Get To Know – 17 Surah At-Tahrim

Quran Weekly
AI: Summary © The transcript describes a false statement about a woman named Missy, and highlights the importance of Islam as a means of achieving personal goals. The speaker also discusses the struggles of men in achieving goals and the importance of taking care of one's spouse and family, as it is a way to save from the era of war. The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning from experiences and avoiding afraid of one's spouse's.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala l mursaleen wa aalihi wa sahbihi mama bad for the Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah

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Yeah, you have to be Lima to Halima Allah La hulak Don't tell him about as magical Lahore for him. Rubbish actually, suddenly were silly. Emily Wagner looked at me listening of Gokhale. I mean, yeah, but I mean to mama bad Samadhi Ricardo, everybody, let's try and get to know him the 66th surah of the Quran. And according to many, the last in the order of the Quran, that is of the Madani solaz from here on suta milk and all the way through to the end, predominantly Moroccan Koran. So this surah is very unique. It's got stories that have not been mentioned anywhere else, and references and subject matter that has not been combined in the way that it's been combined in this very brief

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12 ayah Surah I'll start by giving you an illustration of how things are organized inside the solar that helps us kind of appreciate the subject matter. In the beginning of this surah the prophet SAW immediately as addressed Yeah. Which is interesting, because he will be addressed again all the way at the end of the solar year. Are you gonna be again Prophet, exclamation mark, profit, exclamation mark, and then Allah will tell him something. In the first case he tells him Lima to huddly Mama, Allah Allah, Allah de Matata as logic. Why do you make permissible what Allah has made impermissible for you? What Why do you Why do you make impermissible? Rather, why do you forbid yourself from

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things that Allah is not forbidden on you? While you make things harder on yourself than Allah has basically, dub w mcdata as logic you're, you're you're looking to pursue the you know, the contentment of your spouse's will law who have fought over him. And Allah is extremely forgiving, always loving, caring and merciful. You know, it's the other way around that you would normally think that it's something punishable. If you take something Ally's forbidden, and you make it permissible, then Allah will say, by the way, a level forgive if that happened before, don't do it again. But it's the flip something was already permissible. The Prophet didn't indulge in it. The

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Prophet doesn't take it. And Allah says Allah will forgive. How is that even a crime? You know, for it, just to put this in perspective, I know it's a silly example. But we'll get the point across. Somebody doesn't like chicken. Chicken is completely permissible, but the fact that they don't eat chicken isn't a crime. That's sinful, because then you can say it's holiday eat, he can do that, dude, I don't like it. I don't have to eat it. On the other hand, somebody likes alcohol doesn't matter how much you like it, you can consume it because it's hot on. So when you take something permissible and you don't consume it, that's not a crime. But in this case, a blessing. Why are you

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Why are you denying yourself? Why are you forbidding yourself upon yourself, that which Allah has made permissible I am completely within my rights in Islam, to deny myself anything that Allah has made permissible, that's not a crime. So why is it then something that the Prophet is being reprimanded about? The reason for that is that he is our, our, you know, permanent role model. So when he even out of personal preference, decides not to do something, we're not going to think of it as his personal preference. We his followers and his lovers, his you know, his loyals, this member of a member of this oma is going to look at everything he did. And they're going to say, he did this

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because of his love of Allah. So if he doesn't eat something, or doesn't drink something, or doesn't do something, it must be something wrong with that thing. I can't eat it either. He didn't need it either. So he might be leaving a legacy that he never, he never intended to leave. So Allah has to put a tougher standard on him and say, you have to take things easier on yourself. Because if you don't, your followers will be too hard on themselves. And let us know what that harshness the trickle down to the entire oma, what an amazing, amazing responsibility. The profits have been given some of them to even go easy on himself for our sake for your sake and my sake, and Allah will even

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reprimand him about it to take care of us for generations and generations to come. the mercy of Allah on us and the responsibility illustrated on his prophet alayhi salatu salam now, Allah says by extension can follow the law Hola. Hola. Hola de Monaco. By the way, Allah has also mandated for the rest of you that you should also undo the oats that are anew unreasonable. If you've you know, taken an oath that you won't indulge in something that's completely acceptable. But you said I swear by I swear to God, I'll never do this again. I swear to God, I'll never have ice cream again or something like that. Relax, let go of those oats. Well Lomonaco. Allah is your is your protective friend wahoo

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element Hakeem and he's the one who knows everything and is all wise. So this first instance is that is actually has to do with the prophets personal life sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this is something he did because he wanted to make one of the spouses happy. In order to make her happy. He decided that he's not going to consume something that she doesn't like when she expressed she doesn't like the smell of it.

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He said, I won't take it anymore. I won't eat it anymore, something like that. Right? So that and that that's what resulted in this in this discourse. But if you go travel to the end of this surah, you'll find the exact up you'll find something that almost has nothing to do with the rest of the surah. Yeah, you know, vija, Hindalco, Farwell. monastiraki prophet struggle against the disbelievers and the hypocrites Welcome to the other human be harsh against them. That's a subject that is nowhere else in this entire plot. So I don't know where that you know, for at first glance, where did that come from? How did that come? Everything else is actually about the family, saving

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your family, taking care of your family, the spousal relationship, examples of women from beginning to end, and all of a sudden Bible for the ending struggle against the disbelievers and hypocrites and be harsh against them. Walmart welcome Johanna Robertson, Laci. So you wonder why these two injunctions in which the the beginning addresses Yeah, you have to be what's the connection between the two of them? It's remarkable. Again, I'll give you a parable to help you understand

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an example parable. But anyway, so you have, on the one hand, a very busy politician, a very busy doctor, a very busy like head of a university, something like that. These kinds of people have very demanding taxing careers, and they spend hours and hours and hours beyond the office hours, taking care of things, people that run multi billion dollar businesses and things like that. They have exhausting hours, or presidents of nations, things like that, right. And they don't have much time for a family life. They don't. Obviously, it's taking time away from the amount of time they can give their children or their spouse and it's taking a toll on those things because they have such a

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heavy task on their hands. And so people in those busy demanding tasking careers, those taxing careers are actually people that struggle with making time for their family, it's natural. Now on the on the flip side, you think, well, the prophet alayhi salatu salam has been given the heaviest task ever given to a human being in a sanuki Allah cola tequila. And if he's been given the heaviest task, then he must have almost not pretty much no time for his spouses. But he did. He went out of his way to take care of his spouses. Allah azza wa jal is telling us in this ayah in that first hour, that his He better not put undue pressure on himself at home. He shouldn't make things

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impermissible on himself that Allah didn't make permissible making his life even 1% harder at home, because every ounce of energy he can muster up, he needs to exhaust in the larger mission that Allah has given him. That is jaha delco, firewall, Muna, Filipina, voila, him and him. So inside the home, he needs to be completely relaxed, he needs to be at ease, and he needs to be at peace, the value of the prophets lysozyme, being at ease at home, having harmony at home is highlighted and how badly he wanted to make his spouses happy. Even if it would put himself in difficulty. He didn't mind putting himself in difficulty. He didn't want to see any of his spouses in difficulty. And Allah sees it the

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other way and says, No, you have to take special care of yourself. His selflessness is not just outside, it's even inside the home. But Allah says no, you have to take special care of yourself, because I need you to store that energy, then, you know, in that first address after the prophets address directly, and basically told to take it easy on himself, then Allah describes a story about the mothers of the believers, and how he entrusted some secret to one of them, which he shared it with somebody else. And she didn't keep it private. And she didn't think it was a big deal to tell somebody else, and then kind of spread. And then the profit slice on them was it was it was given by

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revelation to him that the secret that he shared has been compromised. And that story, I won't go into the story. It's a very interesting story, though, you know, but what I wanted to highlight now is another domestic problem, right? So she basically came back and told her about any other animal hobby, you know, he told her, basically, allies told me that you, you weren't able to keep your secret. You know, and that's, that's the part that I wanted to highlight not seems like such a small trivial thing, a husband tells a wife something the wife spills the beans to somebody else. Why is this in the Quran? It's in the Koran, because the the domestic relationship between the husband and

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the wife is something sacred to Allah. And when they share something with each other, it is of sacred value. And when she gets, you know, shares that secret with somebody else, she is violated. It's not just some small thing. I'm just saying, Don't tell anyone. It's not just that it's actually a sacred violation. It's a violation of the highest caliber. So Allah mentions it, because there are some things that otherwise we would take lightly unless Allah would mention them. So yes, in my first reaction, it is something trivial, but that's just the point. Ally's teaching me that it's not, we shouldn't take things like this in a trivial way. It's not a light matter to Allah to guard

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the secrets inside the home. Then at the end, you'll notice the second time the Prophet was addressed. It is also followed by stories of women, a lot of Allahumma salli, ala Latina, cafaro, Latina amanu, the you know, the bad women's examples are given the life of no hand loot, and good women's examples were given the wife of the Pharaoh and Miriam and so you'll find in the

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beginning the Prophet is addressed and a story about our mothers, the mothers of the believers, and at the end, the prophet is addressed and stories about women. And that's how the beginning and the end kind of mirror each other. In the middle, you have two parts. And these are also really interesting two parts in the middle of the story that you could call it. The second and the third part of this, this surah The second part is a lot of talking to two of the mothers of the believers directly and telling them that they should repent. And if they don't repent, you know, and that their hearts are already inclining towards repenting, they should apologize to the prophets

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lysozyme, etc. And if they don't, then Allah will bring up all of the angels and all of them believers, they're gonna back up the Prophet himself or he's had to sit down. And if they don't, and if they don't change their their mind and they think this matter to be trivial, then Allah will authorize his prophet to divorce all of the wonders of the believers and he will replace them with better women have better qualities Muslim out in what may not incarnate into it, but in a hobby that Insightly hadn't thought about, you know, avocado, Muslim, they will be they will be submission, there'll be conviction, they will be of subservience. They will be those that repent there will be

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those that worship there'll be those that are and material, not materialistic, you know, their spiritual, they're going to be previously married and virgins, previously unmarried. You know, the prophets I saw them, except for Ayesha only married divorcees or widows. You know. So the prophet SAW Selim has thebarton his life and the Quran actually gave those women preference what an incredible traditional religion is, that Allah azza wa jal honored, the women that have been divorced in society more, and he gave them preference in an in an IRA where everything mentioned his noble qualities to aspire towards. Allah gave those women a place and then mentioned the women that

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are previously unmarried. Compare that to the attitudes the Muslim Omar has towards divorced women, or towards widowed women so panela how far we've come, how far we've come from the from the the law grants, nobility, and we put shame on these people and degrade them. May Allah forgive us for what we do with these women. Subhana Allah thebarton what I've caught. So this this is a call to the believing women to repent, basically, and to fix their relation to the mothers of the believers who repent and mend their relationship with the prophets. I saw them and realize that what they consider trivial is not trivial at all. On the flip side of it, the third passage actually switches over and

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instead of talking to those two women, those two mothers of the believers, it talks to all of us, yeah, you handed in a Armando Cohen for circumbinary coonara. Those of you who believe Save yourselves and your families from the fire. Why is that transition important? We are being taught through this transition. There have been a lot of talks about women in the Quran, or talks about a story about women in the Quran. It's not just lessons for women, it's lessons for all of you and me. And so as a result of them being told to save themselves, now you save yourselves from the fire

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era, and later on. Yeah, you hola de la mano tubo Illallah Hito button. So those of you who believe make Toba to a law repent to Allah just like they were told to repent. As a result. Now you're being told to repent, there's a connection between those two things, because you're supposed to learn from them by proxy, man or woman. And that's the other amazing thing about this religion. We don't say lessons about men or for men are stories about men or for men. And stories about women are for women. They're not. stories about women are for both men and women. stories about men are for both men and women. So long as you're a believer, there are lessons for you and me to learn from them.

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One of the coolest things in this surah as I always mentioned, like a unique quality of a solar. The solar truly has a like standalone quality. It has the phrase Yeah, you have the NACA for those of you who just believe those of you who just believed that's a unique phrase, it's not used anywhere else in the Quran directly. It's your only Latina can say to those who have disbelieved only or you don't say disbelievers. But it's never directly Yeah, you Hello, the NACA for those that have disbelieved. It's the only time in the entire Quran that disbelievers are addressed directly. This creates a little bit of a riddle because this is a Madani surah the Prophet is in Medina sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam, and disbelievers of NACA are long gone they're not they're not in that city. As a matter of fact, pretty much all the revelations that come say yeah, you have Latina Amano, and if you notice the surah here's how it goes. Yeah, you have Latina armano, who and for Sakuma Haleakala. Those of you who believe the very next ayah Yeah, you Hello the NACA for those of you who disbelieve, all of a sudden the switch from those those who believe to those who disbelief and the next day again, yeah, you Hello Tina Armando Illallah. Those of you who believe make Toba to Allah. So there are three ayat and the first of them is addressing the believers. The last of them is

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addressing the believers, and the middle of them addresses disbelievers. How do you make sense of that? It's actually one of the most remarkable examples of transition in the Quran. It's absolutely mind blowing. It's actually all addressing the same group of people. The first let me explain. The first is said believers Save yourselves and your families from *. If

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You don't save yourselves and your families from *. Then on the Day of Judgment, you will be addressed as follows. Those of you who disbelieve, Don't make excuses today, La da da da Da Young. In number two, Jonah McIntosh tamela you are only being compensated what you used to do. That's a picture of judgment. A were a believer of this life, who didn't take care of his faith is actually being called to his own surprise a disbeliever on judgment day. And if you realize this, you get you are in a state of shock, like how can i a believer be addressed as a disbeliever on judgment day? And it is only then that you appreciate the gift of Allah in the ayah that follows? Yeah, you have

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Latina armano tubo Illa Allah, those of you who have believed repent before Allah, repent to God, turn back and apologize, though button.

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Asada buku Manuka fear and come see it come in perhaps a level bury away all of your sins when you get in touch even Tatiana and he might enter you into gardens at the bottoms of which rivers are flowing. Yo Malaya, c'est la vie nebia Valentina, Amano, Ma, the day on which Allah will not humiliate the Prophet nor those who truly believed, being called a disbeliever on Judgment is truly humiliation. Allah says For those who truly believed he will not humiliate them don't become of those decades humiliated. This is in a nutshell, the some of the powerful, powerful lessons encapsulated inside the surah. One last thing I want to share with you about the sutra is from the

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last Ayah talking about meridian. Allah talks about Maryam Solomon Allah and says, What can it mean l carnitine. She used to be from those who submit themselves cannot be like carnitine you know if if and Marie I'm supposed to be like I was telling you before. You know, we sometimes think great women in the Quran are role models for other great women. Actually, it's if she was only a role model for great women. a load of said carnets minakari thought she was from great subservient women. Allah says Mina carnitine Jamaat moussaka Salim the masculine plural, that includes the masculine and the feminine. She was among those who were subservient of men, and subservient of women. Allah puts her

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in the rankings of men and women altogether. So we do not think of her as an isolated example only for our daughters, or wives or mothers but also for ourselves. Monica LaHood you welcome Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh

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Episode 17 – Surah At-Tahrim – Nouman Ali Khan

June 21, 2016

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