Omar Suleiman – Sahih Al-Bukhari 2-16-2016

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The Prophet sallahu alayhi waecca is the first branch of faith that was covered by Alran, and the use of the Prophet's name for actions and rewards is important for achieving spiritual well-being. The importance of following guidance and the agenda of January missed funeral is emphasized, as it is the loss of one's identity and the use of the god's name for the first time in a century to describe the death of the Prophet as a death from a lack of fear of the people. The conversation between two speakers on the importance of speaking clearly and the use of "brands" in court cases, emphasizes the need for a court system with a more efficient and efficient process, as well as the importance of having a strong case to avoid court system precedent.
AI: Transcript ©
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Blind I mean, what are one in a lot I mean, when I don't keep up to 18 What Mossad he was selling Metallica, Dakota so they can Mohammed and sallallahu alayhi wa salam ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam to summon Katina

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we're actually getting towards the let the last part of Kitab Al Imam, we've been studying the book of faith for a very long time now.

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hamdulillah it's been hopefully those who have been taking notes will be able to review their notes I actually encourage you guys to frequently review your notes inshallah to make these connections. If you remember when we started off Kitab Lima and the book of faith, one of the first Hadith we covered was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam saying that Iman is 60 or 70 branches of faith. So Buhari Rahim Allah as he's proving these different aspects of faith, he's using the Hadith of the Prophet slice them to teach us what Iman is, how he mount increases, how it decreases what parts of Eman are encompassed in the tongue, what parts of the mind are encompassed in action? What parts

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remain in the heart?

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What will the man do for us in this dunya? What will the man do for us in the article on the hereafter, and Buhari Rahim, Allah Tada has also covered a lot of branches of faith. So the branch of faith that he's covering, and this is again, the way that he structures his book.

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The last branch of faith that we're going to cover is this one, and he chose it to be the janazah obviously, because it's the last, the last thing that you do and that will be of your dunya your last state as you're being carried to your grave. So he chose that to be the last branch of faith that he would cover. Now the profit slice that I'm when he said that there are numerous branches of faith, he said, aha La ilaha illallah that the highest branch of faith is La Ilaha illa Allah and the lowest is email for to other and it's hard to remove something harmful from the road. So this isn't that this is the lowest branch of faith, but this is the way and Buhari Rahim Allah to Allah

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does his structuring of his books that he chose this to be the last branch of Eman the last short, short movie man that he would mention. So this hadith

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I'm going to read the sun because the sun has something beautiful and it had nothing to do Abdullah ignore it elmen Jus fee called her death in a row called her death and I have an ill Hassan one Mohammed and Ebihara Iran now the reason why and it has sent one Mohammed if you guys remember sometimes and Buhari Rahim Allah to Allah doesn't mention the entire name because it's a given and Hadith literature. So for example, if he says Abdullah, who does Abdullah refer to? A beloved Mr. Little the Allahu Anhu. For example. Here he says Al Hassan one Muhammad, there are a lot of Hassan's, and there are a lot of Muhammad's all right. But he said Al Hassan one Mohammed Al Hassan

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en Mohammed narrate this hadith Who do you guys think al Hassan is and who do you think Mohammed is?

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Al Hassan, Al Hassan, ignore it. Or al Hassan Al Basri This is Al Hassan Al was three. So you do tap in the great the greatest scholar of the generation after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam Al Imam Hassan Al Basri Rahim Allah to Allah so if Al Hassan is mentioned without any name after it then it's referring to an imam hustle and bustle Rahim Allah Tada. Now, also he says Al Hassan and Mohammed narrate the Hadith now which Mohammed Do you think it is? That's a tough one. I don't maybe the column students would get it.

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Who's a famous Mohammed that lived alongside of Hassan was considered a contemporary of Imam Hassan bustling

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Mohammed bin sitting or hanging Allah to Allah Lima Mohammed bin city and Rahim Allah to Allah they aren't contemporaries. They are of the two greatest of the tambourine. So he says Al Hassan and Mohamed Narita Hadith and this is beautiful because only one of them is required for the chain for the summer right for the chain, but he's saying both of them separately narrated the Hadith as well. And of course they buried it from above the radar will be a lot of time and hope that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Manitoba Janaza muslimin Imana YT Saba what can I cannot who had you suddenly either you were frozen indefinitely in who? Yamaji ruminal agilely BT erotic BP or tiny

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kooky rotten Miss Lou hurt woman Salah Allah so Maharajah cobbler and tooth fund for in Euro Giro BT rot Okay, so the hadith is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that a believer who accompanies the janazah of a Muslim out of sincere faith and hoping to attain Allah's reward Eman and YT Simon if you realize this is very common in what the Prophet slicin I'm as he presents a good deed. He frequently puts these two conditions. These two conditions by the way, are present in any good deed that we do.

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But the prophet slice of a mentions them specifically when he talks about certain actions so when when sama Ramadan and Iman and bhakti Saab and Wolfie Allahumma cardamom and then be Whoever fasts Ramadan out of faith and seeking the reward from Allah subhana wa Tada. So faith refers to the sincerity and steadfastness and seeking the reward from Allah, a sense of accountability making sure that you're doing the action rights. Because if you're trying to seek the reward from Allah subhanaw taala, then you're not just you're not going to just get by with the deep you're actually applying yourself to try to do it as proper as possible. So these two conditions are present in any good

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deed. But the prophet slice and I'm frequently mentions them when he talks about, you know, specific acts, usually some of the scholars of Hadith, they pointed out that the Prophet slice and mentions these two things, when he's about to mention an amazing reward. Why because he doesn't want you to think that you're going to get that amazing reward with by being lazy, right? He wants to stress to you as he's about to inform you of an amazing reward. It's actually consistent, that when the prophets why some specifies Imana and YT saben out of you know, Faith meaning sincerity and hoping to attain the reward. It is a Hadith that's going to have an amazing reward mentioned specified from

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the prophets. Why some as well. So whoever accompanies the funeral procession of a Muslim out of sincere faith and hoping to attain Allah's reward, and remains with it, meaning remains with the janazah until the funeral prayer is offered, and until the burial is finished, then he will return home with a reward of two Theatre Arts, I'm not going to define what Pirot is yet to be lots. So Pirot is a units. Okay, so he'll have to theorize, then the profit slice and I'm setting that hadith is asked, what is the karate or Rasulillah, the profit slice that says a lot is a mountain the size of

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a mountain the size of it. So two, to the rocks, two mountains of good deeds, each of them the size of the profit slice, and I'm says, if a person prays the Jenna's and he follows until the until the death until the burial, he has to kill it. Now, if he offers the janazah and he returns before the burial, the prophets lie, some says fella will pay a lot, then he will have one, one mountain of good deeds as reward. Now, the chapter of this is bad teabagger Jana is going to Eman so it's the chapter of following the janazah is a form of faith because of haughty or himolla as mentioning branches or feet. So it's a very simple and straightforward chapter. But as we said, it has a life

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Allah says that it will hardly mentioned this as the last, the last branch of faith in the book of faith, because this is the last state of your dunya. And he also said something beautiful, he said, The time you will need your EMA and most is when you go to your grave. That's the time that you will really really need it. So it's the last date of your dunya. And it's the time where your iman will be most precious to you. He also says Rahim Allah to Allah

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etbr. Following here does not mean as some people misunderstood it to literally walk behind the janazah to literally walk behind the body. That's actually in some cultures, it's it's like, you know, future if you walk ahead of the body, you'll be stopped and told to walk behind it. He said that it's not talking about a technical walking behind the Janaza, but rather accompanying the Janaza. And he the proof of that he mentioned even honorable the Allahu Anhu walking in front of the Janaza which is narrated authentically by even hybond Rahim Allah to Allah and others. So the point here is that you walk with the Janaza, not necessarily behind it, but with the Janaza. There's no

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basis to this concept of following it in the literal sense, okay. He also says if you realize here, the profit slice and I'm says Mahieu, but then he says ha, ha, okay, which is really powerful. Because the prophets lie, some says you follow him to the janazah until you prey on it.

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Okay, there's a subtlety there. That's very powerful. You follow him to the janazah or follow her to the janazah. And then you prey on it until it is preyed upon? Have you ever realized that when a person dies, they lose their identity?

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When you're in your when your body has been brought to the masjid, or to the place of the janazah?

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Do they say Okay, bring them over here?

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What do they say? Bring the body. Right. So you Subhanallah you immediately lose your identity in the worldly signs even as your your janazah has not yet been prayed. Bring the body over here, bring the body over there. So you follow Him. You follow her until the time of the prayer. You bring it you pray upon it. Suddenly, it's not a person anymore. Suddenly, it's a body. Okay, suddenly that person has actually lost their identity. Even 100 Rahim Allah Allah also says hi to you slowly, or they have until you have preyed on it or until it has been preyed upon. He mentioned

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Hear and this is another technical fact I'm just kind of getting the technical things out of the way. He said that if a person stayed with the janazah the entire time, but they had a there was there was a manner, there was a hindrance to you actually praying on the janazah. Okay. So, you know, for whatever reason you were in a state of Geneva, you know, you you were in a state of impurity, you weren't able to pray on it. He says that you would actually have the full reward if you accompany the janazah because the profit slice that I was mentioning, it's about agenda is following the agenda as being with the janazah. Even if you did not pray because of something

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forbidding you from praying, okay, some some technicality forbidding you from praying, you would still have the reward if you follow the janazah and accompany the janazah all the way through. Now, there's some other Hadith that mentioned this idea of following the Janaza. There's the hadith of Al Bara or the Allahu taala. And

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who says this is also Hadith in Bukhari call. Amara Nabil sallallahu alayhi wa sallam discovered that the prophets lie Selim commanded us to do seven things. Okay, when Hannah and Saba and he forbade us from seven things I'll just mention the ones that he commanded us to do. He said, I'm not gonna Bitsy bear and Jana is he commanded us to follow the Jeunesse while he added in Mario and to visit the six the sick, what a Java today and to answer the invitation of the one who invites us one last rhythm of loom and to support the one who is being oppressed while abroad and customer which is to fulfill the oats what are the salam to return salaam to someone what touched me to the Atlas and

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to say your hammock Allah when someone sneezes to wish to wish Allah's Mercy on a person who sneezes so the seven things again that the Prophet slice I'm commanded anyone remember? Or who wrote them down quick enough? Like a key point is a visual very apparently you know everything

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XID what are the seven things I just mentioned?

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totally out of order but okay.

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Yeah, he's got the other five is giving you the wrong answers.

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Okay, seven things, the first one that TBR denies following the funeral procession. Second one er that in Morial visiting a sick person. Third one e Java to dairy, answering the invitation of the one who invites you fourthly, must lay them off the loom supporting the one who's oppressed. Fifth one Abrar ill Kasam to fulfill your oats six one about the salam to return Salam if someone says that Mr. E come to you have to say why he can sit down. Seven what touched me to now plus it is mandatory if someone sneezes that and they say Alhamdulillah that you say your hammock Allah. If someone sneezes and says in Hamdulillah you are obligated to say your hammock Allah, may Allah have

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mercy on you otherwise you are marked by the shape one as the prophets licensor. Another Hadith

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which is also an Buhari from Abu Dhabi, Allahu Tada and who caught

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Karateka Salatu was caught a Samaritan rasool Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a quote I heard the prophets lie some say how cool Mussolini al Muslim becomes the prophets lie some said a Muslim has five rights upon you every Muslim has five rights upon you. The first one about do Salam okay to say salaam all right to respond to Salam if someone says salaam to you you have to say why Muslim? Okay, the second one area different module to visit him when he's sick. Now realize that the Salam is in normal circumstances right? So when everyone's healthy, someone says salam aleikum wa salam, then when that person becomes sick, you go and you visit that person. Thirdly, once they pass away,

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a job, it TBR origina is to follow their Janaza to follow their funeral procession. Then he says sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, why ejabberd to Dawa which has me to the outlets of the Prophet slice and I'm says to to to answer the invitation of a person when they invite you and to say it hummock Allah to wish Allah's mercy upon upon them when they sneeze, so these are actually the rights of a believer upon you the Prophet spice I mentioned them as five and one Hadith another Hadith we were commanded to do seven and Bharat Well, the law says we were commanded to do seven things. Okay. Now, just a little bit on the history of Salado Janaza. Okay, because Janaza is a very interesting

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institution. It's not we don't have the exact date when Janaza was legislated. When did the Muslim start praying the funeral prayer on somebody? All right. Now, obviously, there was this concept of once a person passes away. You ask Allah for forgiveness for them, you pray for them. But when was the janazah actually legislated? So we know that it wasn't legislated when he's above the law and passed away.

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Because it's mentioned as it's very painful that the prophets lie someone he buried for the job of the Alon

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He buried her and she was not she did not live to see the time of the legislation of salata, Janaza because he's above the law and had passed away 10 years after the beginning of the revolution. So she passed away 10 years after America, when the prophets lie Selim was 50 years old. It was now the first janazah that is narrated is the janazah of Al Bara Ibn Maru al Bara Ibn Maru. And he's an interesting character while the Allahu Anhu Alberto roar was the first person to take the pledge with the Prophet salallahu it he was Saddam in the first br tilaka the first pledge of Aquila. But he did not live to see the history of the prophets I send him he died a month before the hinges of

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the Prophet slice on the actual migration. So he came, he was the first one to initiate the pledge with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but by the time the prophets lie some made his way over to Medina, Al Bara or the Allahu Tada and who passed away when the prophets lie some came to Medina the prophets lie some preyed on him. So there's a lot on him than the first companion to die in Medina Asad Missoura. The prophets lie some also prayed on him and then Earth man had been miserable and the prophets lie some preyed on him. So janazah was an institution sometime between the death of Khadija and the death of Ebola most likely the first year of his of his role in the

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Prophet slice and made his way to Medina because we don't have any narrations of janazah in Mecca. So it came in that time. Now, as far as visiting the graves is concerned to give you some context, the prophets like some forbade people from visiting the graves. So it was considered haram through 20 years of the prophets lie sometimes, you know, calling for people to go visit the graveyards men and women. What that meant was the only time you went to the graveyard was when when you were burying somebody, that was it. Okay, so you You only went to the graveyard when you were going to bury somebody. Otherwise, it was considered how long not my crew not hated it was considered

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absolutely prohibited to visit the graveyards why? Why do you guys think that is?

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Because it showed up to visit the graveyard

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the fear of taking people

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but wasn't that gonna happen anyway? Right?

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All right.

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The crying and the ones who don't people still cry and well

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taking it as a place of worship, but don't people don't we have people that still do that today?

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So what's the issue here?

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So the prophets why Selim

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wanted to he'd wanted the concept of monotheism to be settled in the hearts of the companions, so that when they went to the graveyards, once again, there would be absolutely no corruption of that monotheism. There is no way that you can stop ignorant people coming later on in life and building upon the graves and doing certain things at the graveyard and so on so forth. But the Sahaba had to understand the Sahaba had to get to a point where monotheism had settled in their hearts to a point where there was no fear on them, worshipping the people in the graves or doing any practices that would be objectionable at that point, you can imagine 20 years of the call of the prophets lights on

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them. At that point, they understood the foundations of Tohei they knew who Allah subhanaw taala was all of the all of the shipyards, all of the associations with Allah subhanaw taala had really been wiped out by that point. So even if the prophets like some did not give them a single instruction, when they went to the graveyard, they weren't going to make do out to the people that are dead. They weren't going to build upon the graves because Tawheed had already settled in their hearts. So the prophets lie some kept people away from the graveyard, while the religion was still being formulated. While the religion was still taking roots and people's hearts. Realize the prophets lie.

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Saddam had a very serious fear of people building upon the graves and people doing certain things with the graves which is why when the prophets Isilon was passing away, he said, bury me in my room, LAN Alodia who do an assault on May Allah curse the Jews and the Christians that took the graves of their prophets as tombs. So the prophets I said, keep me away from the public, don't put my body out there And subhanAllah Look at that. This is actually one of the proofs of his prophethood if the prophets lie Selim wanted to he would have said, you know, bury me in this place, make a huge tomb and so on, so forth, so that people will come and visit and all that type of stuff the prophets lie

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some himself wish that his grave be in his room Subhanallah he was buried in the same place where he used to pray his beyond where he used to pray his night prayers, where he used to sleep and so on so forth. In that same room. The prophets lie, some was buried and nothing was built on the grave of the prophets lie. So there is nothing on top of the grid. I know if you Google if you do a Google Image thing on search of the Prophet's life

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In the grave, you're gonna get all of these different tombs most of them are Ottoman tombs or things from they have absolutely nothing to do with the Prophets liasons grave there is no tomb on the grave of the prophets of Allah Hardy was set up. He was buried underground, and there was nothing that was built on top of his grave. So the prophets lie some wanted people to have a understanding of the religion before that door was opened. Now why did he open that door in the first place? Why did he seven years after his or approximately seven years after hijra, why did he open the doors for people to visit? Yes.

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To remind them of death. He says in Neenah, he took command zeolitic Gabor, I used to forbid you. I used to forbid you from visiting the graves, he said, But now visit them. Why? Because it reminds you of death to the cucumber note, it will remind you of death, it's good for you to go and to remember that. So it became a sunnah after it was haram to visit the grapes without the purpose of a janazah you guys understand it's sunnah to go to the graveyard and to reflect, okay, without janazah being there and the profit slice, I'm used to frequently visit a book here. And the Companions used to visit the graveyard and so on so forth. And the prophets lie Selim, of course, the last trip he

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made outside of his house was to advocate was to visit the people that have passed away in Medina and invocare. So it became a sunnah at that point to go and reflect. And each one has its own flavor, right? I mean, going to the graveyard, when it's quiet, when there's no janazah going on, and you can sit there and you can reflect, and you can look around, it has its own form of to double and to record its own invitation to contemplate, and to really take the moment to reflect on the fact that this will one day be you. Whereas the janazah seeing the person being brought, you know, the grave being opened, then being placed in the dirt, the people throwing the dirt on top of them,

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the family members crying and so on so forth, that has its effect as well that reminds you of death in a different way. It engages your iman, in a different way. So both of these things after the death of the Prophet slice and I'm at that point, became sunnah. Okay. And this is why Allah subhanaw taala even told the prophets why Selim in a coma yet we're in the home and they are to and that you are going to die, you are bound for death and they are also bound for death. So even a loss of parents are reminded the prophets lie some that you will die like them, you will die like them. So the purpose is when you go to the graveyard, when you see people being buried, is to remind you,

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it's not for them as much as it is for you. There their book is closed with Allah subhanaw taala their book is closed with Allah subhanaw taala it's really for the purpose of those that are bearing that person to really take the moment and to reflect and so on so forth. There enema also mentioned that certain piano which I recited is a visual Allah Subhana Allah certain Tamil was an early surah Allah subhanaw taala was actually portraying the steps before death can either bellava Terrazza worth 11 Rock, Allah's Pantai mentions that you're about to die, and you screen for help. Who's going to help me somebody helped me and then you realize after screaming for help that this is it,

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run and the whole flock, you realize this time is different? This time is different. This time is actually the end. Okay? Then suddenly Subhanallah imagine you're watching a movie and they're showing the death of somebody and so on so forth. Suddenly, when it's tougher to sample the sock, Allah subhanaw taala says the legs are bound to each other. You know, when a person is dead, and they're wrapped up and so on so forth, the legs are crossed and bound to each other. He became the Messiah and the only place you're going at that point you are on your way to Allah subhana wa Tada you are returning back to your Lord in Nadella. When they hit a logical room we belong to Allah and

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to Allah, we return Okay, so this concept the loss of hands are giving us a visual shiftless Simon Tamia Rahim Allah to Allah was noted to he used to cry, okay, this is people have an extra mobile whatever it is, but he was noted to cry at what a tougher to circle the sack when the legs are crossed over one another why because that's something that you see if you've done janazah if you watched people and so on so forth, but something you can actually imagine and the moron to hear the what's what's desired by lost contact mentioning that as well. You don't want to be Kiyomi that and massage is that you can't walk anymore you have no control over your body anymore. Your limbs are

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being bound and so on so forth. You are at the mercy of those that are carrying you. You are completely at the mercy of those that are carrying you now on your way back to a loss of hundreds out of returning to Allah subhanho wa Taala now what happens as the soul returned to the body and the soul waits for its janazah Okay, now when a person passes away, and this is this is how it works, you will have a good idea of what's going to happen to you as you are dying. Why because some people the angels of Rama the angels of mercy come in and Adina Robin Allah for Mr. Camo tetanus, Are they human melodica Allah to Hafele Well, whatever Shirogane Jannetty let's see continue to I

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don't feel believing

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for the believing soul when you pass away, the angels are already comforting you as you are leaving your body. They're inviting you to Jannah as you are leaving your body so there is a sense of Raha, there's a sense of ease and comfort. So the prophets lie some said, the soul comes out of the body, almost an anticipation and excitement, the way that the last drop of water would leave the jug. Okay would leave the water skinned, that last drop of water comes out smoothly, okay, to the toughen of agenda to the shroud of agenda into the hands of the angels, where it is taken up to Allah subhanaw taala registered in the scrolls and Earlene. Okay, in the high schools, then it is returned to the

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body where it waits for the janazah and the profit slice, and I'm sad that the janazah should be rushed. Okay, hurry up with the janazah you should not wait for the janazah you should not involve you should not send the body back to Pakistan or send it back to follow Steen, you put the body in the grave, take it to the grave as soon as possible. Trust me, that person would not be angry with you. If you buried them in Texas, they wouldn't be angry with you if you involve them and you and you delayed their janazah for days, because that's a form of adab. That's a form of torture in and of itself, to be in that in that waiting period. So the prophets, I'm says, so to hurry up with your

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Genesis, hurry up with those bodies, and out of love to cut.

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The Earth is not going to make anyone pure whether you're buried in Dallas, or you're buried in Medina or Mecca, okay, at the end of the day, the Earth will not make you a pure person. So hurry up and take them to their graves. There is I might say at that point when the person because this is talking about the battle janazah following the janazah when the person

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is placed on the shoulders of the people, and that person is being taken to their grave. Some of them, they said that that is within the justice. So the soul is still within the body, it's back into the body. Some of the scholars said that the soul circles the body, like it's surrounding the body. It's around the body, it's connected.

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But it's not insight at that point. So it's watching the procession. And this is why the prophets lie. Some said that some of the bodies would hurry up they would quickly right they would want to quickly be placed into the grave. So their lights you can feel the lightness and you can almost feel like you're being rushed Subhanallah with the body as you're taking it to the grave. Or some of the bodies might be very heavy, right? You might feel like it's very slow the believing soul rushes. The believing soul looks forward to that next step because the believing soul knows that which comes after will be better and will be more comforting. Whereas the you know, a wicked soul is as hesitant

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as as can be wicked soul does not want to be taken the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said that when the believing soul is taken, when the believing soul is being carried now the Sunnah of the Prophet sly Salam and etbr agenda is actually to carry the body to put it on the shoulders. Right that people actually get under it and they put it on their shoulders, and they carry the body. The prophets lie. Some says that when the believing soul is being taken to the grave, the believing soul shouts but the Mooney caught the Mooney but the morning or the morning, hurry up and take me Hurry up and take me Hurry up and take me advance forward. Go, go, go. So how am i Believing soul is

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hurrying the Janaza up? But the prophets lie some says and if the soul is wicked, the soul shouts out Yahweh. Yahweh Aina Tirth hub wanna be? Yahweh Allah Yahweh Allah Aina Ted have warned me Walter it's Walter it Where are you taking it? Where are you taking it? So the wicked soul? May Allah Subhana Allah protect us from being of those people actually is trying to slow down the janazah don't take me to the grave. Where are you taking it? Whoa to it not yet. Hold on. What are you all doing? Can you all hear me? so on so forth, the profit slice I'm said the wicked soul continues to shout and obviously no one would hear their cries and may Allah Subhana Allah protect us of being

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amongst those people. So it's a very, you know, this is a very critical juncture, a very critical point where you're going from the salaat to the grave, and the people are carrying the body and the soul is either in anticipation or the soul is in complete fear of that which is to come. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam then said that as the body is placed within the grave, as the body is placed within the janazah within the grief, the prophets like some says that the grief squeezes the person. Everyone will feel a squeeze as they're placed into their grave. Well sulla sigh some said if anyone was to be spared from that squeeze it would have been who side have been more anthology

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Allah and he said, even the one for whom the Throne of Allah shook when he passed away out of Fatah out of joy, the Throne of Allah shook out of joy that side soul was returned.

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Burning to occupy one of the lamps under the throne to occupy its rightful place. Even one side even more have died. There's a squeeze. There's a hugging there. It's either very severe, or it's very light when a person is initially placed into their grave. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says that a person would hear the last footsteps to leave their Janessa

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you would hear the footsteps walking away from your grave. And the prophets like some said Allah would cause them to hear all the way until the last footsteps. The janazah is at the time of the Prophet slice. What were they? When a person was being taken to their grave? When a person was being buried? Did the people used to make a lot of noise? Did the people used to chant anything? Did the people used to make these speeches at the grave? Did the people used to do eulogies? No. And do any of that? Did the people used to mourn and scream No. Prophets lie Selim when he took the body and he places the body that hadith in Abu Dhabi is very beautiful because it shows you the way that the

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Sahaba used to observe Janaza Prophet sites and and place the body inside the dirt and the Sahaba work and Allah will see him play it as if they had birds on their heads meaning they were completely still and silent. They buried the companion the profit slice and um says stuff it'll be hard come seek forgiveness for your brother for in the hole and I use because he's being asked right now. So everyone, take a few moments make us default, seek forgiveness make do out for that person. So they would quietly make dua quietly seek forgiveness quietly reflect, I mean, compared that type of janazah to Arjuna. ISIS today, everyone is quietly reflecting making your app with the person and

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Ahmed will also be allowed to I know as authentically married, he told his kids he said when you bury me,

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then don't leave the graveyard right away. Wait next to my grave for some time, until the messengers of my Lord approached me until the angels come to me. Why? Because again, you hear the last footsteps that would leave as you're placed into the grave. So Subhanallah he's saying to his kids, when you bury me, wait, wait a little bit, don't leave right away, until the Rasul the melodica, the angels of Allah subhanaw, taala, come to me. And that at that point, a person would answer and again, look, you can't. A lot of times I know there are a lot of practices here like people prompting the dead. Like when the angels come to you, and they ask you, man, what books say Allah?

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And when they asked you who's your messenger, say Mohammed slice on when they ask you, what's your religion? Say? It's not it doesn't work that way. It's not that easy. Okay, that was the case, it would, it would be pretty smooth. It doesn't work that way. When those angels come, that person has to be in a certain spiritual state to be able to enter those questions. This is not just knowing the answers in your head, otherwise, an ex Muslim would know how to answer those questions. Okay, this is a very, very serious moment. At that point, you can't prompt the dead to say, you know, this is what you're going to say just to remind you, when you pass away, there is no communication. You're

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not You're not able to change anything at that point. But instead staying with them, making sure the sooner is to bury them and to stay for a period of time after they pass away, asking for a loss contest forgiveness for them. It is between Kyla and to him between being severely disliked and being absolutely prohibited to speak about matters of the dunya the majority opinion of Kira of the being disliked to speak about matters of the dunya pathogen. So

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think about the geneticists you've been to. You've got the family standing on one side, people come Everyone's crying. They say salaam give them a big hug. Just a little bit over people already talking about their lunch, they're talking about getting back to work. People haven't seen each other for a long time. So what are you up to these days? Its power people engage in their conversations about dunya. While they're still at the graveyard like talking about not getting the point. There is a person being buried in front of them. And they're already talking about matters of the dunya. So it's considered extremely disliked, extremely disliked, to talk about matters of the

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dunya at the janazah to some of the scholars in the classical books of Philip. It's even to a point of to him, it's even to a point of being forbidden. Now what is the reward of going with the janazah? The hadith, the person that has accompany the janazah what is the reward? The prophets like Selim says, once again, if a person prays they catch the Salah, they would have one kilohertz that's one mountain the size of a head. Now if any of you have ever seen or heard, how many of you have seen or heard?

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It's huge, isn't it? And it was probably even bigger back then. Okay. It's huge. It's not a mountain. It's more like a valley. It's a huge range. I mean, subhanAllah huge mountain. The profit sites I'm frequently used to do. I'm thought with a hurt so I used to frequently draw analogies to hurt because it was the biggest mountain that was known to them. So the prophets like some says you would have a mountain Can you imagine or hurt in good deeds? Can you imagine?

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And I heard in this dunya and the hub in gold. If you ever heard in gold, the prophets like some mentions, but in agile in good deeds on the day of judgment and if you follow the janazah and you wait until it's been buried, then you have to clot to mountains. There's a very interesting story here that I'll share with you even model the law. No, he was one sitting in the masjid. And a man came to him and said, Yeah, about the luck. Zack Leticia. Yeah, but Abdullah, he said, Oh, are actually said, Yeah. Abdullah, he said to him, and Omar, Abdullah said, do you hear it or he was telling the people of the love and almost said What's up with ADA telling the people he said he's

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saying that the prophets lie Selim said,

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and he mentioned the Hadith that if you prayed, and as on someone, you get it paid off, you get a mountain of words of good deeds. And if you follow it, then you get to mountains now but Allah Allah, Allah Tada anhu, he didn't know about the following the janazah part being another Pilat, another mountain of good deeds. So we've been on that all day long, who knew about the reward of praying salata, janazah being a field off being one mountain of good deed? He didn't know about the second one. So But overall, the law I know, he quickly sent a messenger to you settled the law and said, Go ask are you settled the law and then if she's heard this as well, if she's heard about

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this, this idea of following the janazah, until it's buried, and then having a second mountain of good deeds, so the Messenger of Allah binominal the law I know he went to, he saw the alarm and I saw the alarm on her says saba kakum, Abu Huraira. Allah has told you all the truth, the prophets lie, some did say and she mentioned the Hadith as well. So when the messenger came back to him and model the low tide, and told him that I showed the Allah and her says that Abu lado was telling the truth, of love and Omar had some pebbles in his hand. He threw the pebbles he got up, he put his hand on his head, and he was upset. And he says, come from Lochner V. Karate kathira.

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How many karate how many mountains of good deeds have we missed out on? Because he didn't know about the Sunnah of following the janazah to the graveyard. So come for Rob Murphy karate Kathira how many mountains of good deeds have we missed out upon and it's narrated that he never missed the burial of a janazah again, there are different Hadith as well. The Hadith of the Prophet slice I'm mentioning, you know, sitting with the companions and saying Who amongst you has fasted today, and I'll be back had raised his hand and another group of companions raised their hand, he said, Who amongst you has given charity today, and I will record raised his hand and another group of companions raise their

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hand Who amongst you has visited the sick today and will record raised his hand and another group of companions raise their hand? Who amongst you followed a janazah today I will record raised his hand and another group of companions raise their hand and the prophets I send them says that whoever combines these things in one day will enter Jannah in any way that they please will enter paradise in any way that they please. Now what if you're praying a janazah with multiple people? Let's say that there let's you know, this isn't something common but let's say there are 567 people is the sunnah to pray separate Genesis or to pray one.

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But don't you want to get the Pilat of each one?

00:38:13 --> 00:38:42

Right. So technically, let's say in Medina and Mecca, right, especially when there's a janazah after every salon there are multiple salatu salam Wa salatu added to Flaine and so on so forth. What does it mean for you? Okay, Cliff Lane are the babies and the M word and the dead and these are the women and so on so forth. What does that mean? Do you get the exit of one Salah when you pray on them all? Know, if you prayed, one salata, Janaza on 10 people, that's 10 P rocks.

00:38:43 --> 00:39:17

That's actually 10 Mountains of good deeds. Okay, so the salt, it's not the salah apart that's being mentioned in the Hadith that's being referenced in the Hadith, but as it's called, the ayat says, it's the person that's being preyed upon. So if you prayed, and there were 10 people, that's tempt the Lord 10 mountains, all right, and if you follow the genesis of those 10 people, that's another 10 Mountains that's 20 Mountains of hurt and good deeds. So it's the Mercy of Allah subhana which Allah that we have from Allah finally, just as a last note,

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because mashallah, we have a lot of sisters here and a lot of sisters are like close doesn't apply to us. This isn't fair. This is only for men. What is the position of women going to the graveyard? It is a very it isn't the life it's a difference of opinion. The difference of opinion arises from the profit slice and I'm cursing as the women who frequent the graveyards and the hat the women who would slap their cheeks and would scream at the graveyard and cry loudly and so on so forth. Now Nia, which is rolling at the graves is forbidden for men and women. So to screen to make noises to take part in morning customs. Okay, I know a lot of you aren't going to like to hear this but the

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prophets like Selim mentioned or the Sahaba mentioned

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prom eating upon the dead or eating, you know, on behalf of the hadith is from Julius Abdullah and it's the Mary that led me to gather with the, with the relatives of the deceased and aplomb and to eat.

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Couldn't an Urdu Homina Nia says that we considered it to be a form of Nia it was from the wailing that hurts the debt, the profit slice I mentioned not to mourn and so on so forth. Most of the customs, I know this is deeply offensive, and you'll say but we've been doing this for so many years. And you know, this is how it works in this country in that country. And I don't care if it's from Saudi Arabia.

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And this is the custom at the dead. Almost all of them without exception are innovations, and in fact, one contrary to the sinner. The Sunnah is that the relatives of the family gathered when they gather alone, they're to be left alone. In fact, the prophet sighs I mentioned the hadith of Jaffa, Jaffa Ile de la and who passed away to prepare food for them to give them the food because the women don't have time to cook right now. Let them let them not have to worry about responsibilities. Now we do the opposite we make the families we burden the families with having to worry about this huge group of people coming to their house. It's literally the opposite of the Sunnah. Okay, so the

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Sunnah is that the family members are left alone, their matters are taken care of for them. So you take care of their stuff for them, you ease the burden, they don't want to see anybody right now. And it's deeply offensive when people come and sit in their house and start talking about irrelevant stuff. Right? You go and you sit and you know, stuff a lot. Not alone is a rod your own Sharla to Jana, then, you know, how about them cowboys?

00:41:40 --> 00:42:18

Like Wait, what just happened here? Right? People immediately almost immediately drift into their other conversations that how is that in accordance with the Sunnah Allahu Allah has nothing to do with the sun. Right? So Nia was forbidden for men and women, this concept of mourning, or long eulogies or customs when a person passes away, it's forbidden for men and women. Okay, a certain type of coffee. Like you drink a certain type of coffee, you eat a certain type of food, trust me gathering and eating biryani or eating steak is not going to benefit the dead. You want to give sadaqa give sadaqa to some poor people, it's not going to benefit the dead, all the customs were

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ruled out. So the prophets likes him particularly hated the custom of people coming to the graveyard and screaming and so on so forth and shouting out when I say EDA, and so you know,

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counting, chatting all these great things about the person after they passed away. Now this was particular to the women of that time the women of jelly they had this this, this custom of Nia, which is that they would go to the graveyard and they would hit themselves and they would scream out poetry. And in fact, even in some Arab Christian cultures today, they still have not yet they're still a professional. There's still a group of women that follow the Janata is that follow the funerals. And they do Yeah. And even in some Muslim cultures as well. Okay, so that was hated by the prophet, slice Allah, the Prophet slice, I'm cursed the women who do that, because that was a

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predominant practice of the women. But now here's the thing.

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I shoveled the Allahu anha. And a large group of the Redeemer believed that there is absolutely nothing wrong with women going to the graveyard. And in fact, the deer out of the graveyard to do out of what to say in the graveyard of its most authentic narrations is when I should ask the profit twice. And then when I go to the graveyard, what should I say?

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Now if it was haram, the prophets license I would have said, Why are you going to the graveyard? But he taught her to drop. Okay. And so this is a dispute. Why? Because I saw the law and how would her brother I'm out of the bucket he died a few miles away from Mecca. He sold the law on her made her way over when he passed away. And when she got to Mecca, she said, Where's the grave of my brother? Where's the grave of my brothers? So they pointed her towards the grave. And she went to his grave a month later and she prayed janazah on him. And he shoveled the low tide, and she used to visit his grave. Now some of the Sahaba they said to

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have been with Aki, he came to her and he said didn't the prophets lie some forbid women from going to the graveyard. An isa responded and said that was when the prophets lie some forbade men and women from visiting the graveyard. So when the Prophet slicin lifted the prohibition of visiting the graveyard, he lifted it for the men and the women but the prohibition on the remains, the prohibition on Zavala tonight he had on women screaming and so on so forth. That remains so according to it settled the law and she is the most authoritative figure on these massage on these issues especially when it comes to women. No one's going to understand like she does when it comes

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to the profit slice I'm in the thick of women she is the one who teaches the FIP of women and almost everything else. So I Isha did not understand the profit slice I'm to have prohibited

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Women from praying janazah and from going to the graveyard, it is a difference of opinion to some of them are that

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you know, they do hold that it's prohibited. Some of the schools do not hold that it's prohibited. And Imam Ahmed Rahim Allah Tada was a strong proponent of this idea that women could pray the geneticists and they could even go to the graveyard so long as they don't frequent them and they don't carry out these customs that were known to the Arabs before so Allah why them that's just an opinion to put forward, which I believe and there are other evidences as well. One of them the woman who the profit slice I'm saw her in the graveyard and she was crying, and the profit slice I'm told her to be patient, and she responded with, you know, what do you know of my situation, she basically

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lashed out at the prophets, I send them and the prophets lie some left her and then the Sahaba told her that you lashed out at the profit slice on them.

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So when they told her that she was so apologetic, she went to the profit slice and um, she sought forgiveness and so on, so forth, and the profit slice and I'm told her that a suburb and the southern ruler that pay true patients is at the first strike.

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Again, no censorship, no condemning her for being there, and so on, so forth, but instead the idea of showing patience when the tragedy strikes you, so Allah knows best, but it seems that you know, again, it's it's a difference of opinion there. But there is a strong, you know, very strong evidence that it's okay for women to go to the graveyards as well to pray janazah and go to the graveyard so long as they abstain from objectionable things. So it is something that's good for us to do and Chatelet out to follow the janazah let's try to think like a normal the a lot of times and who little bit. You know, when when we hear of a janazah taking place in the city, we should make an

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attempt to go and pray that janazah and if we have the time we should actually make the attempt to follow that janazah Inshallah, to Allah,

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Allah below town Ireland, we ask Allah Subhana Allah to have mercy upon our debt, to allow us to have personal time to allow us to have good endings and to allow us to be amongst those that are greeted by the angels of mercy and not by the angels of wrath and punishment. Allahumma Amin questions?

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Attending the funerals of non Muslims is also a difference of opinion.

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The strongest stance or the stance that I hold a law item is that it's okay to go. It's just not okay to participate in the rituals. Why? Because the prophets like Selim, the very famous Hadith that the janazah of a Jewish man passed by the prophet slicin And the prophets I some stood up when the janazah of that Jew passed by and they said the other sort of Lawrence not even a Muslim to do the profit slice and M says is it not a human being?

00:47:46 --> 00:48:00

Pamela you talk about respect it's beautiful right? So that idea of showing respect showing respect to the dead who are not Muslims is fine, just you can participate in there the bad and the rituals and so on so forth.

00:48:01 --> 00:48:06

So a lot of it seems that there is absolutely nothing wrong with insha Allah but a person should avoid the rituals

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can the dead here

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if Allah wants them to hear?

00:48:20 --> 00:48:33

To be honest that you know there's really no there is no there isn't a blanket statements that indicates that the dead can here but can Allah make the dead here in certain situations? Yes, he can. Like when the prophets I saw them.

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After the Battle of bed that when Abuja Han was killed, and Akbar was killed in some of the greatest enemies, the oppressors of the Muslims were killed the prophets lice and I'm spoke to them.

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And he says that we have found what Allah has promised us to be true. Have you found what Allah has promised you to be true?

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And they said, the other Salah Can they hear and the prophets like some said they can hear just as you can hear, I mean, they hear very clearly at that point Allah made them to hear so the general rule is no. The general rule is no, but if Allah wants to make them hear, they can hear. Okay? The general rule is that no, we assume that the dead can't hear.

00:49:12 --> 00:49:17

Alright, there are a lot of questions here. My sister brother says, so go brother now and then we'll come back and

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the issue is following the Janaza and visiting the graveyard so so there is a variance of opinions or some of the scholars said, Well, if the woman is in the masjid and a janazah takes place, then she can pray janazah but she shouldn't go with the intention of praying janazah some of them said she can go with the intention of praying janazah but not follow this a lot to the graveyard and so on so forth. And the correct I don't want to say the correct opinion. Okay, I'm going to say the opinion that I hold in the opinion of the majority of the scars is that it's fine for her to go pray the janazah and follow the janazah to the graveyard as well so long as she abstains from those

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local radio

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we go to

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the recommended act when you go to the graveyard is to simply read the doom of entering into the graveyard, which has come in different variations as salam or Aleikum added the PSP on to you dwellers of the graves. The prophets lie Selim would say unto Masabi, Mina Mina will Muslimeen or Mina Mina well me not so from the believing men to believing women.

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And to Masabi Cornwell, Inna insha Allah who become law headcorn You are the ones who have preceded us and we are soon to follow NUS and Allah Halina, welcome and Afia, we ask Allah that both you and us are forgiven and are granted pardon. There are various authentic ways to recite the drought venturing into the graveyard in sha Allah. So just That's That's it and being you know, not not sitting on the graves not not doing anything strange, just just making draft for the person making draft for the deceased, and reflecting, it's a very silence.

00:51:10 --> 00:51:31

It's a very silent ritual, if you will, right that a person reflects and they do to double into FICO and they make the offer the deceased and by the way, you're doing that in your house is the same as your do out when you're next to their grave. But there is no doubt that obviously, if you're sitting there looking at that person's grave that you're doing, it would probably be more sincere. But from a technical perspective, you're out in the house is the same as if you were if a person wants to visit the grave.

00:51:33 --> 00:51:34

Well look

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at the death of Saudi,

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his mother spoke highly of him. We understand that as the eulogy that's done in the masjid and not at the grave, or is that just not? Is that an exception? Okay, so eulogies. What's hot on with eulogies is like an organized speech and so on so forth, and extolling the person and mentioning, you know, lavishing praise on them because look, when everyone passes away,

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you know, if you just watch the news every night, and you watch the family of the deceased when everyone passes away, and they start talking about that person, oh, he was the best friend ever had most loyal person was kind person. Everyone has the same description. Right? And that's why when the prophets I said, um, when he heard the Companions speaking era of somebody, when he passed away the prophets, like some says was a bit left would not Hellfire became mandatory for him, because if you're so bad that people can't find anything nice to say about you, even when you die. You must have really been a lot of them. Like you must have seriously been an oppressor and a transgressor.

00:52:37 --> 00:53:04

Right. But on the other hand, the prophets I mentioned when when the Sahaba spoke well of a person, the prophets of Islam says that was a bad law Jana, that paradise became mandatory for him by virtue of the good things that you said about him. And I'm sure that life a lot of you are the witnesses of Allah, on this earth, Allah makes the ultimate judgment, but you are the witnesses of Allah on this earth. So when a person passes away, certainly we should speak well of them and we should make the art for them and so on so forth, but not organized rituals.

00:53:06 --> 00:53:43

So for example, one of the famous eulogies, which was just a natural speech, and not natural words of praise was winnable Beckett passed away the eulogy of ideal the Allahu Anhu for I will becquerel the law and what's beautiful so there's a concept of speaking well and mentioning and so on so forth. But just not these long drawn out speeches that are formal that are rituals and so on so forth morning gatherings right not morning with you but are not are not morning without the you but morning with the right like actual morning gatherings and so on so forth rituals where people come and offer speeches, that's what's prohibited and that's where the prophet slice I mentioned that

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when a person is buried and the people start to chant out all these these things, the angels poke that person and say a haka that Quinn's where you what they say about you,

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you know, are you really what they say about you? Because people go overboard. Right so that's what it is speaking well of people is necessary speaking ill is haram.

00:54:05 --> 00:54:07

The second question is with visuals, the

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visuals for the debt, would it fall within under or prohibited, Rich? It depends what the purpose of that vigil is. If the purpose of that vigil is simply to mark the death, then there's a problem vigils as a form of protest I personally don't see a problem with vigils as a form of protest as a form of demonstration I don't see a problem with it at all because it's not being done as a body that's being done as a form of demonstration with his which is permissible with its principles being with with things, certain things being observed and certain things being avoided, right. But vigils for this like Can Can I light candles every year to mark the death of a person that wouldn't be

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allowed because that's a ritual at that point.

00:54:54 --> 00:54:57

We're not going to end with these questions. So who had their yeah

00:55:07 --> 00:55:08

Just tell them you love them

00:55:09 --> 00:55:36

try to make them feel better. Don't Don't ever like like sent like when people are when people have lost someone in there well even the prophets by someone that woman lashed out at him at the graveyard he didn't sit there and lecture and say woman tequila I'm the Prophet of Allah. He left her at that point don't you know you're not you're not in the right state of mind the right frame of mind which is why you need to prepare yourself before that moment on how to carry yourself so just at that point, be quiet hear them all. Tell them you love them inshallah.

00:55:37 --> 00:55:40

Try to make them feel better. All right, I'm gonna take

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two more questions from men two more questions from the women Okay, so I'm gonna go back here yes

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yes, let's Allah let's help. Let's just the blessing of Allah he showed up at the Muslim there happened to be a janazah and you stayed and you prayed the Janessa Do you still get it off? That's fine you still get one Pirot

00:56:15 --> 00:56:20

No, just mean to the artists which is to say a hammock Allah is One a Muslim says Alhamdulillah when they sneeze

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bless you is not your hammock Allah

00:56:24 --> 00:56:31

saying bless you if you mean Yanni hedaya May Allah guide you that's fine you can wish prosperity

00:56:35 --> 00:56:36

you say your hammock Allah

00:56:39 --> 00:56:50

if they don't know what your state just hopefully they don't think you curse them out. I mean, I've never said the word hammock Allah if the Muslim knew enough to say Alhamdulillah when he sneeze the most likely he's gonna know somewhat what your hammock Allah is right so

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if someone gets mad at you for saying that hammock Allah just let me know. Sit him down and explain it to him and show all right. Yes. Yeah.

00:57:02 --> 00:57:03

You mentioned the soul

00:57:07 --> 00:57:09

right Millia what's going on? And

00:57:12 --> 00:57:16

during the janazah the soul is aware of the surroundings? Yes.

00:57:19 --> 00:57:29

Province Isom says yet to be your immediate thought laugh at the dead person is followed by three things. Jana Jairus Nan we have Courtois had two things go leave him and one thing stays with him.

00:57:30 --> 00:57:41

It's beautiful and Mal will what follows him or his is his wealth his family and his actions? The wealth and the family leave him and the only thing that stays with him is his deeds.

00:57:43 --> 00:57:47

So you're aware of it and that's what you're followed with but at the end of the day you're left alone with your deeds

00:57:49 --> 00:57:50

last question from

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00:57:56 --> 00:57:57

Al Quran will Hadith

00:58:00 --> 00:58:02

now and frown

00:58:03 --> 00:58:08

on frown eye on but as often crown there's the there's the I in

00:58:12 --> 00:58:15

nada you're gonna lay her book return why she and then

00:58:17 --> 00:58:18


00:58:22 --> 00:58:25

and the other fair Oh no. No

00:58:31 --> 00:58:46

Quran and Sunnah to festival Quran. sunnah to festival, a Hadith also here to pursue Quran so when you have a lot that are ambiguous and I mentioned things then you go to the Senate to explain them just like a slough. A Salawat till humps, the five prayers

00:58:48 --> 00:58:50

there are no amount they say there's no level public.

00:58:54 --> 00:58:55

I personally so

00:58:57 --> 00:59:18

I'm answering you in English just because of the people. None of the none of the scholars, none of the scholars of the past none of the scholars of the traditional sciences none of the Imams and so on so forth denied covenants a contemporary thing and only different groups and so on so forth. A lot. Alright, last sister. And then that's it. Yes, one of you you guys have to flip a coin

00:59:21 --> 00:59:22


00:59:36 --> 00:59:59

Allah will deal with them in a unique way. So people have exceptions, Allah will deal with them in a unique way which is why the prophets I mentioned to us the man who told his children to cremate him, so that Allah cannot punish me because he was afraid of the punishment of Allah so He told his kids to cremate him to burn his body to ashes and the prophesy. Sam said Allah gathered him and said to him, why did you do that? And he says,

01:00:00 --> 01:00:22

Ha ha took a rubber band to Ireland that you were that I was afraid of you Oh Allah Oh my Lord and you know best so Allah for Allah hula hoop without a koala forgave him because Allah saw that sincerity and and but it doesn't if a person had a death that's unique and so on so forth and there'll be dealt with in those unique circumstances a lot. I guess we've gone way too late tonight Zack and law Hayden's apparently I'm having a shadow and stuff we'll go into like there is a break

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