Sajid Ahmed Umar – Moments with the Qur’an #15

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The host of a video discusses the importance of passing information and respecting children while learning to pass it on to others. They emphasize the need to teach children to prioritize unity and not feel afraid to ask questions. The speaker also provides insight into the illegal age of children in certain areas and emphasizes the importance of communication with children and others. Additionally, they discuss the struggles of young people's shavon struggles and the father reminds them of his actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh My dearest brothers and sisters in Islam welcome to episode number 15 moments with the aura and today we travel to Surah Yusuf and in particular, a lesson on how to communicate with children on how to pass instructions across to other people, especially our children. And we learned this from the conversation between Yakov Allah His Salaam and his son, the use of Allah He said, I'm very early on in the surah. And in the story, Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that after Yusuf Alayhi Salaam went to his father, and he informed his father of this amazing dream, the strange dream that he had, you know, the sun, the moon, you know,

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these gigantic stars all prostrating down to him. He mentioned this to his father because it was it was super strange. And obviously he's a young boy and these are, you know, massive creations of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now his father heard the dream he was a prophet, Allah taught him how to interpret dreams, he understood, he understood a macro understanding of this dream that Allah subhanho wa Taala has chosen for my son and amazing station, and that my son is going to go through a series of tests.

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So in the process, he immediately engages his son in conversation with advice as a teacher, and a father. And he says to his son as Allah tells us, or la buena Yella Taku yakka Allah wa t Kapha Yaki du Lac ADA, in a shape on any in Sydney I do a movie in Savannah life, we ponder over his message to his son, we find it number one, a prohibition, meaning a command against doing something a prohibition his father forbade him from something, but not just did his father forbid him from something his father explained why. And because in the explanation

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was a concern of confusion. His father further processed his explanation. Let me explain this to you five. Number one, the father commands his son Yaqoob tells his son do not relate this dream to your brothers, this is a prohibition or a command against something, do not do it. In the Arabic language this lamb is known as lamb now here to jazzy man, it's a it's it's used when when a person is forbidden from doing something in a confirmed way. Okay, in a stressed confirmed way, do not make sure you do not relay this dream to your brothers. Now, does he stop there? No, he explains the command. Right. And that that's I said, we will learn to the how to effectively communicate with our

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children and other people. We learned this from pondering over Yaqoob speech to his child. Normally, when we speak to our children, we say do this and don't do that. Right? We we command them. But how often do we take out the time to explain why? If we say for example, don't go outside? Have we explained why don't I don't want you to have those friends go and study? Right? Do we spend time explaining why? Because in explaining why you're going to achieve results, number one, you're going to teach the child that the child is important that you respect the mind and intellect of the child. And this is number one, number two, you allow for the child to make an informed decision himself or

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herself which means they have emotional buy in into the command which means they have extra motivation to fulfill what they are being instructed to do. He took out time to explain to his child.

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He said if you do so if you do not listen to me and you relate the dream they will protect against.

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Now obviously this brings another quandary. Another need another issue. What's the issue? All my life I've been teaching my son about unity. And my son's young use of Islam was very young. Some of the scholars of Tafseer permit him to be below the age of seven, or between the age of five and seven, when this conversation is taking place. And this highlights to us upon a law that we should also always be raising and nurturing and teaching our children we should never ever feel they're too small to learn, especially when it comes to matters that they need to know now, in this area, there's a rule about the Albion and rockville hedger delaying explaining something past its point

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that it has to be no, this is forbidden. Right? So the scholars discuss it that can allow commanders to pray and then not teach us to pray before the command to pray kicks in, says this can't happen. Right? So in the same way, even with other people, if they need to know something, we have to tell them immediately we can't see the too small to know and let them ride the wave uninformed no knowledge is power. So Yaqoob knows that I've been teaching my son about unity and about you know, the blood relation and how we all protect each other and so on and so forth. But now I'm giving them an instruction that goes against everything that I've taught. So no doubt my young son will be in a

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state of some confusion. So he goes on to teach his son and he says, You know what, my son in the shape

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insomnia, we'll move in that my dear son, never ever forget that indeed, shavon to mankind is a clear enemy. It's as if you happen to be saying, your brothers or your brothers, they are your blood, you share the same blood, they are your protectors. But sometimes issues can happen, whereby shavon gets the he gets, the better of somebody circumstances, situations, and they do things that they're not supposed to do they do things that they know, they should not do. Now, this is not Jacobi saying that your brothers are absolved from any consequences or crimes or sins, and so on and so forth. If they do what they do know. And we know this from the rest of the story, because at the

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end of the story, they told the father ask Allah to forgive us, right? But he's telling his son that my dear son,

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they will be wrong for what they do. But don't forget chiffons role in the matter.

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And this helped us with it. He said him as a young boy, forgive his brothers from the time they committed the crime against him by stealing him from his home and throwing him into a well because we know later on when he's the Minister of Egypt, and now it became apparent who he was and they were in shock. Immediately. He said letter three radically. There's no blame upon you. I'm not telling you who I am for you. For me to see all these regretful faces Colossus done, you are my brothers. Yes.

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lucam Allah subhanho wa Taala will forgive you and continuously forgive you. And he's the most forgiving, the Most Merciful. And the fact that he's saying that he's telling them that I've already forgiven you. Because we know that if you harm somebody else's rights of law won't forgive you unless they forgive you. So by him telling his brothers that please, there's no blame on you are not informing you to blame you and Allah will forgive you is telling them that I've already forgiven you, basically highlighting to us all that I understood my father's perfect instruction, when he warned me against telling you about the dream. And he explained to me why and he explained to me

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the children to mankind is a clear enemy. I love you for the sake of Allah until our next moment, improve your communication with your children and others. Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Today’s lesson is from Surah Yusuf and teaches us key practices when instructing children

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