Nouman Ali Khan – Surah Yusuf #53 – V85 – Get Over It Already

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss various topics related to the use of words and phrases in the Bible, including "will" and "will" in Arabic language, as well as the emotional state of Utah and the importance of avoiding cutting words and understanding emotions. They emphasize the need for a fast pandemic shutdown and the potential for a second wave of COVID-19 in the future. The speakers also stress the importance of testing for COVID-19 and the need for a vaccine to be effective and efficient.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are all below him in a shaytani r rajim.

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All Eau de la heat f de colo usofa takuna hi Robin otaku una manera Leakey in

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Russia Saudi were silly Emily looked at me lasagna of cocoa leaf and hamdulillah salat wa salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He was in my bed once again every once in a while Kumara delight aloe vera Gato. So today's job is to cover some lessons from number 85 of Suit yourself and this ayah is you know interesting and unique in the you know, collection of art in the Koran for several reasons. So let's go over some of those reasons first. Okay. So the first of those reasons is that allows origin typically does not dedicate like he has here a pretty long quote from the brothers that's just about them complaining to their father and this has been interpreted in two ways First of all, let's take

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a step back and understand why that's significant. Why would interpreting or why would a log quoting the brothers talking to the Father be so important? Let's first look at the translation order Carlota law he says said We swear to god the law he is an unusual form of saying what law he does that will does guru use of are you going to keep mentioning use of Will you not quit remembering use of had data una hora de until you die sich otaku nominal hurricane or you are from those that die that just get killed? Meaning get killed, out of grief and out of depression, etc. Okay, this statement can be interpreted in two ways. Firstly, you can think about it as them speaking to their

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father in anger. Right so they're frustrated that their dad turned his back his back from them. And he just said, Oh, my grief over you Sophia suffer other use of I won't be able to I know who in his eyes turned white and he was swallowing his swallowing been swallowing his his grief for so long. All of that I talked to you guys about last time. So when they saw him turn his back and even use of came out of his mouth. It made them so angry that they yelled at him. And this is an IRA just recording how they yelled at their father Carlota lajitas todos guru, so had Tata Guna Holloman out akuna Minal Holly keen. And there's a parallel reading of this, which is actually more popular. The

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more popular reading of this is that this was them concern for their dad. In other words, when they saw him crying in grief to go into a corner, it's almost as if they came and put their arms around his shoulder one of them and said, You know, I swear to God, you're just going to, if you keep mentioning use of like this, you're just gonna get sick, you're gonna be you're gonna die. Is that what you want? So, in one reading of it is they're being a little bit more consoling to their father and trying to help him get over the loss of use of, we're not talking about use of after all, now we're talking about Binyamin This is that's that was years ago, that's old news. Or they're yelling

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at him, they're frustrated with him. Now there are indications in the text of why you would read either one, are they being consoling? Or are they being, you know, aggressive with their dad? Right? So let's first thematically look at that before we get into the you know, the text of the ayah and some of its very heavy applications. If you look at what would be the reasons why you would think that it is out of affection. Probably the strongest argument that there was spoke to him gently is a couple of hours later, so this is going to be an iron number 87 he says yada yada, yada Nia, in Habu for the house assuming use with our E when they assume never Hilah in the hula a Asuka la la kobika.

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If you don't, my sons go and seek out get a sense for use of and his brother and don't lose hope in a less loving mercy and His care. Certainly, nobody loses hope in loving care and mercy except those who do you know, the disbelieving people. In other words, the father told him to go look for Youssef and his brother. He told them to not lose hope in Allah's mercy. Now that seems to be well, first of all, if they yelled at him for even mentioning use of why would he bring up to them? Go look for user? Right, that doesn't make sense. So it must be that they spoke to him gently, and he saw the opportunity to, you know, to speak to them about this. Plus, Aleister Jacobi is talking to his sons

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about Elisa about not losing hope in Allah's mercy. So there seems to be a more positive conversation here, which seems to support that they came to him in a gentle way. And that in corresponding to that he spoke to them gently also, right that's so the the reading of I 85 gets influenced by what we're reading in Ayah number 87. But what are the counter argue so this was the argument of if we were to read this as if they were speaking to him gently when they said, We swear to god, you're going to keep remembering use up until you die until you get sick and so sick that you're going to be at the on the verge of death and you might even join those that have died like

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You wouldn't be the first to die like this. So please don't do this to yourself. So that's out of concern that they're talking to him like that. Right? But what's the other reading of it? Well, the other reading of it is if you look, first of all, he turned his back from them. So he's not happy with the way they are. And plus he said, sovereign jameelah. Again, he repeated those same words of frustration, and previously, then he's already overwhelmed with grief. And when, when he's overwhelmed with grief, and you read these as words of anger, like, are you serious, you're still gonna cry about yourself to the point where you're blind. What's next you want to you want to die?

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Is that what it is? You're gonna keep on mentioning use of seriously use of, and it angers them that he here, even his name, because the entire, you know, evil act that they committed was for him to be erased. You know, it people who are gonna just leave him somewhere far away, just make him disappear, so long as he doesn't exist will be happy. And where should he not exist in the heart of dad watch who are become early on in the surah. When he goes away, your dad's heart will empty out and the only thing left for your dad is to turn towards you. Because the one that's preoccupying him was all the time is gone. Well, after all these years are, he's still reminding us

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that we are still number two, he's still number one, in the middle of all this crisis, you're still going to mention use of. So it's like their old jealousy against use of a serum fired up again. How dare he bring up use of again? Come on already? Seriously, you know, isn't it time that you loved us enough yet, and they start yelling at him out of that anger? This is kind of it's not so crazy for a lot of people to understand. Some people are very abusive, and they say, Don't you understand, I'm yelling at you, because I love you.

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I'm abusing you. Because if I didn't care, I wouldn't be doing that.

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So people have it in their head that that's how love works, right? That you hurt someone because you're actually loving them. And they're frustrated with their dad. And we already know early on that at some level, they really just want their dad to love them. But they have this all twisted in their head. Now if you read it like that, what else supports that view? Well, I said the the opposing view can be supported by either number 87. But actually, this reading can be more supported by number 86. The immediate next eye color in the Moscow Bathsheba was named ally said I'm only complaining and I'm only taking my grief, my sorrow, my overwhelming sadness. I'm only taking that

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to a lot of complaint. I'm not talking to you guys. I'm talking to Allah. Leave me alone. Well, at the moment Allahu Allah tala moon, and I know from Allah, something you don't know, just I can't have this conversation with you. This is a conversation between me and Allah, just haven't you done enough yet, just leave me alone, give me some space, because he's already turned away, right in the previous ayah. So this could be a reading that supports that they weren't being aggressive. They were being unnecessarily abusive. And their frustration, not considering what he's going through. And as a result, he turned back to them and said, I'm not complaining to you. I'm not whining to

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you, I turned my back from you. I'm only talking to Allah. And that would be the reading of iron number 86. So there are two different views. But then how do you reconcile if you do say that he was speaking to them angrily? And how would you reconcile? And number 87? Well, either way, if you if you said that they spoke to him gently, then you would have to do a, you know, sort of a different reading of iron number 86. If you say he speaks to them harshly, then you have to look carefully at 87 and figure out how can we make sense of that, that they have this harsh exchange, where they're not talking to each other, he's walking away from them, and saying, I'm only talking to Allah, and

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then he has a positive conversation with him right after that, right. So we'll solve that problem when we get to is 86 and 87. Tomorrow and day after inshallah, but for today, let's stick with it number 85. And I will be, you know, transparent with you in what I find more convincing. Though I have respect for both views, I tend to lean more towards the fact that they were in fact, harsh towards him. And they were aggressive in the way that they approach this matter, because it did poke them and there are indications in the text already in the sutra, that it not, it doesn't take much for them to get aggravated by the memory of use of or it doesn't take much for them to speak ill of

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use of use, it wasn't even being brought up and they brought up that he was a thief accused falsely of being a thief, right. So and they didn't even speak of their brother as their brother. They said him and his brother, right so they have this otherness that they associate with use of autism. Now, coming back to the if the first thing of note here is the phrase the lie. Those of you that are Arabic students are familiar that the wall al Qassam which is a Java is one law. He will ask me what teeny well, phi g there are so many suitors that begin with the wow that's used for taking an oath in the Arabic language. The Quran uses that in many, many soldiers in the beginning, sometimes

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sometimes in the middle.

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But then there is the rare occasion of topsoil.

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kashia for example, and as I'm sure you mentioned, Chef Adelphi has the other two men who attach the tie includes additional meaning than just I swear by. And that's the meaning of shock. shock or overwhelmed emotion was a llama who female female named Libby or for Sarah who will be under a TV or TV rather be under mooks en la hibbett de una de la vaca. So, what happens with the TA is what you swear by because you say I swear by and then you add something right? The unashamedly a gentleman who lived through the thing that you're shocked about. It doesn't happen much. I mean, some Macalester model, La Jolla, la casa de la casa, the strongest kind of oath that can be taken is the

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oath taken by Allah, by Allah, his name, the tie is used when the thing you're going to talk about is really unusual, or it's worked you up a lot. So there's different let's make this non technical. Like if you're hanging out with your friends, and you're like, oh, man, well, I want some ice cream right now. That will lie is not a very serious will lie. Like, if you didn't get ice cream, you would be fine. And sometimes, you know, friends are joking around with each other. And one friend says to the animal like I'm going to kill you, man. Well, if you say, Well, I am going to kill you and you don't kill him. That's okay. The angels are not writing against you that you said, well, ah,

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he and you have to fulfill the oath and show up at their house the next day with a dagger and say, I took an oath by a law What can I do? I don't have a choice. No, it's not like that. Because when you say what lie, sometimes you say that casually. Right? And the Arabs have been doing that for 1000s of years to the point where even the Quran cited it. Now you actually do como la Villa with a monokuma can you think you can be more conservative Nobuko, Allah won't hold you to account for the oaths you just kind of, you know, the swearing by a last name that you just say, and you didn't really mean it, it just kind of slips out of your tongue rolls off your tongue, right. But the law,

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he doesn't roll off the tongue. The law he for the Arab is a very serious oath. And that's when the fist has been clenched, and the teeth are grinding. And there's some extreme emotion at play, where someone says I mean, what I say and I say what I mean, you know, and someone's really upset or really angry or really into what they're saying. And it's the most high form of exclamation that the tie is used. And while the while can be used for any noun, meaning I swear by whatever, like in the Quran, I swear by time, I swear by the fig, the olive etc. Human beings cannot use the TA in Arabic literature and of course in Islam, for other than the name of Allah. So you only find the line and

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there are a couple of occasions of delay in the Quran. So just to give you an example of one example of the law in the Quran, Ibrahim Alayhi. Salam was a young boy, and he was disgusted by his fellow villagers and his family also engaged in the worship of idols. Right. And he was just he absolutely despised the false idols, the false gods that people worshiped. And they had such dedication and so much focus on their worship. And he was so put off by that, that one day, he was so angry at them and you find in the Quran statements that he says, where you can feel his anger towards these pieces of wood and stone, and you can feel his anger, right? So he says, de la he luckiness nama come, I

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swear to God, I will make a scheme to deal with your idols. But he doesn't say what la he says what the lie he dropped it down like I mean business and you know what happens next what he does with the idols right. So even as a kid, when he he dropped that the law he meant serious business. So to law, he is not said under normal circumstances is the point. Right? If the Arab reads will lie, he they may or may not take that very seriously coming from a human being. Of course, when it comes from Allah, we take all of it seriously. But here human beings are being quoted, right? And for the Arabs who are not Hebrews, the Hebrews are a different people of a different race, a different language,

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right? And this is this is a lot of translating what they said to each other in Hebrew, they weren't having this conversation in Arabic, let me make it clear. The original recording of this if we ever found, you know, that in general language allows us to watch video footage of what actually happened so that the use of would be the actual footage, right? And if that happens when they buy Allez, merci, then we will see that that they're not talking in Arabic. Right? They're talking in Hebrew. So Allah is translating here. Allah is translating what they said. And when a lot translates, he translates the emotions. Maybe they said much more than that. But the law in the Arabic is enough

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from Allah to capture all of their emotions, and all of their rage in what they said. So if I were to try to translate on paper, I'd say I swear to God, but if I'm translating in video, or an audio, I say I swear to God, come on

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the line

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and in recitation of Quran, you can go through it very casually pilu Allah, He

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After guru use over the very calming and you don't know the Arabic You just Mashallah that is so light and lawful jalala the Lamas have and you're just Can you know concern with the phonetics but the meanings, the scene itself, they weren't standing in front of their dads saying the square mile.

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They weren't saying like that they were angry, they were enraged and they even now you notice also an ironic thing. They when they took the oath to protect Binyamin jacoba Lisa made them take an oath by Allah because Allah is sacred. Right? So if you don't regard my feelings, and you still hate your brother, and you have this feeling towards him, maybe your all of Allah will stop you from doing something wrong multicom in Allah remember that. And they gave him an oath, which is made sacred by the mention of Allah's Name. And now in their disobedience of a law. This is important, I would argue in their disobedience of Allah because Allah taught us a timeless lesson in the Quran,

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something that's in the Quran, but has always been true. Even previous prophets had this. What is it? What will Why do they need Santa be the best you can possibly be to both parents?

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And then Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Houma often don't even say off to them off means an expression of frustration. Don't let them see you're frustrated. Control yourself before your parents. Okay, some parents really test our patience. What is your what is one of those parents? I mean, it's even worse, even when our parents are being unreasonable. We're commanded to exhibit that kind of, you know, composure. But what if your parent isn't just even a parent is a prophet also. On top of that, he's the best appearance. He's if you study parenting in the Quran, I did a study on parenting in the Quran many years ago. And I came to the conclusion that the role

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model one of the role model parents in the Quran that's been described, that any parent can get guidance from is jacoba. Islam, actually many times giving from father to children advice being given jacobellis and gets mentioned and it's I'm not just talking about sudo. So that even happens in sort of Bukhara, for example, I'm going to Shahada it had Allah Jacobi mode. Any father in any children could have been mentioned. But Allah said, Were you there when Yahoo. death came two years old? Is Talabani, Hema taboo? Remember it when he said to his sons, what are you going to worship after I'm dead? After I'm gone? His last words to his children, right? So he's, he's not just any

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father. He's the father that's been cited in the Quran for all humanity to learn from until Judgment Day. So it's not it's not a small thing. What I'm trying to get at is, these sons are so lost in their emotions, even though they're Muslims. And we have to remember that these are not non believing children. These are not, you know, we think of them as the Jewish people or the Christian people after them. They were the Muslims of that time. They were the people that followed revelation, they were the people who mentioned the last name, they're the children of prophets. But when their emotions ran this high, and that jealousy and that rage and that resentment kicked in,

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then it's almost as if that spiritual truth that's inside of you, goes inside a shelf, and that shelf gets locked. And then you say things out of your mouth that contradicts your own faith.

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Your feelings, overrun, your spiritual truth, they run it over, maybe it'll wake up, maybe they'll unlock that shelf later, when feelings are running high, and their feelings are triggered for the wrong reasons. It's not even the right reasons. Well, I was really upset at the time. That's why I said the lie. And by the way, Allah says, I will not hold you to account when you take an oath. casually, right? Remember that? But he said, Well, can you ask me to come to Microsoft? lucam he will hold you to account over what you mean with your hearts. Does this sound like they mean it with their hearts? Yeah, it absolutely does. They're enraged, and they start with we swear to Allah,

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enough. Duff, who does guru use of now, Dr. Wu, in Arabic is a difficult verb. It's from the niloticus. And it's actually a lot of fun, it actually means to cease or to discontinue. And laughter means to not discontinue, like, you know how in English you say, Man, I won't stop doing this until bla bla bla bla bla, I won't stop doing right. So when somebody keeps on relentlessly doing the English word, we uses the word still. Are you still at it? Right another way of saying are you still added as What are you not gonna stop that? You're not gonna stop Are you you're still gonna keep going, aren't you? So still keep going as the positive phrasing. Not gonna stop is the

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negative phrasing but coming to the same meaning. Doctor Who is actually conventionally lot after all, and sometimes in highly emotive expressions, especially in poetry. The poet takes the license in action.

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Arabic before Islam to see laughter, as opposed to a lot of that to mean the same thing. The bottom line is this technically you can say grammatically, doctor when that after all mean the same thing. There's lots of grammatical discourse on why that's the case with the show. I had the evidences, but there's a literary point. And the literary point is normal speech is not the same as emotional speech. Poetry is not normal speech, it's emotional speech. And they're the emotion of their speech. emotional speech tends to be less formal, considers less, less components of grammar tends to become compiled, you know, concise on some things and overly emphatic on other things. And that's what

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seems to be happening. That's that is what's happening in the text here. When they say stuff though. It's as if they're saying still, non stop. You mentioned use of you and that Guru is also interesting duality of words, that guru means you still remember, and or if we could even say nowadays, you still miss that step in the meaning of it, or you still mentioned. So remembering is in his heart, right? And he's been previously I said, he's been swallowing it in his heart, and mentioning is on the tongue. So when you see the word Vicar in the Quran, it's associated with two limbs. It's either the heart or the tongue, or both. So when someone is doing Vicar, we say

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someone's doing Vicar. They're saying something like Alhamdulillah, Allah Subhana Allah right. So they're saying something like that. But that means that their tongue is saying it, but it also means what the hardest thing that's why remembrance, the Arabic word for remembrance is also wicked. And the Arabic word for mention is also wicked. And interestingly, in Hebrew, it's the same. The word for mention and remembrance is actually the same. Anyhow, Vicar here, what does it mean, then coming from their mouths, you're still missing us have, your feelings haven't changed. What about where's the room for our feelings were our feelings in your heart for us. So they're not just criticizing

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what he's saying. They're also criticizing how he's feeling. And this is important, because early on, they thought that they can do something terrible to control how he's going to feel, or to redirect his love towards them, instead of use of

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love is not like a plate of food. If I give him the slice, then there will be less slices for me. Love can go around, you can love all your kids. Love can be shared. And the kind of love you have for one child is not the same as the kind of love you have for another child. They're not substitutable with each other, it's not black and white. It's not a quantifiable thing. But in their minds, so long as he loves use of there's something missing for what we have what we get from him. So when the name of use of comes out, and this is the second time it's coming out, because previously, he did bring up a little bit passive aggressively, and why should I trust you with

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Binyamin? Like I trusted you with you so, so you shouldn't get brought up again? Right? Enough with use of hurry to get over it? You still miss him like that? God, why does he love us? It's the same old question again. And the other, of course, is that he mentioned use of Oh, no, he did it. Still, you're gonna talk about use of how swear to god duck, duck, duck guru user

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had that akuna Hold on.

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Until you nearly die. And However, this is a difficult word of the Arabic language. Difficult in that it's, it's rare. So it's not found very often in the Quran. So what I'm going to do for the word hold on which I just translated roughly, as you're almost going to die of sickness, are you going to kill yourself out of sickness? But let's dig deeper into this word. Because it's a it's a pretty interesting commentary on the state of Yahuwah. Listen, even as they see it, because it's the this is the tongue of the brothers. This entire ayah is Allah quoting the brothers, right? And we're gonna learn from from them and go back to the beginning of the surah. We have a lot to learn from

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use of what he what he in use of and his brothers, there are many signs for those who asked, that's what the lesson early on. So this is one of those is where we're learning just from the brothers. But they're the ones teaching us something, even in their misbehavior. They're teaching us something, right? Because the Quran won't just teach us powerful lessons from good people and the good things they do. Allah will also teach us remarkable lessons and wisdom from people that didn't do such great things. People that spoke back to their parents yelled at them even carry harbored feelings towards someone they already did wrong to is not enough that you did wrong to them, you

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still hate him. You still can't stand the mention of him. Allah will teach us about that state of the heart too. So the law he would have. And by the way, it's a really interesting thing. If the remembrance of a lie is in the heart. Then that remembrance of Allah What does it do? It heals the heart, doesn't it? So it heals the heart of jealousy. It hears that heals the heart of rage. It heals the heart of anger. It can heal the heart of many of those things because of the remembrance of Eliza

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A cure to my enol kulu. Bella says by remembering a lot hearts become at ease. Well, they just remember the love by saying the lie, but their hearts are not at ease, right? One of the things we're learning in this ayah is you can remember Allah and your heart can still not be as at ease. That means there's something wrong in the way you remember Allah. There's something wrong in the way I invoke Allah. Maybe the remembrance of Allah is on my tongue, but it's not reaching my heart. I'm not really thinking about the words that I'm saying, When I'm not conscious of the phrases I utter that invoke Allah. And clearly that's the case with them. They're not conscious of the words there.

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You know, if they realize the weight of what they're saying, they wouldn't be saying it. The law, heat after death go to us. And the other remarkable thing here, there's so much to learn here is that they just said this in anger. And, you know, 1000s of years ago, in some village out in Kanaan with a in a in a in a house that's probably not very well built with, you know, no recording devices, and no historians documenting and 1000s of years later, Allah decided that those words that were so outrageous that no police came and gave them a fine. Nobody recorded it and said, I can't believe you said that. Nobody brought no human being brought it up again. And the law decided, no,

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this is a crime. And what does what that teaches you sometimes words are very serious crimes. And they happen and they go unchecked. Yeah, I said it. So what I was mad, and people feel like they can say whatever they want, and they get away with it. And it's just family. This these things happen in family, it's okay. It's not like I set it outside, you know, family, you know, fights happen. It's it's normal, is it because if it was so normal, Allah wouldn't take something so trivial, and something so you know, something to pass by, and included in the revolution that will be recited until judgment day to teach us some things you think are trivial, but they're not trivial. Some

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things you think are no big deal, because you just said something because you were upset, but they are a big deal. Be careful of what you say. No, that allows recording it to the point where he will he will even translated into different languages.

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He translated it into the final revelation. So all of us can know what's going to happen on Judgement Day, when all of our deeds are going to get translated, all of them are going to be recorded, all of our conversations are going to come out full bloom every word that came out of our mouths. Now you have a rotten Menaka be rotten, it leaves out nothing small, nothing big Illa sigh except that it recorded it. This is why we have to ask a lot forgiveness because lots of poor things have come out of our mouths. You know, the lie, gusto does guru so they're gonna keep mentioning use of and it to me, there's also a level of audacity in you in using his name. by them. I would think

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when you've done something like that to him, You should be ashamed to even use his name. You know, or you would, you should just become, you should remember what you did to him and just become quiet.

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Like we did that. Like if dad walked away said, Oh my grief over use of and you were part of the team that helped hurt use of a salon, you should just put your head down and shame at the time. Because you know, when you're reminded of what you've done wrong, even indirectly, then it should remind you of how much you need to ask for less forgiveness and atone and make things right. But when the devil really gets you, man, when you're reminded of your mistake, you turn it into the other person's problem who reminded you of it?

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And they weren't even reminding you. He says I was just talking to a law, right? I was talking to Allah. And the truth is you did do something wrong. And you never made it right. And you're still lying about it. And you're, you're mad at me for bringing it up. You're mad at me for even remembering him. I'm not even bringing him up to you. I'm not accusing you of anything. But you know that guilty conscience? Well, the guilty conscience can be used to turn towards a law and cry and seek forgiveness and make amends and make confessions of need if confessions need to be made. And then other guilty conscience, the devil can come and attack that same guilty conscience and say,

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hey, why do you have to feel guilty? You don't have to feel bad. This This person is making you feel bad. You should put them in their place for making you feel bad. You have a right to be to stand up for yourself. There you go.

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So now they it's like they're thinking they're standing up for themselves. But what is it that they're actually doing? the sin that they committed has been erased and they've glorified to themselves that they are a victim now. They're a victim of the mention of use of you see how it's the script has been flipped in or do they have a saying or attach your call to algo Dante? Like the the thief who got arrested is yelling at the cop. Hey, well, you got to arrest me for you don't see no other criminals.

00:29:48 --> 00:29:59

Right. That's the mentality. And that's a very powerful thing to record in the Quran because it's not just about that story is it? How many people have experienced that in their life that people who commit wrong

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When they are called out or even if they feel like they're being called out and get paranoid, they get on the offensive.

00:30:07 --> 00:30:43

They get this is something's wrong with you. Something's wrong with everyone else. What I did can't even don't even bring it up. Don't you dare bring that up. Get over it already had that takuna holiday. And, you know, you know, you're gonna keep mentioning that until what's gonna happen had that the coonawarra done and you know, we all have parents. We all have loved ones. And you don't talk to an older, hurt, sad, broken loved one that you just you just just lost this other son, and his third son is missing. He's still dark in Egypt. We don't know what's happening with him. And you're telling him what do you want to die?

00:30:44 --> 00:31:24

You're gonna you're gonna act like this until you die. How ruthless is that? How heartless is that? But you have no pity on a man in that state, Who's crying and grief of his pain and he's never cried. He's never opened up to them like that. Not the words haven't come out of his mouth. How do we know that? Because Allah says what? I know who will lean his eyes turned white he cried out for he had been swallowing it for a long time. So he takes it and takes it and takes him into one time he opens his mouth, his mouth you avalanche on him. You just drop it on? and How dare you? How dare you express your emotion? It hurt my feelings that you are hurt by what I did.

00:31:25 --> 00:32:07

You better apologize. What do you want to kill yourself? Is this how you want to stay all the time, so you just die. So now let's look at this word and see what they're actually saying. Come up, as I said, a complex verb in the Quran and a root letter in the Quran. So it's tied to a couple of things. So first, as I list this to you guys, you will see that maybe things aren't so related to each other, but we'll try to you know, tie everything together and leave others for. So it really is used from the same letters ehara. And log is used for in the ancient days, they used to burn certain material to make plaster out of them, like nowadays kind of cement. But they used to heat it to make

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it pasty and then you used to plaster it, and it wouldn't come off and like it sticks to the wall. That's called a hoodie. So that's 1100 most women will ask for

00:32:18 --> 00:32:42

the clothes that have held on them, or the heat is done to them. What that means is that they have been dyed with a color and the color won't come off. You're starting to observe a theme when something sticks or blends in or immerses into the other material. And it won't come out easy, right? That's the kind of the the theme inside the word How will how it will fit. Well. We'd love to hold shadow.

00:32:43 --> 00:32:57

None wish Nan or ash. Nan is a skinny withering plant and green plant found some parts of Jordan, Syria, you know, so he actually did research on the origin of the plant and Its scientific name. I think I haven't here

00:32:59 --> 00:33:35

my pronunciation is going to be epically terrible. But I'm gonna read this to you. Side leads the Rose merriness is a perennial perennial green desert species of saltwater. That is endemic to the origin Valley and goes on anyway. But anyway, the point is, it's a skinny green plant that's found withering in the desert, but it survives in the weathering desert. And it's used, its extract is used to make dye like saffron. So and the kind of dye that won't come out easy, right. And then the other interesting thing is, it's also used to make a kind of soap to remove the dye.

00:33:36 --> 00:33:46

So it's used to make color that won't come off. And it's also the word is used for things that are used to remove diet, or to remove the color or scrape it off. Okay.

00:33:48 --> 00:33:55

So these are some of the meanings of hub. Now there's what seems like an unrelated meaning. And then we'll try to tie all of these together.

00:33:57 --> 00:34:15

A whole LA is a person that has been assigned to deal the arrows. Because the Arabs when they used to gamble, they used to use arrows to gamble. So they give you a modern equivalent, it would be like the guy that's dealing the cards at a deck. I don't know why I know how to do this. But

00:34:17 --> 00:34:58

that guy would be a modern football, right? The guy who's dealing the cards, right? So that's another implication from the same route. Now, having said that, from it comes the word huddle. Now we get to the word huddle when it refers to a person, and that's kind of what they're using for jacobellis. Right. So this is going to be a longer read, but I'll read every part of this and translate it for you. And how did how did I come under the lady Adama who's new when Rachel Well, I love her and he modeled for Ashleigh Farrell Halak is someone who has been overwhelmed and overrun with sadness and love at the same time. And that has led him to a disease that brings him almost to

00:34:58 --> 00:34:59

death is a person's heart.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:08

They still have a socket and the light blue. On the hood is someone who has fallen and cannot get up again is a hot

00:35:09 --> 00:35:52

muddy one which phenol hallak someone sick, almost about to die, like a terminal case, or Juno 101 fast even frejus miyawaki a person who is hearted is someone who's whose body and his mind have significantly deteriorated. So you know how people when they are in the ICU, or they're on certain kinds of medications, or they're going in and out, they're they're sometimes hallucinating right there, they're sitting next to their, their daughter, and they're calling them their sister and things like that. Like they see someone who's not there kind of thing. So that's also a person who's hard working and how Rodman Adama hemangioma Robin Machado who masculine even it said that someone

00:35:52 --> 00:36:29

who for whom feeling want longing missing someone sickness has made a person completely incapable almost paralyzed, and skinny like they become skin and bones like they lose a lot of weight. Well, God knows how and how to do. And fasciola. Haleakala who, even as Hawk says, How about is a person who's got something's gone wrong with them, and they have no ability to think anymore. But corolle hustling, bustling, urban, hustler, bossy, read this as Hold on, or hold on rather be vomiting. What did you learn junoon were horrible when he says this is the kind of qualities for a person that is completely alien like someone. So you know, when you see someone who got so sick, you don't even

00:36:29 --> 00:37:03

recognize them when you see them. Like a completely different person, that would be called a hotel. Also, a nice little huddled facade would just be one ugly little Hosni with hope. It's argued that the essence of Hollywood is the corruption of the body and the mind because of sadness and love together, will go to * up to full on another line that we know who have said to who made money, and how to how to analyze means means to incite or to make someone do something. And well, that seems unrelated. But we're going to try to tie all of this together. Now, let me before I read, you know,

00:37:04 --> 00:37:38

Amanda, Dino Rossi and his four opinions on hot rod, which is really good, like concise overview of what Howard could mean, I want to tie some of these things that I mentioned to you like the dye and the thing that takes the dye off and the guy that cast the arrows, usually in Arabic, these trilateral routes, these julu they have a variety of meanings, and in some interesting way, some anthropological way. They're all tied together in some unique way. And sometimes some scholars are able to discover those connections. Other times, they're not, sometimes those connections are very obvious. Others, it's a creative exercise, right? First of all, it seems very clear that it's lovely

00:37:38 --> 00:38:17

to have that which means sometimes a word carries its meaning and the opposing meaning at the same time. So how it gives us the meaning of something that sticks and doesn't let go. And how it also gives us the meaning of something that's being pulled off, like so scraping off the die from the material, right? It also from it from it, the idea of pulling off him the idea of encouragement, or inciting someone to do something, how to rubber, like how do we deal with meaning, meaning they have the motivation to fight inside them. But there's, there's Layers of Fear and, you know, hesitation and doubt that are in front, and the profits lessons being told how to like pull that motivation to

00:38:17 --> 00:38:54

fight out of them. And that's inside them, like the soap is gonna pull the dye out and leave the pure material behind. Right. So that's the, that's the imagery of that. I didn't see a direct connection of the guy who deals the cards, Hola. And this, but I have an active imagination, Allahu Allah. And so I will just share with you what I what I imagined this could mean. It could mean because gambling is associated with a lot of depression and near death experience for most people that that gamble lose, right? If most people won, then gambling wouldn't exist, right? The majority of people who gamble lose and sometimes they lose life savings and they lose you know, their hopes

00:38:54 --> 00:39:22

and dreams etc. And so the societies that have a lot of gambling have a lot of other crimes, have a lot of debt for example, have a lot of suicide, for example, have a lot of murder, for example, because it's associated with death and because Hold on, is something that brings you really close to death. The guy who deals the cards is it's as if he's dealing people's deaths. Right? Because he has been coming close to death or you know, bringing people closer to insanity. Right? So it's interesting

00:39:24 --> 00:39:41

that reminds me of something I noticed I taught Arabic in Las Vegas in 2003 I swear to God I went there to teach Arabic so they have mustard they're like you know to me for a while and I kind of observed some of the things in you know this that city and that society

00:39:42 --> 00:39:59

and I'm good friends with a you know few people there and one of them is a very, you know, well known doctor in the area and works in several hospitals there and he told me a few things about, you know, their, their system. He said there are more cardiologists and more psychiatrists in that city than any other

00:40:00 --> 00:40:08

And it's because there are more people having heart attacks, and more people having complete psychotic breakdowns in Las Vegas than any other place.

00:40:10 --> 00:40:13

You know, they won't advertise that. Well, doctors know what's up, right?

00:40:14 --> 00:40:51

Because these guys that are in these casinos dealing cards are literally dealing out heart attacks, aren't they? Somebody losing their life savings, somebody's giving away their mortgage, somebody's giving away their children's college fund, you know, they're there. This is what they're doing with their lives. You know, and so, it's a, that that may be the connection between How about now coming back to what was said about jacobellis alum. They're noticing in him that he's getting skinny, he's losing weight, that he's becoming near paralyzed, you're to the point where you can barely walk, there's gonna come to a point where you fall the heave, like little, I don't know who they're not

00:40:51 --> 00:40:54

gonna be able to stand up again, remember these meanings we went through?

00:40:55 --> 00:41:09

You're getting to the point where you're going to lose your mind, you're starting to sound crazy. You know, any, because because now they're accusing him of being crazy, to the point where this is the kind of craziness that takes over someone right before they die because they're hallucinate.

00:41:10 --> 00:41:34

Why? Because he's missing use of. So he's being guilted for feeling what he feels, and the one that should feel guilty is them but they're really good at making him feel guilty. And this is one of the most powerful psychological crimes that exists within families. The people who are who should be guilty are masters at making you feel guilty.

00:41:35 --> 00:41:52

are masters at making you feel bad for even feeling bad because they are masters at trying to control how you feel? You can feel sad, how dare you feel sad? Get over it already. What's wrong with you? The man is

00:41:53 --> 00:42:01

you know, I'm baffled by the the wording in the surah This is the man that the Quran quotes with what words sabrewing Jamil

00:42:02 --> 00:42:11

those words came out of his mouth, and he's being yelled at as if he doesn't have patience. Come on, get over it.

00:42:12 --> 00:42:27

So there's a doctor who does guru use have had that akula heroine otaku nominal Holly key, or you become from those that die. And HELOC actually means to die of violent death. We don't have a word for that necessarily in

00:42:28 --> 00:43:03

in English, you know it's not killed because when you say killed, it actually means someone killed you. Right. So it's a passive word, but to die of violent death or dying ugly death is actually HELOC is different from mote. So when they and they say will otaku nominal halloweeny they don't say until you become so sick, you can't stand up, you lose your mind you'll nearly come to death. And then they add not and you will die they see and you will be from those that that die of violent death. What are they saying? There's so many people that go down this road, you should learn

00:43:04 --> 00:43:34

like Haven't you seen those people that die like that? They're they all of them died, right? You want to be another number in that statistic? irony at its best here, because it's as if they're saying learn from the mistakes of others who felt like this and died terribly. Learn from those who perished before you learn from their mistakes. who's saying that again? The brothers of users are telling their father to learn from the mistakes of others.

00:43:36 --> 00:43:40

otaku nominal, highly keen, you'll be from those who die.

00:43:41 --> 00:43:44

How about you look, learn from your mistakes?

00:43:45 --> 00:44:08

How about you think about what's going on with you? Where your feelings coming from? How about the shape line and is never ending jealousy for Adam and you and you infected with the never ending jealousy against use of? How about that of the Guna Milan Holic in the Quran quotes this audacity and dedicate an entire Ayah just to this.

00:44:09 --> 00:44:15

You know, often I talk about the style of storytelling in the Quran. And Yusuf is the climax of storytelling in the Quran.

00:44:17 --> 00:44:37

And you would think that it because the Quran is so selective in what it shares that Allah would, you know, he would only talk about the parts of the story that are kind of like the major milestones in the story that help us understand what's coming next, the major events,

00:44:38 --> 00:45:00

this small exchange between use of and Maria obon his sons is not a pivotal moment in the story. This is just a conversation they had I mean the real thing that happened the highlights are they went to Egypt. They came back from Egypt. They went to Egypt with their brother they came back without too

00:45:00 --> 00:45:03

rather's then they're gonna go back. That's the highlights.

00:45:04 --> 00:45:23

Right. And there's tons of conversations that happen in the in that time that travel was a long travel, they must have had 1000s of words to share with each other, the way back the time they stayed, the time they ate, they lived together, they're having lots of conversations with each other, but a lot decided that his Koran should have an idea about their aggressiveness towards their poor father.

00:45:25 --> 00:46:06

And if you compare this to the previous ayah, Allah was acknowledging the pain that he had been suffering all along, even when he was quiet. You notice Allah says, he turned his back from them, which was an expression of his sadness. He said, Oh, my grief over use of Yeah, as a final use because the trauma came back. Remember I told you about that. The third was his eyes turned white. And then Allah says, and from sadness, and for work of lemon, he had been swallowing it all along. So who is empathizing with the emotional state of Utah, Jacobi son for all those years, it's a large soldier, and who lives with him and can't see it, can't see his pain. His sons, instead of seeing

00:46:06 --> 00:46:40

his pain and being ashamed and trying to do something to alleviate his pain, in fact, they turn back and they get aggressive with him. Allah he does, does Guru usofa Hakuna Holloman again, there is the other reading where they're saying this sympathetically. But I'm more inclined towards the angry reading. Because it's more in line with all the other elements that have been described of the brothers and the kinds of things they've done and said, and the way that they've spoken about their father and the way that they've spoken. You know, because they are early on they said, in a bundle a few but Alamo been our dad is clearly confused, he's lost, aren't they coming back to the same

00:46:40 --> 00:47:18

point, you're gonna lose your mind. And coming back, it's really reiterating their sentiments. So it's, it's more in line from what I can tell a lot Harlan, in that reading of the story that they're talking to him in this way. And in doing so, a lot has captured, you know, kind of a relief for people that are in that position. Sometimes, you know, there's there's two of us in the audience. There's some of us that are recipients of this kind of abuse. And there are others of us that are perpetrators, we do this kind of abuse, and maybe we're a little bit of both. And the when you read something like that, and you ponder something like that, you and I shouldn't be thinking man, I can

00:47:18 --> 00:47:28

think of like 10 people who did this to me, oh my god, I'm gonna send them this clip. And I say watch from you know, minute number 48, or whatever. That's you.

00:47:30 --> 00:47:52

Right? But we don't think of ourselves. The thing is, human beings are complex. We have good enough, we have bad in us, we may have been guilty of some of this and not realize it, because they're so lost in their emotions. They don't see what they've done. They don't see how they invoked Allah's Name. They don't see that they're hurting their father. They don't see they're committing something so big, you know, Allah says,

00:47:54 --> 00:48:39

what is it what that's a Buddha, who hyena Anwar and Allah have him, you assume it to be so light, but it's so grand before a law, such a big deal before a law, but you never realized it. So maybe that's us, maybe we didn't realize maybe I didn't realize it. Maybe you didn't realize it, when we set certain things that were so artful, so disregarding you know, so and, and they gloss over our own wrongdoing, to focus on the other person who's actually rightful in what they're saying. But to make them feel bad, because I don't want to face my own guilt. This is a psychologist, maybe we'll look at this and say, This is a person trying to not confront their past. Because if they actually

00:48:39 --> 00:49:02

stopped and thought about what they did, maybe they would have a breakdown. Maybe they're too scared to confront what they did. You know, some people when they do something messed up, they don't want to talk about it, they don't want to think about it, they don't want to deal with it. Because if they deal with it, they might have to realize how terrible they what they've done. And then that might make them have a bad judgment of themselves. And this is the last thing I'll share with you. Just because you did something really messed up in your life.

00:49:03 --> 00:49:06

Confronting that doesn't mean that you realize you're a messed up person.

00:49:07 --> 00:49:22

It just means you realize you did something really messed up. What you did and who you are, are two different things. They're not the same thing. If you weren't completely defined by your past actions, doba would have no point.

00:49:23 --> 00:49:54

It would have no point fit down, who killed babies, multiple times genocidal maniac who enslaved people called himself god, I can't think of someone who hurt humanity more, and then was blasphemous against a lot more, which is why Allah made him such an epic example in the Quran over and over again, right? Talk about Allah picking on somebody to be the the role model for bad example. bad behavior was found in the Quran, and even about him. Allah says there was hoping him

00:49:55 --> 00:50:00

Maybe he'll turn around, maybe he'll come up Why? Because your past actions don't

00:50:00 --> 00:50:40

Define you the only one whose past actions, he allows them to define himself as a police. Because he has no hope of changing. He has no hope of reform. He sees no good in himself. And you know what he wants to convince you and me that if we were like the brothers of us, if we did something terrible, shameful, I can't believe I did that. Then instead of running from that, if you actually acknowledge that I was in that dark place, I did this. I messed up. I did this wrong, I have to come to terms with that. And I need to do whatever needs to happen to fix it, to make it right. Because the victory from a belief isn't just that you ignore what you did or you beautify what you did, or you

00:50:40 --> 00:50:46

justify what you did. But even if you face what you did, and as a result, you become hopeless. That's also not okay.

00:50:47 --> 00:51:06

That's also not okay. Because that's also another powerful trick of thought is to make human beings hopeless is to make them think, oh, you're gonna make the robot shaggy? Have you seen your face? This is the face of someone who makes the elbow seriously, if people knew what you did, yeah, if people knew what you did, it would be unforgivable.

00:51:07 --> 00:51:48

But it's not people that use forgiveness, you're seeking its allies. reforming yourself, stopping the wrong that's happened, doing what you can to make right and even if you try to make things right, it may be that people don't forgive you. That may be the case. So So what the if they forgive or not forgive doesn't determine who you are now, it can be a statement about who you were, and how much they hurt. That's fine. But it doesn't define who you are. Now. This is why we're given a new life every morning and hamdulillah. The ohana de matar Al Hamdulillah, the one who gave us new life after he gave us death. That person that you were that did messed up, stuff died. A new one was born

00:51:48 --> 00:51:49

this morning.

00:51:50 --> 00:52:02

And you think a love for that new that rebirth? Allahu yeto fell anfis hinomoto. You know, Allah takes the people at the time of their death. And then he says, and those who don't die, he takes them in their sleep.

00:52:04 --> 00:52:07

We die every night, but Adama matana

00:52:08 --> 00:52:20

shoe will give us life after he had given us that we don't make the door Alhamdulillah The one who woke us out after he put us to sleep we make we make the dial hamdulillah The one who gave us life after he gave us death.

00:52:21 --> 00:52:47

That's the that's the acknowledgement we make every morning. So yes, there is, you know, our thoughts will go towards those that may have done such wrong and then dig their heels in and turn the tables and become defensive or even aggressive. Yes. But we also must think about ourselves. And we also must think why would it be so hard for them to just accept what they did? Are they really that evil, it may not be evil, it may even just be fear of facing what you did.

00:52:48 --> 00:52:53

It may just be done if I see that. And I'm just going to have such a low opinion of myself like I shouldn't even exist,

00:52:54 --> 00:53:21

you know that it might come to that. And we're gonna see I'm giving myself away here. And I'll conclude with this, we're going to see that jacobellis alum has deep insight into his children. And it seems he knows that this aggressiveness is masking a deeply seated guilt that they're not able to face come to terms with and he's actually going to address it, he's not going to address what he hears from them. He's gonna address what's behind it.

00:53:22 --> 00:53:58

And that's the wisdom of a father, isn't it? He doesn't appear doesn't just see what my children are saying and what they're doing. They see the feelings, the thought process behind it that needs to be addressed. It's not the behavior that needs to change. It's the thinking the feelings that need to be guided. And when they're guided, the behavior changes itself. We keep going after the branches, we got to go after the root. When the root is fixed, the entire plant is fixed, right? When the hardest fix the whole body's fixed. That's what we're going to learn from in a couple of days. But tomorrow, we're gonna see how immediately he's going to respond to them about himself.

00:53:58 --> 00:54:12

He's going to draw a boundary for himself before you help someone else. I keep saying I'm going to end it a nominal really an end, before you help someone else. You've got to help yourself, you got to draw a line about you can't get you can't get walked all over

00:54:13 --> 00:54:16

in Aisle number 86. He's going to draw a boundary for himself.

00:54:17 --> 00:54:24

And once he draws that boundary, then he's in a position to help them you are not helping anyone if they're walking all over you.

00:54:25 --> 00:54:43

You're not helping anybody. Not until you draw a line for yourself. Not until you do that, and that that's also something we're going to learn in the remarkable words of jacobellis. I'm recording a less perfect book barakallahu li comfortable hacking on a fancy way jambalaya tea with the color scheme cinematic mode.

00:54:44 --> 00:54:46

I'm gonna give you a will eat farewell.

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