Sajid Ahmed Umar – We are part of the Solution

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The transcript describes the misunderstandings of the title Islam and the negative consequences of actions like destroyed homes and poor lives. The importance of guidance and showing one's true intentions is emphasized, as well as the use of words like "frbacks" to lead to depression and anxiety. The speakers emphasize the need to stay true to oneself and not give up success. The segment also touches on the negative consequences of actions like destroyed homes and poor lives, and the importance of not being disrespectful and not being a good neighbor.
AI: Transcript ©
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Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah who are early he was happy or seldom at the Sleeman Kathira on Ilario Medina Medina, Allahu Allah and Milena Illuma antenna in Nikka until early will Hakeem Allah Who Magna million found out when foreigner Bhima alum Tana, was it an ailment or MLM Kareem? Rubbish roughly surgery or certainly Emery Washington. That's a melissani Yfp who Cody. All praises belong to Allah subhanho wa Taala we praise Allah subhanho wa Taala and we seek his assistance and we seek His guidance, and we seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala from the evil of our souls, as well as the adverse consequences of our deeds. Whomsoever Allah

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subhanho wa Taala decrees guidance upon the non can misguide him, and also have Allah subhanho wa taala. Decrease misguidance upon the man can guide him and peace and Salutations be upon the final messenger, Muhammad Ali Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship besides one Allah, and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is his messenger. My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, I greet you with the greetings of Peace on a great day of peace as salaam alaikum, Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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Servants of Allah, no children of Adam,

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a long time ago, before the Muslims migrated to Medina

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around the fifth year, after the advent of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. A case was presented before a just king, a king known as a Najafi, the king of Habesha, and this case came about when the believers were asked to go to have Russia and live a peaceful living after experiencing strife at the hands of the Quraysh in Makkah.

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And as the Quraysh came to learn, of the Muslims moving to have Russia,

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they decided to counteract this progress by sending two very intelligent individuals to go over to have Russia and meet with this just king and try and pollute the reality around these Muslims who migrated, that perhaps this king would send these Muslims back to Makkah. So they sent

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in the last, and they sent Abdullah ibn Abi Arabia, they sent Abdullah, even a B or B, to very intelligent members who were not Muslims at the time, and two members from the Quran. And they sent them with gifts for this just king. And when they arrived in Habesha, and presented these mighty gifts to this just king, they went about their business and moved the propaganda that was being spread in Makkah, to this new place, Habesha and misinformed this king, about the affairs of the Muslims. But a person who is just remains just in every circumstance, and refuse to be swerved by the gifts that he received, and chose the path of justice and requested the Muslims to be brought in

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front of him to share their side of the story. Thus, the Muslims came, and they chose to be their speaker, and representative, Jafar, even of your pocket. And when the king asked him about the Muslims, and the reality, in light of what was said about them, Jaffa spoke words, words that should be written in gold, and words that will be remembered till the end of time. He said, that we were people. We were people who worshipped idols. We were people who ate the meat of dead animals. We were people that engaged in adultery, we were immoral. In our speech. We were immoral in our actions. And we were people, that disunited from our family members and cut relations, and we're

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people that were improper to our neighbors. We were people, basically not worth being remembered, and then came

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Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a person who enjoyed the noblest of lineages, and he came to us and He guided us towards worshiping only one Allah subhanho wa Taala and warned us against associating partners with him. And he warned us against all devices that was just presented. This is what happened, oh servants of Allah. No children of Adam, many, many years ago, many years before the Hijra of the Muslims to Medina, are servants of Allah. No children of Adam, we learn a plethora of lessons from this incident in the life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, from these lessons is firstly, the permissibility of us, recognizing our weaknesses, recognizing our mistakes,

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and having the ability to be candid about these mistakes, to be candid in the right manner, not to bring about the mistakes of others, but to speak of our own mistakes with the intention of showing how we've become better or how we should be better. We also learned from the civil servants of Allah, and our children of Adam, the means of success, and that success is in worshiping one Allah subhanho wa taala. And success is in being from the people of taqwa, people who follow the directives of Muhammad Ali Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this is indeed success, and this is indeed happiness for life both in this world and the Hereafter. And that which substantiates this is

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an idea in the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala a beautiful idea. And all the is in the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala are beautiful. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Men amela sorely sham me veker in

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Wahoo, I mean Furlan Yoshi and who hired Paul II?

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Whoever does good deeds from both the males and the females.

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Well, who am I? And he's a believer This is the criteria that you declare the Oneness of Allah subhanho wa taala. And you accept the prophecy of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam your good deeds without this criteria means nothing. Whoever does good deeds, whilst being a believer, Allah subhanho wa Taala says as a result of this, we will give you a resilient life, you will live a better life, your situation will become better. And the fruits of these good deeds is not specific to the realm of this world. Rather, it will transfer with you to the akhira for Allah then goes on to say that Allah will reward us with a reward far better than that which we used to do. This is

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success Oh sevens of Allah. And this is success. Oh Children of Adam Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught as denoting success, and you know the guidance truck to vehicle man in Temasek to be Len Toby Lubar, the Aveda Kitab Allah He wasn't naughty, he said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I have left with you two things, if you hold steadfast upon these two things, steadfast, not pick and choose, remain steadfast upon these two things you will never ever go astray. These two things are the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah and the Sunnah of Muhammad Ali Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam May Allah subhanho wa Taala gather us with him in Jannah. So this is success, my dear

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brothers and sisters.

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And then we have the converse attribute or the converse matter when we discuss success, and that is failure. And in this incident, which I cited for you, concepts of failure were shared. And these concepts refer to staying away from the directors of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, going against the teachings of Allah subhanho wa Taala choosing to adopt the don'ts and stay away from the do's, this is the recipe for failure, choosing to bring upon yourself a way other than the way of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam This is a recipe for failure, because you and I are servants of Allah and our children of Adam, are people of la ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad Rasool Allah, La ilaha

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illallah Lamma Abu Dhabi happen in LA Allah. When we say La Ilaha illa Allah we say there is no one worthy of worship besides one Allah. If no one is worthy of worship besides one Allah, this means that we don't do except for Allah. And we don't speak except for Allah and we don't leave except for Allah and we don't remain silent.

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except for Allah and we don't live except for Allah. This is the reality of la ilaha illa Allah few words are servants of Allah and O children of Adam, but mighty in presence mighty in his directives, this is what La Ilaha illa Allah means and when you say La Ilaha illa Allah, then this necessitates Mohammad Rasool Allah that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is his final messenger meaning that there is no way to Allah except via the way of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and this is known as El metabo. We have Ilaha illa Allah which is a class which is to be sincere, and then we have al metabo, that we worship Allah and live for him upon the way of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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not upon the way of our culture's, or the norms or pressures of the norms, or that which we feel is correct. The only way to Allah is via Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But when we choose to leave these directives, my dear brothers and sisters, then the opposite of success comes into our lives which is failure. And if you're not convinced, then have you not read the ayah in the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala we Allah subhanho wa Taala said Surah two are off. What do I lay him? Never a lady Tina who is Tina Fansler caminha who che upon so can Amin Allah we will know shitting Laura and now who will be her well I can know who Allah illallah wa whatever I heard from Ethel who cometh

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Ariel kelp in Kashmir Valley he'll have out at ruku y'all have their Lika method will call me levena katha will be Tina PHIPA Susilo cosas

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karoun Sir, a methyl annual poem levy in a verb will be Tina and Fusa. Home Can we have the moon Allah subhanho wa Taala commands Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and revealed to him to teach us the example of the one

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that the guidance from Allah subhanho wa Taala reached, but he choose to peel himself away from this guidance, he choose to detach himself away from this guidance. And as a result, Shavon pursued him for kinda menial Halloween and thus he was averted from the path of guidance and was a person of his guidance. Allah says, if We willed we would have guided him by the guidance we allowed to reach him.

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We would have guided him by the guidance we allowed to reach him the book of ALLAH SubhanA Hua to Allah which was revealed and the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam which came to him. Well, I can know who colada, but he chose to become a victim of this life. He chose to become a victim of time as a result, whatever. However, he followed his desires and instead of being Abdullah, the servant of Allah, he became Abdullah Hauer, the servant of his desires. Allah says the example of this person is like the example of a dog may Allah Allah you are

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a dog, if you chase it, what happens it pans and if you leave it, it pans he's addicted to this life, and he's sold to this world and he has

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given something greater for the lesser.

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. So we learn from this when you choose to be sinful, then failure comes into your life. And if you still not convinced, then what about the ayah in the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala where Allah subhanho wa Taala says,

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Oh Allah Mia, daily lady nya retun and our Aruba mi vida de Li,

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Buena, whom be Goobie him? Why now Kuba, Orla Kulu be him for whom Allah is Maroun Allah subhanho wa taala. Allah says

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our lamea had the lady in Arizona, has guidance not come to those who have inherited this earth after the misguided people before who had destroyed that if Allah willed, if Allah wished and wealth,

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Allah would hold us accountable because of our sins. This is the reality of sermons of Allah, when we are in a situation. Think of the saints. Think of them as guidance, think of our proximity from Allah subhanahu Attallah the distance between us and piety and loving the way of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and if you still not convinced there's many I

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think of the ayah in the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala with Allah

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Pena Who is Allah and Surah to uncoupled as an example we're either with a muda wakatobi and Allah Kumi masa kini him. Allah subhanho wa Taala brings our attention to the homes of Adam for mood that were destroyed heavily and their homes were not the homes that we have today. They were mighty powerful homes, why were they destroyed because of their sins. Shavon beautified for them, disobeying Allah and they reap the fruits of disobedience. This is what happens are servants of Allah and our children of Adam, when this obedience becomes strife, when it becomes rife in society, when sins outweigh piety, the table's turned the fortune becomes misfortune, health becomes sickness

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or the fruits of health are not felt, wealth becomes poverty, education becomes ignorance. May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. We Allah subhanho wa Taala protecting us happiness becomes depression. Allah subhanho wa Taala says in his book,

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why men are over the kriva in Allah Homer Lee shaitan Bong, wanna shuru who Yeoman pm ET

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Allah says that the people who leave the Quranic directives, the message from Allah, the revelation from Allah, the teachings of the messenger, then the net result of this is that they will have a depressed life, a narrow life, a restricted life, complaining a lot. They don't see the silver lining in the dark clouds that they might see. This is the result of leaving the Quranic directors and it doesn't end there. Allah subhanahu Earth LSAS that their sin will affect them in the hereafter in a even more difficult way. Why they will be raised on the day of piano blank.

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And now this person he used to see when he lived in this world, so he will ask Allah Bala or Billy Mahesh are routinely

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what by the school to Buffy you're going to ask Allah why have I been resurrected blind? When I lived a life when I could see Allah will say Bala Cavalli

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tonight in the same way our science came to you, our messenger came to you, the Quran came to you, you set for talk after the talk, you listen to talk after talk, remind this came to you, but you chose to turn a blind eye in the same way that you did that. You will be forgotten today. May Allah subhanahu Atana protect us. My dear brothers and sisters, why this talk and why this topic today. This topic brothers and sisters is because we know what's happening to our brothers and sisters in Palestine. A lot of us are sitting

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in our lounges on dining room tables probably at the halfway house at the golf course at the back of the massage and discussing what can we do to assist the situation? This is what we say, this is what we are asking.

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And my dear brothers and sisters, assistance happens

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by becoming a true servant of Allah. And assistance happens by being a servant upon the way of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam there's many, many ideas being discussed. Some are saying we should protest. This is not a discussion about the permissibility of protests or my views regarding protests. But brothers and sisters let's be serious, if we protesting by date, and sleeping over federal before that, and I was occur, it's not up to date and we signing riba contracts by day.

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And we eat the same way we ate and laugh the same way we love and live the same way we live, then how is change going to happen?

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Let's not become a product of Siobhan where he has deceived us and he's made what we think is good. Or what he makes the bad that we do or that which is ineffective, seem good. So we remain upon it and forget what is of greater priority and greater standing. Understand this are servants of Allah and our children of Adam, this talk requires time, it requires more effort. But Mariela UTRA kulula instructure Louie if we can't do anything in its entirety, we shouldn't leave it out in its entirety. I chose to use this as a platform to share a subtle message that yes, yes, we want to boycott certain products. But as you boycott those products, boycott leaving Salat al Fajr. Boycott

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this idea of staying far away from the masjid boycott being disrespectful to your parents boycott libre, boycott not paying your soccer boycott, not being a good neighbor. Boycott being disunited, boycott all those matters that will not bring a result back to this Ummah that will not bring it as an honor and strength back to this dogma because my dear brothers and sisters you and I, we are part of the solution. Yes

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We need sincere politicians. Yes, we need sincere legislators. Yes, we need sincere people to follow policies but understand you and I, the own Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This amount of our own mother has been given the legacy of the Gambia Allahi wa salatu wa sallam, we are part of the solution. And the solution is in going back to the basics before the grave, and that is La ilaha illAllah. Muhammad Rasool Allah, may Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive our weaknesses, forgive our ignorance, inspire knowledge and make us people who are substantial, not people that speak and we don't act and people that do, but in an unsubstantial way. I mean, have Allahu wa sallahu wa Salam

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wa barik ala Nabina Muhammad Varna and he was originally From

Jumu’ah Khutbah

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