Omar Suleiman – Ramadan 2017 – Khatirah Night 11

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The importance of patient profitability and Joseph spoke Moosa as an example are discussed, as well as the difficulty of dealing with patients who harm themselves and their families. The speaker emphasizes the need for patient testing to overcome these tests and avoid harming oneself and their families. They also discuss the concept of "ma'ams" and how they can be angry at people, and how they can deal with their emotions in a pleasing way.
AI: Transcript ©
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But I'd asked all of you, when you think patient, profit, patient profit, when you think of the prophets of Allah and you think patience, which profits come to mind.

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Are you iacob

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usif you Yunus you have an answer?

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Uh, you

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Yunus finally there was Moosa.

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That's the point. When the prophets lie Selim admired the characteristics of the prophets before him. He said, Rahim Allah who ahi Moosa Lockhart Uzziah be actory Madhava for Saba, may Allah have mercy on my brother, Moses, my brother Moosa. He was tested with far worse than this, but he was patient. And somehow a lot typically you don't think of Musa alayhis salaam as the patient prophet. If the Prophet slicin was going to admire and certainly the patience of a job is admirable and the patience of new Noah is admirable and the patience of all of these profits that were mentioned use of Joseph Yunus, Jonah all of these profits that are no these are admirable profits and examples of

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patience, but the prophets lie some reflected on musante is Salam. Rahim Allah He Moosa, may Allah have mercy on my brother Moosa. He was tested with far worse than this, or he was hurt with more than this, but he was patient. What was the context of that? There are different types of tests that can come to a person. There's the test of a natural disaster, there's a test of failing health, there's the test of the loss of family. There are all sorts of tests, but Musa alayhis salam was tested in a very particular way. He was tested with his own people. While he was trying to do the right thing for his people. His people were undermining him. His people would disobey them. He goes

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to speak to Allah subhana wa Tada. And as people start worshipping a sculpture account, every single time he leaves these his people, his people do something that undermine him and his people harm him, and they question him and all the struggling that he does for them is so under appreciated. He frees them from slavery by the help of Allah. Allah subhanaw taala provide sustenance through musante and Salaam. He strikes the hazard he strikes the stone and spring starts to come out in the last panel, Tirana and zarahemla Manoa, Salah lost parents it sends them heavenly food, and they're not satisfied, and they harm him. They mock him at times, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in

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that context he was questioned by one of his followers and he said, Rahim Allah Moosa. May Allah have mercy on my brother Moosa. He was tested with much worse than this, but he was patient, Musa alayhis salam is tested in a very unique way, which is the test of the people. And what does the law tell us about how we treat our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam how we treat our own messenger? Yeah, even within Amanullah chacun, okay. Lavina Moosa Oh, you who believe Don't be like those who harm is more sadly, his Salah. So typically, you don't think of patience, test musante his Salah, you think of other things, and that's the problem. Because if you reflect in your own life, what are

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the most difficult tests in your life?

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The ones that involve people.

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You know, if you think about it, dealing with people is so difficult. When someone you can attribute harm to a person, especially when you're trying to help that person.

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You know, you're working for that person, you're doing things for their benefit, and they still harm you. That's the most difficult type of test to deal with the patients that you have to have with your children. You're trying to stop them from ruining their lives. When they're kids you're trying to stop them from from choking themselves, or putting toys in their mouth, you're trying to stop them from, at least in the case of my son, Michelle, I think is a very, you know, unique ways to harm himself, you know, jump off the second floor and do this and do that. You're trying to stop them from harm, then they grow up and you're trying to stop them from another type of harm, then

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they grow up and you're trying to stop them from another type of harm, then they become a teen and they tell you you've never done anything for me Leave me alone. That's that's a test. hearing that from your kid when you've been trying to help them is far more difficult than hearing it from some random stranger. Right? So especially when you're trying to help somebody and those people hurt you, somehow to law so being tested with the people and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said that the one whom

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mixes with the people because you might say to yourself, you know what? I'm done with dealing with people, especially Muslims.

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I'm gonna leave you guys alone I'm going to go into isolation. It's much easier to deal with others right? We have that sentiment sometimes the prophets I send them says that the one who mixes with the people while your spirit or another home and his patience with the hardships that come from them is far better than the one Allah de la you harder to nurse The one who doesn't mix with the people is far better when he mixes with the people and tolerates their abuses and musante his Salaam was abused in a very different way. Right by by facing that undermining from his people. Now there's a second part to this equation I'll close with this inshallah. Now we understand typically when you

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think test, you don't think Musa alayhis salam like you think the other prophets that you mentioned. But when you think patience Do you think Musa alayhis salaam

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No. Typically you don't have I mean the thought that will come to your mind is Yaqoob and his touching Dr. Yunus Ani his Salaam and in the belly of that well you know you think of maybe a you Barney his Salam calling upon his Lord in desperation but moosari is Salaam Sabah maybe that's not what comes to your minds. I mean he comes back from talking to a loss of hundreds I find some people what does he do? He cracks the the tablets and he's upset with his brother how'd on it his setup. So is that a patient man? Yes. You know why? Because the prophets lie Selim used to also get angry sometimes Musa alayhis salam did get angry sometimes are you sorry his Salaam you know recently is

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that um somehow Jesus peace be upon him was replaced by Santa Claus at some point.

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Recently his Salaam got angry at times he walks into the temple starts flipping tables for the for the wrongdoing that's taking place the financial corruption freeing the sacrifices, calling the Pharisees hypocrites and broods of vipers.

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Are you sorry, Islam got mad too? I know we've we've started to you know how they do Martin and Malcolm. So we turned Mossad Islam into Malcolm and returned Islam into Martin Luther King Jr. You have a nice one, and you have a mean one, right? And the fact of the matter is that dichotomy doesn't exist between the prophets. They did get angry when they saw injustice. They had righteous anger. At some point, you should have righteous anger, volume should make you angry, but how you deal with that anger determines whether or not it's righteous or not. So yes, the prophets lie Selim on the boundaries of a lower cross. He used to get very angry on his Salatu was Salam but in his

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anger, he didn't curse or harm an innocent person or spit on someone or become foul. Neither did musante his Salah you know, if you think musante snom wasn't patient with his people, what would you have done with your people? If you were more scientists?

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You wouldn't have told them what to do and full circle, you would have done it yourself.

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You know, that the things they did to masayoshi son and he showed patience, and think about it, his anger was when they put themselves in a bad situation. So it was still out of love and care for his people. But I don't want you to harm yourselves or ruin yourselves. So patience is not always silence. Patience is not always speaking in a soft voice and not being angry. Patience is that even when you deal with your anger, it is well measured in accordance with that which is pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala because what angered you in the first place, is that Allah subhana wa Tada. His boundaries were crossed. So we learned so much from the prophets lie Selim, saying Allahu Allahu

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Moosa Moosa should be admired for his patients it his, his patients and standing in front of their own his patients with his people, every time they disobeyed every time they gave him a hard time. He never wronged them. Did Moosa ever wrong his people, that boosah walk out on his people that moosari his Salaam asked a lot to destroy his people know, as much as they harmed him. He was patient with them. He was patient with the mission that Allah subhana wa tada gave to him. May Allah grant us the patience of Moosa and the patience of a tube. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the good qualities of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in proportion May Allah Subhana Allah to Allah

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forgive us in place in our hearts and in our character, that which brings us closer to him Allah Ameen. zachman, Wilfredo said I want to come

May Allah have mercy on my brother Moses PBUH – This talk was given at the Valley Ranch Islamic Center.


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