five o'clock? I will tell you right now there are non Muslims all over the world who wake up before five o'clock every day.

02:37:13 --> 02:37:14

You know why they wake up?

02:37:18 --> 02:37:23

To make money? If if people can do it for the dunya

02:37:25 --> 02:37:45

they can't we do it for the D And where's the is there really difficulty involved in it? Nothing abnormal, which is the point we're talking about an abnormal difficulty. Other than that, there's no difficulty involved as a candidate how much of your how much the cat you have to pay

02:37:46 --> 02:37:52

2.5% of what of what you make in a year? No your surplus wealth

02:37:54 --> 02:37:55

is that difficult?

02:37:56 --> 02:37:58

You pay it back Don't you?

02:37:59 --> 02:38:04

2.5% you wish you wish on everything you buy

02:38:05 --> 02:38:06

in Dubai.

02:38:08 --> 02:38:20

So the reality is, is that it's not an abnormal difficulty it doesn't exceed the things that we would normally do in the dunya for regular you know, regular activities like

02:38:22 --> 02:38:23


02:38:25 --> 02:38:26

fasting difficult

02:38:28 --> 02:38:53

not an abnormal difficulty not for most people. If there is an abnormal difficulty then guess what, then that person doesn't have to fast which which we'll get to inshallah, but for normal under normal circumstances, there's not an abnormal difficulty and if the doctor said to you, you need to fast for a B and C reasons that most people are going to do as the doctor orders the doctor the doctor,

02:38:54 --> 02:38:59

then we need to be able to do that for last pentatonic. Another words are hedge.

02:39:01 --> 02:39:03

hedge. Tell me this.

02:39:05 --> 02:39:16

Aren't there people all over the world Muslim and non Muslim who spend a lot more money on vacations than they do for hikes? Absolutely.

02:39:17 --> 02:39:34

So is it really difficult and the even the fear the physical difficulty of Hajj people go climbing mountains for fun? I mean, that hike is not like that. I mean, the point is people are going to do all types of things. But because it's for law, oh, now it's difficult.

02:39:35 --> 02:39:39

See, so we have to be very careful when we look at the deen as a whole have been usurped.

02:39:40 --> 02:39:44

And the reality is, is that Allah subhana wa tada

02:39:47 --> 02:39:56

prescribed certain things for us that may have some degree of difficulty because you grow through being challenged.

02:39:58 --> 02:39:59

Once you reach a certain point, you

02:40:00 --> 02:40:19

When budget becomes easy, though, it becomes easy. Asset becomes easy, you know what you're supposed to do. You're supposed to pray robotic. You as soon as when that becomes easy, you're supposed to pray, Whitson and so forth, right? Because you have to keep challenging yourself. That is how you get better

02:40:21 --> 02:40:25

through challenging yourself. And so lots of fans out there puts certain

02:40:26 --> 02:40:45

aspects or rituals prescribes them for us, so that we can become better people. And it's through that little challenge, which is not abnormal difficulties that we advance, and there's nothing in life. And for for you, brothers and sisters, for example, that go to the gym, if you

02:40:46 --> 02:40:52

benchpress 50 kilos, every day, for a year, how much your muscles gonna grow.

02:40:55 --> 02:41:12

They're gonna stop at a certain point, because you're not in you're not putting anything on it, you're not challenging yourself anymore. You're not challenging those muscles. And so the reality is with the dean, we have to keep adding on little by little so that you challenge yourself, and then you will find these no abnormal difficulty whatsoever.

02:41:14 --> 02:41:22

So that's when we're talking about hardship. What are we talking about something that is beyond the norm. All right, fight alleviation.

02:41:24 --> 02:41:27

Here, what that means is the removal,

02:41:29 --> 02:41:36

adaptation removal, for example, somebody does not have the ability to fast

02:41:38 --> 02:41:57

then that obligation is lifted, it is removed. Something else comes in its place substituted the adaptation, that means that the worship is supposed to be performed a certain kind of way. But because you don't have the ability than it's adapted to change that, which we'll talk about, or reduction.

02:41:59 --> 02:42:05

It was for archives, but because you're traveling, it's two rakats. Okay,

02:42:06 --> 02:42:37

that removal adaptation or reduction of a previous ruling, based on circumstances, okay, so that's what we mean when we say alleviation. hardship is a cause of alleviation. So if you look at the bottom, and you see the the red box, this is the meaning here, if the implementation of a ruling. Yeah, in other words, if you do something that Allah has commanded you to do, if that causes undue hardship to a person,

02:42:39 --> 02:42:52

an abnormal difficulty, then the shittier provides alternatives that help alleviate the hardship. Alan masakatsu says legal

02:42:54 --> 02:42:57

hardship is a cause of alleviation. All right? I understand that so far.

02:42:59 --> 02:42:59


02:43:03 --> 02:43:05

Let's look at some of the evidence.

02:43:06 --> 02:43:18

Allah subhana wa tada says, You read a lot will be common usage. Will you read to be comala Rasul? Allah was easy for you and he does not want difficulty for you.

02:43:19 --> 02:43:35

You read the law who Ain't you have fine comb. Allah wants to lighten your burden. law you can leave for law will never set a limit. A law requires not of a soul beyond the capacity with which he has endowed it.

02:43:37 --> 02:43:53

I think these are pretty obvious. I don't think they need any explanation. It's clear that Allah subhana wa tada once ease for this omen. analyzer Joe says will no doubt it confident even how much he has made nothing in the religion burdensome.

02:43:56 --> 02:44:05

The Prophet alayhi salatu salam said in Medina, you soon in the religion is easy. How many

02:44:08 --> 02:44:13

texts have we looked at so far? Five hamdulillah All right.

02:44:22 --> 02:44:27

There is nothing burdensome in this video. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

02:44:30 --> 02:44:35

that he has been sent with a honey fear a somehow

02:44:37 --> 02:44:38

I'll honey fear

02:44:39 --> 02:44:41

a somehow anyway know what Hanif means?

02:44:45 --> 02:44:47


02:44:48 --> 02:44:49


02:44:50 --> 02:44:52

Hanif actually.

02:44:54 --> 02:44:59

Hanif means to turn to a loss paradigm that is actually

02:45:00 --> 02:45:13

What Hanif means to turn to something and turn away from everything else. So, Allah Subhana Allah described a prophet in the Quran as being Hanif. Do you remember what it was? Ibrahim?

02:45:15 --> 02:45:18

Can a hanifin Muslim

02:45:19 --> 02:45:21

woman can Amina mushy keen?

02:45:22 --> 02:45:36

What made him honey that he turned to Allah subhana wa tada and he turned away from the idols. So the prophet Isaiah is Salatu was Salam has said that he has been sent with a honey fee. Yanni, that is the deen that is

02:45:37 --> 02:46:10

worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala alone, as somehow it's accommodating, it's tolerant and there is no difficulty in the deed. Alright, so if we look at that, we talked about prayer. We talked about the cat, we talked about fasting, we talked about Hajj, which are the pillars of our faith, are the pillars of the deen, none of which are difficult. And then on top of that, Allah Subhana Allah has legislated things that make the obligations easier. I'll give you an example.

02:46:12 --> 02:46:13


02:46:14 --> 02:46:16

long do we have to fast every year?

02:46:18 --> 02:46:26

30 days 29 or 30 days time, what makes it easier for us to fast

02:46:29 --> 02:46:33

now, not just on Mondays and Thursdays that we're all fasting, same time.

02:46:34 --> 02:46:53

And so it makes it easy and that just imagine if you were fasting for three days, 10 months out the year which husband was faster than the different three days and then the kids were fasting and the difference and everything was it all comes out the 30 days, but you're doing it at different times. It's not gonna be the same.

02:46:55 --> 02:47:00

So Allah Subhana Allah has legislated for us things that even make the ease easier.

02:47:03 --> 02:47:05

This is from Allah so hematite is mercy,

02:47:06 --> 02:47:07


02:47:08 --> 02:47:08


02:47:09 --> 02:47:14

understanding that the Prophet sallallaahu it was son until he shut up the Aloma Taylor and her in

02:47:15 --> 02:47:19

a judo key Anna, Katarina sabich

02:47:20 --> 02:47:24

your reward is according to the difficulty.

02:47:26 --> 02:47:34

Reward so we saying that the dean is easy. But the reward is according to the difficulty. So should you do things that make

02:47:35 --> 02:47:38

the batter more difficult, for example,

02:47:39 --> 02:47:40

on hedge

02:47:41 --> 02:47:45

your playing is going to go from the Bay is going to land where?

02:47:47 --> 02:47:48

in Jeddah, right?

02:47:50 --> 02:47:52

You say no, no, no, I'm not catching the bus.

02:47:53 --> 02:47:56

not catching the bus to Mecca. I'm going to walk

02:47:58 --> 02:48:04

because it's more difficult. And the Prophet says your reward is according to the difficulty.

02:48:06 --> 02:48:09

It's true, right? The reward is according to the difficulty, correct?

02:48:10 --> 02:48:13

It's true by should you walk or should you catch the bus?

02:48:15 --> 02:48:26

Because the bus Yes. Because what the prophet Isaiah select was Sam is talking about in this Hadith, which is that the reward is according to the difficulty is difficulty that you don't impose on yourself.

02:48:27 --> 02:48:52

Okay, it's not self imposed difficulty. It's a difficulty that comes as a result of things that are outside of your control. And so the more that things become difficult, not that you made them difficult for yourself, but that's just the way it happened to go down. The bus broke down and you had to get off the bus and you had to walk. Now your reward is according to to the difficulty understand.

02:48:57 --> 02:48:57


02:48:59 --> 02:49:01

Nice. A crisis.

02:49:07 --> 02:49:08

More legal concessions.

02:49:10 --> 02:49:17

When we say legal concessions, what does that say in Arabic are ruthless, a Sharia which is the plural of

02:49:19 --> 02:49:34

rocks, right? Which is the opposite of El azeema. Alright, so most things in Islam are as that meaning that they are strict duties that Allah Subhana tada and he commands us with.

02:49:36 --> 02:49:40

But then there is the rock star, which is a concession

02:49:42 --> 02:49:48

and allows him to either loves that you do the concessions just as he loves that you do the duties themselves.

02:49:52 --> 02:49:59

Every concession in this land is an extension of this principle. So for example, now

02:50:00 --> 02:50:00

The first one

02:50:06 --> 02:50:16

shortening the prayer is a concession. What is the norm you pray door and acid in a shower? How many rockets for rockets? Can you shorten the prayer?

02:50:17 --> 02:50:33

When can you shorten prayer? When you're traveling when you're traveling, you can shorten the prayer. This is a local son. And this is a branch or is an extension of El masakatsu. Thirdly, will it tayseer next?

02:50:35 --> 02:50:41

combining the prayer when can you combine prayers when you're traveling

02:50:44 --> 02:50:45

when you're sick

02:50:47 --> 02:50:51

when when the weather is bad where and your house you can combine

02:50:53 --> 02:50:54

in the messages

02:50:56 --> 02:51:00

one opinion that's correct time

02:51:01 --> 02:51:03

keep going to martial

02:51:05 --> 02:51:06

law breaking

02:51:08 --> 02:51:13

breaking an obligatory fast when can you break in obligatory fast

02:51:15 --> 02:51:19

if you're sick when you're traveling, menstruating

02:51:21 --> 02:51:28

but that we talked about it, but here we're talking about the roxa which is that you have a concession not to do so.

02:51:29 --> 02:51:39

Even though you actually can which is you can still fast when you're traveling you can still fast when you're sick, depending on the level of illness, right? Keep going.

02:51:42 --> 02:51:44

Right, which is also what is the cook

02:51:45 --> 02:52:24

the leather sock socks are by an extension. All right. Let's keep it moving examples. So let's look at some examples from the Sunnah of the prophet Isaiah salatu salam that indicate this particular Maxim or this particular principle, which is that hardship is a cause of alleviation and a minor bidding Hussein or the Allahu anhu call it can, it's Bebo, I see, ultimately is allied with sentiment of solidity. fukada suddenly caught in between them just to clear for EDA for lm tester clear file file.

02:52:25 --> 02:52:35

This is collected by Lou Hardy and Madiba Hussain said, I had piles of piles, hemorrhoids. So I asked the prophets of low it was something about prayer.

02:52:36 --> 02:52:42

And in other words, he was finding it difficult to stand up maybe even finding it difficult to sit down.

02:52:44 --> 02:53:01

So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said pray standing, but if you can pray while sitting, and if you cannot even do that, then pray lying on your side. Okay? So

02:53:04 --> 02:53:11

the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said pray standing why to prophesy Some say pray standing standing is what in your prayer?

02:53:13 --> 02:53:23

It's it's a, it's a rookin. Right? It's an essential element of the prayer. You have to pray standing up.

02:53:24 --> 02:53:25

Okay, that's the rule.

02:53:28 --> 02:53:41

So here the prophecy someone told him, but if you can, if you can act, then pray while sitting. Okay. I want us to look at this here. And mine, even Hussein.

02:53:42 --> 02:53:46

What are the low tide? And who? Did he have two feet and two legs?

02:53:48 --> 02:54:00

Yes. Could he physically stand up? Yes, he could physically stand up. Otherwise, the privacy sort of would have never told him pray standing. That would have been no point of saying it.

02:54:01 --> 02:54:04

So when he says if you can't

02:54:05 --> 02:54:26

pray while sitting, what does that mean? If you can't, that means if you don't have the ability at all, it's not what it means here. It means that if it causes you an abnormal difficulty, then you can pray Wow, city.

02:54:27 --> 02:54:33

What What is an abnormal difficulty while standing in abnormal difficulty while standing is that?

02:54:34 --> 02:54:42

When you say Allahu Akbar, and you're standing in prayer, all you're thinking about is when can I stop standing?

02:54:44 --> 02:54:55

It's so difficult. So you're not thinking you don't have any who sure and your prayer, which I'm sure is a very important part of your prayer. You can't even think beyond the fact that it's difficult for you to stand

02:54:56 --> 02:54:58

So based on this

02:55:00 --> 02:55:05

If a woman is in her last trimester,

02:55:08 --> 02:55:10

can she pray sitting down?

02:55:13 --> 02:55:18

See all the women say yes, the brothers are saying, but you can still walk around the mall. We've tried it out.

02:55:20 --> 02:55:22

So what do you mean you can't stand?

02:55:24 --> 02:55:34

And then the sisters respond by saying walking is different than standing. Because you're moving, standing in one place for any length of time is difficult.

02:55:36 --> 02:55:41

And so if that's the case, then she can sit down

02:55:42 --> 02:55:46

because it's causing an abnormal difficulty. Okay?

02:55:47 --> 02:55:50

What if someone

02:55:51 --> 02:55:59

is on a plane? And saliva is going to come in and go out? While he's on the plane?

02:56:01 --> 02:56:04

Can he pray? Sitting down?

02:56:05 --> 02:56:07

Yes. What if he's on Saudi airlines?

02:56:11 --> 02:56:38

Right. So we're going to say if he can't stand, then he can pray sitting down. Because the prayer, however, it's important to know, if the prayer is not going to go out. While you're on the plane, then you have to delay the prayer and pray it once you land. Because you're losing a lot of the order can have salaat by praying sitting down. Alright?

02:56:40 --> 02:56:55

Because you're going to not just, you're not just losing the standing, you're losing record, you're losing. So Jude, right? So if the prayers still gonna be in when you land, then you pray after you land and you don't pray on the plane. Clear? Yes.

02:56:58 --> 02:56:59

Is it dependent on the time zone?

02:57:02 --> 02:57:31

It depends on whether you What time is going to be when you land. So when you're traveling from east to west, for example, a lot of times the time is gonna get condensed. So for example, budget, when traveling from east to west, most of the time is not going to be more than a half hour is going to come in and go out like that. So you have to pray while you're on the plane. But when traveling from west to east, the time is expanding.

02:57:33 --> 02:57:48

And so it doesn't. The it's about what time it is when you're on a plane and what it's going to be when you land. So for example, I'll give you example, if you leave from debate, and you're going to travel to America, for example.

02:57:50 --> 02:58:04

When you're going when you're going west, let's just say you leave before budget, and you plan on landing in the United States, it's going to be 10am 11am. While you're on the plane, the only prayer that you're going to make is what

02:58:06 --> 02:58:30

is the only prayer coming even though you've been on a plane for 14 hours. Because once you land, it's still not going to be door time even if on the plane. There's a door time however you would know then, okay. And when so as long as you know that when you land, the prayer is still going to be in that is that particular prayer that you haven't prayed, then that's what's a pioneer inshallah. Okay,

02:58:31 --> 02:58:40

next, next question related to this particular hobby. We have our person who now

02:58:41 --> 02:58:42

is at the mall.

02:58:44 --> 02:58:48

And salon is going to be going out in 20 minutes.

02:58:49 --> 02:58:51

And they're not going to be able to get to a Masjid.

02:58:52 --> 02:58:55

And the only option they have is to pray outside.

02:58:57 --> 02:58:58


02:59:00 --> 02:59:08

they know that if they pray outside or they feel like if they pray outside people gonna look at them. They're gonna laugh Hi, look at that Muslim over there.

02:59:10 --> 02:59:11

And so

02:59:12 --> 02:59:16

they don't want to be embarrassed. So they go and sit in the car and they pray

02:59:17 --> 02:59:22

that they leave off a rook and have the prayer. Yes, they did. Is that permissible?

02:59:24 --> 02:59:25

Yes or no?

02:59:26 --> 02:59:32

Absolutely not? Absolutely not. Because being embarrassed,

02:59:33 --> 02:59:49

is not a hardship is not an abnormal hardship. It's not an abnormal difficulty and a lot of it is psychological. In other words, it's an insecurity that you have about your own faith. You need to just learn a little bit more about Islam and be comfortable with God.

02:59:51 --> 03:00:00

Allah Subhana Allah told us about that in the Quran in the livina eduroam. kennel minella Dena eminonu yaku those criminals and the worst

03:00:00 --> 03:00:06

crimes. It doesn't mean here that the you know, like they're against going against the law the worst of crimes

03:00:07 --> 03:00:24

is to associate partners with the loss of habitat. In the Latino Asian American woman and Latina Eminem yep who they used to laugh at the believers. Well he there will be him he atomism and when they will go by them, they will mock them they will teach them

03:00:25 --> 03:00:29

right. But what's going to happen the tides of once a turn

03:00:30 --> 03:00:35

for Yeoman Latina M and woman and confetti, yet Hakuna la

03:00:36 --> 03:00:40

hanfu even confirm I can. If I know the point is that

03:00:41 --> 03:00:57

that is not a valid excuse. But I'll give you I'll give you another example. Let's just say it's a sister. And she has her young child with her, for example. And the time for salon is going to go out.

03:00:59 --> 03:01:04

And she's in a neighborhood or an area where she fears that

03:01:06 --> 03:01:28

if she's outside praying that somebody may attack her somebody may hurt her or her child can see prey in the car. Yes, because that's an abnormal difficulty. That's an abnormal difficult All right here we will say the protection of herself and her child becomes a Dora

03:01:29 --> 03:01:30

in that sense, like

03:01:33 --> 03:01:37

next example. Email Muslim ye Mahalo to Anna.

03:01:38 --> 03:01:43

He said had nothing I have no your hair color Curatola Vatican and navy and we know more about the Allahu taala and

03:01:45 --> 03:02:22

as a latifi laylat in that he bugged him worry for Karla sungguh, fidgety hog and in the event Allah sallu fury Han Soo makalah can also realize that a lot of them yet more and more as they need their candidates lay let him buried there to Maclaurin yaku Sol loofahs he had, okay, even Omar, Iran who called the exam for prayer, it was a cold windy night, cold and windy. And he said pray in your homes and your dwellings.

03:02:24 --> 03:02:36

This is it man Omar has said that he then said when it was a cold rainy night, the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam message of a loss of life Salaam used to command the more than to say

03:02:38 --> 03:02:45

at a salute Rehan PRAY IN YOUR dwellings. Okay.

03:02:47 --> 03:02:48

Where's the command?

03:02:51 --> 03:02:57

What is the Okay, what's, what's happening here? Where's the difficulty? Let's start there. Where's the difficulty?

03:02:58 --> 03:03:18

Right? It's rainy. It's cold. It's windy. Okay. And the difficulty is the one and getting to the machine and getting to the machine. All right. Now some people, the minute they see rain, they won't go to the masjid, but they will go to the mall.

03:03:20 --> 03:03:42

Which is a problem. And this is why as the scholars of Islam have mentioned, what is meant about the rain that keeps you away from the Jamaat is the rain that under normal circumstances, it slows down society. In other words, people cancel appointments and things like this and they're not moving like they normally would move.

03:03:43 --> 03:04:11

Otherwise to not go to the masjid. But still everything else in your life is normal. You're gonna go to the mall and you know, to let them know that that's not enough to keep you away from from domestic. Alright. So here the difficulty comes with the rain. And the command is to pray in Jamaica, that's the normal command is that you have to pray in the masjid. But because of that difficulty, the prophets of the law it was seldom

03:04:13 --> 03:04:33

brought about ease which was what? Allah Salou for Rehan PRAY IN YOUR dwellings. All right. So the apostle is that whoever hears the evidence Say hi yada Salah hail and then you have to answer that the answer that call.

03:04:35 --> 03:04:42

But here, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam made a concession and that is to pray in your dwellings.

03:04:44 --> 03:04:47

When do you say if you're the more than anybody here more than

03:04:48 --> 03:04:49

nobody alone?

03:04:51 --> 03:04:52

I'm only looking on this side. By the way.

03:04:53 --> 03:04:58

It's problems in America. We have female mothers but that's a problem right?

03:05:00 --> 03:05:07

Salou Phil rehab, pray in your dwellings. When is that said when should that be said

03:05:12 --> 03:05:15

after high yada alfalah

03:05:19 --> 03:05:20


03:05:22 --> 03:05:25

buy after Hi. Hi Ursula hi and

03:05:26 --> 03:06:06

then the modem will say Alexa Lu Philly ham. That's one way of doing it all the three different narrations all of them are authentic. Another one is that is set at the very end of the event. So once you finish everything then you say, Allah solutionary hal and another narration, it is after the Shahada teen. So after you say Mohammed Rasulullah and then you say prior to saying hi Anna Salah you will say Allah sallu Fiji, okay, and this hadith for those of you who read Arabic is the only Hadith I think in this entire presentation where you'll see in its net

03:06:07 --> 03:06:16

so a Muslim said had done a I have a hair color karatsu Allah Malik and never anybody in Oman. Anybody know why that's there?

03:06:17 --> 03:06:31

scholars of Hadith I know there's some scholars of Hadith or want to say at least because it's the golden chain, the golden like a gold chain. You wear around your neck, what is a golden chain? What is that?

03:06:32 --> 03:06:59

Right so so every Hadeeth has a chain of narrators which is one of the beautiful things about our Deen what led him to we should praise Eliza gel for having inspired such a system of preservation that we know that this is something that the Prophet it is selected with Samson Malik meaning Mr. Malik mmm of Donald Angela the Imam of Medina who died in 179 after the Hegelian he narrates

03:07:00 --> 03:07:06

on his ship nerfed and nerfed it was the freed slave of Yvan Omar

03:07:08 --> 03:07:23

while the Allahu taala in Houma and was very close to him in Oman and so Malik Nerys are never anybody know what that is there's what they call a Silsila the heavy right the Golden Chain meaning chain of transmission play

03:07:26 --> 03:07:28

another example with the English

03:07:54 --> 03:08:00

so here we have Alma Shaka difficulty because she only has one garment

03:08:01 --> 03:08:25

and she tried to wash it and that's what came out the the trace that remains or the stain or whatever like that she's not held accountable for that. Normally all impurities would have to be removed but because there is difficulty here the profit settled all it was some of them did not hold her accountable for that this is collected by Abu download and the shekel Benny Elia Hamel graded it as being authentic.

03:08:27 --> 03:08:29

Man, keep going.

03:08:31 --> 03:08:33

Who did stop for

03:08:35 --> 03:08:38

now I'm not trying to be funny. It's just

03:08:39 --> 03:08:40

this this is

03:08:42 --> 03:08:46

gonna last. I should have said that in the beginning. I'm sorry. But

03:08:47 --> 03:08:49

I'm gonna narrate it.

03:08:55 --> 03:08:57

When was that to sell acid?

03:08:58 --> 03:09:02

Which year? Was the eighth year after the digital? Nah.

03:09:08 --> 03:09:22

Okay, but why was he afraid that he would die if he made well so this is so cold. Right? And he scared that if he you know Bates himself that that he is going going to die so he did what Go ahead.

03:09:27 --> 03:09:33

When he says he led his companions that's because he was the head of the brigade brigade. Okay.

03:09:39 --> 03:09:39

He said

03:09:45 --> 03:09:47

I explained to him what kept me from watching.

03:09:54 --> 03:09:58

Let's up to enforce a common law can I become Mahima

03:10:03 --> 03:10:08

Ha, ha. Okay. So what was the difficulty here?

03:10:09 --> 03:10:11

performing? Russell?

03:10:13 --> 03:10:13

The ease

03:10:15 --> 03:10:31

the alleviation okay. He was permitted to make to your mum as a means of purification. Clear. So all of these are examples of this particular Maxim. All right. All right Bismillah.

03:10:33 --> 03:10:35

Father Shakira examples.

03:10:40 --> 03:10:42

So again, when can you pray sitting down?

03:10:44 --> 03:11:03

When standing is either impossible. Now neither person he's in a wheelchair, he cannot physically stand up paralyzed from, you know, whatever the waist down, he can't physically stamps impossible, or when when doing it would create an abnormal difficulty, like is the case with many pregnant sisters?

03:11:05 --> 03:11:06

Go ahead making

03:11:08 --> 03:11:21

one can you make tmo number one when there is no water at all. Number two, when you cannot use the water. In other words, a person is sick.

03:11:22 --> 03:11:38

Or they have an open wound, for example. And they cannot use water on that part they are going to make according to many of the scholars they're going to make will do and they're going to watch what they can and then they're going to perform to Yemen for the part that they were not able to wash.

03:11:39 --> 03:11:41

All right. Yeah, go ahead.

03:11:44 --> 03:11:49

Danny, sometimes a person is not obligated to purify himself at all.

03:11:51 --> 03:11:55

Anybody have any examples that he's not required to

03:11:56 --> 03:11:59

make? Will do or tmo.

03:12:02 --> 03:12:03


03:12:04 --> 03:12:06

a person that's in the ICU

03:12:10 --> 03:12:12

I have a I have an example.

03:12:13 --> 03:12:30

For example, a prisoner of war. Okay. Let's just say they, they put handcuffs on him. For example, he can't do to him. And he obviously can't make will do. And he's waiting they got they got him in a holding cell for example.

03:12:32 --> 03:12:41

Right here, he still has to pray. He's not obligated to do too hard. I'll give you another example. Which which actually might happen. Let's say you're on a plane.

03:12:42 --> 03:12:58

And my example you're going from from west to east, so celox and Frederick comes in and goes out like that. Alright. And during the time when you want to pray

03:12:59 --> 03:13:22

there's so much of battery turbulence. Yeah, there's turbulence and they they've got the fasten seatbelt sign you stand up, they will scream at you that sir Sit down. They're not nothing's happening. So you can't even stand up you can't go make will do or anything like that. But the slide is going to go in and then the slides will come in and go out. And this scenario you can pray without Sahaja

03:13:24 --> 03:13:25


03:13:28 --> 03:13:31

when can a person that face the equivalent prayer obligatory prayer.

03:13:34 --> 03:13:41

same scenario, if a person is on a plane, and they can't stand up, then obviously, a lot of times they're not going to be facing the Qibla.

03:13:45 --> 03:13:56

Fight for Hajj. Leaving was Delhi for early because it is difficult for elderly people to stay the entire night they can leave early. And

03:13:57 --> 03:14:14

even those who are accompanying them like even I bet some of the alota in Houma, who left with the the women and those who are, you know, had some ailments and things like that they left was dying early because of the difficulty. What am I Shaka to, essentially boo at TC man.

03:14:16 --> 03:14:33

What is Tolkien it's when you assign someone else to do something on your behalf. So on Hajj, for example, for some people, it is permissible for them to assign others to stone on their behalf. For example, and this is an example of hardship,

03:14:34 --> 03:14:36

being a cause of alleviation

03:14:40 --> 03:14:59

after unintentional eating, right, so what happens if a person is fasting and it's Ramadan and then they eat something and they forget fully and then they forgot and they ate something? Do they have to make up that entire day? No. in the mouth. I'm a hula hula Sokka it is alive.

03:15:00 --> 03:15:21

So how to add that gave him food and drink. Right? And so that person can continue that fast even though they actually consume something which breaks the fast but in this case, they can continue because chapter two totally blew a tasty. Alright. Now, let's look at the types of alleviation we're going to do this quickly. All right.

03:15:22 --> 03:15:27

Okay, now listen to the instructions, please. You're ready.

03:15:28 --> 03:15:36

I want one example only, but we're going to call it out. So I'm going to call on you. So just raise your hand.

03:15:37 --> 03:15:44

One if not two examples. One and there's a reason for it. Types of alleviation.

03:15:45 --> 03:16:00

So when we talk, we've covered a few of these, we talk about removal, meaning that the entire act of a bad debt has been removed for this type of person. What like what yes here?

03:16:07 --> 03:16:08


03:16:09 --> 03:16:10

a sick person.

03:16:13 --> 03:16:19

Oh, he's mad. Okay, like, Okay, I got it. I got someone who's insane.

03:16:21 --> 03:16:29

All of the all of the academy for shadow er removed from them. They don't have to do anything from Islam. So give me another Give me another exam.

03:16:30 --> 03:16:31

You guys screaming

03:16:32 --> 03:16:44

Okay, for what? For fasting? Okay, so menstruating woman doesn't have to fast. Alright. Fine. Number two reduction. Yes.

03:16:46 --> 03:16:56

Okay, so when you're traveling, you can shorten the prayer. So you're reducing right you're reducing the number number three substitution.

03:17:01 --> 03:17:02

Ramadan fasting for who?

03:17:05 --> 03:17:21

Okay, for the, for someone who has a chronical illness that they don't expect to be cured from then this person's fast. He doesn't fast anymore. It's substituted with what? feeding with feeding the poor. Okay. Add that tation

03:17:24 --> 03:17:25


03:17:26 --> 03:17:27

We covered it Yes.

03:17:32 --> 03:17:35

Combining would that be adaptation?

03:17:36 --> 03:17:46

praying sitting down praying sitting down you so the apostle is still there you've adapted it. So instead of standing you pray sitting type postponement meaning that

03:17:49 --> 03:17:50

like traveling

03:17:52 --> 03:17:59

Okay, so you can pray salon you can pray Muslim with a shed. Right and so you postpone time advance.

03:18:01 --> 03:18:04

You pray share with with Margaret. Okay.

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