Omar Suleiman – You Will Never Be As Alone Or Desperate As Yunus (AS)

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The importance of not forgetting to be worshipped and unconditionally worshiped except for Allah is discussed, along with the struggles of young people's injuries and poor health. The speakers emphasize the need for closure and relief from the loss of acceptance of their parents' acceptance, and the importance of not being a victim of human actions and finding one's own happiness. The speakers also stress the importance of submitting oneself to the "unsure" state and aligning actions with forgiveness, and emphasize the need to be mindful of one's past experiences and not give up on past experiences.
AI: Transcript ©
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Not bad. We begin by praising Allah subhana wa tada and bearing witness that nun has the right to be worshipped or unconditionally obeyed except for him. And be we bear witness that Mohammed sobre la Hardy was saddam as his final messenger. We asked a lot to send his peace and blessings upon him, the prophets and messengers that came before him, his family and companions that served alongside him and those that follow in his busted path until the day of judgment. And we asked a lot to make us amongst them a lot. I mean, dear brothers and sisters, you spend your whole life crafting out a direction, a trajectory. And as you get older, and you look back at the twists and turns that

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happened, and you wonder, at those times, when those twists and turns were happening, where am I going to end up? And in the midst of something, you don't see the light, you don't see the where that you're going to end up. That's how a lot we see that obviously, with trajectories more than anything else with families. You know, I will not forget, as we've been dealing with so many deaths in this community. Recently, so many people that are beloved to us, a death that shook our community a few years ago, the death of the young sisters out of hon Rahim Allah tala and her parents who showed such sublittoral such love. She was a daughter of the epic community, and really a wonderful

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person, a wonderful young woman, Mashallah. And a comment that was made by one of her parents that, you know, you spend that entire time and you want them to walk across the stage graduations, weddings, but how many people can say that their daughters are Shahada, or martyrs, it is a different trajectory, it is different altogether. But the disease that she died from was an internal type of disease that didn't die. Tada we pray would be amongst those. So you make these plans. And the plan is to be in this place. At this time, as you draw out, you know, your plans for the future. And some had a lot in the midst of the twists and the turns you don't know where the turn is taking

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you to. It's like a detour that shows up on a highway, and you have no idea where you're going to end up as a result of that detour. And when you're in the midst of these types of twists and turns, and these trials, the most common question that's asked is why why is the law

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putting me through this? Why is this happening to me? And then you have Aigner, either

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one matter where to and when, which become two crippling questions as well that we need to treat where to where do I end up at the end of this? And when will the relief from Allah subhanaw taala come? The the element of needed closure, right when, and that's something that inshallah Tata will talk about next week. But I wanted to talk about the Isla aim, where to where do I end up? You know, I had all of these plans, and then Subhana Allah, this happened in my life. So where am I going to end up? You know, think about the young med school student that was working and working and working and trying to get into medical school and then twist Okay, where do I go? Now? I have no idea what's

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next. And obviously, that's a less extreme example, but a more common one, right? The fear of where do I end up next? When you look at the profits on the lahardee, who was selling them in law,

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and the prophets, I seldom saw this dream, where he saw trees and greenery and thought that that land of acceptance was going to be in ba Finally, after all of these years of oppression at the hands of his own people, the hardship at the hand of his own people. And he goes to thought and we know we know what happens there were either mentor kilaguni, who am I left to now? Where do I end up? Am I? Where am I meant to be? Right? If it's not Mecca, and it's not? Where Medina was not yesterday, but the time was not really an option, right? We're here Yeah, Allah. Am I at the mercy of these cruel strangers? Or am I at the mercy of my oppressive people back home? Who's, where am I?

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Who am I at the mercy of Allah where where do I end up now? Where do I go from here? And some have a lot you know, if you were to ask anyone who's going through these types of things, and we know what happened in Medina and the acceptance of Medina, there is a wisdom from Allah subhanho wa Taala, to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in building the most perfect human being in the messenger RNA. His Salatu was Salam that the prophets lysozyme had to go through Mecca and the boycott of Mecca and the rejection of La before he ended up in Medina. Allah azza wa jal is capable of all things and in control of all things, it could have been that as soon as he said that the people of

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Medina would have heard and with death, it was the man calling out

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On one of Iraq as a caller towards good and would have accepted him and that entire headache would have been saved, right, but it was fundamental to the making of the profit slice on them, and where the profit slice ends up because the prophets lie some did not go to Medina alone. He had with him, a group of people that had been tried, in the worst of ways in Mecca. There was a wisdom both to the Prophet slice alum, and to the companions. But if you ask them in the year 611, where do you think you're going to end up and they drew out possibilities? Medina would have probably been gifted about the time Medina would have been low on the list if it was even on the list as a whole. But a lot as

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though done, facilitated the profit slice on them in that direction. And there is no person that we take more of this from than you and Is it his setup? You decided his Sam's Life is full of lessons and there's a reason why he's the first prophet that Allah spoke about to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the capacity of the revelation of the enforceability hooked me up decap whether to concasseur heavy duty is nada bajo mcaloon one of the first revelations to be patient with the decree of your Lord, and do not be like the Companion of the whale when he was swallowed. Don't be like him at that moment. Don't turn away and don't be like him at that moment.

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But there are many elements of unicity Sam's life, I want to speak about one but to get to that one element. Let's go through a few things, small details that maybe get missed in the story of unicity his setup and you read these stories of the prophets and Pamela sometimes like the eye hits you for the very first time. So we know a lot is about Malala even when he left his people angry, angry that they rejected a lot and that they were not showing any signs of progress. One one Allah naka de la de

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and he thought that we would not punish him not that he thought that we couldn't punish him. You decided his Salaam thought Allah will not punish me for this I'm Lea. I called these people I did my job. I'm leaving them three days and they're gone. One and a Nakamura he thought that Allah would not punish him for turning away not that Allah could not but that Allah would not. And he's walking away from his people and he's leaving his people when a lot did not give him permission to do so. And some had a lot of the idea and sort of an MBA at least just goes straight to it now that I feel a little mad and panic in econ terminology. I mean, like the whole story of Yunus is cut out from

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when he's walking away from his people, one anecdote RNA and thinks that Allah will not punish him to the lowest point when he's in the belly of that whale calling out in anticipation of kidney cancer, mineral vitamin, there's the story is omitted from the middle of the ayah. To the lowest point this is what happens and this is where Eunice it has set up isn't a complete state of justice not completely submitted to Allah subhana wa tada with the drought that the prophet SAW sent him said that every microbe every person in hardship, no one makes this except that Allah subhanaw taala relieves them of their hardship and brings about ease. But that's a lot takes us right to that point

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after that. You went to Saudi his Sudan completely submitted in the belly of that whale calling out under the layer the darkness of the night, the darkness of the ocean, and the darkness of the belly of that whales have been miserable the low tide and who says

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and submits himself and says yeah, Allah

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Subhana consequence immunoblotting I give up? Yeah, I'm completely submitting it to I'm submitting my affairs to Allah. And what are the angels say? Subhana Allah according to some of the,

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say, Sultan, that Ruth, that's a familiar voice calling out and mechanically, but what what an unfamiliar place that he's calling up from, that's a familiar voice, a man who used to call out to a lot frequently. But what an unfamiliar place, that we're hearing the voice of the servant of Allah subhanho wa Taala from in the bottom of an ocean in the middle of nowhere in the belly of a huge whale, that you'd have to somehow get in the continent of vitamin D brothers and sisters. At that point, when you decided Saddam was swallowed at that, well, not because these people ran him out, but because he turned away from his people. So Pamela, this is unique from the MBA unique from the

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prophets. It was because of his mistake, that he was in the belly of that whale in the first place. He put himself there alarms or just did not tell him to go to the ocean. This was not like the profit slice of them when he was ran out by his people, or the numerous stories of the 1000s of profits run out by their people.

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And he could have at that point said, who survives the belly of a whale? I'm done. I am done a stuffed little love hollows. That's it, I'm done.

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But sapan Allah, Allah says had he not been from the Musab.

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Have you not been from the people of tests that say, Subhana Allah that admit the perfection of Allah subhana wa Tada, then he would have been consumed in the belly of the whale, and that would have been the end of his story. Instead, what's the end of his story? The end of his story Vegeta that horrible, luminous lie to him, Allah chose him and made him better than before, and rose him up and made him from the righteous. What's the end of his story? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying, Now Polina haidakhan in the hydro municipal matter, not one of you say that I am better than unisoc no matter then then the newness it is, of course the profit slice I'm not like

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when people would do my father would talk about the the the virtues of profits over others. Don't be little Yunus or Islam don't speak badly about universities. Now. What about?

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In? Look, what became of him? Look what a lot is made of him. But your brothers and sisters, is there really any moment that you can think of where you could be lonelier or more desperate than you were deciding saddam in the belly of that? Well, in those moments? Is there any moment that a human being could feel completely disconnected? from, you know, what is he hearing? What is he hearing? What is he feeling? How is even processing in the midst of all of that, but somehow Look what a lot is made of him? Now, what is the one point of the story that I want to get to? Because I said after why there's often either a well no matter where to and when Yeah, Allah and we want to talk about

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where to

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you have to let the whale spit you out wherever it's going to spit you out.

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What Island is he gonna end up on? What's the trajectory after that? we you know, some have a lot you read the story of unify some what island? Is he going to be spit out on?

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Where is Medina? Where is it going to end up from here. And that's a difficult thing for us to do is to Islam to to submit ourselves to. But if we submit ourselves to that, then it becomes easier to submit ourselves to the to the one because we know that wherever the destination is, so long as we are from and we'll set the aim was to hit in those that glorify, align those that seek the forgiveness of Allah, wherever the destination is, it's going to be a good destination. As long as we're doing our part of tsp and it's the fault of glorifying a lot and seeking forgiveness. And so the when the when is done facilitated by that first you plug in the destination, then you look at

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how long it's going to take you and we ask Allah subhana wa tada to make our destination genital for the dose, the highest level of generative for the dose, we ask Allah Subhana Allah for all of those that have buried their loved ones and whose lives have been completely Uprooted by these untimely deaths. And I say untimely, because a lot knows these times allies, the ones that knows best we don't, we don't curse time, that Allah subhanaw taala will place you in a better destination, that Allah Subhana Allah will deliver all of us within it to a better destination, but we have to do is to Islam to that were submit ourselves to that to a larger agenda with the where, and let the will

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take us wherever it will be the passengers in the belly of the whale in those moments. And just make sure that we are people of Hispanic and the continent a lot. I mean, and by the way that applies to everything that's taking place right now. political instability and uncertainty. All the types of uncertainty, the uncertainty of COVID what's going to happen to our economy, what's gonna happen to our politics? What's going to happen to our society? What's gonna happen to the Muslims? What's gonna happen here? What's going to happen in this situation and that situation, submit ourselves to the Where are we from the most of the pain and are we from the most stuck feeling if we are building

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the light inside of the destination will be good for us, collectively and individually? We pray that Allah azza wa jal only give us what's best, and forgive us for our shortcomings. akula probably had the most of the recommendation was in the interest of throw in a Hall of Fame and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa, ala vardaman will activate

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silica Mohammed in Salalah.

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Assuming kathira your brothers and sisters I wanted to request your

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for someone that's very, very beloved to me. And I have watched this family struggle for years years and you talk about uncertainty so I've had a lot to lose 115 year old daughter to cancer and then to lose a second daughter to the exact same form of cancer is an unbearable tragedy, an unbearable trial that that most of us could not even think about. May Allah protect our families a lot from me. And today our dear brothers and sisters that are burying their daughter Nadine, actually at the moment

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At the moment in California, they are burying their daughter next to his mother Subhan Allah, may Allah have mercy on his mother and both of his daughters. And we talked about last week that even if you're in a built up fortress, it's going to come to you. I want us to please please remember these people in our class, we're seeing the worst of us, the worst of us in these days as people are pitted against each other and pulled political polarization. But somehow I was talking to the brother. And you know, a crumb told me he said, You know, I just don't have the people to think about the idea that someone is making out for me that never knew me, would not know me, that's the

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best of us as well, that connection that we feel. And some of you might remember brother Omari great, who made a turnaround to Batticaloa and who's on the road to recovery from an accident where we thought he was dead. And some hella multiple children and he woke up Masha Allah, he's still thinks Obama's president, according to his wife in his brain is rewiring. He thinks it's 2009 or 2010. But he's on the road to recovery. And I posted an update a few weeks ago and I saw his wife going and saying, mean to all of the directors. I thought how beautiful how beautiful that his wife was reading all of the drawings of the people for husband, sister second, may Allah subhanaw taala

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bless her and her family may Allah

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have mercy on our loved ones may loss of habitat to strengthen our family who have buried their family may Allah subhana wa tada make it easy for the believers around the world may Allah subhana wa tada make it easy for the oppressed around the world may Allah make it easy for the Messiah keen and the week around the world a lot more Hamilton Allah noted Muslim and Lama Shri Madonna model Muslim in a lot more minutes. Well Massimino Muslim out here in Accra Semyon Craven Mooji without a lot of muscle and our Hana what one whether to add them all up then Allah and Susana

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lonato then akuna ha city, La ilaha illa Anta Savannah kitten

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La La La

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La ilaha illa Anta satanic in economical violent mean. A lot more familiarly, Xena Robert hammer McNamara bone se la robina habla as well as you know the reality now for what are you with journalism? It's a cleaner. A lot of Muslim

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men kobina SQL, a lot, one sort of one and we'll start off even if he called him account a lot on ones like this one and we'll start it in a famous article.

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A lot

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about a lot and a lot, a sandwich.

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Wave and it will, it will

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come to the corona. Set Kuru Kuru co wash Kuru hardener is one of the La

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La Jolla no matter scenario

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