Abdul Wahab Saleem – A Day in the Life of Muhammad – The Daily Schedule of the Prophet

Abdul Wahab Saleem
AI: Summary ©
The importance of the Prophet's presence and his presence during interactions is discussed, along with the importance of intimacy during prayer rounds and finding a prayer area in the house. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of following the Prophet's commands to have a successful holiday, especially during busy times where personal decisions are taken. Additionally, the importance of praying and following the Prophet's commands is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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spinoff from the result salatu salam ala Rasulillah hamdulillah him Did you watch in Yama who you can't film as either? Or SallAllahu ala Sayidina. Muhammad in what other early he was a huge marine Allah, Allah Allah Allah Allah ma Jota who Salah wanted the general prisoner either shake the settler, welcome everyone to this talk on the schedule of the prophets of Allah who it was a day in the life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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in this month of Arabia, and when we have must have heard a lot about the messenger, sallallahu alayhi, WA Sydenham. And throughout our lives, we must have heard a lot about our beloved messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But I can almost rest the rest assured or I can almost be assured that many of us have not heard about the daily schedule of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, how is it that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to organize this very, very blessed life of his? What did he used to do? What did he do on a daily basis, in order for him to be accomplished? It's all accomplished of a man, in order for him to be so accomplished, how big of a leader of a person

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what was it that the prophets of Allah, who it was setting them had done to be so accomplished? How did he use to organize his day? We know that without a doubt, and by far, the prophets of Allah who was Saddam was the single most accomplished man in the history of humanity. So how did his day go? Of course, like all of us, the day of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it started off with, with Fajr, prior to Fudger, the prophets of Allah who already was sitting them like all of us would be sleeping. And, of course, the sleep wouldn't be like the sleep of all the rest of us in that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sleep would be asleep before which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam had already been up. He was into young lady prior to that, right? But after the AMA lane, when there's only one six to the night left the prophets of Allah when he was hitting him would take that opportunity again to get a few more minutes of sleep within his night. So now, he wakes up. And before he wakes up, he hears the dawn of a Fajr, beloved while the Allahu Allah and he makes the Adhan the prophets, I send them immediately after he gets up, what does he do, he gets the Seawalk, and he starts to brush his teeth before he would go to sleep at eight salatu salam, you'd keep the Seawalk right next to him, you place it. And then as soon as he gets up, he brushes his teeth, and

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then he makes the DUA that all of us make when we wake up. Now there's a lot of throughout the day of the Prophet to send them so I'm not going to mention that there are those you can find in books. Because if I mentioned each two hours and I'll have to explain each two and then I will not be able to actually get through the day, maybe just one section of the day. So you would then do the DUA that all of us do. When we wake up. After that, the prophets Allah Allahu Allah was setting them as his hearing the Adana he's done brushing his teeth, the prophets I send them would now start to follow along with them, then as well and reply to them, what is it? Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, the

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prophet to send them would reply, reply to that, and so on all the way till the end of the event. Now the Prophet SAW Selim, he makes another dua after the Adhan. It's now time for the Prophet to be prepared for meeting Allah again, remember the sleep that the Prophet was doing. Prior to that he had also met Allah subhanaw taala in prayer into Yama lake, but now he makes his will do and perhaps if needed, depending on the night, if needed, he would make his whistle as well, depending on the night, of course, this will be different from night to night.

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And then, while he's still in his house, the Prophet alayhi salatu salam would pray to lockers of Fajr. And he would make them very, very short, very, very brief, very, very concise, so much so that the onlooker would say that did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam even read the fact that how within this window within these Torah cars or not, that's how short those tour guides would be? Okay? So, sometimes the prophet would have very short prayers, and sometimes the prophets I send them would have very, very long prayers prior to sleep. We'll find out what he does when we get to the night prior to sleep. Of course, he had a very long prayer, but now there's not much time now.

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It's the prophets is seldom is still waking up and getting energized. So he just prays to very, very brief, very concise like I was getting prepared for, for Fudger. Then the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, he exits the house, and as he's exiting the home, again the prime

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If it's a Sydenham starts to make the dua of exiting the home. Then as he's walking towards the masjid, the prophets of Allah who said he was sitting them wait, what makes a dua that he had taught us to walk towards the Masjid? Then when the prophets is in enters the masjid, yet again he makes another dua. At every junction of the life of the prophet Sicilian, there are to us. You know, if we were to just study the doors of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam o take us quite a bit of time because at every junction of the life of the prophet there's even while he's sleeping, can you imagine that? When the prophets are sending his feet sleeping, when he turns from one side to

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another, the prophets of Salaam has even for that a thicket that he would do. So now the prophets is in the mix is dikkat going out of the house, saying Bismillah hito kills I interest upon Allah subhanho wa Taala and in His name, do our interest, right? And then other two answers, I said, many, many drugs, then he enters the mystery of salatu salam, when he enters the masjid, Bilal recognizes that the prophets are synonyms here immediately below. He starts to make the comma now, okay, when he sees the Prophet, he knows it's his cue to start making the comma. So now the prophets of salaam walked forward. And as I said, depending on the day, he would have made a lesson and depending on

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the day, you would have just done Moodle. So now sometimes the prophets I send them would walk into the masjid and is here are still wet from the the hosel that he had done. Now, the reason why that's important to note, as this obviously tells the people that are seeing the prophets of salaam that the prophets has sent them was intimate with his spouse at nighttime, right? But then even then the prophets Islam, he doesn't really he's not bothered by this reality because intimacy is not a bad thing. Okay, with your spouse, intimacy is not a bad thing. So the prophets I send them is very evident about this. He's walking into the masjid, he's done his lesson. And there's no shyness

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within this, the prophet walks in with the water dripping from his head out of his salatu salam.

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And sometimes what would happen is even more than this, sometimes he would walk into the masjid and he would have forgotten to make his visit at eight salatu salam. So when he walks in, he realizes before he starts to say Allah Kabbalah that I forgot to make my whistle. He would then go back home make Listen Come back out. Now it's very evident, that the prophets is a limb needed to make Listen, but even then the prophets I send them the shyness wouldn't stop him from following the truth and that is that a person has to purify himself before he meets Allah or Buddha is at will. Now the prophets are seldom starts. Salatin federal Sultan fetcher for Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam is the longest one of the longest prayers of the day. Okay. With the people. This is the single longest prayer even though it's only took us but this is the time that the prophets Islam is going to read from 60 to 100 verses of the Quran. And specifically in the day of Dumas, the prophet had a practice of reading Surah discourage that and also saw it in son so one raka I would be solid decision, and the other one would be slotted inside it every other day, it will be different practices. What did the Prophet used to recite in his different prayers? This is a very deep topic actually, there's a lot of Hadith that show us what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to

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recite and one of my friends he wrote a master's thesis on the subject made up of three 400 pages, just describing what the prophets of Allahu alayhi wa sallam he used to recite during each one of his prayers. So there's a lot of information on it. But generally speaking, the longest prayer would be when Salatin filled with the people that is, then again, his day is full of vicar. So he's starting his Salah off with the wicked with remembrance of Allah. Then after he finishes his prayer, Psalm Allahu alayhi, wa sallam he does more than he could again. Okay, so now he does the God of the come after the Salah. And during the garb of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, the the servants of

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the different families in Medina, they would bring pots and jars to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, as he's making wicked he would place his blessing hand within the jars, they would be doing about rook with the hand the blocks at hand of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, he placed his hand within the jar, and then they would walk away this hadith is in Mr. Muhammad and it's authentic. So

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this would be one of the common practices of the prophets of Allah who it was setting him. Now the day of the Prophet begins. He's done as at God after salah, and he's also done.

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You know, he's done his prayer. He's woken up, he's ready. Now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam takes this opportunity. This is one of the main portions of the day of the Prophet. He takes this opportunity, and he gives a little bit of a lesson to the side

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Haha, now the Prophet, his life was different than our lives in that the prophets are setting them wouldn't have a Friday night or a Saturday night or a Tuesday night or a lecture like we're doing right now, the prophets of Allah while he was setting them, he was companions were like in a village around him. So every single moment that he had, or he would pick out moments that he felt that the Sahaba would be willing to listen. Okay. So

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this would be one of those moments in, in which sometimes the prophet would take this chance and speak to those to the sahaba. And he would give them a little bit of Dawa, he would give them a little bit of military law, he would give them a little bit of admonishment he would give them words of goodness, this would be one of those moments in the day of the Prophet alayhi salatu. Salam, not very long, very brief, very concise, then he would also take the opportunity to ask about if there's anyone sick, who's not here today, if there's anyone who has had someone that's died, and they have a janazah? So you would say, is there anyone sick that I can go visit? Is there anyone who has died

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who's Janaza I can go and prey upon because the people that Sahaba would obviously feel very honored when the prophets I said in them would come and pray just janazah upon one of their deceased. So this is one of the questions the prophets, Islam would ask the ask at this junction. Another thing that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would do now is he would ask, is there someone there who had a dream at nighttime? Okay. And if there was no one there, at some, on some days, on some occasions, you would say, is there someone who had a dream so I can interpret that dream for you? If no one says that they had a dream, sometimes you'd say I had a dream. And then he would tell his

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dream, sallallahu alayhi wa salam, and he would also interpret the dream, remember, the dreams of the prophets, I send them were also white. So he would take that opportunity to give them some more of the way, the Prophet was very diverse in the way he would convey the way by the way the Quran is conveyed directly as it is verbatim, but other aspects of the way from the Sunnah. He was very diverse. He had very, very unique methods to be able to convey the way so one of the ways would be, did you have a dream? No, I didn't have a dream. But I did have a dream. Right? So he's gotten gotten the listener already engaged. He's done a two way conversation there. Instead of making it

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all one directional. Right? Then the prophets, Allah, Allahu Allah was setting them after this would get up, and he would leave and meet all of his wives, one by one, he would go from door to door to each one of his wives. And he would say Saddam, and he would, and he would even meet some of them, okay. He would meet all of them during this particular phase of the day, he would go meet each one of his wife at her house. And this would mean make all of his wives feel special, that even though it's not her day, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is coming to meet me, okay, even if it's a brief meeting, but it reminds her that the prophets Allah, Allahu Allah will send them cares. And

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam hasn't forgotten me. It's not nine days later, he's gonna come and see me. No, He comes every day. So Allah Allahu Allah was sending them to all nine of them two times a day, in salatu salam, in addition to the one that he's going to have to spend time with, because of the fact that it's her day. So this would be one of those moments, but he wouldn't stay for very long. Just Sara Lee komak met Allah. And he would say, How are you all doing? As when he finds out everything is okay, then he would just go back and carry on. Then, after he's visited all of his wives, even though he really still needed to stay at the masjid. But he just left to say

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salaam to everyone. Imagine that. Because everyone is getting up. The Prophet still has a modulates a gathering at the masjid. He's done in Salah. He's done his little note that he does in the morning. Now there's a little bit of a break and he has to stay at the masjid. But he takes the opportunity the 510 minutes 15 minutes to go visit everyone. Then he comes back to the masjid again. sallallahu alayhi wasallam after he comes back to the masjid la salatu salam. Now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, does he go to the masjid and specifically in the role and specifically in a pillar known as the pillar of the MaHA God? He goes and does his day to the masjid

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over there. Then after that, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sits with his back reclining towards the Hijra the house or the room of Aisha Radi Allahu Taala and also in a real life you guys go inshallah you will to the Haram then you can think of these places this idea to know why Julian and also the direction in which the prophets of Allah Allah was setting them would be sitting, then the prophets of Salam sits there and all of the Sahaba now start to come because this is the main

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Gathering of the Prophet, okay, throughout his entire day, this is that one gathering that he almost regularly used to have every single day, or almost every single day unless he was occupied for whatever reason, this gathering would be there. Everybody knew that, at this time the prophets of Sydenham will be available to meet. If I have a question I have a fatwa, I have a Kabbalah someone died in my family, they need to have a question about Nirav. About inheritance. Any question you have, this is the time to meet the Prophet alayhi salatu salam. So this shows you that the Prophet would make himself available, and everybody knew the time that the prophets of salaam would be

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available. Okay. So now the prophets of salaam sits.

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And the Sahaba they come now, again, depending on the day, and it's similar to talks and lectures, depending on the day, there's more people and there's less people, right. So similarly, in the gatherings of the prophets of Salam, depending on the day, there was more people, sometimes there was less people other times, if there was less people, then they would gather in front of the prophets and send them in a circle. Okay. So they would make a circle semi circle around the prophet Isaiah Salatu was Salam. So the Prophet can focus on everyone, if there's a lot of people with a circle is not possible. So then they would line up in two lines before the profit, one to the right

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of the profit, one to the left of the profits as a level. So there'll be two lines of people sitting. Why? Well, because the person that's the question or now is close enough to here, and once he leaves, then the next person can come in very, very easily, as well. So this is how they would line up before the Prophet alayhi salatu salam.

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And in this gathering and all other gatherings the prophets of salaam had a very distinct way of teaching. Really, if you think about the prophetic teaching techniques, there are so many different ways the prophets of salaam used to teach. He was a he was a true educationalist. Some Allahu Allah wa salam, and Chef Abdul Fatah Buddha, Allah Allah He wrote a an extensive book, in which he collected the different teaching methods of the prophets of salaam Alhamdulillah. This book is also available in English as well if you'd like to read, right so this shows the teaching techniques of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, some of the ways would be that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam would ask the question, should I? Instead of directly initiating the contract conversation, the Prophet says syndrome say I would say, Should I not tell you have this issue? Do you want to hear about this? So if they say yes, now they're ready to listen? So then the prophets of Allah when he was setting them what speaker, sometimes the prophets I send them say, Should I even talk to you or not? In one incident, the prophets I send them actually said, he's with the sahaba. He said, I'm not sure should I tell you a hadith? Or should I stay quiet?

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So they said, if you have something good to share with us, oh prophet of Allah do so. And if it's otherwise that Allah and His Messenger know best, so he would make it too directional. And in some cases, the prophet to send them would ask them a question, do you know such and such? So they would say yes or no. Or Allah's Allah and His Messenger know best. Sometimes the prophets is seldom one, take one sentence and repeat it two or three times because he's can feel that someone may not be paying attention or he needs to be, it needs to be reiterated. So the prophets of salaam would do that three times. This was a common habit of the prophet, He would also use the prophets of Allah

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while he was sitting them would also use diagrams. Now they would, they wouldn't have a pen and a paper, so the prophets I send them would draw the diagrams in the sand. Okay, so you would draw different diagrams to show the Sahaba what exactly he's trying to say. Another thing would be, intermittently the Prophet sallallahu, ala was sitting them in his gathering wood regularly being be making stuff or stuff for Allah to really, again and again, so much so that the companions of the prophet would say, that would hear in one gathering of the Prophet him saying and stuff from Allah at least 100 times, this will be one of those gatherings. Then during this gathering as well, the

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morning time after he's already met his wives after he's done a small morning coffee, if you can call it that, right after he's done all that now he's sitting in this main gathering of is at that time, some of the people would bring their children as well to get the two hours of the prophets of Allah when he was setting them if someone had a newborn they would bring the newborn for technique at this point as well. Okay, if someone had a newborn they would bring again the newborn for the prophets I send them to make the offer them some people that would have produced at this point, those people that would have dates they would bring their dates asking the prophets I'll send them

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to make the offer these days. So the prophets I send them would make the offer the dates of the people of Medina and it would make the offer Medina and he would make the offer the mood of Medina which is a measurement, like two hands full. And you would make dua also for the saw of the people have Medina, which is two handfuls times four, okay, two different types of measurements, wood and slop and the prophets SLM would make this

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and this would be also a mole

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Meant to where sometimes if he had delegations, he would receive these delegations. Sometimes not always. Again, it's not a schedule written in stone. This is a general meeting different things, different purposes. But every single day or almost every day, this meeting is taking place. And it appears that that famous Hadith of the Prophet a pseudonym, where Gibreel, Ali Salam came to the Prophet. Right. And he came in close, which were very white clothes, right.

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Shady Dubai, all the fear, right?

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La Yura la authorise suffer when a woman had a person who would could come with clothes, which were very white, and it didn't look like he was traveling. And none of us happen to know Him. This was how did you please describe when did this happen?

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Likely it happened within this gathering of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam as well. And

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because the gathering was so regular, because this was such a beneficial gathering, and because the daytime is a time where people trade and go to their workplaces, like all of the other Sahaba. So, so a lot of people have thought would be one of those people that would have to go to work. What he would do is with his neighbor, he had made a deal, I work one day you work one day, so one week, then a little would be working four days a week.

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And the other week, we'll be working three days a week, right? He works one day, the other one works the other day, and on the odd days than Ramadan kebab would go and visit the prophets of Salaam in this gathering the days he misses, his neighbor comes and tells them what happened in the gathering. So this is what the Sahaba would do, they would be so keen on this particular gathering that they would take turns if I if some people, some of them that can go every single day, who can go every single day that will take turns with their neighbors or their friends or, or their brothers etc. Right. And sometimes people would bring food at this time as well. It's breakfast time. So sometimes

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the profits that whenever he would be given food, the prophets of Sydenham would honor everyone around him with that food. And on occasions when he's given the food the night before, like he's given for example, a sheep or something, the Prophet sallallahu it was sitting them would have that entirely cooked and in the morning, he would serve it to all of his companions sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, okay, there was one incident where someone brought a complete sheep to a shadow the Allah Allah Allah. So the prophets of salaam told her to slaughter it that night. And he told her to cook it and prepare it with the meal and bread as well and bring it out and he had the prophet to send

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them us to have a very big plate by the way, it was called delta rock, a very large plate. This is also reported in a hadith so big that four people would have to carry this plate. Okay, so in that plate, which will take for people to carry in that plate, the prophets SLM asked that night for I had to prepare the dinner, and then get it ready for everyone. And then he brought it out the next morning in this gathering for everyone, right? It was a nice lamb dinner, lunch or breakfast rather, with with some specific type of bread that they would have available at that time, right.

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this particular gathering didn't have any end times. Okay? It will, it will be dependent, because the profits isn't limited. Try to solve everyone's problems, everyone's issues, answer everyone's questions. So there was no start. There was no end time there was a start time but there was no end time for this particular gathering. So sometimes it'd be very long, and sometimes it would be very short. But again, as the prophet is finishing the gathering, in this gathering, like all other gatherings of his, he makes the DUA Subhana, Allah Houma behenic, a shadow Allah, Allah, Allah and Stubblefield will go to booty ik, which is a dua that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would

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make a stone Hirokawa to be like that.

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How perfect Are you? Oh ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. And I asked you by your praise, and I bear witness that there is no God worthy of worship except you. And I seek forgiveness in you, oh Allah and I also repent to you oh Allah subhanahu wa taala this will be a DUA, which is very famous, all of you must have it memorized as well, that the prophets Allah would make after every gathering, including this particular one. Now it's time to go and visit people. Okay? Now it's visitation time. So, from the day of the Prophet, you're gonna gather that he's always with the people. Okay? The prophet is a people's person, he's available to people. And that's why anyone who shares within the legacy of the

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Prophet, he's a people's person, he's there for the people he's asking. He's checking, he's making sure he's solving problems. He's doing all of these different things. Throughout the day, you will see that it's

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not a prophet is not a librarian, the prophets of Allah while he was setting them is not a monk worshipping and doing nothing more than that. The prophet is a very people's person, there is a worship aspect of his life, there is his relationship with Allah subhanaw taala. But it's not at the stake of his life with the people because the only way he can affect society is if he's meeting people. So now after he's met people at multiple occasions throughout the day already, now he goes and meets people yet again. But now it's visitation time. Okay. So he visits his family members, some of them he's already visited, visited his wives, right. So he's not going to do that now. Now

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he will visit his other relatives. So he may go see his daughter, Fatima, he may go see his grandchildren, Hassan and Hussein, he may go see Oh, mama, he may go see any of these depending on the day again. And the prophets are seldom sometimes used to go to father's house and he would we will, he'll be hoping to see a lesson and then he would grab a lesson and he would embrace and Hessen and he would kiss a lesson and he would say, Oh Allah, I love and Hasson. So love anyone that loves a lesson. The prophets, Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam would say this, and he would go visit it this time, also the sick people, and he would visit also the weak people, the destitute the poor

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people, he would, this would be one of those days, times of the day where people could invite the prophets of Salaam and he had designated this portion of the day to go and meet those people as well. He would visit the old he would visit even women, he would visit older women especially Okay, he would visit

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also his neighbors, he would visit the Arabs and the non Arabs. Why? Because that society, they had some people who had migrated like the Persian, some Persians had migrated. So there was one Persian man who live close to the Prophet SAW Selim, he had very good food he would make okay. And the smell, the Persian food smell would be all across the neighborhood, Prophet salallahu it was setting them and he said, I would like to invite you for, for

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breakfast at this time, there was this particular meeting. So he said, I would like to invite you for breakfast. And the prophets Islam said Okay, what about Asia? Like, are you also inviting Aisha? He's getting her an invitation as well, because you could smell the food all around. So he said no, not Aisha Subhan Allah. So the prophets Islam said no, then I'm not coming. So he came back a little while later, he said, profit I made food for you, and you'd like to come? So he said, What about this one here? I Isha. So he said, No, not Ayesha. Maybe there was not enough food maybe? I don't know what exactly he's thinking. So he again a third time he came, so the profits and send them said

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no, I'm not coming in that case. So a third time he came again. And he said, Oh prophet of Allah would like to have you over for lunch, hoping that the Prophet says and then would accept his invitation. He said, What about Aisha?

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So again, he said, No, not Aisha. We don't know what his reason is. Perhaps the reason was, there was not enough food. So you felt like the prophets I send them won't be able to eat enough. Okay. So the fourth time again, he came back, the Prophet said, No, the third time. Then he said, Okay, I understand I get the message. And then he said, Okay, I should as well. And then the Prophet and I should they went for breakfast to this particular mountains, Persian men's house, and they had they had food there. Okay. And by the way that had, he said, they started racing towards his house, because they were hungry. And the food smelled really nice. As I said, the street would all smell up

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with the food of this man. Okay, so

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another thing that the prophets Allah Allahu Allah was sending him would do at this point is he would visit people when he's visiting people, he would ask them, would you like me to pray for you? Would you like me to pray in your house? Okay. So if obviously, they would say yes, and the prophets are setting them would then designate a spot. And he would pray in that direction, the direction of the Qibla. And then the people of that household would make that their prayer area within their house. Okay. So he did that, for instance, at ns, ns, his grandmother's house and a number of different incidents as well. So this was one of the things he would do whenever we visit people, he

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would say, would you like me to pray for you, and pray in your house? And they would obviously say, yes, the prophets Islam would then take a direction and you would pay pray in that direction. When he would eat food, the prophet again would make dua, one of the dogs you would make there was actually multiple dogs he would make one of the dogs he would make is he would say, May the people who are fasting come and break your their fasts at your home, and may only righteous people eat your food, and may the angels sent a lot upon you. And then you would say, oh, Allah put Baraka in what you gifted them and forgive them and also have your mercy upon them.

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Now, in the process of walking around, obviously, there were certain all morning he's walking around, so there'll be certain job of the Prophet that he would also practice

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Just in the process of walking around, one of the things whether you will be a very fast walker so the LaGuardia settler. So the Hadith goes, Yeah, take effect, we'll take a throw and get under my and help Donald sob, he will do that effort, which means that he would works really, really fast, get no money and help them in sub x. It's as if he was coming down a mountain. Okay, so that would be like the pace at which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would walk, it also shows you the built of the prophets of Salaam and the body of the Prophet because when you're coming down the mountain, what happens is you Brace yourself, and you keep your back straight as much as possible,

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right? Otherwise you will fall forward. So the prophets, I send them in his normal walks, he will be braced, and he will be straight in that way. So that shows you that the prophets I send them was well, well built. And in the street, he would smile at everyone he would see when he would see children, the prophet to send them would wipe their faces of the children. And one of the things that prophets or send them would do is he would say salaam to people with his hand like this to the men and also to the woman, okay. So when the Prophet has sent them would see men he would say salaam like this, and when the Prophet will see women as well. One day there was a hadith the Prophet saw a

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group of women sitting, and he went up to them, and he said salam alaikum, to all of them, in that wave, moving his hand and gesturing I said, I want to echo and he would stop every time someone would stop him, whether it'd be a child or an old person, a girl, a guy, whoever it may be the prophetess alone would stop to solve their, their problem and answer their answer whatever they're asking the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, now, as the hard time has already kicked in salatu Baba, but as the hard time gets towards, let's say, around 10 o'clock in the morning, okay, or around 10 or 11 in the morning, around this time, again, depending on how long the Mejlis the early morning modulus

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was, right? Sometimes it's longer, sometimes it's shorter. So approximately around this time, 10 to 11. Now the prophets of Allah when he was setting them, he goes back to the wife, whose day it happens to be in the morning, he visited all of them. Now he goes to the wife, whose day it happens to be when he walks in the house, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he makes the dua of entering the house. He does the sea walk. And now the Prophet alayhi salatu salam he says again, a Salam or Aleikum,

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Akiva into mere NLP How are you Oh, oh family of mine.

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It's now again the time to get connected to Allah subhanaw taala they spend time with the Ummah now, most of his morning has been spent with that. Now it's time to spend time with Allah subhanho wa taala. So now he prays Salah from for Raka art all the way to to look at the bare minimum salatu wa is to the prophets SLM will usually pray between four and eight. Okay, so this would be the salah to Doha, of the prophets of Allah who already was settling. Now the Prophet alayhi salatu salam would eat a little bit if he hadn't already had food, because remember some of the visitations, they would have already offered him food. So the prophets Allah Allahu alayhi wa salam would eat a little bit

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if he hadn't already had food secondarily, or secondly, if he wasn't fasting that day, but also sometimes it will be fasting, considering the feelings of his his wives, the prophets and send them would break the fast if it was a voluntary fast, meaning one time I came to the provinces and then she said that someone came and gave us a gift like last night, I saved some for you.

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So now she went out of her way to save food for the prophets of Allah while you're setting up. So the prophets is in and broke is fast because of her feelings. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he ate from the food that are Aisha Radi Allahu Allah, Allah had saved for the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, this is again one of those moments in which the Prophet gets private time with his wife. And perhaps during this time, some of the women from the city they come to meet the Prophet because they don't want to go in the morning matches. There are a lot of men there. So they don't want to talk about their personal problems in front of men. So they come to the Prophet knocking his door,

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knowing whose day it happens to be. And the prophets Allah Allahu Allah was sitting to meet these women in the presence of his wife. One of the hikma is behind this is because of the fact that the wife then here is the fatwa of the Prophet. And then she reports it on. That's how we have because of this time of the day, this is how we have most of the fatawa related to women narrated to us this particular meeting point when he's with his wife, around the Lulu time around the heart time when other women come and either own Salama or, or one of the other wives of the Prophet or Aisha or someone. Here is the photo of the Prophet and then she says, I heard the Prophet, someone came asked

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Falana came and asked, and I heard the prophets of Allah while he was said, let's say so and so this is that time of the day. Okay.

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Now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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Something by the way, some sometimes during this particular time, also very close companions of his would come visit. It's a very private time but really close people there's not that that much privacy with them for public now this is not public time. Yes For women it's still public time because women don't get another time. But for the men this is no longer Republic time but some of the Sahaba they would still come and visit the prophets or settle them at this time, like or multiple hubbub would come sometimes Abu Bakr would come sometimes, but this would be an open time for some of the Sahaba very special one specifically Abu Bakr, Rama Richman, these three would be

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regulars. And of course Ali is family anyways, so Ali would obviously come as well and other companions again who were very, very close to the prophets of Allah while he was sitting in the house. The prophet is the softest of people. The prophets of Salaam is the most generous of people. The prophets of salaam laughs He smiles, the prophet system as the Hadith goes, Can I Hakuna femininity i Li the prophets IS LM is serving his family, but not always. Meaning when he's at home those times during in which he happens to be home, so he's busy even when he is coming home, he's not resting and couching. And the prophets and send them is still doing things, the profits and

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limits take care of his personal things. Like for example, if he thought needs to be done, if the profits choose need to be done, this is the time when the Prophet alayhi salatu salam is doing all of these things. After he does these, again, the prophet is a master at organizing his time. So he breaks things down over different days. Maybe they should be done. He's going to do them one day, the clothes and other day he can't be doing everything every day because he also does by Lulu and this alula He never misses okay.

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It would be that way that that he would be able to energize himself to meet Allah subhanho wa Taala nature on at night in Yama Lake. This day, Lola whether he's traveling with he would almost never miss the speedloader Okay, unless again, there's there may be in the cases of excursions or a battle these type of special circumstances, but even on travels to Kuba, for example, even then the prophets of salaam will do this play doula, okay?

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This is a knob that the prophets of salaam will take all the way till around the whole time. So let's say around 11 To load the prophets or send them is napping, okay?

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And then the prophets are Salam.

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By the way, during this time, the prophet would only be with his wives, or whilst he happens to be in Medina, he would go sometimes to answerlines house started taking the mattress and, and she tried to take the sweat out of it. So the Prophet broke up while she's doing this. Okay, so the prophets, some Allahu alayhi wa sallam said, What are you doing on Sunday? She said, I'm collecting your sweat, oh prophet of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the province has sent them said Good on you. You've done good accent. That's what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said to himself, and sometimes, because it will be very good sent. So they will use it as a letter and they will also

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use it to do the Baroque as well with the sweat of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam with the blessings short of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, then, the prophet would on Saturdays go to Cuba. And in Cuba, the prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam he would, even in Cuba while he's on a little bit of a travel, he would still do the Lula this time he will do that by Lula at home Haram is House who's also a relative of Muharram of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, this is his day on whilst he happens to be in Cuba. So every Saturday this was a practice of the Prophet he would be in, in Cuba. Now Buddha, of course, if you visited Medina, it's a bit of a distance, especially if you think

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about the fact that you're not driving with a car back in those days, and there's no paved roads, etc. So it's a bit of a distance. And that's why the profits, it would be considered almost like a small travel, not a travel where you do a little salon etc. shortening your prayer, combining your salary, no, not that type of travel, but it's still a little bit of a walk and a little bit of a distance depending on how you're trying to get there.

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Now lower time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during the Lord time. Again, he's not being so when he hears beloved, the prophets of salaam gets up. He answers that wasn't as before the hook, or the forelock as before the hook, then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam takes this opportunity. Normally they bring the grandchildren to the prophet at this time before we go. So the Prophet now plays a little bit with Hessen a little bit with the crusade a little bit with Obama, the daughter of Zainab right, and then the prophets or send them walks over and goes to the masjid and now he's ready to prayer. But he waits till Bilal tells him that it's time for prayer. Okay,

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meaning that he's waiting for a couple of factors. The fact that it's really hot on really hot days, they will delay the prayer a little bit. Oh,

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also whether people got there or not, okay, so these were factors the prophet would factor in. So the land would kind of point out in the prophet to send them would then come in. And the lion would then give the karma. And now, occasionally, during lower time, you'd bring Hasson along with him, or Hussein or Obama, he would bring one of these three along with the Prophet alayhi salatu. Salam, sometimes it has said, or saying that would come with the prophet to send them when he would go into June, they would go on top of the back of sujood. When is this happening? Lower time. So they would go on the back of the Prophet to send them so one time one Sahabi thought the sujood was so long, so

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we actually got up to see what's happening. So that he saw the prophet is still in sujood. So then, later, they asked the Prophet to send them they said, Oh prophet of Allah, we thought that something has happened or something has changed, or you're getting lucky. So we actually got up to tech.

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That'll be Allah Who said so, but he said, No, basically what happened was my son, in the Halloween, he was riding me.

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My son was riding me and I didn't want to let him stop riding until he's finished what he wanted to do. So then the Prophet stayed in sujood position until hasn't finished writing the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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beautiful Subhanallah the prophets are setting them then he got up from scheduled after Hassan was done what he had to do. And

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one of the things you would also do sometimes with Obama, he would carry her in Salah, he would carry her along with him in salon, so when you would be standing, you would be carrying her when he would go into Cebu there are so far you would put her aside and then he would carry her again. So this was one of the things that the Prophet SAW sent them would do, most of the times what would be fairly short, of course, it would still be one of the longer ones, but it would be fairly short. Sometimes. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would make the hole also very long. Normally, the Imam shouldn't make the Salah, except for Fajr, of course. But

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if he knows everyone behind him is okay with making it longer than he's allowed to. Okay? Meaning he knows everyone who's behind them. So the Prophet genuinely knows all the companions that come pray behind them, and he knows the day. He knows the Shah, he knows the situation of the people. So sometimes the prophets are certain would make the salah long.

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After vote again, he does his dhikr he does all of the GOP, and then he turns to the people. Normally, he's not going to be giving any talks or lectures or at this time. But if there's a special circumstance, the prophets of salaam takes this moment gets on the member and gives a small hotbar. Okay, if there's a special circumstance, for, for instance, one day, some very poor people had come a delegation of relatively poor people had come. So the prophets I send them got up the member and he started, he started encouraging the people to give sadaqa so he was basically fundraising la salatu salam. So this was one of those days in which the prophets of Salam took the

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lower time to do something that he felt that needed to be done. But not always, you would then return back to his home in his house, he would read the Torah cuz after the war, now,

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he would. Sometimes by the way, he would keep himself in the masjid as well. Okay. Like, for example, one day, the delegation had come to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that was the delegation of Abdul pious. What's Abdullah is nowadays the area that is known as Al Aqsa or hoof. The people there are known as Benny Abdo case. So the people from there Kim, they are very unique people. Some of my machines are actually from Alexa. This is one of the cities in which I studied Islam. Alexa is one of the most blessed cities of India in the world, even though many people don't know about it. It's a very, very untouched city. It's one of the cities to which the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would potentially have moved, because Allah had given the Prophet three possibilities in his mind. He said, I thought, it could be hedger, it could be Medina, it could be one place in Shamp. So this, the people from Abdullah is those are those people to whom the prophet could have potentially traveled from Mecca, migrated from Mecca, but he didn't, of course, he went to Medina.

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And they're very beautiful people. They're very soft people. They're very kind people. They have all of the formaldehyde alive within the city coexisting. There's a very beautiful existence of, of different cultures over there within this particular city, so the people are abductees. Another unique thing about these people is they accepted Islam entirely willingly, meaning there was no data that needed to be given to them. There was no armies that needed to be discharged to them they chose to come and they accepted Islam. So this was they came at lower time, and they stayed with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, from the hole all the way till

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Also this was one of those days in which the Prophet stayed in the masjid all the way to Lhasa.

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Sometimes the prophets of Allah already was sending him after this moment, after a little bit of time with in the masjid. Again, the Lord is very flexible as you can see different different things happening at different times, sometimes the profits or send them would leave to give fatawa if someone has a specific personal concern, they want the profit to come, he's willing to go and meet the people. If they have someone who's died a deceased individual within their, you know, family and they need to have someone divide the inheritance the prophets I send them would go divided inheritance. One day actually before the whole, the prophets I send them one to divide inheritance.

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So now what happened? He's before though, but he's in the middle of work. So he didn't come in pray in the masjid. He told someone to lead and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prayed with them, the Lord over there, then all the way to Lhasa, he's still there dividing the inheritance. So sometimes there will be a little bit of

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change in the schedule as well. Okay. So this time is,

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occasionally this would be a time to also break up potential tribal feuds that could occur. So one of the things that happened was in Cuba, there was a tribal feud that started people started to fight. So the Prophet to send them said, Let's go to Cuba, on not on a Saturday, normally in Saturday, where is he in Cuba but this time, not on a Saturday, the profits of selling goes to Oba only to break up this fight, so and to bring peace back within Baba. And now as the time comes, in also time the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He hears the Adan and of course before so usually he's already gotten home, but sometimes he may not have gotten home as well. So if he's at home, he

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hears the Adan he waits until people gather in the masjid. And then he goes to the masjid because one of the things that prophet would encourage before us or he would encourage to pray for God. The prophets of salaam said Rahim Allah hombre and son Gabriela, three herba, may Allah subhana wa Allah have mercy upon the person who prays before before, so for Raka act, so the prophets of salaam would give people some time to pray these photographs, then he would go to the masjid. And he would make the camera that he would do in solitude. So half of what you do in law, okay, so it'd be even shorter of a prayer because it's a very busy time for people, people need to go home, people have

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other things to do for examples. Nowadays, people have to pick up kids from school, etc, other things, so the prophets and send them would make this Salah very, very short. And after also, his time is even shorter with the people now very short, brief, lesson or word if he needed to make and then he goes to his families. Now this is the second meeting with all of his wives. In the morning after fajr you noticed he went and met all of his wives. Now a second time in the day, the prophets of Allah who it was sending them goes to all of his wives, and sometimes the prophets I send them would kiss each one of his wife as what wives as well. And then he would finally go and he would go

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to the one whose day it happens to be, then he would spend the rest of that time normally with this particular wife sometimes.

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And by the way, the prophets I send them had a special practice which we are not allowed to practice. And that is after us all the Prophet SAW Selim would pray to like us. Okay. What had happened was one day the Prophet was in the masjid throughout, from after the whole till hustle. What day was that? I already shared that day with you but the price came right. So on that day when the face came the Prophet missed his sunnah after

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Whoa, so then he made up that student after also, normally you're not supposed to pray after ourselves. Right? The Prophet wouldn't pray after outside as well. But when he made up that salah, after

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after load, the key took the salon after loading he made it up after I saw the profits or synonyms habit was every time you do something, you speak to who he would make it firm and he would continuously do it. So from the particular particularities of the profit in rabada is after us or the prophet would pray these two lockers every single day, but he will tell other people not to do it. Okay for him, because he he's a prophet. So for him, what this was one of his habits when he would do something he would make it a permanent habit. So since he did this particular Salah after Aza then every single day, he will do to rock as after Assad as well, but we don't do that because

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it's impermissible to pray after us. Okay, so

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Wakanda and the Prophet SAW Selim would normally again, as I said, go to all of these, the wives of his and

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most of his awesome would be with the family. Now, most of us also would be with the family sometimes, in again, very special circumstances.

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Some people would invite the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for specific events, right? We have, for example, parties, we have Wella, ame, we have

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receptions, we have different things like that. Similarly, in their times, they have these receptions they have these parties they have, so the prophets in them would be invited to these things, it would be very hard for the Prophet to send them to say no to people, right? Except if he knew that the note would actually be coming to us, like for example, the man the Persian man who had come to the prophet, and he said that unless Aisha comes He said, No. So he said, Okay, I'm not coming. He knew he's gonna come back. The prophets I send them was very socially intelligent as well. So normally, he wouldn't say no Salah Who are you setting them? So one time a man had come to

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the prophets, I said, lemonade said I'm going to be slaughtering a camel. Okay, and I just want you to watch.

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So the prophets Islam, this was after so the prophets Islam didn't deny it. He went and he saw it and this was an honor for this man that the prophet is there watching this particular sacrifice he's doing for Allah subhanho wa Taala taking place, right? Now the dawn of McRib comes in, he's with his wife, okay, in his house. And when the dawn of novel comes, now, he doesn't give the people too much time. Why? Because most of the time is very short. Okay, so the prophets SLM stays only for a very short period of time. Why? Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to say so low a blood Mercury be so low. Pablo revie will be 3030 Tyler Lehmann shot in the third time the prophets

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are seldom said, whoever wishes to pray that and pray. Okay, so normally the prophets has said of them would say, Go and pray to rocket as before mercury. So the habit of the Sahaba also was when the design of Mercury would go immediately the Sahaba to Rasulullah saw Salam, they would all go to the different pillars, and they would go pray behind the pillars. Why? Because it's a sunnah to ensure that there's something in front of you that you're praying, right a sutra, so the prophets are Salam would see all of the companions praying, and he would also pray his total cause before mugging up, then he would come out. And he would pray. Mother did right in the beginning time,

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whereas Lord, He's delaying it a bit. Remember, Fudger fairly in the beginning as well, sometimes late, there's different Hadith. And that's what the Hanafi are, they say that it's better to pray Fajr a little bit later, other scholars like the Shafia they say, it's better to pray Fajr a little bit earlier, speaking of Aqsa, the city that I just shared all form of that hypo there. So the Hanafi mosques do pray later, the Shafi mosques they pray earlier. So if you miss the shot through a fire drill, you can also still catch the NFP Fajr. Right? So the prophets I send them of course, it's reported that he did both of these, right? But mother, it would be right on top of it, it would

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be as early as possible.

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And the Prophet would make Salatin very, very, very short.

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And sometimes, occasionally, the prophet would make it long as well, pretty much all of the Salawat occasionally, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would make it long, also, because this shows you that it's permissible to make it long. So the Prophet was sometimes do things to let people know that it's okay, I'm making it shorter, but you can make this long as well. Okay, so

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And after Muhammad, the prophet would normally not speak to anyone. Why because now it's time for people to have their dinners, etc. and things of that nature, it's already late, people are tired. So this is not the time to give the people now in that time people are sleeping as soon as it becomes dark in our times. We are sleeping when the light comes out. So that's why yes, a lot of our talks happened after motive nowadays or after Isha. Fair enough, because people are still widely up in his time the profits are seconds time, there's no light. So naturally, people are going to sleep right after the you know, right after the night false. So the prophets has sent them would give them

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a break at this time, you would not talk much to them. But he would tell you'd make one message clear at this time, because it's dinnertime, he didn't want to see people going hungry. So he would tell the Companions at this time, if someone has food, then remember the food of two is enough for three, the food of three is enough for four. So take home with you, someone to eat with you. Okay, so the poor companions, the Ellis sofa, the other poor companions, they would have someone there with the Prophet waiting for them to eat in their houses. And this was one of the few messages that the prophets of Allah what it was said live would make at this

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particular time, in terms of his dinner Sallalahu it was setting him because he goes back to dinner as well. So his dinner is what is it happening after, occasionally after, before

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the formatting, normally after Monday, but sometimes before marketed as well, and the Prophet would just eat whatever was available, he wouldn't make a fuss about what the dinner would have to be. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would never mention a defect in the food, some Allahu alayhi wa sallam saying this, you know, not so tasty, too much salt, the prophet would never do it. If he liked it, he would eat it. If you didn't like it. The prophets have said them would simply leave it leave it. One of the Sunnah of the Prophet was that he would use three fingers at least salatu salam to eat. And in other words, he would say Bismillah before eating, in other words, after eating the

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prophet to send them would lick his fingers. And other was that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after eating would wash his mouth. And he was salatu salam, he liked to have a sweetener along with his food as well. Some Allahu Allah was sitting in a nice sweet cold drink known as the beef, which will be prepared for him in the morning time, for the dinner time, and then and the nighttime for the morning meal. So the prophets I send them would like to have a nice cold drink along with his meal as well. This would be one of the things that the prophets of Allah while he was certainly enjoyed alayhi salatu salam and also give him the type of nutrition and energy that's

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required to go throughout the day. And

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after Isha, now the issue time comes down of Aisha comes, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would not be in a hurry to pray Aisha why because it's actually better to pray Aisha late one day, the prophet made it very, very late. And he says, this is the actual time of Russia. If it wasn't for the fact that it'd be too difficult for you, I would actually prayed every night at this time. So the Prophet would actually prefer to delay Russia a little bit, he would watch from his window, or from his house from the Federal issue or whichever wife in there in his house in our house, he happens to be the prophets have said, then we'll see when people would gather, then the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would come out. If the people are not there, then the prophets or send them would stay at home. Sometimes, even if the people are there the prophets and send them had something to do. So he would do that. And in one day, as I said, it became very, very late, until the point that people started to fall asleep, the Sahaba they started to fall asleep. So the Prophet came out. And then he prayed to Shabbat to console them. He said, There's something special you've done. What's that? So the prophets has said Lim said to them, the special thing you've done is that there is not a single person in the world praying at this time except for you. Why because

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other Sahaba went to sleep. And it's not clear I will leave time yet.

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So nobody's really praying except for the Sahaba of the prophets of Allah while he was settling at that time, so he gave them that message, and then they all went back happy even though they were kind of like, you know, it's getting a little bit late now. So, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he would console the companions in this way as well. And after Salah normally the prophets of salaam would not like to speak. Okay, kinda Nabil sallallahu alayhi wa sallam yet Quran Noma ability, Orisha will Hadith. He didn't like sleeping before OSHA and talking after OSHA. But again, there will be exceptions to this general rule. Sometimes, there may be a very specific incident.

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Sometimes all day long. The prophets I send them has been very busy. So he's going to be consulting who would be like his ministers, Abubakar Irma. So he goes out after he comes back home, he comes back home. Then he goes out with his companions, Abu Bakr and Omar, and he talks to them about specific issues that he needs to address with them talking about the affairs of the Muslims. And as he's doing this sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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so after Isha the prophets Salam is going to go towards home but remember before he gets off from the masala Lucia or masala solitary moment, right, the prophets are seldom waits for a minute. He gives it some time. Why? Because behind the men, there are also women, he doesn't want the woman to be seen by the men or the women to be intermingling with the men. So he gives the females a little bit of time, they all get up and leave then he gets up because once he gets up all of the Sahaba also get up. Okay. And this also shows you a couple of other things and that is that there was no artificial segregations in the time of the prophets, etc. Okay.

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There was no artificial segregation. I was giving a talk somewhere. So

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someone asked me Will there be full segregation? I said yes, but there was no full segregation there. So what I mean by yes is full as full as the prophet felt was full. The women are in the back

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After the men are in the front, this was the habit of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam segregation. Hallahan salatu salam. So this was the message of the Prophet Sal and this is how it would be done, there would be no separate Hall etc. It will be the women in the back. That's a habit in the front, but he would give them time to be able to leave, and then the Sahaba would get up, and they would go after that he would go home to his wife, or one of his wives depending on whose night it happens to be. And he would pray the son of Asha, remember all of the Sunnah of the Prophet prays at home, most of the Sun at some times, occasionally, he prays in the restroom, but most of the

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times these bring the student at home.

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Then after that, he takes a moment he speaks to his wife a little bit. And then sometimes again, after he had normally he doesn't like talking after Isha. But sometimes

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special circumstances he needs to speak to Abu Bakr Omar, he needs to speak to even a bad guy, he needs to speak to some of the important companions of the prophet to sell them. So he does that, at this particular time. And the prophets of salaam then walks out of the house, so he doesn't bother his family. It's their time to go to sleep, of course, right? So he walks out of the house, while he's walking out he might be walking around town now as well, just to see everything and act. In his walk. He may hear some of the Sahaba reciting Quran and the Prophet used to love hearing the Quran from other people. Right? He even said in one of the Hadith, he asked us so happy to read the Quran

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to him and he said, I read to you and you're the one who upon whom Allah reveals this Quran. So the prophets I send them said I love to hear it from other people as well. So if he hears this a hobby reciting the Quran, he stops there. He hears a little bit of the Quran that has been recited in the in the streets of Medina. And then he goes to the masjid and he prays a little bit of Salah, and then he goes and enters his house again. When he enters his house now the prophets of salaam undresses. And generally speaking the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam dress code in his nighttime would be very, very minimal. So the prophets I send them would wear it is okay only the

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only the the cloth that you tie around your bottom right, kind of like the towel that you retire, for example, when you're going for Hajj. So you will take this upper garment and lower garment often that he would tie in his app, and then he would slip into the,

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into the bed with with his wife, okay. Then he would take again, he would put a sidewalk right next to his bed. And always the sidewalk would be right there because as soon as he wakes up, he wants to brush his teeth SallAllahu it was setting him. So he put the the Seawalk right next to his bed, then he would read all of the god of sleeping, then he would start talking to his wife after he's done the God of sleeping. Right? There's certain of God again, you can get all of these in several books. One of the very good books is fortress of the Muslim you might even have it over here. Right? It has generally all of the accounts of the prophets, or many of the account of the Prophet salallahu

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Alaihe Salam. So now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam speaks to his wife. And if he feels

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interested in getting intimate, this is the time that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam becomes intimate with this with it with his spouse. And if the his wife happens to be on her head, on her cycle, even then the prophets of salaam would become intimate, okay, but obviously not *, the prophets or send them would ask the wife, then to wear a cloth around her bottom part, like an ESOP similar to that and then the prophets Allahu alayhi wa sallam would do for play in the prophets of Allah while he was sitting on would become intimate with his spouse at that point. This would also give her a message that even though I'm on the prophets, I send them is still

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interested in me, some of the law abiding citizens so this will be a regular habit of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam. And then for the most part right after this, the prophets Islam does this person, sometimes the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam only does will do washes himself like it is the manner manners of a person to wash himself. And then the matter is that the Prophet himself of course taught us and then the prophets I send them would go to sleep, so you just suffice for the auto wash the private part and go to sleep. So, this would be sometimes but most of the time as I said, he will do the whistle at this particular moment, and then he would go to sleep. So this means

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normally the prophet would take a shower after before going to sleep. Okay, some people have this habit of taking showers before going to sleep. So this would be the time that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would take a shower. One of the reasons by the way, they're very wearing very minimal clothing at nighttime, very, very minimal. Okay.

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So much so that some of the football actually say it's a signal to wear minimal clothing at nighttime, meaning you don't have a shirt

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You don't have any of these things because this is how the Prophet SAW Selim is going to sleep. But one of the reasons why he's doing that is because it's really hot. And they don't have too many. You know, they don't have too many pairs of clothes. So if he goes to sleep in his clothes, then it'll all be sweaty, and then they will have to wash the clothes, right? So it's better not to do that and just wear minimal clothing and wake up in the morning and you have a clean set of clothes. Right? So but some scholars actually they say it's a sunnah to wear minimal clothes when you're going to sleep. So now, it says time with ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada

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is this time with Allah subhanho wa taala. And the prophets Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam at around mid night, meaning half of the night from Maghrib to Fajr. That's how you calculate the half. So around midnight, the prophets are settling wakes up. And the prophets Islam, of course, what does he do? Right next to his bed is a sidewalk so he does his miswak brushes his teeth, and then the profit wipes. The Sleep of his face, like this gets up gets ready. And then he makes his will do if you need to, of course, he'll make hosel as well. But occasionally, most of the times is already done as it was. Then the Prophet alayhi salatu salam prays, and he now starts to connect with Allah subhanaw

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taala, Allah subhanaw taala says about this in a nurse she at the Layli he shed the water on a co op. Mikayla the Nasha of the lay the waking up of the night, right, the waking up the small portion of the night where you get up and you connect to Allah subhanaw taala. It has a greater impact on the heart of a person. And it is better also in what you're going to be uttering and saying as well. There is a sister,

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oh, scholar, female scholar.

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She is from Palestine. She's one of the first she's the first woman apparently, in the world, who has written a complete FCL of the Quran. Okay, in 11 volumes, she's still alive, by the way, right now in Palestine. And

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she said that I would do everything of my household daily chores, and still get time to be able to write this deceit of the Quran. And it's not a there's different ways of writing at the FCC. There's a cut and paste, copy, paste, I have to see this woman, she actually went out of her way. And she wrote at the seed meaning from her own words, okay, so she looked at the different miraggio, the different references and she wrote a series of Quran. This is literally the first woman who wrote a tear of the Quran in my humble knowledge. And the reason why I have a little bit of knowledge on the subject as well, when I was doing my master's degree, I one of the topics that I was thinking about

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writing on was the female contributions to Tafseer literature. And when I thought about this topic, obviously, you have to do a lot of literature review. So for a couple of months, I was spending time doing literature review on this subject. And I found there was not a single deaf seed written by a woman in history.

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I couldn't find a single one, I found one called zebu vaccine, which is apparently a translation of

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an Arabic FC. So this would be a translation, not an actual FC. But I could not find a single seed written by a woman. And as I said, this woman in our times she wrote a seed of the Quran. So when they asked her, How can you manage to do everything in your day, and still actually be able to write with the seeds, she said, I would wake up at night, and use that time to strengthen myself.

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She would wake up three o'clock every single night, use that time to strengthen herself. And that would give her the energy to be able to write and still make the seven o'clock breakfast for her family. She actually said I would never, you know, not make the seven o'clock breakfast, I would make the breakfast. But by that time, I would have already done my dad, you'd already done my writing for the day, and still be able to do that. So this really this Natia too late the night time that you spent with Allah, it gives you a special type of energy that you're not going to be able to get anywhere else, or anytime. So the prophets I send them you imagine how is he able to spend the

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entire day doing all of these things nonstop, literally, he's not spreading resting, except for about an hour or less than that as a rule of time. Well because of the NASA to Lake because of the time that he's going to be spending with Allah at nighttime. Then sometimes before he gets into the tahajjud he does a little bit of liquor Subhan Allah Allah who cross the border and producing different Adguard the prophet will do of course, he would read some ayat from

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Brian as well as you know. So

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these were some of the things that prophet would do. Then he would start his family. His family would never go above 13 record. Never. There was never a time that's recorded, in which the Prophet did more than 13 rakaat

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During that I type, of course 10 of them being the 203 being the width. Okay, so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, but he would make them very long except the first two, because the first true is almost like a warm up. So the prophets SLM is getting ready for 200. Now, he does the warm up, and he praised the Torah, aka us. Then he gets more intimate with Allah subhanho wa Taala in this spiritual intimacy, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reads long, very, very long. And, as the narrator says, Don't ask about how long they used to be and how beautiful they they used to be like us and and totally hidden our first name don't ask me about how long they used to be and

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how beautiful they used to be. And that's why in some cases, some of the family members of the Prophet they tried praying with them and then they thought, you know, I wish I could just sit down instead of standing up because the Prophet is is going and going and going in Masha allah sallallahu alayhi wa salam, and in this tahajjud Whenever the Prophet would read an IR which would have something related to the Rama of Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would ask of the Rama of Allah, whenever he would hear or read something related to the job of Allah, the Prophet would seek refuge in Allah subhanaw taala from his punishment, whenever he would read something that

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was related to the there was talking about the glory of Allah, then the prophet would glorify Allah subhanaw taala in the midst of this fella, and he would read his karate very, very, very long and make the Rakata very few, most of the times only eight. Okay, eight raka art and then three rock out of water. Sometimes if he wanted to make it make more raka Anthony will do Tanaka out of the 103 raka art of of Witter, okay.

01:11:57 --> 01:12:29

And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would in this particular salah, he would make the record as long as the recital. Okay, so if he's recited for half an hour, he would make the record just as long if he's recited for 20 minutes, he would make the record just as long as well, and so forth. And then he would make the sujood almost just as long not entirely the same, but almost just as long. And then he would make the sujood also in a similar way, almost just as long when the

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six of the night is left. Now the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam retrieves back to the bed, because the best waiter

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best way to do your piano when ladies wait till the middle of the night, pray for a little while, when the sixth of the night is left, then you go back to sleep. This is what the prophet called the pm of that will la Salam. This is how the elderly Salam will do Korea. So with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam do pm in this way, or sometimes even longer. Okay, but that is the way the prophets are seldom prescribed. And then the prophets of cinema would go back to sleep. But before he would go to sleep, by the way, for the winter, the prophet would wake up his wife, okay for the piano prophets and settle him let his wife sleep. But when the wintertime comes, he wakes up

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his wife and tells the wife to also pray with the prophets I send them because with it is a very, very emphatic, so not according to the Sharia, and according to others, it's even considered necessary. Okay, and integrity, it's necessary part of a Muslims life. So, at a very bare minimum, it's an emphatic sunnah. So the prophets is send them would wake up his wife to pray with it with him. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would wake up, it would go to sleep, wake up when the dawn would happen, again respond to them, then and what happened earlier, right in the beginning of the day, with which we started off the lecture, he would pray the two of us and had to

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the next morning, and then the next day of the prophets of Allah, whoever you're sending them would come and continue. I asked him lots of hands on what data to send salutations upon our beloved messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam. And I asked Allah subhanaw taala, to grant us the ability to benefit from the legacy of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now one of the things you'll notice, in this long journey through the day of the prophets of Allah, why they were setting them is that the prophet is with the people all the time, and the prophets of Allah who it was setting them it's intermittently with Allah subhanaw taala. At every junction of his day, even when

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he's in the gatherings are still for Allah were to really, he's saying, I still feel Allah I seek forgiveness from Allah and I repent to Allah subhanaw taala so he's with Allah and he's with the people, meaning he hasn't become a completely

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dedicated worshipers at such such that he's forgotten the rights of the people. And he hasn't been with the people such that he's forgotten the rights of Allah subhanaw taala he's, they're fulfilling both of these. Another thing that you'll notice is the prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa Salam is rest is very patterned. This allows a person to be able to accomplish a lot. And of the most accomplished people in this world will find one of the common themes within their lives is not that they do a lot of lot on their particular vision in one day, but that they continue to work on their vision on a daily basis in small pockets. Okay, so you can see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is not neglecting his wives, but he's going to the people, let's say he gives all of the time to the people. Is he going to be able to maintain his marriage life? No. Okay. But is that going to be bringing more accomplishment also, no, because if things start going south

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in your marriage life, then things are going to become difficult for you personally, for you to be able to address the needs of the people. So the prophets I send them is giving the family their time he's giving the people their time, is giving the sick their time he's giving the destitute their time, he's ensuring that the people who are poor, they're also looked after he's ensuring that the delegations are going to their time. Also another thing is the profits or send them as flexibility. Okay. In schedules, by the way, flexibility is very necessary. Sometimes people think the way you're going to be able to get forward is if I'm very rigid about every single thing. No, actually, in some

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things, you have to be a little bit rigid. But in other things, you have to realize the nature of life is that it's lucid, it's moving around. So you have to make your life flexible as well. And that's why we'll find that generally people who are of success, they generally know that from this pocket to this pocket of time, I'm doing these things, what exactly, well, things will come up, I'll have to face it at that point. Right. You have to be flexible, to be able to handle the challenges that are coming your way. So flexibility there within the schedule of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. But one of the common themes is that there is no neglect within any of the relationships that

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the Prophet alayhi salatu salam has, and that there is a clear pattern within the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the prophets or Sydenham told us one thing. And this is what I want to leave you off with, of course, because we all have different schedules. And because we're not prophets, because that's not our primary role within this life. We're not going to be doing these things throughout our day.

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What we're going to take from this day of the Prophet is certain habits every one of us can take from the Moscato Nouba, from the lantern of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, and from the light of the prophets of salam from the niche of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we can take a little bit of what he used to do. So for example, we can do the Zika. Before we after fajr, for instance, there is naked after us or we can take lesson from that they could have the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, there's they could before going to sleep that is a lesson from the life of the prophet system. We can take the Sunnah before Fajr or the Sunnah before the hook, or the Sunnah

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after though we can take certain segments of this life of the prophet, we can make it a habit to visit the sick, we can make it whatever it is one habit, remember, each one of us will have one thing we're really really good at the Prophet was good at everything, so Allah. So we take that one thing, and then what do we do? We stick to it, or have a family is Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, the most beloved of the actions to Allah are what? The more most regular of the actions, even if they're very few. So from this rich day of the Prophet, none of us are going to be able to including myself, by the way, none of us are going to be able to live up to all of

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these things, right? We don't have those skills. We don't have that body. We don't have that strength. We don't have that mental ability. We don't have that cognitive ability. We don't have. We're not prophets. We're not Muhammad. But we are the followers of Muhammad. So we take from that whatever we can do, but then we make it a regular habit, in our life, and of serving of humanity. Take from that rich life a few lessons that you heard today and implement them and make them regular within your life. I ask Allah subhana wa Tada to grant us regularity upon goodness was Allah Allahu Allah say ETM Hamelin early he was sabe generi.

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