Suleiman Hani – Leadership

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The reassurance session for the Maghrib Institute discusses the importance of trustworthy men in the OMA and the need for accountability before the Islamist movement. The importance of leadership is emphasized, including forgiveness in leadership and respecting Islam. attendees are encouraged to register for free to support their efforts. The speakers stress the importance of lifelong commitment to childhood education and trust others, while also avoiding letting people know about one's limitations. They invite attendees to a webinar on this topic.
AI: Summary ©
braises to the bid on me
I'm blessed Douglas raises to the rock me I'm glad stampless phrases to bid on me I got a thank you for my eyes and my thighs and my toes and my nose
and my lips and my smile and my ears and my fears and my mind and my time and my and my friends and my bones and my drums and my health and my well then the love in my life and the fact that you sent me a beautiful line or the good and the bad for the string that I had for my mom mammoth dad so much more I could add you give and we give while we get and forget to the Lord of the worlds we are always in
how could I forget that God needed this thing and for that brings us to the bit odd me
I'm blessed Chambliss raises
me I'm black Ramblas praises to the rock behind me. I want to thank you I want to praise in my brains my sacrifice and
I want to thank you, I want to praise you in my prayers, my sacrifice.
I want to thank you I want to phrase in my brains my sacrifice and
I want to thank you I want to praise you give my prayers my sacrifice and not for you.
I'm feeling good week in love today. Got to say thanks to Allah. Forgive me Jana.
For the breath debris you do the trees back to me. Can't you see I'm living live in
God the sun shining down on me perfectly currently feeling the bees moms and the cloud give a shade to me pray for me.
Grow in the food dad.
And we could never count your blessings every second so many lessons got me turning to the heavens. Thanks to he for creating me shaping me says the enemy breezes through the little bit on me.
I'm blessed armless phrases to the rub me I'm glad stampless phrases to the bill.
I got a thank you for my eyes and my thighs and my toes and my nose and mouth. Am I lips and my smile and my ears and my fears and my mind and my time AMA and my friends and my phones and my drums and my health and my well then the love in my life. And the fact that you sent me a beautiful or the good and bad for the strength that I had for my mom mom and dad so much more I could add. You give and we give while we get and forget DO THE LORD OF THE WORLD we are always in
how could I forget that you guided me to this thing and for that reason soothed
I'm blessed Chambliss breezes through the rub Delilah me. I'm glad Ramblas phrases to the wrong bill.
I want to thank you. I want to praise you. Give my brains my sacrifice and love. I want to thank you. I want to praise you in my friends my sacrifice.
I want
Thank you I want to phrase
in my brains my sacrifice and
I want to thank you I want to praise you give my prayers my sacrifice and die for you.
Dum Dum,
dum dum, dum dum
I'm feeling good waking up today got to say thanks to Allah. Forgive me
for the breath debris do the trees back to me. Can't you see? I'm living live in
the sunshine and death all righty everyone I sit down Wallach and what I'm a doula welcome today number 10 of Ramadan 360 with a mugger Institute Welcome back to everyone who's been back now that we're hitting the first third of Ramadan being over I always like to do a little roll call who's been here from the very beginning of Ramadan 360 this year who hasn't missed a single session that we've been live so far for either we use the honesty or the Tegrity kind of method so we'll take your word for it inshallah for everyone who's commenting but I feel like mashallah everyone I've seen either on my screen or my chats we've got tone we've got who name from third top PK we've got
live by we got I shall we got PERIES from the neat from Bronx, New York, we got Sofia from Brussels. Just a reminder everyone as you're coming in just to add your locations as always to your names and make that part of your routine as you're joining us for this sessions. Live Ah Welcome Welcome Welcome to everyone saying their salons as well. Welcome listen on what I'm with Alessia kina from the UK Bill keys I've seen you on my screen Vicky's every single day, which reminds me I want to see you again inshallah. So I just made the ability for you guys to turn on your camera live so please do join me here on Oh, sorry, Carrie, I just accidentally asked you to mute just ignore that in sha
Allah. Great to see all of you here and all of you back with us. May Allah reward you for your consistency and your passion and your dedication Alhamdulillah it's been a lovely run. And I was telling you guys in the beginning I don't like to hold on it too much, but that you just blink and a week is gone. You blink in 10 days are gone. And then you blink and it's halfway through the month. I see you nodding chicory it's crazy. It's kind of that experience of Ramadan like you anticipate you worry if you're gonna be able to manage it and the days and the fast and oh my god this exams and all that kind of stuff and then Subhan Allah Allah makes it so easy and then you miss you know
all these opportunities that you have to do hair. And as always, just Dr. Monica I know we've been kind of reminding you guys consistently but it's been amazing to have so many of you who've been joining us also become part of the give daily experience here at Ramadan 360 and contribute to continuing this work and providing access to Islamic knowledge in the way that our Maghrib Institute has been doing for the last 22 years and hamdulillah making it easy and accessible and reaching people wherever they are in the way and the style and the professionalism in the in the method that they're that will be most impactful for them and hamdulillah and just like Mocha I think right now
we are give daily counter is that 687 So I know we had a slightly higher goal but we keep aiming high and I know inshallah we're gonna hit there so today's give daily goal is going to be 750 in sha Allah and yes we've got the Aziz representing we got Brisbane in the house we've got Perth in the house, Masha alleges I can look out for spending your I guess that's your so her time with us every single day. And welcome to those who are still coming through into the session, we're gonna get started in just a couple of minutes with shifts in a min Hani who is going to be covering the topic of leadership with us. Shifts in amount, of course kicked us off for the Ramadan 360 experience. We
always like to have him first and last to get you guys on the started on the right foot and then ended in the best way. So hamdulillah we're here he's back with us here today on day number 10. To keep the momentum going. And to cover the topic of leadership in sha Allah, I'm excited for it we've had if you've been in a Maghrib student for the past few years, you've benefited from shift shifts that demands kind of professional takes on his his focus is on goal setting and maximizing your time and being the most impactful that you can be. So I'm excited to see him tackle the topic of leadership today in Sharla, as well, and you'll see him again if you're here. Joining us this
weekend. We made that exciting announcement yesterday that we have a webinar on the topic of Oh you who believe I love the topic in sha Allah, your if you can, if you want to register for it and RSVP to save your spot. It's going to be limited capacity once again on Zoom. So just make sure you sign up early and that you join the webinar early. It's at Ramadan, three forward slash webinar. And that of course is going to be here in the chat on zoom in on YouTube. You guys can find that in your session description as always in sha Allah. With that said, we're going to jump in really quickly. I just want to shout out as always the amazing
People that make Ramadan 360 possible. The amazing partners which are in the US, h h rd, and Canada Islamic Relief and in the UK forgotten woman you're gonna have an opportunity to hear from them later in the month as well. But please, as you're trying to be consistent in your good deeds and try to maximize every single day that's passing, please do keep them in your you know contribution in mind and keep them in your eyes as well. I know it's very difficult to on the ground right now and the areas of most need, where they're serving. So once again, Oh you who believe webinar. Thank you. No thank you to our amazing sponsors. And of course, every single day at 3pm PST Chifa monitor three
launches his latest Beautiful Names video on our YouTube channel for our YouTube series. So look out for that today's name was uncloudy if you guys caught it, let me know if there's any gems that you've pulled out from that video those those videos are rife with gems and hamdulillah and if you did benefit please make sure that you're consistently sharing with others as well. And then finally we have tomorrow our 10 day care and challenge with a man with Sam Sharif kicking off make sure that you tune in on your portal if in your if you're in Ramadan 360 You should have automatically how to add it to your student portal. So you don't have to make any do any anything extra or have any extra
steps and YouTube The link is in your description as well to sign up it's totally free. It's gonna be at 1pm PST and sha Allah and it'll be a great opportunity for you guys to stretch into perfect your edge we then shot last year reciting and benefiting and interacting with the Quran. Even more than usual this month in sha Allah to Allah. With that said, I'm excited to bring on shifts in Manhattan, he doesn't really need any introduction that handle live, you're part of the Amazon ecosystem. You've seen him around you've benefited from him immensely and Hamdulillah He is our Director of Academic Affairs. He's the mastermind behind a lot of the amazing content and
experiences that you've been seeing in recent years and mashallah, he's the head of our therapy and Maura be you know, direct mentorship programs as well. And he's of course, our Ramadan 360 experience coming back for a second time I sent on one leg and one of them was delicious cinnamon, honey, how are you doing today? Oh Alikum salam ala la Alhamdulillah I hope you're doing well. And everyone here may Allah subhanaw taala bless you and accept from you along the mean. We'll get ahead we'll go ahead and get started. But I just want to say this. Just to add on to what was stated and beginning with SR have some attendees the first 10 days have as many people are expressing have
passed by so quickly. So those who worked hard now they're hamdulillah taking some of the fruits of that those who didn't, perhaps during reading it, those who started with ambition and noticed in recent days, they're struggling to be consistent, you'll start to look for things inshallah Tada that will help you to race ahead certain acts of worship that consistency. Here's the most important thing may Allah grant us consistency. And may Allah subhanaw taala bring down his swift justice and his relief to our brothers and sisters in Palestine Alyssa Sudan and East Turkestan, every land and every place in which his name is mentioned. Allahu Mermin let's start with this question. You're
going to absolutely love this story inshallah Tada.
If you could wish for one thing today, if you could wish for one thing today, what would you wish for? Or memorable hotdog Radi Allahu Allah and one time with a group of Sahaba in this house. He asked them he said to men no wish for something.
And this means everyone should mention something they wish they could have. So one of them said I wish this house that we are in. I wish it was filled with gold so I can donate all of it. For Allah's path, the act of charity was the first thing he thought of charity is one of the most powerful acts of worship. And the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam led the Sahaba as the ultimate role model, he was the most generous person the entire year and he was even more generous in the month of Ramadan. So this is how this is something great, but remodel the long run was looking for something else he said to me no wish for something meaning someone else. Another Sahabi said in other words,
okay, fine. I wish this house was filled with pearls and every kind of precious gem so I can spend it in charity for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala Allahu Akbar. I want to talk bomb Radi Allahu Allah and again is looking for something he says wish for something. And then finally one of them said men Andrea Ameerul Momineen we don't know meaning we're not sure what you're asking us to wish for. You're looking for a specific answer. Wallah. He this answered can motivate us, inspire us and change. Not just yourself, your family, your organization but the entirety of our own model of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam May Allah keep our hearts united Allahumma Amin I want us to
think about this following statements. I'm going to call brother in law who and he said a termina I wish no unhealthy he does Ramu attune Rachel and Mitla Abby obey that of ninja rock. I wish this house was filled with the likes of Abu Zubaydah, the great Sahabi unmotivated, that's what you would wish for. Can you imagine going to a club you ask him hey, can you wish for something tell me what you want the Ummah to have? He tells you, I wish that our OMA would have more
Then the likes of Abu Zubaydah Radi Allahu ang y aborto VEDA. Why was this the response? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave us some insight way before what Omar said. He said Allah in an equally automatic Amin and every nation every Ummah has the person who is known as the most trustworthy Amin and what amino her the hill Almighty Abu Zubaydah who wrote the trustworthy. The pinnacle example of trustworthy men of this OMA is Abu Zubaydah. One time a group of people came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam listen to this beautiful story. They said, Send with us a man who is trustworthy labyrinthian elite calmodulin mean and the prophesies instead I will send
with you somebody who is trustworthy hacker, meaning hacker I mean trustworthy, trustworthy, trustworthy, the Sahaba looked at each other and the one who was reporting the Hadith, he noticed what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam basically sent aboard obey the he stood up, he was the one sent to that group in Nigeria. And now when Ramadan, the Aloha and when the prophesy son passed away, and you know the the discussion the Sahaba had about how to move forward with leadership, who is going to lead the OMA forward. How are we going to carry this responsibility? The darkest day of the OMA the most difficult experience, what are we going to do? A MOBA can only allow one role model
the Aloha and these were nominated. And then who was nominated after Irma a lot of people don't know this story. The one who was nominated after our model was actually Edward Vader according to an authentic reports from are issued only Allahu Allah. He was nominated next. And then she kept quiet when they asked her who would have been nominated after that by the Prophet salallahu Salam she didn't say anything else. Abu Bakr and Omar and I will obey that would have been nominated. This tells us his status as a leader. And yet by the way, he was never the Khalifa. And yet by the way, he didn't look for political power. We're available the Allahu Anhu was trustworthy. A lot of people
today want to be leaders but they don't know what Islamic leadership is. A lot of people today want to be influencers they want following, but they have no idea the responsibility that accountability before Allah subhanaw taala on the Day of Judgment when people are listening to what it means for you to have a sphere of influence. A lot of people today say I want to be a great leader, but I cannot be a good follower. And the reality is in our Ummah, you cannot be a great leader if you are not a great follower, because you start with what's your role model. You start with following the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you cannot be a great leader without the humility of also being
a follower of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. How did our Aveda become so great? He was following the footsteps of the beloved and his salatu salam and Allah gives us the blueprint to Islamic leadership, starting with your role model number the cannula come for you. Rasulullah he was SWAT on Hassan Toliman Kana yo yo la How will yo mil Arthur weathercat Allahu cathedra. There is indeed for all of you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent example for whom what kind of person the one who says I want to be leader of just a company I want to be an influencer. I want political power. No for the one who has hopes in meeting a lot in a good state, the one who cares about
Allah's pleasure and the Day of Judgment, meaning Jana, they want to be safe. And they remember a law with much remembrance. This is the blueprint, the foundation, the framework of Islamic leadership. So when we talk about leader, this is a topic by the way that requires us to study extensively. All the different frameworks, the traits, the stories of the Quran, as we delve into them in a moment, inshallah to Allah. So it's not something we can cover in 30 minutes, rather than going for scope for just an extensive overview. I want to try to give you some depth in sha Allah, Allah with the limited time that we have the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is the blueprint. And so
if you say I want to understand the concept of Islamic leadership, it starts with recognizing where do I look for the reference point, it starts with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the ultimate leader, as a father, as a husband, as a community leader, as a political leader, as a military leader, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is the ultimate role model. Remember this leadership in the Islamic worldview is not about management or management style. When you study organizational theories and management, you're studying how to manage groups of people for a particular goal, but you are not usually studying all the different spiritual traits of that
individual, the manager. So the Islamic concept of leadership is not just about your leadership style. It's not just about what you say to other people, your spouse to values and your claims. In Islam. A leader is not studied just from the lens of a group of people or your dynamics with others in an organization or a setting or your family as a mother as a father, but rather, in terms of your traits. Who are you first and foremost, in Islam? This is where the foundation begins. The Quran and the Sunnah give us the blueprint. So let's talk about it.
The prophets of the past what are the stories you hear about all the time? You know, and you could cite easily, maybe 3040 examples of stories from the Quran. And for the last four years here and another of Institut Alhamdulillah, head of the Army, the first three years of those four, we've covered essentially almost every single story of the Quran in detail with a number of teachers and scholars and guest speakers. We've covered stories of Revelation, a suburb in New Zealand The causes of Revelation, we've heard from 1000s of students in these last three years since the pandemic and 2020. We've heard from so many students how overwhelmingly positive the impact has been on their
lives, and Al Hamdulillah. In those last three years, we have also seen the number of students increasing the number of supporters increasing the number of people benefiting from the classes, the Quran revolution program, the Quran challenge, we've heard students whose children join in spring, we've had students join us for a nominal blessing voyage, we've had students join the tetapi, a program, the Model B program, right now, a shout out to all the students, all the donors, all the facilitators, every single person who had a share in it, whether it was your DUA, or your charity, or anything else, your support of every single part of another of Institute is one of the smartest
types of sadaqa because it goes to so many different people, so many different projects. It's a worldwide movement, and an experience and a try for the entirety of donor May Allah subhana keep our hearts united alone that mean, by the way, I was told last time the beginning of Ramadan, and I want to remind you all, may Allah reward you and bless you, we have made it now from that to the second third of Ramadan, whoever can chime in, take a share be part of this business. So the collegiality that spreads out, join us in Charlottetown is one of the daily givers our goal Inshallah, to Allah is to reach 750 By the end of today, Alhamdulillah we have already almost 600 plus students we need
insha Allah to another 100 By the end of this session. So take a share of this May Allah Subhana Allah lead us always to what is good and then allow us to take advantage? Where does the blueprint begin? Although it can, Medina Had Allah Febi who does study Allah subhanaw taala talks about the stories of the prophets and the messengers, and he says these were the prophets rightly guided by law. So follow their guidance, that is your leadership. You learn from the stories, it's not for entertainment, you learn lessons that will benefit your life very practically, in a very real way. Sometimes people just want entertainment and the best thing you can do is to take a story that Allah
gives you and to say how do I internalize this? How am I really living upon this? May Allah Subhana Allah grant us consistency Allahumma Amin, where do we begin? We begin with iman with belief in Allah subhanaw taala with calling people to hide and so an example of leadership. Allah subhanaw taala tells us in Surah 21 verse 73 What you're unknown in Merton, you're doing a marina we're hanging out you know you fit under hieratic, what you call masala tea what Eater is what can we learn RBD we need them is happening are called adding salaam leaders. This is an example of leadership. We need the leaders guiding by Our command. What does Allah say about leadership here?
That they were people who worshipped a lot? What can you Lana RBD and if you want to understand Islamic leadership, it is intertwined directly with your iman and Allah, your worship of Allah you can't make claims and sit back in a mansion and eat and overeat and tell people go do all the work of the OMA No, you have to be part of the OMA. You cannot tell people be righteous and you yourself are doing everything evil and you don't care about rabada Islamic leadership starts with you believing in Allah strengthening your iman and therminal hierachy are mentioned here. These are people who do good deeds, that's what a leader is, you are doing good yourself. You know how
oftentimes people say, I want to be like Abdul Rahman Bedarf, the rich person who gave so much sadaqa I want to be that person in that community. But this person has no ambition to like worship, this person is just looking for the next match. And this person is looking for fanciest cars, prestige and brand names. And it's not that this is not an important role to Sada, but Oh, instead of only taking that one trait of Abdul Rahman I've been out like to be generous, right to be charitable, Hamlet's huge thing, but take it to the next level under a human being memorize the Quran and would lead the Sahaba in prayer and He recited suited buckler, often in Salah in his PM,
he was very righteous. He was amongst those who did good deeds. That's an example of leadership, by the way. So prayer and sadaqa, as mentioned in this is what it is. These are people stablished prayer and they give to their charity. And these are tests for us that come about every single day, establishing the prayer helping other people doing good deeds. What else does a leader from Islamic worldview do? A leader in the Islamic worldview learns how to deal with the mistakes of other people. Again, we're going for for a little bit of depth and not as much of scope. So what's an example the Battle of heart takes place and some Muslims were martyred because of the mistakes of
some believers. You know the story when they left the mountain, the Prophet slicin told them not
to leave and this was a very sad, tragic moment for the OMA. But notice this imagine the fear that those Muslims had what's going to happen to us? What will the Prophet do to us? Are we going to get excommunicated kicked out? What's going to happen in our community? Will people ever forgive us? We just faced the first real loss. bedded was a success, or her was a partial loss here. So what are we going to do? What's going to happen to us and Allah subhanaw taala says, and this is sort of earlier Imran Surah three verse 159, for Bhima Rama 10 min Allah healing tilahun Look at the leadership of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, Allah tells him by mercy from Allah O Muhammad you were lenient
with them what I couldn't afford one of our legal bill and fog looming how Nick if you were harsh hearted and you were in your speech and in your heart if you were harsh in your speech and harsh in your heart, they would have left you l'enfant dome in holik rather far one who was still fiddling home wash I went home Phil, forgive them, pardon them and keep them amongst those you consult in the next steps in the decision making process that either as interfaith our can Allah Allah, put your trust in Allah subhanaw taala. Once you have that Azeema once you've decided in the law here when we're talking brothers and sisters, I can do not when I say this one area, we can take this and
discuss for the next one hour just about the the tafseer the specific traits of leadership, the prophets, Eliza them heard, but for the sake of time, we'll go through a few very quickly. These were some Muslims who made a mistake. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam as a leader knows how to deal with these mistakes. Sometimes a Muslim with his own family has no no tolerance whatsoever, a small mistake they never forgive. Sometimes the husband or wife, the person makes a mistake and they're trying to redeem themselves and the husband or the wife are refusing to forgive a parent with his child, a child with their parents and uncle with their nephew. Sometimes people are so harsh, they
are not falling the leadership of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us May Allah guide us towards best for one harsh in speech if you were harsh in your speech, when is the last say this? Because sometimes notice this sometimes people say listen, I'm I'm harsh in my speech because I'm your leader, I have to coach you. I have to remind you, I'm your parents, I'm your husband, I'm this and that. But I have nothing in my heart. I have nothing my heart My heart is not harsh. I mean, good. You know, when somebody says they mean well, no, no Allah subhanaw taala saying, don't have that excuse, of saying that you're, you know, good in your heart,
you're you have you're not harsh, you're not angry at them. But externally, you are harsh know, in your heart and on your tongue, in your heart and on your tongue. So when Allah tells us this in Surah, to Alia Imran, it's a reminder for you as an individual, sometimes people say, Well, I'm just trying to help them improve. Don't be harsh on your tongue or in your heart, may Allah subhanaw taala allow us to follow this example from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is leadership. So sometimes, some cases you have to let things go because you cannot change the situation. Other times you may have to fix certain things. Obviously, every context is different. But this is generally the
principle of semuc leadership. Allah tells the prophet to forgive them sallallahu alayhi salam, pardon them, forgive them, they call us it's over. You cannot change the past forgive them. They're trying to improve, they know they did something wrong. They're trying to redeem themselves. Sometimes in the canceled culture that we are seeing today, people are not given an opportunity to redeem themselves, people are not given an opportunity to change. But also notice this, this is almost, if you think about it, it's mind blowing. For some people to consider the next step. You want me to be nice to them not to be angry in my speech or my heart, and you want me to forgive them
and you want me what shall we do home? Phil? Consultant, you know what shooter is? It's one of the clearest examples, that someone in a position of decision making of responsibility or authority, understands with humility, that it's not about you. It's about the objective. It's not about you as an individual, as a messenger of your organization as a name brand. No, it's about the message. It's about the goal. It's much greater than me, it's much greater than you. This is much larger than any one of us. It's about the ummah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the concept of Shura is to consult the people around you, and will Allah He, there's a beautiful psychological
transformation that happens. And if you were to spend just a year or even a couple of months studying the western approach to organizational theory, you will find that some of the leading experts are telling people that the most effective workplaces and organizations are the places where people are consulted, what do you think we should do? What are some of the decisions that we will take together for their buy in that we are a part of this even when they make mistakes? How will we fix this mistake? What can we do to improve the situation? What should
When Humphrey, it's a very remarkable thing because sometimes the reaction when you see someone making a mistake in your home, in your family in your organization, your MSA, the first response is to push them away, cut them off off, take care of this will fix it, or consequences whatever it may be. This is someone who knows they made a mistake, every context is different. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam consulted and the Sahaba used to see this often and I'd be happy to report the Prophet salallahu Salam used to do this all the time, he consulted the Sahaba the companions and this is something we take an example for your own life is to consult your fellow members consult
them let them be part of the decisions even if the final say is not going to an individual a specific person, let them be part of the discussion. Let the people in your organization be more involved let people buy in so consultative participation or management may Allah subhanaw taala forgive us for ever being individualistic or think that we have all the answers the Prophet slicin is the greatest leader for us to follow and emulate and this is something he used to always do. What else now that we mentioned forgiveness pardoning people to make mistakes that a leader understands how to move forward and consultative management or consulting people with shorter there's another
blessing in some of the stories of the Quran teaching us how to benefit from the Quran. One of them is the wisdom in advising and calling other people to good the wisdom in Dawa. We know the stories of the prophets and the messengers Allahu wa salam Prophet knew how to use them for example, Dawa 950 years that he only do Dawa in one way No, he mentioned and this isn't sorted nor in need down to Leyland one 100 I called my people nighttime. There are people you call to in certain times and they're not available other times daytime, I called other people. I learned to love Israel. I also call people in private and in public, you're Darwin style has to be accommodating to the person you
are calling to. Whether it's your family member, your children, your relatives, your neighbors, you have to customize your dialer for your audience. Know your audience, the one who leads people in terms of influence and benefit towards Allah subhanaw taala has to speak to people on their level in ways they understand. Sometimes a young student of knowledge learned so much about Islam, they become very passionate but they misunderstand the methodology that there are styles, how to call people how to advise people so they become very harsh, and they push people away from Allah rather than bringing people to Allah, the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam Do you know when he was
told to do in the beginning of his prophethood the Prophet sallallahu sallam was told when did I see your article of Robin, start with your family? Start with the people closest to you, brothers and sisters. As you're looking at the situation and Alyssa and Sudan and Yemen is Turkistan. These situations are endless and we try to address every single one of them throughout our lives but you will notice some people they are amazing when it comes to external work outside of the home social justice causes from the Islamic lens and they are doing it right Masha Allah may Allah bless him and except for them, and utilize us to facilitate justice Allahumma Amin, however, make sure you are not
abandoning the people that are closest to you. Make sure you are not so active with everyone outside that you're neglecting your children, your family, your parents, make sure as you are working towards Paradise and the pleasure of Allah, that you're bringing your family with you on this ark and this ship of salvation. So start with those closest to you make sure to give them their rights and especially children in this day and age, they are neglected more than ever. They are given new types of babysitters and they are always devices, they Internet technology, YouTube and all of that. And so the parents start to neglect their children who are learning from everyone but the parents
may Allah subhanaw taala protect the youngsters in the youth Allahumma Amin and make us amongst those who are present. And this is why the value of the father and the mother and Islam cannot be overlooked. What else Musa Ali Salam was told to go to the worst person in history, the worst ruler, he was told to go to Iran, and you have to customize your data. So once again, what does he do? Allah tells them, call him with speech that is a gentle pole and lay Hina an example of leadership. Here's to know that when you go to someone who's narcissistic and arrogant, but you're commanded to give them a particular message, that you have to figure out how to give them the message in the most
effective manner possible. Do you know why? It's not about you thinking it's the firmness of the message. It's about how to get it delivered, and risk that the person who's receiving is actually open to it. So how do you maximize the receptiveness of the message to the heart of the individual you're talking to? It's not how do I just say what I have to say? I'm just going to say as it is, as some people say, No. How do I try my best to make it receptive to this person's particular mindset, their worldview, they're the things that have to be deconstructed as well. Know your audience. Know your audience, know your audience. Some experts normal some experts will call this the human
resource frame, looking at people from the lens of people as people, they are not machines. You're looking at employees in a company, they are not machines. They have this
As they have emotions, they deserve respect. They deserve validation to be treated with dignity to be advised kindly to participate in different decisions that they are involved in. The Prophet SAW Lawson was very balanced, and he understood the diverse personalities of the people around him and the profit slice and would give them advice based on their needs and their personalities, their strengths and their weaknesses. So know that people that are around you, and make sure you are cultivating an atmosphere of Islam and atmosphere that's connected to Allah subhanho wa taala, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he used to be a person of glad tidings and warnings as all the prophets
aren't that she had on one of the you know, that she had on one of the best she had on one zero make sure you are balanced in your approach. A leader from the Islamic worldview recognizes their surroundings, their environment, the cultural values that people hold, whether it's a government administration, or an individual you're talking to or your own family, your own children. What else do we take from the concept of Islamic leadership in these last few minutes insha Allah Tala again there's so much to cover, but we're just trying to give a few examples with some depth and implementation inshallah Tada the next example, the leader from Islamic worldview does not
compromise on the truth. They change things that are allowed to be changed in Islam, so that requires knowledge. So when it comes to the truth, you don't compromise. What's an example? An example is Ibrahim Ali Salam o Allah he one of the most remarkable stories we can spend years studying and learning and implementing in our lives. He gave Dawa to his father, he destroyed the idols. And obviously this was long after he already gave them Dawa. He debated them he debated a Nimrod he spoke to His Father with kindness and humility. Yeah, but uh, yeah, but yeah, at all my father, oh, my father, oh, my father, he tried his best with his family. And yet still, what did he
have to do? He did not compromise he destroyed those idols. And he said, No, so the man had a salon was offered a gift from the Queen of Sheba, the queen of Southern and what did he do? Maybe this could look like a bribe. They're trying to bribe him those messengers that came with the gifts, he refused the gift, Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, they told him, stop calling to Allah, and we will give you whatever you want. You want to be the richest person we will make you wealthy. If you want to marry the most beautiful woman, we will give you that if you want to be a king, we will make you our King, just stop calling to Islam. And his uncle came to try to stop him. He said, Oh, my
uncle, if they offered me the sun, in my right hand and the moon in my left hand, I would never stop convening this mission or this message. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam could not compromise. They said later on how about you worship our idols for one year we worship your God for one year, he could not compromise salted coffee ruin is revealed. Do not compromise on the truth. Brothers and sisters. Sometimes people say I'm doing this for the sake of Islam or the Ummah but they start to compromise on things that you cannot compromise. They start to change because of money, temptations, fame, and following an influencer status and all of that May Allah protect us do
not allow anything at all to get in between you and the true message of Islam and the pleasure of Allah subhana wa Tada. And finally, we say a leader from an Islamic worldview emphasizes to themselves and the people around them, trust in Allah subhanho wa taala. And you know what, when we say trust in Allah, it has to be unwavering trust even when things don't go your way. When you watch the situation in Gaza, and you watch the four year old whose face was burned, may Allah subhanho wa Taala burn the people who did this to them. May Allah subhanaw taala bring down his swift justice and his relief. May Allah subhanaw taala keep us and them steadfast until our last breath until the
day we meet him. And may Allah utilize us to establish universal justice and universal peace in the world. When you see that your Tawakoni and Allah cannot disappear. When you see Muslims being butchered and a genocide that is live stream your trust in a lot cannot disappear. If you are leading your family, if you are leading your children, if you're leading your friends and if you are leading yourself to Allah's pleasure, your trust in a law cannot waver Allah subhanaw taala is aware of what is happening there will daddy Instagram is a great example of this. What happens he has Eman in Allah, unwavering trust and there's calculated risk being taken here. You have a smaller army and
a larger army. You have a group of people who are worried about this army, how advanced are they look at their advancement, look at their political collections, look at what they have, as you hear sometimes, Muslims saying even today, none of that matters in light of what is true in light of the Command of Allah in light of what is good. So what does he do as a leader, unwavering trust in Allah subhanaw taala and the leader puts himself or herself on the line as well. The Prophet saw the loss and participated. He was on the frontlines of those battles. The Sahaba participated. Nobody in Islam thinks that leadership has to sit back and throw out commands and you do nothing yourself. You
practice first what you're preaching to others, so he would understand and put himself on the line in the Battle of David versus Goliath the famous story and he had high standards for himself by the way, not just on the battlefield, the best of fasting as you know and will practice in sha Allah maybe after Ramadan is the fasting every other day the voluntary faster with Ali salaam
Here's the yam at night was so special, he was seen in the beginning of times he was seen as a light by Adam and Islam and he asked about that light when it was shown to him and he said, Oh Allah grant him some years from my life, give him 40 years or love from my lifespan because of how special dellwood Ali Salam was. And guess what that would Isilon was the first of the prophets in the messengers who was given worldly powers, he was the king and a prophet at the same time. And this was passed down to his sons for a man Ali salaam, they are both examples of leaders in Islam, who are given worldly things, materialism and power. And yet, you would think sometimes we lose things,
we start to stray, but these two kings and Prophets got closer to Allah subhanaw taala. And they were grateful for what they have. And gratitude is a part of Islamic leadership. There are lot of other things we can say a lot of other examples, but I just want to end on this note, Inshallah, tada, every single one of you, regardless of your circumstances in life, regardless of what you have, regardless of your marital status, regardless of your age, or your gender, or which country you're living in. Every single Muslim in the world has a role to play. Sometimes we talk about leadership, and people automatically assume political power, organizational power, and that's not
the case. Everyone has some level of accountability. So in Islam, it's a concept of being a shepherd over a flock. Now, you might be a leader in an organization, you might have responsibility in a college student activity club and MSA and Islamic organization, where you might be part of a local Islamic center, you might be just part of your family, when you have a role in your own family, in your own community in your own school. What do you do? I'll give you an example. A mother one time we were sitting down in a sisters only class, she said, I feel really, really embarrassed, because I'm hearing from some of the sisters here that they have jobs or they are volunteering with all
these organizations. And she said, Honestly, I have nothing. I'm not a leader. This doesn't apply to me. And somebody asked her so what is it that you do? She said, Well, I'm a mother, I'm raising six children. I said, What are you talking about? Wallahi you have one of the greatest and most valuable and most precious types of leadership in our Ummah, you know, we keep talking about the owner, the owner, the owner, we want the owner to improve the you know what, what builds and develops the owner. They own the mother, there is no owner without a present mother, there's no owner without a righteous mother. So one of the greatest examples of leadership in Islam having a responsibility and
actually being valued by Allah subhanaw taala is the mother. May Allah have mercy on all of the mothers of our Ummah, and may Allah bless all of the mothers of our Ummah, may Allah reward all of those who want to be mothers, and yet they are not tested without or blessed with the May Allah reward them for the intentions as well. Everyone has a unique test a unique responsibility, there is no success or revival of the home of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam without us establishing minimum standards of accessibility of freedom of knowledge, like through an Milgram Institute, Hamdulillah, and many other Institute's for the mothers of the community for the Sisters of the
community and Wallahi. It is it's just so remarkable for the last one, two years, when you look at what another group has done. And the number of students in these classes, you look at the majority and it's almost always almost every single time. It is the sisters and Wallahi that is one of the greatest signs that are strong and are almost coming back and aroma is revived and there's a lot of height that you have to be optimistic about because the leadership that comes from a mother who understands and knows Islam, and passes it down to her children, and is present for her children and values the role of the mother, Allah subhanaw taala speaks about it in the Quran. You cannot take
that away. So any ideology in the world that attempts to stop accessibility of Varun and teddy bear from the mother is waging war against Islam is waging war against Allah subhana wa Tada. When you talk about leadership in Islam, it is to look at your responsibilities and it is to serve. Look at what you are responsible for and serve. Look at what you are responsible for and hold yourself accountable for it. In Islam leadership is not about power. It's about serving and facilitating what Allah wants what Allah commands in the manner that you can within your capacity. Take advantage of what you have access to. If you are literally a young student of knowledge and you are living alone,
say I have nobody to lead forward lead your soul lead yourself and the people you can influence the friends and community to goodness, there is something for everyone to do. And Wallahi our Alma is doing well are almost doing well. Despite the injustice and the genocide are almost facing despite the displacement the starvation in Sudan despite the concentration camps in East Turkistan will nahi our Ummah is doing well. And the email of the Ummah is very clear that the man of the OMA that is united every time there's an injustice but do not stop have unwavering trust in Allah subhanaw taala continue learning and investing in these institutions in the organizations that are helping the
Ummah to stay where it is and to revive itself to the next standard Alhamdulillah this is all that we could cover with the time that we have in Charlottetown. In the future, we'll have perhaps series and classes and programs about this topic, but I just want to end on this note brothers and sisters of Hamdi that we have made it to the month of Ramadan
We want to inshallah to at least another 70 or 80 students today who are listening now, to join in, we have Alhamdulillah, several 100 students who already participated. And those who participated. By the way, some of you reached out, you did something remarkable when I see this Wallahi it's very inspirational. Some of you reached out and said, I joined the daily giving, you guys can join, you'll see the link in the chat, I joined the daily giving, and some of the brothers and sisters said, I want to do more, I want to help more I'm seeing the benefit. And I'm thinking this is only what I see what about the impact on the Ummah that I cannot see. So if you want to join again, you
can join again inshallah to Allah give whatever you can, this is all going to good causes this is going to reviving our brothers and sisters in every land in every place of Hamdulillah we have the largest body of students taking classes, unique courses, exams, working towards degrees, helping their families, memorizing and reciting Quran and learning Tajweed there's so much to do. Let us focus on the institutions that are doing this work and may Allah surpass that allow your sadaqa because of your intention to be magnified to impact more people and to lead to more Baraka in your life as well. Join us in sha Allah Tala, for the daily giving, may Allah accept from all of you,
whatever you're able to do, and keep your brothers and your sisters in your DUA. May Allah Subhana Allah keep our hearts unite and allow us to lead ourselves and the people around us and our organizations and our families in the OMA forward towards him towards paradise with unwavering dedication and trust Allahumma Alameen wa salam ala Nabina Muhammad while early he was so happy edge may
Subhana Allah
Allah I mean shifts and a man honey that was powerful doesn't begin to cover it does that Kamala care for making so much packing so much benefit into this time and for giving us so much I feel like my heart is beating harder like much more determined to coming out of this session to to do so much more mail like set from you and make us able to act on the advice that you've given us any trouble and I mean, there's so many reminders this session is is we're a little bit tight on time so I'm going to jump into some of these important reminder shifts and and we look forward to seeing you you know doing your eyes near the end of Ramadan and joining us for your final few sessions inshallah
with this is all just like Malta for making us part of your Ramadan experience as well with with Allah, I hope that you guys all felt what I felt through this session that will shift cinnamon honey on the topic of leadership for day number 10 of Ramadan 360 There is I hope that there's reflections that can go in so many different directions. There's so much great advice that chef gave us to act upon in this last session that handed Allah and I hope that you guys especially those who have mashallah been been contributing and being part of this experience and even just benefiting and joining live, you guys felt the energy and felt the immensity of what you're part of Alhamdulillah
through Ramadan, 360 May Allah make it accepted, you know, as a bother for us and allow us to take this and act upon all of it. As I was saying, I mean Subhan Allah that was I don't know if you guys felt that that same level of energy let me know if you're feeling that like let me know if you just like it was like your heartbeat was rushing on you're like, Dang, this is what the OMA is about. This is what like, this is what we're here for. This is our purpose. Subhanallah very energetic, very purposeful. Carrie says I want to cry awesome. 100% Sure, mashallah and hamdulillah Zakouma fair, I'm glad that you guys are on the same page. Now, a couple of quick reminders before we jump
into ground reflect I'm sure you guys have a lot to reflect on and to think about Inshallah, for today's session. And also a heads up this is going to be a shortened session today. So we're gonna actually be finishing at 605 es t, so like five minutes past the hour. So just if you if you're not able to catch it to the end and you miss sometimes, Inshallah, inshallah you will be able to benefit from the entirety of Quran reflect today. And as a special reminder, in that case, please make sure that we stick to that 32nd time limit and we keep our reflections short today's so that we can benefit from as many people as possible shiksa menheniot already mentioned our daily giving so I
won't plug too much but you guys have that link on Blogger sorry, a forward slash give daily so make sure that you guys are making that you know part of your intention every single day. And I know a lot of you guys were asking earlier so does that familiar to those who inspired this, but I know some folks mashallah have already contributed. So if you want to contribute again, but you don't want to sign up for another to give daily, I think that's a lot to ask, you're actually able to now click here on the give daily page and just click here to do a one time donation. So if you specifically want to just give one more time and you want to support more in sha Allah or you
just want to support one time from the beginning, you're able to do that through the one time donation link. A reminder as well. I was mentioning earlier for those who missed it. The announcement yesterday is that it hadn't been enough. Our 10 Day Challenge is starting tomorrow in sha Allah for those who are already registered for Quran for Ramadan 360 It is already added into your portals. So is the 10 day care and challenge kicking off March 21 at 1pm ESD when you click through this portal, just like with Ramadan 360 You'll be able to join through the links here and jump in the first day inshallah we're going to be covering Surah Surah Noor verses 35 to 37 so you
can practice those ahead of time if you'd like to do so inshallah. But be ready to go be ready to have high energy and I'm with Sam Sharif is another instructor that we have who's super high energy and he does not let you rest so you're going to enjoy that experience a lot in sha Allah with us and then find
We have also mentioned before we have a Ramadan summit happening this Saturday at 1pm PST as well. So please make sure you mark your calendars for that you register for free to RSVP and secure your seat and you join a little bit early because like the the first few days of Ramadan threesixty those who joined a little late they were having a hard time getting a spot so make sure that you do join early so you don't you know, camp out on Zoom. And of course inshallah you're gonna be joined by 13 on Maghrib instructors giving you powerful reminders on the on the elements in the Quran, where Allah addresses us with Oh you who believe very exciting topic and inshallah we looking forward to
having you guys benefit from that as well. And of course we do have I mentioned yesterday forward slash hedge, there's that last opportunity for those who are hoping to squeeze in and get a spot for hedge and we're not able to do so this year. You have that last opportunity. A multitude of amalgam instructors are going to be going in facilitating the experience. They just hosted a webinar with a lot of the folks who have already registered their interest. So if you are interested put in make it quick so I put in your name their register your interest and they will connect with you in sha Allah to Allah. Now sorry, I know that the time has been wishing by me want
to jump into record and reflect session I noticed that a Damia has been with us from the very beginning as salaam Wa alaykum wa Rahmatullah It was Saturday. Mia, how are you doing this fine Wednesday? already close to learn what happened to lead handler line well, and how let's get started. Let's jump right in Bismillah a Salam already? The Library of cattle everyone are the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim wa Salatu was Salam ala Sudha Hill Karim.
So when you think about leadership, what or a leader what Arabic word comes to mind?
I have the chat open if you want to type over there quickly. Got it. Got it.
Okay, somebody has said Ibrahim Ali Salam,
any Quranic word? Okay, my shoulders a mama. All right, Imam. Good. So I actually want to focus on the word Imam. Okay.
Because our leader,
the one whom ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada even instructed His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to follow. Is Ibrahim Are you sent him? Right I Brahim on Islam is described as imam in the Quran. So let's unpack this word. And let's look at different verses that mentioned this word quickly before you take your reflections. So the word Imam is from Amaya OMO which basically means to be to to proceed other people, all right to lead other people in IE to serve as an example, to be followed. So for example, an imam in Salah stands before the people right and not just stands before the people, the Imam also precedes people, the people in actions, right? So the Imam says Allahu Akbar,
and then people say Allahu Akbar, right? The Imam goes into the core and then people go into court. So an imam is supposed to be followed. Right? That is who an imam is. And in in the Arabic language, the Imam of the ebuild the camels is basically the the person who is guiding the group of the travelers. Why? Because he is basically leading the camels. Alright, he is he is guiding the camels. So wherever he is going to take the camels, the entire caravan is going to go. All right. So Imam is to lead. All right, Imam is to be followed. Now, there's another word which is how come How come is to pass judgment. All right, and you'll pass judgment when you have authority or when you have
power. But Imam ama can be with or without power, because it is to rule over the hearts of people. It is to be able to influence change in people. And this can be with or without authority. Now there's four verses in the Quran that I want to focus on. The first verse is intradural Bacara ayah number 124. Where Allah subhanaw taala tells Ibrahim or his sternum, that in Niger Iluka li NASCI Imam, that I am going to make you a leader for the people meaning for all people. Now we see that Ibrahima, your sternum. Did he have authority and power over people?
Did he have that over the people of his time or even the people who came later? No, he did not have that authority. He did not even judge for people or rule over them in any way. However, Ibrahim alayhis salam is a leader of the nations that
came after him, how? Because he has influenced them. And he is an example that is followed. Right He made the call for Hajj and people respond till today. He is an example for us in surrendering to Allah in being Hanif, right? Well, my academy and Moshe keen, he was not an idolatry and Allah subhanaw taala tells us repeatedly in the Quran to follow to follow the example of Ibrahim or your sin. So the first thing then that we can establish is that leadership is not synonymous to power and authority. Because sometimes we underestimate the positive change we can bring to the people around us the influence that we can have, because we don't have certain titles, because we don't have
certain resources because we don't have, you know, a power the way that others have. But you don't need that necessarily, in order to influence positive change.
The second item that I want to focus on is the Eye Institute, MBA app, Person number 73. Where las Panatela says, well, there are no inmitten Yeah, don't be a Medina, about the prophets of Allah, that we made them leaders who would guide according to our command, meaning who would guide people according to our AMA, if you think about it, the prophets of Allah again, they not all of them had authority over people, right? However, the prophets of Allah, guided people how, with real with knowledge, so the prophets of Allah taught people what the way to Allah is. And this shows us that leadership is with him. It is with knowledge, not passion only. All right, and certainly not
ignorance before you lead before you influence before you can inspire people towards positive change in any capacity. What is necessary knowledge, and I'm Buhari, but chapter heading in his book in his collection, so he Bahati that venerated mu, caboodle Ollie will Armen that knowledge comes before speech and action. So many people are, you know, passionate about, you know, influencing other people and, you know, different forms of leadership. But there needs to be a solid basis off earn and especially divine knowledge what Allah subhanaw taala has revealed.
The third idea that I want to talk about is insert the sedge that number 24 where Allah subhanaw taala says what your honor men who are Emerton? Yeah, don't be a marina lemma subgroup. What can be i Tina Yukino.
That among the bunny Israa eel, Allah subhanaw taala made certain leaders Madonna men whom are important we made among them leaders. Who would Yeah, don't be a marina who would guide according to our command, meaning according to what Allah subhanaw taala had revealed. But when were they able to guide people? Lama Suburu when they were patient? What can will be it? No, you know, and there were certain of our verses. Now, this has been interpreted in a number of ways. One interpretation is that when they were patient, they were made into leaders, or they were made leaders on account of their patients. And this teaches us that effective leadership is with patients, not without it,
because calling people to Allah, right, teaching them something inspiring, positive change, influencing them in a positive way. This is not always easy. It can actually be very, very frustrating. Right? So effective leadership is with patients. And it is also with your pain with conviction. What cannot be it now you can because you don't always see the you know, the positive, or rather, you don't always see the results immediately. Right. You know, for example, you're just the other day, my toddler surprised us. There's a book that we've been reading to him for like months and months, right. And he literally started reading it from his memory. And it was so
beautiful to see that, that you don't know what's going in. Right you you read a book and you read
You do it again and you read it again and you and you think like you're just wasting your time because toddlers want, you know, repetition, and you think that you're wasting your time. You don't, you don't see immediate results. But then after some time, you see the results right? So you, you have to have that you're keen that conviction that what you're doing is not going to go to waste. Allah subhanaw taala will, will secure the reward.
The fourth idea that I want to talk about is that then this is the last one it isn't suitable for con verse number 74.
Where are most paneled three dimensions? The characteristics of rebar the Rockman right of his worshipers and they are well Lavina your coluna are a burner her blend I mean, as well Gina with Audrey Yeah, Tina Kurata Aryan, would you are another lil muda Pina, Emma, the last part of this Dora is that oh Allah make us a leader of those who are righteous.
What do we see over here, that they are praying for those whom they are leading? Right that Oh, Allah make us a leader of those who are righteous? So there's two things we see over here. All right, the first thing we see over here is that they have genuine concern for the people whom they're leading, even if it's just their families, that they're praying for them that Oh, Allah, make them with the pain, make them those who are righteous. All right. The second thing is that if they're going to be leaders of righteous people, than what does it mean, they themselves are going to be righteous. So this shows us that leadership is with slick, and you have to be truthful to
Allah, this cannot be just, you know, a, a show of piety in front of other people know, if it's, if it's just a fake display, then that is not true leadership, and it's not going to bring, you know, good results, Allah is not going to grant that any success. You know, for example, if you want your children to recite the Quran, but you never recite it yourself, you you won't be successful in your wishes in your dreams that you have for your children, you have to lead by example, you cannot expect them to be righteous if you yourself, don't practice that righteousness. Right? And the leadership is also with No, sir. Any sincerity towards the people whom you lead that you want the
best for them. Not that you wanted to take the most from them, because this is how some leaders are, that for them, a position of leadership is just a way off manipulating other people and taking advantage of them. Right. But we see that real leadership is that you want the best for those whom you lead, so you also pray for them. You also make dua for them.
All right. So these were the four I asked that I wanted to talk about, let's hear reflections from you. And remember, try to keep your reflections within 30 seconds, make them to the point short, precise inshallah so that we can get through as many as possible. Just a little later. All right, first person already, brother and if you can unmute.
Slowly Ken, thank you so much for such a wonderful lecture. My reflection is on third beloved i At number nine is 90, verse 1011. I think two of the attributes of the leaders are the most difficult, you know, the take the steeper path and what comes to mind is a prophet May peace be upon him in Salah Libya. And in the contemporary world. Imran Khan in Pakistan reminds me of a true leader, Islamic leader. He's sitting in jail because he's taking the steep path. And I think that's, to me, that's a true attributes of a great year. Thank you.
Taking the steep barrier, it's not always easy. It's not you know, leading people in you know, to to create an inspiring positive change in people is not always popular. It it's not always popular, it's not always welcomed.
Really awesome. Newer hon go right ahead. Bismillah and yourself in sha Allah
as salaam alaikum I just wanted to share my reflection today for some reason coming in today's lecture I kind of thought of leadership as like the typical one someone with a title. But today's lecture and Koran reflection made me realize how in Islam, every single person whether you're a mother, sister, brother, no matter who you are, you owe each other a responsibility. And we are one OMA and we all have some sort of leadership and we all need to reflect on this and acknowledge this and act positively towards our relationships in our life.
Just like the Hydra
mashallah, everyone's keeping it good, really short, Michelle awesome. I had Ayesha gum the next on my list I shall you're able to unmute I don't see your hand anymore.
If not, that's okay inshallah we can take the next person down until you're able to do so. So I have Aisha from the UK as well. Actually number two. Go right ahead.
I mean immunity Paxton great Hagen
Hello, yeah.
It's a quick reflection how life comes back and for circle, my mom raised my siblings and I took us two lectures and then sorry, Ayesha, your voice is a little quiet, or it's the audio is a little low.
Okay, better, better. Yes. Protection. My mom used to take us to Islamic events. Lectures, taught us a lot of Islam, and a lot of abilities to ridicul her. And then over time, because she set the example a lot of villages started turning around because they became from weaker to stronger in the mind and the religion. And now because her health declined. I take her to events now with my mom, and she looks at me and she, this is what you happen last month, she held my hand and she said, I should take you now you take me now I'm learning from you through you. And that made me so happy that what she taught me I was still able to carry on even to this day and beyond me Inshallah, as a
quick reflection on Hamdulillah this is so beautiful, right? You lead by example. You know, sometimes, being a mother, you you may feel like you have, you don't have the resources or that position or that status to be able to,
you know, do what you want, but you don't know what kind of influence you can have on your children and what that may lead to in the future.
Next person, now you're saying Go right ahead. Bismillah
Salam, Aleikum Nui, yes. I'm from the UK.
Or Malay lay man.
I've been I was born Muslim, but I'm not. I'm not 100% practicing.
Like I said, I'm a layman. I don't I'm not good with words.
I'm not good with infections. I just have one question if you don't mind. Any advice for Lima? And I understand you did an audio Tafseer commentary I found it on Google. Is that okay for the layman to study Yeah.
Michael Sam Yes it is
does acapella care but I think we got UK representing today Mashallah. We have another Samia. Who's got their hand racemic a redhead? Bismillah
somebody comes to ask him say that leadership is hard because I've experienced some friends who turn from like Islam and they go to the wrong path and when you try like to advise them, they're like, Oh, they're like stubborn and it's just really hard. That's all
Yeah, so you should not give up on people. You should pray for them. Especially when you see a friend going off track then you should definitely make room for them.
All right. Awesome sauce. Next we have Bill keys inshallah Lucky's go right ahead. Bismillah.
Tariqa who does I forget who?
When I heard the word leadership, the first thing that came in our head was management according to secular education. So hum Allah and that's what keeps going on even this morning leadership. This is what it is. And it's a plan but everything goes back to the Quran and Sunnah. Everything is in the Quran, we have all the example in the in the Quran. And we have all the different examples as well from the Prophet. And along the what you said about because I remember myself when
we don't know how much you try can learn from us, we don't realize it what's going on in your head. And I remember when my daughter was very small and I used to tell her you're not memorizing the Quran. And one day she stood up and she said, I am going to lead today for Salah to McRib and she loves to recite the last idea of Surah Baqarah as when did you learn that? Because I didn't really see her sitting down like I did expect and she said no you restarted to me every night. That's why
it is it is true as a small reflection particle of income.
Awesomesauce next if we can have sister Nyla and Chanel, if you're ready to unmute. So that Michael Madigan
I was I was reflecting on the opposite side of the current coin and how
important it is for those who aren't leaders to seek the leadership of those who are actually qualified. In it, we see so many influencers popping up online, gaining millions of followers and then leaving the path of Allah. And the people who follow them, trust them believe in them, they fall victim to the same kind of fate because these are the people that they looked up to as role models, and especially within the Revert community. Many many reverts learn their Deen from unreliable sources and come and bring things that don't actually exist within Islam and ask questions and say, Oh, but I heard this and, and they take the knowledge from the people they think
they can just take from anyone Subhan Allah. So just as important and heavy the weight is of being a leader, it's equally as important as not a leader to follow the correct sources of that knowledge. Absolutely Dakila heightened for sharing that because
in the Quran, we learn about how people will be led into *, by the leaders when they use to follow in the world. So where there is a responsibility for the people
of influence to to you know, influence with truth.
There's also a responsibility on people to follow those who are calling to the truth in Europe, you never blindly follow people. So just Akela Hayden for mentioning that. Beautiful, we just have a couple more minutes left so whoever however many people we can get in during that time depends on how fast everyone has some Chatelet so it's alleged no pressure you're up next Bismillah
the prophets have always said I'm with Shai to to set boundaries as a leader with people encroaching on his personal space and taking too much time but Allah Allah was not shy and he put those boundaries there. I think that tells us that it's fine to it's there's nothing wrong with putting those boundaries and it's important to
do that because otherwise you'll burn out as as a leader
does that kind of hyena
response reminder brother it's been your next inshallah go right ahead.
Slow on a corner to Allah.
So my take on leadership based on this discussion is that I think the most important thing for us is to do to our for our leaders to be right guided right way Allah subhana wa Tala because if we are not guided, they cannot persevere and if they cannot persevere they can deliver what we need to look Allah
next, we have masoumeh hapus. Inshallah, go right ahead. masoumeh. Slum or Lagos, the Microcenter. This is a question actually, from your speech today, you said, to do that in leadership, any not gaining knowledge is the prerequisite, which make really good sense if you do not have knowledge on that
field or text or whatever
you're doing. Now, the being a mother, mother is a leader also. And a women just all of sudden gotten married and don't have any knowledge prior in especially in our time, which I'm talking like 38 years ago,
do not did not or have a knowledge now became a mother. So how how that's going to work.
I think another is generally, generally speaking, mothers are very passionate about, you know, taking good care of their children, they want their children to succeed. So, what I seek what I have experienced and what I have witnessed, is that anything that that frustrates you about your children, right? You know, for example, you see that they're not preying on time, you need to bring that change in in yourself, you need to start putting yourself in order to see that change in your children.
Likewise, when you see that there's something that you know, you don't know how to teach your children, then instead of just finding a teacher for your children, think about how you can learn as well. You know, subhanAllah I have witnessed in my, you know, in recent years, how there are mothers who will bring their children to learn the Quran, but when they find out that their children cannot be admitted into the program because they will not be able to read their lesson to anyone, because a mother is not able to take you
To help there, help the child with the lesson, then the mother goes and joins the Quran class so that she can become proficient so that she can teach her children. So, in order to see your children succeed, you have to first Equip yourself. Right? And learning is not limited to, you know, just a certain stage in life. It's a lifelong commitment in childhood. It's a lifelong journey.
I know
we're at the we're at the clock. I see some amazing hands anybody who's got their hands up please do share with us hear your reflections and just add them if you can on telegram so that we don't lose them and that we all can still benefit in shot alleges that come Okay, everyone was on fire today.
lections Does that motivate and keep this up? Incredible. Let's see. Let us let you go. And listen, I'm working with Zillow. Everybody else does that come up here that was an amazing session. I love that we're all in the groove. Please keep up that energy. And have that noted when you're listening to shifts in a man How are you to the instructor at the beginning of Ramadan, 360 note down your reflections so that you have an idea or a point ready to go and your gems ready to go. But as far as I can look, are we missing a few of the folks who are sharing their gems and their notes in the chat, who we all are, I guess very heavily reliant on at this point in Ramadan 360. So we have to
become those people. Definitely. And I think that was the theme of today's talk as well as someone was mentioning earlier one of the gems I read is that a leader must first do good themselves and only then can they focus on others. And that's what you're doing when you're you're you're developing yourself and you're investing in yourself the Ramadan 360 And you're investing in other students as well who will become inshallah the leaders of tomorrow. That's kind of that's the whole purpose of why you know, we don't have as a nonprofit institution, we don't benefit if we get you know, a million dollars in donations or we get $10 It makes no difference to anyone who works here
any of the instructors everyone else is dedicated to the dollar just for the purpose of building up this OMA creating the leaders of tomorrow and making sure that we have the access to authentic knowledge answers to our questions and confidence in our deen and from that Allah so just like milkers for being part of that. And a shout out again to our to the folks who make that possible through who have donated in the past who have been giving in the daily giving, who've made one time donations and of course our sponsors here on Ramadan 360 h h rd in the US forgotten women in the UK and Islamic Relief in Canada, please of course these days generous and your support of their work
and their causes as well. And a reminder tomorrow when pm ESD we kick off the Grand Challenge, get your juices open. If you've been a little rusty make sure that you're you've got your practice in but no matter what level of proficiency or confidence that you're in, you're gonna have find a space for yourself in tomorrow's resuscitation inshallah with Imam Wissam Sharif, so look out for that and join us at 1pm live when we kick off the challenge and of course Ramadan 360 will be continuing as usual with Schiff, Dow, but I don't know if you guys are familiar. He's been on Ramadan. 360. In the past, he's been a TV host, a local personality here in Toronto back. You know, we were fortunate
enough to have him here and his topic is going to be on the topic of trust. So don't miss it. Join us live. We'll see you then for now. Take care, Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. And As salam o Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. And yes, thank you for the webinars link as well. Join us for Saturday's webinar. Lots of plugs these days. Apologies guys. I told you it was good to stay busy anyways, so don't wait and what I hope to let you have it