Omar Suleiman – Did Yusuf (as) Blame the Shaytan

Omar Suleiman
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Almost Hollywood cinema barichara Avocado Siddiqui Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. On early he also be he was salam to see him and cathedra is Pamela, this surah domine things that, you know cause us to really take time to reflect and to see ourselves in the different things the story of use of it has Salam. And I want to stay with the brothers of use of, but I want to stay with them with a very specific question as well. We already established last night that Allah subhanaw taala forgave them. We already established last night that their Toba was sincere and that, you know, there's even a group of scholars that said that they were afterwards we were we we saw all of these

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different incidents play out in front of us now. There's one question Subhanallah that remains a way that Yusuf Ali, his salaam now interprets the events that happened between him and his brothers. When I say that the way that you surprise them interpreted them, this have you ever forgiven someone but still held something in your heart? You know, and you still it's still every time something happens that resembles it, you kind of go back to the initial transgression. So for example, you know, you forgave someone. But then the next time you have an argument, you say, See, I know I knew you didn't change. Now, we don't know what political use of Isla moved there with their families in

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terms of the very personal family dynamics and some of the conversations that happened there. But here's what we do know. Use the findings of Allah subhanaw taala upon him. He blamed the Shavon for what his brothers did to him. I'm gonna say that again. He believes brothers for what his brothers did to him embody and Naza che Pano benei ouabain. SWATI after the shape Bond came between me this is a very interesting point. And subhanAllah still speaks to the mercy of use of it his setup right? That use of it his Saddam did not cast the blame on now if you look through the story of Surah Yusuf, you find people actually being self accountable at the end right so the wife of a disease for

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example, well that you know when that will be enough, see, you know what, I'm not going to absolve myself and enough so that Amara to pursue the self can sometimes command evil so I'm not going to brothers of use of when they speak to Jacoba Islam and when they speak to us somebody has salaam both times they say we were from El hartal in we made the mistake it was the shape on that told us to do it. Rather they own up to it at the end. And they say to both Jacobian Islam and to use Islam. This was us this one's honest if it has Saddam says the shape on came between me and my brothers. The shape Bond came between me and my brothers Subhanallah Dear brothers and sisters in the same

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does the same Jers sorta Ibrahim is the speech of shape on the speech of bliss, where bliss speaks to the inhabitants of hellfire in the law who either can rattle Huck, while we're at to confer love to come Walmart Canada Lionni come in so fun in lovely fella. Tell pneumoniae when one full circle.

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It's unbelievable. It's in the same just that it bleeds speaks to His followers in the fire. I gave you a promise, I gave you a promise. I never had power over you. I called you and you listen to me. blame yourselves. Don't blame me. I have you entire time was I just invited you to commit evil, but you are the ones that committed evil? How do we balance these two things? The right amount of tests gifts of the purification of the sole teacher something extremely important.

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As hard as the believer becomes on themselves, as self accountable is as merciful they become with other than themselves. So that's why for example, you see that the self said that, you know you find multiple quotes, quotes from person who makes no excuses for themselves. But they excuse their brothers and sisters 70 excuses and beyonds and if they can't come up with an excuse, they say maybe he has an excuse or she has an excuse that I don't know. But when I'm dealing with myself, I never blame the shape on I look in the mirror and I own it. This is me, I messed up, I made a mistake. But when I'm talking about her than I absolve them from the sin Subhanallah This is a characteristic we

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find in the most righteous people that have evites this generation of this ummah, that as close to Allah as they became

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as devout as they became they are judgmental, or looked down on the people around them. How easy would it have been for those people? The prophets

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to become so self righteous, that everything they see around them is it disgusts them now, right? You know, subhanAllah I mean, they they have their own knifes for their own self

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And then looking at their own faults and examining themselves and interrogating themselves. But when they look to other people with the obscures all of those faults, and it obscures those flaws, isn't that amazing? As inward looking as they are, they purposefully cover art. Yeah, aim in the NASA Lahoma you know, I other people have eyes too. Oh tongue other people have tongues too tough could be here, our altimeter in Fukuoka, our rods would Ignasi and sooner when I look at an abductee like Mr. Eben, but don't have a Colerain on the Nursey. Or you know the beautiful thing only mama Shafi mentioned the faults of anyone else, because other people have tongues too. And when your eye falls

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on the fault of another person, shut your eye, put your eye back inwards, let it look, other people have eyes too. You have faults, too. You have flaws, too. And so we find this with the righteous and this is used if it has Salam as well, that for themselves, they make excuses for their brothers, they make excuses for their sisters, as tough as they become on themselves. They become easy with the people and haram or they start to lose sight of what's sinful and not sinful. Or they start to let evil you know take place in their presence, but that they separate their brothers and evil and they make excuses for them.

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And that is the perfection of their luck, the perfection of their character. Subhanallah you find from the self all judge other people by the standard of fatwa you judge yourself by the standard of Taqwa with yourself. You take yourself out of the gray area, you don't go for the easiest of the gray area. You try to push yourself to higher standards. You try to apply not just the abandonment of haram but the abandonment of mcru. The abandonment of things that are dislikes, the things that are certainly sinful, but the things that might be sinful, but with other people, you know, may Allah subhanaw taala, bless them, maybe they follow a different opinion. The fatwa encompasses them,

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they have a federal that encompasses them, but as for myself, I'm going to hold myself to a higher standard. So the reason why I bring this up, see that when a person makes a mistake, they might immediately start to blame everyone and everything else around them. And that's what shape on it. Right? Well it wasn't me it was shape on it wasn't me it was the circumstances of holla you'll even find some people that get to the point where they actually will blame Allah, Allah put me in the situation to get put in the situation blame everyone but themselves no sense of self accountability.

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And you see the opposite with the righteous. They will blame themselves. Oh Allah, we wronged ourselves. Oh Allah. We were amongst the wrongdoers in LA I'm tougher than our top handle and Hakuna going in a corner in the middle hustling if you don't from the losers, but when it's the brothers and when it's their sisters, may Allah subhanaw taala forgive them. Maybe they have circumstances that I don't understand. Maybe understand perhaps maybe I made a mistake and I said something that hurt them and I didn't realize that I hurt them and that's why they're speaking to me this way. Perhaps what I see that appears to be maybe their you know, I miss understood the situation. Perhaps

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the poverty drove them to that perhaps the shape on was able to feast on their vulnerability the last level of exon the last level of excellence. Let me help that person overcome their shape on not to * shape on it as the profit slice. Don't help a person shape on against them. It's like you separate them from that because shape on tries to make you think when you sin that your essence to Allah subhana wa Tada you have no hope to return back to Allah subhanaw taala and when you pull your brothers and sisters out of the dark sometimes even after they hurt you and to them and pull them out of the dark you tell them that they're better than the shape on you know your fall was not you

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that was the shape on but you need to overcome that out of that by assisting them against their shape on that's what use of it is Saddam was doing its Paola, what a man. What a man and what you know what good would a snob and we're still as harsh hearted towards the people and not forgiving the way that we learned from Yusuf Ali has salaam what a man his brothers tried to kill him mentioned the time that they plotted against him again because he truly forgave them. And on top of that he made them feel like they had hope back towards Allah subhanaw Ninos. We don't want to let him in our ranks anymore. May Allah subhanaw taala protect us from the shape on coming between us.

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May Allah subhanaw taala protect our home our spouses and our children and our parents and our grandparents and our uncles and our aunts and our cousins May Allah subhanaw taala protect us from the shape bond coming between us and our siblings. May Allah subhanaw taala dissension in our ranks, may Allah subhanaw taala never allow us to be amongst those that refuse to hold themselves accountable, but make us amongst those that always own their mistakes.

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I always strive to get better and may Allah subhanaw taala never allow us to become judgmental or prideful or condescending that we see our brothers or sisters loss of hundreds how to forgive our brothers and sisters all over the world. I mean our minutes when Muslim you know what a Muslim out here even home? Well I'm what the living believers and the dead ones may Allah subhanaw taala forgive them all May Allah subhanaw taala unite us and that which is pleasing to Him and may Allah subhanaw taala allow us to abide by the prophets as we read this Glorious Quran Allah Who amino Saddam Hussein and baraka and Ambien or Muhammad wiener it he will

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