Saad Tasleem – The 5 Pillars of Islam Explained

Saad Tasleem
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the five pillars of Islam, including the declaration of no true god and the five basic beliefs. They go on to cover the topics of prayer, charity, fasting, and hedge, including the idea of hedging for hedge holders. The speaker also mentions the importance of hedge for hedge holders, as it provides spiritual fulfillment and inner peace.
AI: Transcript ©
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When a person is held up by strong pillars, they become safe, strong and elevated. Thus, Islam bases its basic teachings on five established pillars that make them strong and to link them to God Almighty at all times. These are known as the five pillars of Islam, and the six basic beliefs are known as the Six Pillars of faith. In this video, we will talk about the five pillars, which in short, are the two testimonies, prayer, charity, fasting and Hajj. Now, let's get into a little bit more detail. The first of the five pillars is the two testimonies. They are a declaration made by a Muslim that there is no true god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. They are

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pronounced by those who desire to embrace Islam. The two testimonies confirmed the absolute oneness of God, and his exclusive right to be worshipped, and that Muhammad was the last of God's prophets and messengers, and must be obeyed in what He has commanded. Now, as for the prayer, which is the second pillar, it is the connection that keeps one connected to their Lord, and it's a direct connection without any intermediaries. Muslims pray five times a day, and each prayer takes about five or 10 minutes. Its benefits are amazing, as it provides us with spiritual fulfillment and inner peace as well as it really emphasizes our complete reliance upon God. It places our worldly concerns

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in their rightful place compared to the afterlife. No doubt we are in desperate need of prayer. In our fast paced and complicated lives. charity or Zika is the third pillar, it is given by the wealthy to the needy and the poor, it is calculated as 2.5% of a person's private property when a year has passed on it. The fourth pillar is fasting during the month of Ramadan, every year in this month, Muslims fast from dawn to sundown, and abstain from eating and drinking and sexual relations. The purpose of fasting is to increase one's connection with God to increase piety.

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The last of the five pillars is hedge, which is performed at least once in a lifetime. Every adult Muslim who is physically and financially able performs Hajj to Mecca in Hajj. Pilgrims were simple clothing that is free from any indications of economic or social status, so that everyone stands equal before God

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