Ayahs 54-58
Abdul Nasir Jangda – Tafseer Of Surah Maryam – Day 18

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The customer is questioning their phone bill and believes they are overcharged. The agent explains that the bill is related to usage and suggests the customer may be overpaying. The customer expresses frustration and questions why they should have been charged. The agent explains that the bill is for usage and not the cost of the device.
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Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim walking with guru Phil kitabi is married
who can saw the Kahlua de Vaca narrow sulan
What can a Moodle Allah who be solid he was at work can
be modeled via what's called finicky diabetes
who can actually do
what off ah now whom I can and Alia will ah he can Latina and I'm Allah Wa Dae Hee meenan bien de Adam
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de Bella Hema is sort all in
ina either to today or lay him
man in her room.
hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa Kiba, to limit Sakina wa Salatu was Salam ala ZD, mursaleen Allah He was a happy woman to be our home via son, Elijah Medina.
Yesterday we read the notes about Musa alayhis salam, this isn't a passage which is
which comprises of dimension of many, many prophets of Allah. And I as I stated before, Aside from the obvious lessons and
all the lessons and wisdom and reflections are able to derive through the mention of these profits. The other purpose of it is on a on a bigger on a grander scale in the bigger picture, the purpose of it is is to show the consistency of the message of the Prophet alayhi wa Salatu was set up so we read about musala he said um, and our last panel was Allah designate a lot of time dedicated hymns musala salaam, to himself and he made him a messenger and a prophets and our last panel what Allah blessed him at the mountain of food and how Allah subhanaw taala drew him near and drew him closer as a confidant and Allah bless him from his mercy from his great magnificent, limitless mercy. And
just from one of the many great manifestations of Allah's mercy in the life of moose Ali Salaam, was the fact that a love bestowed Prophethood upon his brother Harun Alayhi Salam is number 54. Now talks about is Mary lolly, he said, um, I brought up this question earlier, which occurs in the passage about Ibrahim Ali he said, I'm, we're alone hunter Woods Allah mentions how Allah blessed Ibrahim Ali said I'm an EIN number 49 Well, we'll have an Allah Who is harkaway aku Baba Kula and Jana Bian and how we blessed him with his hoppin Yaqoob. And we made each and every single one of them a prophet in this mine, Ali Salam is not mentioned there. This is not in some way to feed into
the controversy about is married Ali salam, and what is his validity as a prophet? And is he a prophet, and that whole situation that
is present between the Kitab and the Muslims and how they view is married. And he said, I'm rather This is not to feed into that. But the reason why Smiley's Salam and in fact in so little about Tara and other places in the Quran, we see that sometimes with along with Ibrahim Ali said I'm only as married, as mentioned in his heart is not mentioned there. That again, on our end is not some, you know, our response to that controversy or anything of that sort rather, the profits that are mentioned. So when is hawkers mentioned with Ibrahim Ali Salam it's because it is relevant. It is related to the overall message in that sutra, it relates back to that passage, and when it's very
knowledge is pertinent or relevant to the message and he's mentioned and in fact over here we don't even have to get into that discussion because it's my not Islam is being granted his own specific mention. And that begins your nine number 54 was good Phil Kitab is married. And recall, remember and mentioned specifically from the Quranic perspective is marine. One of the sons of Ibraheem alehissalaam
it says about him in the who kind of saw the kalavati Makana rasulillah began in the who can assault the Colorado camera Selena being in the who saw can assault the body, the most definitely he was truthful to the promise. truthful to the promise that if you make a very literal translation here, however, this is grammatically speaking, this is called the law. And sometimes the purpose of his offer is not to be translated literally, that truthful of the promise. But it's used to create a type of an expression. So when you say that somebody was always kept their word, somebody always kept their word somebody would always fulfill their promise.
Other ways of doing that is to do a buffer because through a buffer you have a type of possession. What in English grammar is called the genitive possession, the genitive case. So you create the genitive case. And it shows a very strong association between two things shows a very strong connection and Misbah between two things. So when it says saw the body, it means you always fulfilled he always lived up to the promise. And this is of course, not just referring to, of course, he probably kept all of his promises. He was a prophet of Allah. He always kept his promise, but unwieldy, the L they're making it specific is lithofacies. It is to talk about one specific
instance of a promise. And that specific instance of that promise that it's talking about, is that great promise in sort of two sofar that makes mention of that, that when they brought him Ali Salam approaches his son
and he tells him that I have seen a dream I've I've seen a dream in the office in Miami as bajo co founder mother Tara. I've seen that I will sacrifice you What do you think what would it what do you what are your thoughts on it? He said yeah, but to find my mother or my father do as you've been commanded to do. So that you do need insha Allah homina savini you'll find me to be patient.
inshallah life Allah wills you will definitely in the near future find me to be from amongst those people who are constantly patient. So that's your duty in sha Allah, Amina savini Fernanda as Lama when they had both submitted to the command so it shows that he didn't just say at that time Yeah, inshallah you ever given anybody a Yeah, inshallah. And I'm talking about
right so he didn't do that. Yeah, inshallah. inshallah, the one that we do, right, he really, really meant it when he said it. So what did he say for lemme, lemme, lemme, lemme when they bought submitted to the command, they both agreed, and they submitted themselves to the command of Allah, what Tila who ninja mean, Subhana Allah. And not only was he willing to go along, and he just submitted but when the moment came, when the moment arrives, you know, there's a little bit of hesitation. There's I don't know about this. I don't know. No, no, for them. I said about what Tila when he, he literally laid him down.
He laid him down on the ground to sacrifice him.
And he's being laid down, he's compliant. He's compliant.
And then of course, Allah says, When I didn't know who Abraham we called out to him, we said, Oh, Abraham, but South Dakota? Yeah, most definitely. You have fulfilled the dream that we had sent you the command that we had given given to you in that cathartic energy machining. Well, for the now who will be there. And Allah says that we reward the people who excel in doing good who excel and
are excellent in their faith in their imminent obedience. And of course, we ransom him, we saved him with a very great sacrifice, meaning an animal was substituted for a smile on his face. And his smile his son was not hurt, was not harmed in any way. So it's my highlight. He said, I'm fulfilled that great promise he lived up to that great test saw the calvani.
Well, Canada, sulan, Libya, Canada, Sudan, the BIA, and he was a rasuluh. I talked about the meaning of Rasulullah at length and the implications of the word NBN.
And the Prophet.
And again, the reason why it chooses a word or soulier phrase Mariela Ali Salaam.
Because this married Ali Salam set the foundation for an entire people and entire people what we know as the audience today, and that, how it revolves completely around that region in that area, the foundation was laid and that entire society was built around. Its Mairead alehissalaam, of course, there was a GABA and there was a harem. But nevertheless, as a leader, he was a leader to lead the people and establish that entire society, what eventually became an entire region of people, an entire region of people. So that is what it's referring to Rasulullah he was a messenger stablish an entire people establish a code of law amongst his people in force, that code of law made
up of his people. And maybe and then of course, he was a prophet of Allah.
Then it goes on to talk about him. Now, this is a great leader of people that we're talking about, that he established entire, this entire region, he established his entire way of life in this entire race of people. And then at the same time, he was a very, very great leader amongst them, and set was the beginning of a chain of people, the end of which would eventually be Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, the combination of the efforts of not just Ibrahim the Dr. Ibrahim the efforts of is married and then the fruit of that was Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, Robin I feed him rasuna Minh home. Yes, nobody can there was a Dr. Ibrahim Ali Salam. But then Allah tells us where
he's the authority but he will cover them in a big way is married. And then this married was put to work by Ibrahim. I made this to Allah and I will
Want to see the fruits of this law, I would like to see this come to fruition. Therefore, this is the work that you need to do. And you put the son to work and this profit this messenger of God went to work. And the fruits of those labors whether it even though it was centuries later, it was Mohammed the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
So such a great profound leader.
But it shows us some very deep insight into this leader, and how he went about leading his people. And that can be summarized into one sentence, one phrase that we hear so often, it's very easy to say, but finding a manifestation of it, finding somebody who practically lives it is very, very difficult to come by today in our times. And that was that he led by example. He led by example, wasn't just a preacher wasn't just somebody who preached that people talk to people taught people even, but he taught them through his own example he led by example, and I number 55 makes that clear. What kinda yet Moodle. What kinda got Moodle, and whenever you combine Ghana, along with the
present tense verb, it creates a meaning of consistency that he consistently would tell. He would commend
his family, he consistently would commend his family beside it bisola to stick to the prayer,
he would constantly command his family, to stick to the prayer to hold on firmly to the prayer. What is that Gotti. And again, that returns that God's here could have two two possible meanings. One could be the very literal meaning one could be the more
technical meaning the literal meaning would be purification, inner purity, that not, don't just pray, but make sure you are internally purifying yourself your focus, and you get the objective and the motive of prayer. And then the technical meaning could of course be charity. So he commit used to constantly, regularly remind his family, tell his family, teach his family, to stick to the prayer and to practice charity to be charitable. Now, first of all here, what I'd like to comment on this is
Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam who was the eventual descendant of his married alayhis salam, and carried on the message of his marry Lani Salaam, perfected brought the completion of that message of Ibrahim in this Marielle alikum SLM and all the other messengers and prophets for that matter. In the end of sort of Baja, it makes mention of the same aspect of the lifestyle of the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam, where Allah commands him at the end of sort of thought, sort of 20 What would I like a bit Salatu was Salam ala Allah,
what more like a bit salty? What's the bit Alia, command your family to stick to the prayer to hold on to the prayer? What's the big idea and then you yourself need to be very particular very regular upon the prayer yourself is stupid, is exaggerated form of the word Saba
exaggerated form of the word Saba. So it means very, and somebody literally means to tie something down. So tie yourself down to it yourself.
Be firm upon the prayer.
And so we see that same aspect being emphasized here. And that is, and I've talked about this at length before, there's, I don't want this to become a complete lecture on that topic and subject. But nevertheless, I do want to kind of talk about it here, because some of us have made similar comments here in the, in the context of desire, that that is true leadership, the MBR are the standard of leadership. And we see leadership does not absolve us of our responsibilities towards our families.
That today, forget about leadership, even the common Muslim outsources their families that, first of all, if they aren't even concerned about the spiritual, religious status of their children that in and of itself is a blessing.
That's something that is so distant from us today. And I talked a little bit about this a couple of nights ago, that we are so concerned, rightfully so about the physical well being of our children,
about the education of our children, the careers of our children, very, very concerned about that, and that's fine parents are supposed to be
but then emotional well, being psychological well being is another issue and a problem. But nevertheless, at some level, there is some concern about that.
But then spiritual well being of the children, little to no attention is paid to them. We figure if they get good grades, they wear nice clothes, they live in a nice house, and they'll be able to be put in a position to get a good job. And then we find them a nice, attractive spouse who also has a good degree and a good job and a good career. Do I did a great job. But what about the spirituality of the child.
And again, I fear for myself and I fear for my own children. So I don't want to come off preachy at all.
But I can tell you about people that I myself grew up with. So this isn't like some quoting some horror stories from the hood or something like that. No, no, no. I can tell you about people I grew up with, who had Muslim parents, and the good jobs and the good careers and the good education, nice house, and all that was there. But then the focus was simply those things. And when those people had children, their children are completely unaware of the fact that they're even Muslim.
They still have and some of them honestly don't even have Muslim names anymore. Maybe they have some type of very basic type of Muslim name, somehow, some way it's Muslim, a little bit.
But they have little to no awareness of the fact that they are Muslim in any real realization of a law or spirituality or soul our Vicar put on in their lives.
And then the only thing to think about then is if some major turning point doesn't happen in their life, which we pray and we hope will inshallah,
what will end up happening with their children?
What are the odds, at least? It's a really, really scary thought. So we need to be concerned about the spiritual well being of our children, that'd be a this is the primary mode of therapy. I talked about this before, introduce him to a law.
Teach them a profound relationship with the law, teach them responsibility, but these responsibility through the Dean selye such an unbelievable tool for therapy. It teaches you punctuality, it teaches you beam, it teaches you responsibility, commitment.
You can teach that through prayer and salon zacchara teaches you social awareness,
rights and morals and ethics of people, dealings with people, teach them these admirable qualities and traits through the means of Deen. Because these are the ultimate tools of tarbiyah.
To emphasize education through them through the Quran,
through the Quran, you can give them the importance of education, you can give them literacy, even through the
through the life of the messenger sallallahu. It gives them a sense of history by teaching them about Mohammed Rasulullah ceylonese.
So we're really really missing the boat on this, I was talking about how the very unfortunate reality is that the minority today unfortunately, that is somewhat concerned about the religion of their children to spirituality of their children, then we have this mentality of outsourcing that. we outsource it.
And we hire people, bodies, I will teach them how to pray. Sunday school will teach them about who Allah is. A mama will teach them how to recruit, what am I going to teach my son? What am I going to teach my daughter, and Subhanallah? What a blessing that we do have people with these types of qualifications in our communities, that at some level, some way somehow
they are able to get some form of Deen. But you know what we're starting to see. And this issue is brought to the table by parents constantly. And when we talk to the children, then it's exactly what we suspect a lot of times that that the parents never become any type of an authority or never have any significance to them when it comes to their Deen.
So when they have emotional problems or physical problems, or monetary problems or financial issues or career related question, they'll go talk to their parents, they'll take their parents advice or listen to their parents. But as soon as they gained some type of maturity, some awareness of themselves, and it's at some type of a spiritual concerns when the parents has prayed.
They don't care. They don't listen. Well, because I didn't learn to pray for my father. I didn't learn to read Quran from my mom. This was something I never got from them, this was something they never imparted to me. And so then it starts to become that problem. So at least I find it to be some type of a blessing that at least they have some type of a line of Quran and Vicodin, Elian Mohammed's a lot of time in their life. But then there's a disconnect. They don't connect it back to their parents or to their family and it has no relationship.
So that's another issue. So we need to As parents, we need to be the first teachers have our children in terms of their Deen I need to be the one that teaches my child how to make will do I should be the one that teaches my daughter how to pray Salah. I shouldn't be the one that teaches my son how to read Quran. And sure there's specialized teachers, there's the moms and their shoe in their garage and fall. specialization is another issue if I want to polish it up. And now my child's gotten to the point where he memorized you know, maybe half a Jews with me at home. And now he wants to memorize seriously become a half of the Quran. Fine. That's not what I'm talking about. That then
you outsource that to a teacher of that.
But nevertheless, that importance needs to be imparted to home. Any regular any teacher of math, science, English.
Any elementary school teacher will tell you that those children do better in school whose parents are in
With their studies at home, they emphasize that our home they sit and read with them at home.
They do their little math problems with them at home. Same thing goes for Quran. We always saw even in Islamic education, memorizing Quran
My mom always jokes about this. He says she said she says she did HIV twice. She always jokes about she says she did HIV twice. And I don't say this I only say this as daddy so neoma but I remember him the last time blessed me to memorize the Quran. And there were other friends of mine there are other students with me who also memorize the Quran along with me.
But what is the condition of their for uneven they wouldn't be able to tell you what it is today. The Quran has that that that blessing of memorizing Quran has no practical realization their life today.
I on the other hand, was blessed to lead that are we 17 years in a row.
And that wasn't an accomplishment on my part, though, that was my parents.
Because when I was memorizing Quran, my mom was the one that would sit in evening and make sure that I reviewed my lesson
reviewed my lesson, I see some of the her father you're nodding,
right? Make sure that I would review my lesson. And she would listen to me and make sure that I had memorized before I went to sleep.
And she would keep up with the baby lesson. When my younger brother was memorizing the Quran that even more, that was actually more difficult. All right, because he was a little bit of a troublemaker. Now it's on record, it's recorded. So
Alright, but
she had to be a part of the process all the way through.
And when I was done memorizing for on,
then when I had to go back to school, because I there wasn't a program available where I could do both simultaneously. When I went back to school, my father was the one that would get home from work early every day, he owned his own business, anybody who owns their own business knows, there's no such thing as getting home early.
But he would get home early because he would sit down and listen to me recite a juice every single day, every single day.
And then when it was time for me to start leading, so not to throw away, and the nearest place that was available for me to lead sellouts etc, we was 30 miles from where I lived.
Now, that might not be a big deal. But nevertheless, imagine Ramadan, 30 miles one way 30 miles the other way, we would drive for an hour an hour and a half every single day.
And my parents would do that they would come with me. And they would drive that drive back drive their drive back. And they did this I didn't drive for almost five, six years out for
I started leaving thought Oh, we and they would do that every single day.
And then my brother, one Ramadan, my brother, the only place we could find for him to lead that always prayer was a was an hour from where we live 50 miles from where we live.
And my parents would go back and forth drive two hours a day.
And sometimes because of traffic, they would have to do a star in the car like they would have to kind of take food in the car and just open their fastball driving.
But it takes that commitment is a very small scale example of just one little aspect. But it takes that level of commitment. And that's how parents need to be involved. And so this is what this is talking about. So parents need to be involved with that that'd be of the dean. But this talks about a very specific instance of it.
And while this might not seem too relevant to everyone here, but I think it applies to everyone in some capacity or another because we all serve some form of leadership or we all play some role of we all try to be active in some way, shape or form. We're all activists in our own capacities, in our own ways. That here it's talking about an abbey of Allah, a messenger of Allah, it's married alehissalaam that he is on the platform with the responsibility of the Salah, and the Buddha Prophethood messenger hood. But nevertheless, what is it saying? He himself used to sit there and teach his family to pray and remind him to pray. He himself imparted to his family on on being
charitable, Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, look who he is think about for a second who Mohammed salatu salam is, or model silica in LA Kapha telling us, we have not sent you except for all of humanity.
In the Rasulullah, he they come to me, he has been told to announce to all of mankind that I am the messenger of a lesson to all of you.
But in spite of that, unless telling him you teach your family to pray, you teach your family to pray.
That even serving that level of responsibility, carrying the entire weight of the world on your shoulders does not absolve you of your responsibility to your children.
And again, like I said, I don't want to get too sidetracked but this is the dirty little secret of the Muslim community today.
The son of the man we've all had those conversations
Teachers, children,
the children of the shares.
This is that dirty little secret of the Muslim community. And so people in those positions have a lot more responsibility or teaching or Imams, or whatever it is, they themselves need to be a lot more aware and conscious of this. It is such an unbelievable contradiction
that I'm out there saving the entire world. And neglecting my own family at the same time. It just doesn't add up. It just doesn't make any sense. It baffles my mind. Not that's not to say that there won't be the rare situations. The son of new Holly has Sarah, right?
The son of new Holly Sarah, that happened. But that's the rare situation. That's the exception and not the rule. And plus who wants to look at his small child and say, son of Noah wants to do that. Nobody does that. We all want good for our children. But we have to understand that there is a cause.
There is a cause but no causes worth neglecting your own family and neglecting your own children. Being an absentee father or mother for that matter. If the sisters Our teachers are active in the community, that's not a good enough excuse. There are so many things from the Sierra, the life of the Prophet system that we emphasize. But so many things that we don't that we need to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam every single day after Salaam to the answer. from outside to motive every single day the profits a lot he said he would spend that time with the family.
spend the time with the family. This was a regular part of the prophet SAW some routine.
And so this is talking about that, that we ourselves need to be involved in the education of our children independently of our children to spiritual well being of our children, and doesn't matter what we're doing. No cause is a good enough excuse for me to be neglecting my own children. It's not
it's not at all. So what kinda got to be Salatu was being a messenger and a prophet. He was regular consistent in teaching and telling his own family, to stick to prayer and to be charitable, and to practice charity.
What can I bring, that'll be him out of the
box. There'll be meridian and he was near his Lord, like we say in English in the sight of his Lord,
in the sight of his Lord near his Lord,
near a law, model D. He was someone who was very, very pleasing to Allah. He was someone who was very, very pleasing to Allah, meaning Allah was pleased with him. He was someone who pleased Allah He was pleasing to Allah.
That this is the type of slave the object that Allah is pleased with. And you can't help but notice the sequence, the connection, the fact that this has been mentioned in the same ayah that many times we want to go out there and be active and the reasons why we're neglecting our children is to earn the pleasure of Allah, I need to go and serve the cause serve the dean, realize that raising a good family,
being a good husband, a good father, a good mother, a good wife,
this is sometimes the greatest contribution that we can make.
This is a greatest contribution we can make this will lead you to the pleasure of ally itself. We need to move out of this this dichotomy of you know, family is somehow not related to spirituality or spending time with your family is somehow time away from it by the end of Allah
is that this is completely goes against even in
even in the in rules of FIFA have talked about this marriages and everybody spending time with your wife is a form of a bada
Rasulullah sallallahu some talks about it being sadaqa charity, money you spend on your children.
money you spend on your children is a form of soda pop, it's a charity. Spending time with your kids is a form of very bad
it's an investment into your aka, if you are so often are driven inocula focus the prophets allottee salaam says three things that you leave behind when the human being when the even Adam dies, everything sees his actions are done except for three things. What's the third of those three things? One of them salicaria the ruler who a pious righteous child that continues to make dua for the parents. How can you do that if you never even spend time with him?
So this is very important what kinda ended up being Mr. D and
then it goes on and I in number 56 it talks about another prophet messenger of Allah with goldfill kitabi Idris in the who can ascend the panda BIA. So what could fill Kitab remember, recall mentioned
from the Quranic perspective, in terms of what the Quran is telling you about whom about Idris Idris alayhi salam. Now obviously the first and foremost question
Who is Idris Ali Hassan?
There are some narrations which talk about some of the more fasudil mentioned certain things about Idris Ali Salah.
Some of them are fasudil mentioned that he was one of the forefathers of new alayhis salam.
And some of them will soon also mentioned that Olga Luna being bad Adam alayhis salam that he was the first prophet after other Mali he said on some of us who don't even mentioned the fact that he was possibly the grandson of Adam alayhis salam in a llama Lucy Rouhani based on the narration found in the most southern hacking Rama hula, he mentions that
there's a narration which says the Arusha Alfa sonnet in Kabul new alayhi salam, he lived 1000 years before New heiligen salam. And then there are certain areas in
which talk about some of the Imtiaz out some of the
if this all sounds some of the special things of Idris alehissalaam that he was the first person to impart some of the teachings of astrology make observations of some of the creation of a line in terms of stars and sun and moon and planets. He was also one of the first pieces of people to elaborate on hisab mathematics. He was the first one to write with a pen. First one to stitch clothing as we see it today. Before that people primarily used to use skins of animals and things when the first one to invent measurements, and tools and tools of measurements and so on so forth. But many of these narrations are not completely authenticated. So Allahu taala Allah Allah subhanaw
taala knows best as to how authentic they are many, many grades morphus alone such as emammal, or to be
and other great even kathina and other great mufa soon have mentioned these things in their tafazzin and that's why I found it noteworthy to mention it but even they say at the end of it Allah subhanaw taala knows best as far as the authenticity of these narrations.
So from a very, very authentic perspective, whether you call that a Quranic perspective and even from the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, we don't know a lot about entities Ali Hassan, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam did not comment on him a whole lot. There are the weak narrations of the experience on a night of an Mirage, where the prophets a lot essence speaks about meeting different prophets and messengers at different levels of the heavens. And Idris Ali Salam has mentioned amongst them at the fourth heaven at the fourth level of the sky, Allah subhanaw taala again knows best in regards to the authenticity of that with the Quran does tell us about him
is that it mentions him in a couple of places. One of the places in sort of Columbia surah number 21 is number 85. Allah says what is Mariela? Is it Isa well, Keith Lee call Lumina savini.
Well, it's Mariela irisa well Kingsley co Lumina savini and ismar, Elan Idris, Advil Kiffin, all of them were from those who are extremely consistently patient.
Now based on that, one thing that we are able to make an observation of is he's mentioned as one of his special qualities that are that is mentioned there in that is in sort of Colombia is the fact that he was amongst the very, very patient prophets of Allah.
And notice over there, he's being mentioned with this married waste Mariela Idris and here again in sort of muddy, I'm sort of number 19. He's against being mentioned, right after it's married on its own, what's good for kids is married. And right after that, subsequently, you have what's called philokalia Idris.
So you find that connection.
So he's being mentioned with a smile on his Salama two places, he's being called very, very patient. And we know that one of the very special qualities of his married Ali Salaam was also the fact that he was
patient. I just referenced that and so to sulfat surah number 37. What does it say? When I mentioned that whole dialogue between father and son Abraham and is married? What does this Marian say? so touchy do mean shout Allahu Minas saw BD.
Very soon, most definitely, you will find me if Allah wills to be amongst those people who are very patient.
So you find that that that much we're able to make,
we're able to make an observation of that Idris Ali Salam as a prophet and a messenger of Allah. One of his very special qualities was that he was very patient. And again, there's another implicit there's there's another little thing that implies that again, Buddha's the quality doesn't mention him being rasuluh but it mentions it being in Yahoo, kana Cydia.
Cydia funny mentioned him being severe.
Now when you go back up into the suta right here in this passage if you try to make a connection
Okay, the pseudo Quran below Quran is what we call it.
When you look at it number 41 when it introduced Ibrahim Ali Salaam to us, it also said what's good Phil kitabi Brahimi nahu kana Sidious
The same quality has been mentioned there. And I'd mentioned in the commentary of that title being bestowed upon Ibrahim Ali Sonam, of being acidic, that has been given to him because he always lived up to the task and the tests that Allah bestowed upon him. And we also making the connection that he shared a quality in a trade with his marine of patience. Now he's sharing that quality with Ibrahim Ali Salam of always living up to the test in the task. Right here, were able to learn something very basic, although, albeit very basic, but nevertheless profound about Idris Ali Salam. And that is, Idris Ali Salam must have been someone who was greatly tested by Allah, like Ibrahim Ali Salam was
tested by Allah, and he was someone who always lived up to the test. And that's why I was calling him Sadiq. And he always exemplified, he always exemplified patience, in the face of those tests, like his married Ali Salam did, and that's why he has been paired with his married Alison not one, but multiple places in the Quran. And of course, Allah subhanaw taala knows best in the who can sit deep and so he had this profound quality of being acidic, living up to the task that Allah subhanaw taala laid upon his shoulders now began and of course he was a prophet of Allah, he was an abbey of Allah, what are fat? Who, McCann and Alia what a foreigner who mccannon Alia and we elevated and we
raised him, we raised him to a very lofty position to a very exalted position. Now what does that mean? This mean literally?
Or does it mean it more figuratively? Now the reason why I bring up this question is again, this is a point of discussion in in tafasitamab books of explanation of the Quran. There are some
quotes certain narrations, which make mention of the fact that Idris alehissalaam was lifted up into the heavens, literally physically lifted up into the heavens. The thing is that after mentioning those narrations it been copied and amongst many of the tafazzin many of the each each of the books of tafsir have their own benefit and their own special perspective that you can gain from them. One of the benefits of the defeat of Imam even cathedra heinola is that he focuses on traceability via
the CW wire, which is tafsir through narrations tafsir through quotations. So whenever he brings it up on of course, he will corroborate it to other items. And then he'll bring it a hadith which are supplemental to that message of that ayah then you'll quotes the habits of ROM and then the students of Sahaba such as Tabby own and men mid then maybe also a few quotes from some other great scholars.
So when it comes to narrations, m Cathy's Imam cathedra Allah, even Kathy Rahim, Allah is a very, very reliable source to turn to, to kind of get his thoughts on the narrations in a particular context of vinaya are in the message and the explanation of an ayah. So after quoting some of those narrations, we talk about Idris being physically lifted out of Salaam into the sky, he then makes kind of gives his decision or comes to a conclusion on it, he says, has that been Abadie gobbler,
that these all these narrations are from the narrations that we get from God, Allah,
who is an individual who is not very, very reliable. He's an individual who is often quoted in the commentary of some ayat. But nevertheless, he took from a lot of extraneous narrations or interpretations of different items that he would find even in amongst the people of the book. And from any other sources, whether they be raw, reliable or unreliable. He brought together a lot of such quotes or such comments and remarks on it, and kind of pass them on forward. So a lot of what comes from this individual is not very reliable or trustworthy, in the eyes of the scholars.
So he says, I'm in the Caribbean and about Elisa Elliot, that many of these are the narrations that we find from the Abu Kitab, which obviously as a prophet Alayhi Salam has given us the the ultimate ruling on a national subject. We do not attach to their truth, nor do we completely, outright deny them. We don't make any blanket statements or decision about them rather we leave them be Allahu taala Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. And that's good enough for us. So he says, Well, if you bother heating the fountain and so much so that he says, and in some of them I find some things that are very, very difficult to reconcile with Islamic teachings and rulings. So therefore, the
decision that he's giving is this this entire collection of narrations which talks about Idris Ali Salaam being physically lifted into the sky.
It's for the most part, it's extremely unreliable, and we should just completely stay away from it. And that's why majority of them have us alone. They focus their energy on the
figurative or metaphorical meaning of this is what I thought now who mccannon alien that we elevated we raise him meaning spiritually, in status in nobility in honor in distinction, and these admirable qualities of sadhaka
the stick and new Buddha and Prophethood and summary patients that we raised him meaning and good qualities we raised him. And of course, like I've always commented, Allah subhanaw taala knows best.
However, one little last comment about the about Idris alehissalaam.
What is the significance of is mentioned here. We we've obviously discussed the fact we don't know a whole lot about him.
And therefore, we're not able to put together some great connection here. We did obviously make the connection that he has to do you have those qualities of Ibrahim, he's mentioned with his Marielle Ali Salaam as being patient at another place. But one of the comments of the Mufasa and one of the reflections here is, it's talking about the consistency of the messenger of the Prophet, excuse me, it's talking about the consistency of the message of the prophets, Anakin was Salah, that the message that Mohammed salatu salam is presenting is not inconsistent. It's not something new. It's not something radical, rather the message of Mohammed Salah ism is consistent with the teachings and
the message of all the prophets or even wasallam. So look, look at the broad spectrum of prophets. It's presenting now, it presented from one end of the spectrum. Zakaria and yahia and Maria Marisa Alright, so you mentioned normal people like medium and then I mentioned profits of a law like he signs a curry and yada yada masala
that the messenger Muhammad Rasul Allah, the sum is consistent what you got from these prophets like a sign zecharia so that was obviously addressing the Christians, you had the mention of mu sign Harun Allah masala, which brings you over all Al Kitab. The it mentioned is how can yaku which also brings the Jews and the Christians the entire new Kitab into discussion. You have the mention of even Ibrahim Ali Salaam which also is now addressing the machete cone of Mecca. And then it even mentions a prophet like Idris that we know very little to nothing about.
So to say that even those prophets and messengers of Allah that you don't even know about, that you ever never even heard of, even those prophets and messengers of Allah, that this is consistent with their message as well. So realize that there are so many more messengers and prophets that you don't even know about. We have that in their narration. We have that Elijah and the Muslims even by Mohammed, that when the prophets a lot of them was asked about how many prophets that Allah subhanaw taala said, and he said that he sent more than 124,000 prophets and messengers, and then he was asked how many of them were were resold, and he said more than 300 of them were rousson were
So there are so many more prophets and messengers You don't even know about. And one example of them is Idris that his name is mentioned, but that's pretty much all you know about him. But even their message was consistent with the message and Muhammad Rasul Allah salaita. So you're not dealing with something insignificant here. You're dealing with the ultimate truth that is being presented to you that was presented to humanity throughout the centuries and millennia into generations. What a foreigner who mccannon Alia now here last panel, which Allah says and this is basically the reason why I wanted to explain this. This feeds right into the message of this next III anumber 58 Allah
says la Latina Anna Allahu alayhi Minh and a beginner at other
Ooh la la, la, la La Nina Anna am Allahu Allah him in and a biggie that those they are the people
those they are the people
and I'm Allahu whom Allah has blessed
and I'm in love with him. Allah has blessed me that Allah him Allah, Allah has sent His blessings down upon them. Allah has showered and rained his blessings down upon them. And I'm lavoir llegan minella begin
from the profits.
And again, Allah has showered numerous blessings, uncountable blessings upon all of humanity, different people, different blessings. But now he's saying he's specifically referring to minima begin from the profits, that all the prophets of Allah, this was their message. This was how they live their life. So everything that you start you saw, starting with Ibrahim alayhi salam. And in fact, you can go all the way back to talking about Zachary Allah Himself, the way he supplicated to Allah, what we learned about yahia de sala wahana Mila Donna was a cotton workunits Athenian that he was often gentle and affectionate. He was pure and charitable, and he was very God fearing live
consciousness in this awareness of God, then what we learned about eSATA his Salah, what we learned about our eSATA his setup, what bahrami worldly that he was Gianni Jabbar and shafia while Sonny was Salatu was a karate madam to haiga he stuck to prayer, he stuck to charity. He was good to his mother. He was not pushy and bossy. He was not disobedient. Then what we learned about Ibrahim alayhis salaam, he will sit dick, you will you will always live up to the tasks that Allah gave him. He was an obedient a prophet of Allah, and that he was so respectful and so kind and generous and loving and affectionate with his father, such a gentle preacher, that he didn't just preach down to
people, but he preached with compassion, with with empathy, with kindness, with affection with love, he preached with love. And then what we learned about Islam, we learned about musala his Salah
that he was someone who under whom Allah subhanaw taala had blessed very profoundly
that Allah subhanaw taala had blessed him because Robin alguna Jian
and then what we learned about is Mariela alayhis salam, and the family values aspect of this Mariela Lisa, you would teach his own family, he would spend time with his family, he taught his family to be charitable, and he lived a life that was very pleasing to Allah. What we learned about a de Sala Hassan, that Allah had blessed him with these noble qualities and traits and characteristics of being Siddiq, of being patient, and of being elevated by Allah and being given these good admirable qualities being a role model for humanity. Allah says, Allah He can Latina Anima La Liga Milena, begin, you found all of these blessings, all of these qualities amongst all
the prophets of Allah. So don't ever make the mistake of discounting or any of the messengers of Allah, that we mentioned to you a few brief case examples of well, who were the messengers of a lion, what were their lives like and what were their qualities and traits like, but this was consistently found amongst all the prophets in the messengers of Allah. Allah, Allah, Allah Allah Allah Allah, Allah him in Anna begin. And now min is to keep making things more and more specific. Like I mentioned, Minister show a portion of something. Now it keeps making it more. So first, it said, anyone who might have showered his blessings upon that have made it more specific. But here
we're specifying the prophets of Allah. Now it makes it more specific min booty at the other. And if you want to see the chronic consistency, how the pseudo kind of how a pseudo is completely tied together, how asuna is completely tied together, that no sutra is just as random hodgepodge of just random points and good topics. It's not like a book of like beautiful quotes, quote about kids, that quote about prayer, quote about charity, quote about being nice, no, not some random collection of just nice quotes. And some of the Quran is, is so intimately consistently intricately all tied together. So it said all the prophets of Allah had blessed. And then what does it say?
It says Min giulietti Adam, from the progeny from the children of Adam, who is that obviously referring to that's referring to Idris we talked about Idris all of them are of course from the three of them. So they're all being talked about, but specifically making more specific mention of Idris allissa because he literally was like I mentioned some of the Mufasa Guna mentioned he was quite possibly even the grandchild about the money he said on miseria to Adam, and then it says when we met Herman Lama I knew him and from those people whom we had carried with new holiday Hassan so the next prophet and great messenger that followed after new holiday Hassan
who after new holiday Salaam, when things had become very corrupted, the one that brought truth back and from him this great tradition of truth carried on was Ibrahim Alayhi. Salam. And then it goes on to say, woman furuya T. Ibrahim, amin variaty Ibrahim and from the children from the progeny of Ibrahim, which is His heart
is married and even yaku for that matter, what is the law
and then from the progeny of Israel
who What did which is then one the names of yaku Bala Salaam and that brings into consideration Musashi, salaam Haruna Alayhi Salam Zakaria, aleyhi salam, yahi Ali salam, and even a Saudi Sara so you can see all the prophets and messengers of Allah that were talked about previously throughout the suta all of them are tied back together in this one II and number 58.
You fight all being tied together
without a gala dinner and I'm Allahu alayhi manana Bina minzu deity Adam. Well, me man homina Manu woman's Maria t Brahim away. So he is well me man. Hi Dana. What is the veena and for those whom we had guided what Sabina and whom we had selected.
When we had guided and we had selected
now had Dana home we had guided and then it says and we selected what's interesting about this is that the word hedaya being used and that was the purpose and the message that was the reason that was the purpose why prophets would be sent a las panatela tells us in the Quran when he couldn't be comin had him when he couldn't be comin had a hard You
know, kiss when equally common. All right, teasing all the Arabic students somebody just woke up. So what happened? All right, soft, all right when equally pohlmann had already had the gun. And for each and every single people, there was a carrier of guidance.
guider meaning a carrier of guidance, of course, guidance comes from a law. But there was a carrier of that guidance, and by be means of being carrier of a guidance he himself. That's why he's called guider, the one who guides through because he's the means through which guidance comes.
So for each and every single people, there was somebody who brought guidance to them. And it refers to the messengers and the prophets. So when it says, Hi Dana, whom we have guided, it's referring to the followers of the messengers and prophets, that they are also blessed by Allah. Like all these other prophets and messengers are blessed by Allah, Whosoever took the guidance that these messengers brought, what is the VEDA? Each diva means to select a group of people from amongst a bigger pool of people
to select something from amongst so if you have like a bunch of marbles, and you pick out all the white marbles, or you have, let's use something a little more relevant. relevance is the word of the day. All right. So if you have a bunch of m&ms and you pick out all the green m&ms, that's it's the bar. It's the bar that's at NASA Now. I'm hungry all of a sudden. All right. So if you pick out the green m&ms out of a jar of m&ms, so that is its diva, no jelly beans. All right, a difference of opinion. All right. So
all right. I'm feeling silly now. So let's get back on track. All right. So just pick one type of something out of a pool or a collection of a greater variety. So like the green m&ms out of a jar of m&ms. So when it talks about guiding people amongst all of humanity, the same word, that's why in Sudan, Hajj, surah, number 22. Allah subhanaw taala says, What is tobacco?
What is tobacco through the same word of ichiba?
What is tobacco? He chose you.
He chose you.
All right. So it's talking about the Muslims is talking about believers. So when this is a woman, hi, Dana, what Sabina those people who we guided, and we selected meaning from amongst the prophets, that the prophets were blessed by Allah. And they carried this blessing on to the people, this blessing of guidance and truth. But Allah, Allah subhanaw, taala says that there were people whom we
whom we gave this guidance to, and those were the people that were selected by us.
So if in any way, shape, or form,
and any level, if we are able to identify
this guidance, we know who these profits are, we recognize the guidance that they brought, find it might not be fully manifesting it in our lives right now. I might not be living it, I might not be acting on all of it. But the fact that I can identify with the message of the prophets, the fact that I know who the prophets are, I know who Allah is, and I believe in the prophets and their message, I should feel fortunate, I should feel blessed. Allah has granted me guidance, and I am from a very select group of people amongst all of humanity with whom Allah is chosen. This is a type of a positive reinforcement
because there's too much beating up that goes on in terms of not being religious enough.
Not being practicing enough. We find this type of positive reinforcement, we find this positive dharwad even in the Quran that Allah is imparting will love we get there only that that is Salaam. I'll also gives Dawa. But Allah is giving Dawa to a double Salaam
the Abode the home of peace and tranquility, peace and safety genda.
So let's head on with Ella also gives us Dara, but in a very positive form and we find that same reinforcement here that if you at least have some level of Islami man, you know who the prophets are you believe in the prophets and you accept the guidance that they gave. Even if you're not fully living here right now. At least realize you are very selective chosen, Mashallah. You are from a very, very select group of people. Is it motivating when somebody inspires you like that? Mashallah, you are so blessed. You're from such a select special group of people, you are so beloved to Allah. Now, why not live up to those expectations?
Why don't we go out there and try to live up to those expectations? Well, me man had dinner with Sabina either tonight on a him and that's what he does now after it kind of it motivates you and inspires you and reinforces you in a very positive manner. Well, me man Hi, Dina. What Sabina now it then it tells you so what are you supposed to do with this newfound energy? This gratitude this gratefulness, this good positive feeling that you have now? How do you put it to good constructive use? What do you do with it? And Allah tells us follow the example of the prophets follow the example of the Prophet So what was the example of the profits is that to La La him is
when the
man when the signs and even if it's literally referring to the ayat of the Quran, but even the greater signs of entourage man you notice he didn't say I add to law, I add to rub it says I have to rock man. All throughout to the medium we see the word rock man reoccurring Vic raw material. rabida, who zaccaria Ibrahim Ali Salam used the attribute of a lot of man to give Dawa to his father. And here again you find out Rama,
either to to Allah, Allah him I A to Rama, there when the is of the very, very, very merciful one, keep His mercy in front of you let His mercy drive and motivate you and inspire you. When the man or recited were recited upon them, when they are recited upon them them is referring back to not just the prophets and the messengers, but people who live who have been guided and selected. So now it's motivating you by saying hey, you belong to a group of people, that they are the type of people that when the IRS of Ramana, recited upon them Haru
Haru they fall down and hundra refers to fall down immediately. Like all of a sudden, Hara refers to fall down all of a sudden, and it also has the implication of falling down by losing control of yourself.
Like you can't help but fall down. You are forced all of a sudden to just fall to the ground. You can't hold yourself up anymore. HUD rule they all of a sudden, and it's almost like they can't even told themselves up, they all of a sudden fall down. How do they fall down Sudan
in prostration, such a damn literally the root of the word means to put your face on the ground. So they fall down in such a way that their faces are on the ground meaning to do the position of such and such, then, this is again, the exaggerated form. It's a plural, but it's a plural of the exaggerated form of the word
suggests suggests. So it's the plural of the exaggerated form of the word that they don't just do sets out once but they do it repeatedly. excessively long, long shoot with full concentration, devotion and awareness of what they're doing. What buki yen. buki, is, of course, again, the plural of the exaggerated form of the word,
which means that they don't it means to cry. The root of the word means to cry,
to cry,
and it doesn't meet and so it's the plural of the exaggerated form. They don't just cry, but they cry a lot. And they cry frequently. And they cry because they're motivated out of sincerity and their love for Allah and their connection with Allah to cry. Caruso, Jaden wobbu, Keegan, they fall down all of a sudden.
And they can't even they can't help themselves. They all of a sudden fall down into position of servitude and decribed from law when the ayat of Romana recited upon them. And so it, it seemed to follow the message, the example set forth to follow the example set forth by these prophets of Allah. But then it made specific mention of one particular aspect of the prophets and their lives and how they lived the deen they didn't just preach it or teach it or talk it, but they lived it. And that was that the eye out of our mind and for that for us. That is the Quran
that didn't just listen to when it was recited upon them. They didn't just listen to it. That true people that are guided by align selected by law, true believers, they don't just listen to Quranic beautiful recitation.
Or they don't just listen to it and say, that was a great lecture tonight.
But that's fine. But it rather has a greater purpose in their life. That they internalize the message. And it forces them to humble themselves before Allah. So Jaden is representative of the fact. they obey the message. they implement the message. They live the message they do, so Dude, it's an action. They live the message they act on it, and bokkeum
shows the fact that they have internalized the message and it affects their hearts. They cry before a lot.
They cry before
Allah, I'll talk more inshallah about this inshallah tomorrow now it's time for the Salah, we really should get moving on each other. So I'll talk more about this tomorrow and how it connects on to the next is the last thing I wanted to mention just as a reminder to everyone, there are certain places positions within the Quran.
There are known as I add to sajida iaat verses where prostration was practiced by the prophet salon, he said on that Windows, it would be recited he would perform so God would perform sadza, he would prostrate before Allah. And this is done in emulation of the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he's the one that taught us to do it and that practice was carried on and so this is this is the end of this I am number 58 is also one of those places in the Quran. So inshallah everyone should make a make sure that they do perform a sajida inshallah, in observation of the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam May Allah subhanaw taala give us all the ability to practice everything
that was said and heard some kind of like you will be hungry he Subhana columbium dek Allah Allah Allah insufferable