Shady Alsuleiman – 40 Hadith Nawawi Series Part 16

Shady Alsuleiman
AI: Summary © The importance of manners and respect for others is emphasized in Islam, including fixing one's character, manners of men and women, and manners of animals. The speakers stress the need to replace belief in worship with manners and avoid becoming evil. Manners are not just about behavior, but also about actions and values. The importance of changing one's position and behavior to avoid angry situations and avoid drinking alcohol is emphasized. The segment also touches on the punishment system in Islam, including fasting, drinking alcohol, and not praying or practicing. The importance of respect and being mindful of others is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa

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Salatu was Salam ala Sayidina Wahhabi vena cava Tina waka Idina Muhammad, WA Ernie he was off to be here to mine.

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Allahu Medina. motiva widen a bottle of Atilla t Nava alumna Maya foul now I'm fond of him. I'm done. I was

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gonna be naughty farm. Wanna Marlena Diem rubbish really sorry You're silly I'm re watch the lock determine listen if go Oh, my bad.

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All Praise be to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and peace be upon His Beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. artisti father there's no god except a lot on artistic father Mohammed is the Prophet and the Messenger of Allah.

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Once again,

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it's a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala. To accept us to be from among those who are his guests, the guests of Allah subhanaw taala in the house of Allah azza wa jal seeking knowledge and remembering Allah subhanaw taala and learning the Sunnah of the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the sooner that is a guidance to mankind and guidance to people.

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And here we are with the Hadith number 16 from the 40 a hadith of amendment now we the selected a hadith by amendment not only that inshallah can be beneficial for all of us to learn and I do suggest that every single brother and sister who are listening to us to memorize this or how they say could have a portion of the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam.

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The hadith of Ganga angry

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it's been a relative barbarella de la I'm home.

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And ebihara todo de la la, la la la la la la la Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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oseni Allah, Allah taba ferrata de Meuron, Allah Allah tada raha al Bukhari Narada Baba hora de alota Allah I know that amen came to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he said to the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam, a prophet of Allah outsunny recommend something to me, give me an advice and recommend something to me. So the proper Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave him an advice by saying, Bob, don't get angry that Uncle Bob, don't get angry. And the narrator says the profiler is Salatu was Salam repeated a few times, saying lots of Bob then get angry then and get angry. And it's been eroded that this man that came to the profile a Salatu was salam o aboda, in

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which he came to the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam and he told him a prophet of Allah told me of an action that I'll do that will make me into the paradise and a Salatu was Salam told him, let's talk about bollock agenda Don't get angry. And the paradox is for you, then get angry. And the paradox for you. It's also been eroded by Sharia.

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If no Kodama who came to the Prophet alayhi salaatu, wa Salaam they said or prophet of Allah advised me and make it short sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said,

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Don't get angry, and Allah is Salatu was repeated a few times. Another narration, the man said of Prophet of Allah oseni give me an advice. So the LA salatu wa sallam said, Don't get angry. And then he said, the prophet of Allah give me an advice. So sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam told him Don't get angry. And then the third time we told them a prophet of Allah, give me an advice, some Allahu alayhi wa sallam, the third time he told him, then get angry, then get angry. Just a simple advice coming from our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Don't get angry, how simple and short that advice is, but by Allah it has a great significance and has great meaning from behind it

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to perfect the image of those believers and what meaning

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the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent into this world and it was sent by Allah azza wa jal with the mission and the concept of Bharath. To Tammy macadam, Allah Allah, I was sent to perfect and complete the noble manners I was sent to complete and to perfect the noble noble manners macadam and luck. So in other words on the lower level, some of the main tasks in this world is to perfect and to complete and to fix

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Maintain people's manners and characters, to pick to fix people, to fix people from the inside and to fix people from the outside, to fix people from the inside by putting the right belief in the hearts of people, for people to have the correct belief in Allah Subhana Allah, that Allah azza wa jal subhanho wa Taala Almighty Allah Allah azzawajal is Allah subhanho wa Taala is the greatest with his great attributes. And Allah subhanho wa Taala has unlimited attributes, and Allah azzawajal does not resemble his creation. And Allah subhanho wa Taala is above our imagination. alayhi salatu salam came to people to replace that wrong concept of belief that people have in the worship of idols, or

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in a worship of creation, or in the worship of stars or in the worship of the moon or in the worship of the sun, or in the worship of any of the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to take out that corrupt belief and replace it with the proper belief. And some of the law while he was alive did not stop there. alayhi salaatu wa Salaam did not just come to clean people's hearts and minds. But Allah is salatu wa Salaam came to clean people's characters. And a Salatu was Salam came to perfect people's characters. And I use Salatu was Salam came to clean people from the inside and the outside. And he salaatu wa Salaam came to fix the relationship

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between the creation and the creator and the creation and the rest of the human beings. For that lie Salatu was Salam will emphasize on the topic of manners and morals more than any other topic. alayhi salatu was Salam will speak about the importance of manners and morals and ethics more than any other topic. And the Sahaba radi Allahu taala animal listen to the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam and learn from the profile a Salatu was salam, and implement with the land from him. So this hadith itself, a man comes hungry. A man comes hungry for knowledge, hungry for advice, and he tells the Prophet sallahu wa sallam, give me an advice advise me recommend something to me. I want to enter

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the paradise Give me something that will make me enter the paradise. So sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not tell him God opened the books of al Qaeda, or opened the books of faith or opened the books of Sierra and become a scholar into the paradise know that the Prophet alayhi salatu wa sallam told him Gunfight in the path of Allah and that's it. But Allah is Salatu was Salam gave him I sent a point for people to understand the importance of manners in Islam and how important manners comes in Islam. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him love Bob, don't get angry. Don't get angry. Another Hadith. Bob Wallach al Jana, don't get angry. Don't get angry and misbehave and have the rudeness

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from behind anger and you'll enter the paradise. What's behind that get angry? What's anger, we'll all understand what's anger because anger is a nature that Allah had created in every human being. Even in the animals that have anger. It's a nature that Allah subhanho wa Taala had put in this creation, especially the human brain, we get angry from things that we dislike, we get angry from things when it doesn't go away. We get angry from things when things turn on us. We get angry from things when we see things are not the right thing. So we get angry. The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam advises us not to get angry. Why? Because of the consequences of anger, not the

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anger itself. So Allah is Salatu was salam, his advice coming gay, not because of not getting angry because of the anger itself. biolase Salatu was Salam he is warning from the consequences that come behind anger, because when people get angry, they lose their balance. And when people lose their balance, they lose their mind when they lose them on the stop doing improper things and doing evil instead of doing what's right. And that's why you realize people when they get angry, they start swearing they start abusing the start assaulting the stating the start doing all the improper action. That's why sallallahu alayhi wa sallam want this companion, and he wants the rest of his

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nation, not to get angry, not to get angry for the sake of not falling into the bad consequences and the evil consequences that follow of anger. And Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. alayhi salatu was Salam. He says in the heart of the Hadith,

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that the strong and the tough man, the strong and the tough man, the one that knows how to wrestle is not the man that knows how to put people down, but he's the one that grabs his anger is the one

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grabs his anger and Allah subhanho wa Taala describes the believers in the Quran and Karim Allah Dini. Officer law. What the law he walcker we mean Allah wa Vina and in US law.

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Allah Almighty says, and those who don't know the wolf, those who died not the wolf in the open, and in the secret, and those who grabbed the anger, and those who grabbed their anger and they retaliate, and those who forgive and have power on on others, and Allah subhanho wa Taala loves them of sin. And Allah azzawajal loves the good Dewar's. Allah subhana wa tada loves those who do that at Sun. So as a part of a Muslim character as part of my Muslim believer, we should always emphasize on the topic of manners, and always emphasize on the topic of morals, more than anything else in the VSL Allah wa alayhi wa sallam he says, the closest wants to meet in the Hereafter, the closest ones

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to meet in the hereafter. He did not say does he pray most those who passed most those who have knowledge more, those who do this more, Allah is Salatu was Salam. He said, the closest to me in the hereafter are those with good manners are those with good manners? Those with a good character does with a good behavior, those who know how to deal with others, when you talk about manners, manners is dealing with others manners is restricted to dealing with others. Manistee, soft that's between you and me. So, manners is behaving towards others, respecting others, not not disrespecting others, humbling yourself to others, speaking properly to others,

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giving people the status and value and treating people the way they should be treated, or treating people the way you like to be treated. This is the manners of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he also says something Allahu Allah He was Allah or did not find anything more heavier in the scale in the hereafter than the fee of Allah taqwa than the fee of Allah taqwa. And what stopper once again, is to keep away from the Haram. taqwa isn't does not mean doing the worship. That doesn't mean praying to Allah or fasting to Allah, or attending the house of Allah seeking knowledge and the tea. But taqwa means keeping away from the Haram, keeping away from what Allah azza wa jal

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had forbidden. Allah He salatu wa sallam, he said, I did not see anything more heavier on the scale in the hereafter than the fee of Allah, Allah. Allah undeniable manners. And this advice from the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shows us the importance, the importance of manners, which love up getting angry is the opposite of heaven. noblemen is getting angry is the opposite of having noble manners, and getting angry leads getting angry leads to evil sallallahu alayhi wasallam. He says, The anger is from the Shaitan anger is from the shaitan. And the shaitan is created from flame and whoever gets angry, then let them perform or do so anger is from the

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Shaitaan. And when someone gets angry, had opened the gate and those to the Atlantic come in, and for the shaitan, to take over his balanced mind that just cluster after being angry. Because when you get angry, you're balanced, you lose your balance. So who comes and takes over the shade been? Before that you had your Eman? balancing your mind. But when you allow your anger to come in, you've allowed the shaitan to come in and override your balance and made the shape and lead you to evil. And for that you always see when people get angry the most of the times go into the wrong path. Whether they use the time for the wrong path, or their hands for the wrong path or anything in the

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life of the wrong path for the enemy. Some Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he says don't get angry, don't get angry, don't get angry. And Allah subhanho wa Taala praise those who do not get

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praise those those who grabbed the anger also sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says that the best of actions is the HELOC who Allah tada the best of action is the noble manners and then sallallahu alayhi wa sallam describes the noble menace as not to get angry when you can not to get angry. When you get this is the nobleman so sallallahu alayhi wa sallam describes the whole of the always Cosmo is not to get angry, and a lot of the times people get angry for the wrong thing. Now anger in many times is evil but in sometimes is good and price to get angry for what Allah azza wa jal is angry from. This is something prize to get angry when Allah subhanaw taala is disobey. This is something

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Praise to get angry when the authors of Allah subhanho wa Taala not implemented. This is something praised, but to get angry for your desires, or to get angry for the Haram or to get angry for the dunya This is something this is something evil and this is something that I mentioned not falling in love is Allahu alayhi wa sallam is to get angry, but his anger is the only come for the anger of Allah subhanho wa Taala his anger used to be only for the deen of Allah azza wa jal his anger was only to please Allah subhanho wa Taala Oh beside that something Allahu Allah wa salam and might get angry, even if someone abuses him. Even if someone assaulted him. A man will come to the Office of

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Law salah and drag him, grabs his shirt and drags him and tells Muhammad Oh, Mohammed, you're not just be just unfair. So sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he smiles. And he says, and he then he that man says, oh, Mohammed, give me what Allah has given you. So la Salatu Santos, the companions give him what Allah has given us. Allah is Salatu was Salam did not let his anger did not let his anger override his balance, which is the man in the reason Sam did not let his anger control him and make a judgment over that anger. I've heard one of the stories on one of the companions, they was chasing one of the non believers on the battlefield to kill him. So that non believer turned around the

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spelling. So that companion left him he left him so the other one of the other companions saw that scene, and he said, But Allah, what did you do so you were nearly to kill him? What did you leave him after a span he said, I was chasing him to kill him for the sake of Allah. But after he turned around a spot in my face, I wanted to kill him for my sake. So I left him for Subhana Allah anger sometimes anger leads to evil, if it's not the anger for the sake of Allah azza wa jal, and it's not to please Allah subhanho wa Taala then the evil will come into it. And sometimes who might think that we pleasing Allah azza wa jal for being angry in one place but it's disappointing Allah. I was

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very disappointed by one brother who came up to me

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he's a father coming up to me complaining about his son and he say Mashallah, his son is very religious. He's got a very long beard and his daughter, Masha Allah He prays and he goes to the mosque by always swiza his father, under the name of getting angry for the sake of Allah when his father does something wrong. So have a look. We can mix. We can mix our anger for our desires, thinking our angers for Allah azza wa jal, and we can't do how long to get the * out. If your father's doing something wrong. That does not allow you to disobey Allah azza wa jal by disrespecting him. Allah subhanho wa Taala he said, the Napoleonic Kareem war in

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Malaysia, Allah can follow to Tahoma and if your parents if your parents told you to disobey me, or Sasha under the Lord's with me, that's a West Mercia that someone can ask from someone that's always evil someone can ask from someone is to leave Islam and associate another law to the law as though done. And then Allah subhana wa Taala said do not abide them, but be friendly to them, be friendly to them. This father's complaining to me saying that my son screams I mean sometimes swiza me because for example, I'll shave my beard off, for example, or listen to music. So halala walk on over Tao is the one kind of an attitude is that what kind of Islam is the one call of Dawa that the

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prophet SAW Salaam come when you disrespect your parents and you abused your parents under the name of Islam to please Allah azza wa jal, but Allah you look more than anyone else. This is not the way that we treat others. And this is not the way that we call others in the recent Allahu alayhi wa sallam. And this is the example of not being angry when la salaatu wa Salaam opened Mecca, and he had the full control over the people of Mecca, and he had the full control of retaliating against those who fought against him and persecuted him and the companies and even killed some of the believers. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told the people, what do you think I'll do with you? So they

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said unto

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him, you're a generous man, the son of a generous man sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, Let the three but Allah chameleon and tomato aka God, there is no harm on you your other free people today sallallahu alayhi wa sallam freed them. He freed her. Those who fought against him does He punished him those who persecuted him and the companions, those who put a massive rock at the top of below the Allahu taala. Those who killed some of

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those be burned some of the companions, those who tortured other companions and those who abused the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam at the end sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was from among those who Allah Xhosa said wild coffee mean La la la la Faena and in us on La Jolla

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and those and those who grew

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Anger and forgive others and forgive people and Allah subhanho wa Taala loves the outdoors. A lot of soldier love the outdoors. My brothers and sisters Islam is not just appearance Islam is not just a better but Islam is morals and Islam is manners is manners more than anything else one of the scholars said by Allah a rather be with a one minute man and no a better than someone with a better man is this some of the saying of the scholars we're not saying they're saying isn't authentic or the saying is a source to us. But manners comes before anything and our power to people is manners. Our power to people is manners people get attracted to our Deen with our love with our morals, with

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our ethics with our Mama, not to others, not with our appearance. People get attracted to our club. And that's what made others get attracted to the Prophet Mohammed Salah law and it was alum when la Salatu was Salam he gave and he told us non believers a mecca of antelope tilaka, after you had the full power, and after had the full authority to retaliate and chop their heads and kill them, though half of them became believers, a lot of them became into Islam. A lot of them turned to Islam, and some of them were the greatest of enemies against Islam and they turned to Islam, because of the action of the profiler is Salatu was Salam. So the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam says don't get

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angry, do not let your anger erode you and then use your anger for the sake of Allah when it's done for the sake of the sidebar. And unfortunately we do this series specially from among gangsters who have some of the enthusiasm and hammers he makes the anger for the shape on thinking that are doing for Allah sake. Like this incident I'm talking about who are someone, Masha Allah thinks that he's very religious abuses his power under the name of the deen of Islam. That's Islam and Islam and the Prophet and the whole Muslims are innocent from such an action to be done by someone like this. This is not Islam but Islam teaches us better than this. Islam is about love and respecting others. And

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Islam is about manners and being good to others. And Islam is about giving people their respect and giving people their status and respecting people at their levels. This is Islam and this is the pure teachings of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam and this is the Quran and the Sunnah. This is the Quran and the Sunnah. This is the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam Salam and his companions fought for this is the Quran and the Sunnah, that the input for this the Quran and the Sunnah, that this Raja was believers, and the meaning and the Matata has been falling to the Day of Judgment is to enforce the noble manners that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam had came to people calling them for, for Nabhi Allah salatu wa sallam, he says in this Hadith, La Paz de la, la, don't get angry, don't get angry, don't get angry. And the sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, from his great teachings. And a salatu wa salam even told us that if someone gets angry, what to do sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says that whoever grabs his anger, whoever grabs his, whoever grabs his anger of a believer that grabs the anger, and he has the power, he has the strength to let the anger out. And it's someone he's got the full strength to apply the angle of the authority and the strength to kill those who have been fighting against him. sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam he says, mine cover my

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aim for the whoever grabbed the anger and kept the anger inside them on the head the ability to do so sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said da da, da, da da, da,

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da, da who call him in the hereafter. Allah subhanho wa Taala column and from all the creation of a line a after and a lot of xojo give him the choice to choose whatever he wants, whatever he wants, whatever he wishes because of revenue, anger. So number one thing is when you get angry, grab your anger, grab your anger and do not release your anger unless it's released for the sake of Allah azza wa jal, and when I say for the sake of Allah do not mix what's for the sake of the shaper and what's for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Also when someone gets angry, remember Allah, remember Allah azzawajal when you get angry, remember Allah subhanho wa Taala because your anger is mixed

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with the shaitan and will remember Allah subhanho wa Taala the phone would go away. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, well, the Mayans and the communists shaitan

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Billa in the who in the who was Samuel alum, the if the shaitan touches you or if the shape is on you. ask Allah for refuge ask Allah for a fuse to protect you from the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala is all here on Oh Noah

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and sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once saw two companions

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Get an angry from one another. So sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told to those who were around him, but Allah I know one word. If this man says it, his anger would have been going away from him. So they said a prophet of Allah what's that word? subtle Allahu Allah wa sallam said, Oh Billahi min ash shaytani r Rajim Oh Billahi min ash shaytani r Rajim Billahi min ash shaytani r Rajim will make the anger go away from him and realize my brothers and sisters when you get angry when you say Subhana Allah you calm down. When you get angry some of those salami come down when you get angry c'est la la La quwata illa II come down, but sometimes you don't want to come down because you want to

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release your anger say say Don't tell me anything. I don't want to I don't wanna people get angry. C'est la la la la, la la la La quwata illa Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said a treasure, a treasure from under the throne of Allah subhanho wa Taala I treasure La La La quwata illa Billah we're all in the hands of Allah and all our strength in the hands of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So when someone gets angry, remember Allah azza wa jal ask Allah for ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to protect you from the shape been asked, ask Allah subhanaw taala for feet from the shape honorable gym. Also when he gets angry, change your position. When you get angry, change your position. If you

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are standing, sit down. If you are sitting down, lie down. If you are lying down, sit down. If you are sitting down, walk, change your position, don't stay in one place. And especially here I'm saying especially to husband and wife, I always give this advice. When a husband wife get angry from each other. Just get to another room, leave him and then let the wife chase him. Or don't let the husband chase him because that's always when the husband walks away. The wife goes on top and just wants things worse. Or the husband goes on top of stuff makes things worse. leave each other, give each other the space, change your position, change your environment, change the rooms change the way

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you were sitting down, things will change sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said if one of you gets angry and he was standing down, why because when you change your mood, it makes you change changes your emotions. When you change your mood. It changes the way you're thinking just change. If you're standing sit down, if you're sitting down, lie down a walk or leave the room or leave the environment for 10 minutes and come back down again and never come back again. You just make things even worse. Also the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says that if someone gets angry, keep quiet. Keep quiet. Linda Linda talk and the anger inside you know the outside because

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you must say or you weren't 100% you're gonna regret you say something that 100% likely gonna regret on and that's one of the wise men he said. But Allah I control the word before it comes out of my mouth but once it comes out of my mouth and controls me once it comes out of my mouth under its control before it comes out of my mouth, it's under my control and one of them also said have never regretted on others say you never regret on a weather university but you always regret on Wednesday say so make sure those words don't come out of your mouth keep him inside Don't let the shade Tommy from the shade thumbs pushing and if on the shade pan is just pushing you to say these words swear

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abuse assault even sometimes it pushes someone to stop even say the governor will

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say this either. Keep it inside you leather inside you. You're gonna regret later on what you said you'll regret. And you know you're gonna regret over what you said. So don't say also Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He advised us a great advice that if someone gets angry, Mike will do Mikoto and that's the best of changing positions. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, anger is from shaitan and shaitan is created from flame. And what turns off the flame except water. So Michael, when you get angry Gan Mikado, you'll come down, you relax, you get the anger away and then you realize a hamdulillah are made to do and and hamdulillah other than say what I should have not

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said or done or should have not done. So. Change your status, change your position, change, what change the position you're in, make will do and what we'll do, of course, is the best of things and Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said said that the shaitan flows in the son of other he flows in mankind, the way blood flows in you, this harsh radon flows in you. And the best way to get him out. shaitan is made out of flame. And what turns off the flame of fire is water. So make Waldo and turn off that. And remember always that you get angry for the sake of Allah. You get angry for the sake of Allah and be happy for the sake of Allah in the beast on Allahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He said, whoever gives for the sake of Allah and takes for the sake of Allah and gets angry for the sake of Allah and happy for the sake of Allah. He is a true moment. He that's a tree moment. The tree moment is the one that gives for the sake of Allah. The tree moment is the one that takes for the sake of Allah. The tree moment is the one that gets angry for the sake of Allah. The true moment is the one that gets happy for the sake of Allah, not for the sake of desires but for the sake of Allah.

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Not for the sake of the nerves, not for the sake of themselves for the sake of Allah, and only for the sake of Allah, even if it's against me, even if it's against my will, even if it's against my way of thinking, even if it's against my way of doing things, it's done for the sake of Allah, that's what pleases us. So once again, my brothers and sisters, I get advice from the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Bob, Bob. Bob, don't get angry. Don't get angry. Don't get angry. allama Adam Levine istemi Ron Paul, Verona, Asana childlife any brothers would like to ask question please ask

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any brothers would love to ask question please ask and I use a machine a diesel so it takes us a while to warm up, inshallah and oh wait a bit if any of the brothers like to ask us.

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Shout of them but that's not for the sake of Allah then. Okay, now, for the sake of Allah. If you want for example, the brother saying my brother doesn't pray my sister doesn't pray what I call him to pray and I call him to pray they refuse the war shout at them. But go back to your honor. And said Elizabeth Arabic

00:31:09 --> 00:31:47

call to the deen of Allah Xhosa with wisdom go to the deen of Allah Xhosa with wisdom and the right advice. So this is for the sake of Allah azza wa jal it's not make sometimes doesn't mean an inner getting angry when there is something wrong being done screaming okay get angry insoluble you implement to Allah orders you to implement. Okay, someone disobey the law I'll get angry for but does not mean my anger because it's for the sake of Allah allows me to start doing the action of the shaitan allows me to start abusing allows me to start assaulting. And that's what a lot of people falling into. In law. This is wrong and I'm angry for last second, I could do whatever I want. Now

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that's wrong. What's worse than your parents telling you to worship another load besides Allah? That's the worst Masia someone can do. But Allah subhanaw taala told you not to even not even say off to them, even if it's an unbeliever. A lot of soldiers are told to be friendly to them, even if they call you by Masia, even if they call him I say if it doesn't mean because they call you for mercy, you get angry and because you got angry, because of the haraam allows you to do what you want to do for anger for being angry. No, if you have to do what Allah wants you to do, not what you want to do and what your desires wanted to do. And sometimes shaitan comes into that door, I get angry

00:32:23 --> 00:32:32

Look, I get angry. So you could say could lead you to do bigger harm. So it could lead you to do a bigger harm. Now, in other question

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Nakata lahmacun fija nam there's a Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi Salaam about the Muslims that the Muslim if I'm the Muslim, the killer and the one that's been killed both in the Hellfire

00:32:55 --> 00:33:13

nonobese awesome is talking about two Muslims fighting with Shan fighting normal fight not fighting for the sake of any no fighting for personal things fighting for things out of the Islam. And in one person's fighting with another one because of

00:33:14 --> 00:33:52

personal issues. And now we saw Sam said the one that killed is in the hellfire. So they said the proper law. What about the one that's being killed? So last item said because the one that's being killed, he had the intention to kill his brother for the intention of killing his brother. But when you're talking about the companions or for against each other, Allahu Allah and I'm not gonna get too deep into this topic, because it's our duty not to get too deep into this topic you're talking about companions of the Prophet SAW Selim praised him. But the scholars say in that regard, it was a she heard from both companions. And she had with Ali. He said that the rebels and in Islam, the

00:33:52 --> 00:34:08

halifa has the rights to fight the rebels. In Islam, the halifa has the roster for rebels and more are looked at in a different way. So, Allahu Allah, we're not gonna get into that we'll leave that to a loss of power to Allah, but in other issues inshallah, if he comes up with Speaker belt,

00:34:09 --> 00:34:10

and so, in other question

00:34:12 --> 00:34:17

Okay, hello, what's the punishment My god, no, in the beast, Allahu alayhi wa sallam.

00:34:18 --> 00:35:00

And now Delta has fasting, Salah, from the Pillars of Islam, and not obeying Allah azza wa jal, or not practicing has fasting of Salah, it's a sin, but talking about fasting and has, it's a sin and it's a major sin, but not every sin that the prophet SAW Selim had mentioned. He said, there's a specific punishment for him and often it's a sin and there's a punishment for it. In the Hellfire, what sort of a punishment are they going to be hanged by the heads over the legs? Are they going to be tortured other Allah Harlem, you know, some, some, some sing some Haram, the prophet SAW Selim had mentioned a specific punishment for it. But others he didn't buy

00:35:00 --> 00:35:13

Doesn't mean there isn't there is a punishment but a specific punishment alone but there is a punishment whatever it is, it's a punishment and it's not easy no fire. Now another question further

00:35:17 --> 00:35:56

okay there's a Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW so let me say 40 days whoever drinks alcohol this 40 days now Hassan will be ascended to the heavens and in other words, okay you pray your Salah is accepted your foster father the executor, but you don't get rewards for it. You don't get rewards for it's like you know you've got this employee who works for you and it does the job but you don't pay him Okay. So same thing you if you if someone drinks alcohol or wine and does not repent say he does not repent if they repent, then there is no problems with that, but someone that does not repent. Then there is a Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim, he said that no has ascended to the

00:35:56 --> 00:36:31

heavens. Some scholars measure the uneven haraam food, some scholars, and some scholars say no it's only restricted to alcohol. But either way is eating hot on its head on eating food, which is something that is held on and what Allah has just said and mete out them, McKinsey's, which is the dead animal or the blood or the pork it's Haram, or something that's not slaughtered islamically it's also haram and there's a sin for it. But do my husband not? Or does Eliza except mahesana for next 40 days, from not eating haram Allahu Allah, but from alcohol. There's a hadith of that.

00:36:32 --> 00:36:56

Okay, if someone gets angry in the action they do for being angry, does that apply all actions? If someone's with Allah azzawajal the angry the innoko for if someone if someone doesn't haram action, they're inactive for even if they divorced to the majority of scholars, except for a minority of the scholars. Also, his divorce falls, and in there all his action applies.

00:36:57 --> 00:37:21

nerissa la salami said mancala la la la la de halogen whoever says La ilaha illAllah will enter the paradise another Hadith mancala La La La MaMa Samba halogen whoever says Lola Lola sincerely from the art. Now enter the paradise. Okay, no one that does anyone that does not say that you know 100 Julian, any non Muslim will never enter the paradise. Okay, but the best of things is someone to end their life with love.

00:37:29 --> 00:37:51

Nabil Sallam told us if someone is on the deathbed, then we should encourage them to make their last words essays Ladyland on camera Zuma. So the last thing we're leaving from this world is witnessing that there's no god except Allah Muhammad is messenger because that's the key to the paradise La Jolla is the key to paradise now another question

00:37:53 --> 00:37:54

was the cat

00:37:55 --> 00:37:59

and the buyer towards sada is one thing that cats is another thing

00:38:01 --> 00:38:12

no none as a captain it's got to get to the eight categories that allied mentioned on Musk is not one of them. Some scholars say no most it is but unless the in the people in debt here they can you can

00:38:13 --> 00:38:17

pay zakat no problem. Now another question let's close it.

00:38:21 --> 00:38:45

Okay, hello, there is there is a group of scholars who say that someone that does not pray even believing in a prayer is a care for all scholars agree on someone that does not pray, believing that the prayer does not exist a scuffle. But where the difference is between the scholars say if someone does not pray, believing that they should pray but because they're done pray because the lazy of not praying or the laser of the laser to pray.

00:38:46 --> 00:39:28

There are some scholars say that kofod other schools say them regardless to that. Allah Subhana Allah in the Quran, Karim Odyssey to be dutiful, to your family, to your parents, even if they prefer. say let's say you took the concept of the Messiah who say that if he doesn't pray, if your parents don't pray the Kufa let's say you took that concept but regardless to that, a law still forces you to obey it to be dutiful to your parents and obey them What the What the What does not disobey Allah subhanaw taala analyzer said, well, Angel Hidaka Allah. Allah Allah can be someone who someone Konya for someone calling you to go for his wisdom, someone who's a Kaffir and Allah

00:39:28 --> 00:40:00

subhanaw taala said if they call you to become a cabinet of the cornea test as another load beside me, then I buy them. What's our high Puma? What's a hypo maffetone Mr. Rafa? Yeah, Allah subhana wa audyssey to be dutiful, and Conte unkind and friendly SIBO may Allah be friendly to them, and that does not give you any excuse under any, under any circumstances in this world for you to be aggressive or harsh or rude or abusive towards

00:40:00 --> 00:40:31

Your parents, even if your parents you took that concept that then pray that Allah still forces you to bgt towards them. And that's what Islam This is Islam This is the Quran and Sunnah. He talks about the Quran and Sunnah this the Quran and Sunnah. Beside that is not Quran and Sunnah. This is the Quran and Sunnah is to respect, but honesty, respect, not the disrespect for honesty not to be nice to people to be dutiful to others, to be respectful to others. This is the Dean of a large origin. So even though Okay, still falls under it. Now another question.

00:40:34 --> 00:40:55

When do you start paying Zakat when you grow when you had your first $1,000 when was that you can't remember start from Ramadan. Okay, make Ramadan is the day that you usually is, when you first get your nisab in your pocket. That's so if it's in June, it's in June, if it's September September, but most of the people can remember then make Ramadan. Nom

00:40:57 --> 00:41:14

Okay, if you have $1,000 throughout the year, if you have $1,000 throughout the year, and that $1,000 never went under $1,000 then you have to pay 2.5% from what you have overall from all your savings. So for example, someone like yourself has got 100 Grand Prize 2.5% out of it

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2.4% and out of every $1,000 25 out of every $10,000 250 now

00:41:27 --> 00:41:33

Okay, you make someone angry, so this person that got angry because of you swallow

00:41:34 --> 00:41:47

and then Nathan share the sins No. Okay, hello. Maybe you get a sin of making him angry but you then share the sin of him doing that while at a 002 is Rafa responsible for the action now.

00:41:49 --> 00:41:56

While he's exactly like sure, like the the 50 year old diesel on a Harley Davidson

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00:42:02 --> 00:42:14

look, if you make someone angry if you provoke someone, okay, you might get a sin for provoking him but you don't get a sin for the consequences. No, now of course you're gonna get angry.

00:42:15 --> 00:42:47

Okay, get angry, but I'm talking about see, once again the prophet SAW Selim warned us of the consequences of anger, not anger itself, although sometimes anger it's always praised. If you get angry for the good thing you know, I mean, and if for example, get an angry in a better field, that's something you must do. And unless someone is smiling and you're not gonna get anything out of him, you know, I mean, he needs he needs a lot for example, on the battlefield, you need hammers enthusiasm, enthusiasm, and he comes with anger. So sometimes it's praised, but it's the consequences of anger now.

00:42:48 --> 00:42:53

I guys want to just bear with us here. Now. You want to ask something

00:42:57 --> 00:42:58


00:42:59 --> 00:43:15

that's it, when they're over here are will do this Monday inshallah we have a guest speaker Dr. Robin ability, so shallow, come speak in Arabic, I'll translate for him and inshallah, then the weeks after that, we'll be talking about Ramadan. So inshallah give you a bit of awareness and education on Ramadan,

00:43:17 --> 00:43:22

glom on to the higher molars origin except you're your worship. So Hannah, Shadow Laila.

Final, Part 16 of an amazing series by Shady Suleiman

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