Sulaiman Moola – Check Yourself Before Your Wreck Yourself

Sulaiman Moola
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of balance, science, engineering, and fearless behavior in achieving health and productivity. They also emphasize the need for forgiveness and finding one's own mistake, while acknowledging the challenges of killing people and finding one's own mistake. The printing of a book and the importance of finding one's own mistake are also discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah Halima kabhi alma theny Nova Milan me Bella Maureen in wanna sleep for Subhana Allah He lady hikmah to who Valley auto noir l mu z wanyama who was an attorney Illa Cooley severian work Kabir when a shadow Allah ilaha illa Allah wahida luxury Cana houfy in a tea room What are they to me? When I had to answer you Donna when molana Mohammed Abu Rasulo, a lady had an Arabic itovi money what the Rana in Allah He bill in there he went to BC Salalah alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi madam material Kawasaki Buta See, I'm about to focus upon Allah huzzah Baraka with Allah Filippo earning majority will for call Anil Hamid rule to Bill him in a shaytani r rajim. Bismillah Ar Rahman AR

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Rahim are Obama yo what do Lady nikephoros Locarno Muslim in the room Mia? kulu Why

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are you Lee Hemel Maloof? So for your Allah moon Sadat, Allah will love him. The Ordo power to one said zindagi ka elmia year nahi head, k beyhadh geral de satem ho jati here, bulky acel elmia yay head gay hum board there say gee Nancy could they hear that tragedy of life is not that it is passing by very swiftly, but rather the real tragedy of life is that we are learning to live very late. The tragedy of life is not that it is passing by very swiftly, but rather the real tragedy of life is that we are learning to live very late.

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Sorry, Sarah mozzie Ki Kahani hair.

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dari Sarah azy Ki Kahani nahi hair bulka mostakbal kita scale can go to Panama or the hair.

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History is not only a narrative of the past, but it is equally a moral compass for the future.

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So it's not only reflecting on what has occurred, we need to take a cue from the going forward in Niger Anima Rudy's in attalla Halina balloon a young son Rama in chapter 18 Allah subhanho wa Taala says that whatever beauty and splendor you see on this earth it is a test. The embellishments of these world of this world is a test. We're in our luxury Luna ma Allah in house sorry then Jo Rosa, and the day will come where we will level the earth up it will be one playing field. Harvey he had dounia min bayda Yeti ha ilani Hi Yeti Ha. Burton was run through muddy mountain waha Robin, this is the world in its entirety in two verses of the Quran, beauty splendor attraction embellishments and

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then it is nothing but destruction and deputies. Yasar freebie learn the material. Oh my brother. Oh my colleague. Oh my companion letter attorney Do not be deceived. fella Romo Yun further when Noreen who you're Zulu, because your life is melting and your beauty is fading. because your life is melting and your beauty is fading. What

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el kobu Regional has done for allambie and Nicobar dahulu and the next time you carry a corpse on your shoulders to the graveyard, then remind yourself that what I am doing will be done to me one day, we'll say Ben Hur de la Viola. I know Scott Asian is captured in Bihar, Kibera is one in which he said one Marcia hit to Jenna's attorn. For her death to Neff see suwama who ruled on behalf of amahi la, I never attended a single funeral in my life, but that I auto suggested to myself and I reflected for the entire duration that observe what is happening because the same will happen to you at a different instance.

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That being said, my brother, my sister, my listener, my viewer,

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the life of a believer on this earth is between two types of fast

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One is the common known fast in the month of Ramadan and with the grace of Allah, we observe that from a young age and May Allah accepted till Of course our last breath, but there is yet a another advance and that is the first in the life of a believer from the age of puberty, though death

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and the star of the second fast, worry, don't worry, do worry. And the star of the second fast is the day we meet our Creator. We're more of a more nahariya Swiss Army called the hub where more of our mana harness We are the hub and the greatest chunk of this fanciness past. How long are we going to love? Worry do Lita? Tara, what would you say to a person who breaks his fast after us or close to Margaret? Foolish, naive, silly? Well, in a like manner, Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling you this world is short. Don't break your fast. Obey your Creator, obey your Creator.

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In English, they say check yourself before you wreck yourself. Check yourself before you wreck yourself. An undisciplined man is a headache to himself and a heartache to others. Nothing is more common than

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talented individuals who are unsuccessful dude, lack of discipline.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us a tale in the Quran in the second Tuesday in the second chapter, when the king Paul loot had mobilized these forces against dilute according to tafsir worth money 80,000 people had initially accompanied him 80,000 so when the call was made to challenge the tyrant, the king, the autocrat, the dictator jalad people came out in the numbers. And often people respond, you know what? impulsively, not with a calculated and a you know, focus and an understanding and commitment, just moving with the flow.

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And then as they were traveling towards the expedition to challenge and combat this tyrant, this dictator, this individual by the name of john lewd, they crossed by a river. So Paul alludes said to his people and the scholars of the sea of experts on the exigencies of the Quran tell us that in all likelihood, this was communicated via the Navy of the time for Lama for Salah Paulo to build your node, Bala in a Langham obatala colombina her followed said to his people, surely Allah will test you by a river, Allah is going to examine you. What's the nature of the test, they were traveling, they were thirsty water was made available to them. But the test was to limit yourself to discipline

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yourself and not to Drink from this water.

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In La mobitel Lee can be now her some people argue geographically. This is a river that the borders between Jordan and Iraq on a particular trip of minds in the Middle East. One of the locals indicated to us that many argue this is the wala who

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Allah knows the reality if this is accurate or not, suffice to say that for us the point of reflection is the message and the essence that has been conveyed in this verse in alarm over telecom benar Verily, Allah will test you with this rava feminine rebirth of Allah is a meanie will drink from it is not from me. Women love me a taco and we're playing from it for inner harmony, then he is part of me. Now when they came there and they are thirsty, what we spoke about discipline, the life of a believer is from the age of puberty, till till his death is a life of lack of discipline.

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For men Sherry ever will drink from it is not from me, woman lamea tahu and whoever will not taste it, meaning he will resist the temptation, he will discipline himself he will restrain himself then he is part of me in law many photographer glorified Gambia day but of course he's allowed to take a portion of water in his palm and drink Now listen to this my brother my sister very carefully and clearly. Unfortunately the majority of them for Sherry boo Minho for Sherry bow Minh who they drank from this river in volumes. They drank from it in volumes and army of 80

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1000 the consequences of the violation of this injunction were twofold. Number one, those who drank from it in large quantity, it did not quench their thirst, it aggravated their thirst. That meant money. And the second thing that happened, as soon as they drank from it, they became lame, lethargic, and they lost their strength a cloud in their mind. In bayana, Quran it is written the wisdom of subject them to death was to separate those that happens.

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A lot is the cloud those that have control that can discipline themselves. As soon as they drank, it aggravated the thirst. And those who drank in moderation it quench their thirst. Wow. What a great lesson of life. What a great lesson of life in the 21st Jews of the Quran. In surah, two room Allah subhanho wa Taala says, woman I d My name muqaam bill Ariely when reverberating will come in fact delay. And amongst the signs of Allah de la karate, which reflect the greatness the grandia the magnanimity of Allah is menambahkan, Bill layli winnaar.

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That you sleep by day and by night, when no more binna har minmatar, odo hula, arabo nachmittag min Allah, and sleeping by day was a bounty that the Arab used to treasure and even today's science will tell you about a midday nap. In fact, I'll share a particular caption of an article of an Oxford Professor which I just have a flash of now with you in this regard as well. So the point here in piano or on it is the return we're talking about discipline. Islam is that beautiful religion that doesn't deny you moderate indulgence in your necessities, but you need limitations. One of the most difficult things of life is to strike the fine balance more so when you have to choose that balance

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between responsibility and freedom. There's responsibility and there's freedom striking that balance creating that discipline in your life. So the older man say under this is della Allah an unknown Lister Ah ha, work at that level Mirage meenal s BB LA Unified Kemal for enamel hoomin minion E to Allah k for you now Phil Kemal

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me McAfee Hema La ilaha illAllah

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de la jolla and unknown Lily esta raha Allah is saying that I have created for you sleep, which then means sleep is a bounty from a life somebody's sleeping don't waste in your life don't sleep, no a light when you sleep and holistically and understand the balance that

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that sleep will bring to your body. The body releases melatonin which creates that tranquil effect in the body which rejuvenates you and gives you that strength and that muscle to embark on the activities of the next day. What katha Mirage mineral as Bob learn you know feel compelled

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to engage in the pursuit of generating revenue

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thing that can nobility because saying I have made the day for you to go and earn we're in nama Yoon, ha in him our Goofy, Hema, yeah, yes, what is problematic is where you trespass and transcend the limits and boundaries. And you over indulge.

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Say it was so hard. Ibrahim bin Adam, say he does Zohan Ibrahim bin Adam Rahim Allah.

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He was a great scholar. He was a great sage of the age.

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And it is mentioned about him that he had spent some time in the company of pious Masha in a zawiya in Lebanon. And then after spending some time in the company of these pious people, he was returning back to his community. So they gave him the farewell advice either Raja Isla Urbana dunya fekola whom when you meet with your people say to them the following man New York theory roll man New York theory Aquila, man yo quiero Aquila, la yo jado lil Reba that he Halawa. Woman you clear on Noma la yachi de la Marie Baraka woman you clear all kalama before dueling. Oh, the button la hora domina dunya be Salama.

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Men you clearly Akela The one who

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indulges men akella Catherine

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Catherine nama Cassio Cassio da da da we get back to that incident from office on Apollo. Just an objective digression from them the one who over eats you over indulges then he over drinks and the one who over drinks then he tends lazy, lethargic, inactive and he sleeps a lot and when you sleep a lot, then you lose a lot of your time in order they say worked key work to me

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take a walk together as we walked in the UK to may dobara

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value the moment at the moment because even time doesn't have time to give you time again.

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You know what listen either we meet in now or then we won't meet I won't able to meet you later. Leave alone your brother cannot meet you later. Or the doctor cannot give you an appointment lead time cannot give you time again.

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Is our Ghana Hello Sophie you Vika wa Bharata schita ulica. For us vocabulary matter?

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Either ganhar Rose safey yo Vika if in summer, it's too hot. And in winter, it's too cold. Then when will you change my brother? Then when will you transform your life?

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So what did he say? Either a janitor in Indonesia say to them, when you

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go over it such a person

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at Halawa there will be no sweetness there will be no ecstasy in his worship. Number two woman you clearly know the one who oversleep lady Dona Maria Baraka, there will be no blessings in his life. And I was telling you, I came across this amazing article of a professor from Oxford, who spoke about nap Enos, he coined the word happiness from happiness, that if you nap at midday, for half an hour, it has proven to be very effective, productive, it gives you strength, resilience, it enhances your ability, your IQ, etc. for the remaining part of the day is such a person would be very active and productive. But if you sleep for more than 30 minutes, it becomes counterproductive.

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It becomes counterproductive for the main part of the day, you will be more lame and lethargic to your counterparts who did not sleep. So what's what's what's the whole message? It's all about discipline. It's all about discipline. That is the teachings of Islam.

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And the beauty is those who drank in moderation the thirst quenched, the thirst was grant Mufasa Allah tala to build your node. Bala in Allah morbidelli convener her feminine Sheri Berman who fell is a mini woman Lamia. mufa, in Germany In Germany.

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So those stay courage they lost a cloud, you overeat at the time of if bar, it becomes a hazard for your health. It becomes a blockage for your tarawih prayer and it becomes an impediment for the next day's fast.

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Every time people go for aroma and hygiene, they asked me for advice. I tell them eat minimal and powerwolf performed on a hungry tummy. The tawaf will be more spiritual, and you will cry easily.

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When the belly is full, you won't able to cry. Marcia,

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don't talk to Illa saw Oh hammarby Masseria. The noon mystery Rahim Allah said anybody who aid to his capacity, either indulged in vice, or planned a vice

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ameerul sushi and unfairly Dini, we're dunya meenal Jew.

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Allah right that people have intelligence across the boards have agreed. One of the best things for the human body is to stay hungry in terms of creating discipline, discipline, Satan, our use of alayhi salatu salam was as liquid a Jew Ruby Adiga has no Arab

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during the seven years of famine, why do you opt for hunger when the treasures of Egypt are at your disposal? He said a half an ash bar for Ansel Jha.

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I'm afraid that if I over eat and I eat till my belly is full, then I will forget the

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of the poor. Someone said in the auto language, water a DJI aka mod Sabu RT here are now mal dar Takata cavalry bata Islam mirga.

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Water, a chai k mod super cool idea. It's just well that everybody dies. Otherwise the elite were capable of saying because he was poor he died you see when you like us You won't die.

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So again the message is a message of discipline. And also coupled with that my brother, my sister

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in the disobedience of Allah is not only the destruction of the latter world is the destruction of this world to think, apart from becoming inactive, and losing the courage to go and challenge john lewis, who was the tyrant ruler that is aggravated. So now you are in a space of xiety you are in an unbelievably just not feeling satisfied with yourself. And that reminds me of another verse of the Quran in the seven Jews. In surah. Toma ADA, Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about all the other crimes that happen in terms of alcoholism, in terms of gambling, in terms of all these type of social evils. Allah subhanho wa Taala says in ama you're either shy or you

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know you're either shy or you

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feel hungry, well may say well, yes with the camera and the gorilla humor in his Salah. That when you gamble, when you drink alcohol, then the aim of the devil is to create discord amongst you, you look at the stats of the revenue that the industry supposedly generates, and the feuds and the arguments and the accidents that come about as a result of alcoholism.

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So what happens you drank after that there was an altercation there was a skirmish there was a feud there was language there was

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another assault in one another so what do we learn? fie unelma I'll see that the one mano Alma var rodinia we you too get the VM money her alma Berlin over we Yeah. We learn from this, that the disobedience of Allah is the recipe to disaster in this world and in our era. That is why a pious person said let me learn FC LAN n FC Allah shuddha ed a Hubble a year me and duck Milani alpha wife, I will prefer exerting my body towards difficulty that my ego dragging me to Watson

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for x, I bought it towards me.

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And somebody said it very beautifully.

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Comma, and NACA latam liko tr that dub batil Jammu Hey, Illa

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it's not possible to take a leap.

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Yes, it is hungry. You would have observed so many animals in which people would do often show or do some other display. The animal would be hungry, and every compliance, every trick on everything you would feed it's something it is as it obliges and complies then you will get to see it's been fed and that's how you kind of empty on any plays along for either.

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But that animal leaving the horse, right all smooth.

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Just leave it to eat. Just leave it to sleep. Just leave it to struggle alone. You weren't able to get onto the back of that animal. You won't able to take a load onto that conveyance, which the Quran says what after Emmylou tala Camila, Bella den lambda Kono Bailey de la Bishop till enforce that these creatures these animals, these conveniences Allah has made of course with respect and dignity. Today, Much has been said about animal rights and rightfully so. But as believers, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam had spelled it out to us 14 centuries ago.

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For Allah, Fear Allah with regards to these mute creatures, for kaboo harsanyi hotton What truco has salejaw mount on to this conveyance when you have attended to it in fact, in

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And more hajizade of the miracles of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there are incidents of camels and conveyances coming to complain to Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the occasion of hypertonia vada when he sallallahu alayhi wasallam had slaughtered 63 camels, and camels are not that bad, but it is now her where you pierce it with a spear for selenia Rebecca one * perform prayer for your Lord and slaughter year refers to the piercing act of camels 63 camels, which was a tedious task, and was a reflection of the physical strength of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam narration suggested the animals came forward to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam So coming

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back to the point of reflect reflection, that

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when it's a bridle the horse and it's a disciplined horse and it's a tame the horse and you mount onto the back then you can do magic and charisma with that animal. The Quran sways oats upon it, and Halo motto, don't be Nawaz. Allah has attached goodness, but when it's an unbridled horse, and you leave it to just indulge and just sleep, then you will get nothing out of it. Karma unaka ludham liko pr the dub batil Jammu Hey Ella bill jewelry for either shabby art. co we are sure that Gemma had coholic enough's. Likewise, is this human ego. Likewise is this human ego? Assad to konoha fee and young likkle insert no nafsa who was Shaka to fee and Tom Lika Hoon of Su.

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You know, what's the definition and the yardstick and the benchmark of excellence see my brother, my sister, that you have control over yourself and your lower self does not have control over you? And that brings me to the quotation of Mohammed bin idrissa Shafi Rahim Allah

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He said, Sir Hector sufia falam interfere amin home in la de Cali methane, I had the privilege of spending years in the company of saintly individuals. And I can narrow down all my interactions and my learning experiences to two words. Number one, I'll work to save.

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Time is a sword for any lump.

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Either you strike at eight or it strikes at you in English, they say our lives are like identical suitcases. Some people pack more in it than others.

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Our lives are like identical suitcases. You're going on holiday you pack in the trunk of your car. Some people are very practical in the manner in which they pack and others are not. So some would put two bags in the trunk and the boot is done and others are very practical. Our lives are like identical suitcases.

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There is a verse in

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15 years chapter 18, in which Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the youth who slept in the cave. And then after three centuries, they got up, and then they asked each other. How long did we sleep? Come lebouf dum, ba Nola, bafna, Yeoman, our bad boy yo. So they said probably half a day or one day, and then another group from them replied, call or a boom Alamo. Bhima beef to your Lord knows best how long you slept. And there is a subtly hint in the formation of the sentences that the scholars deduce that there is a gentle hint release from these IOD that the number of these people were seven as well, although it follows in the next page as well. Number one, Karla illumine home

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Kamla Beth Tom one from amongst them said Carla illumi. How long did you sleep so that one person then a group from amongst them replied Carlo lab ethna, Yeoman Oba abaya young and Carlo is a plural expression, the minimum of which is three, probably half a day or one day when another group responded by saying or Rob Bogum. Our alum will be my lab If so, another group indicates another group of three people so three and three six and one seven Subhan. Allah Subhana Allah that Quran is just amazing.

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Ferber rythu haidakhan further ado haidakhan. So Sen. Someone assigned someone that does, to go and buy some food we are hungry, and from this journalistically the scholars deduce the permissibility of partnership

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that we embark and enter into a partnership relationship money was together and

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We also learn from this year on a subtle note that it does not go against the station of reliance on Allah that when you're traveling to keep money with you,

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right because they had money and they said take the money and go to the nearby city and purchase some food. Say that Moosa and Hadid were traveling and he said it now gotta bring our food with us. So they had food and the hamlet Zod la unifi at our call to get in food and provisions with you does not go against the station of nobility and say now Musa alayhis salam said la casa de Latina Min safaree na na Saba, we've been gripped by fatigue, de la la and Eva ha ha Cal Mirage winavi LA Unified will come on to say I'm hungry I'm tired I'm exhausted does not go against the station of nobility anyway, coming back to the point

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further ado send someone in Arabic basic grammar fog counts for 30 muscle to denote sequence with no interval, while filma gums for sequence with an interval. So if I say a call to fishery to find him to I ate I drank and I slept, meaning it was in succession and interrupted and that is why many scholars say that the Virgin Mary conceived and went into labor immediately. Why? Because the Quran said for her my lead to fun tuber that beat him again and puzzling for

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my father. I hope the brothers are understanding what I'm saying. It's a bit of academic language but it's appreciating the depth of the Quran. February to February zoo, so send someone which means for an alpha

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map and alpha the meaning of fire is to leave an action. Turn good 50s la bergerie

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otro Kuma laser b boru re Yin. What do ma Hua baroody Yoon, La ilaha IL Allah, we get a message from a letter of the Quran Not a word, not a verse, not the one letter of the Quran tells us a message.

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And what is it? Don't pre occupy yourself in something which is not relatively important. Focus on what is important. My brother you want to commence your journey of memorizing the Quran start now. Don't ask him how long it took him and how long it took her and where you started and when you ended it start.

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I need to apologize to people

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do it now. This is the night to apologize. There's no authentic hadith. It's been classified as Hassan and Sahih authentic hadith, that on the night of the 15th of Shaban, Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive forgives. But for yet truco Allah bhava in those who harbor malice, rancor, animosity, antagonism discord, they matter is left on hold. Their matter is left on hold

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until they don't resolve their differences. You want a quick way to Jana, I want a quick way to Jenna. This is the ninth This is the moment this is the opportunity. Go and apologize to someone with whom you have a misunderstanding. Now I know you're going to tell me that they have caused you a lot of pain and they've inflicted a lot of trauma. My next question to you is and to myself, did these individuals cause you more pain, then the siblings of use of alehissalaam inflicted to use of

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the pain that you suffered at the hands of your spouse, your siblings, your friends, your family members? Was it more intense more severe than the difficulty and the pain that Satan our use of alehissalaam sustained at the hands of his siblings? Definitely not. And Yusuf alayhi salatu was Salam said latter three barella ecoman Leon Yaga fear Allah hola como como Rafi mean, I have forgiven you and it is my prayer May Allah forgive you now

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sometimes when you tell a person forgive they tell you easier said than done and absolutely correct spot on you've knocked the nail on the head. I agree with you and every one of us at some point or the other have been offended, insulted, violated by a individual or multiple individuals. In Romani. Under this I I came across a very profound piece of advice if I can say a profound piece of you know what psychology so it's mentioned in Romani with reference to Shakira mind

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He writes and I wish you can appreciate this in Arabic, but nonetheless I will try and unpack it and elucidate to the best of my ability. Man Nevada in TBI in il hackday lumea ba ba mohar Lafferty him woman Nevada in a him behind e f na a Yama wubi Maha Samadhi him Allah tala Ella use of phenol alima muda. Real Kava Kiefer. arandora is

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the one who views the inflections and atrocities of the humans through the apparent and the superficial eye. He will tie himself in litigations and arguments for his entire life. Why did you say this? But why did you do this but who gave you have the right? But legally I can do this, but that's character assassination. But I can take you to the clean I can fight my case. What they say in English, the one who always defends his child, will one day hire a lawyer to argue against his child. Discipline is not child abuse.

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Discipline is not child abuse.

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The one who always argues in favor even when his child is wrong, will tomorrow hire a lawyer to defend the mistake of his son. We need to make a distinction. Discipline is not child abuse. abuse is repugnant. And we abhor it and we shun it but discipline is key and essential. Otherwise, when we mollycoddle them, we incubate monsters. We incubate monsters.

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One month woman, Nevada, Elaine Him be

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the one who can look at the happenings of his life and observe what others have done to him through the lenses of the divine plan of Allah. He told me this, but because he insulted me, outwardly I was shattered. But internally, it brought me closer to my Creator.

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This person accused me at work. And then I was retrenched, and I lost my job. And I went through a bad period. But in hindsight, that became the stepping stone for me to find a different source of income. And today, Allah has given me my own income. My own family snubbed me, but because of that, I found my Creator. In essence, woman nagaraj ll hottie behind in hockey, the one who views the inflictions of the creation, through the deeper eye and the lenses of the overall planning of Allah. He does not embroil himself in these feuds, because he knows in the greater happenings of things, these people were no more than tools for the execution of the plan that Allah had decreed for him.

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So look at use of alayhis salam, when he looked at Majid al Qaeda, at major al Qaeda, at how destiny panned out and played out, he looked beyond his brothers. If they did not drop him in the well, then a caravan would have not picked him up and he would have not ended in Egypt. And hence the scholars say, if there's anybody who benefited Musa alayhis salam, the most not objectively, but unintentionally and inadvertently, it was Pharaoh.

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Pharaoh cause the greatest intended infliction, but actually the arrow came back to him and he benefited musala his salatu salam

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So I said that mm Shafi Rahim Allah said Sam to sufia phylum interfere I mean whom Illa basically my team, I spent my life with pious people and I can narrow it down to two things. Number one, I'll work to siphon time is a sword. Either you cut at it or it cuts at you and on that we digress. That otro kumala is a barbarian don't pre occupying yourself in to get into what you need to do. Focus on what's supposed to be done. What do ma whoever Rudy Yun

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and the second thing nutsack inshallah alta habil Happy Hour shaka laka bill Burton. Either you dictate to your ego, or then you succumb to the dictates of your ego. You have one of two choices. In surah two NASS the last chapter of the Quran We ask Allah asylum from two devils mean Elgin at oneness, right on which Allah country

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loads the Quran mineral genetti webinars not the last chapter to be revealed but the last chapter in the sequence of the Quran the last chapter is Surah Nasir surah toto de or the chapter on farewell.

00:40:12 --> 00:40:24

So we ask Allah protection and asylum from the devil, be the devil of the jinn GYN, or the devil of the human kind, what is meant of the devil of the human kind?

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And from this, we also learn again, I just have a quick thought here. Okay, let me mention this and I'll share that subsequently.

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Oh Allah save me from the whispers and the indoctrination of the devil, and save me from the whispers and the indoctrination of the human devil. Who is the human devil? Chef is the dean makes mentioned in his book alpha eight famous kiloton Quran. Chef Christo Deen ignore abdus salam in his monograph, alpha eight famous kiloton Quran. He writes there, that the devil from the jinn or the devil from the human kind refers to the knifes the devil from the gin is Chopin, he believes who we refer to, but the devil from the human kind is our own knifes hands amongst the prophetic prayers is Allahumma inni rutabaga, min Charlene FC. Allah save me from the evil of my own base desires save me

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from my own evil desires. Again, my brother, my sister, my listener, my view with a message I am driving is we need a life of discipline we need a life of discipline. The more we bring our life into discipline, the more meaningful our life will become, the more productive our life will become.

00:41:52 --> 00:42:02

Under this idea where Allah subhanaw taala makes mention in Surah eunos in the 11th use of the Quran, Allah, Allah, Allah Allah como la isla, later schooner v one.

00:42:03 --> 00:42:19

Allah is the one who has made the night for you letus Qunu so that you can relax in the night you can get peace, one nahama Sarah and the day is bright. Right? So the sign of the night is darkness and the sign of the day is brightness. What do

00:42:21 --> 00:43:00

I attain if I'm a homeowner I attend Laila Johanna I had an aha a mobile Sarah. The day is brightness and that is what you want and the night is darkness. And that's what it's all about. So the darkness of the night is a symbol of the greatness of Allah while the brightness of the day is a symbol of the greatness of the Almighty. In Romani, it is written that inner sukoon and nursey filet Li Allah Aksum Wow, that people retire to bed and rest but the resting of every human is very different to that of a another fact.

00:43:01 --> 00:43:59

Love filati Hello, love flatty yesterday hoonah yesterday hoonah new foods the people of You know what, who are negligent who are healers who are careless who don't have any discipline in their life for them night means is drop and sleep there's no time to sleep and there's no time to rise when my eyes open. I will get up when sleep overpowers me I'll fall off to sleep. That's the type of life what a Hello Maria yes yesterday hoonah ella I'm thoroughly him mean originally when this one and people have sent will spend the night with likely individuals have common of common, you know, common approach common thoughts common attitudes. So it's a life of sin avize an indulgence? Well,

00:43:59 --> 00:44:07

hello, Tara yesterday Haruna ala Hala watty family him while people

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have of nobility and people of piety. They would spend their night in the worship of the Almighty.

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They would spend the night in the worship of the Almighty so it's the same night with the same duration. But it is spent very very differently.

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In fact, Imam Shafi Rahim Allah used to say

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family law he the ruler riffin a debate in a hotel free lowly for hotel watch they are different or who dama up more either Malaya Luma Davila who Allah enough see him in shade, dirty, whole FEMA uttama

00:45:00 --> 00:45:16

Firstly Haneda McCann Effie, Vic, Robbie, Wolfie Massey well who failed wha can appa Gemma? Well yes, I am and mother admin shabby wama can feel happy jaha Lottie Adorama La ilaha illa Allah,

00:45:17 --> 00:45:35

discipline in every matter Allahumma inni our rules will be coming Shatila, one of the prayers. Our last save me from being dis organized in my matters. The life of a believer is a very structured and a very disciplined life.

00:45:40 --> 00:45:52

So what did he mean? Michelle fury Rahim Allah say Imam Shafi said fairly law he irif in a debate in notifii buli for routine what Gd jeffer know who dama

00:45:53 --> 00:46:44

to Allah belongs the virtue of that man who devotes a portion of his night in the lane of Magda balama when it is dark. What does he do for seeing Haneda? mcguffey Vickery Robbie, he is the most articulate when he converses with his creator of emrc wellfield woroch Anna Gemma and asked him to praise anybody else besides Allah is his mute. He doesn't say anything and ask him to praise Allah He never die is praising Allah when you go to a yum and mother dementia Barbie, warmer Ghana v ha Bill jaha let the drama and when he converses, and he communicates with his creator, then the night is young for him and he can spend hours and hours and hours.

00:46:47 --> 00:47:00

So two things spend your time correctly which advocates the message of discipline and take control over your ego leads it destroys you. In fact, in the 13 Jews of the Quran

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in Surah, Ibrahim and surah Ibrahim, Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the prayer of Ibrahim alayhis salam wa Taala Ibrahim or a beggar aloha del Bella Amina Gino, Bernie were Bernie and nabooda snom. And remember the time when Ibrahim alayhis salam said, Oh my Lord, make this place safe and secured and save me and my children from idolatry Save Me and my children from idolatry. It's mentioned in biannual Quran, Allah Allah unul ambia lumea Manu Allah and foresee him that the ambia word the purest of Allah's creation, yet they asked Allah protection della Allah and allambie lemmya Manu Allah unfussy him for gave a B men who are fee Taka Lubin Bane and FC was shaped on

00:47:58 --> 00:48:30

equal learning. So what about the regular individual the common individual, the ordinary motor like you and I, who are grabbed between the clutch of the devil and the clutch of the ego, fella young brother, I had a young turn Robbie highly he will become early. So nobody should be arrogant. Nobody should be arrogant about his position of nobility, because Allah can strike and seize at any time.

00:48:31 --> 00:49:01

There is this amazing incident of Suleiman of no Abdel Malik, where he asks to meet what abou handsome abou hires him, for those who don't know was a W e Adra. Kappa, if at Amina Sahaba, who had the privilege of sitting in the company of Sahaba How did Hassan personally describe the Sahaba Kanu Allah our party him I shared the Harrison min gum Allah Dada he may come with a nanny recomb

00:49:02 --> 00:49:16

con O Allah O kar de him as shad de hierro son min Gama Allah da da him econ word and an eerie calm they were more protective of their time then you are of your wealth

00:49:18 --> 00:49:32

when it comes to wealth a that's my god a that's my birthday. That's my wallet a don't swipe a don't take. I'm very protective. The noble companions may Allah be pleased with them. We're more protective of their time. We're more protective of their time.

00:49:34 --> 00:49:49

So Abrahamson had the privilege of sitting with many luminaries and giant Sahaba rizwana Allahu taala image mine. So So the amount of na Abdul Malik said to him Maha Jaffa What is this betrayal?

00:49:51 --> 00:49:57

So a boy has him said what are you Jaffa in vitamin D? And what betrayal Are you referring to?

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00:50:00 --> 00:50:07

Mr. Abdel Malik said zarooni Voodoo nasci Willem de Zuni many people visit me and come to me and you don't visit me.

00:50:08 --> 00:50:30

You know, I will have Son Son, Delhi, Abolhassan son Delhi was a great scholar. The King of the time told him that why didn't you come and visit me when everybody else visits me? He said Lee Annie arato an takuna mean hiral Mu Luke, how you suit azula Hola. Hola, akun Omen Chanel Halima Luke,

00:50:32 --> 00:50:47

because I wanted you to be the best of rulers who consider it a need to sit at the company of the pious and learn. And I didn't want to be classified as the worst of scholars who go with a begging bowl to the rulers and the monarchs.

00:50:50 --> 00:51:28

And obviously, that was what they see referred to as as rebuttal. mosqueta. it just leaves you completely silence there's not no response to this. Yeah. So Abraham said to Solomon Abdel Malik, that enamel Jaffa Hakuna Matata betrayal is after recognition. I never knew you and I don't know you so how can you say I betrayed you? So when he heard this he said I saw a shave well after a meal the chef is correct in what he said these were through scholars these were through scholars. These were people of knowledge in its true sense.

00:51:29 --> 00:51:31

I've been speaking about this recently.

00:51:32 --> 00:51:51

You can download knowledge my brother and you can download info or you can download information my brother, but you cannot download knowledge. by the press of a button a lot of information can be processed, but knowledge there is a certain protocol to eight.

00:51:52 --> 00:52:07

Yes, we need to be clear about it. When cedra musala is Salatu was Salam was stole that there is a man called Javi read the confluence of the two oceans and he was ready to travel. From this we learn.

00:52:10 --> 00:52:22

Fi LG dual belly fi LG dual belly lip Paula bill more shade the mala Mia footmen who have gone out of Minwoo that a person

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should be prepared to travel relentlessly in the quest of finding spiritual guidance provided it is not at the cost of compromising in your other duties. And the qualifying statement is you have the passion of knowledge as a father you cannot shirk your duties and say you know what? I'm traveling to acquire knowledge and you abandon your family. No, no, not at all.

00:52:49 --> 00:53:09

So we need to qualify that but we are gentle belly, Lee fallible more shade you need to you will cross the continents because there's only one doctor like this in the continent and to like this in the world, and he has this ability and this skill and whatever it is and you will go because it's your health, why not for our faith and our Iman and our spirituality.

00:53:12 --> 00:53:52

So then, Oppo has him said Solomonic. Now Abdul Malik said to Oppo hires him enough enough seishun and Abdo an awfully Bihar la you know the things that's bothering me in my life and I would like to get some counsel and guidance and direction from you. So abrahamsen Rahim Allah said hottie ha wala Halima Stan, go for it. May Allah guide me I'm happy to advise to the best of my ability. The first question and again it's coming back to my theme. Check yourself before you wreck yourself. discipline yourself, bridle yourself limit yourself, restrain yourself in that is the joy of this world and ultimately the happiness of the Almighty.

00:53:55 --> 00:54:10

That that's the discipline. lm an F is so mean see certain Lisa t I just have a flash now. Mohammed Hassan he says that fast has a speciality which is exclusive to fast and nothing else. What is it?

00:54:12 --> 00:54:12


00:54:14 --> 00:54:32

Allah subhanho wa Taala has directed fast to himself as so Molly, were an adze behave. Fasting is for me and I will compensate for it. worker Fabi Harvey Hill a bar for the sheriff and commercial raffle beta Illa NFC.

00:54:33 --> 00:54:48

And this is a sufficient honor for a believer like Allah referred to the Kaaba as watan hereby de la ba a feed that purify the cap by purifying my house the ancient house will bite on it.

00:54:51 --> 00:54:58

So Allah subhanho wa Taala referred to the Kaaba as his house although every Masjid is the house of the Almighty but in honor and respect

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00:55:00 --> 00:55:27

Allah referred to fast as his number two. And now Who am I alone? bartholin en la Yamaha huria it is a private secret in discrete action, the creation cannot observe it's not tangible. It's not physical, it's not apparent it's hidden. So the likely would have ulterior motives to set in it is rare because you cannot display your fast you cannot display your fast

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and then mm kausalya rights and who are only or do we love that fast is a blow to the enemy. Leanna wersi Latella I do we are Sha two. We're in nama taqwa Sha two bill ugly what should be warmer? dama de Sha two more swaybar dan fascia Tino yetta Radha Duna, Illa Valley kalamera Wahby turkey Sha de la himani masala La ilaha illa Allah these words are amazing of him because Allah let me try and unpack this year. He says Rahim Allah

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Mohammed's words are just amazing. Amazing.

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He says that observing the fast which is a great level of discipline is a blow to the devil.

00:56:20 --> 00:56:52

Harun Lee I do, Willa. Why Leanna was sila tell I do we are chawan because the avenue of infiltration for the devil is indulgence. We're in nama taqwa Sha two bill Utley will surely be. And if there's anything that fuels the lust in you, is to eat more and drink more. The more you eat, the more you drink. The more vulnerable you are, the more susceptible you are. The more prone you are, the more the devil draws you towards son.

00:56:53 --> 00:57:08

Why am I dumb atisha Hawa to see button. And as long as the meadows and the pastures of indulgence are green, the devil will graze in those pastures

00:57:09 --> 00:57:20

but if you stop eating and it's dry and it starts with the rain the devil doesn't want to come and grazier will be 30 Shahar Why did the leap or I lay him only masala

00:57:22 --> 00:57:25

what they say in Arabic as so more

00:57:27 --> 00:57:34

you burn that to sadati worry burn that to sad that is sad to Larry bad daddy.

00:57:36 --> 00:57:48

As so more rebounded to Sir dirty. Fasting is the worship of leaders and the worship of leaders is the leader of worship.

00:57:51 --> 00:58:02

So more I burned the two sir daddy abou mama radi Allahu anhu said more knee beer Hamelin and the whole Jana, a prophet of Allah give me advice of an action I can go into Jana.

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And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said Allah could be so fast because there's no action equal to him. The entire month of Siobhan is a man too fast.

00:58:15 --> 00:58:40

Besides Ramadan, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to fast excessively in shabaan. The IR may be the 13th and the 14th and the 15th of each month are days that we should first Allah be sown fast, because there's nothing equal to eight pharma row a abou Mama, while I'm righto while our Psy d mu enlasa Yama

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abou Mama, his spouse and his servants would fast continuously

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for either row efe diary, him Doohan, if perchance you seen some smoke, or you got some fragrance, and you realize food was being cooked there, then it was a known thing. nazzer lobby him now has a loan out by phone, that there was a visitor visiting, that's why they were not fast in otherwise they took to it.

00:59:14 --> 00:59:59

So this is it my brother, it is a I always say to the how far Ramadan becomes an opportunity for us to do what we suppose to do. The preservation of the Quran is my duty and my responsibility, whether there was taraweeh prayer or not, like people might argue and say you are also worship in stone. You are facing the Kaaba, and the scholars give us the explanation, that this is a direction that Allah has given us for unification in prayer. But Allah forbid, Allah forbid, even if, hypothetically the Kaaba were to be destroyed, we will still face the same direction

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Because we are motivated by the command of Allah and not the physical building itself.

01:00:09 --> 01:00:15

So tarawih prayer helps me to preserve what I suppose to preserve independently.

01:00:17 --> 01:00:30

Tarawa is not there for me to preserve my Quran, that's a separate injunction and the preservation of the Quran is a separate responsibility on me. Anyway, coming back to what I was saying

01:00:31 --> 01:00:43

that so the amount of Abdel Malik in his interaction with a boy has in his head marlana neck Rahul mode, what's the matter that we tend to despise that?

01:00:44 --> 01:00:57

So abrahamsen replied on the turn later, Nana Myrna dunya now her robina Arthur uttanasana cravalho Raj meenal ahmari for Necro horrid minella Mr. Ilan hora.

01:00:58 --> 01:01:45

Why do we despise that? He said, because we've developed and established and populated this world we've adorned it decorated it given it all the whistles and the bells, and we've left our Jannah desolate, and Baron. It comes in the Hadith where the Prophet sallahu wa sallam said on the night of Mirage I met Ibrahim and he conveyed Salaam that give your own my my Salaam and tell them that Jana is to Iran. It's a barren land each man's gender is what he invest in it. It would be foolish to see a person dishing out or distributing envelopes. Wow. It's brimming envelopes. And each one has 1000 crispy notes of US dollars in it or pounds in it or you know whatever else in it. So okay, I just

01:01:45 --> 01:01:47

need to buy myself a stack of envelopes.

01:01:48 --> 01:02:01

envelopes are very cheap. It won't even cost you $1 it will cost you 10 Ren would cost you very cheap, but that's an empty envelope. That envelope is up to you what you put in each man's Jana is what he develops in it.

01:02:04 --> 01:02:33

In FL jen natella hoffa you're out the horombo Tony hava puto no harm in the hoodie ha in Jana they are these palaces they designed like this the balconies are like this Sahaba only be of Allah before going into more details. Tell us the price. Tell us the price. What's the asking price for this year? We want to know like no no, tell me more. Okay. Wow, amazing. Awesome. Great. Wonderful. And what about getting what I what it takes to to to qualify for that Jenna? Lemon adorable Calum? What atomic bomb

01:02:35 --> 01:02:44

was a lovely lady when nasoni lemon adorable Callum The one who knows how to speak. My brother my sister. They say in order

01:02:47 --> 01:02:50

karuizawa bhanwar a cache head be victa Hey

01:02:53 --> 01:03:01

metus avant walay k Mira JB Victor. Hey, job K. Kuru is avant walay cache has been a he victa

01:03:02 --> 01:03:31

meet his abon wa Alaykum Mira jB victa her job K. Kuru is abon walay cache had been a he Victor. If you have a sweet tongue and a polite tongue, and you have a beautiful demeanor, then people will even buy chilies from you. And if you unfortunately have a rotten tongue, and you don't have a sweet tongue, then people won't even buy honey from you.

01:03:35 --> 01:03:48

What they say? A flock egg dukane Hey, or Zamasu Scott dolla dolla cullotta Hey Tabata chalta hai aka ducard may Sona Hey accoya Hey.

01:03:49 --> 01:04:03

Aflac is a shop. Aflac is a shop character is a shop and the door to the shop is your tongue. When you open your tongue then we discover Are you selling gold inside or coal?

01:04:04 --> 01:04:52

Are you selling gold or gold? Omar bin Abdulaziz Rahim Allah said adrak in a cell of what whom Allah your own Allah Reba data fish salatu wa will have is so me what I can feel Kofi an arrow the nurse Fatah mo layli wasa m&r en la mia for the Asana who Atlas i o melta. Yama, we set with the pious people, they never limited the definition of piety to nocturnal optional prayer are optional fast, but they define piety as the restraining datang fucka mo Laney wasa m&r those who fasts by day optional fast and offer optional units of prayer, but they do not harness the tongue. They do not bridle the tongue. They do not restrain the tongue of lesser yarmulke Yama, they will stand up as

01:04:52 --> 01:04:54

losers and paupers on the day of the Yama.

01:04:57 --> 01:05:00

So what did the Prophet sallallahu wasallam say for who is the spell Islam?

01:05:00 --> 01:05:24

Atomic alarm, politeness of speech, automaton feed people feed feed, feed. I always say if you have the habit of feeding, then part of those guests, the friends of Allah will come. And if you don't have the habit of feeding, then a day will come you will close the door. And who did those people have in Tokyo closed the door. They closed the door on to visitors who are Messiah and further Allah hemos Salam

01:05:25 --> 01:05:31

for about a year by Evo Houma. ferwerda Daffy haidara, Yuri to

01:05:32 --> 01:05:42

atoma if you have the habit of feeding, you will have great people come into your house. And if you decline in the process, you will refuse and deny the friends of Allah.

01:05:43 --> 01:06:21

Adama Tom Adama swam, make fasting a practice throughout the year, or Salah be Lainey one na Sunni yom and to offer the hijab at the time when the creation is sleeping. Okay, so why do we dislike death? LEAH Nana, Myrna Donna robina Sara Tana, we've developed this world, we've populated this world, we've established it, we've neglected and forsaken the latter. So nobody wants to leave a developed place and go into a deserted and a desolate land where there's no water, there's no inhabitation. There's nobody staying there. Nobody wants to do this. He said, Okay.

01:06:23 --> 01:06:24

The next question.

01:06:26 --> 01:06:54

So Mr. Abdul Malik as a boy has him later share array. Marlin are in the law here than I am so concerned How will I fail before Allah tomorrow? What's going to happen what will be of me tomorrow? He said IRA I'm Allah Allah kita Bella, present your action before the Quran and you will get the answer. And this is very key we need to understand this year when mojado The olana was about to pass away he stopped people around him started crying. So

01:06:55 --> 01:07:39

he asked them my yubikey calm what makes you cry? They said Nikki Haley, Lorraine levy and Kathy demotech we cry over the knowledge that will go with you as you pass away. So he said in nerima will imana Makana Houma tiama I am going but knowledge and Eman will remain many Bottega Houma widget the Houma whoever will search for it will find it I am not here, but it will remain right Ramadan is a period of time it comes and goes but fasting remains Salah remains poor and remains they might not be taraweeh prayer but knuffle prayer remains. So the act of worship continues many bitanga Huma Huma whoever searches for it will find it then he said

01:07:42 --> 01:08:14

for our redo Ll kitabi kolel column for average doing Ll kitabi, Kunal Callum will redo a middle column that analyze every piece of information through the lenses of the Quran and do not subject the Quran and do not subject the Quran to any other form of information. So when you tell me something, I will analyze it through the what the Quran says. And I do not scrutinize the Quran because the Quran is the word of Allah which is absolutely true.

01:08:16 --> 01:08:57

So what did Solomon Abdul Malik say? He said earlier Carmela Karla kita Bella present to action before the Quran. So he said we're energy to houfy kitabi la is it in the Quran? In abohar? Allah feanor him we're in alpha jar Allah fie jakeem verily the pious will be in comfort while the wicked will be in *. And each person can decide for himself Allah says in the Quran, that on the day of the Yama each man will know that man Allah enough see he basura well camara de la you know your reality you know your reality before the paper or the marks can be released as a student you know what to anticipate because you know, what you had written you know, you know what, how you had

01:08:57 --> 01:08:59

answered your, your question paper.

01:09:00 --> 01:09:14

For iraq metal lava is the mercy of Allah. So Allah has him said in naramata, Allah He caribou, mineral mazzini, the mercy of Allah is close to the friends of Allah, if you do good deeds, then the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala will be with you.

01:09:15 --> 01:09:49

So, then he said later Sherry, kayfun, Kudu, Allah, Allah azza wa jal, how are we going to appear? In which manner will we present before Allah? Wow, look at this reply of who has him. These were saintly individuals. He said, I'm Mel Morris, in fact, focal VA AB yuck. The de Morella Haley. Well, I'm Malmo z o circle RB del bt u serpo. Ala Moana moussaka. appearing before Allah abayas person will come like how

01:09:50 --> 01:09:59

a person returns to his family. People often ask me the question, Don't you get tired of travel and I say to them the

01:10:00 --> 01:10:02

excitement of travel

01:10:04 --> 01:10:26

is soon. You know, it disappears. And it ends, the excitement, the entertainment, the thrill of traveling in body in hotel, airport, lounge, business class. All that excitement, the novelty with is very quickly. But the joy of returning home to your family never ends.

01:10:27 --> 01:10:37

It never ends. There is an excitement to come home for the rest of your life. It's just it's that's how it is.

01:10:39 --> 01:10:54

You could be a globetrotter. You could be a seasoned traveler, you could be out of the house every week. But just to know tomorrow I'll be back at home with the family having dinner and sleeping on my bed, having a shower at home, etc. It's just a natural thing being at home is unique.

01:10:55 --> 01:11:19

And I often say to people on that note as well, that you know what? We live in a world where today eating out has become the culture eating out you can eat something one week, two weeks, three weeks after that you just lose taste of it. But at home on our menu, there are certain meals we eat did every week on a particular day and we do in that for the last 20 years.

01:11:21 --> 01:12:07

Right. I can just see the brothers are smiling. Friday after Juma you know the menu. It's a standard menu for many home Saturday evening, whatever it is, it's just that's it. But it's so perfectly fine and acceptable. But eat food that is on the run. You know what Meals on Wheels and food on the run and once and twice and you've just lost the touch. And that just shows you the Baraka and the blessings are food that is cooked and prepared at home is so much more wholesome and so much more meaning. I'm Mel Matson sokolova aviya to demo Allah, actually, the one who obeys Allah, it's like a person coming back to his family. Wow. In kalibo illa Allah He Masaru ra

01:12:09 --> 01:12:10

well I'm Mel musi

01:12:11 --> 01:13:16

and for the one who does obey is Allah facula Ramadan between yusaku Ala Moana who Soca, it is like a slave who has elope from his master, apprehended, intercepted and he's been dragged back to his master. Look at the choice of words in the Quran describing the delegation of the pious versus the group of the wicked. This is made mentioned in the 16 Jews of the Quran in chapter 19 Surah Maryam Allah subhanho wa Taala says one natural mattina a man he was the one so called emoji Remi, Ella and Johanna will da La ilaha illa Allah If only you could comprehend Arabic, one na show one na show roll mo Tina Illa money werf da n those that feared Allah will be assembled and gathered and

01:13:16 --> 01:13:34

congregated as a dignified delegation in the court of Allah. One asuquo mcgeary Meena ala Jahan Namah wierda while the criminals will be driven like thirsty cattle are driven to water

01:13:36 --> 01:13:55

though they will come they're not to water with ministers, Walla Walla, dama and Maddie and so what are the means thirst and the thirsty person comes to water? So even the expression of words by the Quran is distinct in the approach of the buyers May Allah make us amongst those people.

01:13:56 --> 01:14:03

So when sir Mr. Abdul Malik hurt this Baka Hata Allah Allahu wa said the Buddha who he just started crying. He said

01:14:05 --> 01:14:34

waha del mal must subdue Illa taqwa Allah huffy this wealth that we have this wealth how do we get the balance in it? How do we get the balance in it? Is that either a third party or whether to move by an early worker some to move up so we're we're adult on fee binary Yeah. Simple. Make sure you take the wealth lawfully. You do not * usurp all do anything fraudulant

01:14:35 --> 01:14:41

two chapters of the Quran commence what whale Surah doniphan Quran by the activated whale.

01:14:42 --> 01:14:57

unworldliness with Thani we are robbing us. One speaks about those who are fraudulent when it comes to wealth, and other speaks about those who attack the honor of people while only calling home as it lumas

01:15:00 --> 01:15:01

will be to those people

01:15:03 --> 01:15:48

who speak ill of people behind their back home as a means to backbite hammers a machete in hammers in Musha in this is reference to Walid bin mahira in the 29 years in Surah to noon, so those who speak ill of people behind their back luminesce who speak ill of people on their face, so sometimes we say, I'm not making rebored I'm talking behind his back but I'll tell him on his face that doesn't make it right. That's a separate wrong, lateral Meizu and fossa calm. If you want to address the wrong then there's a protocol in doing it. What did he ma'am Shafi Rahim Allah said, he said the hamadani be no speck of in varady which are nibblin nussey heterophylla jamaah, for in the news have

01:15:48 --> 01:16:07

been a nurse You know, one minute Toby Allah, Allah is Dima. Oh my brother if you've observed my mistake, and surely you have because I'm a fallible mortal, and you observe my folly, take me one side and talk to me lovingly, I will listen to you the whole day. But don't rebuke me in public because I don't know if your motive is reformation, or to ridicule me.

01:16:08 --> 01:16:31

What 30 3am while in us and the other chapter, why, you know, little motor 15 will be to the fraudster who takes from people when he needs to demand his do he takes in full, but when he gives others is deficient, and I don't know that he can rule soon. So what is the balance? What is the balance

01:16:33 --> 01:16:59

in the second juice of the Quran in surah baqarah where Allah subhanaw taala speaks about that if you die and you leave behind, and you know what an empire or you leave behind an estate or you leave behind wealth, then you got to make a request more So prior to the laws of inheritance that were revealed. Go to a bar la comida hamara hai de como el momento en Tanaka hi Ronnie was

01:17:00 --> 01:17:20

good Eva la comida hamara hai de como el modo in taraka. Allah has decreed upon you made it mandatory upon you to make a bequest in taraka higher if you've left behind wealth, your fate refers to wealth like in Saudi Arabia, we're in the Holy hawkbill hydrilla shadid man's love for wealth is intense.

01:17:21 --> 01:18:08

And natalka man, love you now failed Kemal mera Adda he hooked up the fact that Allah is telling you if you die and you leave behind wealth, that means Allah is allowing you to die leaving behind an empire and an acid because Allah is legislating what must be done with that wealth. So in principle, it's permissible hence the scholars right, that to leave behind wealth, provided you've discharged the obligation does not go against the station of nobility and piety. In the 16, Jos in chapter 18, Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about the dual carnap the man who traveled the east and the west, in McCann, Allah who fill out what aren't they now a woman collation in sababa we gave him strength,

01:18:08 --> 01:18:43

power, kingship Dominion on the earth. Under this it is mentioned in biannual Quran under Messiah Illa salute, and how su Lal man had telfa in warfare, Soulja had the Sultana Luna feel compelled to acquire wealth to the extent of treasures and to acquire prominence to the extent of kingship does no does not go against the station of nobility. Allah is praising him Allah is praising him. And the scholars say the biggest proof that Allah wants us to earn is he has exhorted us to spend and prohibited us from begging.

01:18:45 --> 01:19:43

The biggest proof that Allah once asked us to earn is Allah tells us in the Quran, spend spend, and Allah says don't beg. So earning is fine. In our effort to move we'll be happy but yes, Abdullah bin Mubarak said an hour road de Dillingham Min shuba hurtin a Hubble Illa min an ad Assad duck Bay, Serbia Remi it al Durham I would prefer refusing a doubtful Durham and say no, no, no according to my teachings and my religious teachings, that's doubtful I cannot take that. I would prefer that. Then indulging in that doubtful income and spending 700,000 Durham's in charity and our road data hammer Minh, Shobha hubco a young men and at the sad duck be served bury me at the alphabet. Yes.

01:19:44 --> 01:19:59

What was the problem with the nation of his Salaam they said to sure I don't interfere in our dealings Bhanu Yahshua rainbow Isola toccata America and Nat Rocha Maya Buddha una Oh Anna for Allah Fie unworldly nama.

01:20:00 --> 01:20:15

shot in Nigella Antal Halima Rashid. And because of the arrogance, sure a ballet Salam was known as katiba ambia The orator in the galaxy of prophets, yet they tell you a ballet Salaam we don't understand when you speak.

01:20:16 --> 01:20:25

When you don't want to listen, my brother, then even the or later of the galaxy of prophets, words will not penetrate your heart.

01:20:26 --> 01:20:40

There's a mention in madico benzyl Schreiber, a Salaam is hottie ambria. And what does his nation say to him? Call no Yahshua Ebo man of Ohio Kathy Rami matakohe we don't understand what you're saying. We don't know what you're talking really we don't know.

01:20:43 --> 01:21:07

The arranger of MBR the most articulate person have, of course the messenger sallallahu wasallam was the best of all humans, but Nabila is salatu salam praise rabalais salat wa salam and said this, and this is what his nation said. So coming back to these advice, discipline in our wealth, discipline in our eating discipline in every aspect of our life, it will be hard to take the wealth lawfully or whatnot or to move early

01:21:08 --> 01:21:43

and distributed to those that you need to distribute it will cause some tomorrow be Serbia, and you do it fit fairly. Well. I dealt on fee he been around for a year I dealt on fee you adjust with the subjects because obviously he was the governor and he was the ruler. When Omar bin Abdulaziz rahima, hula had become the Khalifa. Right? And then the night before was in the rituals of burying the halifa, etc, the previous Khalifa. So he was tired, he was exhausted. And he put a butler at the door that he must be given this time to rest and recover. And nobody must

01:21:44 --> 01:22:09

interfere with him so that he can just gather himself today when he was sworn into office. It's a big bash when you inaugurated it's a big party. It's a big banquet. Millions are just splashed in that inauguration, leave alone all the other funds that are embezzled and abused. And then there's a knock at the door and who is it? It is his son so the man the son of Omar bin Abdulaziz Rahim Allah someone praise Ahmed bin Abdulaziz and said

01:22:11 --> 01:22:14

Shema Luca hi Romania mean you see worker

01:22:15 --> 01:22:59

Shima Luca Pharaoh minya mean it's the worker generally you refer to the right hand in Arabic as it's the right hand and it's also a sign of power of might have goodness of greatness. Can y'all do Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam alumina Leto who he was Tanami, he was sharabi he was gonna do to Julio psoralea holla he will mecanim in other he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us that we eat we drink with the right hand and if we need to do anything related to impurity, then it is what the left hand that's the teachings of our Habib sallallahu wasallam so you often say right hair is used in a symbolic expression of might in a con con tone tattoo Nana Analia mean in a konkan tongue

01:22:59 --> 01:23:22

tattoo Nana Analia mean, and generally you would say the left hand is not so active, it's not so productive. So someone prays the hammer bin Abdulaziz and he said, shaman, Luca, Pharaoh many amin is a worker, your left hand is more productive than your right hand. Your old age is more meaningful than the use of others. Your night has more meaning than the day of others.

01:23:25 --> 01:24:12

So Omar bin Abdulaziz Rahim Allah comes home he last is a knock on the door, whose It is his son. He stole that your dad is resting is tired, nobody can come. He says just asked my father, I need to talk to him one minute. So because his son is ushered in, he comes to his dad, he nudges him he says Dad, you have become the halifa now and you need to address the in justices that you have inherited from the previous rule or you have succeeded him. So he said, Oh my son, just give me grace, despite the war. And then I will get up and I will start with it. So the son said to the Father, woman laka B and the resha illa. Bow Hurry, woman Lockerbie and the Isha in lazarey. Oh my dad one question to

01:24:12 --> 01:24:59

you, who takes responsibility that you will live and survive the VA her prayer for authority? No. mermin benei i na. When the father heard this, he forgot sleep for the period of his rulership. And then he embraced his son and he said Alhamdulillah Hill levy of Raja min Sol be mejor inone Allah Dini, All praise belongs to Allah has blessed me with a son, who is a motivation for me to Ward's virtue and nobility. Wow. What a relationship. What a relationship when more or we have been who they age who was

01:25:01 --> 01:25:19

The End boy that had come from Alexandria, when the battle was been fought there during the period of armor of nahata. And he came at midday when it was siesta. And omoplata was the last thing but he was very anxious he needed updates, if the Muslims were victorious or not,

01:25:21 --> 01:25:22

is contrary, yeah.

01:25:23 --> 01:25:53

So while we have been Hodeidah game or the Allahu anhu and then he went to his home and engaged in his own chores. Subsequently, Amara, the olana got to win that the envoy from the expedition had returned. So Amara, the Alon, who called for him immediately and summoned him when he came Amaro, the Alona said you came here we waiting for news. You didn't inform me? he said. I thought it's midday so you'll be sleeping later when I meet up with you. I'll update you.

01:25:54 --> 01:25:56

So hamara the Allahu anhu said

01:25:59 --> 01:26:00

in nim tuna har.

01:26:02 --> 01:26:11

The year two robbery Yeah. We're in nim to Lail by Yama tune FC for K for gnome baina ha Dania Maria,

01:26:13 --> 01:26:34

O'Meara Maria, if I sleep by day, who's going to look after the creation and the duties and the responsibilities? And if I sleep by night, then when will I converse with my Allah? With these two responsibilities on my shoulder, Monrovia, you find me the time and I'll put my head on the pillow.

01:26:36 --> 01:27:16

It is mentioned about Imam nawawi, the great Shafi scholar who passed away at a very young age that for two years, ma Wada to jumbie Allah chirashi for two years I didn't consciously sleep while writing while setting I fell off to sleep. And I would suffice you know, you you traveling and you say for four days I didn't eat what you mean is for four days you didn't have a solid meal. And that was because of your own leisure because you decided to do hiking or you decided to climb a mountain or you decided to do campaign so you wanted the feel on the run. So you have in an odd bitey and an odd sub then you Manton something there, and you're not having a decent meal for four days or five

01:27:16 --> 01:27:25

days, or I didn't have a shower for a month, meaning I didn't have a decent shower. Well Mmm, No, we didn't sleep consciously for two years.

01:27:28 --> 01:27:35

In human suffering, Allah Allah, Allah Allah threatened. Medina, as I know I'm taking a lot of time of the brothers, forgive me.

01:27:37 --> 01:27:43

Eternal Medina asked him I'm sure I'll be men, I enter like, macula.

01:27:44 --> 01:27:53

You've got so much knowledge where you got it from. He said four things when Ophelia Ahmad was sorry, Phil bilad was sabriel Mr. buku will rob

01:27:54 --> 01:28:13

be Nuffield ottima The first thing through which I got knowledge I stopped relying on people because every time I used to rely on people they used to disappoint me. I often say in my findings of marital cases, one of the greatest causes of breakdown of marriages is elevated expertise, expectations in an underperforming world.

01:28:16 --> 01:28:22

So the marriage broke up Why? No Well, I thought he'll do better.

01:28:23 --> 01:28:36

I thought she will give me more. I thought the marriage will give but why are you and by elevating your expectations you predisposing yourself to disappointment. What they say

01:28:38 --> 01:28:39


01:28:40 --> 01:28:46

leads to tears and acceptance leads to tears.

01:28:48 --> 01:28:54

Expectations will create tears because you disappointed you expected too much.

01:28:56 --> 01:29:05

While acceptance will give you Jews Allah subhanho wa Taala and this is a principle of Quran is in my mind is running in too many directions.

01:29:06 --> 01:29:15

Allah subhanho wa Taala exempted the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from maintaining fairness between his honorable consorts it mentioned in the 22nd tools in Serato.

01:29:17 --> 01:29:36

That you have the liberty you have the choice you have the concession any spouse you want to spend X amount of time there, but the province of Allah ism never use the concession leave alone abused it but then Allah goes on to say the reason of the exemption of rotation and justice between your spouses

01:29:37 --> 01:29:38

is to help them

01:29:40 --> 01:29:57

outwardly apparently it's in the interest of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam that he doesn't have to task himself to be here on this night and be there on that night. vanliga at dinner and Takara Are you know, hoonah Delica, Adana and Tara you know, hoonah

01:29:59 --> 01:29:59


01:30:00 --> 01:30:01

rubine habima

01:30:02 --> 01:30:17

mcaloon This is better, more comforting to their eyes Why? Now that they know that they don't you don't owe them adieu, they are not entitled to any time. They will value whatever time you give them.

01:30:19 --> 01:30:26

They will value it. Wow. The problem today with the youth is expectations.

01:30:28 --> 01:30:48

In Islam, you are a child and we kiss you and we hug you and we embrace you or you're an adult and you embrace responsibility. We have a window period of kids who say they too big to be children and too small to be adults. And now they don't know where they belong. And this segment of society has created havoc on the earth

01:30:50 --> 01:31:16

Can I kiss you know, Uncle mom? And I'm no more kid. I'm no child. I'm sorry. Yeah, okay, so what you're up to? No, I'm just chillin. I'm just finding my feet. I'm just floating. Oh, really? So when I want to kiss you like you know what? No, no, it's not like me to know. I'm done with those days. And you in the world of where? What they say don't let that fool kiss you and don't let the kiss fool you.

01:31:20 --> 01:32:11

So, what do you say the Nakamoto say? He said if I sleep by day, then when will I look after the creation and if I sleep by night for either for the fun sob surah alumna surah O Muhammad Salah is when you have completed the activities of the creation of the whole day seen to the guidance, their social welfare, they spirituality they all related things. Fun sub NASA means stand straight, but NASA has the meaning of fatigue in it as well. Laia masana v Han na Sorbonne while I am asuna Fie hollow in Maryville Quran under this idea it is written that the IEA incorporates a meaning that in prayer, you should stand to the extent of exerting yourself with the East some fatigue. Today you

01:32:11 --> 01:32:15

came for taraweeh and you said My legs are pain in great fun sub.

01:32:16 --> 01:32:20

Fun sub there must be some fatigue.

01:32:21 --> 01:32:23

Today I felt the first great

01:32:25 --> 01:32:27

need so far fast we need to go through it.

01:32:29 --> 01:33:18

People decorate the hall oh I'm tired. Yeah, but at least the hall is done the draping is done. It was all family was day and night and day and busy and trimming and trillions and the rest of it. You feel tired, you feel exhausted. You feel burnt out but you happy Mission accomplished. So what did Omar bin Abdulaziz Rahim Allah say? He said Al Hamdulillah Hilary Raja Minh sobey mejor de Nani Allah Dini Allahu Akbar, how are these people to address the issues and he left the sleep and he got in? And then of course, he started attending to addressing all the, you know, what in justices are all the wrongs that he had to inherit from his predecessor. Coming back, just moving swiftly through

01:33:18 --> 01:34:05

it and trying to come to a conclusion and a wrap up in sha Allah, the dialogue is very long, but just to select few things, then. So the amount of the Abdel Malik asked Abu Hazim wama deleeuw poll, which is the most just statement, he said, calima to hockin, yaku halmer, random and Yahoo were in demand your job. When you have the courage to utter the truth before someone you are either hopeful of or afraid of. You hopefully gives you employment, you hopefully will do a favor for you. Are you afraid? He will return to you afraid? He will? He will, you know what? There's some threat that is coming from him. So now that would in all likelihood compromise the veracity of your message.

01:34:08 --> 01:34:28

Then he said one of the losada which is the best type of charity, he said don't don't motel Joe don't motel yerba are who fee Yeah, deal by a seal fucky mean lady Barbara who man known Villa de la ilaha illa Allah

01:34:30 --> 01:34:59

what is the best type of charity, the letter the meager amount that a person has earned? And he discreetly puts it in the hands of a poor person without following up with any form of verbal injury? You know what verbal injury Yeah, I helped you. Yeah, I supported you. Yeah, I've done for you. That is why the orlimar say, the person giving Zakat should go to the recipient who is entitled

01:35:00 --> 01:35:42

To receive because in doing so, you will remain humble and the recipient will not be humiliated. But if you tell the recipient or the beneficiary of xhaka to come to your door that will create arrogance in you and that will humiliate him and that goes against the essence of the system of record. I did you know favor This is your share of well that Allah kept with me yes well we are muhuali him have gone my new moon less sir alien well my room Wolfie you know what the * am I have written I haven't thought of this now. Subhan Allah.

01:35:44 --> 01:35:49

Allah say there are two benefits. Amongst the other benefits of Zakat, one is suddenly hydrated,

01:35:51 --> 01:35:59

to address the need of the poor, and the other one is to purify the donor from greed.

01:36:00 --> 01:36:16

That the more I give, the more Allah frees my heart from greed. Because the more I keep myself attached to wealth, the more greedy I become, the more I part with it, the better it is, the more it flushes out the greed of wealth from me, we're all ugly, rotten and for so short.

01:36:17 --> 01:36:19

Right? That

01:36:20 --> 01:36:40

intrinsically inherently part of our DNA and our anatomy is that we are we can be misers miserliness can be part of our our nature. But that doesn't mean that we are victims of it and now we surrender to it. somebody tells you you know what,

01:36:42 --> 01:37:18

this medical condition is aridity and is found in your genes so do you sit and just wait for it to come in overpower you know you do all the more research you can so that you don't become a victim to it. You know what heart attacks is common in our family. So I got to watch my cholesterol I'm watching my my my pressure I'm watching this my diet I'm exercising, because there is a family history to it. There is a family history to eat in this year. So many people will die with this condition or so many will die so stats are saying it so it's okay if I died with it. No, all the more I need to alert myself and I mustn't fall prey to that stat della Allah

01:37:20 --> 01:37:54

undershelf minute tiberi yard, right that this is part part of our nature, what we'll be writing and for so short, but it's within us the point that I was saying it is within us to find it and to overpower it and to get rid of it. So coming back to that point I was saying that there are two benefits of zakat. One is to help the poor and one is to free myself from greed. And between the two. The greater need is the purification of the donor against greed.

01:37:57 --> 01:38:37

In the 11th Joe's, Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about zakat. And as mentioned in merryfield Quran and that's why I'm sharing this reflection from hosemann I'm awali him sada cotton totaal hero home hosemann emmalee him sada cotton toto hero take from them, their donation and the contribution and the charity to Takahiro home, which will purify them, yeah, Allah only spoke of one of the benefits amongst the other to Allah didn't speak about fulfilling the need of the poor, which indicates that the greater need is my purification. So I need to give that

01:38:39 --> 01:39:27

and I need to free myself from pride and arrogance more than the recipient. And if that's the system we have, then that will create respect and dignity and no person will be humiliated. So what did he say? Joe hotel motel the letter of a poor person, yerba rufiyaa Dil ba is ill fucky which you put in the place in the hand of a poor person, mean lady a yet the borrower whom manansala which is not followed by any injury or insult and levena Yun FICO 911 feasability Lil sumela used to be rune ama and Falco men wala as those who spend and their contribution is not followed by injury or insult I helped you I find it you didn't. You didn't.

01:39:29 --> 01:39:59

That is that is the wealth Allah has. He's shared Allah had given to you. And that's how we reconcile that the opening verses of the 12 Jews Allah says he is responsible to sustain every creature, yet people are dying out of hunger and the declaration of the Quran is that he will sustain everyone. The reason is that there are enough resources and there is enough wealth in this world and Allah has put a system in place. Unfortunately, unfortunately, we have abused the system and we have not discharged out

01:40:00 --> 01:40:35

duty. So we have defaulted. We have defaulted, where the elites have become super elite and the poor have slipped into abject poverty creating the gap if not a gulf, which then gives rise to a host of social evils. Kayla yagoona du Litem Bane null as near him income. Okay. Then he asked the next question, Matt Estrada in Java which prayer is answered, the most readily, most swiftly, will Moxon Lil mazzini. The poor the draw of the pie is for the pious while

01:40:37 --> 01:40:56

Today we are centers we make in golf centers and of course we need to make one we shouldn't lose hope in Allah. But in terms of ideal situation in terms of ideal situation, when the buyers make a draw for the buyers, then that is the data that is most readily accepted. Man ash McInnes, who is the fool who is the fool.

01:40:58 --> 01:41:07

In Sahih, Muslim there is this narration in which this word Africa comes I don't want to go into the narration. And then the Hello Nova philologist,

01:41:08 --> 01:41:17

they unpack the definition of Atma mania Malou Marya roho merill May he be

01:41:18 --> 01:41:29

a fool is any and every person who does something knowingly that this will harm me. I know that he's going to harm me. That's why in English they say

01:41:30 --> 01:41:37

you never make a mistake twice. The first is a mistake. The second is a choice. The first is a mistake. The second is a choice.

01:41:39 --> 01:42:06

The one who indulges in something knowingly conscious of the consequences and the repercussions of that action. conscious of the consequences and the repercussions of that action, then such a person is a fool. And the truth be told by that definition, I doubt there's anyone who's not a full

01:42:08 --> 01:42:15

page with religious or material things. Look at the food we eat what they say in English, eat your food like medication.

01:42:16 --> 01:42:21

Or else you will have to eat your medication like food.

01:42:22 --> 01:42:48

Today we eat in our medication like food, for breakfast, for lunch for dinner for Soho for iftaar for home on the run the grandchildren What are they known to give the grandparents tablets and poles? That's it. That's that's the thing as small ones run bring this one bring that one yeah, we eat in our medication like food because we don't eat our food like medication. I mustn't eat I'm guilty of it more than anyone else. I'm not talking to anyone talking to myself.

01:42:49 --> 01:42:55

Which is driven by the thrill of what tastes nice what feels nice to excite our taste buds that say

01:42:56 --> 01:43:27

say now Amara the Alanna said Abdullah bin Omar eating meat flesh meat. He said What's that? He said no, he I was feeling to eat our cola Yes, the hill in San Jose akella Whoa. When did you learn this that whenever you feel to eat something, you just eat it. People will take a drive today or drive 200 kilometres of feeling to eat this. What they say we live in a world where the wealthy walk kilometres to digest the food and the poor walk kilometres to find food.

01:43:28 --> 01:43:46

We live in a world where the wealthy walk kilometres to digested food and the poor walk kilometres to find their food. My brother, my sister, the message I'm harping on, it is about creating discipline, life is all about discipline strike the fine balance.

01:43:48 --> 01:44:11

So who is a fool or Rajan on incircle Maha sahibi he was Sahiba who volumen for Barbara Hirata, who will be dhania. Lady, a person who appeases his companion, and he commits a crime for his friend to get some material gain at the cost of you losing your abode in Accra.

01:44:12 --> 01:44:44

That is now the most foolish person one is you did a wrong and you got benefit. It doesn't make you wise by any definition. But supposedly you argue I spoke a lie. My neck got saved. I roamed by gaze, my ego got a throw. I was popping pills and I felt high and I felt nice. But one is you facilitating those vices for someone else who's indulging in it. And him he's getting the suppose that pleasure and you destroying your alcohol.

01:44:46 --> 01:45:00

What did the Allahu anhu say? Enough Ira sahibi calm and loving your Kool Aid have been not either have been a Natsume cabela Anna mood We're in assura sahibi con la The pool is have been a narco

01:45:00 --> 01:45:40

When I showed up when Earl who popular and your best friend is the one who comes in to a buddy a my friend Time is running out. You know what we need to fast we need to keep these fast we need to complete our Quran Ramadan is coming close I have not completed my cover of last year I need to do this I have not paid my Zakat and the year is about to end the lunar year I need to pay a please let's do it quickly. Time is running out I need to up my act in terms of virtual in the pharaoh Safaricom Allah via call in the hub Bina nuzum Kabbalah and Mahmoud we're in a Shara sahibi cone, and your worst friend is one who says it have been on a call when asked Rob well who Kabbalah and

01:45:40 --> 01:45:54

Mahmoud a lesson man. You know what life is short. Enjoy life is short. Indulge. Life is short, celebrate. Life is short party Life is short. have the best you only have one life Do whatever you want to.

01:45:56 --> 01:46:36

Hamad bin wanted said I went to meet Malik bin dinar. So when I came there, the dog was sniffing around him. So I found it a bit strange. This is a sage Sage of the age by your saintly man and he's sitting there and the dog is sniffing around what are her tumor Who are you know, sniffing around, so I tried to gently move the dog away. I tried to gently move the dog away. So my colleague Ben dinner said doc who has the hiring manager Lisa Sue or the law you Vinnie I'm better off what does dog sniffing around here where I'm sitting and reflecting than having an evil friend because an evil friend gives negative energy. This animal is not harming me in any way. Wow. Look at the respect for

01:46:36 --> 01:46:56

the animals look at the message. Look at the the message of evil company What did he ma'am Shafi said I'm looking for a good friend and an honest thread and a sincere friend. And if I can find him, I won't distribute my money latos some to whom Ali minahasa naughty. I will sit him down and give him half of all my virtue.

01:46:57 --> 01:47:21

I will distribute half of my virtue but I looked I scan. I observed I rotated my gaze I couldn't find a good friend, Salam O Allah dunya either. lumea confy ha Sadiq Khan sadu console De Palma de mon sefa. Now leave me alone. I will better off being alone than having a friend who doesn't satisfy the credentials and the requirements of friendship.

01:47:23 --> 01:47:29

Yes, while tokoto anfisa calm Allah says don't kill yourself.

01:47:30 --> 01:48:20

Some scholars say it means don't commit suicide. Other scholars say it means don't kill your brother because killing your brother is killing yourself gela Lane says Be erotica be ma you are de la holla ke ha a young Ghana with Donnie I will ask euro don't kill yourself. Don't do anything that will destroy your spirit your soul or your body in this world or in our era. That is the meaning of Allah taco and fossa calm. What's the message again? Check yourself before you wreck yourself. discipline yourself, discipline yourself. So others don't need to discipline you. An undisciplined man is a headache to himself and a heartache to others. Nothing is more common than a talented individual who

01:48:20 --> 01:48:30

is deprived of success because of lack of discipline. I was mentioning to you and we digressed and I think I'm going to kind of wrap up if not Medina

01:48:31 --> 01:49:20

ignol Medina and from there we went economic Medina asked him I'm shabby mean in alcohol delivery. mukalla Where did you acquire this? He said four things be nephila ottima don't rely on people on rely rely on Allah. Allah well battiato solly Hayato hieronder indera because our ban was higher on am Allah noble deeds, pious deeds righteous deeds is the best for you to rely on. But invest in your hopes in people you know what you're putting yourself up for disappointment. So been Ophelia timeout number two was say refill Bella. Travel travel the Oregon in our tiny fee Paula biloela wasafi refill as far as humsafar ad the for rojo hamin work this Abu Marie shatin worry mon was born was

01:49:20 --> 01:49:21

alfabeto Majidi

01:49:22 --> 01:49:49

Imam Shafi said travel travel you'll have five benefits stuffer rojo how many people relax your mind. Right the four Roger hamin work this Abu marisha generate revenue, you learn knowledge element add on you learn mannerism, wasabi automagically, and you will get the company of pious people. So that was the second thing. The third thing was sabriel Hi, Omar. How did I achieve what I achieved the perseverance of a mule? perseverance of a mule? When did anybody give an analogy with the mule? Well? Yes, yes, it

01:49:50 --> 01:49:59

was in amadori by Mr. looby sobral Mr. That if you go on a safari and you go on a you know what game drive and you're looking at animals

01:50:00 --> 01:50:04

Nobody is intrigued at looking at a donkey or a mule.

01:50:05 --> 01:50:37

You're going to look at the big cats. You're going to look at the predators. You're going to look at the gazelles, you're going to look at the deers. You can look at the antelopes, you can look at the wild bees, you're going to look at it as a donkey tested on one minute, one minute, one minute. Okay, zoom in. No, no, no, no. In fact, you look at it and you remain quiet, especially if it's at night to see if somebody else is gonna assume that to be a horse or a zebra, right? But because you have the closer eye, you know what it is? So what happens? The donkey carries on with life. Nobody is killed. Nobody is worried about its presence or its absence. Nobody said, Hey, had a great

01:50:37 --> 01:51:16

Safari. Only thing. One thing we didn't take off. I didn't see a donkey. No. on the reverse. If you see nothing but a donkey, then you dread that Safari. You dread it like, you know what, really, I could have gone to the zoo and probably done better. So what's the message? It just takes along? It just does itself. Don't be concerned by what's happening around you. Whether people condemn you praise, you compliment you ridicule you. Just graze. Just keep on grazing. Just be at it. You need to be learning my brother, you need to some people gargle at the fountain of knowledge and others drink. May Allah make us amongst those who can drink at the fountain of knowledge.

01:51:18 --> 01:51:29

Sometimes we just need to go and sit and tick a box that I set here and I did the scores and I have another certificate. No, no, we don't need to gargle. We need knowledge. It's not the certificate. It's the effect we need to change the life.

01:51:30 --> 01:51:46

And last but not least, we're buku Rob, and how early The crow rises. The crow rises suited to the hobby. He was sort of a hobby. So it's known about the crow that it leaves early. And it returns early. It read leaves early and it returns early.

01:51:48 --> 01:51:50

So who is the most foolish person that's what

01:51:51 --> 01:52:41

abou has him said then he said men are utterly nurse who is the most intelligent person Rajan on Buffy rabita. Attila he has our Jalla fidella NASA Allah Raja loon, Buffy rabita rT la he writes our gel, a person who obeyed Allah and then he motivates people towards the obedience of Allah. And that's that's the message. And that's the takeaway point. that how we can bring about a change. I spoke about the need of forgiveness, and asking forgiveness so that we can become the recipients of the pardon of Allah. one verse, Allah hi buena young fear Allah hula comb, when Abubakar the alarm who had vowed not to give Mr. hora de Allahu anhu money and Allah review the verse don't take an

01:52:41 --> 01:53:03

oath and Allah said, Don't you want Allah to forgive you? And Abubakar said exactly our ly want I wanted indeed, definitely, surely, certainly. Then Allah said forgive your brother and his sincerity of wanting the forgiveness of Allah. According to one narration he did not continued the monthly allowance. He doubled it.

01:53:05 --> 01:53:16

So do I want the last forgiveness my brother my sister, will forgive your brother and ask your brother for forgiveness. And if somebody has passed away, let me share with you something amazing I read.

01:53:18 --> 01:53:35

Somebody has passed away and you had hurt him or you've offended someone and you cannot find him. There's this amazing academic discussion about the man who killed 100 people we know the Hadith, right? What God do you scan Allah tober till 30 and who erotica by them Benita Allah

01:53:36 --> 01:53:37

hi bud.

01:53:39 --> 01:53:51

This is an academic question. He killed two people. Those people are dead. And when you violated someone, that person you will not be forgiven by Allah tell that person forgives you wahoo a Mcdo

01:53:52 --> 01:54:19

Joe and he is dead. He cannot forgive you. I Jabal half you do feel fat. Hey, well I anything on the table Cory after the hedger writes in phulbari. And Allah bedroo deny any rights in home that will carry by and Allah either Kabila to battle cartel, the calf fella be Reba Hashmi.

01:54:21 --> 01:54:59

This is the academic reply given the it's amazing that when Allah forgave the murder of 100 people, then Allah took it upon himself to appease the victims of his killing. Allah subhanho wa Taala will satisfy them please them and and attend to it on his behalf. The cafe lobby rebuff asked me that the opponent the victim of this murder, Allah will take care of it. And upon this the scholars right what B is the de la Shea who Masha if

01:55:00 --> 01:55:05

Now, from this the scholars right that if you've offended any human,

01:55:06 --> 01:55:46

then you need to ask him for forgiveness. And that is the ruling. And you need to try every possible way to contact him. But if you cannot locate the person and find the person and you had offended him or insulted him burger badly, Murphy was sorry. And you tried every means for him know who you are for who we are optimistic that Allah will accept your sincerity of repentance, because you tried every measure to try and reach him but you could not based on this text from this hadith as I have academically explained. I'll leave you with these last words.

01:55:49 --> 01:56:05

abou has him. Suleiman Abdul Malik then told him that elfa Elena how to knock the haisla kumbhakarna. Okay, okay, I appreciate all your advices Now, can you tell me what you want? Can you tell me what you want?

01:56:06 --> 01:56:08

So he just dropped his head down. There was no reply.

01:56:10 --> 01:56:40

Sorry, man, Abdul Malik said, If I can put that in paraphrased language, you know, people beg me to ask me for their needs. And I'm giving you the offer. And you like, blank. So he said, in fact, Elena hijikata I got the muscle and the cloud. I'm the man Tell me what you want. Not the haisla kumbhakarna whatever you want. We'll take care of it. So a boy how's him said hi jetty, Anton driven him in another way to the Hill any agenda. My need is Please save me from * and give me entry into Jenna.

01:56:42 --> 01:56:53

Recently, one pious scholar that I know of he was sitting and somebody was praising him and flattering him. So after he completed praising him, he said, okay, you're done. Can you give me my boarding pass of Jana? Please?

01:56:54 --> 01:57:05

Can you give me my boarding pass of Jana? He said no, I cannot. So why must I be inflated or conceited by your flattery isn't going to change anything is not going to change anything.

01:57:06 --> 01:57:47

It's just like before you going into the plane, somebody generates and prints his own body in cars and he puts a first class creates a seat number for you, puts a flight number there and puts a first class with your name and gives you this body in past like years. He has a boarding pass. Oh, wow. Okay, first class adara, doula derogatory Dalai Lama, okay, right. Sweet. A one a Wow. Okay. It's generated by the aviation, by the online by the system by the airways, your own. That's a thrill yourself, excite yourself. You're not going to get into a coach or a bus or a train, leave alone a plane. Well, I'm praising you and you praise him. He's getting nothing. My request is get me into

01:57:47 --> 01:57:55

Jana and saved me from *. He said radicalism in chutney. Sorry. That's outside my control. So Apple has him said sorry, I don't have another request.

01:57:56 --> 01:58:00

Sorry, I don't have another request. So then.

01:58:01 --> 01:58:42

So the man when Abdul Malik said xidan amin moment of letting you know what your pearls of wisdom are just amazing. Just keep on just just share it more and more we just want to learn from you more. He said in quantum in at least a Java for particle to Dr. Murphy Hill Keifa. If you're a person that he needs, then adequate has been told to you. If you're a person that he needs and reflects and observes and sees what's happening, and processes and digests and internalizes then adequate has been conveyed. What a lump document is to Java and if you are not a person who he is what has been conveyed, then why should I continue release in an arrow that is not striking target? We ask Allah

01:58:42 --> 01:59:20

subhana wa Taala to make us amongst those fortunate individuals who can see the remaining days of this month of shabaan allow us to exert our self in worship, within reason that can propel us prepare us to embrace the month of Ramadan, and may we be amongst those people who witness the sacred placid, momentous month of Ramadan. And may we be amongst those people who can stand in the night of other and enjoy those rewards of other and the night of other and the reward of other Armenia Nobel alameen wa sallahu wa salam ala nabina Muhammad Ali, he was happy he Jemaine will hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen

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