Jumuah Khubah
Saad Tasleem – Responding to hate
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Put your brothers and sisters in the life of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. There were many pivotal moments that occurred. And I want to share with you today one of those pivotal moments, something that the prophets of Allah who I knew send them experienced a particular year, which was known as the husband or the year of sorrow. And this was a particularly distressing and difficult time for the prophets of Allah who was setting them because it is in this short period of time that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lost his beloved wife Khadija with the Oliver there either and how Allaha Khadija, you see she was the support of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa send them who was with him from the very beginning. She was there when he first received that he said that the message from Allah was panela data, when he came home, frightened, because he had seen something which was out of this world, something that he could not have ever expected to see. He had an encounter with the angel greed. And he was writing to the point where he came home and he said, Zen milioni milioni. He said, cover me up, cover me up or wrap me up. And it was Khadija Viola were and had supported him. From the very beginning. When there was no one else there was Khadija will be a lover, I'm home. And as the prophets I send them went through his life,
and he, he faced the difficulties in the opposition from his own tribe, from his own people. Khadija in his house and the lover, I was there with him. And so to lose her, was a very big deal. And on top of that, it was that same year, that same time, were the prophets of Allah, who I think it was send them lost the support of his uncle of a bunny. Even though his uncle did not accept Islam, his uncle was there to support him, and to shield him and guard him against the oppression of the Moorish. And so financially, he was there, he was there to hold off this oppression. So when he loses, so I said them, how did he tell you love, I didn't have any loses obovata name, he had lost
his connection to his tribe, phase, people he had lost that support that physical support that he had.
And so not only that, when losing a father, the one who replaced a thought of as the leader of the orange was
the one who had a deep seated hatred for the prophets like sending them. And so as a bufala, passed away, Abu Lahab took control. And he tried to squeeze the believers. And it almost became unbearable for the believers in Mecca for the prophets of licen.
And upon experiencing this, the prices in them, thought to himself, perhaps I can go to a nearby city in nearby town. That's how that might provide me with some relief and some support. And so he went to the town of Fife. And in five, he was hoping
for some empathy, or some type of support.
But what he found was the opposite of that. Not only did they reject the prophets that I sent him, they tried to humiliate the prophets, I send them they gather the children, and they gave them stones and rocks. And they tried to run the prophets, I send them out of the city. And so they had the children chasing the process and rocks and stones, to the point where as the husband was leaving the city, he was bleeding. And he was hurt. He was emotionally hurt. And he was physically hurt as well. And some narrations mentioned that in terms of his physical pain, he was bleeding to the point where his shoes had told with blood.
And the blood had hardened in his shoes, and he found it difficult to walk because of the blood becoming hard.
It is not moment where the person has ended and felt like everyone had turned against him. And he had seen how the city of bodies and the people thought if tried to humiliate the profits of a life and it is in that moment that Allah has had our data, set the angel of the mountains, and said, Oh, well, having my tell me what you need. Tell me what you want. Give me the order. And I will bring these two mountains down upon the people have thought if
and how did the process of them respond?
He said no.
He said perhaps from their progeny from their offspring there will be those who worship none but Allah who was a Penwith.
You see, this was something built into the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
this mercy, this gentleness and this kindness and this is what Allah who's kinda Allah describe the prophets of Allah how you send them as Rama as mercy. Well, my son Naka enough method and Allah mean we did
Send you except as a mercy, not to the the outs, not to a small group, not to your people, not even just to the believers. I mean, all of Allah's creation.
And I mentioned this to my brothers and sisters, because you know, when we talk about being merciful towards someone, we talked about being gentle toward someone, we talked about being kind toward someone, when it is someone who likes us, someone who's good to us, or even someone who is neutral, we may say, you know, Okay, done, no problem. But how about those who show animosity and hatred towards us? How about those who try to, as we seen the rest of them, not only insult him, but try to physically harm the province otherwise in them.
The level of His Mercy was that he was even merciful and gentle with those who showed hatred and animosity towards him some love war, and then he was sending them.
That was who the prophets otherwise send them was. And Allah tells us of the utility of that mercy. Allah tells us what couldn't have done if it was held versus if you were harsh, and hard hearted. Len felt Doom and how long they would have run away from you. This is not the enemies by the way. This is the believer that if the President was harsh with the people, even his own people,
and Allah says they would have run away from you, but that is not who the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was.
We have a beautiful incident.
When you start listening to the incident, it doesn't sound beautiful, but it is beautiful. In the end,
there was a group of men who came to the process in them, and they tried to insult him.
They took the the the the statement, the greeting of Islam, the greeting of the believers a setup or Alec or Salam or Aleikum,
then they distorted it. And they say to the prophets, and myself acel Alec, which means approximate meaning is made Destiny upon. They were cursing and two things are happening here. By the way, not only are they insulting the prophets of Allah send them they're mocking the deen of Islam.
Because they knew this was the greeting of the believers. And even till today, 1400 years later, we take pride and sing a salon where I like go to one another is how we identify each other as well is one of the ways you can be out in the marketplace. And you see someone you may not know right off the bat that they're Muslim, but as soon as they see a cinema, they can say why.
Because this is a this is one of the one of the important aspects of our deen.
And so they took it and they put it they distorted it, they said a salad what I like. And you know who was with the process
is the loving wife I said on the love Johanna who had an immense amount of protective, she had a protective nature from persistent.
She loved him, I send them dearly. And so she couldn't take it that someone was insulting them in this way, mocking the promises hitting them. And so she got angry. And she said not a several I like come and do what Nana said no maintenance depth be upon you and the curse, meaning the curse of Allahu Allah with that.
What she justified in that she's defending the prophets I send them you cannot bear it bear that someone is insulting the person sending them and what did the process send them do? He said, Nigeria? He said no.
In the Lucha mafia, where you have progressed very quickly. He said so I sent him Certainly Allah is kind.
Allah is gentle. And Allah likes gentleness, kindness in all of his matters. Once again, this is not someone who has been good to us. This is someone who is showing hatred and animosity towards us.
And he said, Yeah, CFI and definitely why Lake, he said, isn't afraid to say and the same beyond to you. And what this shows us here is that the process emblem did not shy away from the truth or standing up for what that which is right. Being good to people doesn't mean we hide our faith. It doesn't mean to compromise our faith. We stand up for that which is right.
But we don't mock people. We don't make fun of people. We don't insult people are they've insulted us
because we are showing them a better way. This character of a Muslim of a believer is integral to our deen the president and said I have not been I've not been sent except to perfect good character.
Meaning what meaning that is an integral part of this Deen because we can we can talk to people about Islam all we want. We can say this is Islam and Islam is the truth and Islam will give you happy
In this life and the afterlife and so on and so forth.
But if we're not practicing this Deen that we're preaching.
Now what is it worth in the eyes of people? And I'll take it one step further. Let's put non Muslims aside.
One of the reasons Muslims, young Muslims and I speak to young Muslims all the time, one of the reasons young Muslims are being turned off, some young Muslims are being turned away from Islam
is because they see the papacy in our ummah.
They see their parents, for example, preaching this Deen. But then they don't turn around and practice they do.
There are children who have grown up in an environment where this ideal has been preached to them. But when they look at the behavior of their elders that look at the behavior of even some of their leaders, they don't see this thing being practiced.
There, there are young people who have been abused, their young people have been harmed, emotionally physically harmed by people who claim to be leaders of this theme.
And so what is the outcome? They begin to blame Islam they say, well, Islam must be the problem.
Because there's nothing is really the truth. And where is it? All I see is hard for these people. And this is why one of the most dangerous things that come upon the believers in Medina, back to the time of Christendom was the moon of the moon. ebookers
will not protect us, because we want our children and look, I'm not saying we have to be perfect. I'm not saying we can never make mistakes. And if someone insults us, they will always have the better character and will always respond with kindness and gentleness.
But people have to see our own children have to see that at the very least, we are making an effort non Muslims have to see and I'm not saying we all have to be perfect. But they have to see that this is important to us. And how does that happen? I'll tell you how it happens with our children. It happens with our children. When we make a mistake, we talk to our children.
We tell our children, you know, somebody cut me off on the road, and I got angry. And I responded in a way which is not befitting of a Muslim. And you know what, that's wrong.
But I'm a human being.
And I'm trying to better myself. And so I expect this from you, my son or my daughter, just as I expected from myself, I know you're going to make mistakes, but we need to recognize what our mistakes are.
This is how we teach this Deen to our children. Some people think that this Dean has to be this Dean has to be shown as being perfect or nothing. And why he that is the way that she thought works is she a thought will come to us and say all or nothing. Either you be a perfect Muslim, or don't even bother. How many people don't come to the masjid because they feel like they don't match up.
Because maybe someone they come to Michigan people like criticize them for this or that or whatever. And so they're like, You know what, let me just stay away.
But the reality is, that every moment that you spend that we spend in the midst it is a moment for us to connect with Allah who is penalized to Allah is a moment for us to return to Allah who's kind of what the aina
is our message to our brothers and sisters and not listened to be a welcoming message to welcome them to the masjid regardless of what state they come in. However they come.
We want to welcome them up. Oh, look at how that stuff a lot of stuff in them. All right. And how did it mean? Well, sod was salam ala Chapelle, MBI, mousseline novena was saying, you know, what have you been a Muhammad wa ala Alihi, wa Sahbihi Intermarine.
He also had a lot, we live in a time where, you know, I can I can talk about responding with kindness and responding with beauty, and responding in gentleness. We live in a time where a lot of interaction actually doesn't take place in person.
So maybe we have an altercation with someone on the road, or in the supermarket or whatever it may be. But the vast majority of our interaction today seems to be online.
And for some reason, there is a disconnect.
When we are online, where we ironically we feel like our morals and our principles somehow just don't apply. When we're speaking online. That you know what, it's okay to make a comment. It's okay to berate people or to put people down because it's just online as if online or the internet is not real life. But the reality is behind every statement online, there's a human being who made that statement. There's someone who said this. And so as a believer, just as in person, our morals our character should be visible in our
behavior. Likewise, it should be visible to those who are exposed to us that this is a Muslim,
that they have a high level of character, that they're gentle with people, they're kind with people that they respond with gentleness. You know, the problem online, is that every time we're having a discussion with someone or a back and forth, oftentimes our our ego takes over. Our need to be right takes over. And the problem is, every time we're in an altercation with someone, and there's an audience that she thought will come,
and He will boost your ego, he will stroke your ego and see how dare this person says such and such about how they're this person still doing this way. And online, the audience is so large that we feel like we have to say face. And so we may end up saying things online that perhaps we wouldn't say in person.
And that is in that moment, we need to remember our character, you know, the prophets I send them once came across two men who were Bahraini, one another going off on one another. And the friends who said him turned to the Companions. And he said in Anita ilevel, Kadima, lokala, her lover and humiliated, he said, So I tell him, I know a statement, that if they were to say this statement, what they are feeling my Yejide it might not do enough see what they're finding within themselves, what they're feeling right now of anger and rage and frustration, all of those negative feelings. I know a statement that if they were to say this statement, what they're feeling right now would leave
Yo Carla who the winner who this year find that was in the process, and then said, if you only said, I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed to find,
meaning they remind themselves of the goals of the chiffon versus their own goal.
A lot of times when we're in an altercation with someone, when we're arguing with someone, whether it be in person, whether it be online, whether it be a stranger, or sometimes our own family members,
it's no longer about doing what is best.
It is about our ego is about proving the other person wrong, is about releasing our frustration is about releasing our anger all of those negative emotions
rather than something productive. And this is why one of the one of the the one of the most effective ways to fight that is to sit over been initiated by leveraging seek refuge in Allah from the chiffon not only does that help us fight the influence of the Shia thought, it gives us a moment to think. Because the chiffon doesn't want us to think. Because if we only thought for a moment, if we ask yourself, the very simple question of is what I'm about to say,
going to be productive towards a solution? Or are they only going to make things worse? That's it. That's all it takes. Someone says them to us and a button to respond. I say, get on the regime. And I say, Hold on. I'm about to say something. And I really want to say it. My nups is pushing me, this she upon is pushing? And I really want to say this.
But is is this a solution to what's going on here? Or will? Or will this only make this problem worse? Will that make this person angrier and more frustrated? And they're therefore I will be get angry and more frustrated? And so on and so forth?
And we realize the answer to that is yes, we may stop. And this is why from the guidance I send them is he said that when you get angry if you're standing Sit down. Why? What does that do? That changes your head, it changes your state. Because you're at a certain mindset, you're in a state in a certain state of mind. Where know your your your anger is burning, that we're getting frustrated. Our adrenaline may be pumping, our heart rate is going up. These are all physical signs of anger, by the way. And that moment, we need to just take a break.
And sometimes we're standing we sit down. And it gives us that moment of contemplation. And the President have said even further if you're sitting down, lie down
a lie I myself in my use of being a Muslim, I've never seen you have experienced it. I have never seen someone practice this in them.
Can you imagine talking to someone and you're going at it? And the person says excuse me one second, and they lay down?
What happened? All of our anger and rage first would be like hold on man. Like what are you doing? Like why are you lined up? Let me get my anger out there like Oh, hold on, let me let me let me lay down. That immediately cuts off all of that negative tension.
And not only that, that distance. Some of our scholars mentioned that as a when someone humbles themselves in front of you
You're disarmed. And that is why try arguing with someone who's going out with you. And you say to them, You know what? I'm sorry.
And it doesn't mean that you're like, you know what? I'm wrong. And you're right, and so on and so forth. Sometimes it just means that I value this relationship over my need to be right. And so I'm sorry, because I know this is causing you. So emotional distress. And in the middle of an argue and you apologize to someone, they don't know what to do. Because what does she have thought is getting them ready for the next blow their height, they're ready for you to say something insulting, and they're ready to fight back and you say, I'm sorry. They're like, Wait, I don't know what to do. Now.
Sometimes when people don't accept their apology, there's like, no, no, you're not getting out of it that easy. Cages apologize. But we are protecting ourselves with Allah who's anodyne. And so ask Allah who's peddling to Allah to help us improve and perfect our characters to try and emulate the character of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send them I asked Allah, Allah, Allah, to imbue us with the character of Christendom as you dealt with these enemies, as he dealt with loved ones as he dealt with children as he dealt with the disenfranchised in our communities love Miami.