Sajid Ahmed Umar – Introduction to the Provisions for the Hereafter Series

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the historical and cultural significance of the title boss boss and the importance of investing in one's own learning and returning to a community inspiring them. They also discuss the differences between the detailed version of a book and the full version, focusing on the life of the messenger sallli. The speakers emphasize the importance of being patient and not being afraid to ask questions, as well as the need for students to be patient and not be picky. They also emphasize the importance of healthy calories for the brain and offer virtual classroom events for participants, while thanking their team and encouraging others to participate.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Bismillah R Rahman Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah where Allah Allah He will be he was seldom at the Sleeman kathira Elijah Medina My bad.

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Allah Mullah and Milena Elana alum, tena

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I love my alumina Mayan foreigner when foreigner Beamer Alam Tana Was it an MLM er Kareem

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three boys Sara Lee Emery Washington melissani f Cabo Cali.

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Open praise belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala. We praise Allah subhanho wa Taala and we seek his assistance and we seek His divine guidance, and we seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala from the evil of our souls and the adverse consequences of our deeds. Whomsoever Allah subhanho wa Taala decrees guidance upon the man can misguide him, and will serve Allah subhanho wa Taala decrease misguidance upon the man can guide him and peace and salutations be upon the final messenger, Muhammad Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as a witness that there is no one worthy of worship besides one Allah, and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam is His Messenger.

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My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, my dear mothers and fathers Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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Mashallah Baraka lofi

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indeed, all praises belong to Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And not just all praises, but the most noblest of praises.

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And these praises belong to Allah subhanho wa Taala for he showers upon omafra sola sallallahu alayhi wa sallam countless blessings. And Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah teaches us about these blessings in his book, when he subhanho wa Taala says, we're in dunya Matala, he left

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that if you were to try and audit and take account of the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala upon you, you will never ever be able to do so. We will never ever be able to count the many blessings that Allah subhanho wa Taala showered upon us

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and the blessings that Allah subhanho wa Taala that showered upon us these blessings are like no other blessings. Because they are

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godly blessings. They are blessings from the creator of everything in creation. They are blessings from the King of all kings. And yes, we might have those from the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala who gift us with gifts. But if we would amass the gifts of everyone who gifted us, they would not equate in terms of honor, in terms of rank, to just one blessing that Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us and then with this Allah subhanho wa Taala says that Allah subhanho wa Taala hasn't given us just one blessing. But I must have Hannah who has given us countless blessings.

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From the blessings of servants of Allah that Allah subhanho wa Taala has showered upon us is the blessing of technology. This technology that you and I enjoy, especially in a session such as this, that I can be in the comfort of my home, and you can be in the comfort of your home. But nonetheless we can engage together in the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala we can engage together in a process that you and I consider a transferal of the inheritance of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So this technology is a blessing. And another blessing is the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala has inspired us to use this technology that Allah subhanho wa Taala has inspired us to come together

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from different parts of the globe, irrespective of the country that we're in. I do know for sure that Al Hamdulillah we have some students here with us today that are experiencing the early hours of the morning. And yet Allah subhanho wa Taala has inspired you to be here in a session dedicated towards teaching from that left behind by Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, our scholars hashmatullah here they him have taught us in the many books that they have written,

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that which or they've described

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left behind by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as his inheritance. And this understanding of this obviously didn't come from themselves, they gathered it from their study of the Quran and the Sunnah. And the Hadith which cite the teachings of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam as the most valuable

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matters the earth will ever

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witness as as the most valuable matters that anyone would experience until the day of the AMA. So indeed we praise Allah for the technology and we praise Allah for inspiring us to use the technology and we praise Allah subhanho wa Taala also for guiding us towards

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choosing to be part of this particular session. Indeed all praises belong to Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah medical hemd can be embedded generally logic or Avi misophonic. Local tava when I can have to either have it when I can have by the river, Allah Milliken Hamed Hamden, Catherine bergevin Mubarak and V. como yo boo rub buena oil. From the outset My dear brothers and sisters as we praise Allah subhanho wa Taala. And thank him, We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make our time together one which is pleasing to Him. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us a gathering of sincerity, a gathering of His love and purity and a gathering that only intends the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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alone with great hope in his reward subhanho data and that is the greatest reward known as gender. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala not only to grant us gender, but to make us laborers to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I mean May Allah subhanho wa Taala make our time together today and over the course of the upcoming weeks and months and years inshallah because I fathom and imagine

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this particular class, lasting several years ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us life and preserve us in his obedience. I mean, so May Allah make us neighbors to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and make our time together heavy on our scales of good deeds in the year after And may Allah subhanho wa Taala make us benefit from the honor and blessings that Allah subhanho wa Taala has placed in this knowledge, the knowledge that has been revealed by Allah subhanho wa Taala the knowledge of this shediac My dear brothers and sisters in Islam.

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Firstly, you saw the announcement to this particular program. And the announcement highlighted

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a program dedicated towards those who work in Islamic organizations and those who work in several Islamic Dawa projects Alhamdulillah

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now, once the advert did highlight at this particular point, by no by no means is this particular class exclusive only to those involved in the downline that's why you saw in the follow up emails, when you did register, there was

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a placement for those who are not working in any organization. But the reason why I wanted to run this class and and dedicated or dedicate

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a portion of it to those involved in the dour is because I am inspired by those who you know, invest from their time and from their wealth in being true to the legacy of the MBR and a Masonic to a set of those who invest their time during the weekends, their free time during their days in the evenings, perhaps before fetcher, perhaps after fudger in working in what we call today, quote unquote, a nonprofit

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kind of organization or project and the reason why we do it is because of our love for Allah subhanho wa Taala and his Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam Yes, our knowledge might not be up there, you know, at the level of those who might have graduated from Islamic institutions, those who might have graduated from, you know, different Islamic seminaries and different Islamic programs. But nonetheless, nonetheless, I see my brothers and sisters putting themselves forward and selflessly.

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You know, being true to the legacy of the MBR AlLahi wa salatu wa Salaam and this is truly inspirational for myself and hamdulillah. Allah has blessed me to be from amongst those who dedicated a portion of his life learning from that left behind by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and having access to scholars and those who have been taught by scholars and so on and so forth. And, and they have an understanding

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of this knowledge taught to us by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and this inheritance left behind by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So, you know for myself, that motif

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Vision is there and it has to be there, given the position that Allah subhanho wa Taala has put me in, given the environment that Allah subhanho wa Taala has put me in. And then I look at my dear brothers and sisters who haven't had the same environment, but yet, you know, Subhanallah at the drop of a hat, they leave their home, they leave,

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you know, the rest time and so on and so forth, to help out with a particular Islamic conference to help out with a particular relief project. It might be, you know, a program related towards feeding or assisting the poor, or, you know, educating the masses, perhaps volunteering, or should I say, investing, I prefer to use the word investing, because Allah definitely rewards us for our work. And that's a far greater reward than monetary reward. But we see our brothers and sisters at the drop of a hat out there, you know, tirelessly helping out, so cannot be Ireland. And I ponder over it and could not help but feel that it should Hama Subhan, Allah, this is all the love for Allah subhanho

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wa Taala and is received. So the dedication definitely is in recognition of how you all inspire me, and

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my desire to give back to a community that inspires me and give back to a community that I respect dearly. And the reality is, my dear brothers and sisters, you know, I can give back by thanking I can give back by acknowledging, you know, I could use my platform at a particular conference in front of 1000s of people to thank those working in that hour. But, you know, true thanks, and I think the most valuable of thanks, and, and, and, and, and,

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you know, the most valuable expressions of gratitude can happen by me offering the most valuable thing that I've been given, and that is some of the teachings of this grant and great and noble, Sharia and definitely people like yourselves, especially working in the dour need to

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learn from the ocean of knowledge left behind by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam for the simple fact, that

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the the nature of the Sharia is that it is built upon the concept of L and the concept of seeking knowledge before speech and before action, before speech and before action. And if you you probably have heard me mentioned this particular point in in several talks and that is the fact that the scholars have before the earliest of scholars recognize the importance of, of knowledge before speech and action. And thus we have in some of the

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greatest books that that that a Muslim can have,

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such as Sahil Buhari, for example, which is a compilation of authentic hadith by an Imam

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who was famously known as emammal Buhari. He has an entire chapter dedicated to this point. And that is the point known as Babble

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Babble polio enamel, that the chapter of knowledge before speech and before action, so there's many a hadith about this and as a result of this amendment Buhari Rahmatullah here I lay him placed an entire chapter dedicated towards this and as I was called, as teachers, we understand the flip or the understanding of of amendment Buhari by looking at the headings that he gave

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to different ahaadeeth are the headings that he placed in his book for he would just mention a heading and then list a series of narrations from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam under that particular heading, so we would understand from his headings, the understanding of the man and the flick of the email, and definitely the Imam understood this

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Mashallah, His mercy upon him and gathered us with him in gender. Thus, he dedicated an entire chapter, teaching us the importance of knowledge and this is even more important for you, my dear brothers and sisters so special welcome to those who are working in different organizations across the globe. Mashallah, I can promise you we have a cosmopolitan community here. I never thought to Pamela that, you know, we would get interest from so many parts of the world. We even have somebody from Brunei, Mashallah de vida Colombia, Allah subhanho wa Taala bless your brothers and sisters and inshallah, you will understand my appreciation of, you know, the appreciate the appreciation that I

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have for you all over the course of the upcoming weeks and months beenleigh hytera. As we further progress, our relationship together and our study of

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the book that has been dedicated for this particular class. Now, in terms of the book that we are going to study, then that book is known as Zed, Zed, Zed, and mad in the English language as you have seen, it's been translated as provisions for the hereafter and I'm going to share with you today

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A bit about why I actually have chosen this book to share with you all, or why I see this book as a good manual for us to study, especially those who are working in the dour. There's many reasons. But before I go into those reasons, I just want to qualify my statement that yes, we are studying the book known as death and math. But in particular, what we start studying is a summarized version of the book is a summarized version of the book and I will explain a little bit about the difference, or the differences between the summarized version and the full version. So this book is called sad and mad. And it's a unique book authored by a very famous scholar, not unknown to the majority of

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us, and that is iMac, Josie Rahmatullah Haley. And I will share a little bit about this great amount more or a little bit from the biography of the life of this Imam. So we understand the uniqueness of the text that we are studying. Now, I have used the word unique more than once already. So why is this book unique? Well, this book is unique for several reasons, firstly, because our scholars have said or many scholars after it will refer to la de la wrote this book, they said that this particular book does not have an example like it. Right. So this is a massive statement of the scholars, because we do know that is many works of many great scholars out there. But the scholars

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have highlighted this particular book,

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you know, for this particular type of praise, where they've actually said that there's nothing like it, meaning it's very difficult to find an example like it, if you do say that, you know, there's another book like this. So it's very unique. And this book is unique,

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for many reasons, for the fact that the scholars have said this, and also for the fact that it is dedicated to the life of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And when I say is dedicated to his life, I mean, in every sense of the term, because it does discuss the speech of the prophets of Allah, Allah, he was saying that it does discuss the actions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, it does discuss the tacit approvals of the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam. When I say tacit approval, if I talk about the, his, you know, the times when something was done in front of him, and he didn't, sort of correct, that particular thing that happened, and we know that for

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us, he was telling me if something was wrong, he would correct it immediately. But if he did see something or hear something and didn't comment on it, and this is a type of approval from the prophets of Allah, Allah, He will send them regarding the permissible or the permissibility of this particular speech or action. So this book covers all these angles from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But now, somebody might say, Okay, so then this is a Syrah book, right? If this is the case, then surely it must be a Syrah book. So why is it then unique? Why is it then unique? Well, it's unique, my dear brothers and sisters, because once it does cover the life of the

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Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. It covers it in a way different to

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what you would find in a normal sera book where there's a systematic run through the life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, from start to finish, in a form of story like tanning, right? So yes, this covers the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but it doesn't cover it in that particular way.

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The other aspect that makes it different to any sera book is that in this particular book, you will find sec, which is Islamic jurisprudence, you will find aqidah which is Islamic belief, you find now which is Arabic grammar, you will find adapt, which is Islamic morals, manners and etiquettes. You will find Russia which refers to the heart softness. Right, you get an Eman boost reading this particular book. Also you find MOA, which refers to general lessons and reminders. So all this is inclusive in the writing of this great Imam. So yes, he is running through the life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But he's analyzing his life from a series of different angles. So this

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definitely makes it absolutely amazing that look, we won't call it a fifth fifth book. But yes, it is a fifth book. We won't call it an Aveda book, but yes, it is an Akita book and so on and so forth. So this is how amazing this particular book is. Now, somebody might say, well, do we get confused with it? Or, you know, is there confusion regarding its category? Absolutely not. There's no confusion by the scholars regarding its category. Rather, the scholars have said it owns a category

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In and of itself, and it is a unique book, may Allah subhanho wa Taala shower His mercy upon this Imam me also, this particular book, if you go to the full version, you will find that this particular Imam, he cites the views of several scholars, whenever he discusses a fifth point for example, you can see the ocean type of knowledge that the man has that he he brings into the discussion, the views of of several scholars. And also what makes this book unique is his methodology in presenting the pieces of information. So, you know, if you look at how he he mentioned Hadith, we see him practicing the way of the scholars of Hadith, in terms of the Hadith

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that he chooses to mention, in terms of,

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you know, his discussions surrounding the authoritative nature of the Hadith, or the prophetic narration, that he mentioned. So, he, he will cite the authenticity of the Hadith, or the authenticity of the authenticity level of the Hadith. So, in his you know, mention of Hadith, we find him practicing the way of the scholars of Hadith. And then, even when we you know, look at him discussing points, for example, or his explanations of the Hadith, we see him traversing the way of the scholars of assurance, or jurisprudence methodology, in terms of, you know, his explanation of the evidence is used, and whether the evidence is abrogated meaning it was said by the prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but the ruling was lifted, or whether the ruling still applies. So, he touches on all these things, and he will goes ahead and discusses the implications of texts. So for example, you could have a text that gives you a general implication, when when you read the Hadith or an ayah in the Quran, you understand from it, that this ayah or the ruling of this ayah includes everybody, right? But then sometimes, we have another verse, another idea or another prophetic narration that has a

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more narrow approach or a more restricted approach, and that heady explains the first habit or the later idea, explains the first idea, right, telling us that well, you know, whilst the first idea was General, the generality was not intended, and now we have this other Hadees to teach us that the generality was not intended and so on and so forth. So, he goes on to mention all these amazing aspects taught to us by the scholars of pseudo or jurisprudence methodology to help us further or to exacerbate our understanding of tech. So, there is a lot of analysis in the writing of him in this particular book, as well. And also why I see this book as unique as well is because this particular

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book My dear brothers and sisters, actually helps us understand reasons why the scholars differ, right? A lot of the time you know, we work in the dry sometimes we have people from different ethnic backgrounds, and

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apologize, can I just ask if I am being audible here? Baraka?

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Could you please just drop me a message in the box below me? Allah bless you? Oh,

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yes, excellent. Zaku la Heron, because for some reason, I can't really see the,

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the bars on the microphone teaching me that I am audible.

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For your, your, your response, apologies for just breaking your thought process actually wanted to make sure I'm not speaking to myself, this is one of the beauties of using technology as well. It can happen that you you end up speaking and speaking and speaking, and then all of a sudden, you find out that Subhanallah I was actually speaking to myself, and as you know, I have

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a lot of online projects and programs, programs of knowledge International University and the numerous STEAM Academy and other online initiative. So, I have come across all the

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the curveballs that technology can can throw you. So

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apologies for cutting your thought process. But humble observe from now hidden for clarifying So, so, just before I interrupted you all, I was telling you about another reason why I find this particular

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book important and that is because it also teaches us the reasons why

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we have differences of opinion between the scholars, right because of the analytical skills of the man and how he discusses certain fixed points. It becomes manifests

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To the reader, and to the student of knowledge, you know why it's plausible that a particular method could take a particular view and

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another method could take another view, right. So, basically, we, we learn from this, or from our study of the of this book saddled

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with the provisions for the hereafter a reason why the scholars may differ in terms of method. So, this is another unique real another reason that makes this particular book unique. Another amazing aspect, my dear brothers and sisters, that teaches us how unique this book is, and I really want you to take to heart this particular reason, and that is the fact that is the fact that Evelyn wrote this entire book during

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a journey during a journey, right. So, he wrote this entire book, this entire book, during some travel of his, he was on his way somewhere, and

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he was writing, you know, whether he was on top of his ride, or whether he, you know, took a break for a meal, or to stay at a particular place overnight, he was writing this particular book, now, you know, a person like myself, I, you know, I cannot help, I cannot help but feel overwhelmed by this particular point, the point that he wrote this entire book, during travel, right, because what's the first thing that comes to mind when you learn that the author wrote the entire book during travel? Well, the first thing that comes to mind is Subhanallah, where was his library? Where was his library? Right? If he has mentioned so many aspects in this book, and this book is unique,

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for so many reasons, surely, surely, surely. Surely, he must have had an amazing library with him. Right? So surely, he must have had an amazing library with him? Surely, this must have been the case? How is it possible? How is it possible that, you know, he could have fitted so much information in this book just from his head off the top of his head? Right. So this is the first thing that that you know, that wakes me up? This is the first thing that makes me feel overwhelmed. Obviously.

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I am, as I said, you know, it was blessed me to have studied Islam for a while. And, you know, I know what work it takes to author a book to write a book to put some research together. So I definitely feel overwhelmed reading that this Imam Ali, may Allah bless him, this Imam went ahead and wrote an entire book off the top of his head during a journey. And you all know, my dear brothers and sisters, that you know, journeys come with travel journeys come,

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you know, with difficult journeys come with the difficulties of travel, right? You know, you tie it, sometimes it's hot, sometimes it's dusty, right? And in the region that they were living in, they would be sandstorms.

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And so on, and so forth. Right. And let's not forget that we're not talking about a journey where you get onto an air conditioned aircraft, and move from point A to point B, we talking about a journey. And we're not talking about a journey that lasts us how many hours you know, I recall, when I was traveling back from Australia,

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to Zimbabwe, and I headed over the journey was taking me via Dubai. And I recall the journey just from Australia to Dubai, it had a stopover in in Malaysia, but just that journey alone was close to 15 hours and suparna law. You know, when I saw 15 hours, that was that was like,

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That was tough to see, you know, seeing 15 hours just looking at it was tough to see. So Never mind, you know, starting the journey. The toughness of the journey started by just looking at the fact that that would be 15 hours traveling to Dubai then have a stopover and then another have another 10 hours to get back to or to Zimbabwe, right. And right now, by the way, for those who are asking, I'm basically I'm speaking to you from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. So what I'm saying brothers and sisters is we're not talking about these types of journeys where you're in an air conditioned aircraft, it's just a matter of of a day, really. And you know what? We'll be okay. We're talking about journeys

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that would last, you know, a month or two months, brothers and sisters So, so just take special care of this particular point that whenever you open this book, try and picture that you ma'am, sitting somewhere under the hot sun,

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around the desk, the plane, you know, putting pen to paper with his ink pot, putting pen to paper for you and I to benefit in a magnanimous way today and that's why brothers and sisters insha Allah, you know, we put

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The knowledge of the amount into practice then we have been a sort of cottage area for the Imam and imagine all those since he has written the book and all those who studied it and all those who learned from it, and all those who used it as a reference in their own thesis. And all those who put his teachings into practice, each and every one of them are sadaqa jariya for the amount because obviously, he was the one who was a means Oh, he was the one who Allah subhanho wa Taala made a means. So coming back to the point, my dear brothers and sisters is the fact that this Imam read this book, or sorry, wrote this book from memory during travel. Right now, today, brothers and

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sisters, you and I can write a book, you know, during travel, but it's not gonna be from memory. I mean, we all know we live in a day and age of technology and we were praising Allah subhanho wa Taala for it from the outset. The reality is, yes, you and I can have a 1720 25,000 books with us on a plane journey, on a car journey, on a hard disk on a USB stick, for example, or on the hard disk of our computer even all nicely photocopied and everything and even with a search function, perhaps, right, where you don't even have to read so much information, just put in the search box, the exact Hadeeth you want. Put in the search box, the exact piece of information you want from which book

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from which must have. And at the click of a button, Allah subhanho wa Taala brings it in front of you. This is the reality right? at the click of a button. Allah subhanho wa Taala brings it in front of you. Right? This wasn't the case. We're talking about a man who's writing this book at the click of a button in his head. So he's basically accessing tons and tons of information and eloquent be writing it for us to read today. And this is another thing My dear brothers and sisters that reading the English will not allow you to appreciate

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the strength of the linguistic abilities of this Imam matola hear it right, this will not allow you to appreciate the eloquence the linguistic abilities of the map. So not only is he is he throwing information onto paper, but if we look at the eloquence that is that he uses to, to present the information and Never mind that even the structure that the great Imam uses to present. The information is absolutely amazing, right? Because when you read the book, it's not as if information is all over the place. And it lacks structure, it is amazing structure in the book and even you can see his ideas have a line of connect to the ideas before it to the ideas after it. Right. So this is

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another aspect that makes this book absolutely amazing. Now we can learn a lot from the fact that, you know, he wrote this book during travel, my dear brothers and sisters from them, firstly is the immense knowledge of the man. Right, the immense knowledge of the man this

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this is something we need to write in gold. And and you know, never debate, right. He's definitely knowledgeable. This is a book that scholars have praised. And this is a book which he wrote from his head. And never mind, you know, writing it from his head. He wrote it during, you know, travel, right? Secondly, we learned the Baraka and blessings

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that happens when a person is patient in seeking knowledge. Right? We learn the Baraka and blessings that Allah gives us when we are patient when we seek knowledge. Right? And and I always say that if you learn in bucketloads, you'll end up forgetting in bucketloads. Right? So take heed of this particular point, sometimes, you know, we work in the hour. And obviously we know it's important for us to learn but we lack patience. We want to memorize the Quran, we lack patience. We want to memorize Hadith, we lack patience, right? So what happens, we start memorizing too much Quran at once. And then we burn out. We start memorizing too many Hadith at once, and then we burn out. Or

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maybe we've realized that you know, what we have to attend certain lessons and so on and so forth. So then what happens is, we start looking at all the different lessons that you know, that Allah subhanho wa Taala has blessed our community with and then we, you know, Monday we hear Tuesday, we that Wednesday, we that Thursday we there and it's just

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a random flow of activity in seeking knowledge, we trying to get it in bucket loads. And then if we really analyze ourselves after time, we see that Subhanallah What are we doing with this knowledge? How much of the knowledge do we remember? Right? These are the critical answers that are questions that need to be asked that help us understand if we are truly doing a great job in learning the Sharia and in seeking knowledge. Right. So we need great patience, this inner medulla here and as you will see when we discuss him, he became who he became not because he was just pouring knowledge into his brain. You

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No, because he took the necessary time to learn things. He took the necessary stages when it came to learning. He never took a, you know, a more advanced book before he dealt with a primer properly. And even the primary, it wasn't this quick fix, you know, this fast food style, we can cause, bang, bang, bang, and then we serve the meal, you know, that kind of

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seeking knowledge. And this is what my teachers used to tell me as well, you know, this is what you're best at. And, as we say, in the Arabic language, just the fast food kind of process to seek knowledge, no, he never had that he took enough time. And what was happening is, throughout his journey, seeking knowledge, the information was sticking, the information was sticking. And because it was sticking, he had this great ability to build upon his previous information when he lent later pieces of information. And then he got to a stage where Alhamdulillah he wanted to put a book down. And every time you wanted to access information, his mind was ready to serve your mind. And our

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minds are amazing brothers and sisters. And I think you all know the science behind how a computer works. And all you know some things about the science behind how a computer accesses information, and so on and so forth. And with that, you've heard the specialists in the field, say that the human brain is far more advanced than a computer or a processing computer, and so on and so forth. And obviously, you know, we hardly tap into an iota is worth of our brains potential, right. But we're not talking about brains, potentially we talking about process because even our process is wrong. So I learned from the fact that the man was able to do this, how important it is to seek knowledge,

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having patience, burn yourself in, never burn yourself out, burn yourself in, never burn yourself out. If you're going to, you know, learn some Quran, start slowly, start with half a page, start with a quarter page. And when you see now it's become easier for you to learn a quarter page and hamdulillah whereby you are able to, you know, maybe when you started, it was taking half an hour to do a quarter page, but now all of a sudden, is taking 20 minutes, you know, it's taking 15 minutes, and then at that particular juncture increase, but don't just jump into it and say, Look, I only got half an hour, but I'm going to learn one page in half an hour and then you see how hard it is to

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learn. And then when you learn the next day you forget it. And then it just

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you know, it causes you to lose motivation. And you open a door for shavon to take you away from the noble practice that Allah subhanho wa Taala has put you in. So brothers and sisters, this is another point that we learned that if you learn in bucketloads, you will forget in a bucket loads and that's why even without the married inshallah we'll take it nice and slow Bismillahi Tyler,

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in being true to the way of the author, the way of the Imam Rahmatullahi Allah him, brothers and sisters, we also learn from this the patience needed and this is an abstract point that I'm presenting to you. But nonetheless, we do learn this even in an abstract way. And that is how patience is required when seeking knowledge in you know, in terms of the process. So we've we've discussed patience in terms of the amount of information you get, and, and don't be, you know, sad when the information is too little have patience there. But I want to touch on another aspect and that is, you know, patience in terms of our likes and our wants. And you know how you and I prefer

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to seek knowledge. The reality is my dear brothers and sisters, this knowledge that we seek is from the inheritance of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The reality is, it is far more valuable than any, you know, amount of gold, any amount of silver if you brought together the treasures of the earth, it wouldn't match to a small amount in terms of importance and honor, that this inheritance that we're sort of loss of Allahu Allahu wa sallam left behind owns, the reality is this inheritance was revealed to him by Allah subhanho wa Taala. And you know, you've heard me say in previous talks and I'll repeat for those who haven't and it will be a reminder for those who have

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that you know, knowledge is more precious than wealth, because wealth when we spend it it decreases unless we spend for the sake of Allah Of course, and but but you know, with knowledge when you spend it, it increases this is the reality right, when I share with you some knowledge now, it increases right we have 68 people on here we have over 100 people registered for this particular class and inshallah they will join us in the upcoming weeks and inshallah access the recordings

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from today, but the reality is, my dear brothers and sisters, that now that I've taught you 6869 70 people, when you learn how to have this knowledge that I've taught, and the hundreds

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Who will get access to the recordings because they've registered with us, they also will have taken this knowledge that I've shared. So yes, I've spent something, but it hasn't decreased. In actual fact, it's increased, right. And let's say everyone who's registered now teaches this to two people, at least what happens, it increases again, and they will teach it to other people, it will increase again. So knowledge spent increases, money spent decreases, unless it's spent for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Of course, also brothers and sisters, you know, knowledge protects us. But wealth needs us to protect it. And this is a reality. Knowledge protects us, whilst

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wealth leads us to protected we need a safe for money, we need a bank for money. And so Pamela, as you've seen in the last recession, you know, even the bank was in a safe place for our money. We've seen some countries where people, you know, like Greece, people couldn't get their money out of their account. And then when they were bailed out by the World Bank, the conditions were crazy, you know, in the form of you having to pay the bank money to get your money out. Right. So, you know, even when we talk about money protection, even, that's not so robust, right? But this is different to knowledge, knowledge looks after us. When we learn something, it protects us. Because now we've

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learned how to worship Allah, it makes our worship free from mistakes, and so on, and so forth. So,

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you know, when we're talking about the inheritance of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, Alayhi, wasallam, we're talking about something valuable. And when we talking about something so valuable, then the message, my dear brothers and sisters, is that it is worth it. It is worth it. Now, why am I saying this, I'm saying this, because we're discussing this point, about having patience, you know, in the dour that we do, having patience in the knowledge that we learn that, you know, you know, perhaps you're not going to get every teacher who's who's going to teach you exactly to your preference, you know, maybe he's going to be too fast, maybe he's not going to be, you know, very motivating in

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terms of keeping up your attention span. And I'm deciding for you, you know, certain things that people generally say, when they're learning, and we, we've become good, especially in this day and age, and in fact, it's it's a, it's a characteristic, it's a habit of this day and age where we gauge our teachers, right? When you go for a course at the end of the course, they actually give you a form. And on the form, they'll tell you what the instructor captivating. This is what they say. So this is a norm of the time that we live in. But it's very important brothers and sisters, that, yes, we live at a particular time. But as we live at a particular time, we never forget, we never forget

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the the aura, the honor of machinery, we never forget the aura, the honor vvv the value of the knowledge of the Sharia of the inheritance of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And, as a result, the honor of those who have this inheritance who Allah has blessed to carry it, yes, we must be excellent in how we teach. Don't get me wrong, but I'm not talking about the teaching. I'm talking about you and I as students, when perhaps we have a teacher that you know, what is a bit difficult for us to follow?

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Right? I'm sure you've come across a talk that's been going around that one of the talks that I gave, in fact, when we were discussing the honor of the messenger, and and I advised one in all to take special care of not falling into the celebrity fan culture, when it comes to seeking knowledge, and rather be a fan of the knowledge that wherever it is, you will be found. This is important brothers and sisters. And yes, sometimes you know what, it's at a place that's not so conducive to ourselves. But it's so valuable that we run to it. It's so valuable, and we love it so much that we run to it, and we'd be patient with regards to that which you know, is not conducive to our liking.

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Right. So you know,

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why? Because the inheritors of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is worth it. If I told you, you know, Sister tamina, or, or brother Abdul Malik, I'm just putting random names from the class. If I told you there's a million gold bricks, that you have a chance to get your hands on.

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Would you be picky as to how you receive it? Feel free to drop me an answer in the chat box. Would you be free? Sorry, would you be picky? You know, with regards to how you actually received this inheritance, would you say okay, yes, you know, I, I'm so lucky. I have a this is an amazing gift, but I want to deliver it to my house at this time on this day in this way. Would you do that? Absolutely not. Okay, let's say if you did, and somebody said no, no, no, no, no. If you wanted you have to go to, you know, Timbuktu wherever that is. Right, wherever that is, you have to go to Timbuktu.

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Would you say I forget about it. I'm not interested in a million gold bricks. I'm just gonna, you know, I'm just gonna carry on

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Absolutely not, you're going to find out where Timbuktu is, and you're going to prepare yourself and your journey there. Even if it's so dangerous, you will get yourself the security, whatever it takes. Why? Because a million gold bricks is worth it. And this is the same analogy that I'm sharing with you, my dear brothers and sisters, they inheritance of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is worth it, the inheritance of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is worth it. Right? So wherever it is, we will go and get it. We are not going to be fussy, we are going to get it you know why? Because it's worth it. Yes, the teacher, you know, might speak in a low voice, but Subhanallah

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he's so knowledgeable and I need that knowledge. I'm going to be patient and I'm going to, I'm going to go and adjust myself. Why? Because it's worth it. You know what that's, you know, that teacher speaks a bit fast. I can't keep up with him. But you know what, it's worth it. I want to adjust myself, I'm going to do what I need to do. Why? Because it's worth it. You know, that teacher, something is too serious, for example, but you know what, he's a special man. Nonetheless. He's got the inheritance of the Prophet. I love the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I'm going to adjust myself. I'm going to go and adjust myself. You know why? Because it's worth it. We can't. You know,

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today, sadly, we see this pickiness fussiness, when it comes to seeking knowledge. And then we you know, we end up treading the path of of becoming a fan of a particular speaker. Why? Because he's the only person conducive in terms of my learning. Now, I'm not saying brothers and sisters that you shouldn't have a particular teacher, particular speaker, but I'm saying that no one speaker no one teacher can teach you everything of the Sharia. In fact, even if you had 10, teachers all together, they wouldn't teach you everything of the Sharia. And the reality is, you know, those less exciting teachers, you know, those

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you know, those more unknown teachers, the reality is that those people, they are more knowledgeable than the famous more knowledgeable ones, you've got to understand that. So what I'm trying to say brothers and sisters, we taking lessons from how this Imam wrote a book. during travel, it didn't happen overnight. It happened because he was patient in how he learned he was patient with regards to the process, he was robust in terms of his entire approach, that a day came about in his life, where he could be on a journey and a light bulb went on in his head and he said you know what, I would write a book about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam a book that no one has written

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before meaning a book in a way that no one has attempted to write before. And you know what, without any books, he did it and you know, what, Allah accepted it and proof of Allah subhanho wa Taala accepting it is the fact that you and I have the book today and you and I have it even in the English language. So Pamela, and you and I have been inspired to use it as

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the foundation of this particular class, right here, brothers and sisters. What I will do now inshallah is pause the lesson. So that inshallah we can ponder over some of the lessons shared and digest those lessons a little bit, and take a breather.

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You know, stand up, stretch, get the blood flowing again in sha Allah, have a drink of water, perhaps consume some healthy sugars and insha Allah insha Allah at or in eight minutes time, eight minutes time, we will resume this particular class Giacomo Hayden had Allah wa sallahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi edubirdie

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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim hamdulillah salat wa salam ala rasulillah whether it be a man Wallah, Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Welcome, everybody. I hope you had a splendid short break and ready to continue. Part Two of today's session and and this is obviously the final part, as you've noticed, today's an introductory sort of session. And that's why we haven't get this Tuesday. Obviously, our norm will be that we will meet

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on Saturdays between Lehi to Allah. So let us continue brothers and sisters with this introduction. So we were taking lessons from the fact that it will pay homage to law he actually wrote this book whilst on travel and we were just discussing the importance

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of the inheritance of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and how

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it's so valuable that it's worth our time it's worth our effort. And you know, it's worth us not being picky and and fussy. When it comes to how we learned this inheritance The reality is my dear brothers and sisters, you know, we need the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and his teachings Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his teacher.

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do not need us. And ultimately we need Allah subhanho wa Taala, Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't need us we need Islam, Islam doesn't need us. This is, you know, the, the the ultimate, the ultimate reality. So, you know, just maturing our earlier discussion before the break, and we were just talking about how we should, you know, grow up when it comes towards seeking knowledge and develop the patience needed and indeed,

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this great rewards in being patient, firstly, and secondly, it makes sense being patient, given how valuable that thing that we would like to acquire is, you know,

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I tend to have

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you know, or I would say, you know, I'm not too sensitive to the statement of a student, when a student says that, oh, you know,

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I can only learn with so and so and I can't learn with so and so I'm not too sensitive to that statement. And then, you know,

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in this day and age as students when they say I can learn with so and so and so and so basically, they're saying, you know, so and so is good enough for me, and so and so is not good enough for me, and reality are in reality, I'm not sensitive to these statements, why? Because I actually see those type of statements as a weakness from the student of knowledge. When teacher so and so is not good enough for you, the reality is, you are not good enough for the teacher. This is the reality. Right? Whenever you point a finger, there's always three fingers pointing back at you. Now, again, I'm going to reiterate, I'm not saying that we shouldn't be excellent in our teaching, and the teacher

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shouldn't improve, right? I'm just talking about it from the students perspective, the students paradigm, right. So inshallah Allah inspires us to become an amazing, like some of the giants that walk this earth before us and from the Imam,

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Right, when when, when a student complains of a particular teacher, or in terms of the ability to captivate, and so on and so forth, I actually see that as a weakness on the part of the student, without discussing the reality of the teacher, whenever we point the finger, this three fingers pointing back at us, you know, I remember when I started kulia, to share the faculty of sherea, at generated email, right, let me give you a personal story, right? Because I see you all as my students and inshallah we're going to spend years together in sha Allah, may Allah preserve us in his obedience me. I remember, you know, as soon as was a brand new subject in terms of it being a

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dedicated study, having its own hours, and so on and so forth. When I did the, you know, the foundational degree before that,

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which was the three year Arabic slash Islamic Studies program, it didn't have a dedicated subject. And it's a beautiful subject, but it requires, you know, a greater ability to teach it, and it requires a great mind to listen to at least a persistent mind, let me not say, a great mind. But that is the persistent mind, some people lead it naturally. And some people learn it through hard work. And this is the same with everybody. So I had a teacher, Mashallah. And he walks into class, you know, and just to give you some insight, you know, those who specialize in pseudo jurisprudence methodology, they are some of the most, you know, time managed people that I've come across, you

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know, even in the way they teach, it's different to the other teachers that the lesson runs at a particular pace, and it runs with a particular intensity, and it, it runs on time that you know, from this app, from this minute to that minute, these are the points that are going to be discussed from that minute to that minute. These are the points that are going to be discussed, right. And we have B classes in Sharia, we were over 100 students. So just to take the register, you're looking at about 10 to 12 minutes, and the class is 50 minutes long. Right and the syllabus is massive. So here I am excited. You know, first semester Kalia to Sherry at the Faculty of Sharia, you know, my dream

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and you in class and this amazing teacher walks in with such honor. And he walks into the class and you feel shivers your hair stand. And while this is my chef, and he sits on the chair, and as he starts the lesson, he it you know, he teaches it in an amazing way but it's pure dictation. So he's dictating for, you know, he's going to teach us through dictating for 45 minutes a day for the entire semester. Right. So he's done this amazing research where he's done all the mileage at home putting all the evidences together the different views, the rebuttals, the reality of the science, the definitions, everything, but he comes to class he dictates and he dictates that as mighty speed

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literally. Now, I could never keep up with this meaning

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It would be something of an impossibility to ask a foreigner like myself in Java to implement by the way I graduated in reality, remember, the program is not designed for foreigners. It's designed for Saudis. Firstly, and secondly, most specifically, those studies are those Saudis who, who studied the secondary education, what you and I call GCSEs. And a levels.

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This, you know, it's designed for those who studied the secondary education in a purely Islamic Secondary School, where they've already learned the, the, the, the preliminary matters to all the sciences, and now, you know, the jumping into bigger books, right. So here I am jumping into a bigger book already, number one, number two, you know, not being at the, at the writing ability of, of my fellow classmates, or the, you know, the ability to understand my fellow classmates and he is the teacher just, you know, his stuff, the lesson that he's moving until the time ends and Mashallah, you know, 2030 pages of dictated loads, you know, I shed, so this was difficult. Now, you

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know, I'm just trying to think to Pamela, when I, when I think of the people who complain, I'm thinking, if I had that attitude, I would have just left, I would have left blame the teacher and convinced everybody is the teacher's fault.

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But I said, No, you know, what, his teaching is amazing.

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It's very important. And it's worth it said, heritance of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So I went to the machine, and I said, Chef, blah, he, this is who I am. And this is where I'm from, and I can't really keep up with your lesson. Can you please slow down? And you know what brothers and sisters? He would not repeat. So if he clearly said a line, that's it, if you got it, you got it. If you didn't, you copied from the person next. If that person kept up right now, I'm trying to think, you know, if I ran this class in this particular way, what would you all do? Come on, guys, be brave. Just Just be brave. And from the outset, throw me a message in the box. What would you do

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if I just came and started dictating to you notes from start to finish? Don't be shy. Just say it. Right? Some people are giving me smiley faces something I would have left out fallen asleep, I would have left? Yeah, this is I mean, this is human nature. I would complain, I would log off, honestly. And this is coming from a teacher Mashallah. Right. So, yes, right. So, but obviously, brothers and sisters, I'm telling you that I have something more valuable than a million gold bricks. I used to go to drop out. Are you still gonna log off? Are you still going to be you know, first year, I have something more valuable than a million go bricks here guys? Are you going to give up? Or are you

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going to stick it out? But you're going to change yourself? Are you going to mitigate?

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Exactly. I love you answers by the way, Mashallah. So,

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what I did was I went to my son check, you know, what, I can't manage? And you know what the chef told me? Put your trust in Allah, you get used to it? Well, I remember this. Cuz it's, it's the most unique experience in my journey seeking knowledge. Is there and biller also felt that our meaning just put your trust in Allah? And you will?

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You know, you will, you will get used to it. Anyway. You know what, brothers and sisters, I knew I would get used to it, but I won't get used to it now. And it's gonna take me a semester, it's gonna take me two semesters. So I got to do something now. So what did I do? I bought a recorder. And I would record the entire lesson. And then I would sit at home after Azur and transcribe the one hour lesson. And by the way, it would take me three hours to transcribe, I still have that book with me, well, I would not sell that book. I don't think if you offered me even 100,000 pounds, would I give you that book? Because I know the hours put into that book, right? I would say three hours just to

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transcribe the lesson, analyze the lesson, and so on, so forth. And don't forget, I had another seven subjects next to the subject to study. Sorry, another eight subjects, rather, next to the subject to study. So this one subject here was pulling my entire afternoon just to transcribe, but you know what? It had to be done? You know what, it was worth it. And you know, what, brothers and sisters, I came top of the class really late, and I'm just, you know, may Allah protect me and protect you all, but I'm sharing with you a personal message just to show you that you know what good work always comes, good work always comes, this inheritance is worth it. If your intention is

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pure based on the sincerity based on the strength of your intention of law will help you. This is what my teachers used to tell me. That if you are ready, if you really intend of law, nothing will take you away. A law will test you. You know, you said I'm seeking knowledge

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tend Allah, Allah will test you, he won't make it, you know, roses and petals. No, he'll give you a few curveballs, he'll give you a few, you know,

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errands to climb, and slide down to test whether you really intend Allah, whether you really love this knowledge, whether you really understand this knowledge, and its importance, right? Whether you understand how valuable it is, because those who understand how valuable it is they stick on, they push on, they do what it takes, right? So this is what I want to tell you brothers and sisters, that I personally, I have no, say in seeking value should be painful. Don't get me wrong. And I'm not saying dictating the notes was the best thing to do. But what I'm saying brothers and sisters, that if the situation is what it is, and you have such a knowledgeable teacher, yes, he's unknown. He has

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his style, you know, doesn't bring in 1000s of people. But he has something that the others don't have. And he has something that's so knowledgeable To me, it's worth it. That's when you know, you do what you need to do, because it's worth it. And you know what brothers and sisters, the same teacher taught me in semester three. And in semester three, I could keep up with his dictation. In fact, my classmates would, you know, would check my notes to see what they've missed when they had helped me Allah protect me from self praise. And Allah knows what law here I'm only sharing your personal experience so you can understand the context that I'm coming from, when I tell you that you

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know what, I lack sensitivity to those who complain to those who complain you do what you need to do you know why? Because it is worth it. It is far more valuable than a million gold bricks. So the point to note your brothers and sisters is, you know, I took my teachers advice, he said, put your trust in Allah, you'll get used to it and by Allah I did, but in you know, there was going to be that timeframe that I would need to get used to it. And as a result, I mitigated I came up with another process to help me and put in the necessary work required. And this is what I want to share with you, my dear brothers and sisters, like a guy like Ebola, he, I cannot even do you know, half a

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percent of what the amount did during travel in his book, you know, but given some of the experiences I have had seeking knowledge and then I, I pick up a book written by a man who, you know, wrote it with excellence, and he said, and never wrote a story book, he wrote an academic book, and he wrote it from the top of his head, Allahu Akbar, Lama Abu Dhabi have been Illa Allah, indeed, there is no one worthy of worship besides one Allah. And indeed, this Imam is aside from the signs of Allah subhanho wa Taala. That's all I can say, My dear brothers and sisters given, you know, my

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sensitive Association when it comes to seek knowledge, and I'm sure many of you can relate to some of the points that I mentioned in here. So this is another thing that we learned, my dear brothers and sisters, and that is the importance of being patient, not judging our teachers, not speaking about our teachers, yes, our teachers might not be, you know, up to par might not be upon that which we want. But never be one who criticizes your teacher. It wasn't from the madness, morals and etiquettes of a student of knowledge, to say, Oh, my teachers like this, and the chef is like this, and the chef is like that, and so on and so forth. And that is why me personally, I have advised

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many of the Islamic

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organizations that teach Islam, that you know, you should not be asking the students, whether the teacher was captivating, this is not good tarbiyah of the students and Mashallah I'm speaking to, you know, the cream of the crop, those who work in the DA Mashallah have looked at some of your profiles, some of us are vice presidents of organization, some of us are vice principals of schools, some of us are teachers and head teachers, and so on and so forth. When you land, it is not good tarbiyah to start asking your students whether, you know, teacher so and so was he captivating enough? Yes, we can do it for the contemporary sciences. But when it comes to the shabari, when it

01:03:58 --> 01:04:23

comes to the knowledge of the Sharia, when it comes to that our and do it and propagating this Deen, that doesn't need us this Deen that you and I need, there has to be a level of common sense. There has to be a level of serenity and clarity amidst the chaos of the lives that you and I live in today. So please take this particular point. Now, again, just to refresh our memories. We've been discussing the unique aspects of this book by Imam

01:04:24 --> 01:04:59

Rahmatullahi. Ali, from the unique aspects of this book brothers and sisters, and this is something you won't know looking at the summarized version is that this particular book is five volumes long or six volumes long, depending on the print, right? Depending on the print and the work of the correctors and revises. When this book was published, obviously we know that these books before they were published in what you and I know as publications today, they they went through a process known or a process where they were they were considered manuscripts.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:03

Right, so a process where they were

01:05:04 --> 01:05:19

considered manuscripts and reading a manuscript is far difficult brothers and sisters, than reading a published book, you know, which was nice headings and nice designs and nice colors. So again, you know, hats off to our scholars refer to him who actually sat reading a

01:05:21 --> 01:06:09

book and actually summarizing it for us. So we have a summarized version in just one volume and not you, I wouldn't even call it a volume, I'll call it one short volume, given the size of money, the amount of pages, but the reality is the original book, or the writing of the man was in five or six volumes. So get your head your head round that brothers and sisters, you know, I have the the, one of the more famous publications, and and each volume is 600 pages plus, so if we said, you know, 600 pages plus, and it's about 23456, I've got the six, volume, six volume, compilation, and each volume is plus 600 pages, you do the math, I mean, even if you took out the table of contents and and the

01:06:09 --> 01:06:21

the, you know, the, the tables that teach us discuss the ayat in the book and the Hadith in the book, and so on and so forth. Even if you took that out, you do the math of how many pages this Imam wrote

01:06:22 --> 01:06:35

in this particular book, and And don't forget, he did it whilst traveling. And with the difficulty of traveling perhaps that's the reason why Allah has placed so much Baraka in this particular book, also brothers and sisters.

01:06:37 --> 01:06:46

The version of the book that you and I are going to study, as I've said is a summarized version. Now this particular book was summarized by another famous Mmm.

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Another famous scholar of Hamlet, he must have been By the way, he was from the humble method.

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And this imams name or the summarises name was Sheikh Mohammed.

01:06:59 --> 01:07:00

bin Abdul Wahab,

01:07:01 --> 01:07:15

Lucha de or robiola who again, everybody or you know, the the large majority would be familiar with this name, Sheikh Mohammed, bin Abdullah head of the Allahu Allahu la

01:07:17 --> 01:08:03

Rahim Allah, may Allah shower His mercy upon him, he summarized this particular book and he summarized it, you know, to make it accessible for the masses, why, because the book is worth it, the masses need to read it. So basically, he summarized the entire six volumes into one particular volume. And what he did was, you know, he removed the extra evidences explaining a point, for example, so he would just stick to the main evidence mentioned, to prove a point he removed many of the discussion surrounding the differences of opinion and evidences of different scholars and the rebuttals, and so on and so forth. He also removed many of the Arabic language nuances

01:08:04 --> 01:08:47

that would give way to different interpretations of of verses, and of prophetic narrations. He removed all that. So basically, he just kept the the crux of the lessons. So that, you know, those who perhaps are not so studious would be able to still read the book and take the benefit because this book is worth it. And again, this is another sign of how Allah subhanho wa Taala has accepted this book, because signs of acceptance happens when the book exists throughout the ages of Islam after it was written Firstly, secondly, in today's day and age, we would say, you know, the book being published. And thirdly, the fact that scholars would care about the book enough to correct any

01:08:47 --> 01:09:10

spelling mistakes, to sort of, you know, verify the closest manuscript to the writing of the or the closest manuscript to that which the author actually wrote, for example, because back in the day, brothers and sisters, when someone wanted to copy a book, it wasn't like now when we photocopy to go to a printing shop, basically, people would come from all over the globe

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on a journey, which would take them months, and then they would get their hands on the original copy. And they would hand write the original copy in what they would consider their own books. And then they would go back with that book to their cities, and towns and villages, and the people were then would make copies of what this person copied. So naturally, you know, human error can happen. So now you have a plethora of manuscripts, and you know, certain differences in certain sentences in certain words, for example,

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this is something plausible and something that can be easily understood. So what happens is that in the later ages, we have scholars who are inspired by a lot to come about to gather all the manuscripts and try and produce the closest

01:10:01 --> 01:10:45

thing to what the man initially wrote Rahmatullah here. And this is a sign of acceptance of a book. Another sign of acceptance is as is, you know, the fact that the book has been summarized. Because let's say the book was at a particular level, that would only appeal to a group of people. Right? Allah showered acceptance on this book by making another share another scholar, summarize the book to make it accessible for the masses. Imagine that, right? Just imagine you give a lesson in the UK, right? Just to give a practical example here, you give a lesson in the UK, and it's in the English language, obviously, right? And then Allah gives acceptance to your lesson by making somebody

01:10:45 --> 01:11:24

translate your lesson into oldu, for example, and all of a sudden it's accessible to our entire part of the globe that you never imagined. Right? So you were, you know, targeting a particular audience. And Allah subhanho wa Taala took it beyond your expectations. Isn't this acceptance from Allah subhanho wa Taala or assign insha Allah insha Allah we have good hope in Allah subhanho wa Taala. So, this is the reality of the book we will be studying we will be studying the summarized version and the English summary obviously given the audience, but I will be sharing with you

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further explanations, explanations from myself, explanations taken from the other books of the scholars and mainly explanations taken from the original version, the book written by

01:11:38 --> 01:11:41

him originally referred to it

01:11:42 --> 01:12:26

without making it too technical in a way that affects your ability to follow. So I will try and keep it at a certain level, but don't forget brothers and sisters, you know, we have students from different backgrounds here, some who already have a background seeking knowledge. So what I will do is try and accommodate everybody the best or in the best way that I can, and inshallah, inshallah, as the scholar say, Man, Luna Zulu, that which cannot be done in its entirety shouldn't be left out. It's an entirety, and I'll try and use that particular principle with our, you know, new, you know, beginners and with our more established students of knowledge and more established workers in the

01:12:26 --> 01:12:39

field of the hour. Okay, so now we've understand we've understood the book, we've understood the books name, we've understood the name of the author, we've understood why the book is unique. Now we need to learn a little bit about the author. So who was a man?

01:12:41 --> 01:12:43

Well, he's cornea

01:12:45 --> 01:12:55

was Abu Abdullah, or if we want to be appropriate in the Arabic language, we would say, Abu abdillah, but because we discussing the English language I'm going to use

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what's more famously, the process when translating these corneas or these titles of people.

01:13:05 --> 01:13:17

Which is Abu Abdullah. So he was Abu Abdullah. That was his title, the father of Abdullah and his name was Mohammed, Abu Bakar. Eben, a, you even said?

01:13:19 --> 01:13:35

Even Harry's azuri, which is an inscription to azura which is in the south of Syria at the Alhambra. Okay, I'm going to repeat that for those who are writing and as I said, you will get a recording insha Allah.

01:13:38 --> 01:14:10

And it's enough for you to know that his name was Mohammed, Abu Bakar. By the way, if you know him as Abu Abdullah, Mohammed Abu Bakar, that's fine, famously known as Josie. Yeah, this is his, this is fine. I'm just giving you the extra pieces of information. Given that we do have an attachment to the book of this author given that, you know, we're going to be studying it over the next few months and years B Lila hit Anna. So he was Abu Abdullah Mohammed Ibn Abu Bakar, Eben, a tube, even sad, even Harry's azuri at the Vichy and humbly

01:14:11 --> 01:14:40

means, you know, Damascus or a person from Damascus, and and humbly refers to a person being from the humbly madhhab. So for your notes, it's enough for you to write his name was Mohammed Abu Bakar. And his title was Abu Abdullah and he was famously known as Eben L. Josie. Yeah. Now, why was he? You know, why was he called al Josie? Well, obviously there there are other scholars who carried the name.

01:14:41 --> 01:15:00

And Joe Xia made this stand out from the rest. So whenever we say, Josie, we know exactly who we talking about. We're talking about Abu Abdullah Mohammed Ahmed Abu Bakar. Now why was he called Al Jazeera? Well, he was called this because his father, his father, who was also

01:15:00 --> 01:15:13

A great scholar. His father was the principal of a school known as El Josie. Yeah, in Damascus, right. So his father was the principal of a school known as Al Jazeera, in

01:15:14 --> 01:15:16

Damascus. Right.

01:15:17 --> 01:16:01

And this teaches you again, you know, the importance of shadow and these lands, Syria and, and these lands, we don't have time to go into brothers and sisters, but they were great scholars in this land. Right and from them is this particular Imam, imagery below him. And as you can see, this land had great madrasahs great schools. And as you can see, the father was also Russia. And he was the principal of this particular school, even though he was born on the seventh of September, the seventh of suffer in the year 691, after the hatred of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to Medina 691, which would be around 1292 ce II.

01:16:02 --> 01:16:05

So, in terms of the Islamic date, we will say 691

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of the hegira. And he was raised in the house of knowledge and excellence, and this obviously offered him the chance to take knowledge from the senior scholars of his time,

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especially at a time brothers and sisters, when the variants of the various sciences of knowledge, you know, had flourished, there were many books that were there he was set, the mothership themselves have their own books, the different treatment hubs.

01:16:33 --> 01:16:41

So, you know, in terms of the documentation of the Sherry it, you know, it existed

01:16:42 --> 01:16:50

at a praiseworthy state and this was the time when I am Rahmatullah here and they existed. He studied under

01:16:52 --> 01:17:02

she had an herbal analyse, and from his teachers also was Abubakar, di m, and de la man.

01:17:04 --> 01:17:23

He also had female teachers from them was Fatima bin Johar, which teaches us, you know, how female scholarship is from Islam. And we had female scholarship, female scholars from the time of Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And we don't need to even go further than our mother Asia.

01:17:25 --> 01:17:31

But here we see, you know, in the seventh century of Islam, we see

01:17:32 --> 01:17:34

it having

01:17:35 --> 01:18:04

even the eighth century of Islam because we would presume he was he was a bit older, when he studied with his teacher, Fatima, Fatima bit, Jo Ha. And this was one female teacher amongst many female teachers, or even in the seventh and eighth century of Islam, we see how many female scholars existed and how people would take their knowledge from the female scholars, but this doesn't mean that they were flouting the rules of the Sharia, in terms of hijab and in terms of

01:18:05 --> 01:18:23

matters pertaining to the love, and segregation, and so on, and so forth. So it doesn't mean that yes, we had female scholars, that they were conducting themselves in an unworthy way. No, the whole process was worthy of the honor of the knowledge of this sherea from his teachers, as well as Mohammed.

01:18:26 --> 01:19:12

Mohammed Ibn Abdul Fattah al Abadi, and others like a human will command and allow the battery to do a pajama. So he studied with, you know, some of the best and and don't forget that his first teacher was his father. And he studied inheritance from his father and it is said, Islamic inheritance, by the way, and he said that his father was very strong in Islamic inheritance, and his father passed away in the 723 after his and this I found, stated by a half a bit hedger, who's a famous Sheffield scholar, and have been hedger, you want to take note of this name brothers and sisters, and half it had been hedger. He was the famous Sheffield scholar, and he was the famous man that explained the

01:19:12 --> 01:19:14

Hadith book written by Eman

01:19:15 --> 01:19:27

al Bukhari, Rahmatullah alayhi jbn refer to LA him. Jimmy and so we, you know, it, Hatcher is a very respected scholar, and he discusses

01:19:28 --> 01:19:59

the death of the father of evolution tie him to La Jolla, LA and sights for us him having passed away in the year 723, after hedger, so he studied Islamic inheritance with his father. He studied the Arabic language with a big fat belly and he read to him and moolah has a book called Alma house, which is written by a scholar famous in famously known as Abu Baba, Abu Bakar. And he also read George

01:20:00 --> 01:20:21

Nia, which is another famous Arabic book. And he also read elfia took nomadic, which is a more advanced Arabic book. So he studied, you know Arabic very well with some of the best teachers. And he also studied with alleged a tunisie, who was also a famous chef, and matched a tunisie, a famous chef,

01:20:23 --> 01:20:25

known for his abilities in the Arabic language. So he

01:20:27 --> 01:20:59

studied with the best in the language, and he studied the best books, or some of the strongest books written with regard to the Arabic language. And I can promise you for those who can read Arabic, if you pick up the original work of humans, and you look at all the Arabic language nuances that he brings across, not just, you know, in terms of meanings, but even in terms of grammar, and the different views of the scholars, you can see he was well read in the Arabic language he studied with a group of scholars among them was

01:21:00 --> 01:21:04

Mohammed Al Irani, and he took the sutras and,

01:21:06 --> 01:21:21

you know, lessons pertaining to Africa and belief and Islamic creed, as well as fifth from the famous scholar, a Sufi and Hindi. And then he also studied the sciences with his greatest teacher, his biggest teacher who can guess for me

01:21:23 --> 01:21:32

the name of his most famous teacher, who he considered his greatest teacher who has some knowledge of this and can throw it down for us in the chatbox

01:21:33 --> 01:21:34


01:21:37 --> 01:21:45

So, we're talking about you know, the most famous teacher of Abraham Rahim Allah, and the one who he cites as his

01:21:47 --> 01:21:47


01:21:49 --> 01:22:07

teacher, the one who is spent the longest time with well done on kashia and everybody else imaam ibn taymiyyah Rahmatullah here and Eman Ibn taymiyyah Rahmatullah here and so, Abraham Allah, he spent 16 to 17 years,

01:22:08 --> 01:22:53

right of his life, with even even Tamia La Jolla. That's why in his writings, you can clearly see, you know, the emotions that He has for his teacher, the respect that He has for his teacher, and in many of his works, the works of Abraham to LA LA. He goes on to mention many of the views of urban Tamia Rahmatullah here and he that, you know, you know, a lot of the time you can find out what view urban Tamia had at a specific point of his life by looking at the works of him his student, Malala Haley, and you know, some of the scholars say, it was enough for us to understand how amazing Imam Abu hanifa was by looking at his student, Muhammad Hassan a shebang. And it's enough for us to

01:22:53 --> 01:22:58

understand how amazing even taymiyah was by looking at his students.

01:22:59 --> 01:23:23

Rahmatullah hear it right. So, so, some have a law, you know, some people really the respect that they had for scholars grew by them, looking at the students of the scholars, right. And ask Allah to make me wealthy to your brothers and sisters and to make your work these students then perhaps, you know, you can increase by adjure in the hereafter insha Allah by becoming more amazing, yourselves

01:23:24 --> 01:23:54

being delighted, and I say it with, with with with with us with a light laugh, but with a serious heart, in my request to you all. So, you know, people or even Tamia grew when they started reading the books of Abraham Rahmatullah here and he says, look at this, this this person, this person who's an Imam in his own right, he said mm, in his own right. So, you know, and and in his book, his books are filled with the teachings of he share.

01:23:55 --> 01:24:13

It been tamed, taymiyah Mottola, he is a so he spent 16 to 17 years with even taymiyah Hema hula. And it's very clear that April came to LA he really adopted the methodology of his teacher

01:24:14 --> 01:24:17

did Ibn taymiyyah or HIPAA law

01:24:18 --> 01:24:43

now it will pay him as we said he was an amount in and of himself, which means what which means he had his own students. Right. And as I said earlier, you know, we look at the students to understand how great the teacher was. So let's look at the students by him to understand how amazing he was so from his own students was his own son Abdullah. Right. And then the famous scholar of the field

01:24:45 --> 01:24:59

mm even cateel Rahmatullah Haley, the great amount of notice of Siri but Kathy, you and the author of the famous history book known as albida, when kneehigh which is an amazing book of history,

01:25:00 --> 01:25:02

Right from Advani Salah

01:25:04 --> 01:25:31

will pay him you know puts me Sorry, even Kathy Rahmatullah here and he just writes this amazing book the A to Zed, you know, the beginning until the end. That's what he titled it and be dire when we hire the beginning and the end. And right now that is Sam, I've just seen they're translating certain portions of this book. So, if you go to darussalam, and you see some of the translations it will tell you such and such from albida when we hire, right,

01:25:32 --> 01:25:40

so these are some of the translations from the multiple volume volumes, written by Imam Ibn Kathir Matala, he

01:25:43 --> 01:26:23

was from the students of epital pay him as well as the environment half with a Brockman even larger bill al Baghdadi Alhambra, the famous humbly scholar and happy Managua and amazing scholar and Imam in and of himself as well. Right. And he was the author of the famous book known as the apostle Hannah villa. Right? So, this person has the menorah job. He was an amazing scholar of himself considered any man he didn't have himself, he too was a student of Abraham. Law, he, actually so brothers and sisters, you know, he had multiple students who I'm just sharing with you a few, I'm just sharing with you a few.

01:26:25 --> 01:26:41

There was another scholar, later on, known as Mohammed, even allia show Kenny, is a famous scholar famous for his abilities in fecund Hadith. And he praises him, by him by saying, you know, that he saw when he read the books of him how

01:26:42 --> 01:27:26

he would restrict himself to the most authentic of evidences, and how, you know, you couldn't help but admire the way he would act upon the knowledge that he had, and how he would not depend on the on, you know, on opinions, rather than he was ready to overcome opinions. When he found evidence that was, you know, that that was contradictory to the views of other people which would shows, you know, how he himself even though he was an Imam, in and of himself, by the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala, even cattier, his famous student and the famous student, the famous author of the ctbt cattier, as I explained, he says, that he was attached to occupying himself with knowledge day

01:27:26 --> 01:27:28

and night, he would pray and recite the Quran,

01:27:30 --> 01:28:05

much meaning a lot, and was of excellent character, and he would show great affection and friendship, and he will not be jealous or envious. So, we learn from this brothers and sisters, that you know, we learn from this DVD formula for gaining knowledge and and even even even conceive goes on to further say that I do not know, in this time of hours, right? anyone in the world who worships greater than him meaning Rahmatullah hear it. And he says, He used to have a particular manner with respect to the prayer, he would lengthen it a great deal, he would extend its bowing and prostrating and many of his,

01:28:07 --> 01:28:26

the imagery because it goes on to say, to say that many of the the students of the Imam would censure the Imam at times, but he would never return and leave alone this action, meaning they would, you know, gather here gather at his place, gather nearby where he was, obviously to learn from many of his students, but Mr.

01:28:28 --> 01:29:07

Ali would continue praying his Salah would continue seeking his knowledge would not you know, just leave it because of the fact that people had come. So, we learn from this, how he as a person was very, you know, controlled in terms of how he managed his time, how he managed his priorities, how he decided what his priorities were, and how he was, you know, we would say, pretty, you know, principled and excellent in terms of how he executed his timetable and executed the, the, you know, the tasks that he set for himself for that day and all these things collectively made him an amazing scholar

01:29:08 --> 01:29:17

and happy to see up another famous scholar that came later on he true, he also went on and praised

01:29:18 --> 01:29:22

Motorola highly, and, you know, actually said that

01:29:24 --> 01:29:43

it will pay him had a hand in tafsir he had a hand in Hades, he had a hand in school and the principles of religion and he had a hand in fifth and in the subsidiary matters with regards to this religion, and he also had a hand in the Arabic language so many scholars brothers and sisters came after the Great Eman to you know,

01:29:44 --> 01:29:45


01:29:47 --> 01:29:59

to the knowledge that Allah subhanho wa Taala blessed this email with this email from Allah here and he will pay him Rahim Allah. He has many books, brothers and sisters. Honestly, in my view, I would

01:30:00 --> 01:30:14

Wouldn't be far off saying he has countless books. Yes, we can count them but there's so many it would deserve the title countless. And Zermatt is just one of them. And as I said he wrote this book during a journey. So imagine what he was doing when he was sat at home.

01:30:15 --> 01:30:37

Imagine that brothers and sisters, imagine what the man was doing when he was in the comfort of the city that he came from and lived in when he was surrounded by his students. Right? eventually what he did them so they remember him Allah wrote many books from the books that he authored, was the shift that will lead Mr. Hidalgo sad.

01:30:38 --> 01:30:58

Have you ever elaborate for Ivanka to let her fat burn up a lot, Ben, and many others, but there is a key modality to Sally Keane is an amazing book. Right? It's a book really that's dedicated towards purification of the knifes This is an amazing book one lucky.

01:30:59 --> 01:31:01

I pray one day Allah gives us life

01:31:02 --> 01:31:47

to study this book as well, right? It's an amazing, amazing book by Dr. Sadie Kane, and you know what brothers and sisters, the reality of the book is that it is an explanation of one area in the Quran. And that is a kind of a Buddha II kind of stain. So this book also is more than one volume long, right? So depending on on the publication is more than one volume long. And the entire book is an explanation of just one a year can Abu Yakubu where he can stay. So this is another book that the man wrote Rahmatullah here and a modality aesthetic, and for those who read Arabic, please get it. For those who are interested at knowledge International University, we've actually translated a

01:31:47 --> 01:32:28

large portion of the summarized version of Medallia to Sally keep a very high level translation, a very high level translation that we teach as part of the bachelor's degree with knowledge International University. However, the good news is, you can actually study the course itself without joining the degree program. So you know, you could contact Kayuu, the semester started. So perhaps, you could wait for the next semester, which will be after the summer around September. So put it in your notes that you know, when that semester opens, you join in and you register for that particular class, and you study it insha Allah, you get a certificate for it. So it runs over four

01:32:28 --> 01:33:10

months. And the teacher of the subject is our chef checks it but now, sir, a chef, very happy the hola so we got him to record the lessons for this particular subject. And then we've translated the book, when he left Hampton, I have been blessed to run the live sessions, I will share half of the law. He was happy for me to take the lessons and now it's just become part and parcel. All of the classes that I have so you know, the excitement you hear you hear from me, speaking about this book is in place because I've been teaching it now for the last two to three years. We'll realize that it's an absolutely amazing book and hamdulillah delridge ascetic and he's also got other books known

01:33:10 --> 01:33:20

as keytab al Kabir, hokum, Tarik, Tarik Tarik Asana, please forgive me for that slip in the tongue. And he also has

01:33:22 --> 01:33:24

a book called ultimate by YouTube.

01:33:25 --> 01:34:09

And he has a book dedicated to explaining the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala, scharff, the smell and persona, and he has an amazing book that has a great presence in pseudo or jurisprudence methodology, known as an ever more Corinne Arabella. And I mean, so it's a famous book and no serious student of knowledge has a library without this particular book. So this is a little bit about the Imam Rahmatullahi. Allah him as I said, brothers and sisters, you know, if we were just to do a whole lesson about the life of him, we need a few weeks together. And this is the reality. But I just wanted to give you a bit of insight into the author. So you know, you could have

01:34:10 --> 01:34:11


01:34:12 --> 01:34:30

emotional investment as well, with regards to the book that you're reading, because you understand how unique it is and you understand how amazing the author was May Allah subhanho wa Taala get us with him in genda. Me, behind me now brothers and sisters, in terms of the class plan. The session is supposed to end

01:34:31 --> 01:34:40

now so that we take a quick break and then go into q&a. But given that today's an introductory lesson, please allow me to just continue a little bit because there's a few things that I want to

01:34:42 --> 01:35:00

complete with you all in this introductory or in this introduction rather, before our Saturday classes begin. Firstly, brothers and sisters, the methodology of the classes. So as has been announced, we will meet every Saturday at 9am mcca time, right obviously what

01:35:00 --> 01:35:05

The exception of today Today, we're meeting because it's an introduction. So, I wanted to just keep it separate.

01:35:06 --> 01:35:11

But otherwise we will be meeting every Saturday at 9am Mecca time now,

01:35:12 --> 01:35:16

if I have to travel, then we will bring this class

01:35:18 --> 01:35:30

into the week. So for example, it would happen on a day like this at about 9pm. So please take note of that, but it will be you know, travels, arrange Allah insha Allah

01:35:32 --> 01:36:06

I think I have one scheduled for around the 20th of March. So, in that particular week, brother, he shall will will be in touch and sister that Kara will be in touch inshallah with the timings for the class during that week in advance, obviously, so you can manage your timetable as well. Otherwise, by default, the class will happen every Saturday at 9am. Now, you will get links in your email before the class, please save the group email address as a contact in your email, so that the emails don't go into spam.

01:36:08 --> 01:36:40

Okay, and if you see that you have received that email, check your spam first. And if it's not there, then right to Sister bakura or brother he shall meet Allah subhanho wa Taala reward that will preserve them both in his obedience me. The next point brothers and sisters is that these classes will run as per the timetable of lessons in the masajid here in Saudi Arabia. So as you know, in Saudi Arabia, Mashallah the masajid run classes, and these classes run from

01:36:41 --> 01:36:51

semester to the semester break, and then the following semester to the semester break. So, these classes will run as follows just to share with you a bit more detail,

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that inshallah we will continue our classes for this particular period, or period one, until around the 20th of May, right, so our last session will be around the 20th of May, because that's when the university start exams here. And that's when our teachers stop teaching in the massages. So we will use the similar model, and the lessons will stop till the beginning of the next semester, which will be in September, which will be in September. So we'll have a long summer break, okay, in that summer break, obviously, you need to revise your lessons, put the lessons into practice in a greater way. And inshallah, what we will do is we'll have one of classes, special classes, for this particular

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group, like a class for Ramadan, like a class for Laila to ponder insha Allah, and just general classes be at Villa, but in terms of the series of lectures, it will stop around the 20th of may and then we will resume in September, and in September, we'll resume tell hedge and then we'll stop for the hedge break, and then from hedge till January, and then we'll have a mid year break, and then it will continue in February till May, again as the period that we are in now so I'm just giving you all the rundown, but inshallah, in terms of the specifics An email will be sent through when the time is right and you will all be kept informed inshallah inshallah. Now,

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the text that we will be using, I believe you've all downloaded it, you must download it.

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Alhamdulillah Hisham has sent the link, please download it. And please try and read before you come to the class don't come to the class without reading any part of the book, even if it's, you know, Porsches that we will not take in that lesson. If you've read already, what we will what we will take in this in the lesson, then, you know, continue reading right you you never go wrong reading the book. And once you finish it, you can start again.

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You know, some of some of you may ask them, How much will we do per session? Allah knows best a lot was best, you know, it just I don't want to focus on quantity, quantity, I want to focus on quality. So it might be that, you know, one lesson will last us several weeks it could it could happen this way brothers and sisters, so I want to focus on quality, not quantity, but although even in terms of quality, So could it be something unbearable, where we just go on and on about something I want to be realistic, you know, we only have one life to live and inshallah it will be an honor to finish the entire book. So I do have, you know, my my eye on the on the aim of actually finishing the book.

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So it's not going to be too detailed, but nonetheless, it's not going to be too brief. Yes, we using a brief summary as the primer but as I promised, I will be explaining so please download the book, and please do your best to read.

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The other thing brothers and sisters that I want to share with you is the importance of looking after the etiquettes of seeking knowledge. You know, make sure you have sincerity.

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If you're doing it for a lot every step of the way, every step of the way from the time you signed up, don't do it for fun, don't do it because you know, there was a hype around it, do it for the sake of Allah. And also, you know from the etickets is you feeling special

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because of the special nature of this journey. Right? So you special brothers and sisters, right? Yeah, you know, you know that for the student of knowledge

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is Allah making the angels lower the wings for the student of knowledge, right, which means you especially if angels are lowering the wings for you, right, it means you special also, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that Metallica polyphony ultimate Sufi realm and sal Allahu Allahu Allah agenda, that whoever treads a path for the sake of Allah seeking Islamic knowledge, Allah subhanho wa Taala will make your journey to genma easier, which means you special again. So I want you all to feel special as an etiquette. Now, I'm not saying become arrogant, but I'm saying be humble, meaning feel special in a way that makes you humble. That's Allah, Allah

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subhanho wa Taala has picked you and chosen you. Also brothers and sisters, be patient, be patient, be patient with me, be patient with my team, be patient with each other. You know, make sure you have patience in high dosages. And we've spoken a lot about patients when he left his hand during the course of today's program. So please, please, please be patient and be patient in terms of how you study in terms of your revision. And in terms of making it to the class, I don't want you to say well, you know, the chef has promised to record the lesson. So you know what, I'm going to listen to the recorded session inshallah, our next lesson, I'm going to open it with a Hadith, which is going

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to teach you why you should attend the live session and not rely on the recording. I'm going to teach you a Hadith, which tells us how special how special

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you know,

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people who attend the lesson live. Okay, so

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please, you know, join me for the next lesson and be patient in attending. And don't just say, Well, you know, now it's going to be recorded. So inshallah I'll procrastinate. Remember, shavonne starts with a slowly, but it starts with a surely. Right, so your aim should be to attend the lesson live. Don't wait for the recording, the recording is there as a compliment from the outset, you should attend from the etiquettes brothers and sisters is, you know, I want you to learn to teach, right? So I don't want you to attend these lessons just to learn.

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I want you to attend these lessons with the intention of teaching these lessons to others. This is important, because if you do so brothers and sisters, then it will make you a more robust lead. And you'll ask more questions, and you focus better Why? Because, you know, that's the title of this lesson that I'm learning now I need to teach it to other people. So I better lead it well. Right? If you just come as a general letter, then it's going to sort of, you know, reduce the efficiency that you will have in terms of the class that you're taking. And you should apply this etiquette to all your classes, when you attend the class to learn. What's the intention of teaching what you learn to

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others? So look after these etiquettes My dear brothers and sisters also I would love for you to Yes, exactly teach the lesson to others. So helped me grow my agenda by teaching other people that which Allah has blessed me to teach you. Also brothers and sisters, may Allah bless you all, from the etiquette is not to play with the classroom.

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Okay, so don't play with the whiteboard. Don't play with any of the features. May Allah bless you. Well, I'm just adding that in because I saw the screen wobble a little bit. We Allah bless you. I mean, you're blind. I mean, so just take care of these etiquettes Joseph Kabila who hire and there are many, many more etiquettes when seeking knowledge and inshallah we will touch upon those etiquettes as we traverse together, learning from the book of the great email, also brothers and sisters from the etiquettes is pleased Ben in and do not burn out. Right? Burn in but don't burn out. As I said earlier, don't try and take things in bucket loads and put them into practice in

01:44:14 --> 01:44:52

bucket loads, bucket loads, you know, set yourself a robust plan, which slowly but surely gets you going with things and that is why I've made this lesson only once a week, and not more than once had it been more than once. I'm sure you would have all said Yes, let's do it. But then you know, you would have burned out so please remember the bad in don't burn out my happiness would be for you to truly become better people. I don't want you just to be knowledgeable people. I want you to be truly better people because of the knowledge that you have led me Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the understanding some miscellaneous points, my dear brothers and sisters, please try and have with you

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some healthy sugars. Right now some of us might be laughing. But this is a great technique when learning right because when you

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When you use your prefrontal cortex, which is at the front of your brain, and the prefrontal cortex uses a lot of calories to function properly, right, so if you can consume healthy sugars every 20 minutes, like, you know, dark chocolate, like for example,

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some dates, right, don't eat so much that you know, you put on weight, okay, but that's why I didn't say normal chocolate I said dark chocolate doesn't taste so good, but it has some healthy sugars there, then what happens is, it keeps your, your mind fresh, the body doesn't feel that it's running out of cash, calories. So it keeps on pumping, you know, releasing energies for your prefrontal cortex for your brain to work and it helps you focus Don't forget that this is you know, a two hour session even though we haven't breaks your your the efficiency of your brain to focus is going to fluctuate. So assist yourself in ensuring that you know you have some healthy sugars insha Allah,

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which you consume every 20 minutes, I would say, you know, at every 20 minute interval or 15 minute or every time you feel you becoming mentally tired, just eat a little bit and you'll see inshallah it will cause you to focus some more.

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Here I think I've shared with you some of you know the most important points that I wanted to share.

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inshallah, there are a few other things but as I promised, I will I will pass them on to you. As we traverse through our journey with the book by

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Abraham into law, he is a last but not least, my dear brothers and sisters, he who does not thank the people cannot thank Allah subhanho wa Taala. So I want to be good at thanking Allah, I want you to be good in thanking Allah and to do that we need to be good with the lesser things, because if we fail with the lesser things, then we will fail with the greater things. If we fail with the lesson thanks which is thanking the people we will fail with the greater thing so we must thank the people and I would like to extend the heartfelt gratitude to

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the team of brothers and sisters behind this event brother jacket from the UK, brother to hate from the UK but the boys from the UK brother Idris from Melbourne, Australia, brother he Sham from Dubai. Brother Abdul Mateen from Dubai, sister shyster from Durban, South Africa, Sister szenario from the UK, Sister vancura from Colombo, Sri Lanka, who specialize in Malaysia for some study, and is still joining this program. May Allah bless and she's the one who's been emailing you all so even though she's been traveling and busy with some school, she's been keeping up to date with everything Mashallah herself and Brenda Mashallah sister Aisha, also from Colombo, Sri Lanka, sister Madea from

01:47:52 --> 01:47:53

the UK sister

01:47:54 --> 01:48:09

Safa from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and sister Rosanna from Melbourne, Australia. So I'd like to thank our brothers and sisters, for all the great work also. Also, I would like to extend a heartfelt gratitude to

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our wonderful, wonderful team of SISTERS IN DUBAI at Darrell L. for affording us the virtual classroom for us to run our lessons and in particular, our sister, Rubina, may Allah bless her, may Allah protect her and her family and milma except from her.

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She's been,

01:48:35 --> 01:49:15

you know, very forthcoming Mashallah Tabata collide, working with our team in deciding on the times for this particular class and setting the link since and so on and so forth, which is a particular class or system to be the vertical alphacam and also please saved my thanks and due to everyone at darlin Barcalounger last but not least my dear brothers and sisters, I thank each and every one of you here by brothers and sisters who inspire me, my brothers and sisters who I love for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala each and every one of you in attendance, and each and every one of you who will attend barakallahu li come from the bottom of my heart Milla bless you all. Look after you all,

01:49:16 --> 01:49:46

I thank you for you know, choosing me to be a teacher lending me your attentive ear. And also thank you for making me a guest in your home. Because I imagine the majority of you all are listening to these sessions that will listen to these sessions from the comfort of your home so I in essence will be a guest in your home. So desirable, no hidden for allowing me to be a guest in your home and ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make me a worthy guest. Not a troublesome guest but a guest that is of benefit

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to Allah. This is all I have brothers and sisters for this introduction insha Allah when we meet again on Saturday at 9am Mecca time inshallah, we will begin the introduction

01:50:01 --> 01:50:08

The introduction by the great Imam Abraham, Joseph, la Holly, as summarized by another great Imam, Muhammad,

01:50:09 --> 01:50:14

Abdul Wahab or betula he, or they Burke Hello FICO has

01:50:15 --> 01:50:38

everything correct settings from Allah subhanho wa Taala. He's perfect. And any mistakes I found myself in SharePoint and I seek Allah subhanahu wa trns forgiveness, brothers and sisters, I love you all for the sake of Allah. And just before I close, we have opened a couple of forums, one specific for the females, one specific for the males, for those who are transcribing today's lessons,

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you know, and you can put it up in those forums, and just for you all to grow your relationships with one another in terms of, you know, being a student in this program. And also for the sake of you all sharing benefits with one another and clarifying any, any issues that you might have Bartok lovick. For those who have questions, yes. Okay. All right. Abdul Malik. May Allah bless you. I'm sticking it in the chat box and outside it over at gmail

01:51:14 --> 01:51:24

Bismillah [email protected] Alright, so there's that. But you know, please forgive me brothers and sisters, I might not be able to, you know, just reply you all

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given the amount of emails that come in, but I will try by my dear, best now, as I said, we have a forum for the males a forum for the females, so everyone will be in their respective forums.

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And, you know, that way everybody is comfortable to learn in a comfortable setting as for the main forum group, where everybody is in that is only for the purpose of us sending out to you important correspondence, and that is why everyone needs to get in that particular group, but there'll be no correspondence between students in that particular group. In terms of correspondence and hamdulillah you have your own individual forum groups been lucky to Allah, because Allah

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala accept from us and show us our time together on our scales of good deeds on the day of mean or sun Allahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Subhana Allah He will become the subsonic of lahoma we'll be having deca lecture to Allah, Allah, Allah and Mr. Furukawa to elect See you all everybody Saturday, inshallah Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Explanation of the summarised version of Imam Ibn Qayyim AlJawziyyah’s famous book- Provisions for the Hereafter. This is the Introduction that took place before episode one.

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