The Glorious Names of Allah – Names of provision – Al-Razzaq-The Provider

Adnan Rajeh


Channel: Adnan Rajeh


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The speakers discuss the meaning of "uprow" and its use in Arabic, as well as the concept of "uprow" and its use in the internet. They also touch on the natural phenomena of "by default" and the importance of not compromising on one's position. The speakers emphasize the need to prioritize one's health and income, as well as providing care and attention to one's health. They end with a discussion of a book and a presentation of a book.

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That was the only ones what's the difference between what was up and the rasa.

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In Arabic when you when you make it, when you change the derivative, or the way that you derive the word and how you kind of played with it, you change the meaning that was up in comparison to a rasa garage. I mean, the one that offers provision, but it does not have any specific terms to it, because it's just a generic

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subject subject in terms of what it's actually doing. Otherwise zapped means that the one who continuously offers revision, it's an ongoing process. And it's for all,

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the one who offers provision all the time to all with no with no exception to who's being offered, otherwise known as much more limited, doesn't have that caveat to it.

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When you look at the word it is, or if you take the the roots, and you search it in the Arabic

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dictionary, it is a goldmine data will be here. It's everything that you that is usable, I think that you can use it as doesn't necessarily even have to be something that is beneficial if you use it if you're capable of using it. And that's, that's what it was going to be called. Now, what's the difference between an AMA you ever thought about that?

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What example is it that you can use

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where you can't substitute risk with nema.

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Four NEMA with is, is there a is there an example in your mind where you could say something is just not NEMA or is NEMA it's not, it's

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just very hard to distinguish, just distinguish these two words, even though they're very different. And when two words are extremely different than the Arabic language, there has to be a difference in what they mean. They can't be can't be completely synonymous, there has to be something different. And the difference with your risk and Nirma is your perspective. That's all that's the only difference. It's it is once you see it as a blessing, it becomes namah.

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If you acknowledge it as a blessing, it becomes nema. If you don't it stays it as

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that's the only difference. The difference is in your head. That's where the difference exists. So everything that Allah subhanaw taala gives you this is everything. Absolutely everything in your life.

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The color of your skin, the color of your eyes, your height, your weight, your background, your parents, where you were born, where you went to school, your friends, your community, their surroundings, the people that you know, all of this, all of this is it is everything that you were given in life, everything that comes your way isn't as what of it is that depends on you. That depends on how you're going to see it. You may be someone very sensitive and you're able to see all of these things as now you may see half of them you may see less, Allahu Allah, that is up to you. But there's no difference between them aside from your ability to acknowledge a result to be from

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Allah subhanho wa taala. That's a very important distinction. And it makes a big difference in how we look at the world.

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I'm going to go through just a number of Hadith. Just to help kind of understand this the concept because this is an important name.

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The banner name, names are the attributes of provision. This is very important. All of the 12 categories each category even if you don't understand all of the names under it, you should understand at least the category itself in terms of the names that Allah subhanaw taala has under them just understand the category because very important makes a difference in how we live our lives and how we understand Allah subhanaw taala and how we speak to him

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and what we expect as well. He says the power to Imam and button fill early in Allah Allah here is for her well yeah, lemon was to cover her almost coulomb vikita been moving. And there is nothing that lives on this earth except it's upon Allah is going to use the word he uses. I love Allah.

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In Arabic when you when you

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when people are asking for something or asking for

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for a collaborative effort, then people would walk in to that collaborative effort and say I don't yakka being upon me is is the is the water

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I'll bring the water to the

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you can even bring the all the other ingredients and then everyone brings us water and we just drink water and we go home. I know Allah, I know Allah He does. It's upon Allah subhanaw taala is provision.

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Everything every living thing Allah subhanaw taala upon it is provision. When you listen to the Brahim Ali's when he speaks to Allah subhanho wa taala. TWICE, TWICE in the Quran. When he left his family in Arabia.

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One of the times he says Rockbridge Allah del Bella the Amina was you know, there a lot from

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In the US can tune into reality divide in variety these are in in the bay tickle Muharram Oh my Lord I have

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left my family to live in a valley that has no green in it

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is where your sacred houses see this is before he built it

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some people think he built it no this is before he built it he left his mind was a baby and he says and the baby can Muharram right where your sacred houses so if he built it then how does he know that it's there if if his mind is not even if he built it with his mind right? So these are these little things you should pay attention to it's married was a baby he's made built it with him. If he built it then he wouldn't know it was there to begin with but he knew it was there because that's where the money is built and he didn't he just rebuilt it. And the medical Muharram Robina legal team was solid so that they may learn to establish their prayer further if needed than a nurse he

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just we lay him may they be surrounded by people so they're protected. What is Oklahoma Minister Marathi I love them your school and then grant them provide them with fruits that they may be grateful. And the other one he says Robbie Jaya Bella then Amina Words of Allah whom in Assam, Marathi and provide the people who live there with with fruits, men, or men I mean, whom Billa he will you will ask those of them who believe in you and believe in the Day of Judgment. So Allah answered him, Paul omenka For and the people who don't believe Allah answered him and told the woman cover and the ones who don't believe too. Why am I only providing parking? Do I only provide for the

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ones who believe in me, I believe I provide for those who believe in those who don't believe so I corrected him. There's a story if I thought it's slightly yet. It's found in the I fell beneath the soil, to the right to us by some of the tie between what Abraham Ali's ran was an interesting story. I like to tell it, where he used to love guests he almost never ate if there was no guests at his table, you refuse to eat alone. And one night he waited and he waited and he waited. And finally an elderly gentleman strolling somewhere in the desert would come by and he and Ibrahim would call upon Him to come and eat with him and share his meal. So the man came and as they are eating Ibrahim and

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he's an old man, he asked him they're talking and he asked him about it religion comes up and the man says I don't believe love Allahu Allah give it here I don't believe I don't believe in Allah and I don't believe in any any god for Abraham and he got upset for California. And get out here I am treating I'm feeding a pagan pagan. Get out of here for the man gets up and leaves like a llama hula so ALLAH SubhanA calls a brain fart I brought him

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over to a moon mo Submariner arm and yet for OB Well at hospital Allah He Leila. I've been feeding him for 70 years. He doesn't he's never said thank you to me once and you can't give him a night. Get you can't take care of him just for one night for 70 years I've been feeding him he says nothing. He believes in no one for the habit Ebrahim to raise and get on his horse and he follows the man got a towel and come back 70 feet Kirby my lord chastised me because of you. By the Lika is where he told me so come back and eat I lost my temporary I shouldn't have done that. Come back and eat. For Karla Tabaka Fiora book. He chastised you about me for calling for call shadow Allah, Allah

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Allah. Allah, Allah Allah.

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He says subhanho wa Taala

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in Nakhon netiq furono, the levy Allah allah to mean with a jar Luna Allah Who and the Holy Quran, Buddha Alameen wa Jalla Vihara was he I mean Voc Rehab, about like a fee her work hard dollar fee. To her

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out of it, I mean, so

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we're cut down our fee her upper what

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it took to deal with those cut means he says not an estimate, but it is assigning an amount

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is the assignment of an amount of quality output or the or the needs the provisions what people need to survive, so cut Delphia ACOTA he assigned the amounts for all those that are going to live with they're going to need to actually survive on the planet, delta theta or something that was estimated something that was provided and assigned way before Allah Subhana Allah created the human being way before we emerged to this world and we're a thing to begin with. The provision was provided by Allah subhanho wa Taala on this planet, Allah who led the Hala Harpoon, some was talkin Some may you'll need to come Therma you're here Come help me Chaka equal my if I don't entirely come in shade

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Subhanahu wa Taala I'm usually good. Allah is the One who created you and He is the one who provided for you, and He will grant you death and he will grant you life telling me which of your associates can do that. So behind her with Ana jolla

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It used to lie to us. Now how do you the odds are endless honestly.

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Ravalli is also a hadith Narrated by Abu Nyan, familia Barlaam in row halco, deucey Nafi robbery and of sin lenta muda had a stack Miller is kaha indeed, the Holy Spirit has blown into my consciousness telling me that there is no soul that will die until it uses up all of the provision that Allah decreed for it.

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That no one will die until they use up all of the provisions that Allah subhanaw taala had decreed for them within their lives, whatever, whatever is there for you, whatever Allah subhanaw taala had decreed that you're going to eat and you're going to drink on to us, you're going to use it up before you die you don't die before that. Once you pass away, that's because that's it that was all done. That's what he had created for you subhanho wa Taala the famous Hadith and collection of Imam Muslim when the Prophet Allah your saw to us and tells us how the fetus is growing at the end of Akala T he'll Melaku for young for Kofi he'll rule model will be out of it or be cut to be

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automatically met. And then the angel comes in he blows the The Spirits Within the body of this fetus. And he is commanded to write down four pieces of information. The first one because to me it is the he

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he writes, He decrees what it is he's going to get any rows or Amelie he was hungry, he was up the universe right in the known Hadith that we all know. Because it is be the amount of risk that you're going you're going to get.

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When you look at the concept of risk and the Quran you find that is attached to for the four ideas, the four topics at all times like whenever it's talked about one of these themes is attached to it when it's talked about the first one, that it's about what you need, not what you want.

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The first theme that you find the word there's following along is that it's not about what you want. It's about what you need. Well in not being yobbo super is the main yesha Omen, Eva de Wirecard, the ruler, you got to sort of you find this in this gym at the end Yeah And towards the end of the of the way after the ruler, say indeed my Lord will bust your bishop or whatever his name is basketball COVID subhanho wa Taala best is when he He grants any grants in abundance. So yes, it is pay grants in abundance provision, Min Eva do do whatever he wants from His servants, way after the year, we have to do when he holds back, he listens it he decreases the amount.

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Most of the time in the Quran is we have to do it without any so decide what you find at the end of it we have to do Rula law meaning for his sake.

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For his sake, Allah subhanaw taala will give you a lot and sometimes he will give you a little. He will he gives you a lot is for your sake. When he gives you a little it's also for your sake.

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Alima ma your slogan for our biochar, Isla de Lima used to help you know subhanaw taala that which will be beneficial to you that will allow you to function better so he gave you what is appropriate for the time that you're in. So that you may accept that in May you you may use it in a beneficial way for yourself.

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And you will follow this concept within the Quran or what I mean Allah and Allah Hi yah Bucha Taurus polyamine Yasha anybody give me a shout Oh, welcome in the video, call me your mute. You'll find him using this this concepts that are all throughout the Quran, you have a software, it will give an abundance in your whole back and it's all for you at the end. Because you have what you need, not what you want. Number two, there's the bottom of a shocker. The fact that it's connected with the with with gratitude, with showing gratitude. With sugar. Sugar is not just a word. When you say to hamdulillah that's hand that's hand hand is important. For sure sugar is different. Sugar is when

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you actually do something with it. Sugar is when you take what you are given and you use it in a way that is beneficial to others is when you take what Allah subhanaw taala provided with you provide you with and you use it in a way that pleases Him. Subhanallah with that that's choco Hamed is easy hundreds it's nothing just sit there and say Hamdulillah you just move your lips and your tongue with a few with a few sounds hamdulillah hamdulillah it's a big shocker is when you take it and you actually use it in a way the way that he wants it to be used to partner with the way that he wants it to be used. Because he put it out Allahu Allah the kala customer to Allah will help the ones that

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Allah co Minister EMA Rajabi him in a thermal varieties Bulacan was that Corolla cool full car? It actually I feel battery Emery he was a Corolla qumola And how was the Corolla como shamsur will turn on eBay in was a horror hola como Laila when the hell attack woman Calimesa ultimo winter dunya Mata hola hola to sue her in the internet of aluminum Kfar. Allah created the heavens and created the earth and he turned to water from the sky and he put for you ships in the sea and he put for you a sun and a moon and he put it for

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You rivers and water.

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And he booked for you day and night and he gave you everything that you ever asked for. And if you count his blessings you'll fail to, you'll fail to calculate them, you'll fail to count them and their impact on you.

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Indeed, the human being oppresses himself and likes gratitude, likes gratitude, importance of gratitude and Nila Dena taboo and I mean Dooney les les Yummly Kula companies QA people that you or anyone else you turn to they don't own provision they don't have provision for you fabhotel Who and Allah here is the go to Allah and ask him for provision where school ruler and show them showing gratitude when you do so. Yeah you are Latina, Manu, koloman Paiva t ma Rosa, Conoco wash Koto de la including Tamiya, who taboo and all those who believe it from the beauty from the beautiful Hello that Allah Subhana Allah has provided for you and show him gratitude which guru Allah, the third

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it's certainty.

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With his summer it is looking warmer to what I do now fell out of the summer, you will early in now who will help me Flama and knock him down the moon.

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Indeed, within this within the sky within the heavens, your risk exists.

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What you've been promised, if your risk exists is decreed on a place outside of your reach. You can't change it it's their fault I'll be some out you will. I swear to you by The Lord of the heavens and the earth in no lap This is the truth it is certainty is certainty. I'll be listened to this person said my file Tom had that XML Kareem What have you done to make the cream swear that your ISP is going to come to you? What have you been saying to him? How have you been behaving that he has to the first is enough. Why does he have to have another one liters ain't gonna be summer it will be in a hula hoop wiser? Why is the Generous One swearing and taking an oath that your risk was

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going to come to you as he described? The first is enough what have you been saying? But if it was Sahaba he came and he was yelling up the Sahaba wherever you What are you been doing? That Allah has stood in the who have a lot of wisdom in who to have permission and accompany people just like you speak and you articulate you're going to come to you? Why did he have to say that you didn't believe the first one

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you didn't believe when he said with his time out it is spoken my my two are doing

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the fourth theme that is connected to in the Quran is in fact it's connected to the concept of in fact of giving. Well I'm gonna pull him out of the canal cool. Man probably a good idea. I had that woman mo to fair Paula rugby, know that Courtney Isla Gillian Caribbean sadaqa welcome Mina *reen. And get it from that which Allah subhanaw taala gave you give, give he gave you he provided for you give before the day comes where you die. And then you'd be on your deathbed you wish you could go back in time and give from your risk. And so what people who are dead hope wish they could come back and do monster under the ground is what they wish they could do. They wish they

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could come back to life and then give their wealth and give them his take it and give it to others as soon as this was everything. Don't look at this as just money. It's a really it's a limit. It's a limiting factor that limits us meaning this was everything your knowledge is it is your time is it is your expertise is not your ability to listen to someone that's it is your ability to advise someone that's risk. Everything you have is this was not just wealth. Well, like wealth is just a small fraction of it, like money and it's you just need enough of that to just survive. You're there is that is actually more valuable in your life is not that you're telling me the most valuable thing

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you have is your bank account.

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You're very poor, if that's a valuable thing that you are well like, even though you're not you're extremely rich at this, but if that's what you're seeing, if you see that's the most valuable anything I have, then you have you forced yourself to see us to see your own self through a lens of poverty, of having little because it is palletize way beyond that. He gave you wave making more things. You want to come back and you want to give from your wrist. It's not just your wealth. You start looking at your life and you wish you gave more time. You wished you gave more service you wish you gave more emotion you wish you wish you gave more of everything that you had, but you can't

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come back and do it anymore.

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Ever heard of the sardine run?

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The sardine run.

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This is one of the most interesting

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natural phenomena Wallahi I'm a documentary nerd and I love watching these. These not feel so I just you go watch it. There's like multiple documentaries on the sardine run. And how many 1000s of kilometers they cross every single year. They every single year they go from one part of the world in Africa, two parts of South North America and back again. They go from one place to the other to mate and then they lay their eggs and come back again. And why it is that they do this is just very weird.

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because, you know, how is it that every generation seems to know that this is the route that they're going to take and obviously they follow temperatures but there's a lot of details on this route that is very difficult to understand why they follow it specifically. And the funny thing is that this the route that they take over these 1000s of kilometers

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other living things know what time of year they come and they wait bears and

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whales and dolphins and for the start and they eat and without without them coming through these the routes that they come through, they die because they have to eat and if they had any brains these sardines they would figure out that maybe it maybe just don't take a right over there. Maybe just that first, right, we don't take that one and many more of us will make it to our destination. like way more will make it we just don't take that right because they seem to devour most of us. But they do anyway. Because

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it turns up when molest hula hoop Shiraz up in mama molested will Alba Medina, well, kind of era was the woman when he when he talks about raising a woman Listopada who was 18 and I provide for those whom you do not provide for? He won't we were never asked to provide for these creations I provide for them. Then you watch this, this feast, this natural feast where animals come around, they don't touch them harm each other. Yes, eat the sardine and they leave Subhanallah What do you think about this?

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What do you think about a drop of water somewhere in an ocean far away.

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A drop of water has your name on it

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is floating somewhere in the ocean.

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The sun shines down in that drop of water evaporates and goes up into the clouds. And for a couple of months, the winds move those clouds move those clouds, those clouds and suddenly and finally these clouds that were somewhere

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specific Pacific Ocean they find their way.

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The mountains of Europe, the rain on these mountains, this drop of water goes deep into the earth, deep into the plumbing of the earth finds its way

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to one of the wells where all of the bottled water that we know today is extracted, taken out is put into a bottle of water. It's shipped from someplace in Europe, over the Canada. It's left

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Rive somewhere in Mississauga. And some person picks it up and buys it takes a sip from this bottle, puts it in his car. And then at some point, he picks you up, you get into the car. You're thirsty, you see his bottle of water you ask him he says yes, you pick it up. And then you drink your drop of water that had your name on it.

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That's how this works.

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This drop of water had your name on it from the beginning all along. We'll go around the globe and it's fine that way it will find its way to your mouth. Because that's your risk. Because Allah Subhanallah decreed that this was what was going to be for you. So you take it a min her the lady Yasuko come in um soccer is KA But laju fear to win 124 Um, who is it? That will grant you provision once he holds back his provision? Subhana wa Tada.

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No one, no one no one can?

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Why is it that people starve to death.

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People started a during famines during war during

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incidents that are unnatural, unnatural incidents where Allah subhanaw taala put the result in the hands of other people, for them to give it to them. And then they don't the people who would die from starvation is because Allah subhanaw taala put them out as often your hands and you held your desk back within your wealth every year, they are the risk of other people in your wealth every year after a full lunar year goes around within your wealth that exists that is of other people's not your wealth. This is the guy this is not yours anymore. This is the risk of someone else. And if you hold it back and you held back there is someone else in your hands. And you have to give it and if

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you don't and you hold it back, they starve.

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They started especially during difficult times. These I talked about it is the normal times when there is war when there is famine, when there is struggle, when when it's hard to find that. At that moment the Reserve can become an it's a little bit different. The whole dynamic of the results becomes different, the risk is still decreed for them. It's just it's going to be in the hands of maybe others and either they give it or they don't. And when they don't do multi ama they're held your milk ama they're brought back Tyler truth. Where was that is that wasn't yours. Within that wealth of yours. That wasn't yours. You ate that that wasn't yours that was theirs. Why didn't you

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give it I told you that it's not yours. You give it to them. They were starving. They deserved that. That was a part that you owed them. You ate the risk. And now you have to give it back

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And you can't, you can't give it back that you already consumed it is gone now. Now you pay and send it back to these people you pay in the most expensive currency that ever existed. That's why people die of starvation. That's why there is there's a lot of provision, there's enough food on this planet to feed all of us. And if you multiply our numbers by 10, there's still enough food. There's not enough to feed our greed, but there's enough to feed our by our bellies for sure. So Allah subhanaw taala, decreases sprawl. And at times of difficulty when it becomes hard to when there's war and when there's disease and when

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people hold each other as an either they give it out or they don't.

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That's why people go into situations that we see how do we live with Allah with the name of Allah subhanaw taala it was up. Now my number one, do not compromise. Failure is ever only eat Khaled, never compromise. Don't be afraid. This is very important. Just do not be afraid about your

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work and whatever Allah subhanaw taala gives you accept, don't compromise. Don't go don't go into a situation and and give up who you are or

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be very careful with this. Eat only halal. Make sure that you only bring into your house holiday don't put in the in the bodies of your children. Even if it's if it's less than what you wanted, make sure it's valid. That's your job as a provider, As a man you provide for them. Allah Allah was up he is the he is the actual provider but your job is to provide your job is to make sure that the visit can be halal was gonna be haram. He is the provider, make sure you're the provider in the sense of making sure that the provision is halal. That's your job. Just make sure that provision is he'll provide it all you just make sure you're not taking provision that's going to be haram and

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putting it in this in the bellies of your children. That's all even if it's less than what you would have one, be content with you have Rila how have acceptance. This is what Allah subhanaw taala gave me doesn't mean that you don't work hard. That's number four, three, work hard for your work harder and try to ask Allah to give you more, but be happy with what he gave you. Whatever he gave you at the end of the day, accept it.

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And make sure that you stay away from the Hadith of the Prophet alayhi salatu was, well, much more. Haram. Well, my shabu haram what was the bit haram? Fana used to jab Buddha. He's talking about a person with their hands up saying Yo brr brr brr Oh Allah grants me Oh Allah gives me and he dresses haram and he eats haram he was fed out on him as a kid. How was it luck going to accept from him? What is Allah going to accept? No, I'll admit I'm a twostage of Dawa took make sure you eat halal and then your dog will be accepted but you have to make sure that that's okay and give others from whatever whatever Allah subhanaw taala gives you give others as he grants you subhanaw taala his but

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as he grants you his take that as an offer it to find beauty in being the Bob be barbarous for someone be beverage be the be the source of provision for somebody just like you want Allah subhanaw taala to continue to give you your risk and and to make it in abundance then give others be be the source of income be the source of life and provision for someone else.

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He says Alia Salatu was Rhonda hi this is Allah who met me out oh do Becca mineral cook pretty well *er.

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Male co freewell Fucker. Oh Allah a Sikh. I seek refuge in You from disbelief and poverty. Kind of work on equity nobody know Houma they always put them together. I used to go to a slum and there's all these Hadith.

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God Alpha Kuru and he Hakuna COFRA for poverty almost turns into

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violence. Well, yeah, I did learn when the Sahaba asked him and the or the or the way I did and are they similar? is they're very similar. They're very close. FUCKLOAD and cover very close. Right? Because when you're starving, it's hard to talk to somebody when someone is starving. It's hard to talk to them about God. It's hard when they're starving. It's not the lack of His provision. Subhana wa Tada. But it's the greed of the human being is the greed of the human being that holds back that which others can benefit from there is

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so sought refuge in Cofer and *er. There's something worth kind of contemplating hope that was of benefit to you. So take a look behind the Shinola in the interest of a physical to break was that Allah who was telling him about like I don't have a you know Muhammad while early he was so happy ah man he's like