Nouman Ali Khan – The Difference Between Quran and Science

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the use of the Quran in science and how it is used to describe the world. They explain that the Quran is a powerful way of thinking and that science is already acknowledging the the words of Allah, as it is the supreme way of thinking. They also discuss the use of parables and other examples to describe the world and how it is not just a coincidence. The speaker invites viewers to visit the deeper look series on Vienna to learn more about the definition of the Quran.
AI: Transcript ©
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this note, this idea of Allah covering the day with the night, obviously isn't scientific, right scientifically, it's just that the sun is on the other side or the planet has turned and now it's on the other side of the planet or whatever, right? So it's not that the night has covered the sun, nothing covers the sun in that sense. But in our experience from our eye, it looks like the night has overrun or taken over the sun. This is an important side note to make that I've made often, that the Quran is not speaking in the language of science. The Quran is speaking in the language of two perspectives, human perspective and Allah's perspective. Those are the two perspectives, the ayat

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speak from. Sometimes the eye are speaking from what you observe, you observe that a knight took over the sun. From your point of view, that's what it looks like. And that's how it describes it. Sometimes Allah will speak from his own perspective. And that perspective is beyond even the perspective of science. It's the perspective that nobody else can have. Right. And that's, that's usually when he talks about spiritual realities, or realities that are far beyond our ability to see, then he'll talk about Allah's own perspective, you know, and often when he talks about his perspective, he'll just let let us know. You can't know the reality of it anyway. You don't know

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much about that anyway. But the thing is the Quran just like regular language, just language at large. We don't speak in scientific terms. That's not how people communicate. Yes, we live in a scientific age. Yes. But we still don't speak in scientific terms. If somebody insults somebody else, and you say, man, he got burned. Scientifically, there are no burn marks. First, second, or third degree, you don't have to call 911. But you still say they got burned. That's the language of people. They're not they use imagery. We use example, we use parables. We use verbs that allude to other things, right? Man, he destroyed me in basketball, oh, man, I got killed when I watched that

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movie, or whatever you didn't, you're still alive. Clearly, I don't know how that works. But we say these kinds of things. My favorite one is when grandparents say my grandchildren stole my heart, and

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it's still there.

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So the point here is, we shouldn't be so obsessed and trying to find scientific phenomenon in the Quran. Yes, there may be some that are there. But that over obsession, because we feel science is the supreme way of thinking in life today. And therefore the Quran will be legitimate. If we find more and more scientific phenomenon and the Quran, that's a that's a weak way of thinking, it's actually already acknowledging somehow that the word of Allah has to conform to the standards of modern science. And until it does, it's not really that powerful, or it's not as convincing. You know, this is this is a, it's a problematic way of thinking for a number of reasons science changes,

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science is changing from one century to the next to the next, the dominant theories about energy, or motion, or the very fundamentals of physics today might change in 100 years, we don't know because they absolutely did 100 years ago, and when at the time, the leading scientists of the world were absolutely convinced that that is what the truth is, and anybody who disagreed with them were fools. And now those are the very, very theories that are considered myth, you know. And so if we peg the Quran, which is timeless, to science to show that the Quran is a miracle, and then science moves on, then we leave the Quran behind you, because then you just tied it to a theory that is no longer

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applicable, you understand? So yes, there may be very explicit phenomenon of nature and science that we can perhaps say there is some correlation there. Like for instance, Allah saying that the moon is, in fact, subservient to the sun, which is scientifically in a sense, somewhat true. It's light depends on the sun's light and reflects the sunlight. Right. And it is gravitationally. The sun is actually the dominant player in the solar system, and everything else is actually a subsidiary and they're following it, you know? And so in that sense, sure, but taking it any further than that is a problem or even using that to say, Aha are on is onto something that nobody had ever discovered

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before. I personally feel that that's a that's a dangerous road to go down. What is then the miracle of the Quran, my personal view on the miracle of the Quran, is that it's timeless that it should not be pegged or associated with you know, you can validate the Quran from within itself. And then you can validate the Quran from outside things. Science is an outside thing. The first validation of the Quran is within itself. Within its own speech within its own powerful messaging. Within its own language, there is something that is timeless that if anybody ponders, they will come to the conclusion. You know what I mean? And the radiola he'll still laugh and guess what they'll be

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convinced this can only be the word of God. Hey guys, you just watched a small clip of me explaining the Quran in depth as part of the deeper look series. Studying the Quran in depth can seem like a really intimidating thing that's only meant for scholars our job at Vienna is to make deeper study of the Quran, accessible and easy for all of you. So take us up on that challenge. Join us for this study the D

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Per look of the Quran for this surah and many other sources on Vienna under the deeper look section

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