Omar Suleiman – Open Up To Allah About Your Weaknesses

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The dangerous concept of "inky sob to be broken in front of Allah" is a powerful way to increase the quality and beauty of DUA. It is important to know one's own abilities and gratitude to achieve success in the future. The importance of showing one's hardship to Allah's "inky sob to be broken in front of Allah" is emphasized. The speaker also discusses various topics related to Islam, including avoiding injuries and practicing continuous practice. A focus on deeds is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Payment hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen whenever Edwin la vida meanwhile arqiva to limit Sakina Allahumma salli wa sallam about a karate kata suka Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are learning he was talking to yourself them to see him and cathedra I want it to continue in sha Allah Tala in a to us, il Allah, how to get closer to Allah subhanaw taala in our eyes and I hope inshallah Thailand now by the end of the month really will have some some of the adopt some of the mannerisms in the door and the one that I'm going to talk about tonight is one of the most potent ways to have your DUA increased in quality and beauty, but it's also one of the most dangerous concepts if not applied

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appropriately. And that is the concept of an inky sob to be broken in front of Allah subhanaw taala to it hotter fuckery to show your poverty to show your vulnerability and to speak of it in the capacity of your eye. It's actually pretty dangerous, if you do it wrong. But it is very powerful if you do it right. And so I want to give you an analogy actually that I was thinking about Subhan Allah as we went into it such that in certain for Han, we have the verse of such the and then we're Latina Joby to Nairobi, him Suja then what piano Allah's parents are emphasizing people that spend their nights and prostration and soju and Allah subhanaw taala, condemning those that don't make

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sudo to Oklahoma. So I want to give you an example here. If your DUA could be drawn out, what is a drought look like? In such though, you know, physically speaking, right? You have the image in your mind when you physically Humble yourself to Allah subhanaw taala Your face is on the ground, and you're saying Subhanallah I'll be at Anna right? What would your day look like if it had a physical image to it? How do you make your DUA like as such, though, right, and so we just talked about how to extol the names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala right, a smart will slip out. And so you're glorifying Allah subhanaw taala and you want to humble yourself, you want to lower yourself

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to Allah subhanaw taala and we find this in many places in the Quran and very beautiful ways, but I'll be in the mountains outside Liam and Hayden Fatima what musante Salam says Medion was completely desperate Oh Allah, I am in need of whatever good you are going to send to me I am completely in need of that. Right. So extolling Allah's franchise greatness, who can give me another example of a prophet in the Quran, who shows his weakness.

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ZAKARIA Annie has Salam Zakaria it has serum and a yo buddy. So that's exactly what I was looking for. Zachary, it has set up in the wagon. A lot of money was started about so Shaybah Yeah, hola. My bones have withered on the inside. My hair has burst with great meaning I am weak on the outside. I am weak on the inside the age shows to everyone and what I feel on the inside, you know, right? So weak on the inside, weak on the outside. Uh, you have already has that on when your body has set up, calls out to Allah subhanaw taala Miss Sonia law, that Oh Allah, I have been struck by hardship once our humble Rahaman and you are the Most Merciful of those who show mercy. Right. So all he did

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literally was a name of Allah subhanaw taala Attribute Name of Allah and it harborlab it harder and harder and harder to show his weakness to Allah subhanaw taala there's so many things that we have to take into consideration when doing this right though. Number one,

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make sure that you mentioned the blessings of Allah upon you before you mentioned the hardship that you are in. Okay, if you're going to mention the hardship that you are in to Allah subhanaw taala make sure you first mentioned the blessings that you have in your DUA, don't go straight to the hardship. Instead, start with the blessings, the things that you're grateful for. Because that's part of the hand that's part of the ThinApp part, right? That's part of the ThinApp part, praising Allah subhanaw taala. So praise and thank Allah subhanaw taala for the blessings that you do have, and then you go into the part where you talk about your weakness. Number two, the scholars say don't

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attribute the hardship to Allah, Al hydrocodone homeopathic. Right? All good is in the hands of Allah Subhana Allah was shot relates to LA and we don't attribute hardship and evil to you. So don't say Oh Allah, You did this to me. Or don't even insinuate that you put me in this bad situation, attribute the good to Allah. Don't attribute the hardship to Allah subhanaw taala because that would be bad mannerisms into the rhythm I also mentioned when it comes to the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala might be Nirma tilapia, for Hadith, speak of the blessings of Allah, someone asks you how you're doing you said, Hamdulillah you know, here we are, we're in good health, we're in good

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spirits. hamdulillah everything is going well. Hamdulillah I mean, extol the blessings of Allah upon you show that gratitude, spread the spirit of gratitude, right? Look at us and hamdulillah we're living in this situation, that situation I have nothing

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and complain about and that'd be near material because I had this right so speak of the blessing of Allah subhanaw taala not in a boastful way in a grateful way when it comes to your hardships and when it comes to complaining about your situation in the Maskull bethia Husni it Allah, I complain of my hardship and grief to Allah. Okay, so yeah Kobani has Salam gives us that example. He's not complaining to his sons about it and says I'm gonna go make the offer to

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right. He's keeping it up and bought, you know, bottled in a healthy way I actually don't use the word bottle. Let me let me put he's channeling it to Allah subhanho wa taala. Sometimes, of course, people need counseling. Sometimes people need shorter, that's different. This is not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about complaining. As I've been playing Rahim Allah to Allah such psycho Timonium. hamaca Illa. Mala, your Hammacher when you complain to other people. It's like you're complaining to the one who shows you no mercy about the one who shows you all mercy. Okay, Allah is the one who shows you mercy. And so you're going to complaining to people? It's like you're

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complaining about the one who shows you mercy to the one who shows you no mercy, right? No, no, keep the hardship in the circumstances. Look, I'm going to take that to my dua. It's a part of my grieving process to Allah subhanaw taala. Turn to Allah subhanaw taala with that brokenness, without hurt with a hardship, and when it comes to the blessing, speak of the blessings of Allah subhana wa Tada upon you and bring them into your job and bring them into your DUA. And of course, there's the famous poem of Chautauqua. And then Jehovah's chakra, I think, surely has to be just speaks to do you can continue to come to the Pullman or the chef. He's not wearing the vest today, when he wears

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the vest. His ODU comes out.

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I'm not wearing the vest either. You're right. But you know, the idea of the complaints and the answer to the complaint, right? You bring your complaints to Allah subhanaw taala. They're in and they also mentioned something very beautiful here, which is, don't disparage yourself, but mention your desperation. Like if you look at the ways of the prophets, I send them in this regard and the prophets. They didn't attack themselves when they were complaining about how hard you know something was right. They didn't make themselves unworthy and express self hatred. Right. It was more of just explaining the difficulty of the circumstance. Yeah, Allah You see, I'm poor. I don't have anything

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right now. Yeah, Allah I'm hurting Yeah, Allah. This person is doing this to me in the MaHA lube. Fantastic. I'm overcome right now helped me overcome. Right. I'm feeling overcome helped me overcome but don't disparage yourself and start attacking yourself and do because that's, that sinks below what Allah subhanaw taala wants of you, Allah azza wa jal does not want to humiliate you, Allah wants to honor you with this dua. Right? So don't disparage yourself, but mentioned the desperation that you're in. I know it's a fine line between the two. But you know, what you really find from the prophets and from the dua of the Prophet sign Salem, is that the prophets mentioned the circumstance

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being difficult, not themselves being inherently unworthy or evil or something of that sort. Like I deserve this. I had this coming to me. No, no. Yeah, Allah, I'm suffering from this, I'm suffering from that not, it must be the sin I committed five years ago that you still haven't forgiven me for, which is why I'm under this cruelty, right? Don't disparage yourself, I never deserved this good. No, no, don't disparage yourself, mentioned the hardship of the circumstance that you're in. But don't disparage yourself. The next thing that the scholars mentioned in this regard, is that as you complain to Allah subhanaw taala, don't condition, don't condition, the alleviation of the hardship

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with worship or condition, your worship with the alleviation of hardship.

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You know, there are certain ways that this can go wrong. One of them is, oh, Allah, if I persist in the situation, then I'm going to do this in a bad way. Like if I stay in this way, I'm going to have no choice but to commit the sin and I'm going to do this and I'm going to hurt myself or hurt this person or do this or do that. Don't put a sinful condition on it. Right? Like you can't threaten Allah subhanaw taala with the removal of the distress. The second thing is a scar, say subhanallah, one of the job of Islam. One of the things that Islam brought to us in submission to Allah subhanaw taala is that your Islam is unconditional. So you say yeah, Allah, if you lift this, then I'll start

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doing this, this this and that, no, you should have started doing this, this and that anyway.

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Right. So don't sit there and put conditions on you know, I'll start praying regularly. I'll start doing this, I'll start wearing this I'll start fulfilling this obligation. I'll leave off this and you should be doing that regardless. Right. What because what you're insinuating in that situation, is that Allah has not given you enough already for you to fulfill an obligation or to quit a sin.

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So don't attach these conditions to it. Allah does not need them. They don't make your app more potent, nor do they make you more praiseworthy in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala the last thing your brothers and sisters have

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The scholars mentioned is connecting the need to a name an attribute. Remember we're talking about completing a do right so you're beginning by praising Allah subhanaw taala and then you're mentioning the mountain sleep arts of Allah subhanaw taala the names and attributes of Allah and you're calling upon Allah subhanaw taala with those names and attributes and then you can mention the specific need connected to the name and attribute for the DUA. So you actually are taking the time to make that connection all the way through. So if you are sinful I committed the sin I'm in the situation I need you. Yeah, Allah. Yeah, for FAR is fairly. If you are asking Allah subhanaw

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taala for sustenance, right, you mentioned your poverty. You mentioned your difficult circumstance. Yeah, it was up but as apne O you who sustained sustained me, right? And mentioned what Allah azza wa jal has already sustained you with mentioned the things that you can praise of Allah subhanaw taala of the blessings make that part of your thinner. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us amongst those who always turn back to Him with our hardships, and thank him for our blessings and get closer to him and hardship and an ease and May he make the best of our deeds, the last of them. May He allow our doubts to be accepted in Ramadan and beyond that maybe allow us to observe later through

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other Allahumma Amin Exactly. Well Fado said I wanted more hands on accounts.

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