Abu Bakr Zoud – Our Duty Towards What Allah Commanded Us

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary © The importance of seeking knowledge and love for Allah's commandments is emphasized, particularly in achieving happiness and good deeds. The need for strong love and intentions is emphasized, particularly in regards to actions and deeds. The impact of the pandemic on the US economy is also discussed, highlighting slower growth in the US and Europe, but still growing slowly in China. The need for everyone to stay safe and healthy is emphasized, particularly in regards to the potential recession.
AI: Transcript ©
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He was salam. Welcome the brothers and sisters to this very special presentation of Albion live. I'm your host, Robert ramen. And I'm very pleased to be joined by my dear chef chef, our back result all the way from the UAE. We're insha Allah tonight, we will talk about our duty towards what Allah has commanded us. subhanho wa Taala I'd like to introduce yourself, introduce the chef, Chef Salam Alikum

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walaikum salam wa rahmatullah wa barakato. So it's good to be Malbay and radio Shazam. Hola. Hola. Hi, Ron, or ask Allah azza wa jal publice the efforts, it's good to see you how's everything been?

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Mashallah, and Humber lead very busy now coming up towards the Hajj season. We ask Allah azza wa jal that he is the hash for the version. That's all we're thinking about now. I mean, I mean, in one month, not even a month, and then people will start, you know, going in the in the larger amounts to, to to Mecca for high gear Subhan. Allah Subhanallah sets a very different system this year. And that's where a lot of the work is going to just try to understand the system and what's required from us and inshallah will be there as guides be in Allah. To guide the Hajaj that are coming from Australian there'll be about two 3 million soldiers from around the world, Allahu Allah, this is

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what's mentioned. But ask Allah azza wa jal to ease al hajj for the version to make it easy for those who haven't done has yet. I mean, me now share the topic, our duty towards what Allah has commanded us. Why did you choose this topic?

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Che it. So Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah, who Allah Allah He wants to be a Marine. This is a very important question that you ask why have we chosen this topic for tonight our duty towards what Allah azza wa jal commanded us with and this in fact, it's a it's actually an article, and it is an article that was written by Imam Hamad bin Abdul Wahab or hemma Hola, Jota isla. And this is one of many of the amazing works that he left behind for this ummah, and that people continue to benefit from until this very day. And why is this important? Because each and every single day of our lives, we are trying to implement Allah's commands in our

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lives to the best of our ability, and every single command that Allah azza wa jal commanded us with. There are seven matters that we must be aware of when receiving Allah's command and implementing it in our life. So this topic becomes very important because all of us as Muslims want to obey Allah, and we all want to worship Allah to the best of our ability, and we want to meet him SubhanaHu wata Allah as Muslims as believers, believing in His command and following his command. So in order for us to perfect to perfect the obligations in our life. And in order for us to truly follow the Command of Allah azza wa jal, there are seven things that we must know about. And so this is why

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we've chosen this topic because as we said, every Muslim is interacting with the commands of Allah on a daily on an hourly basis.

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Very good choice of topic. Seven matters to think about when receiving Allah's command subhanho wa Taala because as we all know, you know the Islam is symbol this commands and prohibitions so we have to know how to face these commands and how to deal with them. So let's get straight into a shell. What's the first matter we should be aware of when receiving Allah's commands? Subhanahu wa Tada

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Jade Okay, so Imam Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahab Rahim Allah Jota Isla Ramadan was, and may Allah azza wa jal bestow his mercy and his forgiveness upon us all. He mentioned in this short treatise, he said, Allah, Allah al mobi, he, he said that the first matter is to learn and to know the Command of Allah subhanahu wata Isla, and that's the first matter so we're going to speak about that in sha Allah, Allah and then we'll move on to the second one. So we'll email Muhammad Allah is telling us and he's wanting to teach us that each and every single command of Allah azza wa jal, we must have a knowledge about it, we have to have knowledge about it. And so, this

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brings us to the discussion of the importance of seeking knowledge. And of course, the importance of seeking knowledge is a matter that is highlighted more than 100 times in the Quran and the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. In fact, one dua in the Quran that Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches in Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to make plenty of is what will will rob busy kidney ailment, say

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My Lord increase me in knowledge. When Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa salam was not commanded to ask Allah azza wa jal for an increase in anything but to ask him for an increase in knowledge. So every single commandment that Allah azza wa jal gives us whether this commandment is about implementing the heat in our life, whether this commandment is the prayer, whether the commandment is Alhaji now coming in a month from now, whether this commandment of Allah azza wa jal is our Zakat, and we have to pay zakat, every single commandment of Allah. The first obligation towards this commandment is that we have knowledge about this commandment. How can we pray? How can we pray? If we don't know

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how Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa salam prayed? How are we going to pray if we don't have knowledge of the prayer? How are we going to fast Ramadan correctly if we don't have knowledge about how to fast and what invalidates the fasts, when to start fasting, when to break our fast and so on? So the idea is we need to seek knowledge. That's the first thing whenever a command reaches you, from the Quran, from the Sunnah, the very first obligation upon us all is to seek knowledge about that command. And this is something that even in the VSA, Allahu alayhi wa sallam was instructed to do, Allah azza wa jal uses for alum a Naboo La Ilaha illa Allah, look how incredible this is. Allah azza wa jal, He

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commands us to adhere to a to hate right? At the heat is, of course the greatest and the biggest obligation in our life. And that is to testify that there is no Lord worthy of worship except Allah azza wa jal to believe Allah to believe in one Lord and to worship him. That's the greatest obligation. When this was the greatest command of Allah. Allahu instructed Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he would say team farlam and Nebula ilaha illa. Allah, you should learn and you should know that there is no Lord worthy of worship except Allah subhanho wa taala. So in this area, we find that Allah azza wa jal commands us to implement the heat, believing in one Lord, that we're

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supposed to do this all our lives. And now in this area, we learn that Allah azza wa jal is instructing in the risotto salam to seek knowledge to go and learn at the heat and the incredible thing is that this area farlam anomala Illa Illa. It is in salt Muhammad, was solid Muhammad was revealed in El Medina. Yanni Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam received the instruction from Allah to learn a door he'd throw 13 years after he has been teaching and implementing Tauheed Yanni The idea is that learning at Tauheed is something that never ends. And so this is our attitude with all the commandments of Allah azza wa jal, we continue to seek knowledge and we continue to learn them in

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order to implement them. Well, Allah azza wa jal when he first revealed the Quran, he revealed

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Bismillah Becca Levy Haluk, Accra read and learn and he revealed it before he said guru Dr it at the end of solat, Allah Allah we will find the Command of Allah masjid, make search the to Allah and draw nearer to Allah. But how can you make a search that to Allah, if you don't know how to make a search that therefore the first commandment that came down was

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read and learn and seek knowledge? And this is why we need to understand that a person will never be able to differentiate between guidance and Miss guidance without knowledge. And a person will never be able to differentiate between Cofer and Eman and Sunnah and Bidda and Tauheed and shake without knowledge. It is knowledge it's seeking the correct knowledge is what will teach you the difference between the Sunnah and the innovation and at the heat and a shift and guidance and misguidance and when we say seeking knowledge, what we mean by this is the knowledge that comes from the Quran and the authentic sunnah. This is what knowledge is, everything else is not knowledge when we're

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speaking about this noble deed of this noble deed of seeking knowledge now, so the idea is, if a person was to commit to knowledge, and he was to learn the Quran, and the authentic Sunova Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then he will never go astray, because in the be sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said it naked her left to feel calm, shame lento willow bark the Houma

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My brother, my husband behemoth. He said Kitab Allah was so naughty and Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, I left behind me two things. If you were to commit on to these two things and uphold these two things, you will never ever, ever become misguided. And he said it is the book of Allah and his sunnah. And this is what knowledge is. Therefore, we conclude this first point by saying, the first commandment, the first duty towards the commandment of Allah azza wa jal is to seek knowledge about that commandment is that Allah hailed on the show, there is a beautiful point in their knowledge about, about the command by seeking knowledge about Allah subhanho wa taala. And,

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as you beautifully put it, this shows the importance of seeking knowledge. And if even just the idea itself chef, which you mentioned, where Allah instructs the prophets, Allah send them to seek an increase in knowledge and the idea about farlam Anahola ilaha illAllah. And no, there is none worthy of worship except Allah, Allah and this is in and of itself, you know, a motivation for us to seek an increase in knowledge and knowledge, as you've rightly put it, medical afek is the Quran and Sunnah and if you grab on to them, you will never go astray. So that's the first point the shared knowledge about the command. So this this is a very important point to seek knowledge, seek

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knowledge of the Quran and Sunnah. So what is the second matter when receiving Allah's command? subhanho wa taala. Jake, just before we move on to the second one, there's just something very important that a shirt on Imam Hamad bin Abdullah had mentioned in this treatise. And he says,

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yeah, and he says accurateness Alima and Natori. The hub was Shipka belting. Wallach in October and who? Well that means we're out of an Aloha Rama River. We're there our store our missile. We're out of the Halima. aklamio Lilia teamie. Where's your where's he actually I'll actually build my roof wet our Maryland Yatim Yola Mason. This is very important. A shirt, Rahim Allah, He said, the majority of people they know that the heat is true, and that a ship is false. Now today today, in reality, if you were to ask the people, what's your thoughts on it? Don't hate. Don't say it's beautiful. It's good. You say to them, okay, what's your thoughts on a ship? They totally are all

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the villa a ship is bottle. It's falsehood. It will lead a person to the Hellfire forever. That's good. See, we have this knowledge, but then share him Oh Allah. He said, Well, I can araba and hula missle people have abandoned seeking knowledge about the heat a ship. And they never asked this is why if you look deep into the lives of people, and you say to me, you said that A should is false. And you said that a towhead is correct. And it's true. How come within your life, there are aspects of a ship that you hold on to, you will find if you dig deep into the lives of people, you will find them upon certain forms of ship.

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Yet in general, they know that a ship is bad, but because they did not seek knowledge, they didn't go into depth to learn the aspects of Tawheed. And the aspects of a ship and the many types of a ship from its minor to its major types. You find them falling into it, and they don't have a clue because they did not seek knowledge. So to know that heat is good, that's not enough. This is why this is why this point is very important. You must seek knowledge. And of course one of the best books that was written about a thorough heat is for the Imam himself. Kitab Tauheed Kitab Tauheed he wrote a book in where Imam Mohammed bin Abdullah Ibrahim Allah, He compiled about 70 to 73 chapters

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in this book, and he spoke about every aspect of it, the heat and how to implement it and how to perfect once the heat towards Allah subhanahu wata Allah. And so this is why, when you don't have knowledge, you find people, they get copies of books that claim to teach it to hate, and it's full of shirk, muscle and there are books that teach you to make dua to the righteous and to the saints, and to sit by their graves and make dua to them. That Allah bless you and bless your wealth and bless your business and grant your righteous children. There are books that claim to be books of Tawheed and they teach shift in them. So that it is it is very, very important and incumbent upon

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each and every single one of us when we know that heat is the greatest commandment of Allah upon us. The first thing we're supposed to do is seek knowledge about the commandment of Allah azza wa jal when we seek knowledge from the Quran and the Sunnah, then an O

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Only we'll be able to implement what Allah azza wa jal wants from us correctly. That's the point that we wanted that medical Luffy shirt and Wallahi what I just fought over there when you were mentioning that is that knowledge, you know, knowledge of towhead is like light in darkness. Light on a rocky path which will keep her safe. Subhanallah So, that's right. Normally

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when you're ready insha Allah Now okay, so we move on to the next one. And the imam or him Allah He said, Allah martaba to thermea muhabba to Manzil Allah wa qu fruman Carry Heho Licola heeta Isla Delica be unknown Katie Houma Anzahl Allah Baba Ahmed lawan then he said for axon nurse lemon your headboard Rasool Bella Baba who were Ababa Maria a be one out of Allah and Zilla, who. So the second our second duty towards every commandment that Allah azza wa jal commanded is to love Allah command to love Allah's command. So when we know that Allah azza wa jal commanded us with a Tawheed we must love adore heat. When we know that Allah azza wa jal commanded us to pray five times a day. We must

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really love a sonnet we must love it from our hearts. When we know that Allah azza wa jal commanded us to fast Ramadan, we must trust Ramadan and embrace this command with true love from the heart. So every commandment that Allah commanded us, number one, we must seek knowledge about it. Number two, we have to love it. When the Wii sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he used to make a DUA and he used to say Allahumma inni. Luca her back well hook them in your hip book, while Bill Amelie levy you are rebooting Illa Herbig and the reason why Allahu alayhi wa sallam used to say, Oh Allah, I asked you for your love, and the love of those who love you. And I asked you, that you grant me the love of

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the good deeds and the actions that bring me close to it then every single commandment of Allah, we must love it, you know, so they it's one thing to open a copy of the Quran and read the Quran because I want 10 has an ad for every letter, or I'm reading the Quran because I know that Allah azza wa jal wants us to read the Quran and Allah is revealing he revealed the Quran to mankind and it's the truth and I need to read it. That's one thing. But when was the last time you read the Quran?

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Because you actually love to read the Quran. You love to engage with this righteous deed. When was the last time you got up to pray? Not because I need to get over and done with the salah. But you got up to pray out of love for a solid loving this commandment of Allah azza wa jal knowing that Allah is your Lord, and he's the one who commanded us with this, and he was pleased with a solid for us. Therefore I'm going to embrace a solid and love it. This type of attitude, you know, like when a person goes back home and loves to sit among his family and among his parents, he loves to see them, right. He loves to meet with his brothers and the sisters love to meet with each other. We need to

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have a higher love. When approaching the commandments of Allah subhanahu wata Allah. When I come to a solid I need to have a stronger love than when I go and see my family. Right when I go to Al masjid and this is a good deed. The love that is supposed to be in my heart towards coming to a masjid should be greater than any love I have for anything that is of the world the life matters. People love their accounts people love their homes, people love their love and enter your love for Allah's commands should be greater than every love that you have for worldly matter and worldly materialistic things. Allah azza wa jal you said well, Lavina Manu Usha do herbal Allah, and those

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who believe they their love for Allah azza wa jal is intense and much more than anyone's love for anything else. So this is the type of of love we're supposed to have when embracing and implementing Allah's commandments. And I end this point on a hadith of a Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in which and the reason Allahu alayhi wa sallam he says Allah in the field just said the mobile either solo had Salah hallelujah so the Kulu way there faster the trestle Jessa dokolo Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, There is a morsel there is a flesh in the body. If it was correct and upright, the entire limbs in the entire body is correct and upright. And if this flesh was destroyed

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and corrupted, then the entire limbs and the entire body becomes ruined, destroyed.

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uncorrupted Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that this flesh, it is the heart. Why are we saying this? Because if the heart if it's correct and upright, meaning if he loves Allah's command, if he loves Allah's command, then the limbs and the body would be correct and upright. You will then find motivation, you will find the strength to worship Allah azza wa jal. That's why it is important to make sure that you love the commands of Allah because if the love of Allah is firmly fixed in the heart, then the rest of the body is going to follow. Now you will find it easy for your limbs to engage in the actions of a solid, you will find it easy that your tongue moves in the vicar of Allah

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azza wa jal and reciting the Quran and so on. Allah azza wa jal in the Quran, he said, Call in contento a boon Allah, Debbie ruining your boom Allah say if you truly love Allah, and that should be the case of the believer. He should love Allah and love the commandments of Allah and the greatest sign that you truly love Allah and you love us commands factory or oni then follow me follow on Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam follow the Sunnah of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you will be able to follow his sunnah you would love to follow some that the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam if indeed there is genuine true love in your heart, and I continue with what Imam Rahim

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Allah said. He said, What qu fruman Carry Heho anyone who dislikes anyone who hates a commandment of Allah becomes a disbeliever and that is because Allah azza wa jal said that he can be a gnome carry Houma, Anzahl Allah, Akbar Ahmed,

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whoever disliked what Allah revealed of the truth and of the commands, Allah azza wa jal would destroy the deeds would nullify the deeds they become confirmed. And so will Imam Rahim Allah He said that fellow nurse, let me you have been Rasool he said many people, they claim to love the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but they really do not love him. Actually they hate him. And they hate everything that he came with, and everything that Allah azza wa jal had revealed. Why? Because if you did not love Allah azza wa jal and love the commandments of Allah.

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Then very easily, you will find it very easy to move away from the path of a Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So true love for Nabi SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam would also mean that you love Allah azza wa jal and the commandments of Allah subhanho wa Taala now so that's the second point to love the Command of Allah has solution shall he reminded me there when you were speaking about the upright heart and if the upright heart is you know, it's correct that sound it will love Allah I love to carry out the commands of Allah reminds me of a GPS when the GPS is working at sound, we'll take you in the right direction. But if it's got bad internet or a bad GPS system, navigate or

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whatever you like, it's gonna take you here or there or everywhere except the right place Subhanallah now My son isn't Yeah, that's the ID that ID is to love what Allah has saw shell commands us with and that way you will always be in the correct direction in your heart and in your limbs. Now perfect t shirt so that's the second point loving what Allah subhanho wa Taala has revealed therefore loving his commands loving to pray, loving to follow the Sunnah, which is an indication that you truly love Allah Jack. Let's move on to the third point in in our duties towards the commands of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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she it even the third point as an imam Rahim Allah mentioned he said, Alas, Moreland fell. Yanni. The third thing that we're supposed to have, when embracing any commandment of Allah azza wa jal is to have determination to act upon it, to have a firm intention to do the action. And this is very important.

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Because firstly, you need to seek knowledge about the commandment of Allah. Then you need to love the Command of Allah azza wa jal. Thirdly, you need to have a determination to act upon it. And this determination is emitted from the heart. Why is this important to see? Firstly, in the Besa Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he used to make a DUA, and he used to say Allahumma inni Luca thermadata al Amal Yes. Abeta al Amal, well as the meta Allah rushed, the visa Allahu alayhi wa sallam used to say, Oh Allah, I asked you for steadfastness in my affairs, and I asked you for determination in following the firm and the straight path. And so Imam Rahim Allah He

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He said last one and failed to have determination to act upon it. Then he said what cathedral millionaires out of our hub were lacking. lemmya Azim joven mintaro AUD dunya la Akbar Imam Muhammad Abdul Wahab Rahim Allah He said,

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The third matter is to have determination to act upon this commandment. And he said many people, they had the knowledge that you have the knowledge of the commandments of Allah. And they love the commandment of Allah azza wa jal, however, he doesn't have the determination to act upon it, because he feels that his worldly life will change upon Him, you will see that he will lose certain things in this world life. And you know, when I read this, I started to think of examples. And Wallah. How many examples are there on earth today, of people who know Allah's command, and love Allah's command, but they don't have the determination in their heart to act upon Allah's command, because

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they feel that they will lose a social position they have the will fee, a leadership position they have, they all feel something of this worldly life being taken away from them. And you know, a great example of today, there are many, they call them influencers, and they call them YouTubers and Instagramers and Tik Tok is and whatever it is, there's a large amount of Muslims that are the so called influencers, right? And they have huge followings. And they themselves haven't had the best Muslim life that there is. So they've presented themselves either a woman without hijab, or either a man that used to shave his beard or whatever it is. And then later on down the track, after they've

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gained 1,000,002 million followers, and they've gained so many subscribers, later on down the track, they learn the truth. And they love the truth, and they love the commandments of Allah. But they don't determine that they're supposed to act upon the truth. The sister doesn't have the determination to finally have that intention to wear the hijab, because they fee if they do that, they will lose their followers. They will lose their subscribers, they'll lose a social status. What is the community going to say about them? What are people going to say? How are they going to be judged in today's liberal world? This is a problem. This is a problem. And so this is the type of

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example I was thinking about when I read this third stage that we're supposed to have with every commandment of Allah subhanahu wata Island. And to these people who say Allah he fear Allah azza wa jal. What are the people going to do for you on the Day of Judgment? What are they going to do for you, the people they feed, to determine or to make a firm resolution to act upon the commands of Allah azza wa jal, they fit to do that. Because they don't know how they will be viewed socially. What are people going to say about them, if they come out with their new change, and they come out with a public doba and the brother leaves his beat to grow it as in the V sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam commanded they feel this manner we say to them, what are these people going to do these people that you feed their judgment from society? What are they going to do for you the day you die, and you're in your grief? And then eventually you stand before Allah azza wa jal, nothing, don't do nothing for you. They cannot even save themselves on the Day of Judgment, let alone do anything for you. So we need to fear Allah azza wa jal and first and foremost seek knowledge of Allah's commands. Number two, we must love Allah's command. Number three, we must have to have absolute determination that we want to act upon the commands that we know and this is why the sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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used to ask Allah to grant him strength, that he becomes very determined to act upon Allah's command, when he used to say, was a local Ozzy Mata Allah wished I asked you Oh Allah to grant me that determination in my heart that I follow the straight path and I follow your commands. Now. This should make us more wanting to ask Allah subhanaw taala for this determination This is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam whose past and future sins were forgiven and here he is asking Allah for determination in following his commands Allahu Akbar Subhanallah and have run to the to the to the fourth point in our duties towards the commands of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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Okay, so number four Imam Rahim Allah He said, in a simple word, he said Allama so after you sought knowledge, and you love the Command of Allah, and now you have a strong determination in your heart to act upon the command

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Number four is to implement the command. Go ahead and do this command go and implement it. Now and this is why, in many places in the Quran Allah azza wa jal would say, for us to rush to implement these commands Allah azza wa jal said was headed through il mo Filati Murghab deconversion not in Arabic outdoors similar to will operate that remotely. Allah azza wa jal, he said, hasten and rush to a forgiveness of your Lord. What does it mean to rush to a forgiveness of your Lord? Meaning go and do the deeds that earn you a forgiveness from your sins? Rush to do the deeds that earn your forgiveness from your sins, or you're not in no rush to do the deeds to secure a spot in the

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Paradise rush to do them. And Allah azza wa jal and Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says in the Hadith in the authentic hadith, bad deal will be Amelie fitted on Cuba I Leyland Muslim, he said Bell durable Amen haste and hurry up and rush into doing good deeds. Before the Phaeton and before the dark and evil these are P in which film Calcutta Lail Muslim before the Phaeton arrive, that will become so dark that you won't even be able to see your hands if you were to put it in front of you. Rush and do the deeds whenever you sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked a you will Amelie hobble Allah, what is the most beloved deed to Allah subhanho wa ala Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam said a Salah to feel awkward to pray the prayer and it's time at its beginning the beginning of its time. So the ID in this hadith in this area that I shared with you is this attitude the believers supposed to have to rush to implement the commandments of Allah subhanahu wata Allah and Allah azza wa jal in the Quran he did say, when a Navamsa aloo mejor avoided it like anheier Allahu Masha, that vida, he said and had they implemented that which they were advised about. It would have been much better for them, and it would have granted them great steadfastness upon the deen of Allah azza wa jal you know each and every single one of us is looking for that which is better. All of us

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on a daily basis, we always ask, How do I make myself better? What is better for me today? What can I do to better myself? How can I reach a better version of myself here? Allah said, Well, no unknown follow may you are gonna be like in a hurry Allah had they implemented that which were they were advised of doing? It would have been much better for them.

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This is how you rectify your state. This is how you become much better when you implement Allah azza wa jal is command. And so then Imam Rahim Allah you said, What cafiero Mina nurse is the answer, man, our amulet whatever, Jana li Manu of Lima, whom ensure you create already him Tanaka llaman Allahu Akbar. And this is a another obstacle in the path. Imam Rahim Allah He said many people, when they have the determination

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to implement a date, then those that venerate them, from any leaders around them. If they were to discover this implementation of this person, if they were to discover it from him, then they would abandon him, then he would abandon the action. Anyhow. Yeah, neither are some people. They are. They're respected. They're respected among the people of the bidder. They are respected among the people of al Qaeda. So you might find a person who has a position and a status among the people of innovation. And then this person, he learns the truth. He loves the truth. And he has a determination to act upon it. But he doesn't implement the truth. Because if he is, what are his

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true? What are these people of innovation going to see about him? And how are they going to treat him, they might kick him out of the masjid, they might not invite him again, to their circles, and whatever it is that they have of innovations. And so as a result, he gets scared, he's worried he is, what will happen to him and how they'll react to them. As a result, he leaves implementing altogether. And so this is just one example of many examples that there is a lot of people might leave implementing the action at a fee may be someone any he's at his workplace, especially people that only work in the corporate world. You know, the corporate world is a very nasty type of work,

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people that are involved in the corporate world. These are people in the city they work in, in in the banks, they work in big high corporations, and we're not seeing any This is not a lecture of seeing what's halal and haram but the idea is this. These are people that they among their core

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Colleagues, they are among the friends at work. And yes, they know that Allah azza wa jal commands them to pre select the ball at time and it's time and they love Allah's command. And they are determined to act upon Allah's command. But then the fourth point, which is implementing getting up and actually praying, they don't do that out of fee, they might lose their job at a fee. What are these colleague workers, what are they going to say about me if I was to get up and take 510 minutes and pray, and so on, this is Yanni some type of examples that we can use to relate to what Imam Mohamed Salah has seen. And so we should feel nothing and we should feel you know what, once we

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learn about Allah's command and have love for it, and we have a determination for it, we need to straightaway Get up right then and there and implement the Command of Allah subhanahu wata is now

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actions is the fruits of knowledge in reality when the knowledge is truly understood and truly benefited from it will bear

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like a tree which bears its fruits likewise, knowledge produce actions, medical offic the share let's move on to the fifth point of our duties towards Allah commands.

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After taking the first few and I'll quickly recap for those who just joined us the first point in or duty towards Allah's commands was to have knowledge about the command to seek knowledge of the Quran and Sunnah. The second point is loving what Allah subhanahu what Allah revealed. The third point is to have a determination to act upon the Command of Allah subhanho wa Taala the fourth point is action to implement these commands.

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But what Bowsher j. So now we come to the fifth point, mm or himolla he said.

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He said Anna cathedra madman Camila Leigh aka haha this on for in workaholics on let me across however, this is very important. The fifth point, what he's mentioning, is he's saying to implement the commandment of Allah with sincerity and in accordance to the teaching of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So now, after having this intention, this determination and now you want to act upon the deed and upon the commandment of Allah azza wa jal, the fifth thing you're supposed to know is that it has to be done sincerely for Allah social sake. And it has to be in accordance to the Sunnah of Nabi SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam. And these two things are in fact, the conditions of an

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accepted deed. They are the conditions of an except the deed, every single deed that you are going to implement an act by every single commandment that you are going to implement. It must be done sincerely for Allah azza wa jal. So that means when you implement a commandment of Allah, you're not seeking in this any worldly materialistic position. You're not seeking anyone's praise. You're not seeking anyone's approval, and you're not seeking anyone's acceptance. You don't care about how you are viewed in the sight of people. Rather, your only greatest concern is how am I going to be viewed in the sight of Allah how social and so the deed must be sincerely for Allah azza wa jal, Allah azza

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wa jal, he said in the Quran, when that Omeo Ilya Bucha Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah Who Deen that the people mankind were only commanded to worship Allah azza wa jal sincerely, morally seen Allah Who a deen meaning every aspect of a deen whether it's prayer, or seeking knowledge, or reading the Quran, or reading the Afghan,

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or fasting or doing a hash, all of the aspects of a dean have to be morally so you know, it has to be done sincerely for him. So that means every prayer you pray, you're only seeking your reward from Allah. And every fasting you've asked, you're only seeking your reward from Allah, you're seeking His approval, his appreciation, you're seeking His acceptance no one else. You don't do a deed for a worldly gain and a worldly benefit. And the other thing is, you need to follow in the Sunnah of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it's not enough that you do do a deal that you do a deed sincerely for Allah. It has to be coupled with

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doing it in the same manner and Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us and this is how innovations came about. How do you think innovations came about? In ohmmeter, Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it came about because people abandoned the teachings of a Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. People thought that if I'm sincere, that's all that matters.

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So, how many times do we hear it? It's all about the intention. His intention is good. That's all right. You know whether those who celebrate and Molad they celebrate moly the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and what's their greatest excuse? Or what's their greatest justification? They say that it's all about the intention. We love Nabi SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam, we are intending goodness, we're intending closeness to Allah azza wa jal And subhanAllah. Look at this type of explanation. Didn't you know for a deed to be accepted, if laws and sincerity is not enough, rather you also have to follow the teachings of a Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So if we looked into the Molad, as an

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example, celebrating the birthday of the NABI SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam, you don't find this anywhere in his teachings, nor anywhere in the teachings of the first three generations. This came later on at the time of unfelt Amin, the Shia, they're the ones that introduced this Molad and and celebrated the birth of a Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this is why it is beautiful to mention here, Allah azza wa jal Colita Allah in where he said Olivia Hala called Moto and hired Leah blue, a Yoko Masson Ohama Allah, Allah azza wa jal created,

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he created a low toil hired death and life in order so that he may test us Who among us pass on or Hamelin, who would be the best in his deed Arsenal Amylin, and for why Lebanon al Rahim Allah He was asked, he was asked what's us and why Milan, what's absent? How does a deed become excellent? How does a deed become us? And how does it become perfect? He said McKenna holidays on Sol Sol that he said the deed very Cincy. And in accordance to the teaching of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. That would be the perfect deed. That would be the type of deed that is supposed to be implemented. Allah azza wa jal in the Quran he said, feminine care nails really ought to be holy

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Armel Ramadan saw the Hon Allah you should be aware that they are be he had Allah azza wa jal he said anyone who hopes to meet Allah has solution on the day of judgment and hopes, for Allah's pleasure and for the Paradise Valley and Milan Milan saleha. Then do righteous deeds, Allah Allah or Hema home Allah said righteous deeds here in accordance to the teaching of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what are usually very rare that they will be here either and do not associate any partners. In terms of your worship with Allah subhanahu wata Isla, and this part refers to the sincerity and so this is important to rescind see, when wanting to implement the command to rescind

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see, and in accordance with the teachings of a Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and just on this point, I say something, you know, if it was only about the intention as some people claim, or brother you don't know he's got a good intention. Don't judge him on his action. He's got a good intention. If that was the case. Would you accept from someone to say I want to pre select a ball seven blackout. Today I want to pray about several block ads. I love Allah. I love Allah. And I love Salette so I'm going to pray seven. You see, the idea is okay, we didn't say your intention is bad. We know you love Allah has solution. We know you love the prayer. But if you press a bar seven

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blackout, that prayer is nullified. That prayer is not accepted. And that prayer will destroy your Eman altogether. If you believe that's how you're supposed to pray, why we're not blaming your intention. We know you love Allah, you love a solid, but that's not enough when implementing the command. When implementing a command. It also has to be exactly as in maybe sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us therefore, the correct solid tip would be to pray sincerely for Allah. And then to pray it for like at in the same manner he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prayed now

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some of our Allah Matt they simplified this point with a few Arabic words they said before you do any action, ask yourself the man. Okay if for whom are you doing it for and how are you doing it and as you

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sincere for Allah subhanaw taala BTC for Allah and in accordance with the Sunnah I sent I sent a second Lawhead that Allah Felicia, let's move on to the sixth point in how duties towards Allah's command SubhanaHu Wattana Okay, so the sixth point and this is the second last one. Imam Rahim Allah He said, And now Saudi Hina Johar for name in a walkway, Lamin Nicola hit the island

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hamirpur Armero comm one two letter show rule number six, is to be careful and cautious of the matters that nullify the good deeds. So this is something very important. Once you've had the determination to act upon the last command, then you implement that Allah's command, he implemented the command and you implemented it sincerely, and in accordance to the teachings of a Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Number six, you must be careful of falling into matters, that undo your good deeds that nullify your good deeds, because there is there are prohibitions and bad deeds, that if you do them, they will wipe away good deeds. They will wipe away good deeds, yes, in the same

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manner good deeds, wipe away bad deeds, then bad deeds can also wipe away good deeds. And from the greatest of these manners is a shake. That's why Allah azza wa jal in the Quran he said what are called Ohia Eleiko Illa Levina middle publica in a shorter layer Bopanna look well at Hakuna nominal ha city, Allahu Akbar, Allah azza wa jal, he said to Nabi SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam, listen, this is the prophet of Allah, He said to him, if you were to ever commit shirk in your life, any type of shit, we're speaking sorry about the major shift here. If you were to commit a major shift in your life, layer upon a hammer look, all your righteous deeds are going to be destroyed. All of them will

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be these destroyed and nullified while at Akona nominal house city and as a result you will be from among the losers. That's the kind of language Allah would say to Nabi SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam

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warning him Don't, don't you dare come near the bad deeds and the prohibitions that would nullify your deeds. So not all the bad deeds, wipe away the good deeds. There are certain bad deeds that if a person does, yes, they will wipe away the good deeds they will notify his good deeds and that is like

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the only for example,

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missing approach missing the price. If a person missed or solid and obligatory prayer, it nullifies his good deeds for that day. Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said in the authentic hadith

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manifesta to Salah to allow Saudi fucka and NEMA with the LA Lu woman who, or in another narration for cod hobby Obama who Anyone who misses solid colossal

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then his deeds for that day are destroyed. His deeds for that day and undefined will ever hammer home Allah. They said that this hadith is not limited to Salat. And also, rather it is any obligatory prayer that is missed any obligatory prayer that is missed and not prayed on it's time that would result in a person's good deeds being destroyed for that day Allahu Akbar. Even after you implement Allah's command, you must be careful that you do not do something that nullifies the good deed, also, oppressing oppressing others, oppressing others, insulting others, mocking others, shortchanging others, and all this violation against the people's rights also nullifies good deeds.

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When the sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned this clearly in the Hadith, when he said to the Companions, do you know who is the bankrupt among you? They said the bankrupt among us is the one who doesn't have a dinner home and D now he doesn't have $1 So then in the visa Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, No, that's not the muffler is the muffler is the bankrupt is the one who comes on the day of judgment. He comes Bissonnette, he comes with prayers Allahu Akbar, his prayer was 100% and he comes with fasting and Sadako. All his good deeds were 100%. But he comes on the Day of Judgment, having violated the rights of people ate this person's wealth, consumed this person's

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wealth, he hid this person, he should the blood of this person he oppressed such and such. Then on the Day of Judgment, it will be set

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for him to take the bad deeds of others or for him to give the good deeds. He begins to give the good deeds to people. Look, he's losing his good deeds. He's losing his good deeds because he oppressed people. And if he's got no more good deeds, he begins to take from their bad deeds Allahu Akbar, and then he's thrown in the hellfire. So we need to make sure after implementing Allah's command, with sincerity and in accordance to Sunita Nabi SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam, we must be careful that we do not come Nii the deeds that render our good deeds

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being destroyed.

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Now we've got a got to keep away from that not sure if this reminds us of the great principle in Islam as you've discussed before that a Muslim is between fear and hope. He fears that Allah may not accept his deeds but he hopes that Allah reward him and this is taken from the life of the prophet saw Selim and also the Companions after him are the Allahu Anhu now shared let's move on to the seventh and final point and our duties towards Allah subhanho wa Taala after taking those very beneficial six points, oh god. So the seventh duty towards every commandment of Allah azza wa jal This is the seventh and the last an email Rahim Allah has said a threadbare to Halal Huck, while

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hopeful minzu Inhotim motto awkward Licola his sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for in Neeraj Willemijn Kamala Amman had them a Hakuna Bay in a whole day in El Jannetty level or FSP quali Hill Kitab family will be Amelia Island now failed hola her. The seventh point is to be steadfast upon the Command of Allah upon the commandment of Allah subhanho wa taala. So after you've done the deed, and you've kept away from that which nullifies the good deeds, the seventh and last point is to remain firm and steadfast upon that command of Allah subhanho wa Taala until the day you meet Allah so again, and this is evident in many eight and a hadith of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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For example, a man came to Nabi SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam and Citymeals rasool Allah polyfill Islam in Poland let us everyone who had an array like this man, he came and he said, The Rasul Allah, tell me about a matter in Islam, in which I cannot ask anyone but you Yanni tell me something that you have the answer to and no one else can answer about you. Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, I'm going to be learning from Mr. Krim. Say I believe in Allah, and then be firm and steadfast upon that. And that's the ID. We are supposed to always be steadfast upon the commandments of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah azza wa jal in the Quran he says to the messenger, sallallahu

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alayhi wa salam and as an extension to us all for stalking can omit the woman tab and Ark la Akbar. He said the stand firm and upright be steadfast in an Indian manner, you have been connected in order to do so, for Nabi SallAllahu. alayhi wa sallam was commanded to be steadfast upon the commandments of Allah subhanahu wata Allah. Allah azza wa jal, he says, why Buddha Rebecca had directly agreed, worship your Lord until Eliakim reaches you. Eliakim means certainty, and there is nothing more certain in life than death. So worship your Lord until the day you die until death presents itself to worship your Lord. What are we learning from this? We're learning steadfastness,

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meaning be steadfast upon the Command of Allah azza wa jal be steadfast upon your prayers, Be steadfast upon your Quran, Be steadfast upon your hijab be steadfast upon avoiding the prohibitions of Allah azza wa jal be steadfast upon that which is pleasing to Allah azza wa jal will be steadfast upon the obligations that Allah azza wa jal has obligated upon each and every single one of us. And there is reward in this there is immense reward in this Allah azza wa jal he said well, Lavina Jaya hadoo fina, Lena, the unknown Solana in Allah Allah Allah Allah mercy, Nene, he said and those who strive and struggle for us, those who strive and struggle for us, what is Elijah, Elijah had a

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steadfastness and Moshe had a striving and struggling against yourself to fulfill Allah's commands and to implement these commands. What is the reward? Allah said, Lana dia Navamsa Bolena will guide them to our paths, meaning or guide them to do the many good deeds that there is because each good deed is a path that leads to Allah subhanho wa Taala in Allah Allah Allah martini and how beautiful have an ending Allah azza wa jal he said Indeed he is with the Massini he is with a good dose. He is with those that always want to Yanni adhere to excellence. He called them wasini. The one who is steadfast upon the deen of Allah is known as a more sin. He is a mortal sin which is the highest

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level that a person can reach with Allah subhanho wa Taala in terms of his email, and send and tabooed Allah can nichetto off a limiter controller HuFa in New York. This is what Sn is to worship Allah azza wa jal as though you can see him but if you cannot see him and that's the case, then you better surely know that he can see you. So the idea is to remain firm and steadfast upon the commandment of Allah after you have implemented it correctly. And sincerely for Allah subhanahu wata LSCache

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awareness the shark and being you know on alert. Because you know as you said, we don't know when Allah subhanaw taala is going to take us so we should think this action I'm doing what I'd be happy to face Allah upon this action. That's why this struggle and striving you mentioned should be constantly regular, so we can make a law in the best possible manner. Now my son, so hey, well then, yeah neither ID is not to forget as well as not to forget a diet because the ID is all your affairs are in the hands of Allah has social, your steadfastness is in the hands of Allah has social you can't get any escape. You can't escape a door, a door and the visa Allahu alayhi wa sallam he

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himself would say Allahumma he would say Yeah, well I live in clubfoot, but I'll be Allah de Nick Oh Turner of the house. He would say keep my heart firm upon your deen. Keep my heart firm upon your commandments, keep my heart firm upon a solid, keep my heart firm upon every single teaching of a dean that we are interacting with on our on a daily basis. So that's the ID to make dua and also also what will keep you on your feet, is to always remember death. Because when you remember that, and you're always aware of death, or Subhanallah, Yanni, it's something that it's happening all around us every single day, every single day, hundreds and hundreds are dying. And so when you

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remember death, it keeps you on your feet, that you remain steadfast upon the deen of Allah azza wa jal, the one who doesn't remember that his heart will die and he will not find inspiration and motivation to worship Allah azza wa jal because such a person, as they say about him, or Rahul Amman, he would be deceived to think that he's got a long life ahead and you know what, I'll pray at the end of my life since I'm going to live a long life, don't worry about it at the end of my life, or worry about my repentance at the end of my life, and this is an incorrect attitude. So when you remember that and know that it can strike anytime, any moment. That is the greatest aid for a person

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to keep on his feet and remain steadfast and firm upon the commandments of Allah azza wa jal

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Bella, Bella colonic Disha we thank you for being with us today. Any final words after these seven beneficial duties towards the commands of Allah subhanho wa Taala that we must all have

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not Amala Yeah, and if there is advice, then the advice would be

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first and foremost yourself unlocker or may Allah azza wa jal bestow his mercy upon Imam Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahab beautiful article that he has any left behind in sha mo Salah kajaria for him that advice is review this once again. Go and learn it, seek its knowledge and then implement what you have heard today. And then most importantly, after that, spread it among your family and among your friends. What hamdulillah a Sheikh Abdullah Zirkel butter Have you ever hola Jota Allah has done a short explanation on this short treatise will hamdulillah it's also translated and it is titled our duty. It's titled our duty towards what Allah subhanahu wata Allah commanded us with it's about 100

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pages, it's a book of about 100 pages in where he elaborates and he discusses the seven points in more depth. So we tried to summarize something of his works and some things that are relevant of examples or in today's society, and the journey if, if we can go back to that book and in the end, it is available on PDF on the internet, download it and spread it spread it as far and wide and wide as possible, so that the people can know and worship Allah azza wa jal upon knowledge and know the seven types of things that are required from every Muslim towards the commands of Allah azza wa jal does that Allah Caddyshack we thank you for being with us and show a lot this would be a regular

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occurrence on Albion radio vertical afek Mama bless you bless your family, and inshallah we'll catch up very soon. Bye. Yeah, c'mon diabetic thickeners echo Aloha, sallAllahu wasallam robotic Allenby and Mohammed while early he was so happy as you may mean

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Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa

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