Ahsan Hanif – The Book Of Prayer Episode 05

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of affirming the Prophet's stance on the bus and the use of "has" in obtaining god's promises. They emphasize the importance of praying in a garment and wearing a mask to ensure safety during prayer. The study shows that individuals often do not require masks during prayer.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen sallallahu wasallam Mahabharata

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Marian, where on earth he was talking to him and sada Allah Sabina he wanna GLA Yomi Deen seldom at the Sleeman kathira a MOBA

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mastery week we concluded or we finished,

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more or less halfway through the chapter of karma. And so inshallah we're going to carry on from where we left off last week and that was Hadeeth number 155. Where I'm Javelin radi Allahu anhu and Nora Salalah he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam apparently began in the event for Taurus Sun is a

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module by another Nico Econometrica Miyako daramola. Aki Rahman, Al Hadith. Bravo, Timothy, Oda, and authority of jabiru nam Diller the Allahu anhu man, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to be Lal, when you make the other than prolong it, and when you make the karma, then hurry in it and make the time that you spend between the oven and the apama. Similar to the person who is finishing his meal, the person who is eating, finishing his meal, and this is collected in a Timothy and he said that it is weak. This Hadith which

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Rahim Allah brings here is a weak Hadith, it has weakened this chain of narration. However, there is a statement attributed to live better amaravati Allahu anhu Ma, and another statement attributed to his father or mother graha tabla de la one, which is both of them are collected in Masonic urban Abbey shava

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which basically have the same meaning. So even though this hadith is weak, it is reported from these two illustrious companions are modeled the loved one, and his son, Abdullah bin armado are the Allahumma. And it is mentioned with a similar meaning. And basically what the meaning of this hadith is, is that the prophets on the lower end he was Selim, wanted Bilal to prolong the other than, as we said last week, the whole purpose behind it and the whole meaning of it is that people know that it is the time for prayer, the prayer has started or the time for prayer has started, and that people should come to the machine to pray. And so therefore, he liked that they should prolong the

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event, so that more and more people can hear it. Now, that doesn't mean that it's prolonged to an extent where it turns into something that it's not supposed to be. So when we say prolonged, we mean that you recite it slowly. Don't recite it very quickly, you recite it slowly, just as someone who is reciting the Quran can recite it slowly, or they can recite it quickly. So in the event, it is recommended that you recite the advanced slowly to prolong it as much as you can, so that more and more people will come and they will hear the alarm and they will come to the question. As for the apartment, it is the opposite because the apartment is there to show the people that the prayer is

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about to begin. And it's only for the people that are inside the masjid primarily for them to know that it's time for them to stand up to make their rose and to be ready to begin the prayer. So therefore, the apartment doesn't need to be prolonged, because no one needs to know or needs time to come to the masjid they already there and therefore, they can quickly start the prayer. So the point of this Hadith, even though it is weak, its meaning is somewhat correct. And when we say prolonging the other we don't mean to the extent where it becomes into like a tune and it becomes over melodious and it changes the meaning. What we mean by this is that you recite it slowly and it's

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prolonged to the extent that more and more people can hear it, and a lot of soldier knows best. The next Have you heard is number 156 100 Bihari ratar o de la one and an obeah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam upon law, you know Illa Mata wha wha hoo who a law on the authority of Abu huraira the only one that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Don't make other than unless you are in a state of Waldo. And Timothy also said that this was a weak Hadith. So this hadith is also in a cinema Timothy and we mentioned the main points of this chapter of identity pharma last week. And as I said before, then what even Hydra hammer home law generally does as is custom is towards the end

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of the chapter, he'll mentioned a number of narrations that are weak, just so that you know some of the issues that are common placed with regards to this chapter, and so that you're aware of it. So one of those issues which is mentioned in this hadith

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is that a person should be in a state of Waldo for the other than the father then you need to be in a state of widow

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As we said, this hadith is weak. Some of the scholars said that it is a statement of Abu rhodiola one, not a statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Other said that it is a statement of an Imam azuri Rahim Allah was one of the readers within this hadith either way, it is a weak Hadith. And so therefore the meaning is not correct. And the majority of the scholars are of the opinion that it is allowed for a person to make the widow to make the oven with that widow. So if a person makes the oven and they don't have to do, then the oven is correct, and they're not sinful for doing so. Even though the general rule of thumb as we've always said, is that if a person is in

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a state of law, it is better to genuinely be in a state of widow is better as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, law you have to either widow Illa moment no one preserves the widow except a believer meaning that they're constantly in a state of war. And that's why we know that the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was that even before you go to sleep, you make mobile even before you go to sleep you make a law to preserve that state of Moodle and it's also mentioned that if a person for example has relations with his spouse, and then he wants to sleep doesn't want to listen, at the minimum you should make although that is also the sooner even though that will do

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doesn't like you know allow you to pray doesn't take you out of that state of impurity. But a person preserves their order even to that extent. So therefore to be in Moodle, it is obviously better and it is obviously more recommended, but if a person were to make more than without without then it would be correct and Allah knows best. The next howdy 157 Allah who anzia dibner Harris rhodiola one Kala Kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam woman as Donna for all your team, wonderful a la

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also in the telemovie inner rates from Xia dibond O'Hara for the online winder he said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever makes the advan should also give the Dharma and that is also weak. So this is another weak Hadith with regards to this, although some of the Spanish said that this hadith and there are other Hadith which have a similar meaning all of them together become hesson, the the strengthen one another and they reach to the level of Hassan so therefore, it is somewhat authentic. This Hadith is basically speaking about an issue of who the villain is, and who is the one who makes that your karma isn't allowed for a person, one person to make the other

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than, and then for another person to come and make their karma, almost that same person to both make the event and the karma. There is another Hadith also to this extent, which is also weak, but it is mentioned with regards to this is that there was a man from a tribe who came to Medina, and he wanted to make the event. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam allowed him to do so. And so when he finished making the event and it was time for the farmer Billa rhodiola, one got up to make the karma. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him, let him also make the karma. And so this hadith is also weak, but they all have these narrations together, they strengthen one

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another. The point is that the majority of the scholars are of the opinion that this is not a major issue that if a person one person wants to make a plan, and another person was to make the karma, then it is okay. And if that same person was to make the plan and the farmer, then that too is okay. However, if for example, in the masjid, there is a designated elven, there is a man who is designated either by the management of the masjid or for example, the government whoever is his designated as done what other than of that Masjid, then he has more right to the other and the Dharma and no one should give the other and the apartment except without his permission, just like

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the Imam that is designated, has more right to that place than anyone else. Even though they may be Someone in the crowd and the audience, someone in the congregation who is more knowledgeable, who is more learned was a better reciter but because he's the designated Imam, he has more right. And no one should come to his place except with His permission. And that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that no one has more right to lead the prayer in his home than the person of the home the leader of the home meaning the Father, the husband, whoever the man is of that house, he has more right to be the Imam in his house than anyone else. So if you have a group of guests

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coming, and some of them are very knowledgeable in this follows and the recitals, and they've memorized the Quran, you still have more right over them to lead the prayer in your house. That's your place. And the prophets are seldom said that the ruler has more right to lead the prayer than anyone else. So the rule of the Nanda halifa whoever that is the Amir, the governor, he has more right to read the prayer than anyone else. Because that is just the way that leadership works. They have more right the mom has more right? The father in his house has more right. The leader in

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is in His Kingdom has more right? And so no one should go above them or beyond them except with the Express permission if they are within okay, but if they don't, then that is their right and they are allowed to refuse. So likewise in this issue of the other one as well if there is a designation, well then he has the right more than anyone else. However, if he allows for someone else to come and make the event, that is also Okay.

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The next Hadeeth Holly's number 158. What does that mean? How does the Lebanese aid rhodiola Paul

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torito call him and tell him bye bar from Eva.

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The hadith of Abu Dawood on the authority of Abdullah bin is a viola, one woman who said that I saw the Advent in my dream and I want you to perform it, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said rather you make that your karma, and this also has some weakness in it was also a Riccardi. This had he contradicts the previous Hadeeth and both of them are weak. So some of this policy that the previous Hadith was authentic, because of all of his different narrations strengthen one another other so that this Hadith, even though it is weak, is this is the one that we should follow. And each one gives a different opinion on this issue of the event and the outcome. This Hadith is the

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Hadith along Hadith that we mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, the hadith of Abdullah urbanization of the Allah one who was the companion who saw the event in his dream, he was the one who witnessed the event in his dream, and he was the one who told the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about what he saw, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him to go and teach it to be allowed for the loved one. So he's saying in this narration of this hadith that I want you to perform the other, I want you to do it, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told me to teach to Bilal and he said to me, rather you give them your karma instead. So let him give the other one

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and you give the karma. So this hadith shows that it is allowed for one person to give the other than another person to give the karma. So as we said, this is an issue which is not really a big deal. If the same person gives that down in the comment that is allowed. If it is two different people, then that is allowed as well and allows origin knows best. Harris number 159 wannabe hora de la Juan, Paula Paula Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Elmo El Nino m la COVID will email me amla cubilia comma, Robin ignore rd or the alpha will be happy in October an alien rhodiola one human colon on the pharaoh to Buddha rhodiola one who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam said that he knows more about the other. And the Imam knows more about karma. This is collected by even more rd and he was weakened by him. And also in a very happy it is from the statement of value or the long run.

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This Hadith is weak as well, but its meaning is somewhat correct. And basically what it is saying is that the oven has more right to that position than anyone else meaning that he knows better than anyone else when the time of prey enters. And he should be the one that then if you like brings about the other than he's the one that should bring about that process of giving the event. So it's not for anyone and everyone to come and just stop giving the other brother the mug, the nose. When the other is a normally obviously now we have timetable. So everyone kind of knows. But before in the past, the way that it would work was that the mother was the one who knew about the times of the

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day, he knew the time of when Vogue came in and when a hustler came in using the sun and the moon. And so he would know about the timings of the prayers. And so he would have more right to that position, you would have more knowledge of that position. And so therefore, he would be the one to initiate the plan. That's the plan. As for the economy when the economy is given, that is up to the Imam. And that's what we mentioned, I think either last week or the week before, that the way that I learned the karma works is that them should be given as soon as the time for that prayer enters. So whether it's a door or federal or Muslim, whatever the prayer is, as soon as the time enters the

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margin should give the advance straightaway. Then it is up to the Imam when the Dharma is given meaning that the farmer shouldn't be given until the Imam comes out until he is ready to read the prayer. Sometimes that might be a short gap, sometimes it might be a longer gap. And we know from the prophets on the lower Allah He will sell them sooner, as well as from the actions of the philosopher who came after him that they will do both. Sometimes this the time span between the attorney and the farmer would be short or other times it would be longer. And so that is the prerogative of the Imam. He is the one not the Muslim, the Muslim doesn't go and give the other as

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he pleases. Rather it is something which he does when he sees the Imam approaching. That's how it should be. And that is the opinion of the majority of the scholars of Islam that the than the karma is not given until the man comes out until the Imam comes out.

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Another issue which comes also under this issue is with regards to the people who are waiting for the prayer. So you're in the masjid, and then a very sharp has gone. Now the oven gives the farmer he begins to your karma. So maybe the mother knows, for example, that the Imam comes after 10 minutes. Every day, a physician will come after 10 minutes, or will come after 15 minutes, or there's a fixed time. Or maybe he sees him and he knows that he's coming. So he begins the karma. Everyone else is sitting down. When should they stand and give and stand up for the Salah? When should they stand up for the sauna? So should they stand as soon as he begins to Obama, should they

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wait until he finishes the Obama should they do it when for example, he reaches the statement of parameters for performative Salah. All of this is

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is basically something which the scholars have discussed. When did the people stand up for the prayer when the karma is given

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as reported on job at the seminar on the long run and this hadith in Sahih Muslim that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during his time below the Allahu Akbar wouldn't give the karma until he saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So that's the first issue, the oven shouldn't give the farmer unless he knows that the Imam is there or unless for example, they have some set

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system for example, as we do in this mesh, that the prayer is at a set time and so the amount must come at that time. So he knows beforehand that this is the system. So he gives the farmer at that time. The second issue is regarding the people, when do they stand up is there at the beginning of the farm at the end of the akarma. When some of the scholars said it is at the beginning of their karma. Others said it is when the when the meridian sells but karma to sign up at karma to Sala, which literally means the prayer is about to begin, the prayer is about to begin. That is when people stand up. Other set it is when he finishes from the farmer. So he finishes the karma. And Mr.

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Malik Rahim, Allah was of the opinion and there is no authentic or he was of the opinion that because there isn't really in the Sharia, which dictates when a person should get up. It is upon each individual's own mind. So it's up to you when you stand up for the prayer. And he would say that in the congregation, there are some people who will own some people who are weak, some people were ill, other people who are young and fit. So each one should get up according to his or her own ability. They get up as they please. However, there is a hadith in Bukhari and Muslim that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that when the karma is given, do not stand until you see me

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when the comma is given to not stand until you see me. So that was the opinion also taken by some scholars, that the people don't stand until they see the Imam. So if the karma is given, and and obviously this is under the assumption that you can see the Imam right. So if for example, you're in a place like mushy, the Nepali in Medina, you know, for most people, you're never going to see the man. So this is under the assumption that you can see that your man so if you can see the Imam, then you wait until you see the Imam either entering the masjid or wherever he is, and then you stand up for the comma. Otherwise if you don't know where the Imam is, or you're not sure that Mr. Mill's was

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very busy, for example, and you can see where the amount is, then you can get up whenever you please during the comma and there is no shala there is no problem with any of that and Allah knows best. The next Have you had is number 161 Anderson not the only one who call Paul Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam them learn Yoruba

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karma Raja hoonah sorry Sahaba even Jose Ma

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and authority of enniscorthy Allahu anhu said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the dryer between the oven and the apartment is not rejected. And this is a bit unnecessary, and it is authenticated by Ebro hoceima

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this hadith is fun is different over it concerning whether it is authentic or not shadowbanned he was of the opinion this hadith is weak. However, there are other supporting narrations that have exactly the same meaning and shadowbanned. He said that all together all of these generations together make this hadith authentic. So this particular Hadith, even though it may be weak, there are other narrations that support it and make it authentic. Now this hadith is pretty self explanatory. One of the one of the times when do is answered and one of the times obviously Java, when a larger region is more likely to respond to a drought is between the alarm and the farmer. So

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what do you do between the alarm and the Obama one of the things that you can do is make dua also it is mentioned in the Sunnah, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say, being a coolie earning a comma or a cotton between every other and your comment there are two records meaning knuffle prayer, two optional records that you can pray. That's why you see in most places after the other is given and before the appointment is made.

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People normally stand up and they pray to records. So there are two optional records that you can play and it was recommended to do so, and you can make throughout during that time as well. And one of this inshallah is something which is good and allowed. The next hug he had is number 161 and the final Hadith in this chapter, what I'm driving and rhodiola under Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam apol mancala Helios Moroni de la Mora bajada de Tama salatu wa ala t Mohammedan vasila tovala felina barbaresco mapa Mahmoud Bonilla de Vaca hendaklah hoshizaki Yama of Russia.

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On authority of Jabir Allah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whosoever says, when they hear the advent of Allah, the Lord of this complete call, and this prayer that is about to be established, give Mohammed the vasila and the Leela and resurrect him to the Praiseworthy station that you promised him, whoever makes this two hour they will have my shefa my intercession on human piano. And this is collected by the for it is also collected in Sahih al Bukhari Hadith similar to this, or with a similar narration, in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever makes holdo, and then he prays, sorry, whoever makes Waldo, and then he listens to that, and he

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repeats after the win, and then he makes this he will have my intercession on your piano. So in the Hadees, there is additional repeating after the morphing from the oven, makes the oven you repeat after him. And we went into detail concerning that last week, this hadith and is the famous throughout that we all know after the oven, the stove has a great virtue attached to it. And that is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam intercession will be eligible for you on Newman piano. This is the driver a person says, Oh Allah, the Lord of this perfect call, meaning that and then and that that is perfect because it comprises of the vicar at the remembrance of Allah. And some of the

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scholars said it is perfect, because it has the Shahada teen in it. And there is no more perfect statement in this world. Then a shadow Allah, Allah Illallah none has the right to be worshipped except Allah. So when you affirm that the heat and the oneness of Allah and Allah, Allah alone has the right to be worshipped. That is a perfect quote, there is nothing more perfect than you can see. Then that and that's why a large surgeon says in the Quran, with a bit Allahu Allah Vina Armand who will hold the Sabbath, Phil hayati, dunya,

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Allah makes firm those who believe with the firm statement in this world. And in the next, the scholars of TFC have said that that firm statement is La ilaha illAllah. So, La ilaha illa Allah and the Shahada, it is a perfect comb was followed to Karima and this prayer that is about to be established. That prayer which is about to be established, whichever that prayer is, whether it's digital or modern, whatever, each prayer that is about to be established, give the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and vasila all for Lila. So at the beginning of this to our praising Allah azza wa jal, and we're honoring the loss of Hannah with Tyler. And we're saying, Oh, well, now

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you are the Lord of the oven and the Lord of this prayer. This is a form of praise for a larger version. And then we make drive for what we want and that is to give our profits on the long run he will sell them and we'll see lower for Lila Alba sila is a station in general,

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that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will be afforded on Yom Okayama. And that will be a station that only he will receive no one else will receive that station, other than Him as the prophets on the lower end, he will send them sending the Hadith in Sahih Muslim, there is a station in general, for only a single slave from all of the slaves of Allah, and I hope that I will be that slave. So that is received at that single station, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will be given in gender and that is the highest station in gender. So no one else no prophet, no messenger, no angel, no personal righteous human being, no one will have that station other than Him

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that is unique to our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So that is what sila and for Lila means virtue added virtue, and that is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will be given added virtue on Yom Okayama you will be given a virtue higher and more than everyone else you will have a special position on your multi Yama before he enters into Jannah. And after the accounting has taken place, when he enters into gender alayhi salatu salam overthrew mahkamah Mahmoud anila direct and resurrect him to the Praiseworthy station that you promised him that praiseworthy station that allows the which will promised him is the chef actor of the great intercession. We know from the

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Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the prophets of Salaam will have a number of intercession is granted to him on normal piano. For example, one of them will be for his uncle, Abba.

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In the Alexa which will take him from the depths of the Hellfire, and he places him on the outer ring of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in the hadith of Ibis, rhodiola. And when he said, What did you do for your uncle obatala he protected you and defended you so much. What did you do for him in return? The prophets on the lower end even Selim said because of me, he will be on the outer ring of the fire. And we're not for me, he would be in the depths of the fire. And so he will be he will have the least punishment in the fire of Abu Talib. And that is what the prophet SAW Selim said in another narration, that Allah will give him or place upon him, sandals are fire, and

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because of that, his brain will boil. And this will continue to happen to him for eternity and that is the least punishment that Allah will give to someone in the fire of help. So that is one intercession. One of the intercessions that the prophet will send them will have is for the people who enter into Jannah that Allah increases the station and ranked in general, that is a different type of intercession. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will have many types of intercession. Another one is where those people whose good deeds and evil deeds will equal, that Allah forgive them an agenda. So they're equal in good and evil, nothing tips, the balance, you will

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intercede for them, that Allah enters them into gender and they will do so. But the shefa to the Ozma the great intercession is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will be given as is mentioned in the very long Hadith with the people on that day, we'll go to each of the profits of a low each of the major prophets of Allah. Know, and Moosa, Ibrahim and Risa and they will ask them to intercede on their behalf. Each one of them will excuse himself citing a sin or citing a mistake that they that they committed and they performed, and they will excuse themselves from this intercession, until finally it will come to our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will see an Allah and Allah, it is for me, I am for this intercession, then he will go and he will prostrate in front of a large surgeon and his throne. And he will stay in that position for as long as Allah wills and the profits on a low wherever you will sell them said that Allah will teach me do hours and praises and things that I do not know at this time. Allah will teach me then, and I will praise him with those words and those statements until Allah is finally

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ready for the intercession and then Allah will say to the Brussels alum, lift up or raise your head, ask and you will be granted, seek and you will be given and intercede and you intercession will be accepted. And so then the prophets of Salaam will intercede and that is the greatest intercession and then intercession is so that the accounting can begin, the accounting can begin. And that shows how desperate the situation will be on normal piano. The sun will be so close to people that they will be sweating profusely, people will run away from their own children and their own parents, everyone will be worried about themselves, the children will look like the elderly, the woman who's

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pregnant will miscarriage, the woman who's breastfeeding will run away from her second child, everyone will be extremely terrified on that day. And even though the non Muslims and so on even though the people of Chicago for will know what will happen after the accounting begins. Just that standing on that plane in that state will be too much for them to bear. And so they too will wanting to set the accounting To begin, even though they know what's going to come afterwards. And so, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the greatest intercession that Allah will grant him is that he will be the one to seek Allah's permission for the country to begin, and allow will accept his

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intercession. And the counting will then begin and Russell marzotto that keeps us firm and steadfast on the day, Yom Kippur. And so whoever makes this two hour long will be granted, they will be granted the intercession of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the day of judgment and that doesn't just mean the genuine intercession of the of the country to begin, but inshallah the intercession is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will also make on behalf of his oma and a large region knows best.

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And with that, we come to the conclusion of the chapter then and the apartment. The next chapter is babouche Lotus tala, the chapter of the conditions of the prayer

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condition or shadow in the Arabic language linguistically means a signpost, a sign or a flag or a signpost and basically what it means in the Sharia is that these conditions must be present in order for the action to be valid. And if they are absent, then the action is invalid. So what what how it normally works is when it comes to these acts of worship, you can divide them into a number of categories in terms of the conditions and pillars and so on. Number one is what takes place before the act of worship. So before the act of worship before you even begin, there are a number of things

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That must be present. Okay. So for example, when we were speaking about the chapter of Hajj, we said that one of the conditions for Hajj was that a person must have physical ability and financial ability. Physically, you must be able to go and perform the Hajj financially, you must also be capable of going and performing the hajj. These things are known as conditions assurance, those things which take place before the action even commences and begins, they are known as surely known as conditions, if you like preconditions, all of them take place before you even begin with that act of worship. And we'll come on to them inshallah in more detail, but obviously, for the most famous

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one will be the widow. And that's why we do the first chapter or the first book that we studied in Bloomerang was the book of purification. Because before you can pray, the major condition that you have to fulfill is obviously will do. So there's no point praying, if you don't have will do when is Waldo done? Is it done once you started the prayer, so you don't say Allahu Akbar, then go and make Waldo, no Waldo is done beforehand. It is a precondition. So it is done before you commence with the actual act of worship. That is basically what a condition is when it comes to the Salah. So that's the first type of level, that's the first type of category when it comes to act of worship, those

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things which are done beforehand, and that is a condition. The second category is what is done during the actual act of worship. And that too, can be divided into two or three, depending on the actor version. Number one is what is known as the AR can the pillars, the pillars. And so for example, in house, one of the pillars is standing in arafa on the dev arafa standing on the plane of arafa. What that basically means what a pillar is, is that that act of worship will not be valid or correct, unless you bring that pillar, unless you perform that pillar, that act of worship will not be correct. And normally speaking, there is no way to explain it for it either. So, there is more

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explanation, the only thing that you can do is perform it. So sometimes you may have to come back and perform it or whatever the case may be, it must be done, it must be done and there is no explanation. The second type of thing that you must do during that to worship is what is known as an obligatory act. And both the pillar and the obligatory act are both compulsory, they're both obligatory, the difference being that the pillar you must do and if you don't do, there is no explanation. Whereas the obligatory act the logic you must do, but if you leave it for a valid reason, when you can expect for it. So you can expect for the worship, the obligatory act, you can't

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expect for the pillar. So if for example, on the day of an offer, you have no valid excuse, and you don't stand on the day of alpha, you don't stand on the plane of alpha. And then the next day on the 10th of Dhul hijjah, the day of read, you now want to come and stand in arafa you can't do it Hajj is over for you, there is no way that you can come and explain it doesn't matter how many candles you sacrifice doesn't matter how many prayers you pray, how many facets you keep, there is no expiation, it is a pillar of Hajj, which you must do, as opposed to something which is obligatory. Like in hatch. For example, if you don't do one of the obligatory acts, you sacrifice a sheep,

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sacrifice the sheep, and you x paid for it. And the third thing that you must do during the Act, or the third level that is present during an act of worship, is what is known as Mr. osuna. A recommended act, that is something which you should do. But if you don't do, it doesn't affect the validity of your act of worship. So the conditions are beforehand. During the act of worship, you have pillars, which you must do, you can't expect for obligatory acts, which you must do, but you can expect for if you have a valid reason for missing them, and then the recommended acts which you also should do, but if you don't do then it doesn't affect the validity of your action.

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So we're going to speak Firstly, about the shadow to Salah the, the conditions of the prayer, there are nine conditions. And I'm going to run through them now just for ease of reference. And then we're obviously going to go through the headings of this chapter in more detail. There are nine

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conditions for the prayer. Number one is Islam, that a person has to be Muslim. So if a non Muslim comes, even if they come into the question, and they stand at the end of the role, and they pray, they do all of the actions, maybe even recite everything correctly, that prayer is invalid, obviously, right? They don't that prayer, no one's going to see in their right mind that they're going to be rewarded for that prayer. So even if they pray like that, it's not an accepted prayer, you have to be a Muslim. In order for that prayer to be valid. That is a condition. Number two is that that person has to have the ability to discern. They have to be of a certain level of maturity.

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When I'm talking about the age

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puberty here. Because the age of puberty is something specific to other acts of worship. The Prayer is an exception to this rule, because of the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, teach your children to pray at the age of seven, and force them to do so at the age of 10. If they don't, so therefore, the processor missing at the age of seven, they should be praying, or learning to pray. And at the age of 10, they should be made to pray, they should be forcefully encouraged to pray. And basically what that is, therefore most people don't reach the age of puberty, at the age of 10, literally, at the age of seven. And so instead of being at the age of puberty, where you

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become an adult, what we're speaking about here is that you have the ability to discern, to knees, you discern between generally what is right and wrong. At the age of seven, a child normally knows what is right and wrong. And we're talking about stuff like stealing stuff like lying, and almost sure at that age will know that it's wrong to go and steal from a shop at the age of seven, whereas a four year old, a three year old, if you were to take them into a supermarket, they might see a suite, and they'll grab it, probably eat it, no one's going to say to that three year old, you've committed a crime and the three oldest didn't know any better, the two year old doesn't know any

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better. But by the time they reach the age of 789, now they should know. So they have the ability to discern, you can tell them stuff they can understand. You can tell them go and make will do and they know they understand what we'll do is they can make mobile. As for a three year old, you tell them to make although they just splash in the water, you know, get water everywhere. For them, it doesn't make sense, they've now reached an age at the age of seven and above, where they can descend. So that is the second condition. Number three is of being of sound mind, having the intellect about them not being crazy, open mind that they have the ability to understand anyone that doesn't that is

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insane, that doesn't have the mental faculties about them, then they don't have to pray the prayer is no longer on the prayers, no longer worship on them.

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Number four is timing, timing a lot. And that is obviously we're talking about the obligatory prayers here that the timing has to come in. That is a condition. So you can't pray fudger now for tomorrow. So tomorrow's vigil, Thursday's vigil. You can't just pray fudger. Now, the timing hasn't begun. There is a condition. Number five is your purification, your bahara. So you're Yo yo yo hustle, whatever you need to do to purify yourself. That is number five. Number six, is the purity of your clothes and the place that you're going to pray on. So for example, even though your body may be pure, your clothes may be impure. And we discussed all of this in detail in the book of

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purification. If you missed those lessons, I think they're on YouTube or wherever you can go and revise them. We're not going to go into a lot of detail concerning this. But if you're pure, and your clothes are impure, then your prayer is also incorrect. If you're pure, and your clothes are pure, but the place that you're praying is impure, then that is also incorrect. That's number six. Number seven is that your hour must be covered citral hour, your hour must be covered. And we'll come into more detail concerning the inshallah within this chapter number eight is that you must face the problem, you must face the problem. I think that's something which goes without saying, you

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face the problem and you pray. So if the table is over there and you pray over there, knowing that it's not the Qibla then your prayer is invalid. You have to face the Qibla and number nine is obviously the intention, the intention and near the intention that you have for the prayer. So one of this is done before the prayer. The intention is done just before so just before you're about to start the prayer, you have the intention and that intention is done. within the heart there is no need to recite or say anything verbally.

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The first Hadith in this chapter had his number 162 Anna Lee tahltan radi Allahu anhu call panda Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam either fussa Allah filion sorry folia taba while you read the Sala provacan Hamza was a ban on the authority of aluminium foil, karate Allah one who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, if one of you passes when in the prayer, then let him go and make his widow and then come back and pray collected by the five unauthenticated by even a hip ban. This Hadith is authentic and there is something similar to it, which we discussed in the book of purification. When we were discussing the chapter of Waldo that the prophet SAW Selim said in the

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Hadith in Sahih, Muslim that if one of you is praying, and he finds that there is something in his stomach, and uncomfortable feeling, then don't let him leave the prayer until he smelled something or until he feels something until he hears something sorry. He hears a sound or he feels something leaving from his body. This Hadith basically, is the only Hadith I think that the author Rahim Allah won't bring in this chapter concerning this issue of purification. So even though purification

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yourself, your clones, the place that you're going to pray. That's three conditions of the prayer. But Abraham's Rahim Allah is only going to mention this one Hadith, just to allude to this important issue these three important issues, and then he's going to go on to the other conditions. Why? Because he just spent the whole previous books, the book of purification, going through all of this in a lot of detail. So it would be repetition for him to now come and just go through it all over again, all of that's already been done. So again, if you if you missed those lessons, then inshallah you can go back and recap on them. The point is that this is the only Hadith that is going to

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mention here. And again, it is a general Hadith about a person who if they pass when they break the window, for whatever reason, however they do it, they need to go and make Waldo and come back and pray. And that basically is just to establish the general principle of Waldo, that you need to be in a state of purification, you need to be pure of body of clothing, and of place of prayer. All three of these things are important and all three of them are conditions of the prayer. So this is the only Heidi 31 mentioned concerning this. And then obviously everything else one of the detail has already proceeded.

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There next Have you heard is number 163, winner Asia todo de la Juana and then nebia sallallahu alayhi wa sallam appall la Yakubu la sala Taha Elin. Illa Mr. Rahul Hamza in the nursery was Ohio uzima on the authority of our Madonna Chateau de la 100. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah will not accept the Salah, the prayer of a woman except but with her wearing a scarf. And this is collected by the fiber except unnecessary and authenticated by the hoceima. So as I said, Abraham Rahim Allah only mentioned one Hadith on the issues of purification, because they've proceeded, he's now moving on to another precondition of the Salah, and that is covering of the

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outer covering of the body. And he's going to mention firstly about the women and then he will mentioned the hour of the men in the next Hadith.

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He says in this hadith liable Allahu Allah to higher than the literal translation of this is that a low will not accept the prayer of a menstruating woman of a ministry to woman, except if she's wearing a scarf. The reason why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentions the word menstruating woman here, even the woman straight in woman is not allowed to pray. By the way, a person a woman was on her menses, as we mentioned in the book of purification, if she's on her cycle, it is haram for her to pray, not allowed to pray. So it's not an issue of not being accepted or not being recommended. It is haram for her to pray, because she's in a state of major impurity.

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So why does he mentioned it here the prophets, Allah mentions the wording of the menstruating woman, not to say that she should pray, but to show that he's speaking about a woman who has reached the age of maturity, the age of puberty, and one of the major or the main sign for a woman to reach the age of puberty is the onset of her menstrual cycle. That is the main sign one of the main signs of a woman reaching the age that a menstrual cycle has now begun. So that's why the professor silom is bringing this here to show that he's speaking about those people who have not reached the age of puberty. As for a young girl, who has not yet reached the age of puberty, then her rulings are lacs.

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They're not as strict. Just like the young child, a young boy or young girl, if they want to play next to their parents. Just say you bring your five, six year old daughter into the machine, she's not wearing a scarf, and she wants to play next year, she can pray, no problem. She's under that age. But once they reach the age of puberty, now they have a different set of rulings. Now, they must cover their IRA. Now their body parts have become defined and so they need to cover their outcome. And so the profits on the long run he was certainly speaking about this in this Hadith, he mentioned is just one issue and that is the female. The female is that piece of cloth, which we call

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a scarf, it covers your head and it covers your neck. That is what a timeout is.

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But that is only one issue concerning the our of the other issues concerning the holder of the woman is basically what needs to be covered on what doesn't need to be covered for a woman when she prays the scholars are of the opinion or there is general consensus that is that a woman has to cover her body. A woman has to cover a hair, her neck and all of her body. The three issues where there is a difference of opinion over is number one, actually there is no difference of opinion on two issues and not on one issue. The issue there is no difference of opinion over that she can uncover she doesn't need to cover is the face. So in the prayer, if the woman is praying for example, a home in

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the masjid in the prayer area for the women and so on. It is not obligatory upon her to cover the face she can uncover her face and this is by each map by country.

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Some the spoilers, some of the scholars even said it is soon enough for her to do so to uncover her face. It is recommended for her to do so, so long as there are no men around. If it's just other women, which is praying at home, or there's no one else there, it is better for her to uncover her face. And it is by each matter by consists of the Spanish allowed for her to uncover her face. This is different to for example, if she's praying in an open area where there's men and women, if she normally wears the niqab, then she should wear her niqab and pray because there are men there. And if she doesn't normally wear the niqab, then obviously, there's no issue there anyway. So that's the

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first issue, the issue of the face. The second issue is the issue of the hands. And when we say the hands, we mean the hands up to the wrist, that is basically what is being defined as the hands. The majority of the scholars are of the opinion that she doesn't have to cover the hands. The woman doesn't have to cover the hands in the prayer is not part of our some of the scholars said she should that she has to it is part of our our and she must she has to. And obviously with these with these issues, it is better to be on the safe side if one is able to and if not, then inshallah it is allowed for her to uncover her hands. The third issue and this is one where the strongest difference

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of opinion occurs is the feet. So the face we said there's no difference of opinion, she can uncover it. The hands we said there is a difference of opinion. But the majority of the scholars are of the opinion that it's allowed for her to uncover her hands, where the strong difference of opinion occurs is on the feet. The majority of the scholars are of the opinion that she covers her feet, and there is that she should cover her feet. And that is due to a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam authenticated by chef Alberni and others, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that when a woman praised and let her wear a garment, which covers the tops of the feet,

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which cover the tops of her feet, so basically, the garment should extend all the way down to basically covering her feet as well as the tops of her feet anyway, so it doesn't have to be stocks, but as long as her feet are covered the top part then it's okay. So they based it upon this hadith. Other scholars like Charlotte's Web, Timmy and others were of the opinion that she doesn't have to cover her feet. And again, this is an issue of difference of opinion. If a person was to strike the note of caution and be on the safe side and cover their feet, it would obviously be better. However, if they don't, then there is a difference of opinion on this issue. And a lot of soldier knows best.

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But there is also the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. So again, to be on the safe side, it is better. So other than these three issues, the face, the hands and the feet, the scholars are agreed that the rest of the body must be covered. So for example, if a system wants to pray in a T shirt, but she uncovers most of her arm that wouldn't be allowed. If she prays, for example, and she just covers a hip on our neck that wouldn't be allowed or anything similar to this she and covers, for example, pots of her leg or whatever a shin and someone is exposed. This wouldn't be the only three issues of difference of opinion is number one, while the face there is no difference of

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opinion over and the other two other hands and the feet and a large surgeon knows best. The next Have you heard is number 164. A job in the long run. And then the BIA sallallahu alayhi wa sallam upon Allah who in Cana fubu was here and fell to be here only for Salah while he muslimeen for holophane apocrypha he went

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to be Hema takuna la mala Houma minha dcip hora de la la you salia so Bella, hi, Lisa, the article on the authority of gender of the long run that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him, that if you're closing with your garment is wide enough, then wrap it around you in the prayer and inside a Muslim, then place each of its ends on your shoulders. And if it is not enough, meaning if there is not enough cloth, then use it as a lower garment. And this is another body and Muslim. And they also generate from the hadith of rhodiola one that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, don't pray in a single garment where your shoulders are exposed.

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This Hadith or these narrations of this hadith speak about the power of the man what the man should cover in the prayer. The hour of the man generally speaking, outside of the prayer is from the navel until the knees, that is the part that a man must cover at all times. That is something which the man was cover at all times. That is the hour for the man. What is additional in the prayer is the shoulders, but the shoulders should be covered as well. As is mentioned in this study, in the first Hadith what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying and again, as we often say, you have to take these Hadith into context. The majority of the companions were extremely poor, and the

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Muslims at the time were extremely poor. And most of them had only one set of clothes, and many of them couldn't even afford a full set of clothes.

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So they would have only one sheet, only one garment. And that gum, they would wrap around their bodies. So if it was a wide enough garment, they would wrap it around the lower end, and then place the rest of it over the top end, a single fold. And I'm not talking about soap like this, that's be nicely tailored, you know, as a bucket owner, I'm talking just about on open shift I can hear from where you just have an open sheet. And that's a long sheet, and you do with it wherever you can. So what the prophet SAW Selim is saying in the first Hadith is that if you have a wide enough sheet, then in the prayer, cover your bottom area, what is normally the hour, and then wrap the rest around

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your upper body so that your shoulders are covered as well. So outside of the prayer, if a person, for example, didn't have much cloth, they would just wear it as a lower garment, just as you do in Harlem, where you have the zone, which is the lower garment, like a long D, and you just tied around, and your upper body is exposed, because you don't own anything else, you don't have anything else. And many of the Muslims were poor. to this extent, there is a famous narration of a Bedouin man who came to our model the Allahu Akbar during his khilafah. And he began to recite poetry to him. And basically what he was saying was that he was extremely poor, he had daughters, he had

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family, and he couldn't provide for them couldn't close them, couldn't feed them. And because Ramadan was the halifa, he would ask him on Yom Okayama, about this, his responsibility to look after the Muslims. And one of the alarm rang, said to him, take my top comment. So he was very low bottom, gummed on top Clemente gave them the top one, he said, that's all I have. Even me, I don't have anything more. Take this, and use it for what you can with your family. And so I'm one of the along with him. That's what he did. So they were extremely poor, at least for some of that time before they started to conquer the Muslim lands, and the wealth started to come in. But they were

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poor, and the Muslims will pull. So they would have a single garment. So the professor sent him said, if it is wide enough, that in the prayer, use it to cover the upper part of your body and your shoulders. In the international Muslim, he said that if it is white enough, then the two ends of the garment placed them on your shoulders on opposite ends, meaning that you take the right part of the garment placed over the left shoulder, the left part of the garment placed over the right shoulder. So we're not talking about clothing here. We're not talking about for example, where a person has a soul or a shirt or whatever, we're talking about just a piece of cloth that you placed over your

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shoulders just to cover them. And so it is important to cover the shoulders. However, the professor cilium said, if it is not enough, if the cloth is not enough, then just use it to cover your lower body. That means that your shoulders and your upper body will be exposed, it will be bad. But a person can only do what they can is a large diligences fucked up a lot, Mr. Barton do fear a lot as much as you can do it to the best of your ability. And there's a hadith. Within this narration, the prophet SAW Selim said, don't pray in a single garment, where you don't have anything upon your shoulders, meaning that if you can avoid doing so, then don't do so. And again, what we're talking

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about here is the open type of garment. So the process of sending me saying that if you have two types of garments, wear them both one on the lower body, one on the upper body doesn't mean like a film that you were just one single garment. That's not what we're talking about here. But talking about where you have one for the lower body, one for the upper body, like their column. So therefore your your your shoulders should be covered. Mr. Muhammad Rahim Allah was of the opinion that it is obligatory for a person in the

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in the obligatory prayers, it is obligatory upon a person to cover their shoulders is an obligation unless they're unable to do so unless they don't physically, financially have the capability to do so. Otherwise, there is an obligation, the majority of the scholars the three other methods are of the opinion that it is highly recommended to so but not an obligation, but this had it seems to be clear in the sense that it is speaking about an obligation and that seems to be the safer opinion and allows origin knows best. That's how the 165 Rondo miscella Matata de la. Casa Latina we use Allah.

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Allah wa alayhi wa sallam a to Salima tofi during Maki marine the lady is our internal director Serbian. Yo yo hora de Mia of Russia would also have an image

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on the 30th in Santa Maria de la 100. She asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam can a woman pray in a direct and a female without an ease out. And so the prophets of Salaam said yes if it is enough to cover the tops of the feet and this is collected by Buddha wood. This Hadith is weak as a hadith to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but authentic as a statement of Solomon, our mother and the wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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It is a statement of Salah However, because it speaks about an issue of worship, that it takes the meaning of text

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ruling of ahaadeeth because Santa Marta de la Juana wouldn't just speak about affairs like this from the top of her head making stuff up. She's saying that this is obligatory. This is part of the prayers, not part of the prayer. These are issues of halal and haram. And the companions wouldn't speak about these issues, just from the tops of their head. They would only do it if they had some information or some knowledge from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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So she's saying that she asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam concerning a woman who has a daughter and a female, a female we said is a scarf covers the head covers the neck, and there is basically a long type of dress. It is a long type of dress. And she says, so if a woman has a scarf and a long type of dress, without an exam without any undergarment. So normally, for example, when you wear clothing, you have a top garment and undergarment. So you have shirt and trousers. You have Shinawatra mummies. For those of you like from Pakistan, and Bangladesh and so on, you have a thought and then a silver under it, right? Like the Arab custom is, would you wear a lunghi and a

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shirt or whatever it is, you have two garments. Likewise, for women as well, they have two garments, however, because they were so poor women at that time, some of them couldn't afford all of this clothing. So if a woman has a scarf, and she has a long dress, but she doesn't have anything underneath it, is it allowed for her to pray in this? The prophets of Salaam said yes, so long as it covers the tops of her feet. And this is the Hadith that I was referring to the channel Bonnie authenticated, and others. And then there's a hadith that supports that opinion that a woman should cover her feet that a woman should cover her feet in the prayer. And as I said, this is an issue arm

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difference of opinion amongst the scholars and a large surgeon knows best. And inshallah we'll stop there with reliance, Tara will conclude if there's any questions, we'll take them otherwise,

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we'll just conclude. Okay, the next Hadeeth that we're going to start with is on the Qibla. I'm going to go on to this in detail. But just to answer your question, if they were just to move it to the right or the left, and it's okay.

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If you are praying, the sooner prayer and the farmer starts, should you complete the prayer, or should you stop the prayer and

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during the congregational prayer, there is a Hadith of the prophets on the lower army, he was telling him and he said, once the time is given that there is no prayer except the congregational prayer. And so what the scholars see is that a person has to judge depending on where they are in the level of prayer, when the farmer is given, whether they will be able to finish their prayer and meet the congregational prayer before the tech beer, the first beer, or whether they will not be able to finish if they're able to finish. And they're able to meet the prayer before the first appeared. And they should do so they finish their prayer. So maybe a person is for example, in that

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the shampoo and then the final surge that whatever, they can easily finish, and then they can meet the prayer. It is better to do so because a lot of soldier in that instance says Well, I

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don't render your actions null and void. So for no reason you should just break off. However if for example, a person just started or they're on the first record, and they know that they probably won't make it. Then they just break off the prayer and they join the congregation panel law knows best.

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in prayer, do men have to cover the head? No. They don't have to cover the head. The only thing that they have to cover is the hour from the navel to the knees and their shoulders if they have enough clothing to do so.

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No, same rules apply for the Imam and for everyone else. They don't have to cover their smartwatch It

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is better to do so for Sahaja

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not the email asking concerning the one who's given the apartment is he waited to the Imam orders him to give the government then give the farmer Oh no, no. The hadith of Sahih Muslim is that below the Allah one will give the farmer when he saw the process and coming out so you wouldn't want to him to the farmer. But when he would see him coming, then he would do so even today in for example in

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Mr. Ramesh the NaVi they have the same, same thing. So basically mission little hard on the Elven in his like area where he is, he has the TV, and he can see that camera is basically located towards the position of the Imam. So when he sees the Imam is coming close, then he gives the Acoma mission, the NaVi the Elven is placed free, he has on a higher platform and you can see the entrance of the Imam uses to come into the masjid. So as soon as the man comes into the masjid, he gives the karma so it's not that they have to order it is when they see them and Allah knows best.

00:59:51 --> 00:59:58

No, and then after the door after the other than the wedding, authentic wedding is what we mentioned in the hadith of

01:00:00 --> 01:00:22

This handy things in global muram As for the other additions and there are some other additions like for example, like the Buddha mentioned one of them being that at the end of the draw, a person says in the color totally for me when they say oh well law you never break your promise. That is a weakness. It's not authentically established. And so it is better to stick to the wording that is authentically reported Allah knows best.

01:00:24 --> 01:00:24


01:00:29 --> 01:00:45

Are women allowed to wear makeup during prayer, if they have makeup on? depends where they're praying. If it's at home and there's no other men around and there's no fitna, then they can be in the normal states. If they're wearing makeup, they're wearing makeup above the going out and men can see them and they can open the norm.

01:00:47 --> 01:00:47


01:00:53 --> 01:00:55

Amina shavon rG

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