Shady Alsuleiman – Consistency after Ramadan

Shady Alsuleiman
AI: Summary © The importance of staying in a state of worship during the month ofFinancial is emphasized, along with the need to be mindful of it. The success of worship of the Prophet Muhammad is also discussed, emphasizing the importance of practice and praying for one's spiritual health. It is important to stay prepared for the upcoming month of MAC and pray for one's spiritual health to keep them on the right path. Prayer for their health during the month of ch 99% is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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El presidente Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and pays me upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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or testify that there's no god except Allah. And they'll testify that Muhammad is the Prophet of the Messenger of Allah. And I encourage myself a new Divina one bye mama Allah, Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala United States in the Holy Quran, all those who believe. Fie Allah, Fie Allah the way he should be feed and do not die unless you understand of Islam.

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My brothers in Islam as we come to the final end of the month of Ramadan, with Alfie deyes to go a

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few days and fasting few days in a

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few days of the last 10 nights of the month of Ramadan.

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Few days of those beautiful days, the last panel that addressed us, asked myself a new question or really posed it to myself, I knew what's next.

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What's after the month of Ramadan.

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We've spent beautiful times in the month of Ramadan, fasting, Allah subhanho wa Taala during the day, being in a state of worship,

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and praying to Allah subhanho wa Taala during the night, being in the state of worship, we wake up also for worship.

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We pray,

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worship, fasting from physical mother worship, breaking our fast worship

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taraweeh prayers, worship, sleeping that night preparing yourself to wake up the following day to prepare yourself for fasting also worship.

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Being in a state of worship 24 seven in the month of Ramadan.

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Every single second in the month of Ramadan is capable to be worship.

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Every single moment of the month of Ramadan is considered to be worship

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24 seven in this blessed month, you are in a state of worship. After few days or nights from now that month is gonna come down and

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Lama Ramadan will finish

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the month of Ramadan will end

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normal fasting during the day except those who choose to do so.

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Now makia

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in the massages and the centers

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are masalas except those who choose so

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now more beautiful gatherings as we have in the month of Ramadan outside the month of Ramadan except those who choose so so are you prepared for what's after the month of Ramadan? Because what's coming up in the month of Ramadan is very challenging.

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And unfortunately we've been getting it wrong

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for a very long time. That's why we struggle up to the month of Ramadan.

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We've been getting it wrong.

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We've been getting along for we've been getting it wrong for a long time. What we've been getting wrong is that we think because it's a month of Ramadan

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and it's the blessing month Allah subhana wa tada blesses us

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we become so perseverant in the month of Ramadan because it's a month of Ramadan and we think and hamdulillah This is the month that you pull your socks up and this is the month that you go hard and this is the month that you do this and you do that

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and you focus on the month of Ramadan. And you know neglect was after the month of Ramadan.

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you neglect what's after the month of Ramadan thinking that you know other need to put the time and effort that I've put in the month of Ramadan out of the month of Ramadan. The reality is you need to put more time and effort outside the month of Ramadan in the month of Ramadan because the month of Ramadan.

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Outside the month of Ramadan, he didn't have much support

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in the month of Ramadan.

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This so many elements that help you to be steadfast.

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First, it's the month of Ramadan.

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Just a concept that thought that it's the month of Ramadan helps you to be steadfast

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any distraction from the shelter in Allah subhanho wa Taala moved them away.

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Open the gates of the paradise to encourage you to be from the people of the paradise so you can act and behave like the people of the paradise.

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A lot closes and shuts down

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gates of the hill fire. So you didn't act was the people of the Hellfire

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Allah subhana wa tada

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where he gives him a month of Ramadan doesn't give me another month.

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So you are so consolidated in the month of Ramadan impelled in the month of Ramadan, you are fasting during the day where you look towards your role and less than every other person that you know every other Muslim is fasting that also helps you

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the massage and Masha Allah food also helps you say in the month of Ramadan, you have so much support.

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But after the month of Ramadan, a lot of that support is gone.

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The shade thinner let loose, you're not fasting in the month of Ramadan anymore.

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Your friends, your mate your family are no longer fasting in the month of the month of Ramadan the way in the month of Ramadan.

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The challenge is outside the month of Ramadan are by far a lot more than the challenges they encounter and experience in the month of Ramadan.

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So the reality is

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you need to be a lot more vigilant mindful of the month of the month of Ramadan.

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You need to be more determined after the month of Ramadan than the month of Ramadan.

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You need to be more perseverant and steadfast after the month of Ramadan. Ramadan because there are so many advantages

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in the month of Ramadan, seven advantages,

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but outside the month of Ramadan.

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You no longer have those advantages.

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That's all you need to maintain your God.

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You need to maintain yourself and start preparing yourself for what's after the month of Ramadan.

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From the beginning of sunset, which ends the month of Ramadan and starts a new month. And that's going to be Tuesday night.

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Are you prepared for that moment? where the sun sets?

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ends the month of Ramadan? starts a month of chawan what are you prepared for

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that that's why the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam initiated

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fewer ships after the month of Ramadan, to maintain your God

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to maintain yourself and one of them is that you first the six days of Sha one

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which is the month that comes after the month of Ramadan

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where he sallallahu wasallam encourages us to for six days of the month of chawan. And he says Allah is Salatu was Salam. Anyone the first six days of the month of chawan Allah subhanho wa Taala rewarding the rewards of some of fasting the entire IE, just to encourage you.

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So you first the month of Ramadan, 29 or 30 days, we have lots of Hannah Montana always gives for each husband that you perform. And each has another you do 10 has an app set 29 days or 30 days and this one is gonna be 30 days times 10 that's 300 you fast an extra additional six days after that that's 360 that's an entirety.

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But the purpose of chawan and fasting in the month of chawan Not only that, you acquire the rewards of an employee for you to maintain that God that we're talking about.

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For you to maintain yourself to keep yourself on the right path then the month of Ramadan has ended. But you know what? I will continue with the worships that used to worship in the month of Ramadan after the month of Ramadan. That's why he's fasting six days in the month of Shabbat after the month of Ramadan to maintain it

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to stay steadfast

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this type perseverance.

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And the problem Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam encourages

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the first three days of every month

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one of the Sahaba of the garden who says that the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam had recommended to me that I first three days of every single month, which are known as the war days.

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Because the Prophet Muhammad SAW said I'm recommended that you pass them on the 12th 13th and 14th of each month and that's where it's a full moon. What days

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the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam chose Abdullah ignore the alota

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One day and he says yeah, Abdullah Lata can Mr. Fulani can a Mullah

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Omar Abdullah ever become Luxor and so person this person is to pray the nights to Allah subhanho wa Taala he's to wake up in the middle of the night while everyone else is asleep. He's to get up and pray

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and connect himself to Allah subhana wa tada and have that one on one relationship between him and allies. And then he stopped it.

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He stopped.

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He disconnected.

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Did you ever become luxan sir person, they used to pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala. During the mice, they used to perform pm they used to get up for the head job as we've been doing for the last few nights, if not from the beginning of the month of Ramadan then stopped.

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disconnect from the

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after you've connected the loss of Hannah without any one on one contact between you and Allah azza wa jal while everyone else is asleep, you're awake with the loss of Hannah hautala

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connecting to live xojo we've been doing that.

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From the beginning of the month of Ramadan, in particular the last 10 nights

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waking up every single day, half an hour an hour two or three hours before feza

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praying for Iraq at a loss of Hannah with Allah and then preparing ourselves for fasting by having the pre dawn meal.

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But now

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too many of us this is coming to an end.

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And that's why the problem

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says then you ever become that person that ends that relationship between him and allies origin. Allah subhanho wa Taala chosen him for a special VIP relationship. He walks away from it

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turns his back on it.

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Some of us will have delay in the month of Ramadan, I've been attending the Juma prayers, if not five times a day, four times a day, if not four times a day, three times a day if not three times a day at least two two times a day.

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But now the month of Ramadan will end and a lot of us end the Juma prayer

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is not a day that gets passed in the month of Ramadan without reading so many pages from the Quran again it will become so connected to the book of Allah.

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Every day in the month of Ramadan opening the book of Allah azza wa jal opening the Quranic Karim

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reading verses from the Quran the Quran connecting ourselves to the words of Allah azza wa jal Now unfortunately, too many of us this is gonna come to an end

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every Muslim dreams to be

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versus destiny

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