Saad Tasleem – Jummah Khutbah 3-02-2023

Saad Tasleem
AI: Summary © The prophets sallahu alayhi wa sallam, a belief in avoiding assumptions and delving into false assumptions, can cause problems and harm to our bodies and relationships. The shia's actions can cause harm to our bodies and relationships, and we should be aware of our thoughts and feelings to avoid feeling like the way the Prophet sall campaigns. The importance of creating "immediate reasons" for one's behavior is also emphasized, and working together to achieve good outcomes is crucial. The default of a believer and finding a good interpretation of one's statement are also discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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Like bottle

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like a bottle

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of like bottle

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is how do I learn

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as had one

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as you heard the one more hand Madonna Rasul Allah

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ash had one more hand Madden boss all along

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I saw

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Hi Iago son

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Hi fella

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in Al Hamdulillah in Al Hamdulillah Hina Hemudu who was there no who wanna steal federal when are all to be law him in showreel fusina will say Dr. Medina man yeah de la who fella Mobley la wa mejor de Lille fella ha her de ella. Wash Hello hola ilaha illallah Hua hula Shetty. Kela wash. Hello Anna Mohammed and the whole world Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Yeah, you heard that in La Habra to party. He went out and moved on in LA one two Muslim moon. Yeah, you have NASA temple Rebecca Mala de Hala akumina FC Wahida wahana come in has Jaha Warbucks Salman humare. Jalan Cathy Young one is with Temple Law and Lady DESA Luna be here with our home in Allah Cana La Cumbre feva you handle Edina Minnesota law How are Pulu Boland said either? You're gonna come Arma hola como Villa condone Oba con woman up there in LA how Rasulullah who forgot the first because the fossa falls on a Lima and Mbarara differ in a hadith the Kitab Allah already had you Mohammed in sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when Nisha random oedema data to her. Were in a coup d'etat

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in bid there could be the art in Bala Akula de la Ratan for now. My dear brothers and sisters Allahu Subhan. Allah to Allah tells us in the Quran Yeah, you had an idea um and it's 20 Whoo cathedra me no one. Oh, believers avoid delving into a lot of suspicion, or assumptions or negative assumptions or bad assumptions for in Allah subhanaw taala says in about boven Ethem. For certainly, if we make a lot of assumptions, if we delve into assumptions, then sooner or later, we're going to end up in sin because from those assumptions is sinfulness. And so we learn from this very important verse in the Quran, that one of the morals of our deen is to is to avoid making judgments about things that

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we are not sure about matters that we don't have clarity upon. And I want to share with you an incident that occurred with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that involved this very issue of suspicion. This is a narrated to us by the wife of the Prophet sallallahu I knew he was sending them Sofia bin or the Allahu Allah and how Allah has ensnared in the Saudi hain, in which she tells us that on one particular night, she went to go visit the Prophet sallallahu ala he was setting them as he was making art decaf in the masjid. He was spending time in the masjid. And she went to go visit him. She says, I sat with him for some time, and then the hour got late. And because it was late in

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the night, the Prophet sallallahu I knew he was setting them decided to accompany me home. Now they're walking home and it's late at night. And as we know, there weren't any streetlights back in that time. So there's darkness

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and she says that oh the Allah Allah has she says as we are walking we see to unsavoury men who look upon us and as they see us, they begin to walk away quickly they begin to rush away. And then the prophets of Allah who I knew he was setting them says out loud, had he suffering Yeah. This is Sofia, had he is Sophia bintray This is Sophia, the daughter of her yay. And the men begin to say out loud Subhanallah ya rasool Allah Subhana Allah rasool Allah Now, just to give you an idea of what is happening here, what is happening, and I know this may be uncomfortable to listen to, but there's stories very, very important. What is happening here is that these two men see the prophets

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of Allah who I knew he was sending them. And he is with a woman now because it is dark. And for a number of other reasons. It's hard to tell who this woman is. And so they walk away quickly, not wanting to delve into the subject of who the prophets I send them his with, and the prophets I send them in order to avoid any lack of clarity, any doubt regarding who he is with SallAllahu Taala he was sending them he says, This is my wife, Sophia, this is Sophia bintray. He identifies clearly who she is. And they say subhanallah ya rasool Allah, we wouldn't assume that about you.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us something very, very important. He says sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says in a che Aparna Yejide. Middle in sun, Majid a dumb, it says the she upon flows through human beings, like the flowing of blood were in the hotsheet a yucca, the fovea Kulu be Kuma che, or Sue. He said SallAllahu I knew he was setting them that the she had been flows through human beings like the flowing of blood. And so I feared that she upon would put something in your hearts, something bad, some bad thought would enter in your heart. And now people have had Allah to hear this narration. And one of the questions that comes up, or one of the so

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called criticisms that comes up is well, if we're talking about good assumptions, and not making bad assumptions, then why did the prophets of Allah who I knew who said them, not give them the benefit of the doubt? Why do you not why did he not assume that they wouldn't think bad of him? And that's can seem like a fair point to make. But if you really understand what is happening in this narration, it becomes clear that actually the process and them is giving them the benefit of the doubt. Because when they said O Messenger of Allah, we would not assume this view. The prophets. I said them didn't say no, you know what, you could assume that of me. He taught them instead, he

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taught them a lesson. He said, No, it was the meaning here is no, I don't assume that you might companions. These are the companions, the percent of them. This is the meaning here that I don't assume that you would think bad of me. But perhaps you did not take into account that the sheer fun flows through you like the flowing of blood. And if we think about how blood flows through our bodies, and had Allah there's many interesting things here. But one of the things is, blood is flowing through our bodies right now, as long as we're alive. May Allah protect is every single person listening to me right now, there's blood flowing through us. The problem is, well, how often

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do we think about that? How often do we think about our blood being pumped throughout our body, and how significant that actually is, if the blood stopped pumping through our body, we could not live. But we are not cognizant, we're not aware of it, life goes on, and we don't even think about it. Likewise, the person who sent them says this is the example of how the chiffon is with us, that the ship bonds influence is there. It's consistent, it doesn't stop and it's very intimate. It's very close, just like blood flows within our body. Likewise, the ship bonds influence is there. And so the person is teaching them a lesson and saying, Look, I don't think that you would think bad of me.

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But if you're not aware of the influence of the ship Bong,

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then perhaps you will not be mindful of what the Shia Bong is putting into your hearts. And so here the prophets of Allah and send them as teaching them a lesson that we are all susceptible to thinking bad. If we're not aware of what is influencing our hearts,

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the she upon GLT Mina Jin was sheltering millions, whether they be the shell theme from the jinn, whether it be the chiffon IBLEES himself or other sheltering, or even May Allah protect this shell theme from human beings. Those people who want to bring about some type of problems those people want to cause problems are those people who may not even aware that they're causing problems but because it's their habit. To talk bad to assume bad they may come to us with bad interpretations with bad

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assumptions. And now imagine Subhan. Allah, the Prophet Adam is telling us that this the Shia bond can influence not an average person here. We're talking about the best of generations, if the Shia bond can influence them, if they're not capable, if they're not careful, then what about us? 1400 years later, 1400 years removed from the best generation? How much more? Could this have been influenced us? Number one, number two.

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Who are they? Who could they possibly think bad about the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, if a person is not aware, if they're not conscious, they can think back of the Prophet sallallahu send them the What about us.

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And that is why Subhan Allah when we're in a situation where someone has made a bad assumption about us, or they've assumed things, or they interpreted things in a bad way.

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And sometimes it's someone who is close to us. Sometimes it's a friend. Sometimes it's a family member, sometimes it's the loved one.

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And often we are shocked, especially when it's a loved one. We feel hurt.

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We feel like what has happened, like I thought you were my friend. I'll talk to my brother, I talked to my sister, how could you think this of me

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and anyone who knows this hadith, this tradition of the person who sent them this story, this incident should not be shocked, because the prophets I send them is telling us cure clear that even the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the best human being to walk the face of the earth, if the chiffon can influence the best of generation to even perhaps think bad of the process of sending them, then what about us? And so we should not be surprised when we think bad, but the lesson here is to be aware of our thoughts and our feelings and what is happening within us. And this is why the prophets I send them warned us he said Jaco will Ven. He said, Be I warn you beware of your thinking

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of your assumptions. But in Nevada, because I will Hadith because one is like the worst of speech, the most false speech because they our perception of reality gets altered. We don't know what's real anymore. And the heart is so fickle. It changes it's so quickly flips and that is why the Shi Athan is very smart in the way he works. He works on our hearts because the heart

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the heart flips and changes. This is why we ask Allah who's right data constantly to keep our hearts firm. Yeah, mocha libera. alumina, Allah Denecke Oh, Turner changer flipper of the hearts. Keep our hearts firm upon your deen. And this is why we are hurt some time by our own loved ones. Because it's someone who is a loved one, someone who wait respect us and love us and like us and all that kind of stuff.

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And then something happens, and then our heart and their heart turns. And as I said, sometimes we are deeply hurt by that. And sometimes we are surprised, because the battleground my brothers and sisters, the battleground of the she upon is the heart. He knows that if he can reach the heart of an individual, he can cause more destruction than anything else. And this is why I said and warned us over and over again of the heart taking care of the heart. Yes, we think of the heart in terms of spirituality and yes, the ship on has influence on our spirituality definitely, but also in our relationships. Also in our interaction, also between the loved ones do we think about how the she

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upon is constantly attacking our hearts that she upon is waging battle on our hearts, the Prophet sallallahu send them he said in the villages that the motto either Salah had Salah had just said to Kulu in the body, there's a piece of flesh, there's a piece of meat, if it's okay, the rest of the body will be okay. What he that first had that first other gesture to Kulu if it is ruined, if it is corrupted, then everything else will follow our limbs will follow the body will follow. And this is why when we start in our relationships, in our interaction when it comes to our character, the first place we turn is our heart. Because it is so easy, so easy for the chiffon and dare I say even

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others to manipulate our hearts. Because once again, our perception of reality is sometimes affected by what's in our hearts. And how easy especially in in in today's day and age of social media, where so much is left to be unclear. All we have sometimes his words of people, whether it be a post on Facebook or Instagram or a comment, sometimes WhatsApp messages and WhatsApp groups. Sometimes we are sure I know that she said this and she meant this by because here I have the words literally and will screenshot it and be like I have proof. I have proof that she said this and she meant this and this was their intention and so on and so forth. But let's talk about words for a second. Are we

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always sure of the true intentions behind words. There's just

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Amen. I'm going to say to you right now, and I want you to think about what that means to you. What? What understanding do you get out of it? I never said she stole your money. Okay, I'm gonna say one more time. I never said she stole your money. What does that mean? Well, the reality is that if we were to emphasize or focus on one word,

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it could change the meaning, sometimes completely. And so seven words, seven different meanings. I never said she stole your money. What does that mean? That means well, I didn't say it. Perhaps somebody else said it. I never said she stole your money. That's emphasis on like, never came out of never happened. Never ever, ever, ever happened. I never said she stole your money.

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I made a may have alluded to it. I may have gestured towards it. I may have thought it. I never said it. I never said she stole your money. Maybe somebody else. Maybe I said somebody else stole your money, but never said she stole your money. I never said she stole your money. Maybe she borrowed it. Right but never said she stole it. I never never said she stole your money. Maybe she stole somebody else's money, but she didn't steal your money. I never said she stole your money. Maybe she stole your car. Maybe she stole some other possession of bananas, but she never stole your money. Now my brothers and sister This is a simple sentence made out of seven words, seven different

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interpretations of this one simple sentence How then can we read something and be 100% sure that this is what the person intended. This is what the person meant. And the problem is that the she upon is clouding our thinking that she upon wants to so cause cause problems amongst us the prophets Allah sent them he said in the she Aparna but yet he said in yarn Buddha hidden Musa known that the Shabbat has given up hope that the Messiah known this is a way of saying those people who worship Allah, those who prayed those who have submitted to Allah that they're going to worship the Shri upon he knows that's not going to happen. He's given up hoping that Well, I can fit daddy she may

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know him. So what does he do? He wants to cause problems amongst us. He wants to cause issues because he knows that's my that's my way to get and that is why my brothers and sisters anytime we see people gathered for the sake of something good people come together for the sake of something good anytime Muslims come together for some type of hair, the Shia thorns attack gets even more severe, because his goal is can I cause some problems here? Can I cause some issues can I have some some some some problems so so these so whatever goods that can that is going to come out of this organization, this Masjid this community, this event, whatever it may be, can I minimize that type

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of good? And that is why one of my dear mentors and one of my dear teachers, Sheikh Muhammad Sharif Rahim Allah to Allah, one of the things that he said to me in some of my other fellow instructors and teachers within the Muslim Institute, when we had gathered on one particular occasion he started the gathering of Rahim Allahu Allah by saying, Look, we are all gathered here for good and so we got to be aware that the she have been has a motive here. Because if we if we work together, there's so much good that can come out of what we're doing. And that's anytime the case when Muslims come together. believers come together for good, so much good can come out of doubt when working together

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helping one another. We are an ummah we come together that is part of it is built into our faith that we congregate we come together we are Lucinda Well, Gemma i What does that mean? That means we are the people of the Sunnah we identify with the pseudonym, pseudonym, but not only that, we come together upon the Sunnah of the prophets of Allah who I knew he was sending them. We are united upon the Sunnah we have a common goal, and that's part of our our identity and makes a strong, so have no doubt that whether it be a large group of people that are coming together for good, or a small group of people, or even two individuals,

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a man and a woman

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who come together, get married, for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. Think about the good that can come out of a good household. Think about the hair that comes because of that, just and there's so many things we can think about. But just think about pious children, good children, and the future of our Ummah, the future of our communities and future of Islam in our locality. Think about the next generation versus if this household is a toxic household.

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If the husband and wife are always talking down to one another, they're being condescending to one another. There's a lot of infighting going on, think about the implications that has on this generation to come. And that is why my brothers and sisters that she upon is so invested in causing problems amongst us and controlling you know, and I know it sounds weird sounds like a conspiracy theory and all that but the reality

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Is the Cheban believes he can control us through our hearts. Hakuna colada stuck for Allah Allahu Allah composta Pharaoh who in the whole whole of Rahim.

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam o Allah should have an MBI when was sending nabina was at you know, have you been on Muhammad, Allah Allah, He will be at Marian,

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my brothers and sisters, you know, there's a famous statement that has been attributed to many of the early scholars that if you see something from your brother that is wrong, that you disapprove of

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make 70 excuses for them. And I know Subhanallah we hear this narration, we hear this statement. And sometimes we think of it as just pure fantasy 70 excuses like, great, maybe somebody else could do that. But I can't do that. But it all flips, doesn't it when we are on the receiving end of about assumption. Because we want people to make 70 excuses for us. Right? Why do we want people to make excuses for there's no one who would listen to my clipboard today? And say I disagree. If they know they're on the receiving end, right? If someone has made some assumption about us, they've thought something bad about us. We're like, Yeah, that is the, that's the correct thing to say, I'm glad he

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gave this ultimate today, because people have been assuming things about me and it's wrong, and so on and so forth. But that's not what I'm talking to today. We all want people to assume the best in us. I'm talking about when we're on the other side of the equation, when we are sure.

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When we are sure we know the interpretation. And as some of our scholars, they would say that think of trying to come up with 70 excuses. And if you can't,

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then say to yourself, perhaps this person has an excuse, or a reason that I can think of because when we say I've covered all my bases, I know everything there is to know we are saying we have knowledge of everything. And with all due respect, that's a very arrogant thing to assume. And to think that we have knowledge of everything, let alone the idea that we have knowledge of what is happening in someone's heart. We don't know. We want people when we're on the receiving end of it, we will often want people to judge us by our intentions, right? That's not what I intended. That's not what I meant. That's not That's not my intention here. But when we judge other people, sometimes

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we will judge them by their actions, and we don't care about their intentions, hey, look, they did this. They said this, it happened. It's right there, it's in front of me.

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But do we not owe them the courtesy? That they are? They're our our brother and our sister in Islam, that the apostle the default of a believer for us? is good. Is that part of our being? Do we understand that? Is it part of our of our the structure of our community, that we assume that the default of a Muslim and US rufen Muslim or selama, that the default of a believer is good? When did that change? When did that flip? Well, people say we're in a different generation now. People are sinful and this and that. And you know, I know dishonest Muslims, and so on and so forth.

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Our ideals and morals are not sent for a perfect people. Muslims have always had flaws. We're all we've always been human beings. But it is to get the best out of people. And so this applies today as much as it applied to the generation of the Sahaba the Allah I know that the default of a believer is good, no matter the Allah I'm he would say, always think good of what someone said, unless you are sure you are sure of the opposite. And that means that we have to stand in front of Allah, who's penalty yada and say, Here's my evidence, clear evidence that this was not based off of assumptions, it was not based off the things that I figured I thought they were true. And my

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brothers and sisters, this is if we were to just just we think about all the conflict that occurs, whether it be on a communal level, whether it be on a societal level, whether it be our own personal relationships, a very quick fix, to solving a lot of our problems is if just one side, one party in a conflict, gave the other party the benefit of the doubt, just one party. And I'm not saying we have to say, well, here's a good interpretation. All we have to do is say there has to be a good interpretation. I just can't think of it right now. And until and unless I'm 100% sure that this is what that person meant. I'm not going to take away the sanctity of a believer the sanctity the right

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we have one upon one another that we assume good unless we know of the opposite. Yeah, you heard that in in America. Salatu was Salam I don't know who he called in Allahu Allah. He can tell you sundowner I don't know maybe yeah, you and Adina um and all sudden new Allah He was selling with this name, Allah

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musalia Muhammad Ali Mohammed came on Sunday to ally Brahim or early Ibrahima in a hurry. The Majeed, one of the Allahu Meindl horrify Rashid in Abu Bakr and more with Manoa, or motto or any one set of Sahaba were unabated play you beat up by hitting or been identified. Dunya has often failed the hustler looking at either Banagher humanist political hammer Kamala

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