Nouman Ali Khan – The Story Of Samiry #01

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history and cultural implications of Islam, including its use of hats and shiny clothing for wedding dressings, the spread of Islam in countries like Pakistan and India, and the importance of finding one's own peace in situations where people are stressed or disibered. They stress the need to deal with toxic people and avoid them, and emphasize the importance of leadership and serving people. The speakers also touch on the use of "monster" in English to describe people as "monster" and "monster" and emphasize the importance of finding one's own peace in a situation where people support and criticize one another.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Allah how much and limited monitoring which our local middle water Dean BarakAllahu li Walakum feel Quran Hakeem Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam o Allah say the NBA will mursaleen rather early he was a huge pain. Once again, everybody sort of morally kumara Cotulla he Talavera Gatto

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I'll share I'll start by sharing something personal with you I've been as Ramadan proceeded this year, I decided to do a different kind of reading of the Quran for myself and just highlight parts of the Quran that I felt like I haven't paid enough attention to. And it turned out it looked like most of the Quran. So as I as I move forward, I just realized there are places that just need so much attention. And then I started wondering, are we as a community also, it's just because I'm not paying attention to it is that that we overall don't pay much attention to it. And I didn't find much material on some of these places in the Quran. So I'm going to dedicate this evening to one

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such story in the Quran that is there. It's really important and it's significant, but I don't I haven't heard much about it in our doodles and our cookbooks and things maybe you have, but I think there's a lot we can learn from it. So we're going to spend our evening contemplating a place in the Quran in surah Taha, this is surah number 20 of the Quran. And it's one of the stories of Musa alayhis salam. It's a very particular story that Allah has Allah azza wa jal has mentioned in some detail here in surah Taha one quick think about it. Allah did talk about some parts of this story in Soto are off in surah. Number seven, but he added some details here that are not found in sort of

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other Arab so I'm actually starting with surah Taha and I'm going to stay with surah Taha so many of you are familiar with the story of Musa alayhis salam, this begins where this this the adventurer would fit around ends. So they've crossed the water throne has drowned, they're on the other side. There they've now been saved. The Israelites have now been saved under the leadership of Musa alayhis salaam Musa alayhis salam by Allah's command. When he struck the staff, the water parted, the Israelites, men, women, children in the hundreds of 1000s crossed fit out and his entire army follows they all get drowned they get crushed, and that's the first thing that I want you to know

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about them fit around. Did you know the fella Shia who Minella me militia home, that frown with his armies follow them. And whatever was meant to overtake them overtook them, meaning the the waves overtook them. And they're done with now we're abala Farah Nicola who went ahead and found misled his nation and he didn't guide meaning he thought he's guiding his people to victory and to save his nation. And he took the most elite soldiers of his nation and drowned all of them. He got all of them killed. Well, Maha. Now they're on the other side. And this is, before I get into the story itself, I want you to know some things about the style in which Allah tells a story. You know, movie

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makers have a style, they talk about film producers and directors, they have a certain style. So in film, when a new movies coming out, and there's a famous director, people are excited, because they know he has a certain style of storytelling, right. So in every art form, there are signature styles in every art form. So for example, in design, interior design is a kind of art. And architects have a certain kind of signature in their design. And if you're really into architecture, you can look at a building and say, I know which design that who designed it, I can tell who designed it, people that are into art itself, digital art or abstract art, they can go to a museum, they can look at a

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painting and say I know which artists This is because artists tend to have a kind of signature. The same thing happens with Allah and the world of music and film and any other form of art. There are certain styles of art and you can see here a little bit of an you could tell who this is whose artwork This is or who it's inspired by. Well, Allah azza wa jal is actually the source of all beauty and by the way, art, what I'm calling art in any form.

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warmth is actually an expression of beauty. That's all art is is an expression of Beauty and the source of all beauty is Allah Himself. Subhana wa Tada and Allah Hi Jimmy, don't you humble Jamal. Allah is beautiful, who loves beauty, right? So, as a result, when Allah tells a story, he tells it beautifully. And he has a certain signature, a certain style of telling the story, and the style of the Quran the style with which Allah declared his own word in the Quran, you will find it extremely different from the way the stories are told in the Bible, worlds apart. It's the same people, the Israelites, Moses, this isn't the Bible. This is actually this takes the majority of the real estate

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in the Bible, the story of Musa alayhis salaam, and the exodus is even the book of Exodus, right? But the way Allah will tell the story in the Quran is completely different. Not just in terms of the what, but even in terms of the how, how Allah is telling the story. So now I told you they crossed the water. The first thing Allah wants you to know is the way Allah spoke to them directly. That's the first thing Allah wants you to know. Now they're in the safe now under the safe zone. And Allah now says in the next Ayala bunny is Salah eel, sons of Israel children of Israel and he's talking to them directly or the NJ now coming I do we can we have now rescued you from your enemy? Who's the

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enemy now?

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We've just rescued you from further on. Okay, so now what? Work out? So he says, Well, we're at dinner come Johnny Bhatura. Amen. And we have taken a promise from you. Right on the right side of the mountain. What is this talking about the right side of the mountain, way back when Musa alayhis salam ran away from Egypt, if you know the story, he ran away from Egypt. And then he got married, and he had a new life. And one day he's traveling with his family and he sees what you guys know. He sees a fire and he saw a fire on the right side of a mountain. And now ALLAH is talking to the Israelites. And he's he's brought the Israelites from the water. And he brought them to the same

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mountain. The way this whole story began, he brought them to the same mountain and said, Now I have taken a promise from you, right by that same mountain. Why is that mountain significant? If Musa alayhis salam was never at that mountain, they would have never been freed, they would still be slaves in Egypt. The only reason they have that freedom now is because this entire story of revelation began with that mountain. And now after all of that rescue, Allah has brought them right by that mountain again, and said, I have taken a promise from you from the side of that mountain. When Zola and acorn will mana was Salwa and I have sent down Munna and salwaar on you because they

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were in the desert. And because they were in the desert, there's no vegetation, they're all going to starve and dehydrate. So in Sushil Bacara, we learned Allah covered them with a cloud that would follow them. So it was a divine umbrella that was following them so they wouldn't be scorched by the sun. And it would also give them rain and it will also give them shade. And now they don't have any food. So Allah gave them grain that they could grow in the desert. That's men and birds that wouldn't fly away when they tried to catch them. Because otherwise they wouldn't be able to eat and that was Salwa. So their proteins and their carbs and their hydration were taken care of all the

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essential nutrients are done. And then the regular water supply, Allah had even given them the 12 rocks that became 12 springs, you know, the rock that broke up and it became 12 Springs find fidelity Binnenhof Natasha Medina, so they were right, they were all the stuff they needed to survive after crossing was done. Now Allah is making a brief reference to it here and saying, I'll repeat it, we rescued you from your enemy. We took the promise from you from the side of the mountain. And we've given you Monday and salwaar meaning we've not only given you freedom, we've given you the resources to be able to survive and live a free life fine. But then Allah says Galoob

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and the Yerba tema rasa cannot come eat from the good and pure things that we have provided you What did Allah provide them? Allah provided the Medina and Salwa and he provided them the water that I mentioned. Okay, so just before I go on, I just want you to know something. If you just imagine you have to put yourself in the story when you read stories in the Quran. So you have to put yourself among Bani Israel. You wake up in the morning, you turn to your mom, Mom, what's for breakfast? Munna and salsa. So what are we having for lunch? Salsa and mana.

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I'm in the really I'm in a mood for a Munna sandwich. How about some salsa though? There is nothing else. There's no ketchup. There's no salt. There's no pepper. There's no salad. There's no dressing. There's no fries on the side. Nothing. You got nothing else and you get the same food for breakfast. You get the same fruit for lunch you get the same food for

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or dinner. And if you're in the mood to drink something, what you're gonna get, you're gonna get water, there's no juice, there's no fruits. There's nothing else. That's the same exact kind of food. And this is not the story here. It's the story in Bukhara, but in Bukhara they got tired of eating the same food. I mean, if you have the same Iftar for three days, you start giving your wife to look like

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Coca Cola.

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Is this a leftover from yesterday? I can't eat yesterday's leftovers. This is we need something fresh. And you know what, I'm just gonna go out and eat. I can't do this. I can't survive. Ramadan is too difficult. So before we go, pointing the finger at the Israelites and saying, Ah, these integrates, you know, Allah gave them one nine salah, and they were still ungrateful. Let's look at ourselves a little bit before. Before we point the finger. This this is also a test. But I will briefly comment about that test to you, because that's not our main story today. The brief comment I want to make to you is they used to live in Egypt. And in Egypt, they were free or were they slaves.

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They were slaves. But when they were slaves, they had vegetables and lentil and garlic and onion and cucumber. They had that stuff. They had a variety of food, but it came with a life of slavery.

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Now they're free. Now they're free. And now they don't get a variety of food. They only get one kind of food. Some of them started saying hey, can you like make dua to Allah? I miss some of the old food from Egypt man's I'm in Buckley, ha, ha for me. How about Sudan, Sudan, Bukhara. They said, You know, these young Kenny Musa, they said they went to Musa Musa. Allah likes to listen to your advice. Apparently, he could split water for you. I think he can arrange for a little bit of salad too. So why don't you ask Allah and here's the grocery list. So they gave him a list of vegetables to ask for. Because Monday is always good. But we've got a little let's let's let's make this far

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more interesting. So they give him a list of things to ask for. And the reason this is important, is because if you were in prison, and one day you got free, and after you're free, you're like, Man, I missed that prison food.

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I missed that jail cell that much they used to give me a

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can you can then go back to Canada get that food, if you miss prison food, then it's fine. It's the same as saying you miss what? You miss prison.

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You miss prison. Allah tested them. And Allah is showing them that the price of freedom is you had to let go of some of the things you became used to, you had to get out of your comfort zone. That was the price of freedom. So when they told Musa that we miss prison food, then they were actually not appreciating the taste, not a food, they couldn't appreciate the taste of freedom. They couldn't appreciate. And Allah says to them, eat and drink from the or eat from the good, impure things that we've provided you the good, impure things is the same kind of bland food. But you know what makes it so good and so pure, that it's coming with freedom, that it's coming with dignity, they don't

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have to live like animals, they don't have to be treated like worthless, pathetic creatures that are owned by other human beings. They don't have to be treated with humiliation. Their soldiers don't have soldiers can just walk into their home and killed their boys and let the women live. They can't just watch young men can't just watch their mothers being mistreated on the street by Egyptian soldiers under the pharaohs rule and not be able to say anything, not be able to do anything. They don't have to live like that anymore. They are free. So Allah is telling them directly once they get free eat from the good things that we good and pure things that we've provided you. And then he

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says, well at that low fee, and this is where the unique part begins and sort of Baja, he says and don't listen to the translation. It's strange. Don't rebel in it. Don't be rebellious in it. Now you guys tell me what is it referring to?

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The food? How do you rebel in food? What does it mean Allah is saying eat from this food and don't rebel. And this is, this is a heavy statement from Allah. This is scholars of suitable call. This is the out at about a year, and there's long discussion, but I'm gonna make the easy version of this for you. So you take the lesson from this. Allah is saying that when I give you blessings, when I give you blessings, you get so drowned in those blessings. You get so comfortable in those blessings, that you start taking those blessings for granted. And then you feel like yes, yes. Yeah, no, I know. I have a mic chewing problem. Hold on.

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Okay, is that is that better? Or better? Okay?

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So you, you get so used to those blessings that you take them for granted. And as a result of taking them for granted, you feel entitled. And when you feel entitled, you start disobeying Allah in all kinds of ways. This is an interesting formula ALLAH is talking about that he has talked about with other nations. So I'm going to take you to some other nations and then come back here. Allah describes he criticizes disbelievers all over the Quran. But there's one particular kind of people that Allah especially goes after in the Quran. They're called a mantra theme, new word for you today. I will Nutrafin say that for me,

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and Nutrafin, the mudra Feanor people who basically live large, okay, if they could have, if they want to have a meal, there's like a whole feast. If they want to go on a vacation, they're going to take an entire entourage with them. They don't want to go to the beach, they want to take their yacht to the beach. You understand the people that live super large, and splurge and spend and spend and spend, you know, people that have fancy weddings or parties and to give every guest that comes to give them a diamond something or a gold something and like why did you do that or you give somebody everybody a car, you're just spending and spending these, these people are called Nutrafin.

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And Allah has a lot to say about those people, that those kinds of people become the most reckless in terms of Allah, they don't remember Allah at all. They get so lost in their luxury and they become so entitled, that they develop what you can call nowadays, God Complex, they become like that. Allah is telling the Israelites and they don't even have a lot right now, they only have Monday and salwaar. But he's saying it may be Monday in salva now, but watch out, you get used to Allah's blessings, and you're not grateful, you're gonna become rebellious in no time. Because you'll enjoy the blessings of Allah, life is going to be easy. And when life becomes easy, you're

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going to become rebellious. What do you find in America, as I traveled, I learned this the hard the experiential way. I went to countries this year, this last year, that are struggling economically.

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And I met a lot of youth that live in countries that are struggling economically, and then I come back to the US, and we're doing pretty good. And the problems of the youth that are struggling economically, and the problems of the youth that are living well are totally different. For totally different. The problems that are of the youth that are living well, they've got a nice house, you have your own room, like the idea that a kid has their own room. Maybe in the time of Ireland, that used to be a thing. But there's not a thing where you in the Muslim world or most of the world, the family has a room not the kid has a room, you have your own room, you can change the temperature in

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your room.

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You know, you have your own TV, you oh my god, your life is so bad. You only have a ps4.

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You know, you're you're you have every luxury possible. And these kids are so miserable, and so depressed, and so angry. And so bratty. And so entitled, and so loud, and so rebellious, and oh no, I don't I don't think I believe in Islam. Mama doesn't make much sense to me.

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I don't know why we pray and stuff is so backwards.

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You know where a lot of that's coming from. It's coming from being Nutrafin because when someone gets used to luxury, then the idea I have to be grateful for what I have it starts disappearing. It starts going away little by little by little. I noticed this change in attitude when you travel. You see the diversity in psychology of people. It was one of the first things I noticed. Now the Israelites are not millionaires yet. They basically just have mana and Salah and instead of a house, they have a cloud, right? So they're living outdoors. So they're not living large, but Allah is warning them. Listen, be grateful and live within the halal because if you become rebellious, taking

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the blessings I've given you for granted. He says Listen to these words for your healer and a coma hobby. Then my rage will be unleashed on you.

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Allah didn't say then you will be in trouble or you will be sinful. The wording is very strong. He said My rage will become unleashed. Yeah, Hala. Hala, Hala. locka means to undo or not. It's being held, Allah has anger is being held back. And Allah says I will let it go. I will let it go on you. If you're not grateful for what I've given you. And by the way, the biggest thing Allah has given them is two things in the worldly sense freedom. And in the spiritual sense guidance, two things. For my heart it's guidance for my body and my being in this life. It's freedom Allah has given them those both have

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Those things don't take them for granted for your Hello Alexandra Dobie Dobie woman, yeah lil Allah, He loves the fact that the power and whoever my anger falls on, that person is as good as someone who has fallen off a cliff. However, Hawaiian Arabic to fall from somewhere high, to fall somewhere low. It's like Allah is saying these are the people that are truly going to be humiliated. If not assured, and some others a shout out to him Allah had beautiful commentary about this, I read that today and I was so moved by it. He said, If you are used to the luxuries of this life, and you forget about Allah, like you have a good you know, you have good looks, you have health, you have

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money, you have car, you have pleasures, you have everything in this life, and you become rebellious to Allah Hawa also means no matter how hard you try, you're gonna get old. No matter how hard you hold on the car is going to get old, the money's gonna get old things are going to even if you become wealthier, your body will not get stronger, your body will become weaker, you will try to fight it and you will try to do research on what surgery I can do or what medicine I can take to feel younger and look younger, but you're falling. It's taken, it's getting taken away from you no matter what you do. And you are heading there's one thing that's for sure coming if you live a life

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if I live a life of disobedience, and that is Allah's Anger being unleashed on me sooner or later who quite literally I will fall forgot how he says good as fallen. This is the warning Allah gave directly to the Israelites. Now, before going on. tell you one more thing. This is not from surah Taha, this is from sola era. They got across the water. It's been some time they're doing okay. They pass by a town. When they passed by a town those people were not Muslim. They had their own religion. And they had temples and they had big statues and you know, a monuments and stuff. And they saw people praying in front of them, begging to them bowing to them, put it making a nice

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temple around all that they saw that stuff. And they had seen some of those things and Quran because they're Canaanites and they had seen some of those things in Egypt. And they saw those things again.

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And after everything Musa alayhis salaam did for them, you know what they said to Musa alayhis salam

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ala come Allah whom Allah could you make us a God like these people like they have such a? They have such nice colorful gods? Can we have one?

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Now listen, like if you put yourself in Musa alayhis salam shoes for a moment after everything is done for them.

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After fleeing Egypt, coming back, standing up to the Pharaoh 10 years of struggle against the Pharaoh nine years or more of struggle against the Pharaoh crossing the water with them. And they cry and they've seen so many miracles of Allah. After everything we've been through, you turn around to your prophet, and what do you say, hey, this, you know, I think if we had a statue, it would help me concentrate a lot more. It's like a visual aid. You know? Like if we had like a god statue, then I think these people look like they're doing pretty good spiritually. Look at them. They sit there for hours. They have so much better who you are than us. I pray for two seconds. And my mind goes

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towards is it Pokorny or samosa today? I can't remember, my mind goes all over the place. You know, it's for Muslims who are it's very hard, isn't it? Staying focused in your prayers, not easy. But then you look at other religions, and those people are just sitting there and they're sitting in front of the statue, or they're sitting on top of a mountain and they're sitting for six hours and they don't budge how they get there. Kind of Sure. That's because Shetlands like, Oh, you're already doing my job. I don't need to distract you.

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He's interested in you, bro. He doesn't want you to have concentration with Allah. If they don't, if they have concentration on anything else. He goes, I don't even have to work on these people. They're already doing my work. I can put my full concentration on ruing the guy who's making salah. Right? We have nothing to be jealous of from it. But these people came and said, Well, maybe maybe we could have that. Now the real question before we go on. The real question is why would they say that?

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Why would they ask that after seeing all those miracles and following a prophet? Why would they even asked that? And these aren't just pagans. These are children of Ibrahim alayhi salam, and they've had Prophets for so many generations is how the Yaqoob you know, there's prophets of old that they know that legacy and Musa alayhis salam is part of that legacy. So it's not like the Israelites converted to Islam because of Musa alayhis salam, they were already Muslim. Then how come this happened? And this is why I want to this is where I want to remind you that

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The stories in the Quran. They're not just stories about ancient people, Allah told us every one of those stories because it will be applicable to Muslims today. And every generation, Allah will never tell us a story in the Quran because it's interesting information. Because it's Fun Facts from history. Nope, it's always some living problem that will come back again, like a virus that will come back again and again and again, in every generation. It's not like something that existed a long time ago. So I need you to know something about the Israelites today. These people went through many different cultures like like Anon, and in Ghana on, people used to consider the bull, the bull

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is the strongest animal on the farm, because compared to the sheep, or the cow or anything else, the bull is the strong animal and it pulls all the way does all the work right. So the bowl became a symbol of strength. And over time, in Canaanite religions and Sumerian variations, the bowl became an object of worship. They used to worship the bull. In fact, they even used to look at the moon when the moon is weaker. And they they looked at it and said, It's the horns of a bull and the bowl is pulling the sky. That's what they believed about the stars are about about the moon in the sky, right? And from it then became the sacredness of the cow. And that wasn't so much in Egypt, but it

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did exist among the people of Ghana on and the Israelites had a lot of genetic, you know, mixing with the people of Ghanaian they speak despite many think of it this way Muslims living alongside Hindus for hundreds and hundreds of years, for example, right? Are Muslims living alongside Buddhists for hundreds and hundreds of years? I'll tell you an interesting thing that I saw in Indonesia, Indonesia, many Buddhists lived area, and Hindus also. So Muslims when Islam came there, they noticed that when they call people to the temple, they have you ever seen those giant, like dogs? And they go dune? You know, those like those martial arts movies that you don't watch? Because

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your Islamic? Don't, right, they do that? So they will, they will strike it, and then strike it again. And strike it again and strike it faster, faster, faster, faster. I don't know. No, no, no. And that's their way of saying it's time for you know, it's temple time, or whatever. And the Muslims were so smart to call people to Allah. You know what one of the things they did because they people have never heard the other hand before. So you know what they did? They started doing the Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom. And then they do the run.

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And hundreds of 1000s of people started coming to the masjid because they heard the thing and I went to the masjid in Indonesia, and I heard the thing go off, and

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am I in the right house of worship? What's going on? No, no, this is a tradition from before. And it commemorates something that brought millions of people to Islam, the most populated Muslim country in the world. Subhan Allah. But I wanted to give you this example, because what happens when different religions live side by side, you take something and you take something and there's some exchange happening, like in South Asia, many of us are from Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, etc, right? The way that the girl is dressed for the wedding, and the colors that she wears, or the way that they dress, the bride and the groom. That's not Muslim tradition. Where did that come from? That's

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Hinduism. That comes from Hindu tradition. We have many values and many parts of our tradition that are actually borrowed from Hindu culture. So we know that some borrowing happens. Now borrowing in masala is okay. Borrowing in outfits is okay. No problem. You understand, borrowing in architecture, no problem. Where do we not borrow?

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In our religion? In our religion, we don't borrow our religion is already purity. Allah has given us guidance already. And Allah told the Israelites, I have taken a promise from you from the side of the mountain. Hold on to this, don't let this go. And then they go to Musa and they say, could you get us a God like that? I mean, there should be some room for HD had you know, we're still Muslim, we're still Muslim. So we do a little bit of this stuff. And guess what happened in countries like Muslim countries that are that are closely related or in proximity to other religions. Muslims started developing their versions of Hindu shrines. There are versions of alternative houses of

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worship that are not massage it. There are versions of worship that looks just like Hindu worship, just like Buddhist worship, it looks just like it. But they are they're still Muslim. And they say it's not a big deal. I mean, they have that we we can have a little bit of that here and there. And those of you that are from Pakistan, India, you already know what I'm talking about.

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You already know what I'm talking about. So many rituals, so much paganism made its way into Islam. And the thing is, Allah is teaching us something really powerful that human beings will always be drawn towards shirk. And they have to go through a lot of training, a lot of training, to let go of that desire. In fact, even if they are living with a prophet, which Prophet are we talking about? Musa alayhis salam, they live with a prophet, they saw the prophets miracles with their own eyes, but the culture has affected them for so many hundreds of yours, that even though they're living with a prophet, they have the audacity to ask that Prophet What's so bad about some extra? You know,

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can you make us a visual God? How's that? How's that a bad thing? Subhan Allah. It's crazy. That's crazy. But then so that was the first warning sign that was the first red flag. Now come back here. Allah told Musa alayhis salam, I want you to come and meet me for 30 days alone. I want you to come meet with me for 30 days alone. Allah told him which day to show up at the mountain and I will give you my revelation. This is called the Mi ad. So the me ad was that Musa Islam is going to be called and Allah will give him the Torah that he's going to give him the revelation. And Allah told him which day to come. Now Musa alayhis salam is with the Israelites. By the way, when I read the story,

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one of the things I think about is I'm a teacher. And if you've been teaching your students for a long time, right, and you say chapter one, why we believe in Allah, chapter two, Allah is one chapter three chapter, you get to chapter 55, and one of your older students says, so why do we believe in Allah?

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Chapter one.

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But you know, in America, you can't do that. But if a student did that, in Morocco, if a student did that in Indonesia, for students or in Pakistan or Bangladesh, and as soon as the student said, so they asked her chapter one question when you're on chapter 50, what's the teacher gonna do?

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It's called hands on education.

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And we know we know Musa alayhis salam you don't want to make that man angry. Because that man can throw a punch.

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He can throw a punch. And these people are really pushing it with one the one profit you shouldn't be messing with like no holiday Salam I can kind of get it maybe you can get away with that a little bit. You don't want to mess with Musashi.

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And he this is why even masala is um, sometimes he would get so angry with these people. And people, unfair people. I feel like sometimes we are unfair to Musa anism we say he had a really bad temper, bro. Do you know what he had to deal with? We can't deal with anything even close to that. He had an amazing control over his temper. When they told him we will not listen to you after crossing the desert. We will not listen to you until we see Allah Himself face to face. Okay, you don't want to give us an idol we can look at let's see Allah Himself. That's what they told him.

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He said, Allah here an akuna minal Allah I seek your refuge I don't want to be from the people who lose their control. Because jarhead is also losing control over your emotions. Yalla don't let me unleash on these people.

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But these ayat are not about Musa unleashing on them. These Ayat word if you aren't grateful for my blessing, whose anger will be unleashed. Allah's Anger will be unleashed. Allah's Anger will be unleashed. Now Musa Islam has to deal with these people. Now you you tell me and many of you have been in a position of being teachers or being in a maybe you're in management and when you're a teacher or your manager or you're a boss or you're the head of a family of five minutes oh my god. I just got started okay.

00:34:00 --> 00:34:25

All we're up to sub quickly. I think I'll finish this the next time I come in a couple of days. Okay Charla because this is there's a lot here, but I'll wrap this part quickly up. Okay. So the thing is, if you have to deal with unruly students, disobedient kids, or rebellious family, people that don't respect you people that question you, is that is that a pleasant experience?

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And you maybe if that if you don't find peace among those people, then one of the best things you can do is get away from them for a little little bit to find your peace. You'll find some people they spend a lot of time in the masjid like they're always in the masjid mashallah but sometimes behind that, mashallah is in a stuff that Allah

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because they're finally at peace in the masjid. Because there's a lot of drama at home.

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And I'm just going to

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one place I can breathe, man. I just gotta, I can't talk to

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her, I can't talk to her I could just I'm just gonna talk to God. You know what, at least.

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And there could be people in that situation, Musa alayhis salam has to deal with these people that get on his nerves, everything that comes out of their mouth, even me as a reader, it gets on my nerves and he has to deal with it directly. And then Allah says, Come on this day to meet with me. I'll give you my book.

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Musa alayhis salam shows up early.

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He showed up early. Oh, the thing is, there's two reasons he showed up early one. These people are so difficult. What do I do? How do I get them to fix these are they're so messed up. Maybe Allah's book that he's going to give me will help me solve this problem. So when Allah has told him Come on this day, he's so eager to get the solution. What does he do? He goes there early, is the same as you know, people come to the mom and say, Mom, my son is doing this this this, is there an IRA? I can tell him? Is there a my husband does this this is my wife does this. Can I tell them a hadith? Can I tell them an IRA that can solve this problem? It's a divine solution, right? Musa alayhis

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salam is in need of a divine solution because these people, I don't know how much more can you see before you become a believer seriously. And you claim to be my follower and you're still causing me pain. So he goes and rushes to Allah. Another reason to rush to Allah is if you had the choice between the company of Allah and the company of the Israelites, what you're going to pick

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Allah's company. So he right and he says to, he says to her own son, his brother, he says, you watch over them, I'm leaving you in charge. I'm gonna go speak with Allah.

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So he goes to meet with Allah on the mountain, and he's left those annoying Israelites behind. And some of them he already knows. They would rather mix other religions into Islam. He already knows that yes or no, he knows that. But so he knows that's a threat, but he's really eager to find the solution. He comes to meet with Allah. And he says, A Allah says to him,

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and comida Musa, what rushed you away from your nation Musa?

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Why did you come here early? You would think in the worship of Allah, if you come early, that's a good thing. If you come to Fajr early, it's a good thing or bad thing. If you come to Joomla, or leaves a good thing or a bad thing,

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if you prepare early, that's a good thing. And here Musar de salaam came to receive Allah's book. And he came ahead of schedule, in any case by any standard, coming early is a good thing.

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And here Musa alayhis salam shows up early. And Allah says Why have you showed up early? What allowed you to rush away from your nation Musa? He's actually critiquing musante Salaam. Now Musa alayhis salam is in shock.

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When this was a bad thing. I thought I did a good thing. So he turns to Allah and says, who's gonna whom will you know those people? They are right behind me. I did not fall behind ya allah and I left Musa with them. And so he says, Well, they're not gonna go anywhere. They're right there. I haven't left them too far back. Well, I didn't do a copy. Tada. I rushed, I came to you rushing so you could be happy. I came here to make you happier up, because I thought coming early would please you. So he did this for the sake of Allah, I have a minute left. So I'm just going to tell you, maybe I shouldn't tell you make you make you suffer a couple of days and think about this. But I'll tell you

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a little bit. I'll tell you just a little bit.

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Musa alayhis salam is a leader.

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And being a leader, one of the biggest tests of being a leader is you have to deal with people.

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You have to deal with people.

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As a, as a leader, you have to deal with people that support you. You also have to deal with people that show you they love you to your face, but hate you behind your face. You have to deal with people that are trying to destroy you. There you have to deal with people that will listen to you in front of you and go and undo everything you instruct them behind you. You have to deal with people that are waiting to see you fail. They're waiting to their their love to see you fail. You are you are you're in a position of leadership, and they're constantly questioning your leadership. You have to deal with all of those people, isn't it? It's not an easy job. Being a leader is not an easy job.

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But profits this is nowadays they say oh if you have toxic people in your life, you need to distance yourself from toxic people. That's so cute. Because prophets were surrounded by what kinds of people, toxic people and they if they followed Tiktok advice you know what all y'all Israelites are way too toxic. I'm out. I need them.

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More positive environment.

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Prophets don't have that luxury. A real leader doesn't have the luxury of walking away from his difficult flock. He has to deal with his flock. He has to deal with them. And even if he's rushing to do something good, he's rushing to get Allah's book. And why does he want Allah's book, he wants Allah's book, so he can help these people. Maybe that will help them even then rushing to a solution when you know, they're not mature enough, yet. They're not mature enough yet, you have to sacrifice your desire to get close to Allah for the demands of leadership. This is a huge community. There's there's people, there's so many volunteers here, there's such a board here, there's Imams and others

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in positions of leadership here, scholars and leadership and everybody's working night and day over here. And I can guarantee you the people that are helping put the Iftar together, the people that are helping put the youth program together, or people that are helping put, you know, the tents outside or managing the parking, sometimes they're the ones that are barely catching the salah

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happens or no, they're the ones that are not getting enough time to recite Quran, everybody else who started they're not getting time to recite Quran, you know, and they would love to just rush towards Allah. And they have a guilt inside them. That Ya Allah, everybody's praying, I'm not getting to pray as much as everybody else. But you know what the price of leadership is, you have to serve the people. And it does take time away from rushing towards Allah. And if you rush towards Allah and abandon your responsibility and say, no, no, no, I'm just going to rush towards Allah. I don't have to take these take care of these tests, that Allah is even questioning his own prophet Musa alayhis

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salam, and saying, No, your first responsibility to is those peace to those people. And when I call you on that day, every second before that time you owe to them. You don't you don't have that free time. That's for them. Because you're a leader. That's your expectation. Allah has a different standard for the leader.

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Everybody else if they rush to Allah for worship, good.

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The leader when they say I want to I want to take some personal time to do worship and abandoned some of their critical leadership responsibilities. No good. Because that's their service to Allah. That is their spirituality. Allah is so balanced and the picture that he paints these stories are so alive I didn't even get to the juicy part. the juicy part is what are they going to Allah He left them for a little bit and I told you already they were interested in other gods right. It's gonna get much worse. It's gonna get much worse and when was Allison's comes back, we're gonna see the anger of Mussolini and the story is gonna get far far more intense Inshallah, but I will tell you

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nothing about that now. We'll talk about that in a few days. BarakAllahu li Walakum feel called added Hakimullah anyway er can be

00:43:03 --> 00:43:03

too late. I know what

00:43:07 --> 00:43:24

in mostly me now almost Lima D one meaning I will not mean it will quantity now look on it that he was slowed in pain. I was slowed important. He was slow Islaam btw no Slavia rod Do you want to for sharing you know

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what and for Shireen? Because she is the one downside DP now one downside being 14 was all me now was all in.

00:43:43 --> 00:43:50

Wouldn't have you Lena photo gentlemen, one half year warranty. Was that good enough? Guess

00:43:52 --> 00:43:56

what's going on? I don't know who

00:43:59 --> 00:44:01

will enjoy when I leave

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