Get To Know – 10 Surah Al-Hujurat

Quran Weekly
AI: Summary © The "med strict" of Islam is recognized by all groups, not just those of one, and is used to hold each other and avoid conflict. The surah is important for respecting partners and honoring partners through core values like mutual love and honoring partners through exercises like the first three passage. Pr unaware of privacy and respect for partners is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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let him initiate en rajim Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim. Yeah, and you had Nadine Amanullah to Casa de moneda de la de la in LA LA has sent me on Eileen shocky southern US silly Emily, you want to look at Emily Sania poco de hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam, O Allah Rasool Allah, Allah and he was at age nine, from Ahmedabad, everyone Slavonic Morocco to Qatar, let's try and get to know a lot the 49th surah of the Quran. And this beautiful surah, you can say that it's divided into three parts. The first part of them, the first of the three parts is focused on one subject and one subject alone. And that is the amount of dignity respect loyalty and obedience we're supposed to show to our

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messengers of Allah who lives on them. We're not supposed to raise our voice before him, we're not supposed to, you know,

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even speak before he speaks kind of thing. That's actually one of the narrations that comes along with that story. That actually happened, because they started arguing about something and the revelation came that you shouldn't be raising your voice before the voice of the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam, and the seriousness of that matter. You know, an interesting contrast is made in this first passage that is not found elsewhere in the Quran. On the one hand, it's the Prophet so when he speaks, it's revelation. So you should take it at face value, and not question it and humble yourself before it. But part of humbling it is actually the part of believing in that and honoring

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the dignity of Revelation is the opposite. And the opposite of is if some corrupt news source comes to you, or somebody brings forward slander, or a lie or backbiting and something like that, then you need to verify it, then you need to actually question the facts. So both of those go hand in hand, on the one hand, taking everything your messenger gives you completely and wholeheartedly without question. And at the same time to decipher between revealed knowledge and all other kinds of especially corrupt kinds of information, where you have to critique it, and you have to criticize it. That contrast is made in the first passage of the surah. Now that your relationship with your

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prophet has been established as a subtle slam, and how much you're going to dignify and honor Him, the next subject that the solo takes on is how Muslims are supposed to honor each other. It's a really beautiful transition.

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And it begins with, of course, Muslims not killing one another, and not fighting with each other. Like one of the Sahaba even mentioned, commenting that when Allah says don't quit, you know, when when two groups of believers are fighting each other, killing each other, it doesn't necessarily literally mean killing, spilling blood, though that's included. But it also means any other kind of argumentation or conflict that may arise between believers, then make reconciliation between them, you know, make peace between them. And then that this exhaustive discourse on just that how Muslims are supposed to work things out, there are a few things that we learned from that the first of them

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is that it's going to happen, right. But the second is that it shouldn't happen. It shouldn't happen, because your love for your prophet should be so much. Your mutual love for him should be so much that you are able to overlook, what what angers you towards each other to the point where you're even ready to fight each other. Then he says in double meaning that believers are nothing but brothers. That's all they are. And the word echo actually refers to siblings, not to a fraternity of brotherhood, that's a one like, you know, if you're my brother in faith, or you're my brother in cause, then that's the word one. But if the Arabic word was used, it's actually used for blood

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brothers or siblings. You know, that reminds me of another story from the Quran. But Musa alayhis salam was very angry at his blood brother at Harun and to calm his brother down how to one called upon the mutual love that they have for their mother, you have no oma, similarly, in this case, to calm the love doubt, to calm the anger down between Muslims, you call upon the love that they share in common with each other, and that is the love for their messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam so a practical example with that of that would be a Muslim is losing his cool towards another Muslim, and you remind them to send their prayers upon the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, and that should just

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it's like spilling water over fire, it just cools everything down, you know, but that's that's one side of it physically fighting or arguing and you know, going at each other, but the other side of it is more subtle. So on the other side of this equation, within the second passage, is six instructions not to poke fun at each other, last called common common luck not to talk down to each other to diminish one another. Let me zoom in for a second. Don't point out each other's flaws, and pick up pick on each other's flaws. We're not an apples club. Don't give ugly nicknames or sarcastic nicknames. extendible kathina min advanced, as you know, from most kinds are much many different

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kinds of making assumptions, because that leads into sin that they just assume, don't engage in spying towards each other. Don't try to find out each other's personal matters. When I asked about book

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Gandharva and don't back bite one another, all of these are logical. And all of these, the first three of them were about how you use your tongue, and the other is your heart towards your believer, you know, you don't give the benefit of the doubt First of all, you make assumptions, then you start spying on them because you want to confirm your suspicions. And then once you find out you share them with others and you backbiting against your fellow believer. So all of that these this ethic of communication is talked about exhaustively in the surah and that this constitutes the second half, or the second third, rather, of the sort of the first one was honoring our messenger Elisa

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tosylamide. The second one is we honoring each other. And at the heart of that passage, believers are nothing but brothers. So if you notice the common thread is honor. And that's why when you get into the third passage of the surah, it's once again about honor in the economical Mandela he Yama noona Allah and Aslam culatta mundo la Islamism, you know, the most noble among you are the ones that are the most cautious of Allah the most careful about a law. And all human beings were created from a single male and a single female. Now you have nothing in common.

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What that means is, race is gone. Race is not an issue now what would make one human being superior to another? That's not a concern. And this is about all of humanity, which I'll talk about in a second. And then he says, You know what, Jana, I'm sure Robin lacava elita, who made you into nations tribes that are dependent on each other, so that you may get to know one another. In other words, now, the nation you belong to the tribe you belong to the race you belong to, is irrelevant. It doesn't make you more noble than anybody else. The most noble among you are the ones who have the most taqwa which is something on the inside only Allah can know. And that's why by the end of that

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third passage, Allah says in the La Jolla, Animal, labor Swati whether it is a lie, in fact, he knows the unseen of the skies and the earth alone, he knows what's going on inside somebody's heart so we can judge what makes them better or worse, from you know, only from the outside. In this last passage, the logical connection is also really beautiful. In the beginning, you have to honor your messenger. What's what results from honoring your messenger is that you end up honoring each other. And when you honor each other and your messenger that is actually the biggest manifestation of taqwa and once you have Taqwa It is Allah who honors you. Allah is the one who grants you people, the

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dignity and the respect Subhana Allah. So that's how all three of these pieces have sort of come together very, very beautiful, concise, 18 I would even recommend for all of you to memorize the surah and teach its wisdom to your children and your families. Because this is one of the most fundamental ethics in our religion, the way we carry ourselves towards our Prophet towards each other, and of course towards Allah barakallahu li walakum wa salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakato

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Episode 10 – Surah Al-Hujurat – Nouman Ali Khan

June 14, 2016

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