Nouman Ali Khan – You Wouldn’t Even Know

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The "SoTL" book is a reference to a man who is kept on the ground and not doing anything until he gets a message from someone. The concept of "monarchy's" is also discussed, including the importance of apologizing for mistakes and avoiding promises. The importance of avoiding promises and not giving money is emphasized, as it is used to make assumptions about people and their behavior. The "we are not a new virus" movement on social media is also discussed, and the segment concludes with a brief advertisement for a book.
AI: Transcript ©
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If you will no limit Hold'em will mostly just somebody with an item from October to another finance guru who Alan masa AB manage guru who Alinea and one of Salli ala Rasulillah. in Accra, the shuffle assembly will noodle while kita will mahkum will command in the begin our heart and CBD oil at the atom under the bus Shalabi hearing some new medium whether it be at 30 He brought him while he Salaam in Kenya Furukawa I debated

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for some Allahu alayhi wa sallam while at very high lumen Latina BarakAllahu be him Cafetiere nurse and other women who Elijah hamdulillah Allah de la mia to his wallet and welcome to luxury country work with me lowly human actually work a bit with Akira but hamdulillah lovely Angela Abdi kita well let me I love wherever you are. But hamdulillah under the Napa who want to stay you know who want to stop fiddle when we want to talk Hello they are also below him and surely unforeseen a woman say yeah Dr. Molina when you have to Hilah who Philomel the gala woman you believe ALLAH had yella when a shadow Allah Ilaha illa Allah wa the hula Sharika when a shadow under Mohammed Abdullah he was

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salam ala hota Allah Buddha was in ad hoc, the youth who are deeply mocha Fabula he Shahida for someone who either he was seldom at the Sleeman Kathira because you're a madman and fighting that obstacle. Hadith he Kitab Allah wa Hayden had he had you Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? Well, in the short run Omani martyrs had to have in a kilometer setting without local law but I can Bala Wakulla Bala Ted for now.

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Allah azza wa jal Vicki who can embody an aqua bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim. Lille for Karachi in Medina oxy roofie Sabine Illa, hilarious Tatyana Bhavan fill up your sub Umoja Hello as Nia I mean at the half of the full moon Mishima home alone and NASA it have one metal viewport inhaling for in the lobby any publisher who suddenly were silly Emily Wagner looked at me Sally only Allah matheba tandem Altavilla llama Allahumma dynamin Alladhina amanu pyramidal sorry, headwater was a bit happy what also be some eminent domain mean? Inshallah today's for that has to do with two concepts that the Quran has very uniquely merged together, Allah at the end towards the end of SoTL

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Baqarah, which is the longest surah in the Quran. Towards the end, Allah dedicates more ayat to one major subject, and that is spending in the path of Allah. So the subject is found elsewhere in the Quran to but not like the way it's found at the end of sootel, because it's just dedicated I after I, after I on this concept of in fact, V sebelah. And in fact, the term in fact, is used from the word nataka and naffaa power nataka in old Arabic was the the hole that lizards make, to escape in the sand. So desert lizards, they burrow holes into the sand, and that's called an afro pop. And actually from the same origin, you get the word monastic. So it's different from 1/5 1/5 is the one

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who spends. And when asked if there's a hypocrite, and there's a subtle connection there too. And that is that the hypocrite is keeping his options open like the lizard when it when the desert lizard borrows a hole, it has two exits. So if the animal is coming to attack it from one side, or a hunters coming from one side, he can go out from the other end. And so the one Africa is someone who keeps his, you know, exit strategy constantly. So, things look good on this side, and he'll sway this way. If things are shifting a little bit, maybe I can switch my allegiances and my loyalties, so they have no loyalties, and they're always looking for a way to escape. And that would be the

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monarchy. In other words, the larger concept, why someone is considered a hypocrite is basically that they are not committed to a set of principles or ideas, they have weakness of will and their primary agenda is survival. Somehow I can escape and blend in and, you know, get my way that would be the monarchy. But that's not our topic today. From the idea of NEFA the whole is to lose something, to put something away. And that's the idea of in fact, putting something away giving away something. And this this, this notion of spending in the path of Allah, interestingly in the Quran, and the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam has been associated with the way people treat

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each other. So you would think spending in the path of Allah has to do with money.

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But the money issue or charity issue has been connected by the Quran and by the Prophet salallahu Alaihe. Salam, with manners with how you treat somebody, but when you look at somebody, so Albus Murphy when she or he casada when you when you smile in the face of your brother, the prophet will tell us Allah Allah, when you're smiling at somebody, you're actually engaged in an act of charity. That's a form of sadaqa. Now, why is that? Why is this important? And we're gonna see in these ions also, there's people that maybe somebody came to you when they needed money, right? Or they needed help. Maybe it's a cousin, maybe it's a friend, they asked him for tomorrow's

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or money or if you could help them out financially, and you are not in a position to help them right now you are in a difficult situation yourself, so you're not able to give them. What are you supposed to do if you're not able to give them instead of giving them a long story about, hey, listen, I got my own problems, man, I can't believe you're asking me or putting me in an embarrassing situation. You know, why would you do none of this? And if you did, so. So he says, and if you are able to give, if you are able to give, then you're not supposed to mention it ever again. So if you did help somebody, and it was, you know, if I'm not talking about a loan, because if you

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give somebody a loan, and there was a deadline, you should ask, hey, it's the new day, what's going on? That's okay. You have the right to ask that. But if you gave somebody just help, and they say help you back and you say, No, don't worry about it. It's okay. Just don't mention it. It's, you know, it's between us it's dead. Don't bring this up again, once you say that, and you don't get to bring it up again. So what does Allah say? Hold on man. rufen. Older Now often, almost forgotten. Hi, Roman sada. Catania, Roja. He says a good word. Okay. So if you're not able to give somebody, at least, say something nice, at least, you know, speak to them in a decent way, don't make them feel

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like they're a beggar. Don't make them feel like they're pathetic, or, you know, they are, they're already feeling humiliated, because somebody will have to ask you is already humiliated. It's an extremely embarrassing thing to do. So the fact that they even got themselves to ask you took a lot of courage from them and took a lot of it's a very traumatic, embarrassing thing that they had to do. So you don't have to make them feel worse by saying, I told you, you should have better financial planning, you know, I can't believe you're this irresponsible. That's not the time to give them a lecture. So this is the time to just say, oh, Allah says, older models, some decent word,

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some kind word, some, you know, speak to them in a way you would speak to anybody else. They've come to you in a position where they that he or she, or that family has humbled themselves. They've we they've made themselves vulnerable before you, they're at your mercy. And it's Allah saying in those moments, if you're not able to help them, at least say something be said, or he says, oh, Monferrato No, I love this, this statement, almost forgotten, which is forgiveness, it's a muster. So it can go in multiple directions. But one of the ways we'll consider and understand this is, or at least apologize to them. Apologize to the one who asked you if you're not able to give, and that this is

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not the kind of apology where you and I say Sorry, sorry, man, I can't, not that kind of apology. But you know, when you really feel like you've done somebody wrong, why should you apologize to them? If you did not nothing wrong to them? Why why is the word monk filler here, one of its benefits is that when somebody came and asked me, that is actually like the Hadith of the Prophet SAW, Selim will describe, that's actually Allah giving an opportunity. And through that person, Allah is asking you to the person is actually ALLAH asking you, and Allah wants to see how much you want to give to him. So if you were not able to give, then you missed out on a golden opportunity,

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they were a NEMA from Allah to you. The person who asked you for help, was actually a blessing from Allah, they're not a burden. They're not annoying. They're not you know, someone that you just get can't believe they're asking, instead of you getting annoyed, it's actually you should be annoyed at yourself that you weren't in a position to be able to help them. And you owe an apology for that. And in fact, not just to them, then you seek us that far from a layer of you brought someone my way that I could have helped, and I wasn't able to do so. You know, this is actually similar to what Musa alayhis salam asked when he after he helped those women in Meridian, and he sat back down in

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the shade. And he said, and he said, I'll be in the Lima and the Elysium, in Hiren, fatigue, whatever good you send my way I'm bankrupt, I can use it. In other words, if you give me an opportunity to help someone, again, I'll do it again, is two meanings of that i One meaning is y'all I don't have food, water, drink whatever good you give me I'll take it. The height also means a lot Lamelo high. So it actually could mean that I also y'all, I just helped these women. And you gave me an opportunity to do this kind of sadaqa that's also sadaqa. And if you give me another opportunity to help somebody else, I'm fatigued, meaning I could totally use it. So now we see ourselves in the

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word fatigue is actually interesting because it's the the opposite of money. And fatigue is someone who's bankrupt literally fucker means your back is broken. Because your back as the spine is the you know, the strongest part of our bodies are back. That's why the heaviest burden you can possibly carry you can put it on your back, right because it's, it's the strongest portion of our body. When some when someone is fatigued, the Arabic suggests their back is broken, meaning they no longer have the strength to carry a burden. And that's why it's used for people who can't afford themselves. So or bankrupt or something like that. Right. But it's interesting that in that if he himself is

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fatigued physically, you know financially he's

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Forgive us our listener, but he's also telling Allah when it comes to good deeds, he's also a thief, meaning his background, any opportunity to get rich in good deeds, he'll take it. You see. So those two things have been fused in a really beautiful way. So as we are giving, you know, financial help to somebody, or any kind of help to somebody, we're losing time, we're losing money, we're losing energy. We're losing something in this world. And yet, we're getting rich at that same time, which is why the Prophet SAW Salem would say, manna kasama lumen sadati. Money doesn't go down by giving charity when he doesn't go down when you give charity now, but coming back to this, the idea that I

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really wanted to talk to you about today. This is just the notion of kindness is associated with giving. So in that ayah, he said old MacGuffin, almost forgotten highroad min sada patania Baraha. It's better if you were just kind or you apologized, and you said, Sorry, Allah's apology, that would have been better for you, then you actually helping someone. And then after helping them, you follow it up with painful commentary.

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Then you have you know, sarcastic remarks to say afterwards, or you have a reminder that embarrasses them. Remember the time when you borrow that money? Yeah, hamdulillah you're doing better now. Right? That's really good to hear. You don't have to do that. They're doing better. You can see it you don't have to rub it in their face. That you you descended upon them with your blessings, don't you It serves no purpose but to humiliate them and make yourself feel superficially superior. Don't do it. Don't say words that, you know, Hiram in Santa Catania barrel hadn't done yet. But that isn't just when you're talking to them. It's interesting is when you're in a gathering, and somebody

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mentions your cousin Abdullah, and you're like, Yeah, Abdullah, he was in a really bad financial situation last year 100 I was able to help him shut up.

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Are you talking? Who asked that Allah say you have to mention it before it's recorded for you. Now you're saying something about this guy? Ebola? He doesn't even know he's being humiliated? Oh, really? It wasn't bad. Yeah, it was really bad. Oh, he couldn't even pay the rent. But 100 You know,

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it sounds like Alhamdulillah is what you're saying. But you're using the words of Hamdulillah you know, so so this is yes, Bahasa you know, that, that if you follow words, if you see words, after helping somebody, you know what I did for that person, I filed their immigration paperwork. You know, what I did for these people? Oh, man, if it wasn't for me, their kids wouldn't even go go to a school, you know, but Alhamdulillah you know, they're doing good now. It says if, you know, Allah expects from us that we should be grateful to Allah. Right. But sometimes human beings in their ego, chatline comes to them. And this is another crazy form of shirk, actually, that the human being

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says, I deserve sugar to I want these people that I did them a favor, one time, they should be performing their form of social, you know, social Ibadah to me, and constantly praising me all the time, uh, you want to become a Mahmoud, have some kind of object of worship of some kind, that you have the need to be praised. And if nobody's praising you, when you feel the need to remind them, and let me just remind you how much you need to praise me. We just remind you what you what I've done for you. So this, this is important, because then even if you are charitable, that it means nothing Latos louzada catacomb, will manual attack, Mr. Khan, and subhanaw taala. He says, Don't

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cancel all the charities that you have given by reminding people that you did a favor, or by using hurtful words. Don't Don't do either of those things that have diluted articlemy manual other. Now another side of this, which was actually what I wanted to talk to you about today. This is again in the same passage where Allah is giving us guidance, not just on giving, but the ethics, the morals, the state of mind, you and I are supposed to have when we are going to be in a position to give, he mentions another a certain group of people. So let me tell you briefly about this group of people. This is a passing reference, an indirect reference, not an explicit reference to the misogyny, the

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Magina people who accepted Islam when the prophets Allah and Islam was in Makkah. And when he was being expelled, they gave up their home, they give up their families, they give up their livelihood, their business, they give up the life that they knew, because for them, life meant nothing without loyalty to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So if he's going, we're going with him. And so they migrated to Medina. They migrated to a place where they had no backup plan. No financial savings, no family No. And you know, the Arabs were tribal people. If you don't have your tribe there, then you're basically an illegal alien.

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Nowadays terms you're going to summer with no papers, no money, no passport, no visa, nothing. And you're just you just show up. And why did you show up because your profit is there. That's it. That's the only reason. And now all of those people that are watching iin are financially, you can see they're bankrupt. Because all of their assets have been taken by the kuffar all of their homes, their businesses, whatever they grabbed by hand, they brought, you know, it's not like they announced that they're leaving because they would get killed. They escaped secretly, and if you escape secretly, you don't get to carry many carry on suitcases. You see, so they brought basically

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nothing and now they're in this new city in Medina. And they are not beggars, they're not professional betters. They ended up in this situation, only because they chose to be loyal to the prophets of Allah. And that's the only reason they are now out of a home, out of money out of a job out of any family connection, out of any protection. Everything's gone.

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And Allah now dedicates an IRA to these people. They're in Medina now. He says, Lil for Cora, and Latina, Sufi Sabina, for those that have become financially completely incapable those that have been bankrupted for karate back broken remember, those that have been surrounded and circled

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in their path to Allah. What that means is that life and its challenges have encircled them. They have become, you know, there's an ESR around them, they have been surrounded, you know, like, the imagery is, when you have somebody who's trying to escape, and the enemy has them surrounded, you know, they form a circle around them, and they're completely surrounded, right? So the troubles of life have completely surrounded them.

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These are the people Allah is describing. So Allah is describing people that when you describe somebody that has been surrounded, then you're describing somebody that doesn't find any possible way of getting out of a situation, because any which way they turn, they find that there's a cage there, there's bars there, they can't get out. And Allah then describes how did they end up there, they ended up there because they chose my path. I love the not zero fee sebelah. There's profound lesson there. Sometimes. Those were the muhajir rune that met left Makkah and came to Medina, but the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam would then tell us that the muhajir is something more

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comprehensive than just those people that migrated then they are the heroes that created a legacy, anybody who decides that they are going to be loyal to their Prophet, they're going to be loyal to Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, they're going to be loyal to the word of Allah. And as a result of that, they leave a business, they leave the liquor store, they leave the store, where they were selling lottery machine, you know, whatever. They leave the selling, selling alcohol in their restaurant. They leave the river businesses that were making a lot of money for the family.

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They leave something that was financially very lucrative. But they left it and as a result, money's no longer coming in. Are they in many countries in the world, especially in Muslim countries, you know, the currency here is the dollar, right? In the United States, and many Muslim countries, the currency is bribery, right. That's how you get things done. You bribe people, you know. And if you don't, if you don't, you know, grease somebody's palms, you're not going to get anything done. And these people refuse because they know that's haram so they won't do it. And they can lie and they can get ahead but they won't do it. They can lie on their resume and get a higher paying job and

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pretend that they have six years of experience they won't do it because they're loyal to Allah and his messenger what they'll also will help you with also this summer, they just won't do it. And everybody else is getting nicer jobs getting a nice car getting married getting this getting that having kids and they're like, staying there behind everybody else everybody else's in their family saying why can't you be like them? Why can't you be like them? He got lower scores than you and he already has a job and you don't have a job. Look at you by you're such a loser. Well, you know, because they'll say oh, please stop being a Shay. Can you just get into Can you just be real?

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Everybody does it? It's okay. It's okay. You know, like, like the Quran describes people that tell you do the wrong thing. It's okay. It who Sabina we're Lakmal halfaya comb. Right. They come to you the Muslims they say Follow our way will carry your sins. If you get in trouble with Allah. You can just tell Allah I told you to do it. Super brave man. That's

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a lot of courage.

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But then people like oh, golly, Cody.

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Yes, it's no big deal. This Come on, live a little. It's okay. Allah doesn't want you to be you think Allah wants you to be bankrupt. You think Allah want you to starve to death? That's what Allah wants to give you a really long call about Allah. And they'll tell you the way of shatta and but they'll use a lot of the Allah's name when they do it, you know? And so so these people wouldn't fall for

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If your family's told him also you so just because you believe in God, now you have to become bankrupt. You have to leave the family.

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You have to go live, be homeless in a different city and live like a dog on the streets. That's what you want. This is what you're Islam says, This is what your Prophet teaches you, they must have heard it to you understand that. They heard all these commentaries or Sufi sebelah, the people that you would turn to for support would be your family. They're the ones that are, you know, bombing them with their comments and their torture, not to mention the physical attacks.

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Allah says dyestuff the Aroona Dolman philosophy at this moment, they're not capable of, you know, striking in the land is a figure of speech in Arabic. And what it means is they're not able to make money. They're not able to move, they don't have mobility. They don't have the opportunity to do business. They don't know anybody. They have no connections. They have no opportunity. They have no economic there's completely stuck. Lions Tatyana Dolman Phil only then the reason I chose desire to share with you today, he says yes, sir boom will die Hello, of Nia I've been attacked for free. Please pay attention to this part. He said. Allah said that the ignorant the giant hill, a giant

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means to things in Arabic giant mean someone who doesn't know anything. So ignorant. It's very common meaning of jargon, the opposite of Ilm? Yeah, Jahan, but Jahad also means someone who is not in control of their emotions.

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So someone who gets very angry is also being jarhead. Someone who gets very loud is also being jarhead. Even if they're a scholar, they're also being giant, someone who can't control their emotions in a sense, they're insensitive to the harm they're causing others they're also giant so it's, it's got to someone who is ignorant or someone who's acting ignorant Lee. Both of those meanings are inside the word Jain. Allah says the JAL assumes that these people have Nia I mean, at the F of they are free from the need to get any kind of relief. They don't need any relief.

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What does this mean? It means that these people they didn't come begging, they didn't hold up a sign homeless from Makkah, please donate what you can. You know, they didn't do that. They were dignified people. These were noble, respected people in society. So when they came to Medina is bankrupt and homeless and destitute and starving. They had too much self respect to go and ask somebody, Hey, can I have some food? Hey, can I have a place to stay? Hey, my clothes are all torn. Can I just can you have an extra shirt or something I can wear? Is there someone I get somewhere I can take a bath or wash my feet. They couldn't get themselves to do it. It's too embarrassing for them to ask. You see?

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So when people would come to the end, they're coming to the problem. The prophets masjid. And people don't know them. Like if they were in the masjid and the people who are living out in the masjid. There, they're a stranger, you don't know them. And just like right now, we're strangers sitting many of us we were all Muslim, or we don't know everybody. So there's somebody sitting next to you and you don't know them and they don't know you. And so what happens is they're leaving. And Allah says, they don't look like they're bleeding. They don't look like they're, you know, in pain. They cover it up. They're looking around, you know, broadcasting their pain. So Allah says, yes, yes,

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Mohammed. Yeah, hello. And yeah, I mean, a tap of the ignorant one assumes that these people have no need to be relieved given relief.

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Daddy, for whom we see my home, you will recognize them with with the look on their face the mark on their faces, you'll see the dark circles under their eyes, you'll see the stress on their face, you'll see the bulge on their forehead. That's how you recognize them. They will not announce themselves. Allah and this IR told us that we don't know somebody else's situation.

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I tried to say in the beginning of this quote, but that there are two things that the Quran connects together, the way we treat people and charity. Yes. Now look at a new dimension of that in our times.

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We assume when you when you know, most of the world now is addicted to the new cancer and the the new virus is actually not a new virus. It's been there that's far deadlier in my opinion. And that's social media. It has many benefits, but its harms are enormous. And we have unhealthy addictions to just commentary, commentary, commentary, right? We just we just want to stay engaged in this virtual not nonstop engagement. And much of it is actually assumptions about other people.

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So you've seen somebody post something about themselves some woman some man some young, some, whoever, and now you have an assumption about what their entire life looks like. They're doing okay, they're not doing and then something happens with me like they were doing just fine. We know everything about them because you have a glimpse into their life. You have a glimpse into their life. What do you assume everything about them is okay. Or nothing else is going you've got them all.

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figured out, we're very quick to pass judgments and then not only do we pass judgments, then we're very quick to say hurtful things. We're actually quick to say hurtful things. So Muslims have become accustomed to to things like everybody else, we're accustomed to what on the one hand giving charity. So you're even taught as a child when you come to the masjid put a little bit in the donation box, when you see somebody giving, give sadaqa we have Zakkai as part of our tradition, so being charitable as part of the it flows in our blood. But the new thing that's flowing in the blood together with being charitable is being unkind with our words, is being quick to make assumptions

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about others is to be the giant who thinks somebody else's as any minute of that they are in no need of any kind of relief. Just because they don't see the you know, desperation on their face, they must not be desperate.

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They must not be we're very quick to pass judgment on somebody else, you know, and pass them off. And here the Quran is teaching us a very different attitude of a Muslim very different attitude when Allah said Daddy, for whom BC ma home, you will recognize them by the marks on their faces. What is the Quran teaching us? What is the Quran teaching every single Muslim that were supposed to become so empathetic, so sensitive, so delicate in our approach, that when you're seeing someone and they look distressed, you should it should bother you? Hey, is everything okay? Sir? Are you doing okay? Like, even if you're going in the grocery store, you see some old man walking, and you can see the

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distress on their face. You know, we've turned life into everybody else's just zombies like us, they're doing their thing, we're doing our thing. But if you just for a moment, show some compassion. It's just somebody's face. And maybe you can't help them financially. But maybe you can give them a kind word, just to kind word, you don't know what impact that could have on them. And you don't know how Allah can make you money because of it. You don't know what that kind word that does the job of it, what that could be. Sometimes people all they need is a kind word. That's all they need it you know, some level of sensitivity, some level of acknowledgement. So yeah, so

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boohooman Jackie Liu of Nia I mean, a tough that He for whom we see my home. And then Allah says, well, not on fuchal Min, Hydra. This is so beautiful, it was serene, and whatever you might give up any kind of good. Whatever you might spend on that on people, you would expect min Marlin Malin will hide battle minimal, right. So whatever money you spend, if you spend a penny, you spend 100, you spend a million whatever you spend in a charitable way, you know, Allah says, We're not going to come and hire him for in the lobby, I think that Allah knows about it.

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And what we know that Allah knows, why is he saying, Allah knows, think about this for a woman. He's saying it because when he says, Certainly Allah knows, that means you don't have to announce it. Because the one who needs to know knows. Now there's no reason for you to say Alhamdulillah. Last year, I gave a big donation. 100. Know, Allah knows this. It's been recorded. It's been recorded. So you don't need to put it on extra record. You know, and you don't need somebody else make dua that Allah accepts my huge check.

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You don't need to do that. Because the one who needs to know Allah, he actually already knows. And I don't mean hiding in the lobby. But also in the science also, it's not just money, whatever sadaqa you may have been able to give whatever help you may have been able to do. Whatever, whatever kind words, maybe even a kind gesture on your face, just that. And if you can't do any of those things, let's just say you're not even capable of an act of kindness, or a word of kindness, or a glance of kindness, you're not capable of it, let's just give you all of the benefit of the doubt, at least do one thing, at least don't be the hill that assumes in the minute that at least don't make

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assumptions about somebody that they deserve to not they did deserve to be dismissed. At least fight in yourself the urge to make quick judgments. Because you and I have now become accustomed to oh, you've seen way too many short videos, way too many commentaries on people making comments on other people that you have this assumption or these people they're all like this, or these guys, I've seen this a million times. It's all the same. Those people they're all the same. These people are also stereotyping, making quick judgments making assumptions about all all teenagers are like this. All you know all police officers like this. All lawyers are like this. All moms are like this. All dads

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are like you doesn't matter. You pick which one you want to pick on and make assumptions about. You know, all Arabs are like this, all Pakistanis are like this. I'm one of the nation's or like this.

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This is what we become we become collectively we've accepted gehele we've accepted the notion of making assumptions about others and therefore the human dehumanizing them. And this This needs to stop because this is a remark

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A couple of things that Allah Allah said in this ayah Allah, you know, and this is the this is what I'll end with. He said yes, Mohammed Shah, Hulu ammonia, Amina toffee daddy for home BC now. So the ignorant one assumes that they have no need for relief, you will recognize them by their faces. So the ignorant one, and you he didn't say you think that they're okay? You're making assumptions or you're you're making false assumptions about somebody else. You're not sensitive enough, he said the giant one is that way but you can recognize them by their faces. It says if Allah is saying, I don't expect you to be Jack, I expect you to you to be someone who recognizes them. So he used the Jilin

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the third person, he didn't accuse you of being the jack. Because he assumed he Allah has given you an opportunity to rise above that and be from the second category and myself from that second category. Allah azza wa jal actually make us from that second category, who can recognize someone who is in need, and if even if they don't say anything, and don't broadcast their needs, and they don't publicize their destitute state that we're not, we don't don't only help when someone comes in bags, but even before they have to get to that state, just because they have chosen the right path just because they're doing the right thing. And because of that they have been brought into

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difficulty that may Allah so just give us an opportunity to not only recognize those kinds of people, but to help them in the best way that we possibly can. BarakAllahu li Walakum Quran Hakeem when a fan er can be it will keep

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111 salatu salam ala Rasulillah and he or sadly Jemaine along Isaiah was at 50 W. Kimbra. Anna, who wrote the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim. In Allahumma, la aka wa salam, ala maybe you already know Amanu Sallu alayhi wa sallam Taslima Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed Camus Allah Tala Rahim Allah Allah Mahima Philomene in the middle Majid Allahumma barik ala Muhammad wa ala Muhammad Cammarata Allah Rahim Ali Ibrahim Al Amin in the middle Majid about Allah. Allah, Allah, Allah Allah azza wa jal we enter any fascia you will look up what are they called? Like a kebab Allah we have never met this nothing can be Salah insalata can ultimately Nikita

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