Nouman Ali Khan – Surah Al Jumu’ah #24 The Three Types of Believers

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The speakers discuss the meaning of "AD Adrian" in the Quran and emphasize the importance of proving the ultimate proof of acceptance of the message and the need for evidence. They also discuss the power of the scale of the culture and the importance of not wasting one's prayer. The speakers also mention a video about Bay sequentialv and encourage listeners to sign up for a course on Bay sequentialv to create a community of students studying the Bible. Finally, they emphasize the importance of not wasting one's prayer and offer a recap of the call's meaning.
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The the the power of a gathering
when people are gathered together and they're hearing
If they're hearing powerful ideas,
if they're hearing powerful and there's no more
the world does not have more powerful ideas
than the Quran.
That's the word of God. That's the word
of Allah himself.
If they were hearing these ideas week after
week after week after week, you don't think
those people those people become powerful?
So the so all three things now come
together. The the problem, the the solution was
given in 1, the problem was described in
2 and the practical steps now. What must
you do? That's now coming in this section,
this remarkable section. So let's begin with ayah
number 9.
Those of you who believe.
When the call is made for the prayer
as part of the day of Friday minstabiridiyah.
It's like you could translate this on the
on the day of Friday, but you can
also translate this this as
for from part of the day of Friday
because we're not being asked to pray all
we are being asked to pray only a
part of the Friday. So the minister of
then rush to the remembrance of Allah
and leave the sail.
That all of you is better for you
in fact you truly know. That's the ayah
that we're gonna discuss. The first thing I
want you to note here is,
Those of you who claim to believe.
This phrase you should remember always when you
read this phrase in the Quran,
it actually includes
3 groups of people. I started the series
with this, we're wrapping it up with this
2. Madida had 3 kinds of believers.
The strongest believers,
the okay haven't been tested yet believers,
and then the hypocrites, and the middle category
is being pulled towards the hypocrites and Allah
is pulling them towards
Iman but on the outside they all claim
to believe. So when Allah says,
All of them are being addressed
together. All of them are being addressed together.
And He says,
when the call when the call is made
When the call is made, I'll I'll I'll
stop there for a moment before we get
to the prayer part.
The call being made is referring to the
adhan, right?
The adhan. Now the word adhan is not
used in the Quran, in the meaning of
the adhan the way we use it. Or
did the did the Mu'azin give the adhan?
Was the azaan of Jumran
made? Or was the azaan of Maghrib called?
We use the word azaan for the prayer
call. The Quran doesn't use that term, the
Quran uses the word
we kind of became accustomed to using the
word adhan.
And what's the difference between and So that
I want you to understand that.
Actually means announcement.
Means a call.
Means a call,
okay. What's the difference between announcement and a
call? If I make an announcement
I just want you to know something.
When I call,
what am I doing?
I'm saying come here.
I'm saying there's a demand.
An announcement just gives information,
but a call makes a demand.
The call makes a demand. So now
the call to the prayer, the ada that
we give is actually called a call.
Now let's go through quickly, let's just go
through just the opening of the adhan. Every
part of the adhan is actually a call,
And it's you have to see the in
the call. Remember?
Saying something without saying something?
The first part of the azaan is isn't
Allah is Greater,
Allah is Greater. The wrong translation is Allah
is the Greatest. That would be Allahu Guwal
This is not Aftalu Tafteel, there's no Lamat
Tarif on it, there's not Lamat Tafdil on
it, this is Allahu Akbaroo which means Allah
is Greater.
In that phrase there is a call. Hey,
you're fixing your car right now? You heard
Allahu Akbar? Allah is greater than the need
to fix your car.
You're having a sandwich right now, Allahuqma, Allah
is greater than your need to add more
ketchup and go for another sandwich,
go towards the salah.
You're in the middle of studying for your
exam right now, you heard Allahu Akbar, Allah
is greater than the need for your review
for this exam.
In other words, there's a necessary
comparison with anything you're doing
to the call.
That's the first thing.
When you say,
The second part of the event, when you
when you testify to this, it is as
if Allah is saying those who accept this
those who the proof that they accept this
message, just like your call to Islam, you're
being called to the prayer
So the call the the the the
Or somebody who became Muslim 2 years ago
is like, Yeah. I did that 2 years
ago. Why you why you saying it every
prayer bro? Mashhaduallaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaaylaayla.
I took the shahada in front of the
masjid, everybody gave me a high five and
a takbir and a hug. I was all
hugged out for 3 hours
then they left me alone and nobody talks
to me now,
The new Muslim story,
right? Why am I hearing the Shahada over
and over again? It's as if the claim
this testimony
you need to prove it.
You need to prove the ultimate proof that
you accepted this faith is actually the prayer.
It's actually the prayer. Where do we get
this idea from? It's actually spelled out in
the Quran too. In Suratul Qiyama in surah
number 75 Allah says
says he didn't accept the truth
and he didn't pray.
He didn't accept the truth and he didn't
pray. What does that mean? Had he accepted
the truth
when he prayed.
You find in Surat Al Baqarah something really
interesting. You remember before the Kaaba, the Muslims
used to pray towards Jerusalem,
right? They used to pray towards Jerusalem.
then Allah changed the direction.
When Allah changed the direction back towards the
some of the Jewish community started making fun
of the Muslims. Well what happened? You had
the wrong address the whole time?
So what happened to all those prayers you
were praying in the wrong direction? Those don't
Allah says, Allah responds to this criticism.
And He says, Allah will not waste your
But they weren't saying Allah will not waste
your iman, they were saying Allah will waste
your prayer, but Allah said Allah will not
waste your
iman. He used the word iman instead of
using the word
prayer, teaching us that to Allah iman and
prayer are 1 in the same.
When you hear
that is iman, isn't it?
And iman should translate immediately to me as
Should translate as prayer.
I mean you can't get that's not even
kinaya. Come pray now.
You get it?
Let's go.
But Haya Al Fada' is really cool
Haya Al Fada'
come to success
we're gonna see the word success here too
It's a really it's a really interesting word
Falah in Arabic is to break something.
So break the earth, break a rock
and the farmer breaks
the soil
and plants the seed.
And when the farmer finally breaks it again
is when he's plucking his crop when it's
all ready, and he's breaking the soil, and
he's taking out it's called the harvest season.
That at that time he's called the muflih.
That's what he's called the muflih.
And that season is fadaH season.
Fallah season. And like
for example
in Palestine
there's certain people,
they're known as the farmers and that's actually
even a tribal region al Falahin,
Like they're farmers
and they have that farming tradition.
Now the idea of Al Falah is
come towards something that will lead you to
harvest season.
Your plant every salah, you're planting a seed,
and you're gonna pull that seed out on
judgment day.
And every salah you're planting a seed and
you're gonna lead to some kind of success
in this life and in the next.
Allah is actually calling you towards success.
What is which is pretty amazing. The the
Adan saying come come be successful.
Come be successful.
Like people people ask like, I go to
university. It's really hard to pray. Can I
not pray? Can I just pray later? Can
I pray, like, at the end of the
semester make the whole semester up
during the summer?
And then then you wonder why you didn't
any of your tests.
Guys, sorry for the interruption in the middle
of this lecture. Just before you continue, I
wanna let you know and encourage you that
I want you to sign up for
and help others sign up or even sponsor
students for
so we can create worldwide communities of students
that are studying the meanings and the benefit
and the wisdom of the Quran,
and are
spreading that in their own circles. Thanks so
Allah says come succeed. You're like, no, I
want to fail.
Then he says,
The prayers already you know in the Ummah
The prayers stood, come on get up Get
up. And even standing is really remarkable because
standing should remind us of standing.
So the
the the entire Adhan is actually a call.
I wanted to just give you an appreciation
of this word, how that's different from an
right? Of course we see it as an
announcement now as an announcement for prayer, but
actually we should see it as a call
for prayer. So
Let's go to the second word now. Actually
no, before we go to the second word,
is a passive verb. Passive verbs mean you
don't know who did it. So the it's
not when the caller calls
It's actually
when the call is made.
When the call is made.
You know what that means? That means it's
irrelevant who made the call.
If it's Bilal who gave the adhan go,
if it's Allah that gave the adhan go,
If it's Abu Bakr gave the adhan go?
It would be Sabud Arghifari who gave the
adhan go?
If it's a new Muslim who just became
Muslim 2 days ago and gave the adhan
Go. If you're in a, you know,
Bangladeshi neighborhood
and you're not Bangladeshi and you heard the
adhan from a Bangladeshi masjid
Go! Does it matter where the adhan came
from? No! Only thing that matters is you're
called to the prayer.
You know what that
does? The people that are gonna lead the
the people that are going to be the
the the congregation,
where they're from, who they are, none of
that matters now. All that matters is the
call was made.
Now some people could say I'm I'm gonna
go attend the Jum'ah. Like I went to
when I was in Rome,
it was Jum'ah. 1 of the days I
was there was Jum'ah. So I had to
find a masjid to go pray Jum'ah and
the Khutba was in Arabic which was really
cool and the rest of the Khutba was
in Italian.
That was so cool.
Also, I felt like I was watching something
on Netflix or something.
It was pretty epic.
But I didn't understand. I mean I just
Alhamdulillah. The Arabic part I understood. But like,
the Italian part I didn't understand a word.
But people are like
and I was like
but it doesn't matter.
And there's many times I've been when I
was in, in Malaysia
I'll go attend the Jumayah and the Masjid
where the Khutba is going out in Bahasa
Malayo. I don't understand the language, but I'm
sitting and listening.
There are times in New York I'm late
for salah or I need to go to
a masjid, but that masjid is too far.
And it was actually on second and eleventh
Avenue, there's a Bangladeshi masjid. And they gave
the khutbah since 19 twenties I think. They're
giving khuddah and They still give khuddah and
It's like, Go and sit there, and I
just sit there and I listen to the
khuddah. No problem.
Why? Because it doesn't matter where the call
is coming from.
You're gonna go because of Jawaan, that's it.
This is an incredible thing that Allah did
what happened in many
is that the religion actually became very ethnic.
Like even in America, there's a black church,
there's a Spanish church,
there's a you know, there's a Guatemala, there's
a Cuban church, there's this church, there's that
For the Muslims you could have, okay there's
an Albanian community here. But this is not
an Albanian Masjid, this is just a
There's no, you know, there's no restriction on
anybody coming, and there's you don't feel like
you shouldn't be feeling like you're out of
place, you're in Allah's house. That's it. Allah's
house feels like Allah's house.
And this is a remarkable thing that Allah
captured in the word, nudiya.
This is one of the most powerful features
of Islam.
I met a young
man when I was
man I was 20 at the time. This
is a long time ago. The year was
and this was in Brooklyn.
I go to pray Jumu'ah
at the Masjid in Bedford,
Bethsaida, Brooklyn. And I go to Imam Sallajah's
Masjid, I go there maybe an hour before
the Jumu'ah. Okay. Just sit there recite some
Quran and I'm gonna be there and I
see this guy sitting there and he's just
just by himself just sitting there. I was
like, I'm gonna make some friends with this
guy. I go to start talking to him
and he says, yeah, it's my first time.
I was like, really?
What were you doing before? And he said,
well, I was,
I was studying. 1st, I was born in
a Christian family,
I decided to start studying the Bible. And
then when I started studying the Bible I
felt like we're not following the Bible in
the church.
And so I decided
that I'm gonna take the Bible more seriously.
Then I looked up who actually studies the
Bible in its original language and I found
out it's the Jewish community.
And New York has a lot of synagogues
and you know temples and things like that,
Jewish temples and stuff. So I joined a
and I learned Hebrew for over 2 years.
And I studied the Bible.
And he started doing this when he was
16 years old. He was now 18, 19
years old.
Right? And he just started studying the Bible
and he goes and I've been in the
Jewish media a long time but they made
it clear to let me know that I'm
not truly Jewish because I'm converting.
Because I'm not from the children of Israel.
And they made sure that I understand that
different and I understood that I'm a Gentile.
I got that it's in the Bible that's
how it is. And then one day I
just kind of passed by this place
and they were praying and I just decided
to just I didn't know what it was
but I thought it's it looked a little
bit like the Jewish prayer because the Jews
also have Tiaman Ruku
or they have some of these things. So
he joined the prayer in the Masjid
He didn't even know what he's doing. He
just joined it.
And then he looked around and he saw
black people. He saw Arabs. He saw brown
people. He saw white people. He saw every
color you can find
in one row
and they're all saying salaam to each other
and they're all hanging out together they're eating
and he's just like
I don't I don't I mean I've seen
this kind of diversity at a train station,
but why is there this much?
What kind of church is the church? At
least you gotta have some at least some
similar color.
These people are from different cultures and different
languages. The thing that brought him to Islam
was how it was actually
just the call is made. Everybody showed up
and that itself is a demonstration of the
power, the might of Islam.
Allah being a Aziz of Hakim it shows
in every house of Allah. And as the
more the world globalizes,
right, the more diversity you see in every
house of Allah, it's such an incredible thing.
I don't think we realize how powerful that
We don't even realize what we're sitting on.
It's so so powerful.
This thing is so powerful
that actually the jawah
became dangerous.
The jawah became dangerous
if the Imams
teach the people to connect with the Quran
and see the world around them through the
word of Allah, they might start pointing out
things that are wrong in society and not
accept them
or start challenging some things in society that
are wrong.
So what what happened for example when the
British took over India,
they wanted to control
the first thing they did is they wanted
to control
and change the system of education
so the Indian Muslims will no longer study
and they replaced Arabic with English education.
Right? And over a couple of generations, for
example, what they did with the Muslims in
and Morocco, and Tunisia, other places, what the
French did is, now French Algerian youth know
more French than they know Arabic.
Right? So you don't have to attack the
You don't have to do that. You just
have to make sure that when
is happening,
they're just sounds.
They just become
So they don't process anything.
And that way
you can have Jumu'ah without having Jumu'ah. You
So what if thousands of them are gathered
together and they hear something, they can't make
any sense of it. And then another places
what happened is then we were the instructions
are given, we will tell you what to
We're gonna tell you what to say in
the Friday sermon.
You're gonna talk about how you have to
wear leather socks, or how long your beard
is supposed to be, or how high your
pants are supposed to be, or you know
the the benefits of the you know, the
the day of Friday or some some story
of this or story of that. Don't talk
about the Quran. Don't talk if we find
out you're talking about this Surah, if we
find out you're talking about that Haya,
it's not gonna be good for you.
the the sermon
got controlled.
The sermon that was supposed to unfiltered connect
people directly with the word of Allah was
now it was too powerful. The Khubba is
too powerful.
It's it's too you know, people are coming
and it has this divine power that you
don't have to make an announcement. You know
when I'm coming here for this program, I
have to announce it on social media.
I have to let you guys know and
we have to make sure that other people
find out and there has to be some
the local community has to send emails and
maybe send WhatsApp messages or blackmail your neighbor
or something. I don't know.
But does anybody need an announcement to come
to Jumwah?
Is there a weekly please come to Friday
And the people who are knowledgeable come. The
people who are not knowledgeable come. The people
who understand the language come. The people who
don't understand the language come. The taxi driver
comes. The taxi customer comes.
The restaurant owner comes. The restaurant customer comes.
The boss comes. The employee come. Everybody shows
up on their end, no announcement.
Every week.
Every and you know the the power of
a gathering.
When people are gathered together and they're hearing
if they're hearing powerful ideas,
if they're hearing powerful and there's no more
the world does not have more powerful ideas
than the Quran.
That's the word of God. That's the word
of Allah himself.
If they were hearing these ideas week
after week
after week
after week, you don't think those
people become powerful?
You don't think those people become independent thinkers?
They become analytical, they developed a mindset of
Ibrahim alaihis salam who questions everything around him?
They don't develop that?
There's something so powerful about
as a part of the day of Friday.
This not just this this I could be
discussing with you there are a hadith, you
can look them up yourself. I was going
to make that part of this lecture today.
There are a hadith about the rewards of
coming early on the day of Friday, you
know them.
Why is the day of Friday so blessed?
You know that stuff. You've heard that stuff
a bajillion times.
So I don't have to teach you that
stuff because you already know it, and you
can easily look it up. I wanna talk
to you about the dimension of Jum'ah that's
been forgotten.
The immense power of the Jum'ah asladdah.
It is a weekly convention
of the Muslim community
and it's open.
Also means that it Allah did not you're
being called, but since the call is open
even a non Muslim walking by can sit
in and listen in.
I'll tell you the I wish I could
I could tell you this is made up.
It's not made up. I was in, the
West Indies.
Okay. In Jamaica, actually. In Jamaica. There was
an Islamic convention in Jamaica.
And I met the Grand Mufti of the
Jamaican Muslim community.
And he's an Indian fellow and he
crazy story.
He was born in a Hindu family
Jamaica and his family wanted to him to
learn Hinduism.
So they sent him to the capital of
Hinduism. Where did they send
him? They sent him to India.
They sent him to India and he had
this address to go to, to go study,
and the door down from the Hindus was
the Muslims,
and he went to the wrong door.
And there was
he did.
He got the wrong directions,
and he went inside the wrong door and
there was Jum'ah going on, he sat in
and he came back a mufti.
And he's the mufti of the Western nations
Muslim community.
Because the jumuah is what?
It's an open invitation.
remarkable what jumuah does.
It's incredible what it does. Anybody can sit
I had a friend, I won't name him
because he'll get embarrassed. He's not Muslim.
I was traveling with him one time, and
we were in a Muslim country.
And I was about to go to Friday
prayer and he said can I come? I
was like yeah you can come. Come on.
So he comes with me, he goes is
everybody gonna notice? I was like
you're you're wearing he's I'm wearing a t
shirt. I was like,
oh no.
It's summer in the Arab world.
Everybody wearing a t shirt bro.
He's like they all look normal. I was
like prayer
starting. Just what do I gotta do? Just
sit here like everybody else. So he sits
like everybody else. We're just sitting quiet. There's
a buzz going on in Arabic. He doesn't
understand anything that's going on, but he's sitting
there and he just notices people come in
and they sit down. Nobody looks at anybody
The people just respectfully sit down and listen.
And then they all get up to pray.
And then he joins the prayer. And he
said, well, we're gonna pray. Amadar will just
follow everybody, man. Just do what everybody else
is doing you'll be fine.
Okay. He was okay.
So he just prays with everybody. He, you
know, hears the qira'a of 2 raka'a salah
is done, we'll walk it out, I was
like so how was
that? He goes man I gotta tell you,
I've been to therapy,
I've been with my bros,
I've been to bars, I have never felt
that much peace in my entire life.
Straight. He's just the first impression, I've never
felt this I don't know what it was,
but I've never felt this much peace in
my entire life.
There's something so powerful about that gathering, I'm
telling you.
There's there's the descent of angels over these
especially on the day of Friday.
We're living the word, we're living Surat Al
Jum'ah every Jum'ah.
We're living the word of Allah every Jum'ah.
is It's on the the emphasis on the
act as opposed to.
Now what's I was curious about the word
the call. The call has been made. And
I found another place in the Quran where
nudu is used and they were called.
They were called, wanudu antilkuwaljannah,
and they were called, that's jannah.
And here in this world, we're being called
to jum'ah, and in the next life, we're
being called
to jannah, and the same word for call
is being made. As if there's a there's
a conflation over the 2, us rushing to
is insha'Allah turning into us rushing into that
built by Allah's mercy.
Here's what's coming up in the next episode
and this deeper look of Surat Al Jumuah.
It's a great sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam.
if somebody who's Arab or speaks Arabic starts
talking about, you know, how we should help
our young men and women
become more independent
and become financially responsible
so they can get married early,
but he says all of that in Arabic
to a Turkish community,
and he says all of that in Arabic
to a Bangladeshi community. Did any of them
hear anything about the Ayat of Allah?
They didn't.
That's actually it's what I'm shared shared with
you is inspired by an ayah of the
Quran. The Quran talks about these issues,
you know,
that it talks about financial independence and how
you have to become
related to merit. So this is an important
issue that the community needs to hear, but
now they can't hear because it's only being
said in
Arabic, and the problem with that is
Allah never said the Arabic language
is sacred.
The sacred words in the Arabic language are
Quran is sacred,
not Arabic.
When I say, that's
not more Islamic.
He sent