Omar Suleiman – Khatam Al-Quran Dua

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © Representatives from a church are calling the customer to acknowledge their perfection and glorify them, and ask them to share their names and blessings with the church. They recite the Quran and apply it to their life, and ask the audience to forgive all their sins and allow them to enter Jannah's shoes without punishment. They stress the importance of protecting and rewarding oppressed individuals, especially those who have been executed, and urge everyone to join a prayer for their parents. They also discuss the use of symbolism to symbolize the removal of certain individuals from political bodies and their political bodies, and the importance of protecting and rewarding oppressed individuals.
AI: Transcript ©
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Thank you. We call upon you with all of your names and recognizing all of your blessings and all of your favors. Oh Allah, we praise You and we recognize that no matter how much we praise you yeah Allah, we will fall short. Yeah Allah we declare your perfection and no matter how much we declare your perfection and how much we glorify Ya Allah, we know there will be deficiency in the way that we glorify You in the way that we declare your perfection. But yeah, Allah, we try and we seek and we strive to understand you and to glorify You. And we declare you align your perfection. We declare your glory, yeah Allah we call upon you, the US nautical husana, with your perfect names with your

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perfect attributes, with the ones that we have learned through our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and with the ones that you have kept to yourself, yeah, Allah we call upon you with all of those names. And yeah, Allah, we call upon you recognizing all of those blessings, amongst the greatest blessings that you sent to us our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, as a mercy to us and as a guidance for us. Oh Allah send your peace and blessings upon our beloved messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and his family and his companions and those that follow Oh Allah, we bear witness to you that he delivered the message to us. Oh Allah, we bear witness to you that he is

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the best example for us. Oh Allah, we bear witness to you. That we seek to be on his way. Oh Allah, we bear witness to you, that we love him and that he taught us to love you. Oh Allah send your peace and blessings upon him eternally. An O Allah. Let us be joined with him in the highest level of janitor for widows, and his companionship in the companionship of those that are most beloved to you.

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And oh Allah make us amongst those people that are most beloved to you.

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Oh Allah we call upon you recognizing the blessing of Islam.

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And it is sufficient of a blessing. And Hamdulillah He Allah near Mathilde, Islam, all praises DTU for this blessing of Islam and it is enough of a blessing for us. And All praises are due to you for the blessing of Iman and is enough of a blessing for us. And All praises are due to you for the blessing of the Quran and it is enough of a blessing for us. Yeah Allah we thank you for your guidance. Yeah Allah we thank you for your guidance. Yeah, Allah we thank you for your guidance. Yeah, Allah we thank you for this beautiful Quran. We thank you for this Quran without which we would not have a manual for life without which we would not have a way to know how to earn your

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pleasure Yeah, Allah we thank you for this Quran. Yeah, Allah we thank you for the ability to recite this Quran. Yeah, Allah we thank you for Ramadan. We thank you for the ability to be focused on the Quran. We thank you that in your mercy, you send to us these rituals and these acts of worship so that we can clear the distractions and we can focus only on you for our good yeah, Allah, we praise You for this Ramadan and we praise You for this Quran and we praise You for the ability to come together and to pray in your houses. Yeah, Allah. As you've allowed us to complete the recitation of the Quran, Ya Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah make us people of Quran. Ya Allah make us people of Quran. Ya

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Allah make us people of Quran. Ya Allah do not let us be of those that the Prophet Maharani who was turned on complains about on the day of judgment as having neglected the Quran. Yeah, Allah allow us to observe the right of the Quran. Yeah Allah connect our hearts to the Quran. Yeah Allah make it frequent in our homes and frequence on our tongues frequence in our massage frequence in our lives yeah Allah let us be amongst those that recite it and apply it yeah Allah let us be amongst those that recite it and apply it. Yeah Allah let us be amongst those that recite it and apply it and that are elevated by on the Day of Judgment. Yeah, Allah raised us with the Quran. Yeah, Allah raised us

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with the Quran. Ya Allah raised us with the Quran. Yeah, Allah we ask you with all of your names, the ones that we know and the ones that we don't know we asked you yeah Allah to make this Quran, the spring of our hearts and the light of our tests and the reliever of our distress. We asked you Oh Allah to make it the means by which we find guidance and clarity in this life always. And we asked you to let it be our guide and our elevator and our alleviate or of stress on the Day of Judgment. Yeah, banana mean, Yala. Crown us with the Quran on the day of judgment. And yet Allah elevate us through the ranks of paradise with the Quran yah Robin, I mean, until we reach the

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position of our beloved Prophet SAW Allah Allah

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While he was setting them in the highest level of janitor for DOS and yeah Allah as we come to the conclusion of this Ramadan as we come to the last moments of this Ramadan yeah Allah we call upon you despite all of our mistakes despite all of our shortcomings because we depend on your mercy Allah because we depend on your forgiveness yeah Allah Ya Allah Allah Houma in Ghana for one to Hibbeler for five for Ana, Allah Allah in California to Shibboleth for five one Allah Houma in the CAFO and to Hibbeler for 510 Allah you are the Forgiver you love to forgive so forgive us yeah ALLAH forgive our shortcomings this Ramadan forgive all of the sins that we brought before this Ramadan

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forgive all of the sins that we committed in this Ramadan forgive all of our shortcomings before this Ramadan and within the samadhan ya Allah forgive our deficiencies yeah ALLAH forgive our deficiencies and perfect our Ramadan Yeah but I mean yeah Allah do not make us amongst those who did not achieve your mercy this Ramadan yeah Allah we call upon you as you told us to call upon you in the Quran. And you said Oh ALLAH Rooney STG blog com call upon me and I will answer you. Yeah Allah we call upon you trusting and your hope trusting in your mercy trusting in your forgiveness trusting in your grace yeah Allah forgive us all of our sins. Forgive us all for all of our sins. Forgive us

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all for all of our sins. Do not let us return to those sins do not let us die with those sins do not let us be confronted by those sins on the Day of Judgment yeah robbing Alameen do not let those sins be a barrier between us and you in this life and do not let them be a barrier between us and you on the Day of Judgment, Ya Allah remove those sins entirely. Yeah, Allah, we know that we have made many mistakes. We know that we have committed many sins but yeah, Allah, we come to you with all of our sins depending on just a little bit of your mercy. And surely Allah a little bit of Your Mercy is enough to wipe out all of our sins Yeah, Allah do not let a single person in this gathering have

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any sins remaining after they leave it ya know, but I mean, yeah, Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah as you told your angels as they came upon gatherings of remembrance that you have forgiven each and every single person even those that might not have come with the best of intention you forgave them because they were amongst a righteous people. Yeah, Allah. Even if there is one ounce of sincerity amongst us Yeah, Allah let it be enough to forgive us entirely. Yeah, Allah Allah every single person who is a part of this dua be forgiven entirely for their sins. Yeah Allah Allah Allah let not a single one of us not have an accepted Ramadan and an accepted recitation of the Quran yeah Allah

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accept us all. Yeah, Allah accept us all. Yeah, Allah forgive us all. Yeah, Allah have mercy on us all. Yeah, Allah if we had intentions to do good things and we fell short of doing those good things. Yeah. Allah reward us in accordance with the best of our intentions. And yeah, Allah reward us not in a way that we deserve. But in a way that's be fitting to your mercy out of behind. I mean, yeah, well, hub. Oh, Allah says you bestow gifts upon us day and night, some of which we recognize as some of which we don't recognize. Yeah, Kareem, as we call upon you asking for Jana asking for the highest level of Jana recognizing that sometimes we get pulled by the lowest parts of ourselves.

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Yeah, Allah. It is not above you. It is not. It is not beyond you, to forgive us and to grant us everything that we asked you for. Yeah, Allah, you rain down your sustenance on us day and night. You bestow Your blessings upon us day and night, sometimes without us even asking sometimes without us even recognizing Ya Allah. So what then have a group of your servants who come together and say yeah, Allah grant us Jana. Ask you specifically for Allah for a dose of Allah, Allah Houma in a local Jana Allah whom in a local Jana Allah Allah in Nana's local Jana Janna. Oh Allah, we ask You for Jana. Oh Allah we ask you for the highest level of Jana. Oh Allah we ask you for the highest

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level of Jana. Oh Allah we ask you for the highest level of Jana. And oh Allah We seek refuge in You from the fire. Oh Allah We seek refuge in You from the fire. Oh Allah We seek refuge in You from the fire and from the punishment of the grave and from the punishment of the grave and from the punishment of the grave. Yeah, Allah enter each and every single one of us into your agenda without any form of hisab and without any form of either without even being questioned. Yeah miroir mean, Ya Allah do not let us even be questioned. Yeah. I mean, let us enter Jannah without any form of questioning without any form of punishment. Yeah, but I mean, yeah.

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Allah as you've declared that some will enter Jannah after some punishment in the grave and some punishment in the hereafter yeah Allah we ask you for Jana without any form of punishment without any form of questioning yeah I mean yeah Allah Surely that is not belong beyond you yeah Karim that is not beyond you yeah we'll do it that is not beyond you era hermano y'all Rahim that is not beyond you to forgive us yeah for for that is not beyond you to pardon us fully and to not confront us with our sins yeah who and you love to forgive and you love to part and so forgive us yeah LeBron I mean clean our records y'all I've been out I mean clean our records Yeah, but I mean and yeah Allah we

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ask you to make the best of our days the last of them the best of our moments the last of them the best of our deeds the last of them yeah Allah let us leave this world in the most pleasing state to ya don't burn out I mean, yeah Allah let us leave this world only in the most pleasing state to y'all been I mean, Ya Allah we ask you for personal free time. Yeah, Allah we asked you for a good ending a beautiful ending. Yeah, Allah Allah Martha Bittner and melty Bella Isla Allah Ya Allah grant us firmness at the time of death with La Ilaha illa Allah let it be in our hearts let it be on our tongue let it be firmly established in our deeds. And yeah Allah when we die, let us be amongst

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those whose souls are taken in mercy and take into it and lean exalted and registered with the scrolls with you ya know Bill alameen and ya Allah Allah our graves be gardens of Paradise. Do not let them be chambers of fire Yeah, but I mean, and yeah, Allah grant us firmness with La Ilaha in Allah in our graves. Yeah, I've been I mean, and let us be raised with it. Yeah, I'll hum Allah. I mean, yeah, Allah we ask you to make us amongst those who observed Leila to cuddle. Ya Allah only your mercy is known to you. Only the fullness of your gifts are known to ya. I mean, write down for us Laylat al Qadr. Fully young Abdullah Al Amin, Ya Allah if it is tonight and let it be written for

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us and if it was before tonight and let it be written for us, and yeah, Allah if we slacked off or if we had a moment of laziness or even a moment of sin yada but I mean forgive it and do not let it be a hindrance today that little Korea I mean, yeah, Allah, Ya Allah, Ya Allah this last year we experienced Ramadan away from your house yeah Allah this last year we experienced time away from your house. Yeah Allah do not let us ever be locked out of your houses again. Yeah, but I mean yeah, Allah do not let these massages ever lock again. Yeah, I've been hurt I mean, yeah, Allah do not let these massages ever lock again ya know, but I mean, and yeah, Allah do not ever Let our hearts be

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locked from the Quran. Yeah, what Bella Allah mean? Yeah, Allah do not ever Let our hearts be locked from the Quran ya know, but I mean, yeah, Allah Let our hearts be filled with the Quran in your houses and in our houses. Yah, Robin, I mean, let our hearts glorify you day and night. Yeah, Allah in the massages in that home yeah, a little bit. I mean, yeah, Allah lift this pandemic from us. Yeah, Allah lift this pandemic from us. Yeah, Allah lift this pandemic from us. Yeah, Allah allow all of the massage to be filled once again, with people coming to glorify You, Yara Bill alameen and let them be safe and protected in that ya have hamara I mean, yeah, Allah. Ya Allah we lost many

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people. Yeah, Allah we lost many people in this last year. Yeah, Robin and I mean grant them all shahada Yeah, Allah all of our brothers and sisters that passed away due to COVID or due to cancer due to car accidents or whatever it is, yeah, Allah in your mercy grant them all shahada yarrabilba al Amin, Ya Allah we have brothers and sisters that used to make dua with us here. They used to worship alongside us calling upon you. Yeah, Allah we have brothers and sisters that wanted to be close to your masjid and they did not make it to this Ramadan. Yeah, Allah let them be close to you. Yeah Allah let them be close to you. Yeah, Allah let them be close to you. Yeah, Allah grant them

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shahada Yeah, Allah grant them the fullness of what they intended and more. Yeah, Allah grant them the fullness of what they intended and more ya Allah grant them the fullness of what they intended and more. Yeah, Robin I mean, we ask You to forgive us and to forgive our parents. Allah Muhammad Ali Whitey Dina Robin Robert Hamama came out of Buena Sera, Oh ALLAH forgive our parents have mercy on them as they raised us when we were young. Oh Allah have mercy on our parents. Oh ALLAH forgive our parents. Oh Allah grant them the best of this Ramadan and what comes before it and after? Oh Allah grant them the best of what they intend and forgive them for any shortcomings, y'all but I

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mean, N O Allah, O Allah, we ask You to bless our families. Yeah, Allah we ask you to bless our families.

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Yeah Allah strengthen the marriages in our community out up and out I mean y'all Allah put tranquility and peace and harmony in our homes ya know but I mean strengthen the relationships in the marriages Yeah but I mean yeah Allah assists those that are looking for righteous spouses yeah Allah allowed them to find good companions Yeah but I mean and yeah Allah allow those that are already married yeah a little bit I mean put mercy and tranquility between them ya know behind I mean, and yeah Allah we asked you for our children yeah Allah protect them with iman. Yeah, Allah make them firm upon this faith. Yeah, Allah grant them the best of character. Yeah, Allah protect

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their health. Yeah, Allah raised them upon the Quran. Yeah, Allah raised them upon the Quran. Yeah, Allah raised them upon the Quran. Yeah Allah let them surpass us in righteousness and let them be the coolness of our eyes y'all banal Amin ya Allah let them surpass us in righteousness and let them be the coolness of our eyes Yato banana mean? And we ask you Oh ALLAH to cure all of those who are ill Allah mushy model blonde or model Ghana Muslimeen Oh ALLAH cure all of those who are ill. Oh Allah, our brothers and sisters that are here our family members that are here. Those that are abroad Yeah, Allah those that are suffering from illnesses Yeah, Allah cured them fully. Yeah, Robin

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I mean, yeah, Allah. You are the Shafi you are the cure you are the one who heals Yeah, Allah there is no cure except for your cure yeah Allah cure all of those that are ailing ya been out I mean yeah Allah remove the effects of anything that they're suffering from ya but I mean yeah, Allah all of those that are going through a hard time yeah Allah all of those that are suffering from various hardships yeah Allah we turn to you and just as we trust and your mercy to remove our sins yeah Allah remove our hardships era but I mean yeah, I'll remove our hardship Seattle but I mean, Ya Allah all of those that are unemployed and looking for work yeah, Allah facilitate for them * out

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of sustenance. Yeah, but I mean, yeah, Allah all of those who have been slandered and had their reputations harmed Yeah, Allah restore their honor ya know, but I mean, yeah, Allah all of those that have been wronged all of those that have been hurt yeah, Allah Ya Allah rectify their affairs ya are behind I mean, yeah, Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah we call upon you with our brothers and sisters and Philistine. We call upon you with our brothers and sisters in animosity, the lochsa We call upon you with our brothers and sisters that are in Syria, in Yemen, in Iraq and Afghanistan and Kashmir. We call upon you in our brothers and sisters for our brothers and sisters in India. We call upon you

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for our brothers and sisters in Somalia and Ethiopia. We call upon you for our Rohingya brothers and sisters. Yeah, Allah the ones that we mentioned and the ones that we sometimes forget Yeah, Allah you do not forget them. Yeah, Jabbar. Yeah Allah you do not forget them yada but I mean, yeah, Allah we call upon you and we ask for your support for them ya know, but I mean, Ya Allah aid them Ya Allah, whether they suffer from oppression or whether they suffer from hunger or whatever it is. Yeah, Allah ate them ya know? But I mean, yeah, Allah. We see what's happening in it must be the lochsa Yeah, Allah we see what's happening in a Masjid Al Aqsa. Yeah, Allah the land of the

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prophets. Yeah, Allah the masjid where you ascended your prophet. Yeah, Allah where you gathered your prophets to pray. And we see the filthy boots of oppressors and occupiers on those carpets and we see their grenades and we see their pride and we see them boast about harming the believers. Yeah Allah and we read in this Quran that you drowned the army of fit own ya allah drown the oppressing armies of today. Yeah, Allah drowned the oppressing armies of today. Yeah, Allah do away with every pharaoh that exists today. Y'all do away with all of the federal loans that exists today. Yeah, Allah we finished this Quran reading about those that sought to harm your house in Makkah the army

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of Alberta Hi yah, Allah those that seek to oppress and those that feel no shame and those that feel safety going into your homes and going into the holiest places Yeah, Allah. Ya Allah Ya Allah, we ask for your assistance against them. Yeah, I mean, we ask for your assistance against them. Yeah, I mean, hold back those oppressors ya Allah hold back those oppressors Yeah, Allah do away with those oppressors. Yeah, Allah when we look at our brothers and sisters, with the blood coming from their faces and we see the knees on their necks and we see the grenades and Al Aqsa, Ya Allah Ya Allah we feel helpless but we have hope and you your blood I mean, Ya Allah forgive us for our inability to

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support them but yeah Allah we believe in you your blood Amin

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Yeah Allah as you supported Musa alayhis salam against the Fidor own as you supported your Prophet salaallah Ohana he was salam against his oppressors yeah Allah support them and ate them ya know behind I mean, Ya Allah liberate Masjid Al Aqsa and its people ya know but I mean ya allah liberate most of the OXA and their people Jana banana mean Yola liberate Mr. Luxilon its people Yeah, but I mean, yeah Allah, Ya Allah and those who have betrayed them, those who have betrayed them liable Rohan and hada home your Prophet said that they are not harmed by those who have betrayed them but yeah Allah we complain to you about those who have betrayed them ya Allah we complain to you about

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those that have betrayed them. Yeah Allah we complain to you about those who have sold their alcohol for their dunya and betrayed their brothers and sisters. Yeah Allah do away with the hypocrites of this ummah yada banana mean, protect us from the harm of the hypocrites yada banana mean protect us from the harm of the tyrants and those that assist the tyrant Scout are behind I mean, yeah Allah, Ya Allah Ya Allah just as you settled Musa alayhis salam and his people and just as you settle the Prophet sallallahu I knew he was settlement his people in bed Did ya allah just as you assisted them with the angels yeah Allah send the angels to assist our brothers and sisters and follow steam yeah

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I mean yah yah yah yah yah Jabbar not the occupiers and the oppressors feel safe from you yada banana mean let not them feel secure as the oppressed Yabba banana mean ya Allah the oppressors here and abroad the oppressors at the borders and in the streets the oppressors across the world ya allah those who harm and those who love as the oppressed because they feel safe Yeah, Allah do not let them feel safe out or benign. I mean, and yeah Allah empower those who have been oppressed yada but I mean, give victory to them. Yeah, but I mean, and yeah, Allah for our brothers and sisters and an ox Ah, yeah, Allah grant them the reward of shahada ya know, blood I mean, Ya Allah grant them the

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reward of shahada Yaga beloved I mean, Ya Allah we witnessed their courage and we see their bravery and we see the way they stand Yeah, Allah write down for them the full reward of what they're doing. Yeah, no, but I mean, forgive them and grant them firmness yadda blah, I mean, and yeah, Allah, Ya Allah Ya Allah we asked you for the ability to pray to icons in Masjid Al Aqsa liberated and saved from oppression ya banana mean yeah Allah liberate all of those lands that have been occupied yada banana mean ya allah liberate all peoples who have been oppressed yada but I mean, yeah, Allah we complain to you about our oinker brothers and sisters that have been taken away even from our site

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who we cannot even see in pictures but yeah, Allah you see them Jada behind I mean, yeah, Allah help them against their oppressors yarrabilba alameen ya Allah help them against their oppressors Yarrabah Amin ya Allah help them against their oppressors Yeah, I mean yeah Allah our brothers and sisters that flee from country to country looking for refuge. Yeah, Allah grant them refuge Yeah, but I mean yeah, Allah grant them refuge Allah behind me, protect them and grant them tranquility and grant them firmness and grant them Hope ya bahala mean? Yeah, Allah as this was a time that you humbled us with a pandemic. Yeah, Allah as this was a time that you showed us once again your power

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and the vulnerability of us all. Yeah, Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah let this be the time that you turn around the oppressors that you turn the oppressed and you make them Victoria scalpel al Amin above their oppressors yeah Allah that you grant those who have had the lower hand the upper hand? Yeah Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah support them yeah I hope a lot I mean yeah Allah support them ya know? But I mean and yeah Allah enable us to support them Yeah. I mean, yeah Allah and we complain to you about our brothers and sisters that are locked up ya Allah Ya Allah the political prisoners yeah Allah the prisoners here the prisoners wherever they are ya Allah we call upon you to free them yeah I don't

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but I mean yeah Allah free our brothers and sisters wherever they are. Yeah, no, but I mean yeah, Allah free our brothers and sisters that are wrongly incarcerated. Yeah but I mean yeah Allah free the rhythm that have been incarcerated around the world the total blind I mean, yeah, Allah free those who have been incarcerated in prison for their Dalen for their good works and for their humanitarian work yada but I mean, yeah, Allah help them and support them in their striving job and I mean, continue to grant them strength and courage. Yeah. I mean, yeah, Allah, Ya Allah, Ya Allah. When we call upon you, we seek refuge in you Yeah, Allah from hard hearts. We seek refuge in You, ya

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allah from hard hearts. We seek refuge

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To new ya allah from dry eyes We seek refuge in You ya allah from diminished hopes we seek refuge in You ya allah from not believing in our do we seek refuge in You ya allah from ever giving up on you We seek refuge in you yeah Allah from the evil of our own selves and from our incapacity Yeah, but I mean yeah Allah Ya Allah Ya Allah fill our hearts with iman fill our hearts with faith fill our hearts with love for you fill our hearts for love with with love for our brothers and sisters all over the world Yeah, well I mean yeah Allah let this Ramadan be a blessing for all of them and all of us Yeah, I mean yeah well let this Ramadan be a blessing for all of them and all of us Yeah, I

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mean yeah Allah unite our hearts yeah Allah unite our ranks yeah Allah put unity and strengthen this ummah yado behind I mean yeah Allah assists the oppressed wherever they are y'all been a while I mean, the oppressed in the streets and the oppressed in countries that we have never been to yet Allah a system Yarrabah anatomy and enable us to assist them Yarrabah anatomy and ya Allah protect us from wronging others and wronging ourselves Yeah, I mean, yeah Allah this is our do. Ya Allah, this is our do. Ya Allah this is our DUA and we count on you. Yeah, Allah nothing is beyond you. Yeah, Allah. We believe in you. Yeah, Allah. We believe in you. Yeah, Allah. We believe in you.

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Yeah, Allah. We ask You for the best of this life and the next era blood I mean, and that you protect us from the punishment of the fire. Tina for dunya Hassan, what's your naughty Hassan? What Pina Dhaba not robbing Allah to fitna in Siena out of Patna, robbing one at a time in Islam camera Hamilton who Allah Levine I'm in copertina robbing one, two her middle Nana Papa Tirana, Obi Wan for Anna work for Hannah worked for Anna work for Luna work for Lana work for Lana Warhammer, Warhammer Warhammer and Timo Lana from sunnah al calm and caffeine will slowly learn more Salamandre Nabina Muhammad why he was so happy

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one will be able to apply

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