Saad Tasleem – Ramadan360 Day 18 Honoring One’s Parents

Saad Tasleem
AI: Summary © The Bible is a source of comfort for those facing difficult situations. It provides insight into the importance of honoring one's parents and showing gratitude to oneself and others. The negative impact of parents cutting hair and privacy legislation are also discussed. The speakers emphasize the importance of balancing spirituality during daily living, praying during loss, and being proud of one's body. upcoming events and invitations for the year highlight the importance of serving in protecting the people from Islam's mercy, praying during loss, and being proud of one's body.
AI: Transcript ©
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When I was putting up this session and I wish it was I wish you could just start from the beginning and do it all over again because these next few days it's of how they go so fast and it looks like we are live. Welcome everyone who is joining us on Facebook and YouTube for day number 18 of Ramadan 360 With amalgam Institute's Of course, we're being joined again with Xenia Zubair today she's going to be talking on the topic of honoring one's parents yesterday she covered her innocence and I'm so glad that when we get to have her back to back you're gonna see her again inshallah and our Quranic reflection circles, but it's such a pleasure to have her with us for the the meat of the Ramadan 360

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program as well today insha Allah let me know if you guys were here yesterday and you cut the session yesterday, as well and a quick shout out as well as Subhanallah it was so so lovely to see the amount of support that you guys pulled through and even lovelier to see you guys sharing the link in groups that I was in that I hadn't even shared to get my shot less and several of you had beaten me to the to the race special Allah it was so so nice to have you guys sharing and encouraging Please can you just continue to do that to support the campaign of our friends in the UK forgotten women and of course across the board at our friends in hh rd in the US and Islamic Relief

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in Canada. It's such an honor to be partnered with people doing such a great work and I know they're doing the hard work on the ground but to be in this circle of support and grinning adjure and working as an LED together to benefit the most needy Subhan Allah may Allah accept from all of us. And yes, it was a very emotional session. If you have not yet caught it, please do catch. You know the reminder that they gave us as well as the session with Assad's anemia Zubair and she has said in the recordings it's already up on your portal those who are registered for Ramadan three and those who are watching on Facebook and YouTube you should be able to catch it and your

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recordings there as well. Just look over being back with us. And and yes, and I want to come to all those entering all those who are ready to go we'll give you that extra little bit of reward who are always mashallah early to the sessions, and to those who are still coming in and who come in throughout the sessions. May Allah reward you guys as well. It's so lovely to be back And subhanAllah it's gonna be very, very, like you know, it's going to be this is going to zoom by very, very quickly but it's Al Hamdulillah always a pleasure to reconnect with you guys. I see that besides Jamia Alhamdulillah is with us you guys know the drill So this session is going to be quite

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similar in sha Allah today and we'll have sorry we'll have shift sides has been following up as well for today's sessions you're gonna get to catch him in our chronic production circles there was a slight change to our weekly schedule and I'm gonna I'm going to let you guys know about it and a little bit later with some more important announcements and information because a lot of things have happened a lot of things are happening in the next week or so that I want to make sure that you guys are caught up on but I don't want to take any more time because we're a couple of minutes past the hour you guys have been waiting very patiently Masha Allah, Be glad you made it on time and

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hamdulillah lovely for all those who are just tuning in. And let's jump into today's topic, honoring one's parents As salam o aleikum. Wa Rahmatullah it was their Damia How are you doing today? Are they gonna sit down? What I happen to love you America to who and hamdulillah I'm well how are you doing? Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah I am doing super, super great. I'm excited to jump in. Yesterday was super beneficial. I know. We have a couple more sessions with you. I'm still counting down how little time we have left. But Al Hamdulillah we're here today we have the blessing of being in this community. So let's jump in to date number 18 of Ramadan. 360 Let's begin. A Salam Alaikum

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Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu everyone.

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Subhanallah when I saw the topic for today's program, I

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realized that I had already done a session about honoring one's parents in one of the Quran reflect sessions and I was like, you know, it might be redundant. And then I was like, No, it's It's never redundant. This topic is such that no matter how much you talk about it, no matter how much you remind yourself about it, it's really never enough. And we see that in the Quran. Subhan Allah, Allah subhanaw taala doesn't just mention this topic once or twice, you know, this is something that Allah subhanaw taala mentions over and over and over again, in the Quran. And the fact is that we all need this reminder because, you know, there are those times in our lives when, you know, we are

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feeling we have a very good relationship with our parents. And so, you know, we have the willingness to be patient with them to be grateful to them, to thank them and then there are those times when we are really struggling. So Alhamdulillah this is this was not intentional. To talk about this topic two times with you all, this is purely from Allah subhanaw taala and I hope that this reminder serves as a motivation for all of us to be extra, extra extra good to our parents to the best of our ability in sha Allah. All right, are we lay him in a che Pinilla Jean Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, WA Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Han Karim rubbish Rahim, Saudi way a silly Emery

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Working on or off data melissani of Kahu Kohli Allahumma. Jacobi was sadly Sani was slowed schemata Kobe mania O'Brien Amin.

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So in sooner or half, Allah subhanaw taala mentions two different characters. And actually, in the beginning of sorbitol, Arca first Allah subhanaw taala talks about his right, which is that we should worship Allah alone. And that fact is established. And then after that, we see that Allah subhanaw taala mentions the right of the parents and this is something very common in the Quran, where first Allah subhana wa Tada tells us to worship Him alone. Sometimes that command is given very clearly why would Allah Allah Toshi Coby che, what will validate the arson, and other times as in solitude, or cough, any we are taught, you know, from the beginning of the SUTA in different ways

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that we should worship only Allah. And then we are taught about the right of our parents. And specifically here almost pensado says, What will signle insane and be wildly they hear Santa, And We have enjoined upon the human being, that he should be good towards his parents. And the word that Allah's parents are the users here will will sign And We have enjoined, we have made the will see you will see a is, you know, a Final Bequest it is a very important instruction that someone gives, you know, with a lot of emphasis with, you know, a command that is given with a lot of persuasion that you know, you better do this, you better follow this, you better listen to me, think of a

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person who's giving their final request, any there is a lot of persuasion over there. And in pseudo Israel, we learned that Allah subhanaw taala has a lot of Buka, your Lord has decreed any, you don't have any choice about this matter. This is a final decree from Allah, that you must worship Allah alone, and you must be good to your parents. And here, we're told that Allah subhanaw taala has enjoined upon the human being, that be worried that he or Santa that with the, with the parents, with both parents, and both parents means mother and father, one must do your son and your son any It is excellent conduct, excellent behavior, it can be in the form of good speech, it can be in the

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form of acts of service, it can be in the form of acts of generosity, and other matters, but your son, you know, typically we understand that your son is that you do

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that, you know, you you do a greater favor to someone than the one they have done to you. Right. So your son is more than, you know, being just so being just is that you reciprocate your son is that you you go,

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you know, way, way beyond what you believe the other one the other party deserves, And subhanAllah he, we can never reciprocate. You know, the favorite that our parents have done to a still Allah's parents or this is your son. And, you know, there's, you know, as human beings, I think it's very, very common for children to think that if they're doing something for their parents, they're doing, they're doing a huge favor to their parents. Whereas it's not really a favor to them, you're doing a favor to yourself when you are doing something for your parents. But somehow, you know, we think that if we pick up the phone call on the second bell, it's like, wow, I'm such an obedient child.

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You know, your mom asks you to drop something, pick something, do an errand and you do it right away, and you're like, wow, I am actually you know, someone who honors their parents, we we kind of blow out of proportion.

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You know, the acts of service that we do for our parents, and any, it's good that we should be happy about it that 100 Allah were able to, you know, help our parents, be good with them, etc. But never think that it is enough. Never think that, you know, it's, it's efficient because Allah subhanaw taala wants us to do our sin. Allah subhanaw taala wants us to do extra good, you know, at the level of excellence, the best that we are able to, and then specifically Allah's parents are dimensions over here.

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You know, the hardship that the mother endures in not only bearing the child but in giving birth and then nursing, etcetera. And, you know, in our lives, we should have this you know, as a goal for ourselves, that my goal is that I worship Allah right, because that is the purpose of my life. So no matter where I am, no matter what's happening, I have to work

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Have Allah, right, if you're traveling, you are getting married, you are, you know, at a new job, you are moving, you know cities or countries, whatever it is, you know, that you have to worship Allah, it's something that defines your life. And just like that, there should be another goal that we have that that that we have. And that is to be good to our parents, in whatever way possible. If they are alive, if Allah subhanaw taala has given us the ability to be with them, you know, then then serve them, however, that you can bring joy to them, however, that you can, if you have been given the privilege to take care of your parents to serve them in their old age, then do that. If

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they have left this world, then, you know, make it a point that you pray for them on a regular basis. You know, the worship of Allah is something that you do every single day of your lives, right. And just like that, when it comes to your son with your parents, that is something that needs to be done every single day of your life. You know, in one way or another. I had mentioned to you earlier that Sophia wouldn't Rihanna said that the one who prays five times a day is grateful to Allah. Alright, such a person. Yes, you can say about them that they are a Shakira person. And the person who prays for their parents five times a day, hmm, all right, then they're also grateful to

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their parents and Allah's parents have told us be grateful to me and also be grateful to your parents, both. So this is a given you know that every day, whether you are single or married, whether you are at school, or you're working, whether you are healthy or not, doesn't matter what's happening. You have to in your capacity, you know, be good to your parents, and don't compare yourself to other people. That Oh, my friend cooks for her mother cooks for you know, her father, I don't even know how to wash dishes or chop onions or anything. I am I'm good for nothing, no, don't compare yourself to others. Maybe you can do Ersan to your parents by talking to them, by being

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there for them by listening to them. You know, everyone is different. Some people Masha Allah

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Ito's that they're very good at, you know, for example, hugging their parents, they have no hesitation. You know, some men, even Marshall, I've seen how they will just approach their mothers and kiss their mothers on the forehead. That you know, and that brings so much joy to the mother. The mother doesn't expect any money from her son. She doesn't expect that, you know, you sit here and press my feet, she doesn't expect that you pay her bills. No, she just, she would appreciate if you gave her that attention. You know, and you just walked up to her, give her a hug, kissed her on the forehead just made, you know, small talk with her something to MIT to make her happy. So each

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person should see any Oh, what is it? How can I do or son with my mother with my father? Right? Maybe your father does not need financial help from you, or even physical help in the sense that you you know, do chores for them. Maybe they need your

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that maybe maybe they need to talk to you about their work. Right? The things that they're struggling with the people, you know, maybe their friends, whatever, a new project, maybe they like talking to you, you know about what's happening at work. So see what is possible for you. And see how you can do your son with your parents every day of your life, every every period of your life. So, you know, for example, when you have a little baby, and you can barely look after yourself, how can you look after your parents at that time you can do Air sign with your parents by taking your baby to your parents so that when they see that baby their grandchild, you know, they're delighted.

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You know, so see, see what's in your capacity. So beware today he is Santa, sorry, be wild today here Santa. And then Allah Subhana Allah mentions the hardship that the mother goes through that how maletto Magoo Quran will allow her to call her that his mother carries him with hardship and delivers him with hardship. And you see the word Cora it's translated typically as hardship but Cora is actually

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to to to find something hateful okay it's it's when you detest something you know we say well Oh carry healthcare few rune right even if the disbelievers dislike it even if the if they hate it. So, color is too

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dislike something to load something. All right. And this, this is so validating this is Hannah law because a lot of mothers, I think the majority of the mothers do not enjoy pregnancy and child childbirth and nursing. It's it's not an easy thing to do. You know, yes, of course mothers are happy and they're grateful. But at the same time, it's it's incredibly hard. You know, you will see the, the cute side of pregnancy and childbirth where I don't know how people can be in full makeup and their hair done and they're giving birth. All right, I don't know how that happens. I have no idea.

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But pregnancy looks like a throwing up every day, you know, not being able to eat anything. messy hair for days, you know, your, your home is a disaster, your your, your work, your life is upside down. It's it's not it's not fun and easy. All right, it's really not fun and easy. So go to her. And then

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you know, the birth also loss penalty dimensions over here, that also she goes through Kota. It's it's not a fun and easy experience. And then what how many who have is salehoo telethon, a Shahada. And then carrying him and nursing him weaning him is a total of 30 months meaning this is minimum that a mother spends in carrying the baby in giving birth and nursing the baby minimum 30 months. Now, this is this is what half of the time you spend in, in university, right or all of your high school here has Subhanallah is this is this is a big chunk of your life, a big chunk. And, you know, when you're doing anything difficult for a long period of time. So for example, you're doing your

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masters you, you are working on a project something and it's it's long, you get your days off, right? You get your nights off, you get your weekends off, maybe you get a winter break or reading week or something that lets you breathe, right. But when it comes to pregnancy, and childbirth and looking after your children when they're little there is no break. Literally there is no break. And even when you you know physically go away, you know from your from your children. So So for example, this friend of mine, whenever she's in town, or we're over, you know, I always encourage her go out with your husband leave the kids with us. All right. And she goes but then every 10 minutes every 20

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minutes, everything okay? Is everything okay? Is everything okay? Any, you know, mothers and fathers, they forget to

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live their own lives, basically, you know, they forget to have fun because of their children. I'm not saying that that's how it should be. But it's very common for people to forget themselves and forget their own well being because of the well being of their own of their children. So Hector either Bella should do well Bella or barinas Centerton

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until when he reaches meaning the human being when he reaches his age of maturity, and this age of maturity, the other man said this is the age of 33. And then we're Bella or Barina, Santa, and then when he reaches 40 years, so 3340 Okay, you're talking about mid to late 30s. This at this age, a good worshipper of Allah and a person who is grateful for their parents. They say kala he says, not be Oh Zerhouni and ash kura near Metallica, Letty and arm Tara Layyah wa ala holiday. Yeah, we're an army law, Sally Hunter law will slowly feed the reality in the took to the lake. We're in the middle Muslimeen This is such an important law. You know, this is actually mentioned two times in the Quran

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in slightly different ways. But it's mentioned in two places one over here and the other in sort of the normal I believe where so a man earning his salon made the store Yes, in sort of the normal when he heard the aunt and you know, he smiled amused at the speech of the aunt and he said I'd be Zerhouni and Ashkelon aromatic ality and Antara Layyah Walla Walla they were an ARMA Lasala Hunter law. What are the hidden Iraq medical theory radical Salim so slightly different ending but the beginning of the DUA is the same. And in the beginning of the door, basically you're asking Allah subhanaw taala to give you the ability to be grateful,

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not just for the favors that Allah has given you, but also the favors that Allah has given to you through your parents. Because you know, at this age, typically, you know, a person becomes independent

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and they have, perhaps their own family. And maybe they have children of their own. So now they realize the sacrifices their parents have made, and all the work that their parents have done. So there's this renewed sense of gratitude, you know, for your parents for the gift that Allah subhanaw taala has given you, of your parents and through your parents. And sometimes what happens at this age is that your own children begin to bother you, you know, when when your toddler throws tantrums, or your preteen is just,

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you know, a human being that you have never met before, it seems, you know, and then what happens, as you know, they begin to answer back and start thinking independently and start testing, you know, your boundaries and limits.

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You, you again, think about your parents, right? So this person at this age of 40, he says Robbie Zerhouni that Oh, my Lord, enable me, and oh, Zara, it's a very beautiful word. It's used for restraining an army.

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Any keeping it in place, imagine a huge crowd and you and you're trying to keep the huge crowd,

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you know, within the boundaries that have been set. If you can think of any conference that you maybe went to, perhaps years ago, it was from Florida, allow us to visit the you know, such places again soon. But you know, in conferences, typically, as huge crowds are coming out of halls and things like that, you see that, you know, there's

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their vault, there are volunteers, there are people standing on the side, making sure that people are staying where they're supposed to. Right. So the thing about the knifes is that it can get out of control very quickly, right, where you can begin to take your blessings for granted, you can forget the favors that, you know, most Panthera has done to you, you can begin to feel proud and arrogant about the things that you have. But the privileges that allows punctata has given you. So you're asking a lot, I'll be Zerbini that keep my hands tight. You know, keep me on the line. Don't let me go here there. Don't let me let don't let me loose. And Robbie Zerhouni of their knees that

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inspire me, enable me that I should be grateful to you. I should be grateful for the blessings that you have bestowed on me, and the blessings that you have bestowed on my parents. And you see, this is so important, because sometimes it's easy to feel grateful. And there are times when gratitude doesn't come that easy. You know, where it's hard to feel or acknowledge the favors of your parents, it's hard to,

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to, you know, feel like, yes, my parents did a favor to me. And a lot of people question that, you know, they will say things like, Well, you shouldn't have given birth to me, you shouldn't have had me write you, you shouldn't have raised me, you should have spent all this on me. He Subhanallah the poor mother, the poor father spent their youth years of their life, you know, looking after these children and these children, when they have a tongue with which they can talk, they say you shouldn't have done this anyway. That was your choice, not my problem. Any of the kind of things people will say to their parents is just mind boggling. So ask Allah Ya Allah, give me the ability

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to be grateful to you. Right? I may not have the capacity, I may not have those feelings. Yet Allah, you give me that those feelings. You allow me to feel grateful you allow me to show gratitude to you and also for the blessings that you have bestowed on my parents. Because you know what, at this age, especially at the age of 40, you realize that you are the fruit of your parents hard work.

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You know, you might say no, no, I am self made. And this is also very common now. self made such a lie.

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You're not self made. Somebody gave birth to you. Somebody taught you, you know how to hold a spoon and how to talk and how to walk and somebody wipe your nose when you didn't when you couldn't, you know, somebody showed you all that love. Somebody puts you in school somebody picked you dropped you. You know if you ever go to the grocery store and you see like a box of diapers, just count the number of diapers that are in there. It'll say like two

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150 156 And you know how quickly parents go through boxes of diapers?

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Seriously, that means that your parents wiped you clean, do you 150 250 times within two weeks. Can you imagine? We that's that's a lot of work a lot. Subhanallah So, Robbie Zerbini and Ash coronaria meta quality and Antalya wire Allah Wiley, they hear the blessings that you bestowed on my parents. And you know, the privileges that you have.

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You are a direct product of your parents labor, their sacrifice, their their choices, and especially, especially the blessing of Islam, the blessing of hidayah. And yes, every everyone does not have that privilege. So especially Muslims who have Muslim parents, any Muslim parents that raised you find they were not perfect, maybe you know, from a different culture, they have different values you find very strange. Still, you are the product of your parents hard work. And, you know, people sometimes they complain about their immigrant parents, you know, they have a different culture, et cetera. Yes, they have a different culture, but recognize how many sacrifices your

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immigrant parents have made for you.

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You know, that last two years have taught us how how, how difficult it is to live in isolation, how incredibly hard it is, to live alone, to not be able to see your friends to not be able to eat with somebody. And I know families who have spent, you know, years and years in the West, away from their families, who, you know, for example, I know of someone who did not go to visit family back home for at least 20 years.

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20 years, this person did not go back home, this person did not take vacations. This person did not travel did not, you know, just have fun. Why? Because they were paying off their, their their mortgage. I'm not saying that's okay. But what I'm saying is that, you know, they wanted to make sure that their family had a good place, a safe place to live in their children could go to college, and who was paying for all of that. It was the very hard working immigrant father. And so now when you sit with that father, you know, and you talk with them, and they're talking about Pakistani politics, right? Or they're talking about a world that is so our jeep to you

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have the decency to just, you know, nod your head and maybe raise your eyebrows and say, just show that, yeah, I'm interested. It may not, you know, make any make much sense to you, or, it's not, it's not of, you know, anything of interest to you, but at least show that respect to your father, you know, because all that he could do when he returned home, after a long day of work was just watch TV and maybe catch up on some news. He didn't have the bandwidth to go for, you know, to go to the gym, he didn't have, maybe whatever money he was saving was going directly for your education. So he didn't have that chance to hang out with his friends and, you know, just chill and stuff. So

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yes, he doesn't have the same passions as you same interests as you. And there's a reason for that. I'm not saying this is how parents should be. But if you are in a situation where this is how your parents are, still, your parents deserve that you honor them.

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And that's the point that I'm trying to make that, that you you, you don't have to agree with the way that your parents raised you or with the way that you're, you know, the choices that your parents made, or the sacrifices that they made, or the kinds of things that they chose to do, where they chose to buy a house, you know, how they chose to cut your hair, for example, doesn't matter, but still they are deserving of your honor of your respect of your kind treatment. And if you don't see in yourself the bandwidth to appreciate them. Ask Allah subhanaw taala to give you that or be Zerhouni because Melania she couldn't NAS lum Yosh Quran Allah, the One who is not grateful to

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people is not grateful to Allah.

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If we don't show gratitude to our parents, we're not showing gratitude to Allah. So an anti Laowa Allah validator we're an anomalous Valley handlebar and Europe you give me the ability to do good deeds that you will be pleased with and and this shows us that you know, not every good deed that a person does.

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is pleasing to Allah. A good deed is pleasing to Allah when it's done with the purest of intention and the best of manners in the best way. So ask Allah to give you the ability to do those things which are pleasing to Him. And then look at what's coming next. Will us literally feed the reality. Y'all Yacht Club, reform my children for me,

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reform my children, for me make them righteous. Because at this age when your children are getting on your nerves, right, then you remember the way that you perhaps bothered your parents the way perhaps you put them in hardship. So you make dua for your children also, in the took to the lake. Yeah. Rob, I repent to you. I do Toba to you. And, you know, all of us should say this, because if we're honest with ourselves, we haven't exactly been the best children. You know, there's always something or the other that, you know, we did we said that perhaps hurt our parents, you know, some form of disrespect or even direct insults or indirect insult or backbiting. You know, there's

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different things we do, which which are wrong. You know, our parents don't deserve that from us. So it needs to be like, we're in imminent Muslimeen and indeed, I am those who I am of those who surrender to you, Europe. I submit to you, I am a Muslim. And in the next aisle, las Panatela says Hola, Eiken, leadin and networkable waren. Home, cinema Emmylou. Those are the ones from whom we will accept the best of what they did. You know, we're all eager that Allah, that Allah azza wa jal should accept our fasts, that our prayers, our charity, you know, the different forms of worship that we are doing, we want almost Panthro to accept that from us. So Allah subhanaw taala told us

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over here, that it is those whose good deeds we accept who the people who are grateful to Allah, and they are grateful to their parents, they do r-san with their parents. Allah's parents only accepts their good deeds. This, this teaches us something very, very beautiful. If you want your good deeds to be accepted, start doing your son with your parents. If you want your good work, your your effort to count, do Ersan with your parents, pray for them. One of the jealous are insanely at him, and we will overlook their misdeeds Subhanallah any, we commit sins and we don't even remember them anymore. We cannot even recall. You know, the sins that we have committed. So Allah subhanaw taala

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says we will overlook their sins feels horrible Jana, and they will be among the companions of Jana. You know, the inhabitants of paradise? Where are the silicon Liddy can well you are doing that is the promise of truth which they had been promised. So this is a promise of Allah, that those who are good to their parents and Allah Who will accept their deeds, Allah will pardon them, and Allah will admit them into paradise along with your lemon home. I mean

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all right, do we take reflections in the session? Have some I'm so tempted to technically it's not our Quranic reflection session, but I was like, you know, reflections Yeah, I would love to take reflections or questions, comments anything? Let's double down that inshallah let's do two kradic reflections inshallah today let I see for his hand and leave his hands already up Mashallah. So guys, please feel free if you're going to type it up. Try to share the same thing on the mic instead and show us others who are watching can benefit for you. Yeah, let's hear from you first Bismillah please go ahead and share your affection.

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She said is gonna be so confused when it comes to

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my god, no.

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can you hear me? Yes, we can hear you. Hi. I have a couple of questions. One is related from yesterday's lecture and then two are related today's so handler I do live with my parents right now. And I handle them on a dog but I have a pee pee in teenagers or home who's I'd say attitude I feel like this question I was I was I this one I was your age. And I'm just wondering like what can I say to them? How can I help them be more positive be more like you know,

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given them very good attitude to their parents like the way they respond like hey, that's not how you should be responding to mom or dad.

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All right for hear somebody else

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In the comments also has written something similar, that you know, when you're when your children are misbehaving or they're crying, or you don't know how to deal with them. And I think every, every stage that your children go through, it's it's a, it's a learning process for you, you know, you don't always come equipped as to how to deal with your children.

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But anyway, just because your children are

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being difficult, it doesn't necessarily mean that this is a punishment for how you were with your parents. Because it's possible that a person is very righteous with their parents, and yet their children turn out to be disobedient. And here we see, for example, no, Harley's Salam, he was a prophet of Allah. Right. And we can only expect that he was a, you know, that the level of the prophets is even higher than that of the solid pain of the righteous. So no, Holly ceramill must have been excellent, you know, with his parents. However, his son did not believe, right, his son refused to listen to him. So

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Allah subhanaw taala, at times, tests people, you know, through other people in their lives, and especially your own children, right, you can be tested through them. So when you're being tested through your children,

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it's the solution is not that you just say, this is a punishment for how I was with my parents or

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this is the consequence of my own wrong or what did I do to deserve this? This is this is not what we should be thinking, what we should be doing is what we are taught in this idea, which is turn to Allah subhanaw taala and make dua that will us literally feed the reality that oh, that Oh, my Rob, reform my children for me, you know, make them righteous for me. And notice how it says Lee Lee, why because when when children are righteous, then parents are the ones who benefit, you know, from from righteous children, because when, when, when, when parents see their righteous children, not only is that a source of delight and comfort for them, but her true piety is that you are good to your

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parents, so they will.

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So parents benefit from the piety of their children in this life and also in the next life. So make dua a slightly fee to reality. And if you feel any guilt, you know that, you know, for example, you see the way that your daughter is rolling your eyes, rolling her eyes at you. And all of a sudden you're like, oh my god flashback. I was that person once upon a time, height or your child says something very rude and you're like, Oh my God, how do you how did you find out that I used to do that? Or I used to say that, you know, so in YouTube to a lake. Indeed, I repent to you. Alright, make Toba make Toba to Allah seek forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala for the mistakes that you

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made in your childhood, because, I mean, we were also children at that time, right? We were learning. And yes, we made mistakes, but we learned and we we make Toba from that. So we ask Allah subhanaw taala to guide our children and also to accept our repentance.

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All right, Lina.

00:38:44 --> 00:38:49

Yes, let's take Lina from Riyadh inshallah. Lina, you can unmute Listen, in that scenario, it goes sadder.

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I found it really interesting that I hope that I can bring some comedic relief, but also a sort of reflection out of this little situation that happened to three days ago with my parents and I.

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It's funny that you mentioned how your parents cut your hair, because that's exactly what happened to me three days ago, I was going through some old baby pictures of myself and some old albums that we had found. And it was like preschool time for me. And I was lamenting over the fact that none of my pictures were like, you know, those cute baby girl pictures with long hair or ribbons. It was just boy cut, like, you wouldn't be able to tell me, it's like somebody put a bowl on my head and cut my hair through. So I was lamenting to my mom. And I was like, why, you know, why didn't you Why didn't you do this? Why didn't you do that? And my mom just had a moment of silence. And she looked

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up at me and said that at the time.

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People and like this community here had told her that or like my grandparents had told her that if a child's hair becomes longer, the nutrition in their body is not distributed properly, or whatever the hair myth was at that time. And though it's not true at

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They didn't have the internet.

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They don't have the access to information like we do now. And so we tend to act like noodles so quickly. But I did suddenly have such, you know, such great appreciation that it's not that she didn't want her child to look that way or anything, she purely did it so that, you know, there wouldn't be any growth defects or there wouldn't be whatever she believed would be, the better

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take on, you know, my growth. So, yeah, that really gave me a moment to reflect that, you know, this haircut would have never come up. And so many other things are hidden to us, like, you know, I don't know what else she protected me from, regardless of whether that information was true or not, it was information given to her at that time, in the boundaries that she had in the limitations of influence, you know, the world that she was in? So, yeah, yeah, that's all really I just wanted to share that, thank you for sharing, thank you for sharing. And you see, whatever that parents do for their children, it comes from a from a good place. That's true. It's not. And this is why it's

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important that we honor our parents, and we don't focus on the things that, you know, we feel they should not have done, or they should have avoided, you can you can disagree with their choices, and that's fine. You are allowed to think independently, you're allowed to think differently from them. But you still have to honor them. You know, my, my,

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my grandparents.

00:41:40 --> 00:41:43

I'm not gonna say which ones, but my grandparents had a

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you know, a different method. Okay. So I remember once I was, I was praying salah, and my grandfather saw me praying salah, and he was like, How was she praying? You know, how come she's praying like this? Because he had he had a different, you know, motto? And that's fine. A different Phil. All right.

00:42:08 --> 00:42:39

But not once. Did he say to me afterward, this is not how you should be praying, what have your parents taught you? And you know, what's happening over here. I don't ever remember any kind of argument, or even a discussion on this topic. There was such great respect for one another respect for Dean for alien for difference of opinion.

00:42:40 --> 00:42:53

Never ever was there a time when people argued or and I had the privilege of 100 a lot of seeing my grandparents, you know, spending a lot of time with them.

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And there was never ever any kind of disrespect, there was always support. Always Subhan Allah. So and, you know, this is necessary that even if you have a different school of thought, right, and sometimes this happens, where parents have, you know, for example, they have been following Hanafi ficlet. Now, their children, they study Chaffer effect, or now they're, you know, of a different field. So, still maintain Adam, you know, honor them, don't belittle them that Oh, you are Hanafi that's why or you are Shafi. That's why

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this is not something over which you should make them feel bad about themselves or less, that you know, I have studied something better, so I am more knowledgeable and I'm going to make different choices. And now I'm independence I'm gonna do whatever I want. No arrogance at all.

00:44:00 --> 00:44:09

Beautiful, which is psychotherapy this other Let's take one more person in sha Allah, so that we can make sure that we're being mindful the time lemma. We haven't heard from yet please do unmute, inshallah and share.

00:44:11 --> 00:44:54

So I'm like Masada, which is like an embarrassing for beautiful session, the only thing that was going to add and it's just more I guess, a bit of reflection, but a bit of like, maybe advice for anyone out there who still has both parents around. I know sometimes. You know, for a lot of us everything that is said it's, it's always easier said than done. And I guess For anyone struggling maybe with a parent that they don't have a good relationship with, or that it's broken is to always try to fix it as much as possible. Not necessarily you know, being best friends or but just so that you when they do pass away that you don't have any regrets. I always say, you know, it's always

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easier to regret doing something as opposed to regret not doing something and my mom

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Who was my best friend, you know, she she passed away in a car accident. And so I couldn't imagine what it would be like to lose a parent who maybe you had a bit of strife with, but I always encourage people to do whatever it takes to sort of, you know, have that clean heart between you and maybe a parent that you're not so close with. So that if you know when their time comes, that you're sort of don't live the rest of your life with this, like, cloud over you that maybe is that should have would have could have and yeah, yeah, thank thank you for that. Reminder, does Akela Hayden and I think something that can really help us mend and improve our relationship with our parents is this

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drop, you know, ask ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada to enable you to be grateful and you know, once you once you start showing gratitude to your parents, in whatever way that you can, they will be appreciative.

00:46:00 --> 00:46:12

So ask Allah subhanaw taala Robbie Zerhouni and ash Quran eremita cullity anon 30 year war Allah Walidah yo and Armello Salah Hunter Dahu you know, Ersan towards parents is a date that Allah subhanaw taala loves

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so you're up you give me the ability to do those things that you will you will be pleased with and will slowly feed the reality in you to LA for me when I mostly mean I mean, inshallah we'll conclude over here, just like have a look here so that that was an amazing session and a handle I'm glad that you mentioned that you can never have enough of this topic, mail or word everyone who's making an effort with their with their parents, who's who's kind of struggling who's having a difficult relationship who's lost them, and they'll ever unite you all with your parents in this world in the Hereafter. I mean, yeah Rob, just like liquor so that we're going to see very very shortly and we're

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going to do a proper Quranic reflection that as well insha Allah but this is a lovely treat to have you back for inshallah See you soon pronounced and I will.

00:46:56 --> 00:47:27

I hope that you love that once again, that was actually a really lovely I hope that you guys are now kind of in the mood to start reflecting again for today. It's always mashallah Saturday, me on the topic of parents, you have to take anything that she covers on that because mashallah, over the years, I've been listening to her in Chicago, essentially, what you said for the tough love was that Samia for the inspiration and the saw, you know, heart softening, and all that fun stuff. And it's a lovely balance and Hamdulillah. He also has a lovely course called protect this house, which I saw some of you guys mentioning in one of the chats. And that is an amazing life changing course for

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those who have difficult relationships with our family members, for sure. Now, we are definitely in just a minute. So transitioning into our Quranic reflection sessions for today's just that is going to share that the sutra and all that fun stuff in a second. But I did want to remind you guys, and I did mention this to you guys on Sunday as a kind of a sneaky little announcement. But I realized that we didn't get a chance to actually share the link and all the details with you guys. So I wanted to get to to remind you guys, it's an amazing opportunity that happens only in Ramadan, that we only started actually last year is one of the best things that happened, I think, in 2021 for us,

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which was that we launched something that we've never done before. And that was the McRib, all access pass. And give it a second actually Subhanallah one of the things I love about the All Access Pass is that I'm probably a mother of the amount of staff member that takes the most amount of classes because I have to be in the background of every single class me and read the one over the one is still competing with me mashallah, even though she's got a busy plate, as well, as she's the person who sends all of our email, she's our email marketing manager. So Alhamdulillah, I have the pleasure to literally be in like hundreds of classes every year, be in the background, be able to be

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in the live sessions and whatnot. And until last year, it was just myself at handling the classes just you know, like seeing students come in and go in some students take classes again and whatnot. And then all of a sudden, we had this community of students like super dedicated, super passionate, super excited students, that were basically having the same level of access as me as a staff member. Subhanallah that's one of the reasons why I can't leave this job is because I can't afford to just keep up these classes. 24/7 And it became such a beautiful community that you know, now when a class is launched for longer online, or virtual class or faith essentials, it was like kids in a candy

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shop, you didn't have to decide, Oh, should I take this? Do I have time for this or this that you had complete open access to everything that we were doing through all these amazing platforms last year, and it became such an amazing opportunity for people to fast track their Islamic knowledge and their growth, to fast track for those who are interested in the in the amalgam degree and just to change their life in every single spiritual, and even honestly live like dunya angle as well. People were learning about, you know, how to handle death and their lives, how to handle their wealth, how to how to manage, you know, their relationship with and during the debate of the Qur'an, how to

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handle questions about, you know, Islam and God and atheism and the pursuit of truth. There's dozens of courses that we covered, and Hamza, we had this this community of support that was built up, and that allows students to take classes that they normally could not afford to take, you know, back to back to back to back at Hamdulillah. And it gave them flexibility in terms of their schedule and access to recordings and lifetime this, that and the other. So it's such a blessing to

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To be able to provide this and make this kind of internal access available to you all. So I hope that you guys check it out. The link is in the description for those who are on Facebook and YouTube and I'm gonna drop in the chat as well. It's a access. And I'll quickly see if I can share a little bit of the page for you guys as well at the end so that you guys can get a feel for what it's like. But it is the panel and the best thing that you could ever do for yourself, especially if you're a dedicated on logger student and you've been missing the classes. It's both online on site, everything that we're doing and hamdulillah across so many platforms, I hope that

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inshallah you guys can join that community once again at a access. And now I don't want to take any more time because I know she said has a timer up on his phone, and he's writing down how many seconds I've stolen for today's Quranic reflection session. So she said s&m what I like and what I heard a lot however you're doing well, how are you doing today? What was said I'm gonna have to live it. I've got to I'm doing well. hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah. It's amazing to have you back. I heard we are getting shortchanged this week. So we are not having for chronic reflection sessions from you. Three, think that's next week? Not this week. Is that this is

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that next week? Okay, I'm gonna have to double check it as well. I think that's next week. Okay, Inshallah, I was gonna say I was gonna say it's just as oh here timing me and then how do we get those? Do we get that 45 minutes back? Do I add that I do have already gotten that back. So you're good on that.

00:51:22 --> 00:51:33

All right, I actually have is ever cider planned for us today in sha Allah. So inshallah we'll just we'll wait for the verses, you've already dropped them into the chapters that follow her shift. And if you want to read them out to us as well, and then

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Bismillah Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah or Ali, he will be human when I said I'm on a camera with a load of cattle, to everyone attending here live and even if you're listening to this later 100 I'm glad that you have the ability and you're able to listen to this. So today we are in Jews number in 19 or the 19th section of the Quran, which covers sort of alpha one verses 21 until the end, all of a shot off and sort of a nemen from the beginning until verse number 55. So today we're going to be covering skeleton for con, verse 6364 And maybe 65 We'll see how far we get in Shell land data and sister house I said she has a recital for us so I'm gonna go ahead and

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hand it over and show along alright Bismillah Nemo from Pakistan let's hear from you in sha Allah Bismillah please go ahead and unmute

00:52:31 --> 00:52:33

Can you hear me I could set off a lot yes

00:52:39 --> 00:53:11

Nina she on your Raji this Mila here. Manuel Rahi where a bad or MA nearly levy the yum tuna Island? All these how Munna how know? What either for further Whom will he who now call us Allah when levena JOBY to Nadira at him so

00:53:15 --> 00:53:19

well, Nina yaku Lu now Rob three

00:53:22 --> 00:53:23

badger honey

00:53:30 --> 00:54:13

sent Zach lucky thank you so much for saying that. May Allah bless you and your family and grant you the best of this life and the next Allah I mean, wonderfully recited. hamdulillah did a better job than I could have humbled enough. Okay, so let's get into it. As you said, we're going to start with verse number 63. And then we will see how far we get inshallah to Adam, this, these verses may be familiar to you, because these verses are often mentioned, regarding a very special group of people that are known as the EVA de Rahman, the servants of the Rahman are the Most Merciful or the most compassionate. And these verses actually they go all the way until the end of the surah. But

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obviously, we don't have time to cover all those verses. So I want to at least cover a little bit of it with the time that we have so Allah who's penalized to Allah says, that we let him to show up on that regime. What about the ramen in Medina, yum Shuna and out of the hole now, that the servants of the ramen are the servants of the Most Merciful and the Most Compassionate, or we can say, the true servants of the Most Compassionate or the Most Merciful are those who walk upon earth or walk upon the earth. How now and really there's a few different ways to translate it so we'll talk about what that means, but we can say the walk upon Earth easily or lightly. What either ha Baba whom would

00:54:53 --> 00:54:59

Ajay Luna called who said Rama and when they or when the ignorant or sometimes you hear

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You know foolish but I prefer the translation ignorant, when the ignorant address them, they respond with peace. And what is meant here is words of peace and when the ignorant when the ignorant address them with their so what is implied here what is understood is that when the ignorant they address them with words of ignorance or ignorant speech or bad or evil speech. Now, it is very interesting that this is where the verses of the about the man they begin and so on. But this is actually the third time that Allah has kind of data mentioned, a rock man in a very close proximity in this surah. So, first we have in verse number 59, Allah has Panama data mentioned some Mustela Allah

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louche and ramen that and then he established himself above the throne. He is the Most Merciful, a rock man. And then something for upon once again verse number 60, close proximity, what you've actually done the homeless do do the Rockman Carlo LeBron man, and when it is said to them, make sense that prostrate to the man the Most Merciful, they say or they ask, what is the mercy for what is the most merciful meaning they this is basically they are in a way mocking Allah who is planning to add or a mock mocking this name of Allah who has gone on to Allah, they say what is a black man basically we don't know what this is. And then we have here this verse, which is verse number 63,

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who are involved the rock man, it is the servants are the slaves of the Most Merciful. So we find this theme here of the Rama of the Mercy of Allah who's Panwar to Allah. And also we find that the way this surah begins, is by speaking about the Quran and actually all of this sort of really goes back to the Quran. The Sunnah begins with a Tabata committee necessarily for Kana Allah Abdi, that the Blessed is he who has sent down the photon. And we've talked about what the photon means before but the photon is that which separates right from wrong or good from evil, what is known as the criterion. So bless it is he was sent down the fork on the criterion upon his servant once again be

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our right. So when we put this together, one of the things that we understand is that this shows us that the sending of the Quran by Allah who's penalized to Allah is a form of mercy from Allah. And this is the one of the aspects of the Mercy of Allah was kind of odd that has been mentioned here. And we can take this further and ask the question, you know, we're talking about principles of today. But how do we do to the book? How do we start that process? Well, one of the things is, as we said, to be curious about the terminology and the words and the order of the words, and why certain words are mentioned. In other words, So here Allah has kind of data says, were able to write man,

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the servants of the Most Merciful, Allah could have picked any name, any attribute of Allah.

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But Allah picked up man, because we are this the servants of Allah with all His Names and all His attributes. So it could have been, what a bad hate, right? Why didn't Allah pick that name, but Allah picked a name or a bad man? What is the significance of that? And I want you to think about that. I'm going to give you my answers. And I also want you to think about that. Perhaps you can add to this in sha Allah Allah. But some of the things that are scholars have mentioned some of the amorphous Iran have mentioned that the the the merciful, is mentioned here as the servants of the merciful because these servants in particular, their servitude to Allah, is the sign of Allah's

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mercy upon them. I'll say that again, their servitude to Allah or their worship of Allah, their Obadiah. Right, their worship of Allah is a sign of Allah's mercy upon them. So what that means for us is, anytime we see someone worshipping Allah, being obedient to Allah, that is a sign of Allah's mercy upon them, right? That's number one. Number two, is that the Rebbe the right man, the servants of the Merciful, they worship Allah with the goal of seeking Allah's mercy. Right? So that's the second thing here when they worship Allah. It's not to show off or not to gain the praise of people or to be known as a worshiper, and so on and so forth. Their goal in worshiping Allah is to attain

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Allah who's Pamela to Allah's mercy, this is the goal in their obedience. So, you know, if we personalize this, by the way, we can ask ourselves a question, you know, are we the right man? Right? Are so just two things here? Number one, is that mercy being shone upon us by us worshipping Allah. Right? And that's a very simple question to answer do we worship Allah?

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And that mercy has therefore seen on us that we can people can see from us they can look at us and say, Oh, we see the mercy of Allah manifest that on this person because they worship Allah is my dad. And number two is we worship

01:00:00 --> 01:00:38

If Allah, but why do we worship Allah? Is it just something that we do habitually? Is it something that we do to gain praise? Or is our intention really that we seek the Mercy of Allah who's panela even now in the month of the month of Ramadan? Sometimes we can get just get in the process of worshiping Allah, you know that oh, yeah, right that Oh, yeah. But yeah, this that whatever, we're fasting, well, why are we fasting? Why are we paying for yam? Why are we praying thought, oh, you know, we all get together every night pray. But why is our goal to seek the Mercy of Allah who's Pamela Tiana, because if that is the case, then Hamdulillah, we can ask to be amongst the bad man

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that Allah has kind of data has praised in these verses. And so you know, it's very beautiful here, if you really reflect upon this, that by referring to these people, as we should say, hopefully, we ask Allah to make it the case that by referring to us as the EVA de Rahman, Allah is praising these people and also describing them, praising them in the sense that the Mercy of Allah is showing up on them. So this is praised for them. And also a description for them is that these are the people who seek ALLAH who has power to Allah's mercy. Alright, so we ask Allah subhanaw taala to make us amongst those Allahumma Amin. So that is just some reflection, but I want to hear from you as well.

01:01:16 --> 01:01:49

Can you think of another reason why love was Panama data would attach this terrible idea or servitude to this particular name, or attribute of Allah? What is special about this name of Allah, Allah man, the most compassionate or you can say the most merciful, that Allah has attached these people to the Mercy of Allah. This may be a little bit of a hard one kind of kind of get as to maybe a lot from the first point of reflection here for today. Do we have any hands up? I don't see any hands. Do we have any hands? Not just yet how, sir. Okay.

01:01:50 --> 01:02:00

Can you assist your house? Like can you think of anything pretty in particular, regarding the mercy of last minute heads up before he got more than enough to handle?

01:02:02 --> 01:02:18

It? No, sorry, I was just in the middle of responding. Okay, so let's let me walk you through it. Okay. What does the Mercy of Allah mean to you in particular, like when you think of the Mercy of Allah, what comes to mind? When you think of Rama, the Merciful Right? Or the compassionate What do you think of?

01:02:21 --> 01:02:32

I think of our lack of worthiness, for the blessings that we have and the mercy of Allah basically, like fills the gap between what we what we do and what we behave and and what we deserve and what Allah gives us. And I think a lot

01:02:33 --> 01:02:49

basically, like where like you're not deserving of anything you ask for But Allah's Mercy is what allows for things to happen for you. Excellent, excellent. Now connect that to servitude to Allah. Right. So if a person now becomes this becomes a true servant of the right, man, what would they do?

01:02:52 --> 01:02:54

In the example that you gave,

01:02:55 --> 01:03:33

they would be grateful, they would be grateful. Exactly. And you mentioned right so that so the servants of the ramen, ramen, they would constantly be making do out what why? Why did you think of Java? By the way? Why did you say da It's my biggest vehicle for like, it's where my way of asking for forgiveness and whenever I ask for something, I think of Subhanallah I've never been to deserve anything that I asked for, but it's Allah's Mercy that's going to allow for anything to happen for me. So it's that concern? Absolutely. Absolutely. 100 So now you're able to connect you're not I don't want to say your understanding of mercy. Right. Because, you know, our our understanding of

01:03:33 --> 01:03:35

Allah's Mercy will always be limited, but our

01:03:37 --> 01:04:14

what the role that Allah's Mercy plays in our life, or how we view Allah's mercy or how we can try to appreciate Allah's mercy. And now you're able to connect that with servitude to Allah who's kind of like the Imam. And the idea here is that we ask ourselves, Is Allah merciful to us? Right? And you, you did that stuff. So you say, you know, okay, we don't we're not truly deserving and so on and so forth. Because we're thinking of Allah's mercy. Now, if we think of Allah's mercy, that Allah's mercy only necessitates that we worship Allah, that we spend our lives in servitude to Allah whose panel data, great job, great job through that, but just like, Look, I'll take credit. No, no,

01:04:14 --> 01:04:54

no, you did a good job had been no. Okay. So this is these are the rebuild the roadmap, right. So that's, that's something to really think about. Insha Allah, you know, why, why, why? Why this particular name, what Allah's Mercy really means to us. And hopefully, as we get through the rest of the session, those of you who did not raise your hand or didn't get a chance, raise hand you can start thinking about this as well. So Allah says about the Rockman, that the servants of the Most Merciful are the most compassionate and Latina yam Shona Allah and I really hope that they are those who walk upon Earth easily. And some translations you'll see it says, you know, gently, or with the

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dignity or with humility and all of that is actually correct. And what is what is

01:05:00 --> 01:05:37

Men tear in a in a very physical sense is someone who walks lightly right? So light footed carefully. And every step that it takes is careful. And they're there, I should say deliberate, they walk upon Earth deliberately. And there's an aspect there. So if you really ponder on that, what like, what does that mean? Well, a person who is deliberate, they're careful, right? So they're, they're careful that they are doing for example, what is pleasing to Allah who's kind of like Tiana, they are careful that they are not harming other people. And then there's even some kind of life very visceral understanding here about walking upon earth. Well, just walking upon Earth, we can do

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damage to the Earth itself, right, you can step upon step on plants, and flowers, and so on and so forth. You can't you can, you can harm people with your own footsteps. You can Subhanallah I always think of, you know, when I when I think about walking upon, or I think about a friend that I had in high school, a good friend of mine, one of the biggest things that bothered me about him is that if you're ever walking next to him, he could never walk straight. He always just especially with like a long walk, he's just start drifting, like into you. And you'd always be like, Yo, man, like you're walking, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, is this something about the way he walked? Can you just start

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drifting right, and left, and then every now they'd be like, I'd be like, oh, man, do your walking, oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. For some reason, I think about this, right and personalizing the message. And it's like, being careful about how we walk in and we know Subhanallah the prophets and send them was even the way he walked, he is very deliberate in the way what we know personally would have walked very quickly, in you know, he had covered large distances, and so on, and so forth. But he was where he was very aware of the surroundings, right. And we know the guys of the press send them that when we, when we are, when we are, we sit upon a path, we should give the path? It's due,

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right? Right, meaning that we are not, you know, harming people on the path and so on. So that we're very deliberate about how we walk upon this earth. And so that comes from that already goes back to our humility. That the, the, the way we walk, is an indication of who we are as a person in some people's walk SubhanAllah. You can, you can, it's it's an indication of their characters indication of how they view people.

01:07:15 --> 01:07:20

And I'm actually very cognizant of this issue myself, especially in

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like, when I go to conferences and things like this, right, because I know, like, one of the things I hear from a lot of people is, you know, you see a chef or a public speaker or whatever. And it's like, people have complained to me about this, you know, but but other people, right? They walk you through the conference, he doesn't care, he's got his, like, entourage or whatever, like, who does this guy think he is, whatever, like, you don't have time for anybody. And honestly, to give, you know, the speaker's benefit of the doubt, normally, they're going from one lecture to another lecture, or they're going from their route to a lecture and they gotta get there in time. And if

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they stopped to get set up every single person and shake every single person's head, they would never get there. Right. So we should give them the benefit of the doubt, but on a personal level, like meat, you know, personalizing this, this this criticism, I'm always very aware of, you know, am I at least you know, someone getting sounds, I try my best to reply to their setup. And if there is time, someone says said, I'm gonna try to give them some, at least try my best I know, you can never be perfect, and people will always criticize you no matter what, but at least is, you know, in my, in my heart, and in my mind, do I have this feeling that I'm better than other people, and I don't

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have time for you. And I don't want to be in that position. And I always think about this, right, the way we walk really says a lot about who we are. Even you've heard me mentioned how to love holding the door open for the person behind you, a common customer in America are certain parts of America, certain parts of America are exempt from this New York and so on and so forth. They just don't do that. They're I don't know what it is. People are too busy in the city, right? In New York City, people don't really hold the door open. But general culture, American culture is you're walking out of a place or somebody behind you, you hold the door open for them right? Now, when if

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you've ever done that for someone, people are so grateful, right? They're so grateful that Subhanallah someone was thinking about them, and they cared about them. And it may have taken a few extra seconds from their life from their time or their busy schedule, but they paid attention. Right? And that means a lot to people especially when we are a bad man, right? We weren't we are this we are the servants of the Merciful. Well, is that mercy reflected in the way we are? Are we merciful with other people as well?

01:09:28 --> 01:09:35

Do we you know what we want from Allah? Do we do we not offer that to the people as well?

01:09:36 --> 01:10:00

So what if we want mercy from Allah tridentata? Are we merciful with others and is our behavior affected? Does that is that is that reflected in the way we behave? And walking Subhan Allah and how on earth has a lot to do that even you can even you know, reflecting upon this verse Subhanallah I even think about Subhanallah the way we drive our cars sometimes. And even the way we park our cars, there are people who you

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We know nothing about them but but by the way they're driving you're like, man, who does this guy think he is? Right? Or who does this girl think he is not, you know, hashtag equality, right? women or women can be just as obnoxious on the road as men, right? Someone who cuts you off or someone who thinks their time is more valuable than your time, right? Like they're in a hurry, and nobody in there like everybody needs a good just get out of my way, no matter what that no matter what, what that does to the traffic and so on and so forth. You know what, it's about me? Well, that's really an indication this is what a bad man want to stay away from. I think about parking cars I've had a

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lot there are some people who park their car with utter disregard for other people. I don't know if you've seen people do that they'll park over the line big pet peeve of mine and you know, a lot of these squat on reflect circle that just for me to vent my my piece.

01:10:50 --> 01:11:25

But you know, someone who doesn't Park and it's like, when I see someone parked like that they're parked over the line. I'm like, You did not really care about anybody else but yourself. And subhanAllah I don't know any of you drive beamers right. BMW drivers but there's a stereotype about BMW drivers. And I can say this because I drive a BMW so I can say this you know, you know, you can you can you can be mean to the people that you're part of the group, you know, if you're part of the group, they, but honestly, when I look at other BMW drivers, the stereotype is a little bit true. I hate I hate to I hate to stereotype. But BMW drivers, they're like that there's a stereotype they

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don't they don't signal right. There's a there's a meme with this says like, you know, BMW drivers like they don't, they never learned to use like their their turning signal. It's like non existent. Right? So there's like a meme where there's like a really big turning signal, right right on their dashboard, to make it easy for them because they never signal. The point is, hey, I'm driving a Beemer like I don't care about you get out of my way, I don't have to signal and even even parking Subhanallah when they parked, they'll park in like two spots because they think their car deserves two spots. And subhanAllah as someone who drives a BMW, I'm actually very careful about this.

01:11:57 --> 01:12:29

Because I know there's that stereotype. Right? And that's, you know, that's, that's a funny example. But really, you know, the point is our behavior, does it reflect the humility that we should have as being the Rebbe Rahman that is the question here. Okay. Next, Allah Subhana Allah says, while at the heart of our home was Jaya, he knew that God said that when the ignorant they addressed them in a bad in a harsh way. They respond with words of peace. Now, there is a very interesting we reflect upon this here, there's a very interesting relation here.

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Between the first part of this area and this part of this I am Alladhina, yam Shuna. And I will be how now is you as an individual, you're not affected by that which is around you, right? What you got health about him, we'll get him to sit down like this. Now, when we are interacting with others when we are, I should say reacting to others. So the bad the right man, the perfect both of those aspects, that within of themselves, they have humility, right? They're humble in how they act. They are light footed, and so on so forth. That's within of themselves, you put them by on their own good person. But that's not that's not how life is life is complicated. Life is messy, we have to

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interact with other people. How are we when we interact with other people? Or do we still have that humility? Are we still careful? Are we still measured? Are we still deliberate? Or do we respond to ignorance with ignorance? someone yells at us? Do we yell back at them? Someone cuts us off on the highway? Do we try to cut them off or someone flicks us off? We flick them off back whatever it is, right? Do we respond to ignorance with ignorance, there's an idea at once here of our personal cells within our of ourselves. But as a believer, we know we don't just exist on our own, we interact with with with other people. So that is one relation that I see between walking with humility and

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responding to the ignorant by the way, one of my professors, not not Islamic Studies, Professor, other professor, he will he's he used he was very, uh, one of his pet peeves was if you ever would write in a paper, the relationship between this and this, you'd put like a big X on it, you'd say no, that's incorrect grammar, its relation relationship is only used for human beings, right? Like, you know, the relationship between this person and that person is father daughter or whatever. But if it's two things, you would say you have to say relation. It's always Subhanallah stuck with me, because most of you don't even care about that. Right? It's like the relationship between this and

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that. But that's why I tried to be careful with the relation. Okay. So the relation so the question is, what is the relation between walking with humility and responding to the ignorant? What is what what do they have in common? Or how do they relate to one another? Are these difficult chords? I feel like I'm asking difficult questions today. It's not difficult, right? We have any hand okay. 100 directors, we have some we have at least one. This may not

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do that. Let's hear from you in Sharla because we didn't need

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01:15:00 --> 01:15:11

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh I need to live what I have to say I should have said something you said a couple of nights ago with regards to what's nighttime for us right?

01:15:13 --> 01:15:17

A couple of days ago with regards to how you would deal with certain things, if people

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would come to you with a with a question regarding somebody posting something, and you'd say, didn't have understanding with regards to Oh, don't come to me if it's not the Arabic, you know, they don't have understanding of that.

01:15:31 --> 01:15:40

And it just reminded me what my dad used to do. So if somebody would come, it's almost similar to this way with regards to how you would interact with somebody who is

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okay, we're going to use the word ignorant. Yeah, as mentioned in the Quran, so somebody who's ignorant and who has no understanding how you deal with them, you have to use Hackman. So you have to use the strongman in emulation of, of trying to emulate Allah's quality of being Rockman to those around us. And even in that instance, you could either push that person away completely, or away from the in itself, or you could offend them, or ultimately, just basically waste your own time, in the sense of, you know, it takes takes so much energy and effort to be able to deal with situations. So my dad always used to tell us, is, quote, the spice of the diet, but constantly so I kind of knew

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it very well. We basically would say, if you feel to a certain extent, that this is not for you, not your conversation, and you don't see eye to eye with this person, and they're coming to you with something that's really either offensive. So we live in a country where we still get racist slurs, we like you know, get dressed, the way we do, it becomes very difficult to ignore them to a certain extent. Be kind, be polite, be be as honest as you can without being rude, and then move along, don't stay in that situation if you don't need to, and then move on. So I think this is what I take away from this year in particular with regards to how to deal with

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being being the mother of man here in light of you know, having to deal with those who are ignorant. So with regards to any issues of the thumb, it was it can be polite and be kind and if you need to answer you know, like, beyond making Sadam then have an answer to us to a certain extent. No, no exactly like that. Excellent, excellent reflection on that. So one of the things that I do want to mention here is

01:17:27 --> 01:18:06

you know last time to Alice's we the hot tub oh my god who said Emma, that when the ignorant addressed them with ignorance, they respond. You know, it's less as Claudio said, Emma, sometimes people think this means you say a set on why they come. That is not correct or that is not the understanding of this verse. You don't say a Salam or Aleikum, words of peace, what that really means. So we go back to setup right what is said I'm really mean. So that means soundness, peace, peacefulness, safety, security. So some of our scholars say that what is what is this old that is, you know, Saddam it is, oh, then you send the moon I mean, isn't that this is the speech in which

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this person saves themself from sin. And that's such so beautifully said Subhan. Allah that you we are protecting, we're saving ourselves from falling into sin. So that is what this speech is. And you know, sometimes it can be saying that I'm not equal, if it's a Muslim or whatever, maybe saying a sit on why they come. Does that right, accomplish that purpose, but it doesn't mean that people will think this it means when somebody ignorant comes in and you say I sit on why they come to them. There's no Allah is saying here. Allah is saying words that bring about peace within yourself and first and foremost, right. And so as you said, we save ourselves from committing a sin. So if we

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were to respond to ignorance with ignorance, we would have thought we could possibly very likely fall into sin. So we're saving ourselves from sin and also words that bring about peace. We have a beautiful example, from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu I need to send them an incident that occurred with our mother eyeshadow, the Allah that I have in which is narrated by her and so he Behati she says that some men came to the practice and them and they said to him,

01:19:12 --> 01:19:32

about a possum which is you know, the couldn't do the person them but generally these are people were not Muslim, this is how sometimes they would respond to him. You know, because the Muslims would obviously you would say yeah rasool Allah O Messenger of Allah. So they took his name they said yeah, I'm gonna pass it and they said, a samurai like they sent me was so what they're doing is they were

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twisting the words as salaamu Alec right which means made peace be upon you. They said assemble I make which means may death be upon you so they're cursing the process and them and they were trying to you know, mock not only present them but mock the deen of Islam because the set up set up in a calm is a important aspect of our theme. Right? It's something is a recognizing recognize something that our dean is recognized by even today. You know, you

01:20:00 --> 01:20:39

Some non Muslims all they know about Islam as you say, a some icon site you know they've heard that right whether through pop culture TV, movies, rock music and we're not going to go there but whatever it is right they've heard that and so they're playing with this word to kind of curse the Prophet send them I said on the Allahu Allah Allah we knew that she had this intense love for the sentiment she had this protective love for the person sending them so just instinctually she responded, she said, but I like when was some when Nana she said no, rather a some may death be upon you. And then she added to that when Lana and the curse, meaning the curse of the most content.

01:20:39 --> 01:21:23

She's like, basically, it's like, how dare you? She's like, I know what you did, how dare you? And the Prophet civilized and then he replied he was he said to Allah and he said, Yeah, Aisha in Allah raffia Quan, why you had a riff? When Enrico Lee he said, Oh, Aisha, Allah is gentle. And Allah loves gentleness in all of his matters. And then I said, on the Allah Anna, she says, didn't you hear what they said? Did you hear what they said? And the person said, Yes. Feck will do what I like him. He said, Yes, I heard what they said. And so I said, and the same beat to you. Right? That's it, meaning I did not go to a place where perhaps I would become sinful, I maintain my own dignity,

01:21:23 --> 01:21:28

I maintain and these are words of you know, and it was some have a lot of scholars mentioned, very important,

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very important issue here, that the person did stand up for the truth. He did not say, You know what, okay, whatever you're saying is that, no, he said, the same same to you, whatever you said to me, same to you. And this is showing the dignity and the honor of a Muslim and sometimes people think that by being peaceful and so on and so forth, that we need to not be dignified. No, we maintain our dignity, right? We stand up for the truth we stand up for that which is correct, but we want to be very careful that we don't fall into something that is sinful or bad. And ignorant. Also another Hadith of Allah Allah Allah, he said in the Rift Valley, hakuna fishy in azana. That person

01:22:09 --> 01:22:49

said that gentleness is not put into anything, it's not infused into anything, except that it beautifies it, well, are you on zero Ming che in Illa Shanna, it is not removed from anything, except that it ruins it, it makes it ugly, right. And subhanAllah you know, sometimes, you know, even on a on a physical sense. We live in a world where we judge people on their, on their, on their physical self, right? We look at a person who say good looking not good looking pretty, not pretty attractive, not attractive, so on and so forth. And the reality is that even in this visual world, right? A superficial world, the most good looking person can become ugly because of their ugly

01:22:49 --> 01:23:07

character. And we've seen it happen, you know, the, the celebrities, it's on so far that people think oh, so good looking this and that whatever, we see something distasteful from them, we see their character being ugly. And we're like, what a, what an ugly person, even if physically, they may seem like they are good looking, or they may be accepted, as you know,

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you know, as being good looking or whatever it is, we find the character and likewise we may see someone who doesn't have traditional beauty or you know what the standards of beauty are currently in society because they're always changing right? So something considered beautiful now and you know, 10 years 20 years from now may not because it's beautiful or attractive now, not attractive now. Whatever. DadBod which is like the craziest thing in the world. I cannot believe that that they but somehow DadBod I think I get the I get part of the people who say like dad bots are good. They're being ironic, but there's also certain people that are like, yeah, maybe isn't really

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erotic. You know why it's cut out yet? Dad bought the contract, whatever. The point is, that what is considered beauty beautiful, is always changing man buns. Yeah, no comment on man buns and I gotta say anything.

01:23:56 --> 01:24:18

But yeah, these these trends or whatever, they're, they're constantly changing. But one thing that does not change is beautiful character, and ugly character. People can recognize ugly character, and beautiful character, throughout culture throughout time, throughout trends, whatever is considered fashionable or not fashionable, whatever, good character, beautiful character is always able to be recognized. And that is why the President said,

01:24:19 --> 01:24:57

you know, we have way more narrations about how the Prophet sallallaahu sending them behaved than how person I'm dressed. We have an even in the shitty I we find certain guidelines when it comes to the way we should dress. But it is honestly very simple. Very simple guidelines were very overarching principles that we have, you know, principles of modesty and covering your outline so on and so forth. Not imitating the opposite gender and we have these principles, but honestly it's not that intense. But when you when when we take a look at all the evidences and all the guidance, you have to send them about how we treat people. That is that is that is a whole nother ballgame, And

01:24:57 --> 01:25:00

subhanAllah It is unfortunate that sometimes even as believers as most

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we only focus on the physical, right? Like do you physically look like a Muslim which is important as well right? We have guidelines and in our study in terms of how we should dress and how we should not dress and so forth. But it is unfortunate that we sacrifice character sometimes for just the physical as we think we've done enough if we physically look like a Muslim and you know that there's so many problems with that and you know, we see the processes and them emphasize so much the importance of of good character. So once again, honestly, someone else has their hand up but the relation between

01:25:35 --> 01:25:41

how we respond to people and humility that has mentioned you know, walking upon Earth with with humility,

01:25:42 --> 01:25:51

you know, the relationship what is it? What is the relation there? Okay, so do we have any other people with their with their hands on the eye, she has got her hand up, so I don't want to hear from her I show this than that. Let's hear me.

01:25:52 --> 01:25:53

So that my camera

01:25:55 --> 01:26:37

so long, my reflection from it was basically I looked at how, how I was questioning basically, how can we expect mercy if we do not give mercy ourselves, both on this earth and then also with our from Allah. So in the same way that if you respond humbly to people, they are witness to it, I find this quite commonly, like, quite common. Sorry, that's a really bad English. Okay. I've mentioned that grammar example not because by the way, I don't remember I don't really care that much. It's just something I caught on to I'm not judging anybody. So don't even worry about a speak the way you normally speak. I don't even pay attention to grammar. Sorry. No, in the same way that

01:26:38 --> 01:27:05

I personally see that if you respond humbly to people, they're witness to it. And sometimes people can even come to your defense because they know your character and they know the way that you respond normally, so and I believe like Allah is all saying so by maintaining our humility, surely Allah will also for his mercy on us, and come to our defense be in this world or in the Hereafter as well.

01:27:07 --> 01:27:44

Hamdulillah I don't know if you've seen any of these videos that are online that go viral about you know, like a some a phobic attack or someone someone's like, cussing out a Muslim or whatever. And it always surprises me that I should not be surprised. But it always surprises me that in the vast majority of these videos, I can honestly say I haven't I have yet to see a video where a Muslim responded to ignorance with ignorance. You always see the Muslim responding in a beautiful way. And I'm like, if this is the OMA like 100 other, there's so much hope and I gotta be real. I gotta be real. Mostly sisters. Right? So sisters get the credit for that, because brothers oftentimes are not

01:27:44 --> 01:28:23

visibly Muslim, right? Because they don't wear hijab, but sisters, because you know, those sisters who wear hijab or niqab is even like another, even more visible, they're visibly Muslim. And so obviously, they get the brunt of sometimes, like, you know, the hate or the bad speech, and so on and so forth. So, a lot of the videos is sisters, and it always is it amazes me, but it shouldn't, that it's I have yet to see one of these viral videos where it's like, Oh, look how bad the Muslim ones. It's always like, wow. Subhanallah like, how amazing is this person that they're being whatever. And they responded with such kindness. There was one video I saw where it was just this

01:28:23 --> 01:28:57

lady this Karen is going off on these couple sisters. And you know, the cops calm or whatever. And then the and the sisters were bathing in such a beautiful manner like the way they were. They were like, You know what, we're not going to whatever. And the cops came and the cops like do you want to press charges? And I was like, yeah, yeah, yes. Like I'm watching the video? Uh, yes, please say yes. And they're like, No, we don't want to press charges. I'm like, You know what, what you did is right. Like that's, that's how it's supposed to be right show you show your humility, the handle the law. And so, yeah, absolutely. How to lead this is.

01:28:59 --> 01:29:34

Yeah, your point is, your point is well taken. 100 Exactly. I'm sorry for so many, so many references. If I'm giving a lot of references, by the way, it means I'm enjoying talking to all of you. Right? So those of you take my automotive seminars, I give a lot of references because for me knowledge has to be practiced in the real world. Right? It's it's good to learn but there's no real life application of this knowledge and really how much benefit is there for us right so 100 in that okay, how much time and how much time we have one minute left? Should we do the next i or should we take another couple reflections just perhaps what do you think?

01:29:36 --> 01:30:00

I want to hear some reflections but let's just so that we can make sure we can get some reflections at the end as well. Let's let's go to the next day inshallah. We should go to the next area. Yeah, put it on me. Put it on me. Go ahead. I see what you're doing. Okay. All right. Yeah, I'll put on you. I have no no problem with that. All right. The next verse. Allah has satellite data says when Medina up to near up be him. So Jada Wakayama. They are though so once again, we are done

01:30:00 --> 01:30:01

Talking about the above the ramen.

01:30:02 --> 01:30:50

There are those Allah mentioned their description, you know in the previous verse and now also in this verse Allah was kinda like the Allah says when Medina up to nearly rhombi him sujeto Yama they're also that they are those who spend the night Sujatha in such prostrating what a Yama and and standing. So Allah mentioned Liana being for the Lord so they spend their nights or a portion of their night standing and and in such that for their Lord now, what does this have to do with what we were talking about before? You know, and the beautiful thing here is I just spoke about balance, right? So balance in the our outward appearance of appearing like a Muslim, and also, you know, our

01:30:50 --> 01:31:10

character, but the balance here is also in our worship, right? That our spirituality is somebody who say, look, as long as you're a good person, you're a good Muslim. No being good person. Having good character is a very important part of our deen. But at the same time, it's our deen is is 360 It's all around, right?

01:31:11 --> 01:31:52

Like what I did there, alright, anyway, so. So our worship as well that where does Where does? Where does our motivation come from? to respond to ignorance with peace? Where does our motivation come from? to be humble and to have humility? Where does our motivation come from, to seek ALLAH has found out as mercy Allah mentioned and mentions in here that they are about the right man, they seek that from Allah, and in the most Subhanallah private moments of their life, and that is the nighttime, right when everyone else is sleeping, the above the Rama? Allah has pointed out as mercy in the night and Allah says, in between, they spent their night and Scott said, you know, this is a

01:31:52 --> 01:32:00

portion of their night. Lira be him. And it's very interesting. Hello, I've given a talk on family before. But one of the things that I mentioned before is,

01:32:01 --> 01:32:38

what do we do during the night, right? We're either sleeping or we're doing something else, there has to be something really significant, important to keep us away from sleep. And so we have to ask ourselves, you know, what is that thing? And why is it important to us? So for staying up to, I don't know, party or whatever, right? going, you know what happens at night. And while a lot of times people go clubbing or this and that were that we have to ask ourselves, this is what I sacrifice my night for, versus a believer who will sacrifice their sleep, to connect with their Lord, to connect with their Lord, to find a type of spirituality that is honestly sometimes

01:32:38 --> 01:33:22

difficult to find in other times, and this is why the process and them told us that a caribou MiCollab mineral behavior who has aged, the most close that, that a believer can be a servant can be to the Lord is when they are insensitive. And also we know that Allah is close, Allah descends from the heavens, in the last third of the night, you're combining closeness upon closeness. Newton, I know that if you were here with the, for the, for our reflection, yesterday, closeness and closest on top of that, that is a extremely spiritual moment, a very powerful moment in moments that those last third the last third of the night that we have with Allah who is penalized data and and so if

01:33:22 --> 01:33:33

we want to behave in that way we want to have, we want to be humble, we want to have humility, we want to treat people with humility, we want to respond to ignorance with humility, then we need the help of Allah who's kind of a data

01:33:34 --> 01:33:41

question I have for you here for talking about reflecting and paying attention to the to the words of ALLAH and why something is said

01:33:42 --> 01:33:49

and why certain things are not said. Allah was kind of out of said when Medina you'd be thrown earlier by him, that those who spent the night

01:33:50 --> 01:34:32

Allah could have said that Allah could have mentioned all of the aspects of prayer, but two specific aspects of the prayer are mentioned what has mentioned this, the Sajida and the PM, right? So Jude and the PM, what about the ROCOR? What about the Jews? What about the other aspects of prayer? Why did Allah pick these two particular aspects of the Salah? To mention the prayer because obviously, what is meant here is the prayer, right? They spend their night in prayer, but Allah mentioned two specific parts of the prayer and that is the sujood and the PM, the prostrating and the standing. Why? And I gave away a little bit of the answer before but I'm gonna I'm gonna let people raise your

01:34:32 --> 01:34:37

hand in sha Allah. All right, beautiful. Let's hear from Robert. First inshallah are these on mute.

01:34:41 --> 01:34:59

I think because when you're clear, you're reciting Quran, which is something that's beloved to Allah. And then when you're making Sousou, you're asking Allah you're making dua, which is pleasing to Allah and that's when you're also closest to Allah because you're most vulnerable at that time.

01:35:00 --> 01:35:18

and you know your you'll be crying or your be it just that's when you're asking what you want and or you're asking Allah for forgiveness or you know anything that you need in this dunya that's when you know you are athlete or anything that's when you let it out. So that's you when you're speaking to

01:35:19 --> 01:35:39

so so yes so the sujood yes and I kind of gave that away right the closest we are a credible mysqladmin Robbie what was said that the closest the servant can be to the Lord is when they're insensitive. The pm sister What did you say again? What was the what what makes FTM special? You know, remind if you don't mind repeating that. Oh, that you're reciting Quran during the

01:35:41 --> 01:35:57

very good, very good accent right so that is the portion of the prayer that is significant because the Quran is recited in it right. Very good. I want to hear from some other people as well before we summarize that issue. Go ahead. Okay, let's do any science sha Allah is like already had an ISA

01:35:59 --> 01:36:02

I think what I got from that is

01:36:03 --> 01:36:39

the Glamdring the nice, I think it's hardest for people to wake up in the night to pray to Allah. So the last third of the night mostly is when I lost the closest to us. So not a lot of people get up at that time to actually do it but that I think that's why it's it's important in sutra is most of the time people make dua and ask for a lot of forgiveness and stuff Institute so during the time when I lost the closest to us and Institute is it's more emphasized in that I think what I bought

01:36:40 --> 01:36:50

very good, very good, exactly. Love it. Excellent, excellent. Who else do we have? All right, I see some new names mashallah is let's take muraki from Toronto and sha Allah. Now I go ahead this

01:36:52 --> 01:37:20

article was sent on my blog. So what I got from that was I think, I feel like a pm is where you're speaking to a lost power Tada by reciting the Quran or, like, I have a sort of conversation with Allah through like Allah's words. And when you're in solitude, you're also speaking to him in a more like private manner. Because and you're also praising Him by saying supine OBL Allah as well.

01:37:21 --> 01:37:26

Yeah, very good. Very good. hamdulillah Sega Oh, one more person, one person

01:37:28 --> 01:37:33

can do that. Okay. There's I think there's, I see I see another new name Khadija Higgins Go ahead, this number

01:37:35 --> 01:37:36

Okay, and Salam aleikum

01:37:38 --> 01:37:51

beautiful afflictions that was treat, I just wanted to add that. So for the Qian pod, at least, I just wanted to add that, so for the Qian pod, it's like, where you actually really showing up.

01:37:52 --> 01:38:25

And also you bedding the body, you're bearing the burden of your body on your feet. So, so like this, the Hadith, we, um, the rustle, I saw some was praying all night and such that his feet was swollen and being. Yeah, I mean, he was asked, like, why, why is he doing so much? And then he said, shouldn't he be a thankful? Servant? I just wanted to add that. That's an excellent, excellent reflection. Look, when you're praying? Uh, yeah. Where do you feel at the build the most?

01:38:27 --> 01:38:46

Your feet, right? Generally, I know, like, depending on, you know, got back issues or whatever, you know, obviously, people are everyone's different. But generally, defeat is where you feel it the most, right? And so when you think about the yam, right, and you think about standing a thing about praying the night, the feet, the feet are very significant. And excellent, excellent, excellent reflections.

01:38:47 --> 01:38:49

So I'll cap this off with

01:38:50 --> 01:39:29

another reflection on this. And then we'll end there and gentlemen, and humbled I'm so grateful that all of you are able to reflect on these verses and the length and beautiful points have been mentioned. So one of the things that our scholars mentioned regarding you know, the the standing and the and the sides, they are the prostration. They say that the standing that Pm is the most honorable position in the prayer, when it comes to the vicar when it comes to our tongue. Why, as our sister mentioned earlier, because the Quran is being recited, right, what is better than the Quran? So that is the most honorable position in terms of the tongue, the most honorable position in

01:39:29 --> 01:39:59

terms of the body is such that, right, as we said, as I said, I'm said that the closest we are the closer we can be to Allah is when we are in the state of safety. So it is combining between the vicar of Allah and the, the state of our body. And that's why these two positions are our scholars say the best, like the the most important or the best positions in our prayer, right, the most significant we can say, the most significant positions in our prayer hamdulillah

01:40:00 --> 01:40:26

some great, great reflection that hamdulillah we're going to go ahead and stop here even though like I said, we couldn't go to the next and honestly till the end of the surah and if you have time please please I urge you to read the the translation of this and sometimes see if you're able to, and try to continue reflecting on the verses. And Allah who's Panama to Allah knows best Subhanak hola como behenic a shadow Allah Allah still Furukawa to Bulik.

01:40:27 --> 01:41:02

She's Xochimilco, she said for another amazing Quranic reflection sessions panel. We've done a lot of reflection reflecting today. So it's been an extra blessed of hamdulillah to be part of day 18 On Ramadan. 360 Inshallah, we're going to see shift back with us tomorrow for day number 19. And we actually have a brand new guests that we've never had on the Ramadan 360 platform in sha Allah, rather, Mufti Abdul Wahab Wahid is going to be joining us tomorrow on the status of the believers. So I hope that you guys make sure that you do join us live for as much as you can much less than before working, the middle of their work shifts, some people are running away for for that or we are

01:41:02 --> 01:41:33

coming back and eating there's the who are joining us are Fajr Miller, where do all for all your sacrifices and sleeping time just trying to squeeze in as much as you can, I know. And of course, those who are making it in their live live sessions are extra special tests, especially those you have your cameras on are engaging with as much as you can, but those who are also catching up in the recordings and trying to keep up with the sessions. They'll reward you all immensely. Just another quick reminder that if you want to continue this kind of excitement, and just this joy of learning, and be part of a very dedicated community of students and take your kind of, you know, knowledge

01:41:33 --> 01:42:02

seeking journey to the next step, I highly encourage you guys to check out the immigrant Institute all access pass, it's only available during the month of Ramadan, so it's going to close off you know, after either inshallah so it's only a short period of time that we make it available, but it's among access. If you have questions about it. Inshallah, please feel free to drop them to me on telegram or in the telegram group Inshallah, and we'll be happy to answer them but I cannot wait. We've already got a couple people starting to join the group and started to join the past. And I cannot wait for another exciting year of unlimited access in sha Allah. Does that look for joining

01:42:02 --> 01:42:12

us day number 18 done we will see you guys day 19 Tomorrow insha Allah with move the other hub for now. Take care Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe and a cinema

with Ustadha Taimiyyah Zubair

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