Sulaiman Moola – A Mercy For The Entire Universe

Sulaiman Moola
AI: Summary © The history of Islam is discussed, including the loss of the Prophet sallati wa sallam and the use of "arep saull" in language. The Prophet sallavi has been given the option to enter a hospital or leave a martini and taco truck to a doctor. The Prophet sallua has been given the option to enter a hospital or leave a martini and taco truck to a doctor. The Prophet sallua has also been given the option to enter a hospital or leave a martini and taco truck to a doctor. The history of Islam has impacted the culture of the United States, with a brief history of the Prophet sallua's teachings and advice, as well as a brief segment on the culture of the United States and its impact on its culture. The recent protests have also impacted people's lives and potential negative consequences.
AI: Transcript ©
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That'll bill Adam it was Salatu was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah alameen. Wa he was happy woman Warner wouldn't be accepting you know, yummy, Dean. We're back for the college in Nevada fakie, Tabitha Majid wolfer, Connie Hill Hamid, to be learning in a shape on your rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Allah Azza naka de la metal alameen wa Salatu was Salam Boris Julie otomi mama Karima okama. Calling is Salatu was salam, honorable scholars respected brothers and elders, the month of review will Oh well, is generally a month where Muslims across the globe express their sentiments of love and affiliation to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and in this regard, Joseph I held

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and with the grace of Allah subhanho wa Taala I had the good opportunity to participate in a Josiah in the UK, and I was invited to participate in such a blessed and momentous occasion. Like the poet's said it my ima Dr. Mohammed MB Makati Welcome to makalah TV mohammedi, that after praising the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, I have not elevated his rank by my poetry, but on the reverse my poetry has been elevated by his name. And really speaking participating in such a gathering doesn't add to the beauty or the piety of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. He is exalted by the very declaration of the waterfire and Allah as a crock. But indeed, it is the good fortune of

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one to be permitted to participate in such a gathering. Furthermore, Allah made it possible for me then to go to Madina, munawwara and I guess that first sight that first sight at the green dome of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam leaves a shiver in the back of every Muslim, a flush of spiritual ecstasy, a combination of anxiety coupled with love, leave alone that blesses Masjid Imam Malik Rahmatullah. Ali felt uncomfortable relieving himself in the city of Medina, he would go on the outskirts of Medina, how can I relieve myself on a place where my inner being has walked, because he is has categorically mentioned, the land on which might not be in your Navy is resting is

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the most sacred land in the eyes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. It is our belief that in Nabhi is buried in the very place where he passes away, that he winds up by nothing in the law, you don't know Buddha, when the Prophet sallallahu wasallam entered into his fatal illness. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala Sang gibreel to visit him. When a person is of a high profile, we say he enjoys a state visit a state clinic and if he dies as a state funeral, words cannot possibly do justice to explain or to explore the privilege of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that Allah sends gibreel to inquire about his well being gibreel makes an appearance before the Prophet sallallahu Sallam came

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for 32 years old Allah, Allah, Allah How's it looking? He said he Dunia gibreel mcraven and while I as I stood as I stood by the grave of nice Allah Allah Allah wa sallam, this hadith flush through my mind, this was the very blessed location. It is unfortunately said that just as phone's ringing in this Masjid, so two phones ringing in the masjid of NaVi sallallahu wasallam. It is a sad reality just just as musical tones has become part of this Masjid. It is tragic. It is unfortunate that musical Jones steps away from this blessed land where the greatest human is resting. Unfortunately, the form of materialism has gripped us they also, while many of us are very passionate to advance

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and get closer, closer to the blesser grave, and perhaps I compliment your sentiments, but somehow when we look when we look into the life of our pious predecessors, then there was a degree of reservation in them. And that was as a result of the fear. How do I stand before my interview when I'm a criminal? How do I face him when I'm a singer? What am I used to be Nori Rahim Allah categorically it is mentioned, he never plucked up the courage he stood at a distance and conveyed his ceram go back to the golden era of the Sahaba armory be known as the Allahu anhu, the conqueror of Egypt in the throes of death in three sentences when he summed up his life and he narrated it to

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his son. Then he spoke about the era when he was with the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, which obviously was the noblest era of his life. He said follow suit into an

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MA talk to Leon Neelam akuti

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in Lahore, Lobo while I attended his gathering daily, and I sat in his blessing discourses, but trust me, I never plucked the courage to raise my gaze on that face.

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If someone had to ask me describe I would politely decline. Nonetheless gibreel amin comes and he asked the professor alario Selim, how do you feel? He said he dooney algebra you know mcru been what did you do he algebra Luma movement gibreel and feeling rather sad and depressed gibril appears the second time the same concept is given on the third day gibreel and a Salaam camp the right of way hottie de la isla Nova, and he has to edit guests with him. What is an angel by the name of a smiley who is in charge of 100,000 melodica and one is an angel by the name of molekule mode. Medical mode comes in very respectfully positions himself outside the blezard room of the Prophet sallallahu

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Sallam gibril amin enters and he says Yara Sol Allah has a Malakal mode. Yes, the only way of Allah sallallahu wasallam I have come to once again asked about your well being but also I thought I bring it to your notice that molecule mount is standing outside the door. He's politely asking permission for him to enter the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said they let him come in gibreel said oh prophet of Allah. Let me remind you must as an admin in Kabbalah Kabbalah yesterday, no admission bad luck. If it is any other human. The Angel of Death makes a sudden appearance he comes barging through, he doesn't care who it is law yet Roku remote to the giant in labor is that he? But it is your

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position? It is your rank that the man has kneeled himself politely is waiting for your for your indication, can we imagine what was the lofty rank of the Prophet sallallahu seldom, he says allow him to come inside medical mode enters into that very room where we stand by and we convey our Suriname's to our blessings Namaste seldom the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then has a dialogue with molecular mode. You know we say this man setting is he knows this minister and he's got context you're a dialogue with medical mode. Medical mode says in the law Moroni in a in a law 74 in a martini and after visa recovered, we're in a martini and a taco truck to a professor olalia

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Cinema have been sent by your law and I have been told to remove your soul. If you consent very politely, I will do what I have to if you decline, I respect your choice. So he looks at Malakal mouth and he says What do

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you mean you're actually going to remove my soul? He says bizarrely komeito

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aka a prophet of Allah have been given instructions accordingly. And I've only complained to divine commands. But I have also been told that I read the sensitivity of accommodating your sentiments, and I don't often do in the equation. Again, look at the position of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam while you sit on that pedestal, when you sit on that rail, that molecule mode concerns with him for another and

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he politely then glances towards Gabriella is Salam. scholars of Hadith say this was a gesture of consultation. Imagine on what a ranking setting what your position is, if it was asked when somebody okay so what you said to you, you don't ask permission from anyone else only me. Okay. We will repeat our praises. He politely glances towards debri and Janine, what's the way forward sybrina said, Oh, Prophet sallallahu sallam. If your grant says consultation, then my answer is in Allaha desta Illa Lika Honestly speaking, I think the time has come close, the chapter has to be closed. Now. Your Lord is very passionate to meet you in a long distance.

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That is my answer. He said you really if that's your indication, he then looked at molekule mouth and he said him really ma immunotherapy go into what you have to own medical mode. Can you imagine what it does on medical mode? How does he tell he is How dare you hurt the feelings of mine up? How can you hurt the sentiments of my nephew, medical mode then comes and perhaps the greatest of task that was ever put on this angel to remove the soul of the greatest of humans that ever existed on the face of this earth. The soul was removed, the soul was removed and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam passes away that you might have Hakeem Sahaba was still sitting there was still trying to

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get grips with what had happened. And next minute a person cleared in white came he made a presence before the Sahaba hidden sets few words of consolation to them said few words of condolences to them concluded by saying in a line you for what you need for an EVO for enamel Maroon woman hurry moto boo, lesson turn to Allah This is perhaps the greatest thing that has ever done upon me. The greatest catastrophe for humanity Alanna said so but Alinea Messiah Evo lo su but Allah Yami Sivananda Leah, the death of my father and his brother

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About such a mountain on my shoulders. I think if it has to come on to night also even night on able to bake it will turn into de la sub but Allah Yami certain olalia ob comes on today it will turn into night

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when this person consoled the Sahaba and he left over karate Ilana said Do you know who is the gentleman that came in left? They said no. He said this is literally his Salam. Allah has sent him to console the whole oma oblateness a viola I was just reading the revised now of miroir him his son came in told him listen Oh my father, I've got sad news to break through you. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has passed away on the spot he said along the bustle de la Habibi, aka Da Li ever heard that my inner being has left this world I asked you sees my vision Yeah, Allah I don't want to set my eyes on any other human after you've seen your movie. Can you imagine what love somehow bad

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Can Can Can we reflect can we can we perceive that it can you know that I have recited before you wama RSL Naka in LA matalin. I mean, this is the verse of the 17th Jews. And it is part of the discussion of Surah ambia, where Allah is speaking in detail about prophets. One would assume that when the name of the chapter is that of prophets, then perhaps the biggest discussion would be that of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam simply because he is the noblest of the prophets, on the reverse, very ironically, not in the beginning of the chapter, not in the middle, towards the concluding verses of the chapter. Allah introduces his Libby. So Allah goes in length with the description of

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Ibrahim in the introduction of Ibrahim, Allah then follows it up by that of a man. Allah then goes on to a set of the chapter use of profits. The very latter part, the very concluding verses, Allah comes with an introduction of his Nabhi but perhaps the most apt and the most precise and the most comprehensive description that Allah ever gave of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam in this verse, Omarosa Naka. Illa Illa Allah mean, oh, My Habib sallallahu wasallam I have sent you, just as I am the Lord of all the worlds al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen I have sent you as a mercy to all the worlds The Prophet sallallahu since presence was not a mercy restricted to the human race, generally

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when a person makes a good impression, and he turns people towards nobility, then we salute him we compliment him after his coming year so much good came about look at what an impression the professors in left behind on this world, look at the mercy the traces of His mercy, leave alone the rest three varieties in Muslim Sorry, I shall be allowed man he says the prophets are allowed us and left me and when fulfilled to Allah he like any other woman, a twinge of suspicion gripped my heart, a bit of nervousness flashed through my thoughts. Where is my Navy, going on my night, perhaps visiting another spouse. So I went out looking and then I realized he was engaged in everybody. I

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returned when I returned, and I was breathing heavy. I was pulsating. When he entered the house. he sensed my nervousness, he says, My anxiety, so he said Maliki Ayesha.

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Ayesha, what's the matter? You look like you look nervous and and there's some obsession in you. She said yes. Oh prophet of Allah. Nothing to hide one Miley la you are miss me, Allah Miss Lee. I am and I will be honest, and let me confess. After all, you are the greatest of human. So you can imagine my obsession in proportion to your position. So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam Denson, Ayesha? ajaw Acacia upon Okay, it looks like your devil is bothering you again. Oh, Isaiah. So she said when Mary shavon Oprah was leaving What happened? You mean I have a devil? What are you trying to say? The prophets Allah is him says yes, indeed, the Hadith is a Muslim said if you have a devil.

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So the prophets I saw the Alanna goes on to say Oprah with Allah. Is it only me or is it everyone? The prophets Allah says not every person has a demo. So she says what about you open up and said olalia was sent him? He says I also have a demo when I can anime Allahu alayhi Salaam. But Allah gave me the ability and the strength in the upper hand over my devil, and he is the only one who has accepted Islam. Leave alone making an impression the Prophet of Allah left the devil embracing Islam. Obviously that was his devil and no other devil. We learn about Maria Maria Salaam, and he saw a tsunami of Mischka. The Prophet sallallahu wasallam says as birth Yes, the Hello sorry for me

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mercy shavon that every child cries at birth. And this is as a result of the influence of the devil doctors might tell you medically is to develop the lungs and whatever

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But the prophets of Allah ism says this is as a interference of the devil. However, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam says that the Virgin Mary and her son resolving his Salaam were divinely exempted from the influence of the devil at birth. This was their position, but look at the rank of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that he accepted Islam understand what the rank Allah has given him. In fact, before I explore briefly how he came as a mercy to everyone, and then I tied it up with the Hadith that I have quoted in the beginning, both to me, Mama Kareem and a flock, I have been sent to perfect noble character that has been the object of my mission is a virtue and is an

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exclusive privilege of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. It is mentioned that three people brought a man on him prior to his neighborhood. One was waterplay Ebony nofal, who appears in the few first pages of Bukhari Sharif, when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam received a revelation, then for the judge to keep your loved one had to work at Villanova, who was well versed with the divine scriptures. When worker looked at the Prophet sallallahu wasallam.

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He said Layton, he akuna haiyang is ukri giocato. Look, I wish I can live up to that era when your nation will expel you from your own locality. The prophets that Allah is a very astonishingly said have I heard you? Correct? They love me. They honor me. They revere me and you say they'll expel me? He said yes, love,

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to be mystery magic to be he elodea. This has remained the veteran in the nation that have preceded you. Whenever a prophet stood up with truth he was suppressed by other forces. What do you mean yo mocha and Soraka nastran mazara and if I live up to that error, I will be the first to support you. That is why many people believe that while Abubakar undoubtedly is the first companion, but there is someone who has brought him on before abubaker and many scholars hold the view it was one of the evening nofal who had expressed his faith, he had expressed his faith before the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had formally made his declaration. The second person was when the Quran speaks about what da

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da gentlemen apostle Medina TSR call upon me to be more Sunny, a person who lived the 600 years before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he heard about the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he passionately brought him on and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and the third person mention of this is made in in the Tafseer of jela Lane in in Surah. Two, which is the 44th chapter of the Quran. A person by the name of Toba, who was the king of Yemen, who was the king of Yemen. He had come to Madina munawwara again, when I'm walking there and you're standing by the masjid in that city, remember the words of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. He said that jar will come and he will cause

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havoc on the earth. He will try entering my Medina Allah won't allow him to get into Medina. Imagine the position and the status of this this land. Can we fathom that the jar why he goes to heaven on earth, the prophets of Allah His son says they will be angels protecting the city of Medina which will bar the entry of the jungle. Anyway, this person he brought him on and the prophets of Allah Allah was sent them when they told him that this is Medina is the place where the final prophet will migrate. He then built a house exclusively for the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and then he sent few couplets and he said Xing it to Allah, Madonna hora su domina lineberry nessam fellow Madonna Marina

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hombre de la quinta was irrelevant.

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To be safe, he

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worked for Raj to answer that he could live on our line if you prolong my life, I testify on the prophethood of Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, I wish I can live up to see that error and if I do meet with this nebby I will be the first to support his mission. Then he wrote a message and he said I'm about for any Amen. Kubica Wabi Sabi Colombians in LA Olivier over la have brought him on on you in the book that will be revealed on you for innymi no magical journey I am the first to accept your message for in odd cuca if I live up to see you for the one that we might nothing better I can ask for what you love Drake for certainly in our young men for slightly in Arabic what attention Yama.

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Then on the day of the Ahmed I asked you include me amongst those that you will intercede for and do not forget me on that day for India mean on medical oven in Biafra to call Kabbalah magic. I pledged my loyalty to you before your birth nevermind your Prophet would and then this was left in this house was blue. Can we get the water asuna who caffeine and caffeine. This letter was transmitted down the generations. The convenience of the professor Larson came to Madina munawwara and every Sahabi poured his heart out did I be the host in mind to be be the guest and he said leave this camera listen to divine inspiration it will hallway my Allah says in Mora and this camel then comes

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in halls outside the house of abou urban sorry radi Allahu incididunt Mustafa on page 410 in the first volume

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It is written under the strength of chef Zeno Dean Rafi mahoma law. He said study the history of this house and you will realize it was currently in the ownership of abou au. Otherwise it was the very house that was birthed by the king of Yemen centuries for the Prophet sallallahu sallam. He then goes on to say it is correct for someone to say the Prophet of Allah did not stay at AU we stayed at his own house. Understand the position woman, Sal Naka in LA methylene aalameen. scholars say every atom, even lifeless objects, I'm standing in mustard and nabawi salon he was sitting them and then you glance at the member and immediately this ad flashes through your mind. When the

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profits are alarmism prior to the member being booked for him. He is to rest on a date bomb and he's to take support from it. And in the event of Buhari Marina Mateen, Nigeria giannulli Arvada that a woman came in offered the skills of a son who was a carpenter to establish and to build a pulpit so that he can address the congregation simply because the numbers will grow in subsequent to that the member was constructed. And my interviewee then ascended the pulpit, leave alone You and I my heart cries as you leave Medina there is a tear in every part of your body not only your eye, every area of your body cries when my nephew changed his location and he left the date palm and then he went on

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to the member revise of the date palm started crying in an audible manner that was heard by people in the last surf of the masjid might not be was compelled to descend from the pulpit. He went to the street he then embraced the sperm and he said well let enough so Mohammed him be at a low lung altissimo I swear by that Allah Who controls my life, if I did not do what I did with the spam, trust me the spam would have cried in my separation till the day of the AMA.

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attachment to lifeless objects today we talk of animal welfare. When one statement the Prophet sallallahu Sallam elevated the rank of the animal kingdom. He said it de la Murphy Harvey Hill ba ma ma ma, Fear Allah in this done animals for kabu ha sorry heighten What? ruku Hassan ha, mount on treat with dignity, this mount this mount from it with dignity. The jeannot when we were in MCI had the opportunity to go to mosquito teaching for the basic history that we ought to know mosquito genius that very mustard where the Prophet sallallahu wasallam met the delegation of Jannat and then he informed them that he is the final Navy and the very people who came to probe his mission to

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query while there was so much security in the heavens, Molly at Harrison shaida they had accepted his message, and subsequent to that they had become envoys towards his religion. And there is a mistake built and known as mustard or gin. The jeannot came and complained to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam and they said oh prophet of Allah made the you know, the human kind is urinating in our homes where we live in we dwell, and they are flooding our homes with a rain. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam issued one declaration. And he said, Remember these bones that number one with regards to the food, the bones that you use, do not use these bones to relieve yourself because on

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these bones, Allah creates food for the gymnasts and don't urinate in these holes. These are the dwellings of the gymnasts. He took pity upon the gymnasts, he took pity on the animal kingdom. while lying he was a mercy to humanity in its entirety. Really speaking brothers we can go on speaking what the human he was. Let us ask ourself as being the ears of this nebby those that inherit somehow Eros? Nikita, Bella Venus profane, Amina, hi betina sameen, whom valuable enough say, Allah said after my nebby the inheritance of the Quran went on to the old method of Islam. How much have we lived up to the legacy of this Navy? How much are we a mercy to humanity? How much do we transmit

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his sentiments? Sahaba were those who adequately lived up to it diligently complied when they didn't get the sinner was about to be executed. Abu Sufyan with not accepted Islam made a remark in a form of jest. And he said less than a typo a akuna Mohammed and Alana fi mechanic. Zaid, how nice it would have been if things could have been reversed now you could be in the comfort in your profit could be executed. He got up and he said trust me kill me and execute me. That doesn't hurt me. But that statement means more to me. What line ILA Oh, he bought an akuna Mohammedan. Alon, FEMA, Colonel Hillary who he was sleeping with Shaka tune to z he needs Alison fee. I cannot perceive a

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song tricking my *. I will put my life down. But I will not accept a phone phreaking Zane was not ready for a phone to pick his Libby, Alaska some my brother when you are

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operating your businesses within trust. Trust me understand my equation and my parable. It's not a phone it's a sword through your Navy. Understand when you are following deficient, the revised of Muslim Sharif, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said let chipiona Suna man Kanaka bellicon Sheba Ron Bishop in the Iran visa Raman has

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been about to move on. I am afraid I foresee a time when my own metal Jesus, they will abandon me they will forsake me and they will embrace the practices of the nations that preceded them to such a minute detail, they will become blind in following them. The words of Muslim said he had the fellow joke Robin, if they will see the others entering a lizard hole, which is contrary to all forms of logic, but simply because they have done it my own mind will also follow.

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Can we imagine the pain with which the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, I conclude with the ease with which I commence? What were the words of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam Boris, Tony Mima Makarem and you stood there you have conveyed your salams undoubtedly there is a mark of love, but what is expected from you is to carry on the mission, I have come to perfect of love. Now recently we had humans day or humans, right? One Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and I asked myself and one in all if we can only conclude on this one advice of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. In a nutshell if you want to sum up the rights of humans, and you want an Islamic viewpoint, and an

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Islamic approach to human rights is one Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam swill man kata for unmanned Bolla MK x in in Armand de la if this hadith I take it you take it, my life will be different your marriage will be different your business will be different, that reflect over see men passionately join ties with those who severe it. Now these are the words of the Navy and this is what is expected. passionately imagine what's the harbor did we are not asked to do that. passionately join ties with those who severe it with you or for among make it a point to forgive those who abuse you. Make it a point to forgive. While it's easy said easier hurt but to do it. I've

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seen it. Amen. La those that are hostile to you, you be kind to them. The Quran said for either a Bernina kawabe nawada to

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me, if you adopt these words of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah says every form of enmity will be converted into friendship and understanding. Imagine if employer and employee mother in law and daughter in law neighbor and neighbor, if we can adopt this character, the Quran says a woman you will call her inland levena sabado Omar Yola in blue have been are we I don't have time to elaborate. When qarun made his sudden appearance, and he was moving in pumping showed in maintained glory in in great pride and arrogance. People advanced and they looked at him and they use the phrase in Abu Dhabi who have been havin this is indeed a privilege to human. Now it's something for

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us to reflect. Allah uses the very same phrase, which they use admiring the wealth of Koran, Allah said the one who embraces these words of mine, and takes this character of mine to heart. In my eyes, he is the lucky one, he is the fortunate one. And really brothers the decision lies with Allah. May Allah give us the tofik instilled within our hearts the true love of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam we become an embodiment of his kindness, his kindness, love the devil embracing Islam property on the animal kingdom. Let us see how do we transmit that oneness. If we take this one hottie to heart, and whoever let me go back today and reflect whoever I have any form of

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hostility with today is my day of forgiving today is my day of patching. inshallah, by virtue of that we will be amongst those that will stand up on the day of Tiamat under the banner of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and be privileged with entering into genda Allah grant us the reality of return on it.

An inspiring talk by Shaikh Suleiman Moola on the mercy of universe – Mohammad SAW. It entails the dialogue between Prophet SAW and the angel of death which would assuredly make us ponder on the rank and status of our beloved Prophet SAW. The love of Sahaba was such that Abdullah Ibn Zaid RA asked Allah to cease his vision after the Prophet SAW passed away. Tune in to gain more knowledge about the mercy of the universe.

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