Sulaimaan Ravat – Leniency is Islam

Sulaimaan Ravat
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the qualities of leniency, which is the ability to be conscious and aware of one's behavior. They use the examples of the Bible and how Jesus said, be yourself. The segment also touches on the concept of liciencies, which is the ability to be aware of one's behavior and to avoid causing harm. They emphasize the importance of being aware of one's behavior to avoid causing harm and share a story about a man who was on the lookout for others.
AI: Transcript ©
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I want to talk about one of those qualities which is become very rare in the form of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. Yet it was a sunnah in the life of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and that characteristic, that quality

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that I want to talk about this evening is one of leniency Narumi. Today people have become very hard, very harsh, very strict, very stringent. Whereas if you study the example of Rahmatullah Alameen, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was lenient, He was compassionate. He was kind, he was merciful. So what is the definition of leniency? When we talk about leniency? What do we mean? The scholars have written that to be more merciful or tolerant than expected to be more merciful or tolerant than what is expected in those circumstances? That is the meaning of being lenient, that is the meaning of being lenient. Now, there are many verses of the Quran or Kareem in this regard, but

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suffice to say,

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before we get to those verses,

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what I want to drive home today the central point that I want to drive home today is that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had a great interest in the welfare of people. He took particular interest in helping those people who needed his help. One day, Abu Bakr radi, Allahu Annan got on to the member and he said, oh, people, you know, that there is a cat on your wealth. So everyone responded and said, of course, we know that there is a cat on the wealth. He said, But do you know that there's also the cat on your body? And they said, but what's this a cat on the body we know about the Zakat of the wealth two and a half percent on you know certain aspects of certain elements

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of your wealth. He said, This is a card of your body is to be lenient with other people, to help other people to assist other people. The verse which I recited, in my introduction, Allah says addressing Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, whoa, Quinta Fallon Valley, the Thirlby Len furred though man holy.

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That O Muhammad Sallallahu sallam.

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If you are hard hearted, if you were wretched, then even the Sahaba who would chosen to be your companions would have deserted you. And let's pause for a moment. Who is Allah addressing the greatest of all humans? Who are the Sahaba the greatest of all companions. Yet Allah tells Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam that if you were to stern, if you are too harsh, if you are too stringent if you are too strict, that even the Sahaba the greatest of companions will desert you the greatest of all humans. And this is a lesson for us to learn Nermeen ltr Karna leniency is also a sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. Gentleness is a form of leniency. be lenient, be Be gentle. This is

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also a sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. It's an instruction in the Quran, where Allah says what fit the Jana hackling mean. Allah instructs Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, if there was anyone who's to be exempt from being lenient, it would have been Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam because of his status, his stature, his greatness, his nobility, he had Allah says, even you Oh my beloved, you have to be gentle with people. You have to be lenient with people. The world today is devoid of leniency. The world today is devoid of gentleness.

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There is one Hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam where the newbie of Allah was walking wild bingeable to the Allahu and out of Medina. While bingeable of the Allahu Han was a young Sahabi in the lobby of Allah was sending him to Yemen, to be the governor. And then if Allah was now escorting him, and he was leaving Medina and WF Allah was walking with him. And the last thing that was so allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him just before he departed us in Hodaka Calanus mo Gibble. Be good to people. be lenient with people, be gentle with people, be nice to people. Today. We live in this technological age today. We live in this age of machines and metal, and our hearts have

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become like that. Our hearts have become hard. We live very selfish lives. We only focused on our own achievements on our own goals and our own desires and our own pursuits. At times, we don't even have time for our wives for our children. It's just what we want in our dunya when the bee Salallahu Salam sent more had been jumbled up the Allah He said He said pass in Hello cockling Nurse Ma W Gibble. I want you to be good to people to be nice to people. There's one Hadith of Imam Telemedia Rahim Allah Abdullah bin Rudra the Allahu antiracist Hadith, the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one day he told the Sahaba

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Shall I not inform you about that person? Shall I not inform you about that person that he is forbidden for Jahannam and Jahannam is forbidden for him. He won't see the hellfire and the Hellfire you will not see him, meaning that person will attain salvation in the Arkla. That person will attain salvation in the Afra. So immediately the Sahaba said who is here so Allah and then we have Allah responded and said, Allah Cooley curry Ben Hagin. In Salim, a person who is accessible. A person who is accessible, a person who is soft, and a person who is lenient, accessible, meaning people know where to find you. It's easy for people to reach you, it's easy for people to talk to

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you. It's not that you have this high and mighty attitude, the stuck up approach that you don't you don't mingle with people. You don't talk to people, you don't come to people you don't do come down to the level of people. Hainan sadolin, you soft and you lenient. Your softness and your leniency towards others can become your ticket to Jannah.

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There is one Hadith when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explains the narrator is for the father, the Allah who had this narration is in Sahih Bukhari. He says, One day a man had passed away. And he was a man who did very little in his life he had done very little in his life. So the angels were looking for some good deed, to present to Allah. Hopefully, by virtue of that deed, Allah would forgive him and he would be granted Jana. So they're looking through his book of deeds and they find nothing. So they say to him, do you remember doing anything good? He says, no, they think hard. Your salvation is at stake here is the anything good that you have done in your life? So

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you said, you know, what is one thing that I remember, there's one thing that I remember, whenever I used to do business with people, whenever I used to do business with people, then those who were rich, even though they were rich, I gave them respite. I gave them terms, I was lenient with them in terms of the repayment and those who couldn't afford it. What I totally wiped off the debt I just forgave them. I didn't ask for anything in return. When this deed was presented to Allah, Allah said, this deed is so beloved to me, I forgive this man his entire life of sin,

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leniency in business. So allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made a DUA, Rahim Allah who wrote Jhulan that may Allah have mercy. May Allah have mercy upon that men, some hand either Abba I want you to start our Edith Tada when he's buying his lenient when you buying from somebody don't squeeze them. When they make so little profit that they feel hard, even after they've sold you the item. be lenient, when you're buying, be lenient when you're selling, and be lenient, when you're making decisions against others. You're the boss and you have to make a decision, be lenient, be lenient like how you would want Allah to be lenient with you. That's why the suit allah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam one day set to shadow the Allahu anha Yeah, Isha in Allaha Rafi upon your headboard. Rifka. Allah is gentle, and Allah loves gentleness. Leniency and gentleness is also sunnah, tapping into the mercy of Rahmatullah. Alameen means that we need to tap into that aspect of His mercy where he was lenient, where he was gentle, we need to take that sunnah and make it our conduct. And we need to take that example and spread it to the four corners of the globe. alayka be Rifki Isha, be gentle with people be gentle with people because Allah loves gentleness. And Allah gives you because of gentleness, what he will never give you for anything else. Allah gives you in lieu of gentleness,

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that he will not give you in lieu of anything else. You know, this, this anecdote is this anecdote that they were two friends. And they were walking towards the man's house, and they wanted to propose for the man's two daughters.

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So the one friend tells the other, I'll take the younger one, you take the elder one. So they're going to propose for two sisters, right? So the one friend still details the other. I'll marry the younger one, you marry the elder one. So she says, no, no, I'll marry the younger one, you marry the older one. Perhaps the younger one was prettier. And now things are getting sensitive. They supposed to go jointly and give a joint proposal. I can only imagine in today's time and age if two friends pitch up at the same man's dog. We want both of your daughters. Anyway. So now on Route, they starting to argue the one who's saying no, I want the younger one. The other one says no, I want the

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younger one. But the smarter of the two friends he said, Okay, you take the younger one. I'll take the one younger than her.

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You take the younger one. I'll take the one younger than her. He didn't change his decision. He just changed his approach. That's the meaning of gentleness. That's the meaning of leniency.

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Many times we want to be too forthright, too straightforward, and we hurt people's feelings. And then we say, well, he doesn't like it. The mosquito does extra.

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If he doesn't like it and that he's that's his problem. And we take pride in saying that, whereas that is contrary to the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we need to learn how to deal with people. Hey,

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