Abdul Nasir Jangda – The Importance of Character

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The importance of intentions in shaping actions is discussed, with a focus on the month of december, where actions are aided by intentions and actions are based on intentions and not just based on actions. The speaker emphasizes the need to not ignore and ignoring the impact of actions on one's personal behavior, as it is a community of families and individuals. The importance of physical practice, including solmar serialism, is also emphasized, along with the need to find the right balance between utility and softness in one's conduct. The speaker provides examples of the Prophet sballball and the importance of finding the right balance between utility and softness in one's conduct.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah here alexza Avi Missy fatty Samia sumati Kavita Sharon, jelly ropa de raffia is a crematorium emilija legal berhad Fatima Ismail asila Amy was la Makati lava fraud jameelah Santa eg de la imagery we do i mean sun surreal hisaishi licchavi alumina Adobe Aziza soupon wanna shadow La ilaha illallah wa de la sharika la philhealth a will amor when a shadow Mohammed Abu rasuluh remember author lls for the villa and Minoru to be sure he saw the wherever it was Allahu Allahu Allah Allah He was heavy. alladhina honkala sotto la la la, la la la la la la la del MBR. I'm about to forget you Hannah's y de la

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for in the toe Haider atsuta what what's a cola? Coca Cola cola has an add on a commissioner famous una de de de la la la la la la Sula who Rashida wa tada what Yakumo will be the final be the ITA de la sia, homie RC la su Sula, hufa de la Cava La La San final La Jolla merci mean, weather over in the home would you would rain. What's up Pharaoh who did the cumbia Malinois burning or the villa human a sheet on the regime in Allahumma, Allah Xena choco Latina, Kumasi, noon

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something that we've all been talking about and preparing for an anticipating for quite some time

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seems to be right around the corner and within our grasp, and that is the month of Ramadan.

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And so while it's very important and appropriate for us to talk about and discuss about how we can make the most of this month, and that is exactly my intent here today. However, what I did want to do is instead of just a general reminder or a general recounting of the virtues of the month of Ramadan, I wanted to talk about a very specific aspect of the month of Ramadan. Something that we can start thinking about something that we can start factoring something that we can start implementing immediately. One of the things that I will mention before I delve into the actual topic of the hookah is that one of the most profound and all encompassing statements of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wasallam, is about the centrality and the importance and significance of the intention within our religion in Nima Malou, Binya

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and one of the things that the scholars have discussed at length when it comes to this particular narration, is that the eloquence the prophetic eloquence, the eloquence of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is on full display within this very profound statement. Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he talks about two very essential components of a Muslims practice of their Deen in their religion. And number one, that is the action itself the actions that we are obligated that we are recommended that we are advised to engage in. And secondly, are the intentions and the intention is basically the action of the heart. It is the internal realization of the action

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that is manifesting itself in the external around us. And so the prophets a lot ism connects our external action with our internal reality. He connects the two together using the letter BA in the mallamma lu Binya.

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And what's very fascinating about this letter Ba, for those maybe not completely yet familiar with a lot of the nuances of the Arabic language, somebody might say you're talking about a letter from the Arabic alphabet. What do you mean it's so profound? It's a letter from the alphabet. But what we understand in classical Arabic is that even this letter is actually more than just a letter of the alphabet. This is what we call in English a close comparison to what we call a preposition.

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And not only just a preposition, but it's a preposition, every phrase, so their bar can be translated in a dozen different ways. Most notably, hear the scholars mention about four or five different ways that this bar can be translated. in Albania, one of the meanings is that the reward of actions

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is in direct correlation is corresponding to the intentions. So you'll be rewarded on your action, according to your intention. So the action could be very grandiose. But if

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The intention is corrupted and there is no reward coming from this. In fact, there could ultimately be punishment and accountability as a consequence of this, apparently seemingly, apparently noble action. Another translation of this particular bar is that actions are based on intentions.

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Meaning that the validity or the invalidity of an action necessitates considering what was the intention going into it.

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Another translation of the BA, one that very, that fascinates me, is what we call battle Luciana, which means that actions are aided by intentions. And this is a very powerful theme that's talked about quite a bit in the areas of psychology and personal development today. And what it's basically talking about is the importance of awareness,

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awareness and cognizance. That's something that's being emphasized greatly today. That having a sense of awareness and cognizance and reflection. Whenever you engage in anything, why are you doing what you're doing?

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Because what they're saying, given from a social sciences perspective, what they're saying is that the more conscious you are, the more aware you are, of why you're doing what you're doing, and what's in it for you and what you're going to get out of it, the more thought you put into the action, instead of just running into the action, without any game plan without any thoughts, it will give you the resolve

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the resolution that is needed in order to see the action all the way through. Because challenges will come, challenges will arrive. But if you've actually formulated a game plan and thought to yourself about what this means to you, then the very first time you face a hurdle, you will back away, you will not be deterred, but you'll fight through it. And part of what the prophets a lot of these are saying is exactly this, that actions are aided by intentions. They're driven, they're pushed. And so it's very important that while I know it only seems like a couple of days, but a couple of days is a big deal. A lot can be achieved and accomplished in a couple of days.

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But this is usually the time when shavonne gets the best of us. Because even now with only two three days remaining till the month of Ramadan,

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which Aidan was still trying to dissuade us and convince us that, oh, Ramadan is right, is it just a few days away? Why don't you just go ahead and wait for Ramadan, just just you don't start the month off strong.

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But what he's really actually telling you translation, the translation of that is, don't worry about getting started right now. Don't worry about doing it right now. Right now keep acting, keep living, keep prioritizing, keep engaging in whatever it is that you've been doing. So far. standard operating procedure, first day of Ramadan, you're just gonna flip the switch, and magically everything's gonna turn on and hit the ground running 60 miles per hour, because that's how the real world works, right? Of course not. So even now, shavon is going to try to get away. So what I want to talk about is a very specific aspect of development and improvement during the month of Ramadan.

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And I want to talk about it here today. So that we can start thinking about it, reflecting on it and working on it starting today in sha Allah. And that particular aspect that I want to talk about is our demeanor, our character,

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our reaction to adverse circumstances, to difficult situations, when interacting with

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people that are being very aggressive and abrasive towards us. How do we respond? How do we react in those situations, essentially a discussion on character. Because as I said, every single Ramadan, and we're reminded about this, every Ramadan. There's so much of an emphasis in rightfully so on the spirituality of the month of Ramadan. And what I mean by the spirituality is our translation of that is ritual acts of worship. And these are not to be demean these are not to be diminished by any means because if God obligates it, I am in no position to say it's not important. It's absolutely fundamentally important. But nevertheless we do sometimes become so invested into the obligation and

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some of the ritual aspects of the month of Ramadan such as fasting

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and Torah we and reciting Quran that we can start to overlook some of the fruits and benefits of those actions. And we can start to not pay attention we start ignoring and neglecting the impact that that's supposed to have on us personally.

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What are we supposed to look like as people afterwards,

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because a big part of the month of Ramadan as we always talk about is helps you develop a sense of patience, what is ultimately patience, suffer in the Arabic language even translates to tying something down.

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Somebody has a very fascinating, you know,

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etymology and development linguistically, it carries the connotation and the meaning of being restrained.

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saboteur is restraint.

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Right restraint. And that's why in order to develop the strength, to be able to restrain yourself, the physical practice that we engage in is called solmar cm, which means deprivation, to deprive, it's essentially training.

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And so having that restraint, in our character in our conduct is so important. And it's something that's so sorely lacking from our lives today. Whether it's how we respond and react within our homes, to somebody saying or doing or acting in a way that is not exactly in accordance with what we would want.

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Whether it's how we respond and react out in public industry on the parking lot on the street, in the parking lot in a store,

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whether it's how we react and respond to people at work,

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and then out in society as a community, because what is essentially a community a community is a collection of families and individuals. And when you have people, individually who are all lacking restraints,

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then that's a community that seems very unstable, and very reactionary. And a community that does not seem to be acting from a place of stability and maturity, and intelligence and game planning. But we seem very, very unstable in mature if you want, unsophisticated.

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So I wanted to start and this little presentation I have for you here now. I want to start in and ended with examples from the life of the prophets a lot

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about how he taught us to respond and react in different situations. And the middle I'd like to kind of develop this thesis a little bit. I want to start by telling you a little story that is narrating this behavior mumble hottie. It's an authentic narration, involving our mother, our shadow, the Allahu taala and her that I shadowed the Allahu taala on her. She says that a group a Jewish delegation basically came to visit the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And when they came to visit the prophets a lot, he said that they're coming to visit him as the head of state as the head of a community. And so when they come to visit him, and they're meeting with him greeting with him, they were familiar with the fact that the Muslims have their own unique greeting assalamu aleikum. And so some of them who were being basically being rude, inconsiderate, disrespectful, but we're trying to do it covertly make it a play on words. They said assemble Aleykum, which basically results in what the ultimate meaning of that is that they were cursing the prophets, a lot of them wishing death upon him wishing ill for him, and saying something very, very

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disrespectful to him.

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I shadowed the Allahu taala. On her. She says for him to her. I understood the ones who said it. I heard them law. I heard them clearly what they were saying and what they were trying to say from the way they must have looked at each other or snickered or laughed or whatever. So she says, I got it, what they were doing.

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And she became very upset. And I want you to appreciate the sentiments of Chateau de Allahu taala.

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Number one, she is a believer. So she has this sense of honor for the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam it she is a companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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So she has a very close attachment in love, deep love for the profits, a lot of admiration.

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And we of course know the biggest of the details that I shadowed the Allahu taala Anna is the wife of the prophets, a lovely son,

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the mother of the believers. So you can imagine this level of even protectiveness that she has towards the prophets a lot.

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So when she hears someone attacking her husband,

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her you don't for the Sahaba the prophets, a lot of humans a teacher and a mentor, her teacher, her mentor, and as a believer, the Messenger of God Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam when she hears that

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About how noble her sentiment is that she is enraged and upset. That's an admirable trait and quality. So she responds by saying we're on a kamasan Willa Anna

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Mae death be upon y'all. And the curse of God.

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Like, may all of y'all be doomed and cursed. How dare you speak to the messenger this way.

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And when she says this, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Now, now, as you can imagine, just imagine yourself being there waiting to see what the outcome of all of this is. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, if you just factor in the pure raw emotions of that situation, as I as I just briefly laid out the profits a lot of these Some said what you would not have expected him to say. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in that situation. He says Madeline Aisha says easy easy eyes. Slow down, calm down, relax.

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And he goes on to say, which is something we will come back to in a very meaningful way. He says in the law, you hippogryph of America Li Allah subhanho wa Taala loves graciousness, softness, gentleness,

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in all affairs in all matters and all issues and all situations and circumstances.

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I shadowed the Allahu taala and her

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also being a like a teacher to us. She She allows us to learn the insights of this moment. She says for full Julia rasulillah this mama?

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She says a messenger of God, did you not hear what they just said?

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they curse you. disrespect you.

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I'm reprimanding them. I'm countering them. And you're asking me to come down and relax.

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Meaning I don't understand.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says he resolves this by saying

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I had set I heard the meaning what the processor was saying, I heard them loud and clear. And I know exactly what they were doing.

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I understand totally. That's why I had responded by saying while they come in the same to you. So if they wish peace for me, then peace for them. If they wish death upon me, then that's what they're saying to themselves.

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But what the profits a lot of them still is advocating what he's teaching. What he's instructing is, you do not you do not stoop down to their level.

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That character, that demeanor, that behavior is something that Allah subhanaw taala does not love, and you are above and beyond that, you have to rise above and rising above is rising to a level of dignity, and honor and self respect and understanding who you are. And that necessitates that results in conducting yourself very gracefully.

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with grace graciousness, that's very, very important. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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in a number of different narrations. He expounds upon this particular concept of how we respond and react and interact with people, and what is our default mode is our default mode one of abrasiveness and rudeness and belligerence and anger,

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harshness, and I particularly chose to talk about this particular subject because I'm speaking I'm speaking from a personal perspective I'm speaking from a firsthand perspective that in our culture today particularly there is this glorification

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you know, we have expressions even in English nice guys finish last

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and especially the younger you are the more convinced you are that that is the absolute reality. nice guys finish last

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somebody's smiling all the time. What's wrong with him?

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Is he kind of Is he okay?

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There's this adulation

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this this admiration for somebody being stern and angry, scowling.

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You don't and just think about what it says go how we talk about it. We talk about somebody ruling with an iron fist.

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We say with a level of admiration man. He runs a tight ship.

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man he drops the hammer.

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Right Think about it. Just our language is so expressive.

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No, the Arabs would call words and what you say in how you speak is hot enough in the media. It expresses what lies within your hearts

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We admire sternness and harshness and abrasiveness and rudeness.

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And being able to one up somebody is bad character.

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We, we've we admire it we it's hard to say with your tongue. So in the moment when we're asked, we might be like, No, no, no, of course not. That's not good. That's not the proper character. But that's exactly what we glorify. That's what we admire. That's what we look up to. That's what we aspire to. We need to fundamentally change our programming. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is our role model, certain Hasina. How did the prophets Allah dcnm act?

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And what did the prophets Allah tell us to do? That's what I'd like to talk about here just for a couple of minutes.

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First and foremost, as I mentioned, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says in the law, you have to rip off electrical he does not matter what the situation is. Allah loves to see graciousness, and softness and gentleness. And another narration the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He says to our era, the Allahu taala and her main you from will refer you humble Haleakala, that somebody who is deprived of the ability to be soft and gentle and graceful, has been deprived of all that which is good, man, or do you have the home in a riff? Sometimes people will try to argue about utility. Listen, brother. As far as the hotel is concerned, it sounds great and fantastic and lovely. On a Friday in the masjid, it sounds lovely to talk about being soft and gentle and graceful, etc, etc. But sometimes you just got to get work done.

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We went around smiling and patting everyone on the back and shaking everyone's hand nicely. And, you know, being all smiles and happy and nice to people. We never get any work done.

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That, again, is a fallacy. It's a complete, absolute, logical and factual, you know, a falsehood. It's a fallacy is just not true. How can I say so convincingly? It's not true. Somebody here might be a very successful businessman. And they might be like, well as on how I run my business. I yell at people all day long. I shout at them, I tell them to get out. I ask them if they're stupid. That's how I run things. And look at me I'm very successful. Maybe what you haven't considered is the fact that your risk is from Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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you're successful in spite of your behavior in your conduct, not because of it.

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And what does the prophets a lot of them say? Look, he speaks about utility. We're so interested in utility results. I'm a results oriented person, let's talk results. The prophets Allah they set them he says, yeah Isha. The prophets, Allah smcr Isha. In the la hora, eco new hippogryph powerful, Allah is described with the word raffia. That's all that's all you need to know. Allah is graceful and gentle and kind. And he loves this quality. And then he says, when you're ugly, I love rifki mala you are to Allah. And Allah will give you results based on gentleness, the type of results that he will not give you when you are harsh. You want results, the profits allowed him is guaranteed,

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you will get better, longer, more lasting results. By being gentle and soft, not by being harsh. Well Amala, your Allah mercy wahoo and everything else. Anything else that the world might come up with? This is the better way to resort to receive results. Another narration the prophets a lot of assumptions in the LA zoo.

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Babu, where you are in Halima you are

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not only does Allah subhanaw taala love gentleness, but he is pleased with gentleness and he aids a person who conducts themselves gracefully in a way that he does not aid somebody who conducts himself harshly

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even within our homes.

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I'm going to touch on this very very quickly but it's important that we bring it kind of a little bit close as we say closer to home that we bring it a little bit closer to the chest

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that another very common predicament and please forgive me if this is you know, maybe too forward of me to say but a very unfortunate and ugly reality a lot of times in our communities can be that we learn how to conduct ourselves publicly.

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But it does not match our conduct privately.

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Ramadan helps us in comes to help us figure that out.

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That in the masjid hold the door open at work. Yes, thank you please. I'm sorry. Perfect vocabulary at home. Hey, what's wrong with you?

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Be quiet. Shut up. Get out.

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What are you doing?

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It's a completely just contrast.

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Complete contrast. When the profits a lot of these are selling us, that the best of you as

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the best of you is the one who's the best to his family and I'm the best to my family. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam talks about this either.

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Allah Allah.

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When Allah wants good for a family, he gives them the ability to be graceful, soft and gentle with each other. In the law is a HIPAA Allah Baden holonic motive

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Yahshua in 54 in the law is arada be elevating Hadar della Humala Bobby says oh, I shall be gentle be soft, because when Allah wants good for a home for a house for a family, he allows them to open the door of gentleness softness, kindness, gracefulness within their home.

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So even at home, how do you respond? How do you react? How do you interact?

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And learn to default to an attitude, a mindset of gracefulness and dignity and softness and gentleness.

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And as I had said, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Of course, he summarizes his soul beautifully. Sometimes the eloquence of the process is just so astounding. In the narration of Sahih Muslim he says in Nebraska, law Yoku fishing in Louisiana who

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What are you there Omen che in in lashana, who the profits a lot of these items says that gentleness, whenever it's added to anything, any situation, it beautifies it, it improves it.

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And whenever it gentleness and softness is removed from any situation, it ruins it, it spoils it.

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And as I had, you know mentioned earlier, our ending conclude with another very inspiring and powerful moment in interaction from the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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At the time of futch hamaca the conquest of Mecca, the opening of Mecca, Mecca came into the fold of Islam.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam under Sahaba. Were there in Mecca in the aftermath of the conquest of Mecca. And there were still a few people here and there in Mecca who had not they had not given in yet. They were still kind of holding out quietly and privately but they were holding out. They weren't with the program yet. One of these people was a young man by the name of footballer in America, he, he goes to the profits, excuse me, he goes to one of the elders of Makkah, who was also holding out, and he goes to him and he says that, look, I know that you're not happy. I'm not happy. There's some people who are not happy with this entire situation. But y'all

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aren't doing anything about it.

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Do you mind is it okay if I take care of this? Because I think I can take care of the situation. He says in his own narrative that he was very good at kind of wielding like a knife like a dagger, almost like a shank said I can handle I can I was really good at handling it.

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So he said I went to him and I said can I enter until Ohio dollar he said you go for it.

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If you feel like you can do it, go for it. So he says I got my little knife. I went into the hurt on the machine. And I found the profits a lot of the time and many of the Sahaba doing pull off circling the Kaaba

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and so I joined into the crowd the profits and lobbies I was on the inner most part of the circle closest to the Goblin. So I joined into the crowd and I slowly slowly gradually started to inch my way inside. until after a circuit or two I found myself walking right next to the profits a lot of easements

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and as I was thinking about how am I going to do this what am I gonna do?

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I was trying to figure it all figured it all out so I could strike the profits a lot of these interns to me and he says a full Donna. Aren't you full Donna? And he said I was kind of taken aback for a moment. He just started talking to me like that knew who I was and everything and I kind of had to catch myself and I said yes, yes, my name is Phil dolla. And then he says the profits a lot of his own while still looking at me not breaking eye contact. The profits a lot decent looks at me and he says mother contento had this knapsack. What were you thinking about doing?

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And he says I completely freaked out in that moment. And started to set her I said lashay lashay going to escuela. I said nothing, nothing. I was doing nothing. I don't know what you're talking about. I'm here worshipping just like everybody else.

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And he said in that moment, the process and he turns to me, he smiles at me. That smile that was more brilliant and beautiful than the full moon. He smiled at me. He reached out and placed his hand on my chest, which is like a gesture of affection. It's like putting your arm around someone's shoulder. He places his hand on

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My chest. And then he tells me it's stuck, fill in law.

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make peace with God make good with God,

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fix things

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is not good, the route the path that you're going down

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and he said he smiled at me and touched me and told me

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he said, before he lifted his hand off my chest, Islam had entered into my heart.

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I had accepted Islam. I accepted, I accepted Islam right then and there at that spot.

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And then he goes on to tell a story about he leaves there after some time, and even on his way home, he talks about how there was a young woman that he, you know, had inappropriate illicit relations with and as he's passing by where she lived. She kind of asks him if he's free if you'd like to come over something like that. And he actually has some couplets and poetry and he basically tells her that you know, any other time you would have made this offered to me, I probably would have obliged I would have taken the opportunity. But I just found a line this messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and this is not for me anymore. I'm a changed man.

00:31:15 --> 00:31:25

This is not this was a would be assassin. He was carrying a knife standing next to him trying to figure out how and when he was going to stab him.

00:31:27 --> 00:31:35

But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam I talked about rising above. It wasn't just about repelling this man, but it was about turning this man into an asset.

00:31:36 --> 00:31:55

Changing this man's life from negative to positive. And use that gentleness that kindness that softness, as a means to achieve them. barakallahu li walakum for analyzing one after anyway jambalaya to ethical hacking Asakura lolly welcome Elisa in muslimeen for sub zero in the hula for

00:32:03 --> 00:32:05

hamdulillah horrible alameen wa

00:32:06 --> 00:32:14

salatu salam O Allah say the Mussolini ala alihi wa sahbihi Shan Illa de pollo La Jolla Majeed

00:32:16 --> 00:32:33

Rajan in a la mala Akita who you saw Luna Allah nebby yah, yah Latina amanu sallu alayhi wa sallam Otis Lima. I love my Sunday Allah Mohammed Anna Abdi Carrasco Lake, wa salam mininova minutes well Massimino al Muslim at Baba Khalid Sheikh Mohammed wala as Raji was at

00:32:35 --> 00:32:46

a love marriage in Islam Allah Subhan Allah mentally ill Islam all Muslim in Allah Medina was given our suburban Amanita de la Marina Allah the click of a shock recover sorry about the tick Allah Masha.

00:32:48 --> 00:32:48


00:32:49 --> 00:32:52

Allah Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah.

00:32:54 --> 00:32:58

Allah Allah, Allah Allah Nabeel Karim Allah Allahu taala in the La Jolla

00:32:59 --> 00:33:12

anyway either way in how Anil fascia you will monkey will burn your ego Camila Allah come to the Quran, Oscar de la jolla for come weather Oh who yes he will come well as a crow la he akbar Allahu Allah Mamata sound Aki masala

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