Sajid Ahmed Umar – Seerah S4 Ep06 – Story- Battle of the Confederates – al Khandaq

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The history of Islam is discussed, including the concept of "will" and its significance in achieving goals. The importance of maintaining family relations during the COVID-19 pandemic is emphasized, along with the loss of the Prophet sallal Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali Ali
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah. He was big he was a limiter Sleeman kathira lamb Dean, my bad llama lemon, lemon lemon or indika entirely will help him Allah Marlin lemma and foreigner one foreigner Beamer lm tena was in our Inman where Mr. Karim propitiously surgery was severely angry while he looked at me Lisa, Annie yufka, who are early or praise belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala we praise Him we seek his assistance and guidance and we seek refuge in Allah, from the evil of ourselves and the adverse consequences of our deeds. We testify the room serve Allah guides and then can misguide amongst ever

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he misguides then men can guide and we request praises and blessings upon the final messenger Muhammad Ali Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I bear witness that there's no one worthy of worship besides one Allah and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is His messenger to our brothers and sisters in Islam as salaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh May the peace and blessings from Allah subhanho wa Taala be upon you all and I welcome you all to Episode Six of season four of our series blast from the past Syrah in the 21st century.

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the days have been moving along softly and the lessons as well. Yesterday we successfully Alhamdulillah

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completed or almost completed our discussion about

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the lessons related to the expedition have been well Mr. Luke and in particular, the lessons from the great lie laid against the ratio of the Allah who there was one last thing I wanted to discuss

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before the end of yesterday's episode we didn't manage to in terms of the lessons so inshallah we will begin today's episode with that and then swiftly move on to the next portion of the Sierra, which is the Battle of the Confederates, or 100, the Battle of the trench. Now, if you recall, brothers and sisters in Islam, we spoke about the story of Mr. Abubakar robiola, who I'm

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at the beginning of yesterday's episode and how Allah subhanho wa Taala how Abubakar you know, from a human perspective, he had every right to feel what he felt. But how Islam nurtures us to live upon the platform of responsibility and not just rights and as a result, Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed versus commanding Abubakar to forgive Mr. Hello just to forgive but to forgive and pardon meaning you forgive someone in a way whereby your speech represents your forgiveness, your actions represent your forgiveness. It's a concept of forgiving and forgetting. And I want to bring this whole discussion in light of the context of

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the bonds of kinship, because Mr. Who was a relative of Abubakar robiola, one and this to manifest lessons from this portion of the Sierra number one, how to forgive and how to forget no doubt and number two, also, how those who are related to us

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they deserve that extra bit of courtesy. They deserve that extra bit of courtesy. And again, from an Islamic perspective, especially.

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And not just for the sake of them, but for the sake of ourselves as well to Allah subhanho wa Taala has made maintaining the bonds of kinship, a great act of worship, is the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala, to be in the service of our family, relatives, to forgive them to keep the family bond united. In fact, in a generation, when Allah subhanho wa Taala created the bonds of kinship, the bonds of kinship,

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sought assistance

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from Allah subhanho wa Taala, in terms of being broken, so you can imagine spamela brothers and sisters in Islam, how mighty maintaining the bonds of kinship is with Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Please forgive me that.

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So we also spoke about, I'm not sure if I said it here or in other classes because there's a few classes that

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happened during the course of the week. This whole concept of the coming together of time, and this whole concept of how we feel

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and more every day, how our money buys us less. So time

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isn't representative of what we knew time to represent. And also our money doesn't represent the value that we knew that money to represent and from the coming of the day of am from the minus signs that the day of gamma is close to the final day is closed Judgment Day is close, is the coming together of timeless the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said yet a part of wisdom and time will come together Now, obviously, we the sun rises and sets across a 24 hour period. The year is still 365 days, the solar year and the lunar year 355 days. So the fact of the matter is these numbers are the same. So what does it mean when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says time will come

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together what what it means is what I've just described brothers and sisters in Islam, that our money doesn't buy us as much and time doesn't allow us to do much. And I recall saying this in previous seasons of loss from the past that our grandparents, we probably remember stories that they used to tell us about how they would plan to do 12 things in a day. And by the hour. By midday, they finished all 12 things. And then we think about us today Subhanallah we plan to do 12 things in a day and the end of the day arrives and we've only done six, if we lucky. If we fortunate if we blessed out of the trough Subhan Allah, right. Despite our technology, despite everything, you know,

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back in the day, they would have to fill long forms, if they needed medical treatment, or if they went to the passport office or they went to the post office today we do everything electronically via an app with the push of a button fingerprint. You need to get into our phones. If you know it's as if put writing a code was wrong. They said right now just tap your finger and you get into the phone. So despite all this technology that's helping us save seconds and milliseconds. Pamela, our grandparents didn't have all of this but Subhanallah they felt the bulk of time. The realities Baraka has been lifted, built the blessings of time and the blessings of wealth has been lifted. Now

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why do I highlight this in light of the story of Mr. Han Abubakar and forgiveness and family relations? Well, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he taught us

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many ways to bring blessings into our time, and to bring blessings into our wealth and from them is maintaining the bonds of kinship. Men have by Ubisoft Allahu freespee, or even Salah houfy edgeley for the Yasser Rahim as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in an acceptable narration, he said whoever wishes

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for his sustenance to be blessed for his sustenance to be increased, and for time to be increased.

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When he should maintain family relations, he should maintain family relations. Now we know the amount of food that we will eat is set and the amount of minutes and seconds that we will live and breathe is set. And the scholars have considered this in light of this relay narration and they have explained it as I am explaining that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam meant by this narration, that if you want to feel more value for the seconds, that take and you want to feel more value for the sense that you spend, then men maintain family relations, Allah has made this a means for you to feel your time being blessed and your earnings being blessed as well. And this obviously brothers

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and sisters in Islam constitutes forgiving our relatives, right. Unfortunately, today we see the worst of family feuds, or the worst of feuds with our family, relatives. And then it passes on from generation to generation such that the children from this home and the children from that home, they even go more distant and more distant and more distant until the time comes when they don't even recognize themselves as relatives Unfortunately, because of the inability of the people at the top that the feud happened during their time to just you know, act as adults, as per the guidance of the sheriff and put an end to something that most likely was trivial. At the end of the day. Allah

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subhanho wa Taala created every matter of this world for us he made it subservient to us who Allah The Hala Kala come Mathilde out of the Jamia, Allah has made every matter of this world subservient to us, he created it for us, but with regards to human beings, our losses will occur the Quran nobody Adam, Allah has honored the son of Adam, the child of Adam, the daughter of Adam, Allah has honored them. So Allah has honored the human being and then everything else has made it subservient to the human being and this includes money, but Subhana Allah, we use that which has been made subservient to the human being to fight with the human being which Allah subhanho wa Taala on it.

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This is madness, insanity, right? So I just want to throw this in here this lesson in here for us to take care of it.

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Especially in the season of worship that we in this blessed month that we in and then the blessed day of read, which Allah subhanho wa Taala brings about as a result of the passing of this month and the efforts of this month, a day of unity a day that brings the members of the oma Hamas and Allahu alayhi wa sallam together. This is a day of unity. And on that day Subhan Allah, we find family members refusing to open their door or the gates to other family members or refusing to to visit them, and also brothers and sisters in Islam. It's not just about, you know, the tit for tat, kind of

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scorecard kind of relationship that we have with each other. Unfortunately, we see this with some families today. If they visit me, then I will visit them. If they buy my childhood present, then I will buy the child that present no, this is not what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam what the Sharia is talking about when the Shetty says, maintain the bonds of kinship, maintain your family relations, the Sharia is talking about as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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when they are proactive in breaking the family relation with you, you are proactive in mending the family relation with them. And don't let Chevron ever be a tool or make you a tool for him because Shepherd does come to you and say, Hey, you know what, look what they doing. And by you forgiving them by you going forward, you making yourself look weak, you making yourself look cheap. This is from the statements of of Siobhan and brothers and sisters in Islam. We as we said yesterday, we need to be closer to the sooner we need to be

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sorry, can I just ask everyone to mute their microphones?

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jackal O'Hara

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Alright, so it's just as apologies we're getting some disturbance into the feed from from clubhouse.

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So as we were saying yesterday, brothers and sisters in Islam,

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this whole concept of forgiveness and today we're talking about maintaining the bonds of kinship, this whole concept of it, it constitutes being proactive. And yesterday we spoke about not being a tool for shame upon, right. And we spoke about how the Sahaba were conscious about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and his feelings and his facial expressions. So we need to ask ourselves, if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was here and I ended up behaving in this manner and in this fashion, then how would the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam Look what sort of expression would I see on his face? Right? And what sort of expression would I feel would I see on his face, if

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if I if I chose not to engage if I also chose to, to wash my hands of the family member? If I chose to wash my hands of the family member and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was around because I feel that I look cheap. If I try and maintain this relation, right

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Subhana Allah, what expression Do you think you would see on the face of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam now, brothers and sisters in Islam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away, he has passed away. Alright, but Allah subhanho wa Taala is from ever and forever. And Allah subhanho wa Taala is watching us and he can hear us and he knows what is in our hearts. Right? So if we feel that we wouldn't want to do anything that would make the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, then guess what? He's passed away. He has returned to Allah subhanho wa Taala. But what about Allah subhanho wa Taala who is at a status far more greater than the Prophet salallahu alayhi

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wasallam Allah subhanho wa Taala Our Lord, and our belief in him mandates that we love him more than the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam so what about this, I don't I'm taking some time on this brothers and sisters in Islam, but our series together is one of transformation. And this is an important topic. And it is,

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you know, from the ills of our time that we we find ourselves less willing to forgive other people and less willing to look over their mistakes. Now, this doesn't mean brothers and sisters in Islam, let me qualified. This doesn't mean that if a person, you know hurts you and continues to hurt you that you have to,

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you know, be with them in a way that brings harm to yourself, as some people can go through physical depression because they're just not at the physical strength to manage the situation. Some people go through a crisis of faith, a test of their relationship with God Almighty because their faith is not at a level to manage that situation. So what we say in this circumstance, in this circumstance, brothers and sisters in Islam, you can keep your distance, but it shouldn't be a total cut off. And if they are in need of you financially, and you can help them financially, then you shouldn't say I won't help you financially because of who you are. And what you do. To me. That's what we're talking

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about, remember Abu Bakar forgiveness and increase the spending on him.

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Right. So here we say keep your distance you don't have to meet up with them. You don't have to go to all the gatherings that they add because you're still building yourself to a level where you can manage to be around them.

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In spite of this situation, so you have a right your relationship of Allah has a right upon you. So we say keep the necessary distance, but it shouldn't be a total cut off. And if you see that they need or they they greet you, for example, then we know that Muslims have rights upon each other. And if their relatives and those rights are even more intensified, then you need to respond to the greeting, if they sick, then you need to visit them. If they need your financial help, then you need to be in their assistance, in spite of what they do to you. And this is what maintaining family relations means brothers and sisters in itself. So it doesn't mean you can't keep a distance,

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especially if you feel physically harmed by them, or spiritually harmed by them or emotionally harmed by them. We say keep the distance but just enough to keep yourself sane do not go to an to the extent where there's a total cutoff for this goes against the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Alright, so we've spent

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at least 12 minutes or 13 minutes on this, but insha Allah, the message has hit home with me later on. Today, as far as brothers and sisters in Islam, we want to talk about the Battle of the Confederates. Honestly, this battle,

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you know, if you felt that the last part that we took as the slander against a shadow of the law, and if you felt emotional, if you felt tears, as we as we discussed it were as you went ahead and read more details about it. And yes, that was a circumstances situation that does bring emotion does bring tears to the eyes, brothers and sisters in Islam. This next one also, this next event will bring tears to the eyes will bring emotions to the heart to panela. And this was such that it was the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the Sahaba the Allahu animoji mean the difficulties they had to go through so that you and I can be Muslims today. Subhan Allah

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so so bear with me, okay. This next battle is known as the Battle of the Confederates. It's also known as the Battle of the trench in the Arabic language, the Battle of 100, the Battle of the trench now it's it's a strange title for Arabs, especially, and I'll explain why

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this battle brothers and sisters in Islam was like no other. This circumstance was like no other if you thought butter was hard, and then it was harder, then think again. Because this was next level in terms of difficulty. The enemy was at numbers that were at, you know, that are at a at another level, okay? And this battle, it shook the faith of the believers, it shook.

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It shook the hearts of the inhabitants of Medina. And through this, the true believers were made manifest, the hypocrites were made manifest, the people of treachery were made manifest. And this is the reality of life brothers and sisters in Islam, because keeping up appearances, is not easy. Keeping up appearances is expensive. And we know we have these hypocrites keeping, you know, they're trying their best to keep up the appearance but every now and again they slip and the true nature comes out such that it's easy to feel who the hypocrites are, right?

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Today we live in this personality age, where people judge us based on our looks, you know, if we if we look like we rich people consider us rich. If we look like we poor people consider us poor, right? Sorry about character, but Allah subhanho wa Taala he looks at character as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't look at your appearance, right?

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He doesn't look at your bodies, he looks at your heart, he looks at your deeds, he doesn't judge you to have prayed because you acted like you were praying. He doesn't reward you for fasting, because you acted like you were fasting He rewards you based on your reality. He judges you based on your character, not on your personality. And and when they were you know, when does a person's character truly come out when they shaken when life puts them through through turbulence? Right? When life puts you through turbulence, the show of you just folds down, and the true nature of you appears. That's what happens. So this this is a battle brothers and sisters in Islam, like the battles it it

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made manifest who people were but this one even more the people of even the Imams were they their belief was raised to unprecedented levels, those who are at the base level of faith, they became firm upon faith, those who are hypocrites. They fell deeper in the hypocrisy. Those who had

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packs of security with the Muslims but hated the fact that they had it and were hurt at the success of the Muslims. Their treachery also became manifest Allah subhanho wa Taala exposed individuals exposed communities exposed the reality of

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a city through the Battle of the Confederates. So this is the reality of of this particular

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battle. Now we've spoken about the believers

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We spoken about

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the hypocrites, we must speak about one other party, and this party is known as Bhanu Kaurava Balu. Kaurava was one of the three Jewish tribes that were settled in Medina when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came, there's been forever. There's been no NaVi, and we will talk about them just now because they were the instigators of this battle of the Confederates. And there was a new a new car. And in previous season in season two, especially, we discussed how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam banished by new a new pa and been another year for the Treasury for going against the security pact that they had with the Muslims. So they were banished, and the only Jewish tribe

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that remained was Bhanu paraiba. And they should have known better, and you would think that they knew better because they saw what happened to

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you know, their brethren from Berlin earlier, and Banu palooka when they were treacherous, but in any case, they were we must mention them because they also have an important mentioned in this particular battle. Now, when did this battle happen? Even his hack even his his hack is a famous reference when it comes to the CEO of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when it comes to us learning about his life, he mentions in his Syrah in his book on the biography of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam that this particular battle the Battle of the Confederates happened during the month of show while during the fifth year after him. Okay, now remember, we said, Metallica and

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Mr. Luke, that happened during Chabad the month before Ramadan show, while is the month after Ramadan is the 10th month of the Islamic calendar. Now again, like the other events in the Sierra, we spoke about this, that you might have different views regarding certain dates. And that's fine. And that's absolutely absolutely normal, not just with the zero of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but any historical matter, especially if this history was related to a people that didn't really have a dating system, and they tend to have attached events to other famous events. And that's how they understood approximately when certain things happened. Remember that Islamic

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calendar only came to be during the time of the caliphate of memorable hubbub, robiola. And so this was a few years after the passing of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So don't be too concerned about the different dates you might read different history of Sierra books.

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When I say Sierra, I mean books detailing the history of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And you might see these, you know, different dates mentioned, but don't be too concerned, the dates I'm sharing with you are dates that many of the scholars feel to be more plausibly correct. And the reason why

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it you know, the 50 has been highlighted as being probably correct is because in the fourth year or the year before this, there was a famine, there was great difficulty in the region. Right? So people were busy with hunger, and they didn't have time to worry about matters pertaining to the enmity and fighting and so on and so forth. And even with this one, you will see an insert something a catalyst came into the picture, or you know, a form of instigation took place that caused the courage to renew the hatred for Medina and the Muslims and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and

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their desire to move back into the space and visit Medina to dismantle the Muslims. So the fifth year after the age of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam was when this particular battle took place, and in particular in the month of shall well now, in terms of the reasons for this battle, and I took you back to the Jewish tribe balloon novia that was banished. We spoke about them in season two, when they were treacherous. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam banished them. And they didn't take the expulsion too well. They didn't take it too well, and it's natural. And the Muslims knew this. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam knew this, that you know what, by

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banishing them before they were an ally, they were treacherous. They were treacherous allies, but by banning them now they are an enemy that you need to keep an eye on. So the Muslims knew this. And they don't know they're always had this intent to implement revenge on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Muslims and get rid of them from Medina and come back and settle in Medina. So what did they do? They

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can i vainly decided to go and become allies or create a create an ally for themselves. They went to an area that you wouldn't think a person would go, because remember, the Jews were People of the Book. They were the people of the book. They were the followers of Musa alayhis salam. They received revelation. Right? The Quraysh were isolators they were not following any scripture here. They were worshipping idols. They were further from Allah. When the Jews were right. The Jews were further we say

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Further from Allah because he didn't accept the message of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and before that they didn't accept the message of Isa of Jesus. Allah He salami Allah subhanho wa Taala be pleased upon Moses, and upon Jesus, and upon Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. I mean, so they went to the kurush. They go, they went to the courage to try and bring them in as allies because they knew they were powerless, there's no way they could take on this revenge by themselves. So they go all the way to Makkah to visit the Porsche. And they went, ready to sell everything brothers and sisters in Islam. When I say ready to sell anything, let me tell you this,

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they were putting on the table wealth that they didn't even have the wealth of Medina, Medina was known to be a wealthy place. Now this is relative, right? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the Muslims were known to be rich, but in comparison to Makkah, which saw business during the pilgrimages, and so on and so forth. Medina had de trees that have dates that were plentiful, they would sell date. So the concept of trade was more manifest in Medina and the markets of trade, in terms of dates was more manifesting in Medina.

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So here, these, this group, I don't know you, they are going and they were prepared to sell their wealth. They said, let's get rid of the Muslims. And we are prepared to give you an X amount of the harvest of Medina.

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So they were willing to do this.

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Now, let me let me bring some greater context here. When I say they were willing to sell things I said they were willing to sell their wealth. You might say, Yeah, okay, that's, that's normal people do that they pay for services. But also, and this is what I meant when I said merely a statement, they were willing to sell their faith as well. Now, how did they go about this? Let's let me let me bring more context here. When they went to the koresh, they knew that the police had hatred already for Muhammad Sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam, and the Sahaba. So what did they do with the courage to convince them to join hands with them?

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They sold their faith, they went to the Quraysh and said, verily, your religion is better than the religion of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Can you believe this? I mean, they were lying from the teeth. They knew that this is not the case, for they were settled in Medina in the first place, because their own scriptures mentioned that the next Prophet, or the Prophet that will come, will will come from Arabia. That's why they were there. They were there to meet their next prophet or so they thought they thought that Prophet would be from them. But obviously, they were disappointed when the Prophet was from the Arabs.

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So they knew that the idolatry is the worst thing. But they went to the Quraysh, and said, your religion is better than the way of Muhammad. And we have this plan to avenge our expansion. And also, we want you to be a part of this, because through this, you can carry out the revenge that you've always wanted to take against Muhammad, and his companions, especially after the Battle of art. So the Quraysh were ignited. Right. This is the catalyst that I was talking about this Jewish tribe became the catalyst. Now, did they stop there? No, I don't know. They wanted more certainty. They know that the Muslims went part to pop with the parade at Ohio. In fact, the Quraysh were hit

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hard at the beginning. If it wasn't for the archers on the mountain, departing the post, the Muslims would have defeated heavily the kurush. So they felt that the Quraysh you know, just having the courage on our side, this is not enough. So what did they do? They went to the hopper fan. They went to blue hopper fan, the auto fan, this is a different group of people. They, unlike the Quraysh, they were mercenaries, they were people who would get involved if the price was right. And this is what I spoke about when I said they were ready to sell their wealth. Look how clever

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and conniving But no, no Veera right look at this, they went to the hospital and they knew these people will jump if you throw wealth at them. So they went to them and they said join us in this and when Medina is taken over we will give you an X amount of portion of the harvest of Medina and also he said that but who knows where they were settled by another place after they were banished from Medina, known as haber. And haber was also a place that was manifest with date palms and and date wealth. And that was true wealth. At that time brothers and sisters in Islam even from the perspective of Riba and interest in Islam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam forbade the

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exchange of dates for dates unless they are equal in quantity and hand to hand

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And even though dates are not treated as wealth, but they were given the rulings similar to the rulings of gold and silver, given how an important commodity it was in the region, so

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they were on board. They didn't care about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam they didn't care about all this they were on board for the the profit profit proposition. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us this in the Quran, brothers and sisters in Islam, about those who sell their faith. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, lm Tara ina levena otonashi mineral key kita Mino Nabeel GBT work for houde oil khulumani levina cafo

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Amina levena sebelah Ola, Inca Levine Allah I know whom Allah

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Allah, Allah,

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Allah, Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala says in his book, Have you not seen those who are given a portion of the Scripture

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who believe in superstition and false objects of worship, and say about the disbelievers that these the superstition and the false objects of worship, they are better guided then the way of the believers.

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This is the connection between the Syrah and the Quran, the Quran was revealed over a period of 23 years. As for the life of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wasallam in Mecca and Medina. Allah says, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah whom Allah those are the ones whom Allah has cursed, and the one who Allah curses you will never find for him any helper. And by Allah, they were the losers from this battle, even though they thought they were going to be the winners, but don't know we are the isolators on top of all of them. Well, a lot of fun, we will discuss what happened with them.

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But these instigators, they were they thought they would be catalysts and they thought there would be winners, and they were promising wealth which they didn't have. They were sort of guaranteeing for themselves success. They failed miserably. And as Allah says, the one who Allah curses you will never find for them a helper. Alright, so we're coming to the end of time, but I just want to share with you certain events very quickly, and then we'll continue tomorrow insha Allah, so this is happening and intelligence reaches the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam remember, intelligence was was being gathered was being collected was being shared, right? And it reaches the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And remember, we said earlier the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam had his ion balloon novel, and the movements so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam via information. He knew that balloon NaVi made their way to work, why would they make their way to Makkah? Why would they go to Makkah? Why would these people go to Mecca? Right? So that suspicion was there, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam had his eye on them. Also, and this is worth noting, at this point, the prophets uncle at best, he became a Muslim.

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After some time, it was an early like Hamza and others. And when he became a Muslim, he became a Muslim in secret between him and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he announced his Shahad. He came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he accepted Islam. he pronounces Shahada, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam strategically asked him to remain behind in muck.

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Why? Because nobody knows he's a Muslim.

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Why? Because he's respected by the seniors of the Korea, he's part of the seniors of the Quraysh. Which means when they having their private discussions about Medina and the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam and the Sahaba, then abus will hear it firsthand. And ambuscade informed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam now, someone might say, but is this ethical? It's absolutely ethical, this is a time of war. At the time of war, the boundaries of ethics, are they change they are they are redrawn.

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Right. So this is war, right. So the harm of having a boss there, and giving these reports is far lesser than the harm of not having it and then the Muslim is being crushed. And this whole concept of tawheed and the worship of one Allah subhanho wa Taala being crushed. So Abbess was in Mecca, feeding first hand information to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The Intel reaches the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that a large army, just shy of a week

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is on its way to Medina. So again, take note, any six days, seven days, Allah knows best shy of a week. It depends how fast the army moves, but it's large. And obviously details were given. How is this army large, who's involved? The arratia involved? A lot of fun are involved. Right, so we're looking at an balloon

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We're all involved, and a lot of fun. They went and brought other people as well. Right? Because when money's on the table, everything's possible. You don't have faith, then your faith is money. So, a rough estimate highlighted this army to be a 10,000 people 10,000 people brothers and sisters in Islam. I mean could you even fit 10,000 people in Medina, remember Medina was was very small is that Medina as you know it today, Medina was very small at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam but despite this, it was a city. It was very small but despite this, it was a city. And you know this because when they talk about the graveyard of Medina Albacore here, if you look into that

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into the narration, some durations, talk about them going to the outskirts of Medina, for the barrier to back here to bury a person who's passed away. That's the graveyard that was considered the outskirts of Medina.

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Even when after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away, and

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the members from the mahadji rune and members of the Ansari met at a distance, right at a distance on the outskirts of of Medina to discuss who should become the leader of the Muslims. If you look at that today, if you go to Medina, it's close. It's just in front of the movenpick Hotel. And when you think of the movement hotel, you think it's just next to next to the harem, it's next to the masjid. That's now but back then. That was the outskirts of Medina brothers and sisters in Islam. So Han Allah so you can imagine how big machine will never be his machine will never be today, with its expansion encompasses many events of this era, many worlds many events that happened many homes that

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were were present. Right? So you got to think about this.

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We got to try and reverse our, our our memories and our thoughts and go back to it how it was back then. So we're talking about 10,000 people coming to this small city

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This brings no doubt anxiousness to the best of men, brothers and sisters in Islam. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he did what he always does best immediately you call them hedgerow and he called the answer for a shoe or session for mutual consultation. He explained to them what is Intel, that the Intel is verified, and this is what is happening. And he said, Guys, we need ideas. He's asking the seniors from the mahadji Roland answer. Let's put our heads together here, the mahadji rune they are well aware of the Mk cantera. The unsolved are well aware of the Medina and territory, the unsought have a warfare tactics, the Quraysh and those of the Macan territory, they

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have the warfare tactics. So let's put our brains together. What can we do? What do we have in our arsenal of thoughts to try and deal with this unprecedented situation?

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And both groups had no answer.

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Both groups had absolutely no answers to panela.

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But then suddenly, and a voice that you might say is a strange voice. You rarely hear this voice. You rarely hear this name.

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This voice appears, and it was a voice of guidance. And that was the voice of Sandman al faricy. a companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that wasn't from Makkah, and wasn't from Medina, he was from Persia. And he came and he accepted Islam and he settled in Medina. So he says,

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you know, or he recalls the Persian experience of warfare. And he says that the Persians whenever they have this difficult circumstances situation, they try and mitigate the advancement of the opposition by digging a huge trench, and they use this trench as a strategy. And this is why this battle is known as the Battle of the trench, or 100 100. Duck was the name of this trench. He says that they would use 100 duck, they would dig this trench. Now, this was totally new to the Arabs. This was totally new to the mahadji rune totally new to the unsolved, they didn't even know where to begin. How do you dig a trench, they didn't even have the tools to dig a trench. They didn't have

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wheelbarrows. They didn't have the equipment to dig a trench, let alone digging a trench in six days or seven days. successful.

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And I want to leave you here brothers and sisters in Islam for today's session.

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Alright, pond over this over to today, and tonight, and tomorrow we'll meet and we'll see.

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just phenomenal pieces of information from the

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information that make would make our hearts

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to tears of happiness and tears of faith and make our eyes to tears of truth. Because this is what it's about brothers and sisters in Islam. If you think you have problems, and if I think that I have problems

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Join me tomorrow. And let's talk about problems and this talk about faith. And let's talk about belief in one Allah and having good hope in one Allah and discipline and hard work and character and ethics. We'll talk about that tomorrow, and we'll see what happened next. I love you all for the sake of Allah My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, as always, everything correct said is from Allah subhanho wa Taala and he is perfect and any mistakes are from myself. And shame upon and I seek Allah subhanho wa Taala forgiveness. May Allah subhanho wa Taala accept our deeds. I mean, you're blind I mean, and we all spanaway to Allah preserve us in his obedience. I mean, you're a

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brand I mean until tomorrow, salaam Allahu alikum warahmatu who was

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