Get To Know – 11 Surah Ar-Rahman

Quran Weekly
AI: Summary © The Bible is a universal language used to describe the image of the Earth and sky, including the holy marks "ba, ba," and "Gr hang." The church's actions and actions by other nations have led to false accusations and dangerous mistakes, including false accusations of love for someone who has lost their faith in hell. The theory that hellfire is a gift given to those who have lost their faith is discussed, as well as the consequences of actions by the church. The holy marks "ba, ba," and "Gr hang" are also mentioned as gifts from the culture.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Allah

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Allah Allah Alhamdulillah wa salatu wa salam, ala alihi wa sahbihi sama McGann once again everyone salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Let's try and get to know sort of one very famous rule of the Quran, one of the most beautiful students in the Quran, it has quite a bit of repetition. So let's talk about that first. One of its unique salient features is the repetition of the phrase for ba, ba, ba, ba ba to conceive. And then what of the of the favors wonders gifts of the master of both of you both of you a reference to human beings antigen, are you going to be in denial of unique about the pseudo first and foremost, you may have guessed that it addresses both human beings and

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the Djinn, that that's something uniquely that will lead us into sewline. Throughout the sutra, everything is in pairs, just like the human being a pair of people or a pair of species or being talked to agendas or in pairs, he talks about them twice, he talks about gardens twice, you know, across the board, there's this theme of pairs moving along.

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The thing about the repetition, the first thing I'd like you to note is that repetition is done for certain purposes. It's not just for style or for emphasis, but it has a greater rhetorical and communicative purpose. And that purpose is actually the expression of anger. How much more grateful Can you be? How much more ungrateful Can you be? How much more grateful Can you be it's this progression of a lot of anger towards people who just completely reject the idea of gratitude, who don't look around them and feel any need any any compulsion to want to be thankful for what they've been given. And that's how the the IOD progress. But then those that same exact phrase, as you get

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to the part where the latter half of the surah, where Allah starts talking about heaven and the people of heaven, He gives them a gift and says, How much more how much how many favors would you deny how many favors would you deny and he kind of, he imposes his favor on those that he's he's benefited not just in this world, but in the next also. And so as that same phrase gets more and more and more intense and builds up in its intensity in the first half of the surah, it actually starts declining and getting softer and more and more loving and expression of Allah's love in the latter half of the soul. And that's part of the beautiful tone and texture of the sutra, sutra man.

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Now about the subject matter of the soul. It's interesting that it's, it's broken up into about five passages, you can see that there are five distinct subject matter in the sutra. And the first of them of course, is Allah's grand gift of the teaching of the Quran. The Quran, that's the first core subject matter and how the Quran is catered to the nature of human beings, and how it resonates with their inner inner selves, and how that's an expression of love, love, care and mercy. And that's why it's predicated by Manuel de mon Quran, that Allah Allah, Allah Quran, the one who knows everything taught the Quran know, the one who is exceedingly an unimaginably loving and merciful and caring is

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the one who taught to Quran. So let's act of teaching the Quran is an act of His love, care and mercy. That's the first passage beyond that. He says, Well, for the people who don't appreciate the marvel of this book, they tend to be the same people that don't appreciate the Marvel in anything. They don't appreciate the Marvel all around them. So he starts pointing out things all around us, like this, the creation of the you know, the sun in the moon or shampoo will cover the husband, when natural sugars are the star of the tree. And then these are particularly to the Arab taste, because the Arabs didn't have much of a landscape. But at night, they could appreciate a night a sky full of

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stars, and daytime, one rare tree they'll find out in the desert landscape, and it's a symbol of beauty to them. So he calls on the things that they look upon as symbols of beauty. And for pondering and for appreciation, he starts talking about the oceans and the pearls that come out of the oceans, how the ships sail in the sea, and all of the and then he says all human beings are dependent on him. So these worldly gifts of Allah are the second. So the first was the heavenly gift of Allah, which is the revelation. The second passage, or the worldly gifts that people are in denial of, that are all around them that they should ponder upon. The third passage of the surah is

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actually about Judgment Day. And he basically gathers both human beings in jeans and Afro Akuma. You have the colon to allow large, you know, heavy gatherings, heavy communities, and he gathers them together and judgment has begin began, the sky is starting to rip. And you know, there's rocks falling and burned copper and burnt metal falling onto the ground. The Earth itself is tearing open, all of this Cataclysm is happening and that's being described, and the criminals are running and they're completely they don't even have to be asked. You can tell from the look on their faces where they stand.

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Then the questioning begins. And as a result of the questioning, they're now starting to the worst of the criminals are being chucked into Hellfire, a very horrific graphic scene in the sutra, which begs the question for a lot of people, how can the sutra begin with man, the exceedingly loving, caring, merciful, and then have such a graphic descriptive description of * right in the middle of the surah. right in the heart of this little why would that would that be the case? This is actually part of a law describing his mercy. Why? Because whether you like it or not Hellfire exists. And it's better for you to hear about it and be horrified by its description in Word, rather

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than having to see it. You know, this is a lie actually giving us the gift of that the people before us, that people who are given revolution before us, they have lost the idea that * is a scary place, they make mockery of it, some of them have even erased all mention of it from the revelations. for Muslims, * is never a joke, because Allah doesn't let it be. It's too serious of a thing. And that's a gift of a lot to us. Imagine a danger is coming and people are taking it as a joke. Right, then they're not ready to deal with it, or nor are they in any position to protect themselves take proper precaution to be able to arm themselves against it. That's the gift of Allah,

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to those who he terrifies them out of their wits in the surah. And once he terrifies them, now begins the discussion of Paradise, but the way it begins is so beautiful, well, even half of Nakamoto

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whoever was scared of standing before his master gets to gardens. In other words, first he scares you. Then he says if you got scared you get you get heaven. Subhana Allah is so beautiful that even when he scares you, it scares you for a larger, greater purpose. And that's the Grand shugenja may allow make all of us people agenda. Now what happens interestingly, in this what is generally talked about spread over two passages. So once again, I start the first passage was about the grander revelation. The second was the grantor of the gifts of Allah, the earthly gifts of Allah. The third was the consequences of those who are in denial of both of those things, judgment and eventually

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hellfire. And then then for those who got scared of that warning, they get to gardens, those gardens start getting described with beautiful fruits and spouses and housing and waterfalls and all of it and then woman dooney Hema, besides them their two other gardens. And another two set of gardens get described which is peculiar, you know, you got these two what, why not just give one description of gardens, why break them up into two, you know, and then describe them all over again as lusciously green with overflowing waterfalls with, you know, fruits like they, you know, pump pomegranate, and dates, not low water, man, you know, and once again, dimension of beautiful spouses and sitting on

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couches are often often 100 where I've got a son and all kinds of exotic, you know, items that are sitting all around them, like imported goods, you know, in decoration pieces in their housing. That's the description of the second heaven. And if you'll appreciate this organization of 12345, or on worldly gifts, you know, judgment and *, heaven one in heaven two, you can talk about it like that these five subjects, when you understand the placement of this amazing solar, the solar that is coming right after this is workout. And social worker actually discusses these five concepts in reverse order. The last thing talked about and sort of lucked out one of the last passages for the

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oxy will be in June, when the hola Casa de la luna de mundo la couronne Kareem the greatest of the Quran is at the end of Soto La Jolla. If you weren't back and this was the first subject here, as you work backwards and Sultan lochia. Allah says Adam and Chateau shujaa, I'm national monsoon and Mohamed el Muslim national monsoon in all of us, are you the one growing the crop? Are you the one creating the fire? Are you the one that you know produces the rain, etc, etc. Like he keeps asking these questions as if Allah is the one who does them. He asked the question, do you or do you, which is exactly the same. The second last is exactly the same as the second subject here, the worldly

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gifts of Allah put in the form of a question. Then on the third subject there, interestingly enough, is the people of the left hand, this is an expression in the Quran for people who are given their book of deeds in their left hand, which means that they're in trouble, basically, on judgment day. And if you notice, the third middle subject here, and sort of man was actually also hellfire. So the people who receive the book in their left hand are terribly judged. And they're given the worst sentences, you know. And then, in the beginning of suit,

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you've got two groups of people, a sabich, una sobre colinas. How will you mean, the first and the foremost, and the people of the right hand, there are two groups of people, first and foremost, a highest ranking of the believers who were the first step into the faith, regardless of the consequences and made the the greatest of sacrifices, but they're not the only ones, the great heroes of the faith. There are also those who happen to be good people, anybody who gets the record in their right hand. So there are two levels of good people. And interestingly enough, we just saw one, there were two different levels of gender being described to different categories of heavens

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being described. This is just part of the coherence and how the Quran just sinks together, how things tie together in this remarkable, remarkable book. So Tara, what is it

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Very easy Sula to memorize especially if you understand the order and the subject matter and shallow should be no problem for you to memorize it and ponder over its meanings barakallahu li walakum wa salaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Episode 11 – Surah Ar-Rahman – Nouman Ali Khan

June 15, 2016

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