Sajid Ahmed Umar – In The Company Of Allah #2B Deviations in Asma al Husna

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The concept of deviation from God Almighty is discussed, including the deification of God Almighty, the removal of certain attributes, and the practice of a certain name. The speaker emphasizes the importance of practicing these practices for optimal results. The topic of " "runny time" is also discussed, where it is beneficial to not feel the need to repeat one's name. The importance of remembering one's name and using it during worship is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah ala alihi wa sahbihi wa meanwhile, Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Welcome back, dear viewers, just before the break, we were discussing this whole concept of deviation with regards to God Almighty is beautiful names. And we were looking at the lessons cited to us by him Rahima hula. And he says that this deviation happens when four things happen. The first thing he said is when we actually give a name of God Almighty, to something else, which is not worthy of worship and something that shouldn't be worshipped like an idol. And we give an example like the Quraysh, used to call one of the idols

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Urza, which is from Aziz and as he says, from the names of God Almighty. The second deviation is when we give God Almighty a name, which is not befitting like the father, for example. And the third point that I left you all to ponder over, just before the break was this whole concept of describing God Almighty in a manner that's not befitting like some people before us used to say that God Almighty is faqeer. They called him for kill. They called God Almighty poor. And they claimed and described God Almighty His hands as being tied. They describe God Almighty His hands as being tied, and God Almighty dealt with these points in his book subhanho wa taala. So this is from deviation,

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and the person who does this indeed, will be liable to facing the punishment of God Almighty set aside for those who deviate with God Almighty, His beautiful names, before the deviation happens is when a person cancels the attributes of God, Almighty, His names, so we should never ever do that we should never ever say that this name is void of an attribute void of a meaning and if we do so that this is from deviation and we seek God Almighty, His protection, some groups that ended up becoming misguided ended up canceling the attributes the meanings of God Almighty, His names for many reasons, that's beyond the scope of our series and discussion together. Remember, we said our time

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together, is dedicated towards learning that which insha Allah grows ourselves and grows our character. But for the purposes of this discussion, we should be aware that a time came where people actually

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denied a God Almighty His name's having certain attributes, having certain meanings, and this is from deviating This is from deviating with regards to God Almighty, His names and attributes. Now I know I said that it will Tim has discussed four

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ways that deviation can happen. But there is a fifth that he has said, Allah subhanho wa Taala have mercy upon him. So basically, there are five ways there are five ways. And this fifth way is when a person makes the qualities of the creation of Allah. The same as Allah Almighty is making the qualities of Allah as that of the creation. So for example, for example, we take the quality of God Almighty, and we take the name of God Almighty, and we give it to a human being, and say, this human being possesses the quality of this name, in the same level or at the same level as God Almighty. This is dangerous, this is dangerous, and this is deviation, right? So for example, we have some

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people who say that or they give a human being the attribute of being ever present, right, how they're ever present, and ever seen, now, that this person is ever present and ever seeing and this is not something that any creation of God Almighty has rather this unique and perfect quality is solely for Allah subhanho wa Taala alone. So this is deviation when you take a quality of God Almighty and shift it to a human being and give that human being that particular attribute, this is from deviation, and this is something dangerous. Now.

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This is the discussion pertaining to deviation as found in the eye in sort of RF with Allah subhanho wa Taala says whether Levina you hidden that leave those who practice deviation Alhamdulillah in our discussion, we've understood what deviation means we said it means five things as taught to us by him or him Allah, I cited for you for and we've added a fifth also cited Bible time, Rahim Allah, then Allah subhanho wa Taala in the ayah that we discussed says for the Ruby

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Allah commands us to practice this concept of dua with his names. And we learn from this, that it is the right of the Beautiful Names of God Almighty, that we practice do with these names. And many of us know what the means but the reason why I'm citing this particular

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lesson in our session together is to highlight the exact meaning or the depth, in terms of the meaning of dua, do brothers and sisters is of two types. The first type is known as dua, LMS, Allah right or to the first time for the purposes of our discussion, there are a mess Allah, which is the two out of asking, which is something you and I practice every day and we should practice it every day we should remember we should ask from Allah subhanho wa Taala every day, we shouldn't only remember Allah subhanho wa Taala when we are in need, rather, we should remember Allah subhanho wa Taala during times of ease, as well as during times of need, because our entire life is a test.

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Never ever feel that when you experiencing ease that you're not being tested, you are being tested. And Allah will make manifest during your times of ease, whether you will pass the test of being conscious of being conscious of the fact that the blessing you're experiencing is because of the decree of Allah subhanho wa Taala and a gift from Allah subhanho wa taala. And thus you practice the practice of that segment, a segment of ease which has been thankful for the Prophet peace be upon him said that a believer is in a win win situation, when they live in ease. And God Almighty gives them what they want, they thank God Almighty, and that is how they pass that particular test. And

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when they go through difficulty, and they might have not been given what they want, then they remain patient and that is the cure that is the medicine that is the remedy for passing that segment or that particular test. Right. So we should not

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make it a practice in our lives. We only turn to God Almighty and ask from him when we are in need. We should remember Allah in our easy times, and he will remember us in our difficult times. And Allah subhanho wa Taala always remembers us SubhanaHu wata Allah Allah subhanho wa Taala always knows of us knows of our condition knows of our situation and inshallah we will discuss these points when we discuss the name, Aleem. Bismillah heeta. Allah may Allah grant us life to discuss this name. So the first type of dua, or dua encompasses two elements. The first element as we've discussed, is, do I have Miss Allah, the dua of asking, this is something we know. But something we

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don't know, or many of us don't know, is that there are also refers to a bad, which is worship.

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And what God Almighty is commanding us to do with his names in this idea is to use his names during our asking, as well as our worship, to remember these names during our worship. These names during our worship and worship encompasses everything, our sadaqa our CM or fasting Sadaqa means charity, or our salah, our praying, right? Our hedge, our Umrah.

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Our remembrance of God Almighty, right? We worship Allah with these names, that when you stand in front of Allah subhanahu Attallah in your prayer, you know that Allah is a witness over you. Allah is a Raqib Allah knows that you standing in prayer, and Allah is watchful over you and knows what you're doing and he's Shaheed he is a witness over what you're doing, right. It's not a case that you worshipping for the sake of worshiping and when you worship Allah with these names, then this is what I was talking about. In the first episode, these names grow our Huzhou and our salah, crows, our contentment in our salah, when we put our head on the ground, and we prostrate and observe

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sujood with this name of Allah subhanho wa Taala we have an acute level of awareness, we have a heightened awareness and our sujood becomes much more than what it normally is Subhan Allah Subhan Allah, when you go into sujood it becomes a place you hate to get up from Allahu Akbar, how many of us how many of us we pray Salah as a true Allah Who Stan we pray Salah as something which we have to do without ever feeling the sweetness from that recall and the sweetness from the standing the km. The ruku means the borrowing the sweetness from the frustration or the sujood

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Right, we want to fix that with the series insha Allah Who to Allah? May Allah subhanho wa Taala inspire us, Allah He,

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I came across a new Muslim.

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And she said to me, that please advise me, because I went to the mosque, to pray salatu door, and the Salah was only 10 minutes.

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And I thought to myself, that's fine. That's fine. She goes, Is this correct? I said, Yes, she goes, there must be something wrong with what I'm doing. Please forgive me. I'm learning. Please forgive me. I said no, feel free to ask. So she said, so I asked her. I said, How do you pray? She goes, I don't know. But when I pray, it takes me two hours. Lo Akbar, Allahu Akbar. When I pray, it takes me one and a half hours. If I just prayed the four units, I said, How many do she says if I complete it, it takes long. I said Subhanallah tears kept rising, and I can't help but feel tears now. I said, How come? How come? She goes, I don't know. And she burst out into tears. She goes, but when I

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put my head on the ground, I can't get up from it. It's very hard for me to get up from this position alarms that will lie. She cried. And I cried. But Huck was with her Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. She says I'm 60 years old. When I put my head on the ground, I think of 60 years of wasted time of my head not being on the ground. So I put my head on the ground.

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And I think how can I get up from me I need to make up for 60 years of time.

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What a lesson that was for me that day blomster for my own prayer, for the prayer of my family, and friends. And I shared with her an advice to make sure that her Salah does not exceed the time limit for that salah. I totally enjoy your sujood enjoy your record. Enjoy your prayer, but ensure that the time of Salah doesn't end before you complete that prayer, that's all and I advised her to remain upon what she was upon. And that indeed she was right. Allahu Akbar. Imagine that. Imagine that that is a lesson for born Muslims and a lesson for those who learned the names of Allah. But those names don't grow them. Those names don't grow them. So this is it. Oh servants of Allah, and

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oh children of Adam. When we worship Allah as Allah subhanho wa Taala says in this area, worship Allah, with his beautiful names, in your worship in your salah, in your circa in your hedge and everything else, as well as when you ask Allah subhanho wa Taala ask him using his names. Oh, most forgiving, forgive me, forgive me. Oh most merciful, have mercy on me. And so on and so forth. I'll leave you to ponder over these points. May Allah preserve us in His obedience. Until next time, Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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