Hussain Kamani – The Prophet Muhammad – The Teacher #05

Hussain Kamani
AI: Summary © The conversation covers the topic of education and how men should be included in society. The speaker discusses the need for female-led models for young women, as men are not as interested in their. The segment also touches on the topic of dysphoria and women should be included in all aspects of society. The segment also discusses the need for female-led models for young women, as men are not as interested in their. The segment also touches on the topic of dysphoria and women should be included in all aspects of society. The segment also touches on dysphoria and women should be included in all aspects of society. The segment also touches on dysphoria and women should be included in all aspects of society. The segment also touches on dysphoria and women should be included in all aspects of society. The segment also touches on dysphoria and women should be included in all aspects of society. The segment also touches on dysphoria and women should be included in all aspects of
AI: Transcript ©
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Okay let's get started

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spinlock Hema come to LA

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Hamdu lillahi Wa Kafa or salmonella anybody in Medina stop off Susan Allah so you do sudo Hatami Ambia Well, Lila Skia los Harvey lactea ameba.

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We are studying the book of shahada, Fatah, Abu Dhabi, Allah Tala rasool Allah Allah,

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in which he examines, and gives us an opportunity to study. The Prophet of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as an educator, as a teacher lessens opportunity for opportunities for us to reflect over.

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So we were in the middle of our reading will continue he sharing some reflections from his teacher shift Mr. Falzon. Ramallah Yes.

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While explaining this heavy our respective teacher allow us to focus on God said in his book, a method for

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displaying shortcomings in teaching and learning is considered to be a collective crime. One book commit such a crime deserves a worldly punishment. History has not recorded his standpoint of this nature as regards the sanctity of knowledge taken by anyone before Rasul Lamesa long IV he was said that or after him abandoning religious responsibilities is an evil act, and is punishable. Teaching and learning are consecutive of these religious responsibilities. Therefore, if they learned a person shrieks, his responsibilities of teaching, or if a Muslim failed to learn the essentials of his religion, then both will be punished. This is because Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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said, seeking knowledge is incompetent upon every Muslim. The word Muslim in this context includes both male and female because the command is conditional on a shared attribute, Islam. So here he is continuing his thoughts from the Hadith that we studied in our last class, where Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reprimanded a group of people who are very well educated, there was a neighborhood a group of people, a tribe, that were very good with knowledge, however, their neighbors

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were ignorant. So nobody said Allahu Allah, he was said I'm held them accountable and said that how is it that you people have so much knowledge, one neighborhood, one community is so well educated. And right next to you, there is another community that's neglected the province that Allahu Allah who was set them, held them accountable and gave them time and said, Use this year and educate them work on them develop systems give them opportunity, as well. Education is that strength is that power that lives people. People don't understand its value. Later on in life, some may appreciate it. But the essential education of every human being in a family, in a community in a society in a

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country ultimately gives you the worth of those people. This is how you lift people out of poverty. This is how you create thinkers, this is how you bring change, that you ensure that they have wholesome, good, meaningful education. Education starts with a person having knowledge that they have to go and seek it.

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But then after that, you need to also bring in the second step, which is teach them to be thinkers, teach them to be critical of that knowledge. Critical doesn't mean that you have to reject it, it does mean that you need to understand its roots and what it's saying and what it's trying to convey to you. Because if people don't have the ability to think, and they only have knowledge that can lead them to applying this knowledge in the wrong way. misapplication is, unfortunately, a common thing. So we need to make sure that there's knowledge. Then on top of that, there's also the ability to think and be critical and engage with another's that you've learned. And then the third step

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comes in, which is application, that now we need people to also apply their knowledge. If you have people who are very good with content, but don't understand context and are able to understand the deeper roots to what's being taught. There's a flaw there. If you have people who are thinkers, yet they're not capable of bringing in an application. There's a problem there. If you have people that are applying, yet they're not able to.

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They're not able to understand the deen and they're just applying and working based off what they think is right and they're just practicing things but they don't have knowledge. That's going to bring problems there as well. When we are educating our people in our communities in order to bring a society from one generation to another from one step to another from one page to one

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Another, we need to ensure that our education targets all aspects of our community, starting with the children, ensuring that they have proper education, our youth have proper education, making sure that our adults have proper education, then within the adults, directing your message carefully and tactfully to the different segments of that community now, so you have people who are loosely coined as the wealth holders, these are people who have a lot of wealth and Allah subhanho wa Taala has given them risk, it's important that our systems of education are available for them, that there is some mode of education that's occurring there, that there's content. And there, there are a hadith

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and verses of the Quran, that are helping them also grow. Because if they cease to grow, and their spiritual education, that wealth doesn't circle back into this community that we're trying to develop. Then on top of that, you need to also ensure that this wealth is going to the middle class of our community, the people that are working in the people that are building the society and building the stores and building the community that we're reaching out to them. And then we also need to ensure that our knowledge is reaching the activists in our community, that you reach out to those activists and teach them as well. One of the biggest problems that we have in today's western

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world is that 100 Now we have a large force that is developing in terms of their desire and their eagerness to be activists and be in the frontline, and spread the message of Islam, yet they lack in basic knowledge, good intentions can only get you so far, excitement can get you somewhere, it's needed for every movement that people need to be excited about their cause. You need to have energy, you have to be willing to sacrifice. These are all fundamental traits that need to exist, for activism to be meaningful. But with all of that comes in that you must have knowledge, some basic understanding of the deen and if it's something that you aren't capable of acquiring, then aligning

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yourself with people of knowledge. You'll see historically, that the great Muslim rulers of the past always kept scholars close by to them, that they would consult that they would seek advice from them and milk was very close to Imam Ghazali. He had a lot of respect for him. You had the Ottomans who are known for having scholars that were always in those gatherings that were providing feedback and providing perspective. So those that are involved in community leading don't necessarily need to be sitting in the classrooms and studying the minutiae of the deen. They can continue doing what they're doing. But understand that when it comes to matters of the deen, you can't be making

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decisions on behalf of the ummah. Because when you stand in front of a mic and speak on television about Islam, nobody cares about what you're saying. Nobody cares about you as an individual. They assume that in that moment, you are representing 1.8 billion Muslims. So you have to be careful and ensure that what you're saying is a part of mainstream Islam. We may choose to hide what we view to be mainstream Islam and fear that if other people hear of what our deen says that they'll leave us to the curb and they won't continue, they won't bring us into the circle of conversation. They won't allow us a seat at the table. Well, the truth is, first and foremost, by

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altering the deen first and foremost, you're not being genuine, you're not being honest. Today, you may say something, because of your supposed wisdom. But tomorrow when someone else when that individual reads something else, or is informed of something else, they'll feel backstab. So you're not doing yourself much favors there. Secondly,

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when you present to people that Islam is the same as Western culture, and everything that Western culture teaches, Islam is in line with it, and it has no objections to it and has no unique identity of its own. Why would people even be interested in accepting Islam? Because what you're offering him is apparently the same as what they already have. Islam as unique. And the third thing is, whatever it is that you're trying to hide from Islam, the truth is that we Muslims are proud of it because it's revelation.

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So we don't need anyone's sympathy here. Right? Islam has a unique perspective. Islam has a bold perspective. Muslim scholars through history through history have argued regarding the wisdoms of this perspective and the benefit not only for the individual, but for society at large. Scholars have discussed in great detail, the wisdoms and true meanings behind the commands of Allah subhanahu wa Tada the famous work of sha Allah, Allah, how did we know Allahu Allah from the subcontinent. His work harder than la bala is absolutely important to read in this regard. Because he opens up the cause and the reasons in the wisdoms behind why Allah subhanahu wa Tada has legislated what he has

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legislated, allowing us to gain a deeper understanding

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I was once traveling with Hamza Sheikh Hamza Yusuf. And we were in conversation and we were just talking about different books and different scholars, and the mention of SHA one you would love him. And his words were that I think he is one of the greatest scholars from that subcontinent region. And on top of that, he said, his work herget Allah unbelieva is irreplaceable. It's a book the likes of which I have never seen anywhere else. such rich knowledge, translated in so many languages and students across the world study at a more higher advanced level. So we need to ensure that education is available for everyone

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that it says not for the elite few, that it's just not available for those who can afford it and those who can pay for it. And I have a lot of grievances when it comes to the unfortunate state of education. In today's world. There are obvious oppressions that occur on a state and federal level. But I also believe in the Muslim community, we need to revisit what Islamic education means and what Islamic schools offer to the ummah. I am not saying that they don't have a place, they have a very important place because Islamic schools offer children to learn their secular studies, if that's the word we're going to use, even though I don't like it at all. Because secular, by definition means

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that without that wishes without God. So the idea is that science and math and social studies need to be secular that they shouldn't have got involved and they're studying as Muslims, we believe otherwise. And that's why Islamic schools are so important because we teach a curriculum that is embedded in understanding the sciences that we would have studied any way that we need for our day to day life, but through a Muslim lens. So when we study science, we don't view it as the end of it all we view it as a means that Allah subhanahu wa taala used for the world to exist. And therefore as human beings, when we understand that science, now we're able to engage with this world at a more

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technical, the intimate level, there's benefit in this. But then on the other hand, when we look at the state of the Muslim schools, and I don't speak for all of them, because mashallah, there are schools in our nation that are run by Muslim brothers and sisters that are very sincere, and they've done a phenomenal job at taking this education and offering it to the community. But nonetheless, there are still a large segment of our groups of our schools that aren't catered for the common people. These are multimillion dollar projects in which people are pouring money and 100. That's great.

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The tuition at these schools is, you know, way above the affordability of what we may call the working class or average people, some schools if you're lucky, they'll have a some sort of a scholarship program for 10% student body for 20% student body. And then at the end of it all, I really wonder that what part of that education is focused on creating contributors back to the community that funded that organization in the first place. I'm very much interested in knowing if someone is willing to conduct a research on this, that through the Islamic schools that we have in our country, hundreds and 1000s of students that graduate from these programs that in Hamden law,

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these schools were facilitated by the community and their funds, what number of those people actually come back to contribute those very same communities? Or do they move on? And if they do move on, what value is the community getting out of this?

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There's a lot to discuss here. When it comes to education. There's a lot to be discussed about the business model of education. We need to choose whether our schools are going to be non for profit institutions that are truly going to run on donations, and everyone is welcome. Understanding that there will be a compromise in that model inherently, or we decide to go full out private. And, you know, don't do any fundraising and treated as a business like many private schools exist around us find investors and give them money back on their investment and have top tier education.

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This middle ground this middle system is a very confusing situation that we have unfortunately, may Allah subhanahu wa Tada guide us and open up our hearts. And I must say, because if I don't say this, I would be wrong. And hamdulillah they are sincere people working towards a call a solution to this to this cause every day and we are thankful to those individuals and we pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala elevate them in this dunya and raise them upon into Africa. I also don't want to play paint every Islamic school like this either. I bring this before you today because among you are educators. among you are those that are involved in the system. We need to have these hard

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conversations and ask ourselves, Where did our Islamic school start and where are they headed? Have we made any advancement in terms of our our management? Are we made any advanced

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I mean in terms of our business plan or business structure, are we going somewhere are we basically in the same circle roaming around trying to find solutions for problems that have existed for decades? Education? I was talking about how we need to ensure that education is offered to every

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segment of our society. In our last class, we touched on this issue briefly. But today the author brings us up again, he says, he cites the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tolerable Elmy folly Doctrina Allah Kula Muslim, that seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim.

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Then he says, one of the Muslim una yesh, Manu Raja, well, Mara, that this word Muslim, in the Hadith used is inclusive of both men and women. Because the common factor simpleton wish that I could fit here, Islam, the common factor between men and women is Islam, and Islam is another just obligatory upon Muslims. So these opportunities of seeking knowledge need to be available for both men and women in our community. Now,

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there is no doubt that throughout history, women have played a very important and integral role in the dissemination of knowledge, right from the time of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. This is why Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave men and women equal opportunity in his gatherings that if men were there, women were there to be sent along who it was send them have a space for women to attend and seek knowledge. And therefore we see that one Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam left the OMA and he left this world. It wasn't only the male figures who came forward and took the reins of the OMA to educate people the women came forward to and they contributed equally.

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Mm Hakeem, the author of The Master Key writes that 1/4 of the rewire to the narrations we have from our pseudo loss and along with them are narrated by women. There are massage is that we there are rulings and issues in Islam that we would not know, did we how do we not receive these narrations from the female companions? A great a great example of this is the famous position that the jurists hold that before

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the for lack of fun, var Salaat. There's for a customer,

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right. And the reason why they give preference to those for a car as opposed to the narration that supposes that narrates that it's too dark out before the hurt is because they say those narrate those four rakaats were narrated by the lives of an abusive Allahu Allah was sent him, and they saw Him praise them at home.

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So in this area, they give preference to the,

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to the narrations of the women, because they are counterparts of men when it comes to seeking and conveying knowledge.

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We see that

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by empowering both segments of our society, we increase the level of education right from childhood, that when you have a mother and father who are both educated, who both know Islam, they don't need to wait to outsource the responsibility of education to a school or to someone else. And I'm not just talking about Islamic education, I'm talking about education in a very broad lens, and a very broad stroke here. When you have a parent who you look up to and understand that this parent of mine is competent in the subjects that I study at school.

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There's a level of respect that comes. But on the other hand, when you're struggling with a basic division equation, and the people in your home aren't able to answer it, yet everyone else can. There's a little bit of a disappointment there that I really wish the people around me could help me in this moment. Similarly when it comes to learning the Quran, and I've held this position for a long time, that I think the earliest level of studying Quran which is daddy for the roof, right learning Elif, but learning how to dishonor truth, but right now Robin Hood off putting photogra mokara on there and collecting letters, you know how the first level of studying that kids have in

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this culture, they call it the tidal tidal Noorani has a very famous one, right? They also have the, what's the other one called?

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And that's ton everywhere.

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It's called did with Metis you know, yes or no Quran that's what it's called Quran Made Easy, right? That was more famous one that when we were studying one of our teachers, Chef Myka eels wife, stata Sato recently published a a copy her own version of a pie with notes and I like what she did because at the

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Beginning of every lesson in the book, there is a QR code there.

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So as a parent, if you don't know how to teach that, all you do is pull out your phone, use your camera, scan the QR code, and she has a lesson on that subject on YouTube loaded, uploaded already. So corresponding lessons already exists. And that's such a beautiful way to use technology, we use QR codes for all sorts of garbage. And it's beautiful to see someone using QR codes for teaching Quran and teaching this early level of education. My own son Mahmoud,

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used this quote, this guy that that she published, and my wife found it to be very beneficial to Verilog and Balticon. Her work and all the people that are publishing authors in this regard, the point that I was making is that I'm not sure if this is a level of education that needs to be outsourced. This is something that we as parents should take the responsibility of doing ourselves, the parent may say, I don't have time. Well, that's not good. That's not a good sign to say that I don't have time to teach my own child, they may say that I don't have expertise to do it. I can't read properly, I can't pronounce myself, well, this is a good time to go and learn if your child is

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going to know what you should know what to. And to be very honest, learning the Arabic alphabet and learning the valving system and understanding how to connect letters and words. For an adult who has any base level of education, the whole process shouldn't take more than maybe two, three weeks, I'll be honest with you shouldn't take much one month maximum. Now you might struggle when it comes to pronounciation. perfecting your pronunciation. That's an ongoing journey, right. And that's something that you grow in.

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If you teach your children the basics of how to read the Quran, when they grow up, and they read Quran for the rest of their lives, you are the first person to benefit from it. Not only the honor, but I speak of the reward as well, that when a person is lying in their grave and their child continues to read, here, you're offloading all that reward to someone else. Why not cash in yourself, that Islamic education and education in general starts at home that people join together. And they teach together? Unfortunately, many of our societies I speak societies of the world have become somewhat reluctant when it comes to educating the women of the community.

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For some, it's a cultural issue. While others feel that if women become too educated, then men will feel insecure to marry them. Really weird, really weird issue, but it is one nonetheless. Some feel that education will cause people to no longer take their primary religious and family responsibilities seriously. If that's the case, then we can address that issue separately. It doesn't mean that we need to bar people from education who are we to bar anyone from seeking knowledge. You can remind people that look, you got to go to college, but you got to own your own clothes. I'm not earning them. I'll help you get through college, but you're gonna have to cook your

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own meals. Life is full of responsibilities, and you can't hide in one to ignore the other. You have to learn to multitask and keep things going. And if your primary responsibilities your religion and your family are being neglected male or female, like I mentioned a few months ago, you got to cut back. You don't have time to teach your own children Quran you have to cut back. And I'm going to share an example of this a few examples shortly.

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So we take a quick look in history of how females

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took part in the system of education seeking and providing right from the time of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the famous Sahaba Hinden on Satya Radi Allahu Allah Anna. She says that I learned Surah cough just by hearing it being recited by him sort of loss of Lalani was sent him that opportunity was available for her. You don't memorize something by hearing it once you go again and again. She didn't hear it through an intermediary she heard it directly from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Similarly, the famous stabby Tabby own are the generation that follow the Sahaba

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among them, say the tabular in

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setting that will say Rama Allahu Tada, one of the greatest of your own generation. He taught his daughters Hadith he was a great scholar of Hadith, he ensured that his daughters are very we're very well versed in Hadith to

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one of the Salif as of the time Abdul Malik Marwan requested his daughter's hand for the marriage of his son Woody, who later on became plenty for both of his sons will lead into the mind being that mullet people began Khalifa. It was during their Hidaka that sinned. The northern region of the region of the subcontinent came under Muslim control, and it was also during their Pinaka that

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under this was conquered by Muslims, the Iberian Peninsula. It was also conquered by the Muslims it was under their control.

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He requested say they're going to say your daughter to marry. His son will

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say the refused.

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He didn't want his daughter being married in some big political family. So he had his daughter marry one of his impoverished students, poor guy. But he was a sincere person, hardworking person,

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the husband and says regarding her that she was amongst the most beautiful people and the most knowledgeable of the Quran and Sunnah, and most aware of the rights of the husband. Now, that doesn't necessarily take a person away from family rights. If you're not just proper, you balance yourself. Right? You make sure that all your rights are being fulfilled.

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Going in there. It's that one morning her husband took his cloak and it was ready to leave the house, she asked him

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Are you going? So he said to the gathering of your father for knowledge.

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So she said to him, sit here I will teach you the knowledge of sight

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in every system is hey, it's Alia.

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Similarly, in my monochromator law era, it is very well known that his daughter and his daughters had studied Hadith for him. And they had memorized the motto, the famous collection of my mother come to my era. When my Malik would teach Hadith to his students, his daughters would sit on the other side of the door, and they would listen carefully and if anyone made a mistake, they would knock on the door while reading. If a person made a mistake while reading, they would knock on the door to make the corrections. You made a mistake there. They had the book memorized, they had Hadith at their fingertips. Imam Malik Abdullah Ali had a son,

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whose name was Mohammed.

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He wasn't so drawn to studying and scholarship.

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When the Imam Malik son was passing by in some

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scruffy garments,

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even medical is very proper, the way he dressed and the way he spoke and spoke in the way he carried himself say, Son was unkept. He was passing by. So to that in my monochrome De La Jolla, and he said, good manners are in the hands of Allah. This is my son. And those are my daughters,

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that they took the trophy and this one proud, he was proud of his children, that they worked hard, they sacrifice and they continued the legacy of their father. Similarly, it is said regarding chef with a blockbuster, my mother did not foresee him along with data that he taught all of his into his own daughters.

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He sat there and he made them masters of Hadith. He taught them platonic recitations, he taught them Behati he taught them Muslim.

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However, later in life, he spent less time with them.

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Someone asked that, why was it that he ended up spending so little time with his daughters, if you spent so much time educating them had so much love?

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So he said that

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it was because he would spend all day teaching and when he would come home, his daughters would be asleep.

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And this happened for a period until his daughter got married and then moved on to our own home.

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Mm babby while commenting on this statement. He says that there is no praise in this practice.

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Because the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam is the direct opposite of this.

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The master of mankind said Allahu alayhi wa sallam used to carry his granddaughter Obama when he prayed in Salah.

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You can check. See, at ILM, a novella of you mentioned within the hubby for his comments on this incident, talking, I was talking about balancing that you balance things. Balance doesn't only imbalancing doesn't imbalance doesn't only occur on the part of women, it also occurs on the parts of men. We've seen this. And I've seen this frequently in my life, that some of the greatest scholars that I met in my life, unfortunately, their own children were the furthest from the Dean. Now this isn't to put all blame on them because at the end of the day, every person is responsible for their own choices. So I'm not speaking of those parents who put an effort and tried. No honey,

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salaam son died out of Islam. No one in the world would dare blame knew how they set out. Otherwise we'd kick that person hard. Right? How dare you make a claim like this? Parents shouldn't always carry the blame for what their children's do. You can do your best, then it's their responsibility to walk the walk of life. But then there's a second aspect of this which involves direct negligence, that you spend all day traveling and giving power to the world and you're teaching everyone but your own children are left far away.

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For this an order that we have a famous saying, they say Shiraz done it and

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that if you place a candle in a dark room

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it brightens up the whole room. The only area of the room that remains dark is the area right underneath the candle.

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Shiraz Deleon Dara Chirag is the lantern layman's under and it's under the lantern where the darkness lies. Those that are closest to you, at times are the ones that are neglected because you have this Savior mentality that I have to go save the world without realizing that it starts at home otherwise your own children will resent you for being absent, the community won't respect you for seeing the hypocrisy that you talk about a prophetic model, when in reality, you neglect the people around you. But at the same time to complete this conversation, there's a third window to this. And that is that a person only commits to their family and doesn't fulfill their own religious

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responsibilities. So you have one people, one group of people that are fully committed to their teaching and education and they're neglecting their family. And on the other hand, you have another group of people that are only spending day and night with their family and, and neglect their religious responsibilities. What we're advocating for is a middle ground. Where we're advocating for here is a middle ground. Knowing how to prioritize your family and your religious responsibilities, your communal responsibilities, requires wisdom and understanding requires an understanding of your priorities, that there are some things that are farther than obligatory online on the individual,

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you need to make sure those are done. And then there are moments that Allah subhanahu wa Tada for certain individuals has given them a skill set that not everyone in society has. It's a unique thing that they have. So at that point returned to their families, and we tell them that we're here to help you be a little patient, because this person is benefiting a lot of people, but at the same time, that individual should not fully neglect their family. So you see, I'm talking, you see what I'm saying here, there's a balancing act that needs to occur.

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You ma'am, allow Dean as someone on the the author of the photo photo. He had a daughter, who was also very knowledgeable and was known for her beauty. She was sought for marriage by many wealthy people and the Princess of their time.

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He turned them all down.

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One of his students wrote a commentary on his stuff, but

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she chose to marry him.

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His book was but it was somehow the famous Hanafy book hummocky book. And this husband of hers later on became known as one of the greatest scholars in Islamic history. Imam Kasan you don't have to lie. Similarly, we go back to the time of the Sahaba now again, in sentiment, this is a Sahih Muslim narration that some amount of the Allahu Anhu was one day at home and there was a lady combing her hair and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Yohannes oh people so she got up right away and went to the the border of our house because it was close to the masjid so she can hear she went right to the door well, so the mashallah the lady that was combing her hair said where are you

00:33:15 --> 00:33:16

going? He said, Oh people.

00:33:17 --> 00:33:49

So she said unless nomina NURSE Are we not people? If nobody said Allahu Allah wa sallam said people that means everyone needs to listen to what he's saying, because he's inviting everyone. And then she narrates that he lie of the health that are sort of lost along it was said um, says that I will be my pond and the day of judgment, and I will be looking for my people and calling them but then the melodica will come and they will push a group of people away from and they will say not these people. The Prophet will say why. And then the melodica will say because these people altered the deen

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after you left.

00:33:53 --> 00:34:17

They are that robotic. They changed the they innovated in the dean. So these people have no place and if you saw someone will say bulletin board and take these people away. Don't bring them near me when we send them out of the Alanna narrative Hadith. And the first part of that narration I shared with you demonstrates her eagerness to seek knowledge. How keen she was to study from Rasulullah sallallahu Mata he was sending

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him I'm sure Canada Allahu Allah says

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that there is no proof

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documented to show that a hadith was ever rejected by a scholar simply because the narrator was a woman.

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That this was a grounds of narrating that we won't accept knowledge, because the one narrating it is a female.

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We see that Azula said Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he led a good fit. And on his way out, he went to the segment that part of the the prayer area where the women were and he sat there and spoke to them specifically, in one nourish and Milady Allah one was with him. And then he said Allahu Allah was said

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educated them personally privately. Similarly, an in another narration that a female companion came to the school of law. So Allah Azza wa sallam, and she said,

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Well, messenger of Allah.

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The men have taken Hadith from you, they've taken the knowledge, what about us, we would like for you to allocate a time in which you come and teach us, maybe so long while he was sitting, agreed. So the women would gather together in one of the homes that are sort of lost at the Hollywood cinema go there, and this was a regular practice that most of the loss of the Mollison that he would teach women and he would educate them as well.

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It became such a practice that women historically were so inclined to knowledge that as a part of their diary, it was implied that a book of knowledge would be given.

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When seeing a bride of at the time of wedding, they would give some sort of a book of knowledge.

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Amanda Rahmatullah Haley, in his Sierra Allama novella, he writes, that the brides were usually given the mythos of Imam Al Madani, at the time of their weddings, that was a common gift that fathers would give their daughters the most a set of a man was any, and then they would take this knowledge and bring it home and it would be a cherished possession of theirs, that this was knowledge given to them.

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again, historically, education for both men and women, boys and girls, started at a young age from their homes.

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They would learn from their own parents, they will learn from their siblings, they will learn from their uncles, they would learn from their aunts.

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This required that the parents had some knowledge as well. If they had knowledge, they can now impart their this knowledge to the younger ones.

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So we have examples of this Fatima bint on Monday.

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She studied with her grandmother, a smart bit of your book, deal dealing with the Alanna. That's where her journey of education started. Similarly, we have

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a smaller the loved one has sons, who studied with their Aunt Minnie and I shattered the love line. Right? All the weapons available your loved one narrates from I showed the loved one how frequently, I'd love incivility. Allah one had great regard for his aunt as well, he benefited from her tremendously. Right. So these female figures played a pivotal role in the education of the people within their homes.

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after seeking knowledge from their family members, it then was also common for those who wanted to continue seeking their Islamic knowledge specifically, to turn to local renowned scholars, who are the scholars available in their community who is there for them to seek knowledge from

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another known example in the circles of hadith is that a Mohammed Fallujah

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that she would attend the gatherings of Imam Ahmed been humbled by my lockdown. She studied Hadith from him.

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And she narrated many a hadith.

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Among her students was the son of Imam

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Abdullah, Abdullah Mohammed, he was among the her students.

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And he would describe her saying, she used to come to my father and hear Hadith from him, and how he used to narrate Hadith to her. So he used to describe it that how, you know, she used to come and hear Hadith from my father, and my father would keenly teach Hadith to her as well. She was a close student of his.

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Similarly, we find that it was common practice that just as women would study from men, men would study from women as well. Those very same women would then go on to be teachers for both men and women. The example of it alone, one has known that among her students were prominent top your own. There were those that were from her family. And then there were also those that were not from her family. However, I shudder the Allaha was very particular. So she would have a curtain drawn and on the other side, the men would sit, and on one side, she would sit and she would teach them, they would be in those gatherings and they would seek from her.

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Students would gather around the house of female scholars, and many times those female scholars would teach from inside their homes when you're thinking of homes don't think of what we have today. Those houses were

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gotcha got. You guys understand, you know, more simple homes that barely would have windows and those doors would open and closed. You can hear things in

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out. So the women would sit inside their home and the male students would gather outside, while the female students would be allowed to sit inside the gathering of the teacher.

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An example of this is Xena been told command

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who narrates Hadith from a large group of teachers. One of our students, the famous the Hubby, he describes her gatherings of knowledge. And he says that she was a soft spoken patient and polite, mannered individual.

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And when she would teach students would gather around her house, and she would teach them through the most part of the game.

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To further this point, that men also studied from women. When we study in history, we find many examples of this Imam Zooey hammer Allah that Allah has narrated Hadith from a number of women in English you have zoete is a very well known figure in Hadith circles. And even beyond that, because of his great contributions and compiling Hadith and paying that early pivotal role played early role in the compilation Patti's.

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katiba daddy narrates the wholesale body from Kadima, Amavasya.

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Wholesale body, not just a few narrations

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of nasaka narrated Hadith from over 80 women

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and we can continue this have examples of this.

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They played a role that was appropriate and suitable and desirable for them. We can talk about women and female poets, right?

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Whether it was the daughter of Hasina the ALA one, who was known for her poetry, and was quite a

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prominent figure in Medina when

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she was present in Karbala when her father was killed.

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And that traumatized her a lot.

00:42:10 --> 00:42:13

She spent a good part of her life being very sad about it.

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But she was a very

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prominent figure say that, in Madina, Munawwara young girls in Medina used to look up to her.

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They would try to dress like her, because she had a very elegant way of dressing. Some reports even tell us that later on. She was married to one of the greatest poets of her time. She was very eloquent herself. Very knowledgeable, and I can continue like this.

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But I'm not sure if there's a need for this anymore because we've thoroughly established this I've seen this in my own eyes. When we studied in Medusa, one of my teachers multi Shabir Allah subhanaw taala, elevate him and prolong his life and allow us to continue to benefit from him. I had the honor of studying many books with him among them were Jammie Imam Timothy and also the Society of Muhammad, Allah era, when he would teach us in class, specifically on the weekends, his young daughters would be sitting next to him and he would be listening to Quran he would teach us class and then come to the masjid and sit with his kids for a little bit. And they would read their stuff

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to him and read their morada with him and then he would go back to class and teach and come back and listen to them. We saw this growing up. We saw this that how he played a role. He sent his daughters off to study knowledge, right? Under prominent scholars. His wife was the teacher of Hadith.

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And a female's mother's sister's mother. So she she said he's a hottie There he is. He's a hottie here.

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amazing man. He was.

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He once said to us, that when I was getting married,

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I said to my father, he was young at the time now he's very old white beard. So he said, When I was younger, and it came time for me to get married, my father asked me, what is it that you're looking for in your bride to be?

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So he said, I only have one request that my wife is a half of that of the Quran.

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So his parents went on a search and they found

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a suitable spouse for him. But she wasn't happy that

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he married her. And then one of the first things that he did when he was he worked with his wife on memorizing the Quran.

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And his wife became half of that, under his own guidance.

00:44:43 --> 00:44:56

I would probably be correct if I said that all of his children memorize if not all, but a great portion of the Quran with their father. Right. He played that role with him. And they are

00:44:57 --> 00:44:58

scholars in their own regard.

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These are people who lead by example, that you give education to everyone in the community. Now, one thing I must say here, because if I don't, then I would be

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I would, I wouldn't be thorough in this discussion. And that is understanding that

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each person

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when it came to their journey of education, male or female, specifically, when it comes to studying from the opposite gender

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has a different level of comfort.

00:45:33 --> 00:45:54

There are some gatherings where the teacher won't feel comfortable with a sister sitting in front of them. That's their right. That's a scholar. And we should respect that that this person feels more comfortable in a gathering where some where the women are in a whole different building that works. Many of my teachers would teach Hadith to female students, and they wouldn't sit in the same room.

00:45:55 --> 00:46:31

The women wouldn't be in one room, they would be another room and next door, maybe, but they would teach. That's how they preferred. I've also seen some of my teachers teach in gatherings where women were on one side and memoir another side, I've seen I've been in a gatherings where women are behind the divider, these are all possibilities. Right? And there is a there is a a legitimate discussion of what is most appropriate for the gathering based off of your culture, your society, the age group of people, you're that you're educating, and there are these factors that can and if I may argue, should be taken into consideration.

00:46:32 --> 00:47:09

My point isn't right now to argue that, so I don't want that to be the takeaway point. The point that I'm trying to draw here is what Shackleton Fatah, Abdullah Daramola, who brings here that thought will tell me Farinata Allah Kula Muslim, that seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim. And this obligation is not limited only to the men. Rather, it extends to the women of our community as well. Because both of them are combined by one amazing unique factor and that is a snap.

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That where Islam goes, education, law, and Ummah, who prides themselves over the first revelation being it has no right to deprive its people of education.

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Neither should be should neither should we be interested in doing such a thing.

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00:47:30 --> 00:48:20

I would like to add to what he said regarding the Hadith seeking knowledge is incumbent on every Muslim one Rasulullah sallallahu. It was studied and made the obligation of seeking knowledge obligatory on all Muslims, he was simultaneously stating that there is no room for ignorance initially out of Islam, for one who claimed to be Muslim. The first words that were revealed in the book of Allah to Anna, were read in the name of your Sustainer, who created created man from a clot read and your Sustainer is most kind, who taught by the pen taught man that which he did not know, if I were to tell you how many times I have spoken to younger girls who have said to me, that shift,

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I wish there was a female role model that I can look up to a scholar, the individual. I mean, that too many times. I grew up I'm telling you looking up to us Imams who are serving in America, you know, for me a monster as well. How does the big deal

00:48:41 --> 00:48:58

these days young people don't know who Mr. Siraj is. But growing up in the 90s the monster Raj was the person that you listened to. He was the one who was lectures, shook your heart and he continues to do that may Allah subhana wa Tada grant him health and preserve him and granted him a lot of life and continue to accept him for the headmaster.

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But when we look at the young girls who are growing up today,

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it's unfortunate that we don't have enough role models for them.

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I am not dismissing the female scholars in our community that are serving day and night. May Allah continue to accept them and allow them to be a source of inspiration for the young girls across the world. And, you know, and the boys in the community that they are inspired by seeking by seeing them and their touchlight.

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We need more of this. We need a lot more. We need a lot of role models. I'm not just talking about people that are speaking at a national convention. I'm talking about people who are day in day out in our communities, who go to the dinners where the families get together on the weekend who are present at the weddings and who are there to be a source for people to gain knowledge while they're in Mecca and Medina. These sources are available these people are available

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There are so many issues that people don't feel comfortable asking about.

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Right? There are issues related to women that women may feel uncomfortable being too graphic when it comes to asking that question to someone from the opposite gender.

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We, this is something that, you know, that shouldn't happen, this shouldn't exist, this issue shouldn't exist. There should be people in all aspects of our society, that are experts that are available to help every member of our society, every member of our own, that there are people there and help them. And whatever capacity whatever your comfort zone is, again, this is not an issue about me trying to push that, you know,

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you know, sort of like, you know, there should be no boundaries between gender interaction, that's not what I'm speaking of here, I'm talking about just the issue of education.

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People have to be comfortable, and know that you can seek knowledge from other people, you can gain from them. One of my students once said to me, female students, that I once went to a gathering to speak. And, you know, the men their comment was that what is she going to know?

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How is she going to know anything? How is she going to have any understanding of the dean, can you please get some guy here who actually knows what he's talking about?

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This is the sort of mentality that we have, that people almost are convinced that villain cannot exist in the females genetics. Like there can't be knowledge there. This all has to change. One measure that I took from my own children, my boys specifically, that before they reach the age of puberty, I ensured that most if not all of their teachers were female.

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Because I understand that once you reach the age of puberty, now the rulings change, there are there are more sensitivities in place here. But as they were young, having those female teachers a part of their life, one day if Allah subhanahu wa Tada accepts them for the fitting of this Deen.

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They will remember that our foundations were laid by women in our community, respect them.

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These were the people who built you

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that debt can never be forgotten. This was strategic, it wasn't passive. I intentionally did this, with the hope that that respect will always be there.

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May Allah subhanahu wa taala give us the field. This was you know, only a few lines that we read today from the book.

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But the issue that he

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brought forth today is an important one.

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So we spent time discussing it. My dua is that Allah subhanahu wa Tada accepts us all for seeking this knowledge allows us to be sincere and seeking it and then allows us to be vessels of knowledge for the rest of humanity and that we are inspired by them this thought if it ever crosses your mind that how can someone you know who isn't what I expect to be a person of knowledge deliver knowledge to me if that thought ever crosses your mind something's wrong with you.

00:53:09 --> 00:53:31

How can a black person have knowledge can we please get out of here? How can this person have knowledge can we please get someone from you know from Indonesia Malaysia here? How can this Malaysian Turkish person have now this can you please get an Indian here? If it's not Indian, there's no knowledge this this garbage that's cooking in our mind how can this convert have knowledge? What is this convert going to know?

00:53:33 --> 00:53:52

I have friends who are scholars that accepted Islam years ago and they told me that when they go to gatherings you know people they say oh there comes a convert it's probably going to have horrible TV there's going to read things messed up and it's going to promote some watered down wishy washy half broken badly researched version of Islam

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well news alert this however conference

00:53:59 --> 00:54:06

like I don't know what to say. This is a your insecurities that you're projecting so much. A lot of projecting a lot of

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00:54:09 --> 00:54:13

Open your mind. Beat it, go to different gatherings, sit with people.

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And Insha Allah, you will be inspired. And I speak to everyone here. And it's that appreciation that will allow us as a community to walk forward and together raise the bar of alien Tallinn. Education in our community. Allah subhanho wa Taala except, well SallAllahu Taala see that Mohammed said Imani Kumar

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