Mohammed Hijab – Why Muslims Don’t Need to Convice the liberal White Man

Mohammed Hijab
AI: Summary © The importance of acknowledging the "right and wrong" in creating a culture is emphasized, with two experiments involving a white man in England and a Muslim man in England. The speakers emphasize the importance of offering a single justification for every situation and avoiding showing weakness or weaknessness in a culture. The "right and wrong" movement has led to successful changes in society, with "immaterial change" and "verbal" attitude emphasizing the need to act rough with the "immaterial" movement.
AI: Transcript ©
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We are not able to do these things, but we want to do those things.

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The point that you guys finished your

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talk about morality and about individual choice. I think, from my experience, one, one good angle to take on this might simply have to put them on the back for the questions. This

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is the question of fundamental who decides right or wrong, you know, we live in a society with the laws, where they're saying this is something right and should be allowed to be open. And we say, No, we can. So on any on any issue, who who's defined right and wrong. And when you break that down, if you look, if you if you say

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that the fundamentals depending on where you're from, what your experiences are, people are going to be from what you think we come from your mind what you think is right, what you think is wrong. For us, obviously, we said his last

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adventure, and I say, Well, no, I mean, if you can, if you can prove as a creator, I mean, don't create it as a means of knowing on multiples, and also, and he made those, then obviously, he knows what's right or wrong for the creation itself. So ultimately, that equation comes back to that point, which is I think I'll do right. But let me tell you something, let's be let's be completely honest. Yeah.

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Let's be totally honest.

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Let me give you two

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thought experiments. Okay, two thought experiments.

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If somebody is a white man, in England,

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he comes to one of our sisters when,

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and in a very gentle and nice way. says, Listen, I just want to ask you a question of sincerity.

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Authenticity. Why do you wear this

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on your head?

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And then she starts answering, she said, Look, we believe in God, we believe that you know, this is happening. And you know, God is telling us these things are right, either things are wrong. And this is what I'm Yeah.

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Is there anything unusual about what I've just said? Like, if any of you are privy to that conversation? Would you consider that to be an unusual conversation? No. Okay, that's socially acceptable. And respectful. Whatever. Yeah.

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If I was to give you a thought experiment to Muslim man maybe looks like me.

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And he approaches to lesbians in the streets holding hands. I said, Please, just hold on for a second, I have a question.

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Are you in a relationship with each other? Etc? Okay, whatever, you know, yes.

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Can I ask you to tell me why?

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You believe it's okay to be in a relationship like that?

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It's not socially acceptable. Some of them would say, it's not a good business, I promise, I promise you the majority that will say it's none of your business. And the answer, they said, It's none of your business would be socially acceptable. Would you accept? Would you do that, but if the Muslim says this to the guy, it's none of your business, it would be seen as a little bit rude.

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Now, the reason why I'm saying these two things is, we are expected to bow and bend over backwards for the white man.

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That's the truth of the matter. We are what we are. And the one thing is that sometimes you just don't need to offer a single justification.

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And that's where the height of confidence is.

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I tell you, I've been doing this in my life,

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with certain people, not people who I consider to be sincere. But they'll come to me especially at you know, the press a little club and getting a tax reason. And I've been answering the most and they don't know how to I can guarantee you this is a very effective strategy. They'll say, Why did you say this? Is that missing? Whatever? Why did you do this? And why are you doing this way wherever it may be? And sometimes the best answer is this is this one. Because I want to

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because I want to,

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if you think about it really carefully, just for a second, how can you refute that?

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Because I want to is almost irrefutable.

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We're gonna say, Oh, you shouldn't want to wait.

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Now to get into this. Why'd you want to join the newsletter? Because this

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goes back to that, right? What I'm saying is sometimes we just have to wait. This is inventing a new culture. What made the civil rights movement so successful in 1960s, with black people in particular, is because they had an attitude shift. It wasn't necessarily because they had the best intellectual arguments is because they were willing to change their attitude from a servile submissive

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slavish attitude. Yeah, we'll take it from the back. We'll give it give it flogged me. Yeah, no problem. So you know what, no, actually, what are you talking about? And it was that it was that attitudinal shift, which created the change for us we don't need to we don't need to learn arguments. We need to change attitudes.

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Because Because Because if we want to win them I'm convinced that that's a different story. Yeah, well remember we started the premise here is if there are not sincere if they're sincere like these that Americans that we've seen around come in honestly ask him any questions we see them you know, we have to we have a duty of care, but if they're coming and you know who we are human beings, we have a certain level of lifestyle we have a certain level on the faculty of understanding you know, who is the world we shall see one from who is trying to leverage you and manipulate you and agonize you and that's why the last one he says yeah even realizing that I'm in the way of putting them into

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my Donita Sophia to be hoping you're gonna and then let's look at the eyes and I'll tell you

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what I have a

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look at the model that the strategy has been put in at the last minute they're very humble with the behind that

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of caffeine they are mighty with the believers

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the awesome that the way we should be okay if you want to protect yourself in the dunya you have to have Dyson just why famous poet he said with Jackie boy don't take it literally he said men

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are less

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oppressive people will be oppressed. Yeah no meaning

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if you don't act mighty and tough and rough they're gonna they're gonna do you're gonna be the shepherd of the sheep you're gonna deal with you're gonna get done with

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that's why I'm probably should that

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you know is that consumers are confused a couple otterly

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you know, he said to us your thoughts let it be the hacker in the in the necks of the of the individuals who like your opponents? Where is that the hunter Bidadi Doolin for hunting and if you go to a place of humiliation, the leave the place?

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Where is lucky to have volume in Cambodia? Man, if you see someone who's oppressive, then we'll present with them. Once again, be rough with the rough and be wild with the wildlife. What is that, though, Jonathan fair challenge. And if you see the one who's wild guy, the beaver move on with them. So we need to just remember.

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It's our attitude that needs to change these guys. They shouldn't just ask questions like why do you believe that? If they're coming at you with roughness?

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Then just remember come at them or office. Would you mean why not? This? What do you mean, why do you believe is okay? Well, you explained yourself.

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We're not the defendant and then the plaintiff, the plaintiff. They're not the judges were the on trial. None of that is applicable to so I think it would change the attitude a lot for me

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