Irshaad Sedick – Ramadan 101 – Optimising Your Fast

Irshaad Sedick
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of fasting during the month of Taqwa, with emphasis on avoiding health issues and problems. They stress the importance of learning and sharing experiences to improve relationships with family and friends, as well as avoiding drinking alcohol. They also discuss the use of language in media and the importance of avoiding fraud and the need for consistency in behavior. The speakers emphasize the importance of fasting for achieving a better day and avoiding embarrassment. They also mention the safety of Attica school, where children are advised to practice it, and express hope that they can avoid conflict between the US and Israel.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen or salat wa salam ala Sayidina Muhammad Hatami lambier You will mousseline Salawat to Allah He was Salam o who Allah he will Allah him at remain rubbish roughly Saudi us Sidley Emery, Washington Open Data melissani EFCO. coli superhigh Nicola and Milena Elana alum tena indica until animal Hakeem Allahumma alumna, Mayan farriner one foreigner Bhima alum tena was IDNA Alma mean erotica era hamara mean Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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replace and thanks to do Sarita Allah subhanahu wa ala Teresa's peace blessings and salutations upon our Master and exemplar Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to proceed in sha Allah we commence our lesson with my Yun Debu Lee saw me what is recommended for the fasting person what's recommended while fasting. We've covered all of the obligations, the conditions, what breaks the fast now we are looking at the what is Sunnah and what is macro.

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To begin, the author states, a pre Dawn meal is recommended even if it is light or consists of water alone. The prophets of Allah salami told us that the Sahara In fact, in Nafisa holy Baraka take the morning meal, which we refer to as so whole or if you are get Malay, you probably grew up with Soward. And I think the Indian community says, theory right? Arabic is so whole take the morning meal because this Baraka in it to some people,

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these these two extremes in in this regard, the one extreme is to have a plate of food, as soon Of course, like curry and rice and bread, the full meal backing in for the day. That's the one extreme the other extreme is somebody who doesn't eat at all because they say no, they forced beta when they don't eat. Those are two extremes. The Prophet alayhi salat wa salam suggestion is somewhere in the middle, he says, take the morning meal. Because there's Baraka in it. Even if you were to drink a few sips of water, that's also that is also regarded as SOHO. Personally, I find that that most people fast, much better when they have very little to eat in the morning. So a couple of dates,

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some water and perhaps something like a fruit or the like just to get the system going. But data is wonderful in the forest is the reason why it's so closely connected to the forest. But the idea is not only are we putting in the calories or are we putting in the the food in our digestive system, but this Baraka in it is blessings in the meal. The time begins from the middle of the night onwards, but it is best to delay the Soho till just before don't till just before 5g, often you will see on the calendars there will be a suggestion they in fact, it looks more like a command that says stop eating 15 minutes. Padgett right.

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I've never listened to that at all. I don't know where it comes from. I think it's born out of the idea that we need to have some level of caution, right. So you don't find yourself eating all the way till Fudger

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Allah knows best bet as far as the sooner is concerned, it is sooner to delay this or hold

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till as late as possible. So I would even say if you start eating so hold 15 minutes before Fajr it would be fine. If you don't need that much time to eat.

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As long as one does not apprehend that Fajr would arrive so you don't eat thinking is going to be fudged at any moment now, but I'm still eating anyways. Though when one does not know, when the dawn is if you don't know what time is budget, it is not sooner to delay it like this.

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It is best to hastily we've already discussed the other matter last night last week, the week before about the person who eats and

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rather the person is late to eat and it's almost 500

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You know and they're wondering can I make it to drink that glass of water and I said I don't want to open up that can of worms in a sort of an official capacity, but I will leave it there insha Allah and if you are unclear about anything, it is best to hasten breaking the fast when one is certain that the sun has set. So what's the Sunnah with the morning meal to delay it to eat as late as possible. And what's the Sunnah with if thought to Hastin it to eat

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as quickly as possible, the awesome strongly worded a hadith the Prophet SAW Selim says the OMA will continue to be upon goodness for as long as it ASINs in if thought, so it's a bit it's like counterintuitive, you would think I'm gonna take my time to break my fast I'm gonna maybe delay I'm going to first make Mohib Sylar because I'm very pious. You know, I'm going to first butcher my Quran finished, you know? No, that is against the Sunnah. The Sunnah, is as soon as Margaret enters your Hastin, to break the fast, right, which also teaches us a lesson is there's a few of these lessons in Ramadan, that we don't get to decide what piety consists of that the Sharia teaches us by

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it the day after Ramadan, it is haram to fast. Whereas the day before that, it was wajib too fast. You can think for yourself, for example, okay to eat, everybody else is going to be eating, but I'm going to be biased, I'm going too fast. We don't get to make those decisions. And that's a big lesson for us as Muslims, that we don't approach Allah in the way that we think is best to approach Allah, because we will come up with all sorts of crazy things as people do. Right?

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One should break it with an odd number of dates. The best food to break one's fast with is

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dates, specifically finish dates.

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Fish dates, is referred to as rhubarb. They're generally very soft

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and very

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soft and

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and it doesn't last very long. If you were to leave it out of the fridge, you know, uncovered it would go off much quicker than the dry dates. The dry dates have a much longer shelf life, right? They've been somewhat dried out. Most of the dates that we have a timer, which is dry dates, but you also get fresh dates around the bass these fish dates an odd number of fish dates. If you don't have that, then odd number of dry dates. And if you don't have that, then water. It is also

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recommended to say after doing so, Allahu Malacca zoom to wineries kick kicker after two. And there's some extensions to this as well. The more authentic version of the DUA, the hubba bomber over the little Ruko was a battle Andrew insha Allah that's the most authentic version that you can make all of them what does that mean?

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The thirst has gone, the veins of moistened and the reward is established if Allah wills

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it is also recommended though not mentioned here not to break the fast with something that has been prepared by fire. So prepared food

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that you cook or that you bake, etc.

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In relation to Iftar. Unfortunately, we have this balancing act because let's face it culturally, we eat the worst possible foods for Iftar. Health wise, right? Someone says buys two sisters spring rolls, pancakes, you name it. And to tell Capetonians don't have that fully thought is almost like telling them that had that is better. It's the same as we would if since no difference between the two.

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Right? So I don't generally expect people to go cold turkey on the savories. But let me tell you something. That if you eat worse than you do outside of Ramadan, in Ramadan, you are damaging your progress of Taqwa.

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Try to balance it out. Okay? Try I'm just suggesting that you try. Don't have savings every night. Okay. Don't have savings every night. Limit yourself to a couple of nights a week. My family I've got him down to last the last couple of years only on weekends. This Yeah, I'm pushing them for once a week, once a week savories but the other times, dates, water route, and you play to food to normal plate of food.

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The one thing that I would caution you against even if you don't follow my advice in this regard, I would caution you against this. Don't make Ramadan, the month of eating. It's the month of Taqwa the month of fasting. So don't make it about eating. It is counterproductive for us to have more food in our homes and in our fridge and on our tables in Ramadan than outside of Ramadan. That doesn't make sense. your grocery list your grocery shopping

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can't be more in Ramadan or for Ramadan than it is outside of Ramadan. That does not make sense. I'm not saying this purely from a health point of view, but from a spiritual point of view. One of the objectives of fasting is to break shower to button, the desire of the knifes that expresses itself through the stomach. Right? We have two major desires, physical desires that are damaging to our spiritual progress, shower to button and shower to forage, the desire of the private parts and the desire of the stomach.

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Ramadan gives us an opportunity to curtail both desires, right. But what happens to many people is that they fast during the day so they get that that pulled up that buildup of spirituality and Taqwa. And then once Marguerite comes, then they let loose.

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And they just undo everything that they did during the day. And if you over eat, you go even worse than you were before. So, if you

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if you pick up weight in Ramadan, it's really bad.

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It's really bad. It's a reflection that spiritually you've you have done some damage to your progress they I'm not expecting you to lose weight and don't make Ramadan about losing weight either. I find it problematic.

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somewhat problematic when we have this dual intention of fasting for Ramadan, but also to lose weight faster than other time, intermittent fasting and so forth. It's fine, you can do it, right. But you need to you need to justify your intention. Because when we do an activity badda it needs to be purely for the sake of Allah. Right and when you have multiple intentions and fasting for the sake of Allah, Eman and deservedly watching he lied, Kareem

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bye but I'm also fasting and intermittent fast to lose weight. Now you playing with a dangerous game? Yeah.

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So don't make it about losing weight. That should be a side effect. That should be a byproduct. But you don't also naturally necessarily lose weight in Ramadan. Even if you have a normal average diet. You don't go overboard but don't pick up on it. That's a bad sign. Right so we can measure ourselves in that insha Allah Tala

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what time exactly is the event.

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Now, okay. Insha Allah will stop they will continue off the motive. And we take it from maybe

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somebody MacAllan verse

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20 Boss.

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It's not even Ramadan is making.

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The ankle season's 20 Plus, I'm gonna go with the ankles goalie. It is recommended in Ramadan to be exceptionally generous in giving charity Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, he was known as the most generous of people. And the most generous that he ever was was during the month of Ramadan when Gibreel used to meet with him. And they would study the Quran at nights in the month of Ramadan. And as a result of his nightly activity with Jibreel he would increase in generosity. There's a lot we can learn from this event. Keep in good company, spending your time with the Quran, and the generosity aspect and the increase in generosity. But what I would advise is to expand your vision

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as far as what generosity is. Often we think generosity is something that rich people should have.

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But that's not at all true. Right? The idea of sadaqa and charity in Islam is far more than material wealth. Right? So strive to be a generous person in Ramadan, strive to be charitable, that you look for opportunities to give of yourself of your wealth of your time, and of your good company, to those who need and do so with this intention. Number two, to improve one's relations with family and relatives. Ramadan is a special time for the family. Right? It creates a bond around the heat around the Oneness of Allah, which is a stronger bond than any other type of bond you can have with your family. So pray together, break fast together, start fast together, proceed to the magic together,

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use it as an opportunity to build ties with the family that husbands and wives try to go to taraweeh together and I know it's difficult because when you're working in your children go to school and so on and so

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fourth, it's challenging. It's not easy for for even people who don't have those responsibilities wasn't meant to be easy. It's meant for us to make a little bit of extra effort. And remember, if we can't get everything, don't leave it all. Try to do as much as we can. Number three to recite the Quran, I would slightly change this as far as our understanding, remember the author, he writes to our to Quran, he speaks Arabic, he understands Arabic, that he was from Egypt, to have medieval look, look at mystery.

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But you don't,

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don't make all of your time with the Quran. Just recitation of Quran. It's valuable, it's priceless, it's necessary. But you have to dedicate some time to understand the Quran to reflect on the Quran. My advice to people is instead of giving yourself a quantity of Quran, give yourself an allocation of time.

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Instead of saying I'm going to butcher a juice a day or juice in a quarter a day, your juice in a court is not going to take the same time as my juice in a quarter. Right. So those who are proficient and and expert in reading, they're going to read much quicker,

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they should be given more time, give yourself an allocated slot of time or few slots of time.

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For the for the very least, I think all of us can manage to give one hour of our day to the Quran, it doesn't have to be in one go. And then make sure that all of that one hour, at least 15 minutes is dedicated to the understanding and reflection on the Quran. I think this is a healthy balance. And of course it will differ from person to person. And based upon your circumstances. Understanding the Quran doesn't mean that you have to know Arabic. It doesn't mean that you have to read the translation. It could come in those forms, but it could also come in the form of sitting in a class of Deaf see, there are many available courses online, three lectures online, but spend time in

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reflecting and contemplating on the Quran. It's probably the most spiritually enriching activity other than the fasting and the breeze at night, in the month of Ramadan. It can transform your life to spend periods of spiritual retreat in the masjid especially during the last 10 days of Ramadan. Every time you walk into the masjid,

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you should develop a habit of saying to yourself, I'm also making the intention for Attica

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who as the Shafi yeah tikka is a very organic very easy activator to do for as long as you in the mosque and you have the intention of Attica. If you are in the in the masjid for Attica, there is no minimum requirement of you must be fasting and it must be for 24 hours and it must be in Ramadan. None of that applies. No. Is there any difference in the Shafi school between a sunnah Attica F and another article F. Right? Often people think that this is something that we regard as a difference as well, but there isn't. So if you can only manage to stay in Antarctica for the duration of the tarawih praise, and maybe a little bit after that, or maybe a little bit before that. Bismillah

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but you get the reward of that. So make a habit now already, that when you enter the masjid, you're into with your right foot, you say Bismillah salat wa salam ala Rasulillah Allah Medallia, Baba rhotic. And you add to that, Oh Allah, I'm making tension for Attica. But as long as I'm in the mosque, as long as I'm in the masjid, right, and to break the fast of others, right, give dates, give water rush to feed people when the Maori then sounds because if you break the fast of another, they will get the full reward and you will also get the full reward.

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And this is why I'm very sad to see the custom of sharing plates of of goodies among neighbors sort of dying out, we should try to keep that alive and revive it, even if it's just once in a while, once a week, once every two like I don't know, I'm gonna keep up because all my neighbors are Muslim.

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And that's a lot of stuff to make. But I think we should still try to make an effort to do so. Right?

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In sha Allah. And then lastly, if in a state of major ritual impurity at night in a state of Geneva, it's sunnah it's best to take your hustle before budget, but if you don't is your first thought valid. Yes, you do not need to hustle for the valid fast and Allah knows best inshallah we stop there we continue after the Market Replay photographic

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Long one about 101 K about Akbar

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I shine to Allah Allah

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Asha Iguala

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I shall go

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I shot

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Muhammad Rasul Allah so Allah Allah Salam is still a key Mustafa Kumar to do your hammock Mala make sure the cell phones are switched off all the gaps are closed. You're standing shoulder to shoulder so louzada Temo out there. Oh long bone

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structure alone on the unit still shows on on the Mr. Shula and on the meta level Rahim Allah Nina Illa Illa. Allah unica, you monitor we like an alligator with a warm up Virata and in water web Rahim Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, Allah whom and this Amin cast, the hyena Robina visa vie the phenol Jana rassada. The world's top banner with the idea that generally winning chrome semi auto fraud Nicaragua and illegal merci La ilaha illallah wa they will actually color the whole moon quarter will know why their condition Cadila in Lola who devilishly Hoon Monaco Allah will have new who are their coalition encoded in in Allah who they will actually the whole mon koala will have the

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Hua Rothman Rahim Allah Isla in one Hiuen are you who do who sinner to water now the home office summer to fill out man the lobby Ashfur wine the WHO inlab evening here Allah mama bein ad mama Khalifa home whether you hate or whenever you che Mina in me he will be mash

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were who Allah Allah you love the mural banners for her no more.

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Hello hookless Caballero and hamdulillah zero Subhan Allah Kurata well see that Ada in the lava that will actually carry the whole Moncada will hungry or whoever you meet or who Allah coalition Khedira illegal mercy in Naramata, la Hikari woman and martini, AKA a lot of Buddha only yesterday, but it's Mila Rahman Rahim Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen or salat wa salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Germain Allahumma Burdick Lennar FEMA Bucky I'm in Schoharie Shaban urban Luna Ramadan Allah Masha Allah in Milan with Kena fee Ramadan Mubarak the Ramadan el Roble Alameen. allotments Musa demeanor when Mujahideen our mustafina will love the Lumina equally McCann, co Susan

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fee Philistine with us at the Casa de Rajpal Alamy allotments su masa, Peter Kodama whom are friendly sobre la la palabra him along Madame Mirada Dean Allama Nikki so hyena

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so who better to hooter volley Minamata Lina Europa Alameen Allah Muhammad managerial Aqua so I mean add him era but Allah me for a zoo canal Sadat and V. Robin attina dunya hasenhuttl Waffle fu Dottie has an atom Joaquina either been y de phenol Jana tema, Allah Goradia as easy of Europa Alameen wa sallahu wa ala Sayidina Muhammad Madani Nabil Omega either early wasafi hear about because ALLAH SubhanA robic aerobill Is that the IOC fullness ceremony on Morsani on hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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If I would recommend that we start thinking about our questions now in sha Allah so that we can save time when we get to the questions section. Now, we are proceeding to that which is recommended to avoid

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we should take this pretty seriously for the most part, but I will give some commentary on some of the bots that are not as serious right, at least from my perspective. So the Shafi madhhab regards slander, lying and foul language, which are haram.

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As spoilers of one's fast, not that it invalidates your fast your fast is valid, but you can ruin your reward of fasting right in Cape Town we would say your poor says Vatra. Your fasting is watery. Those who come from the non Afrikaans speaking backgrounds, because you voted down your reward. Some scholars actually regarded speech like this lying and backbiting and so forth as a means of breaking one's fast, but that's not the Shafi viewpoint. Now, the next one is a bit of a strange one. Number two, the pleasure of the senses, it is recommended to avoid the pleasure of the senses. Now it is recommended to avoid the pleasure of the senses. But I think in my opinion, the mother takes this a

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bit too far it says

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smelling fragrant plants and looking at them because of the gratification they in which is incompatible with the wisdom of the fast even though they are permissible when not fasting.

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And then while it is recommended to not use perfume during a past day, it does not hurt to use it on the night before now that's the official viewpoint of the Shafi school.

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I don't necessarily practice on this viewpoint, and I've discussed this with my late teacher rocky Mahalo to Allah when I was a student in, I think third year or fourth year. And he also agreed that

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this is not something that as much weight as far as the deal is concerned. It is something to consider, but there's a there's an important lesson here from this particular point. If this is the Shafi stands on ordinary things, like looking at nice things or smelling nice things, what do you think the Shafi ruling would be with regards to binge watching see

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He's in movies and playing games. Like, just think about that. So there is a lesson to be taken from this. But personally, I use perfume during the day. I don't regard it as being my crew. But this is the the madhhab. And I respect it as such, like, the notion of the pleasure of the senses is something that we should get ill. But not I don't necessarily agree that it should be to this degree. Otherwise, you shouldn't be in the kitchen, cooking up all the savings that you shouldn't be eating in the first place, because it smells good.

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Number three medicinal bloodletting.

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For other scholars for other schools of thought the humbly school bloodletting and cutting breaks the fast, not so for the shaft at school, but it's still recommended that you do not

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do any weight capping or blood donations while fasting, right? As a means of staying out of the sphere of difference of opinion.

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If someone abuses a person who's fasting in the month of Ramadan, you should say to them in the Simon, I'm fasting. If it's outside of the month of Ramadan, then you shouldn't say it out loud, but remind yourself of it to preserve your your sincerity in that regard.

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It is unlawful haram to kiss, embrace or pet with the hand on fasting days, for those whom it sexually arouses, right, specifically for those whom it would sexually arouse. It is unlawful again, haram not to eat or drink anything between the fasting days. So I get this question in recent years about intermittent fasting. Some people want to for health reasons to intermittent fasting, and I want to do so in Ramadan as well. Is it permissible? Yes, it's permissible. Intermittent fasting generally means you can only you can only drink water, black coffee, nothing that that spikes the insulin.

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So as long as you drink something tight after Mercury before budget, then you have not done this. This, we saw which is joined two days consecutively without eating in between the profit. So that was Sam used to do this, we are not allowed to do it. He said, I can do it. Because Allah in a miraculous way, quenches my thirst and feeds me, we're not allowed to do it. For the very least you must drink something or eat something. So if somebody wants to do intermittent fasting and drink water, and black coffee and the like, it's permissible. But again, take that in light of what I said earlier. If it is for health reasons.

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Understand, but if it's purely just to lose weight, right, then I would caution you against that because you don't want to mix you're a badass with a diet, right? Yes, Ramadan does help with your with your health overall, but get your priorities in order. Okay.

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It is considered macro. Sorry, I skipped one.

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No, it is offensive or macro to taste food during Ramadan. And the same thing you would apply to using toothpaste while you're fasting. It's the basically the same you tasting something foreign entering it into your mouth.

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But my crew doesn't mean how wrong, right? So if there is a need somebody's making the meal. And they're thinking, Okay, I just need to check if I must add a little bit more salt in it. And they taste it on a tongue. It's permissible, but it's considered mcru, especially if you're doing so without any need, and then to use the to stick or to brush the teeth of the zawal on a fasting day. This again is specific to the Shafi school. And it's one of those rulings that I personally don't focus on. As far as the Shafi school is concerned, I follow the other schools of thought which don't regard it as Makrooh to brush the teeth at all, at any point in the day. But this is the Shafi

00:44:09 --> 00:44:09


00:44:10 --> 00:44:36

Notice there's a distinction between using the tooth stick and brushing your teeth and using toothpaste these different elements they and we've discussed some of those already. It is not Makrooh to line the eyes with Kohle or to bave during the fast it's not my crew to line the eyes with Kohle. Now on Chohan you know it currently is generally referred to as Sodoma

00:44:37 --> 00:44:40

it's like it looks like eyeliner for me

00:44:45 --> 00:44:54

it's a topic on its own but very quickly. Sodoma or Kohle originally is from the Sunnah

00:44:57 --> 00:45:00

and the Sunnah specifically advises us to

00:45:00 --> 00:45:08

thick to use it as a medicine. The prophets said it whitens the eyes and it causes the eye lashes to grow.

00:45:11 --> 00:45:34

The problem is that what the prophets I seldom used and what people use today, for the most part is not the same thing at all. The Prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam used is made, which is a brownish reddish powder. And it has no sensation when you put it in your eye. And you can't see anything when you put it in your eye. So you don't look like you're wearing makeup.

00:45:35 --> 00:45:39

What they use today contains metal

00:45:40 --> 00:45:46

that's damaging to the eye. Not all of it, but a lot of it. It's damaging to the eye.

00:45:47 --> 00:45:58

It has a burning temper like sensation, that's just there to make you think that it's doing something nice. And it resembles the makeup of a woman.

00:45:59 --> 00:46:37

And I find that it's problematic from all three perspectives, right? So if you can get your hands on the if made which is available at some places and I know in Makkah and Medina they said it quite all over the show. Then Bismillah us if made that sunnah is to use it before you go to bed at night, almost like I dropped that you put in. But the ones that people generally use, it makes you look like you're wearing makeup. I don't believe that is in line with the Sunnah of the Prophet system. That's my personal viewpoint. And I think that that's imitating the look of, of women that looks like eyeliner for men. Allah knows best. You can disagree with me. But that's my perspective.

00:46:38 --> 00:47:15

When it comes to bathing, taking a bath or taking a shower, it's permissible. There's no problem with that it's not offensive. They are some Shafia is who who would caution you against rinsing the ears because of that opinion that we discussed before. Right. But if you go with that opinion, that's very strict view. For the most part, many Shaffir is I think all of the chef is locally don't practice in the view that the ear is an open orifice. And therefore, water getting into your ear isn't a problem at all based on that view.

00:47:16 --> 00:48:06

It is offensive for anyone, whether fasting or not to keep silent all day until the night, like deliberately. But don't mistake this for somebody who just doesn't talk much, or they just generally quiet. This is a deliberate decision to not speak as if it is an act of piety. What is commendable is when somebody decides they will not speak except for a little to curtail any bad speech. That's commendable, that's good, that's praiseworthy, we should all be doing that. We should all be doing that. So that's in its place when there is no need to need including restraining the time for useless talk. Making up fast days somebody obliged to make up some fast days of Ramadan is

00:48:06 --> 00:48:37

recommended to do so consecutively and immediately. So if you have days to make up, the Sunnah is that you do so starting the day of the Eid, and you first do your makeup passed, and then you fast the six days of Shaohua the common question of course, is can you combine them scholars have differed in this regard. So they are opinions that stated is permissible to combine them right within the Shafi school. And others say look, you can combine them right.

00:48:38 --> 00:49:27

I would go with the opinion if you can manage to fast more than just your makeup days. You feel like you're strong enough you can make up your days plus you can do the six days of shower rather do that. Because you want the maximum reward. The reward is your first Ramadan, you follow it up with six days. You get the reward of fasting an entire year for 30 days of Ramadan. And then 306 days of Shaohua time stayin 60 as fasting of the entire year. But if you join them, then you don't quite get that right so Allah knows best. That's your decision to make insha Allah it is not permissible for the person with some unperformed fast days of Ramadan to delay making them up until the next Ramadan

00:49:28 --> 00:49:36

without an excuse. Okay, delaying right if one delays until the next Ramadan one must be a failure

00:49:37 --> 00:49:59

to each day must in addition to making that mistake, if you still don't make it up after two Ramadan's pass, you must make up the day and pay two figures per day. This is the relied upon opinion of the Shafi school. However, there is another opinion that's also strong that states you don't need to pay videos you just make up today

00:50:00 --> 00:50:03

And the other mother hips are in according to to that particular opinion.

00:50:05 --> 00:50:06

The reason I'm mentioning this is

00:50:08 --> 00:50:43

I know of some cases of people who were neglectful sometime in their life, so they didn't fast lick actory backery then they came right Matoba now they want to make up for that. But they sitting in a dilemma because they got like three, four or five years, and they must calculate all those years of of not fasting and playing the video, and it's a bit difficult for them. So what they end up doing is just leaving it entirely. That's, that's not productive. Right. So the strict view is what we are reading here. And I've mentioned the alternative views as well. And Allah knows best.

00:50:44 --> 00:51:01

If someone dies with unperformed past days, they must still make up the days, which they could have fasted, but they did not, then each boss day is paid for by the responsible family member with one failure per day.

00:51:02 --> 00:51:14

Or he can fast on his behalf. Right in place of paying the failure. So what does this teach you? If you have religious responsibilities?

00:51:17 --> 00:51:57

tell others about it. Your close family members. So the husband does the wife, the wife of the husband keep track of each other's days, if something happens to you, then you know, there's somebody that's keeping score, and you can make up for these dates. Right? It's important. The same thing applies to actual date, like monetary dates. If you take a loan, you owe someone money, make sure that if it's written down, or there's a third party that knows about it, so should you pass away, that can be taken care of. These are serious matters, right? That people take far too lightly. The Prophet alayhi salat wa salam would like refuse to leave the janazah pray for somebody who had

00:51:57 --> 00:51:59

an outstanding date.

00:52:00 --> 00:52:02

Right? It's a serious matter.

00:52:04 --> 00:52:21

Okay, so basically, this is getting on and speaking about the figure that the family member can pay on behalf of the deceased. So it's an important lesson that I think people just quickly overlook. If we have religious obligations, make sure that we have that taken care of.

00:52:22 --> 00:52:25

The next part speaks about voluntary fasting.

00:52:26 --> 00:52:29

Now, this was actually going to be the next lesson, right.

00:52:32 --> 00:52:48

And then, of course, last week, I didn't have class because of that event that took place with my family. But I don't want to prolong this, this class too much and overburden you. So I'm going to open up now for questions. And then for voluntary fasting, it's not it is not

00:52:50 --> 00:53:27

urgent, as far as Ramadan is concerned. And then the last discussion is an article if, but I will resort to recording this inshallah and making it available online, as opposed to prolonging the class and keeping you here far beyond what you've allocated. What I want to do now is to open up the floor for questions. And that applies to those online, as well as those present here. And nothing's off the table. If you have questions about what we've discussed in this class, in previous classes, something that we haven't discussed related to fasting, all questions in general, by all means, the floor is yours inshallah.

00:53:29 --> 00:53:34

Bismillah if you can just ask over the mics that people are nonlinear shade, if you don't mind.

00:53:35 --> 00:53:36


00:53:37 --> 00:53:37


00:53:43 --> 00:53:57

shift mentioned that it's not recommended to eat foods that are made with fire, like over fire, does that include them induction stoves? What is induction stoves, like electric stoves with like, like over a crossplay?

00:53:58 --> 00:54:13

Yeah, it's made with heat essentially. So obviously, in the time of the Prophet sallallaahu, Salam they would make they would cook food with fire. We have alternatives to that any form of heat. It's recommended to not break your faster that food than

00:54:15 --> 00:54:16

anyone else.

00:54:19 --> 00:54:20

cause havoc

00:54:25 --> 00:54:59

in our previous classes, you mentioned about the voluntary force. When you you don't, maybe I misunderstood but I think you said if you overslept, or you got up one one day and you offer it through the day, and you decide you want to force you don't have to have an intention to force you can you can force the day you want to force. Did I understand that? Correct? Because not not quite. It's just one correction. So you wake up. It's a voluntary foster not for you wake up and you didn't eat and you carry on for your day and it gets late and late.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:08

As long as you you decide to fast now that you make an intention before the well, then it would be valid.

00:55:09 --> 00:55:21

Before is our set understood. So at some point in the morning you decided, You know what I didn't eat yet? I'm feeling fine. I might as well fast today. That's your intention.

00:55:24 --> 00:55:25


00:55:26 --> 00:56:11

In fact, the Hanafis allow that for food fasting as well. I think I've mentioned that before. That's remember on the on the first night, when they said the morning show alone, say don't set the moon in the first day. The night before we start the first fast is recommended to make the intention for the following day and also for the entire month based on the Maliki school. Right. I honestly don't think it's normal for anyone to not have an intention the night before. Right? It's not normal, you have to be in a situation where you are so preoccupied with something that you're completely oblivious to reality around you. But anyone who sets the alarm for Soho or goes to taraweeh, the

00:56:11 --> 00:56:12

night before,

00:56:14 --> 00:56:26

or something of the sort as an intention for fasting, right. The problem comes in when we conflate the expression with the the consciousness as much as possible.

00:56:30 --> 00:56:43

Yes, Marlena. Just the the clarity on the NIA I've heard so many different opinions on this. The NIA basically says I intend to fast for the month of Ramadan,

00:56:44 --> 00:56:49

who intention is for the entire month? Why do we have to make the intention every night?

00:56:51 --> 00:56:57

And also all this is not stated in the Quran that man will be judged by his intentions.

00:56:58 --> 00:57:28

Okay, so just a good action and a few things. The first is no, it doesn't say that in the Quran. It's a hadith, right in the Malama Lavinia actions are judged by the intentions. The reason for the difference comes in the fact that we have a specific Hadith of the prophets of Salaam in which he says, Whoever does not intend at night to fast the next day has not posted. So it's an explicit command of the profits as and that it is required to make the intention the night before.

00:57:29 --> 00:58:07

The reason why there are differences of opinion is because takes lends itself to interpretation. Once you've established the authenticity of the text, that's the first part, right? What we then have to do is ask okay, so what is meant by this instruction of the Prophet system? And the understandings that we've given of the various muda Hib is based on the same text. So it's not like one is taking from the opinion and other, you know, this is how it seems often. And that's not the case. The four schools of thought of Sunni Islam,

00:58:09 --> 00:58:20

Maliki Hanafi, SHA theory humbly, they all take from the same sources of the law, Quran, sunnah, EJ, Matthias and several other sources that are somewhat disputed.

00:58:22 --> 00:59:08

So how is it impossible if they take the same sources of the law and they end up with different viewpoints? The answer interpretation, and if you want to gain a sort of a deeper understanding as to, you know, the mechanics of that hermeneutical tools that they employ in order to arrive at those conclusions. Unfortunately, you'd have to study the science that it that it is governed by called Sulu, right Islamic legal theory, which is a it's a developed and very sophisticated science in and of itself. Most people don't ever touch that science. Most Muslims don't really ever delve into that science because it's not necessary for the average person to know. But what it essentially deals

00:59:08 --> 00:59:57

with is the sources of the law, the hermeneutical tools of interpretation and the qualifications of the one who can extract those opinions. But as far as we are concerned, now, average everyday Muslims, you are only duty bound to follow what Allah and his results, RSM said, and we do so by resorting to the scholars qualified scholarship, of course. And when the scholars differ, in other words, when the scholars provide you with several different views, you are actually at liberty for the most part, to follow any of those opinions. You are, say if you wish to adopt the Maliki school, as you said, in terms of the requirements for an intention, there's absolutely no problem with that.

00:59:57 --> 00:59:59

No, come on.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:03

Any other questions? Maybe from the sisters?

01:00:04 --> 01:00:06

And online as well?

01:00:15 --> 01:00:18

No, my question is about it because I'm a bit eager

01:00:20 --> 01:01:08

to book your place soon because we have limited capacity to always kind of actually offer your Joomla lecture. I was like, Maybe I should get the basics right, first and natural, but just in terms of the word it because what it means and then also, in terms of its situation, physically where it's situated, attached to be a mosque that can't ever be like, like at home or salon area in your home, anything like that. Yeah. Excellent questions that come along here. And so the word AR decaf comes from the Arabic root the design calf for I kefir, kefir. You may have heard of a girl's name arqiva, right. It means to be devoted. Right? Yeah, right, decaf means to devote oneself to the

01:01:08 --> 01:01:09


01:01:11 --> 01:01:30

And the basis of it is essentially the verse from the Quran, one two monkey fauna feel masajid while you are making Attica in the mosques, and because Allah Allah said, Bill masajid, which in the context of that verse is entirely extra.

01:01:32 --> 01:01:59

Right? Because the verse is speaking about, while add to Bashi row who never added to Marquis fauna filled message. Do not engage in physical intimacy with your spouse's while you are devoted while you are self devoted to the mosque, or in the mosque. That extra pot at the back the scholars that derive from that the only reason why this is mentioned here is to limit the scope of Attica to the masjid

01:02:01 --> 01:02:21

these, these only one math hub that allows for a form of Attica, for the lady in her Musala at home, that's the Hanafi school. All of the other schools regard that as completely invalid, they don't recognize that opinion at all whatsoever, right.

01:02:24 --> 01:02:50

So of course, ladies are permitted to take that view if they wish, and many ladies do. I personally feel that, especially for us here in Cape Town, South Africa, we could do a lot better. I've been advocating for this for for a long time. We've got so many masajid and many of our mosques are actually barely used that if we as a community were to arrange for one mosque

01:02:51 --> 01:03:23

with security outside completely locked down, but ladies to go and have a proper formal anti gaff in one of those massages with a not interfered with by others and so forth. Why can't we make that happen? I think as a community if there's any, if there's any community in the world that can make it happen. It's as a Be that as it may. So no, they don't regard it as valid in any other place. In fact, it is recommended to do ethical if in a jamea, which is a magic in which Joomla takes place so that you don't need to leave for for Joomla

01:03:24 --> 01:03:26

as far as the rules are concerned.

01:03:27 --> 01:03:42

Fortunately for you, the Shafi school is the most lenient in terms of the ethical rules, right? The perception is when you when you locked up, you can go out almost like Shakedown at the beginning of Ramadan.

01:03:44 --> 01:03:52

No, that's that's not the case. There is no distinction between what is referred to as a natural Attica and Asuna Attica for the Shafi school.

01:03:54 --> 01:04:02

You go to the mosque, when you enter, you make the intention to remain in the mosque. And if you leave when you're no longer in Attica,

01:04:04 --> 01:04:13

if you stay perpetually without leaving for the full 10 days, obviously you will get the most reward. Right? But if you leave

01:04:14 --> 01:04:25

then did you leave with a valid excuse? If so, you have not been considered to break your perpetual perpetuity, your consistency in being ethical.

01:04:26 --> 01:04:59

If you didn't have a valid excuse, then you're no longer in Attica. But when you come back, you renew your intention and once again you are in I think if so, this makes it easy for us because if you're working or you're a student, you can definitely come to the masjid stay at the masjid go to work come back to the masjid. Many of the brothers do that. perfectly valid. The Hanafi school is far more stringent in this regard. Right? They have a sunnah Attica F which you technically not supposed to live. I don't know all the rules, right? You

01:05:00 --> 01:05:05

Not supposed to leave, unless there's a valid excuse. And if you come in and out, it's almost like a

01:05:07 --> 01:05:28

like we used to say playing for speaks in bunches. Right? It's, it's not as rewarding. But you would need to consult with Hanafi scholars to get the details of that if you do practice that particular school, but I highly recommend it. The reason for me recommending it is that I found some of the most profound moments of my own life personally,

01:05:29 --> 01:05:48

to have been in Attica. And if you look in the Quran, through the lives of all of the prophets and messengers, every single one of them, even the nonprofits like say, you die, Maria, Malaya, salat wa salam, the most intense moments between themselves and Allah was in a form of Attica.

01:05:50 --> 01:05:56

When did the fruit come to say it Mrs. MLSs Islam, while it was devoted in the Mojave mashido, aqua,

01:05:57 --> 01:06:45

when did you be real come to the prophets ashram while he was secluded in rah rah. And you can countless examples, right? So we barely ever get the chance to do that devote hours cut ourselves off from dunya. Because what dunya is there in the masjid? Unfortunately, your phone but you can be self disciplined and just limit, right? If there's no TV, there's no temptation by the opposite *. There's no distraction. You just need to avoid your phone and avoid privileged conversations. Other than that, you don't even need to do much. You just live and sleep sit and read butcher Quran this taraweeh we wake up with 100 it's very, it's a very personal experience, but it's something that we

01:06:45 --> 01:06:50

should all have the opportunity to experience. Right? And Allah knows best.

01:06:51 --> 01:07:00

Is it correct to say your Nia for fast at night as well as after having something to eat for so rude? Yes, you can do that. It's absolutely fine.

01:07:02 --> 01:07:05

But it's not necessary, though. You don't have to do it. Any other questions?

01:07:09 --> 01:07:21

I'm amazed that nobody asked the question about the asthma pump. That's like the number one question that always comes up. And maybe you've just heard so many times you didn't need the asthma pump in the Shafi school breaks your your fast. Why?

01:07:22 --> 01:07:25

I'm asking you Krishna, why does it break your fast?

01:07:26 --> 01:07:36

Yes, because it's a it's a substance entering an open artifice. The substance if you take itself beautiful, right? If you

01:07:37 --> 01:08:00

put the ash bomb to your hand and you press it, what's on your end? Witness that goes into your lungs? That's what breaks the force? Are they other views outside of the shaft a school that allows for that? And says that it doesn't break the fast? Yes, they are. They are? Do I recommend that you take it that you take those views, my opinion is as follows.

01:08:02 --> 01:08:18

If you don't need to take your asthma pump all the time, it's like maybe once or twice that you needed to do it in Ramadan, and break your fast as the result of it. Right? Then you didn't get a sin for breaking your fast. You just have to make up for that fasting day later.

01:08:19 --> 01:08:21

Just make up the day later.

01:08:23 --> 01:08:39

If you are chronically asthmatic, you need to use the pump all the time every day, otherwise you wouldn't be able to fast and that's the only reason why you can't fast then I would say go for the other opinions that would at least allow you the opportunity to fast

01:08:40 --> 01:08:47

that's that's my take on the matter. Right. But as far as the Shafi school is concerned, it breaks the fast and Allah knows best

01:08:48 --> 01:08:51

play So may Allah grant us a blessed Ramadan

01:08:53 --> 01:09:07

May Allah subhana wa Tada allow us to you know I must be honest with you. I'm struggling to get into the Ramadan mode this year. Not even because of this incident with my mother and the hijacking.

01:09:08 --> 01:09:10

But specifically because of Hazza

01:09:11 --> 01:09:14

it's my heart is genuinely broken.

01:09:15 --> 01:09:52

I've posted some pictures today of some of the kids in the tents you know burning these Ramadan lengthens which is a custom in the traditional Arab world when it comes to Ramadan, danglies lengthens, usually with candles inside of them. And that's like the Ramadan decorations. They were hanging these these lanterns in the teens. and wallah it just breaks my heart that there are people starving to death as we speak not because there's a lack of food, but because another people is deliberately starving them to death

01:09:53 --> 01:09:59

and the type of attacks that's taking place on people lining up for food

01:10:00 --> 01:10:04

I mean, I will lie I've lost words to describe

01:10:05 --> 01:10:13

the evil that's taking place the I haven't posted much about it I haven't had much podcast interviews with the like.

01:10:15 --> 01:10:18

And I'm not saying that that's justified it's just personally

01:10:19 --> 01:10:35

um struggling to get myself into this mode of Ramadan. I know in sha Allah when Ramadan starts the Quran and Ramadan and fasting will do its job. I'm confident about that. And I'm doing my utmost to prepay and to help others to prepay.

01:10:37 --> 01:11:04

But it's very sad to say the least light and I urge you to go into Ramadan with that sense of sadness accompany knew it did not override unit Liddell not overtake you. Let it not cause you to lose your own journey with Allah. But don't let us forget about the plight of our Palestinian brothers and sisters and all of the oppressed around the world by

01:11:06 --> 01:11:15

these, these sadness in this evil in this darkness every way. And you're always going to get this idea of what about this? And what about this? And what about that?

01:11:16 --> 01:11:27

I don't have time for that. Right? The issue that causes so many of us to feel so deeply about rasa is we see

01:11:28 --> 01:11:54

the only time that we ever see pure, innocent babies, infants, children, like our children, who have nothing to do with any political crime, any war, any hummus, anything. And they suffer the consequences of the barbaric, racist colonial state of Israel.

01:11:55 --> 01:12:20

And whether you agree or not, but it's not Israel alone, that appealing them. It's America, it's the UK, it's Israel and the allies, they are equal in the responsibility for what is taking place. And yeah, it's just, it's a heartbreaking Wallahi. I've just received the message before Margaret from Sister Dromana.

01:12:21 --> 01:12:45

She and her family are trying their best to leave rasa they never intended to be because there is a way for the people in Gaza to leave, because the Egyptian Egyptians are charging a bribe of 5000 US dollars per person to get through the border. That's another story. Our Atlas must you be, but that's the reality.

01:12:46 --> 01:13:13

And her mother left to get medical treatment already. She's waiting. And she says, still waiting to travel to each of the processes very draining. After the last attack in Rafah, everyone panicked, and they started selling everything they have, and even borrowing money to pay the Egyptian bribe. So there are 1000s of persons who are simply waiting for the names to get checked to travel. And a lot of people can simply just get rejected.

01:13:14 --> 01:13:17

And yeah, just

01:13:18 --> 01:13:29

and this is somebody I know personally, and there are several people like this. So it's very, very sad. So please do pray for them. I feel like you know,

01:13:30 --> 01:13:37

we've exhausted our means. And we also becoming exhausted of exhausting our means.

01:13:38 --> 01:13:48

But we can't stop. Right. We can't stop. South Africa did this weird thing. We Okay, iCj, we did that. Yay, we South Africans, and that's it now no more protests.

01:13:51 --> 01:14:07

boycotts and stuff. Everything's gone somewhat silent. That's bad. That's very bad. We can't become complacent in that regard. If they can do it to HERSA I'm asking you think properly and if they can do to HERSA why can they do to us?

01:14:09 --> 01:14:10

What's the difference?

01:14:12 --> 01:14:23

So please keep them in your prayers for some Allahu ala Sayyidina Muhammad Subhan Allah who will be handy Subhana Colombo behind the initiative Allah Allah heyland Instead of federal governor to be like Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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