Nouman Ali Khan – Surah Yusuf #4

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The importance of storytelling in the language of Islam is discussed, with stories being separate and the need for proper evidence. The speakers emphasize the importance of providing evidence and proving one's actions as evidence in court cases. The use of evidence in court cases is also emphasized, with evidence being used as evidence of criminal activity and the potential for deadly behavior. The speakers also discuss the importance of helping people of different demographics and manners and ethics in helping people. The segment concludes with a discussion of the return of two men and a woman to help them, and the importance of providing help to people of different demographics and manners.
AI: Transcript ©
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eraldo Billahi min ash shaytani r Rajim nakasu eyelink x and el caso CB o hanaa Inca huddle.

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published today we're certainly Emily Wang lotta melissani califa Alhamdulillah wa salatu wa salam O Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah he was.

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Once again everybody Samadhi Kamara, Ricardo, I'm continuing my introduction of the parallels between the story of Yusuf Ali Salaam and of masala Salaam. And in the middle of this series, I'll say something that I will say at the end, but some concepts need to be iterated more than once so that they become sort of etched in your mind. And that's something to do with the word costs.

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costs in Arabic doesn't actually mean stories. The word for that in Arabic is cases, the plural of cases, the word causes is a must have, it's an infinitive noun, what that means is an account or telling an account. And it's important because Allah describes the stories that he tells of the Koran, he calls them plus us. And what that means literally the verb pasa means to follow step by step. And it's the imagery of, you know, footsteps in the sand and somebody's following tracing somebody else's footsteps. So when when a person is telling you a pizza, and they're doing telling the account, they're walking you through steps that somebody already took, right, and they're

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walking you through that journey step by step by step.

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So it's it's the top bar it's following closely is literally the meaning of the word croissant. Allah uses that word both for the narrative of account narrative account of use of idealism, and for Musashi. Sam, it's interesting that both of those stories are following each other step by step by step. in a larger sense, what it also means is that all of the of the stories in the Quran, follow one another step by step by step, creating one journey, meaning, whether it's the story of Adam alayhis, salaam, Ibrahim Alayhi, salam, or, you know, the people of the cave, or it's the story of, you know, Zachary, Allison, etc. They're all part of one large way of looking at the world and

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they're not disconnected from each other. They're building on the same lessons and the same wisdom, and they're creating a holistic worldview. You know, and so in storytelling, sometimes you've got one story that has pretty much nothing to do, has no reinforcement from another story. They're different worlds. They have different lessons, different teachings, but these accounts that Allah is telling us, they follow each other step by step, not just in history, but also in the wisdom that they have to teach and the guidance that they have to give, you'll find that they're all axolotl, Mr. King, they're all following the straight path. So the imagery of steps and path and journey are

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important in the language of the Quran, in the journey of guidance. That's why you find in the path of Allah, or the straight path, here you find steps, you know, nakasu la casa en el cosas. But anyway, so coming back to where we were in our discussion, we left off on 1414 parallels between the trial phase of the career of use of Islam and the trial phase of the career of Musashi. So just to remind everybody, Yusuf Ali Hassan was tried by the minister's wife that was his fitness that was his trial. And musala Islam was tried when he tried to rescue a fellow Israelite from the clutches of an Egyptian soldier and threw a punch. Right, so those are the two trial episodes in these two

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stories. So we're at a point now in the story where, you know, Yusuf Ali Hassan has run to the door, and alpha alpha zeta Halliwell, Bob, they found the owner of the house, meaning the husband at the door. And she immediately points out managers that woman or other be alakazoo, anila and NewsChannel ilim. What should what should be the compensation of someone who wanted evil? Who intended evil for your family, huh? Look at this servant of ours who's going to do evil with me? He should be imprisoned or at least tortured with with painful torture. So she falsely testifies, and her intention is to take guilt off of herself. Well, if she can throw herself under the bus might as

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well throw him under the bus, right? Somebody's got to look guilty. So that's what she tries to do. So her intention is evil in doing so. And her intention is to put a take attention away from herself, because she's the actual culprit. By contrast, in the story of Musa alayhis, salaam, you find the second time around when he ran into this, this criminal who was in trouble with another cop. And he decides not to help him this time. He's just gonna not get involved, you know? So he says, you know, that you are you are definitely from the kind of people that commit this kind of crime all the time. And so he's not going to get involved. And eventually he notices that he's about

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to get killed. Fallout four llama and Radha and fishability, who are a doula and finally when he decided to get off his you know,

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have his back and decided to, you know, go in and help the soldier because he was gonna get killed the the the criminal was gonna get killed and he figured, Okay, I won't help him punch another soldier, but I don't want him getting killed either. So he tried to get towards him to try to help him. He cries out and he says, I truly do and talk to Danny Kanaka Delta. Williams Yeah. yamasa Toledo and Dr. Ronnie kamatera sambil Mc musah. Are you trying to kill me like you killed somebody yesterday. Now part of that testimony is true. He did kill someone yesterday. But the intention for that testimony is actually again, evil. He's taking blame off of himself, the cops attention will be

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diverted from arresting him for a crime. He just found a murder criminal. Right. So it's diverting attention. So both of them have evil intent of diverting attention from themselves. They're not interested in testimony for the purposes of justice. And from it, you actually learn something in a less way of teaching us about the larger principles of justice in a court of law. It doesn't matter how good a judges, it doesn't matter how good the lawyers are, etc. The correct testimony can be used for the wrong reasons. Correct testimony against Person A can be used to hide the actual, you know, doings of Person B, right? Because all the focus came on this and distracted from what

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somebody else did. You know, so, yes, there's false testimony. And that's criminal. But correct testimony can also be used for criminal activity, it can be used to deflect attention from another crime that's taking place. Now we come to another advantage, she is taking advantage of the fact that he is she's a Master, I actually alluded to this before, she's taking advantage of his influence or influence over him because she's his boss. And on the flip side, he's trying to to the culprit is trying to take advantage in the story of Musa Elisa, because he's a slave, he's a poor slave was getting beat up. So he's using pity to take to, to call on musala, Sam and take advantage

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of him. So again, I remind you, that sometimes people will try to take advantage of you, and try to get you to do the wrong thing, or get involved in something you shouldn't be getting involved in, because they have an influence over you. Like she has an influence over use of. And sometimes people get you involved in something because you feel bad for them. But your pity for them doesn't mean that it's a good idea to get involved. Maybe they're up to no good. Or maybe this thing is not something you should get you shouldn't be touching or getting involved in. So they're getting to your better senses and your mercy. They're appealing to your mercy and you're entangling yourself in

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something that you shouldn't be entangled in. Then use of Elisa Lam's case and musala salaams case interest interesting when they when it does come, the things come to light, you see two different kinds of evidence. What exonerates Yusuf Ali Salaam is that the shirt is looked at, if she really thinks that he was trying to take advantage of her and a shirt is ripped, then in order to defend herself, she must have torn his shirt, but his shirt would be ripped from the front. But in fact, it was ripped from behind, which means he's running away from her. And she's grabbing him from behind. So he's not the criminal she is she's the culprit. So it was material evidence that was used to

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establish use of innocence. On the flip side, there is no material evidence, all you have is witness testimony. It's true testimony of the criminal. But that's all you have. And those are the only two kinds of things you can bring into a court of law. Either you can bring in evidence, or you can bring in material testimony, that's pretty much the only two things you can bring to make a case. And you see both of those things being brought in these two cases. And this is again, an important feature of you know, contrast between the two stories. It was proven that Yusuf is innocent. Obviously the shirt ripped from behind when kinda camisa who couldn't do more. In fact, abattoir who

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Amina sada clean, Fs, rip if a shirt is ripped from behind, and she's the one who's told a lie, and he's telling the truth. He's from those that speak truthfully, that and that was proven, but it was proven inside the house right outside the bedroom door. It wasn't outside in a public court. It was just in the hallway of the house with a couple of servants or family nearby. That's it, nobody else knows. And the husband knows. So use of is innocent. And his innocence has been proven but not known publicly. People don't know. But Musa alayhis salam when the man was coming, you know when he was coming to rescue the man, but the man actually thought that he's gonna Mousavi sounds gonna kill

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him. And he called him out in public. You want to kill me like you killed someone yesterday. He incriminated him. But he didn't incriminate him privately incriminated him publicly. Now, this is important because, as a matter of fact, you know, these kinds of cases, if you incriminate somebody publicly, for example, if you incriminate somebody publicly, there's a danger of a mob mentality. Right? people decide to become judge, jury and executioner all in one, because you call somebody out publicly and when you incriminate people or put people on the spot publicly over and over again. It makes

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Peter, it starts with rhetoric and riots, or people that are just protesting and things like that. And somebody goes a little too far and burn somebody's house down or burns a car or take some action or, you know, things escalate. When you create or you create an incriminating narrative against a group of people, or even an individual, it may it's not just justice that's being served, a mob mentality is created. So that's one extreme of injustice. When you decide that you're going to talk about guilt and innocence just openly on the street. This is something that should be discussed in a court of law with all of the evidences and people that will actually delivered justice. That's when

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this should be discussed. Not in just you know, public circuits. On the flip side, use of Elisa Lam's innocence has been declared, but the evidence is hidden away. Right. And the fact is, pretty soon, he's gonna end up in jail, we already know what what happens hindsight is 20, he's gonna end up in jail. And the reason he ended up in jail is because the evidence was never made public. Had this been publicly known. He could never have ended up in jail, you understand? It's only because it was kept hush hush, that it was kept that this was done. So what's the balance in between these two, when both of these extremes lead to injustice, both of these lead to injustice. So what's the

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balance in between evidence cannot be hidden. But it must be declared to the proper authorities. It has to be declared to the proper authorities. And that's the balance in between these two sides. That created an unjust scenario. In fact, because a police officer was killed, right, a soldier, a police officer, because as a military state, right? The police in the case of musala, salaam secretly decided that they're going to kill him. They're thirsty for blood. They're not interested in arresting him and bringing him to trial. They want to execute him. They want to kill him, right? So there's elements of injustice on both sides, one because it wasn't brought to the proper

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authorities. And the second because the authorities themselves were corrupt. They're the ones that are looking to kill you. That the the job of a police officer is not to kill you the job of a police officer is to arrest you and bring you to justice. They're not the justice. They're the enforcement. You know, they're the public safety but they're not the ones whose job is to kill you. So that's the kind of the contrast you see between the two. Most use of Elisa Lam is as he says, you know who would be accident with wire when he told the minister's wife that I won't be doing this because I'm, you know, I'm loyal to the one who gave me housing. The who provided for me who took care of me, my

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the Rob is referring to Allah. But Mufasa don't also say like I mentioned yesterday, it can refer to the master of the house also. So I'm not going to do that. I'm loyal to him. He's been good to me. I'm gonna be good to him. On the flip side, musala slam his animosity towards the Egyptian soldier. And what he did part of it was he seen that injustice every day. So he's got an animosity for Egyptian rule, you know, and he knows that his adopted mother always makes Donna Jean Michel COVID, lolly mean, rescue me from the wrongdoing people. So he's, even though he's royalty, he doesn't see that as a privilege. He doesn't see that as a perk that he gets to enjoy. You know, I had some kids

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watch the Prince of Egypt, just to get you get some perspective because the Disney version of Moses musallam is so far from the Quran. Like they're showing him running chariots and having a good old time and partying and knows nothing of a god and he's, you know, even at some point, womanizing, maravilla they have these attributions to the prophets. And eventually he finds a lot he finds God after the the accident happens, you know? But the Quran paints a completely different picture. He's being raised by a believing woman. He has a believing character from the beginning, and actually has what's the description of his early years for the Marbella should the who was the artena? When were

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elven wisdom, knowledge, son, maturity, strength, these are the qualities of musallam now what you see in the Disney version, you know, and a lot of times people think they're gonna watch those movies, and they'll learn something about the profits. No, you won't, You'll learn about some somebody with the same name, and a Disney story. And with some elements taken from the actual story, but the Quran, one of its roles is to tell the account as it actually happened and to exonerate the profits from some of the claims that are made about them, they are pure from those claims. So anyway, so one is partly loyal to the Egyptian ruler, and the other is partly has animosity towards

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the Egyptian ruler that led him to do that. Now, Yusuf Alayhi Salam is told to keep a secret use of added on ha That was tough. He really then Viki when this whole thing came out and it was proven that he's innocent words gonna get out right and word got out leaked anyway, but use of his told you be quiet. Rumors can spread, but rumors will become facts. If you open your mouth right because it happened to you. And until you open your mouth all there will be will be rumors and rumors. all different kinds.

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All kinds of rumors will spread. So you need to keep quiet and he had to tell you safale sam to keep quiet because he's a politician. He can't afford a scandal, because it's it hurts his political aspirations, right? He's a public figure. So he's telling you stuff to keep things Hush Hush. On the other side musala salaam, this the killing happened in the middle of the day, but nobody was around and he decides to keep it a secret himself. He doesn't go out and publicly say I've done this wrong, etc, etc, and it was outed later on.

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So the commonality being the element of secrecy and of course, use of Elisa Lam the testimony of someone shadowman Alia, a witness from her family itself from her household said, if the shirt is ripped from behind, then she's the one who did it. And that's how he was vindicated for the kids that are watching vindicated means proved innocent. So he was proven innocent. And then on the other side, Masada Islam, somebody testifies that he's proven guilty. So now we've got two profits. One is proven innocent and the other one is proven. Guilty. Do you want the contrast between the two and the here's the and part of that guilt and innocence what part of the the the testimony against

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either one is important to understand? the minister's wife tried to say that Yusuf Alayhi Salam is not a good character. He intends evil for the household. And the guy who testified against Musashi Salaam, he said in turiddu, Illa and takuna. Baron for the military to enter akuna Minal Muslim, you just want to be a bully beating up people, that's what you want to do. You don't want to make peace. So he's character assassinating. musala testimony should be about what happened. Testimony should not be about what kind of person this is. You don't get to say you're a bully. This is what you want. This is what your intentions are, you can testify about someone else's intentions. Because you

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are not in control or not have no knowledge of anyone else's intentions. The only thing you can know are someone else's what actions but you'll notice the word arada and to redo are used in both cases. She says about use of he intends to do harm to your family. He's talking about his what intentions. On the flip side, this guy, the con artist is telling Moosa you just intend to go around forcing and beating up people and bullying people. This is what you intend to do. And you don't intend to do any good. You don't intend to make any reform? Well not to do and takuna Malmsteen. So when testimony starts painting the picture of somebody's intent, that's when you lead into conjecture. And you

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don't really know what these aren't facts anymore. You're using your imagination to figure out what was going on in somebody's heart. Right? testimony and justice should only be about what actions we can see. the intentions behind those actions cannot be evidenced by somebody's testimony. I know what was inside of their heart. But they both tried to do that to pin their victims by way of their words.

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Then, of course, there are two troublesome encounters. This is even the way the step by step construction of the story in both cases, use have had an encounter with the minister's wife inside her quarters. Then later on, he had a second encounter with her with the different ladies and the food that was prepared, right. So there's two encounters, in Musashi ceram story, he first encountered this con artists getting beat up in isolation. The next day, he encounters him again in public, right in a larger setting. So both stories have two encounters with these people. The second encounter in use of story was in front of a larger group, it was a bunch of ladies. So it wasn't

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just her and him now, it was a bunch of women. And the second encounter with the within the story of musasa is in public, it's in front of a larger group also. So even that element is carried forward. Then the, you know, the Minister does not help you use of escape the authorities, meaning after the second encounter you serve is going to get thrown in jail. But the minister knows better. The minister knows that he's innocent. And the minister has been good to him all this time. He's a friend essentially, he's a boss, but he's also friendly to him. And he honors him when he doesn't do anything to get him out of jail. And around doesn't say why. But it alludes it hints to it.

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Basically getting him out of jail, would make people curious and would want to interview him, Hey, would you care to tell us what happened? And he knows that use of Elisa Lam is a an honest person. So even if he doesn't intend to hurt his political career, just him giving honest testimony about what happened or exonerating himself will tank his political career. It's a smarter move to take this servant of mine who's not a VIP, who doesn't have immigration status. He's just a slave to detain him, you know, and indefinitely without trial. It's okay. Because him getting out might hurt my political career. Right so he could help him but he doesn't. On the flip side, you've got the

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police friend of

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Musashi Sallam who was in a secret meeting where they decided that they're going to kill Moosa.

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If these policemen find out these chiefs find out that one of the people in their secret meeting is Moosa, his best friend and has accepted his religion, and is actually going to go warn him against them. Then they won't just kill Moosa. Who will they kill him too? He's a traitor. You don't go back on your squad. But he's going to risk his life to go tell WUSA nl mala I Tommy Runa Becca Leah Toluca, the Chiefs have made a secret scheme to kill you, a Hollywood you get out of here, and Neela kameena nasi hain, I mean, well for you. So you see, by contrast, one person who was in a position to help decided to help himself and his political career and let loose use of La Salaam rot in jail,

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and the other put his life on the line, and actually came to Musa and helped him escape trouble.

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Now, it's also interesting that I've alluded to this that elite women were in on the plot, when it came to Yusuf Ali Salaam, these were wealthy women that were talking, because the politicians and the wealthy have their own circles, right, they have their own dollars, and their own fancy dinners. And they have their own kind of, you know, social society, and their social circle. So they're, they're in on this scheme that she's going to get him thrown in jail, because she said that in front of all of them. She said, if he doesn't do what I want, then he's gonna get thrown in jail. She said it straight up in front of them. So they're in on that entire scheme. And they know what really

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happened and they're all going to be quiet about it. Because they're all embarrassed to now because their hands are all cut, which we'll get to when we get into the story. On the flip side, you've got elite men, police chiefs, the generals, they're in on a scheme to kill Musa alayhis salaam. So even that parallels between the two. They're toxic admiration is the problem, meaning the women admired Uncle Sam and that's what incriminated them. And that became a problem. And for musala salaam, their toxic hatred. Let me remind you, why did they hate Muslims? I told you Allah put a special love of Musa in the heart of the Pharaoh, and that you already know. But you Musashi Islam wasn't Israelite.

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So he was from the slave race. His skin color was the skin color of the slaves. But he's being treated like royalty. So when he walks into the palace, the Egyptian guards have to hold the door open and say good morning, Your Highness. Right? But in their heart, they're like, why are we calling this slave? Your Highness? How did he get this position? Why do we have to pull the chair out so he can sit down? Why do we have to clean his room? Why do we have to cook him food? Because he's getting treated like royalty, while everyone else that looks like him is a what is a slave. So they have this deep hatred inside him that it's only the pharaohs love for him. We don't even get

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Why? Because everyone other than him that's like him should actually be dead. And in fact, he should have been killed from the first time and now that he's getting special treatment. Everybody around the pharaohs like you should have been killed. It burns them that a slave is getting that kind of treatment, you know. And in modern context, we don't think that we have slavery around the world, which you have people that are different skin color than ourselves, different tones than ourselves in any countries, not just an American problem. But in any country in the world. When you have a foreigner who's living well. And you're used to seeing foreigners be bus drivers, or foreigners be

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like selling bananas on the street corner. Are you used to foreigners being like the illegal workers construction workers are janitors and bathroom cleaners. And then you've got one of those foreigners buying a million dollar home a couple of million dollar home in the wealthiest neighborhood where all the old money lives. Right and he's got a nicer car than everybody else. He's gonna get some looks, isn't he like What's he doing here? You don't belong here. And that's exactly that mentality. They had a toxic hatred for him because he's from the Israelites the slave race or the enslaved race, and yet he's being treated like royalty. That's why they weren't hoping for a chance to get

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rid of him. So toxic love and toxic hate on the other side. The women's scheme is foreshadowed by the Minister What I mean by that is when she got caught outside the bedroom and you know the the minister came forward and said that shirt is ripped from behind clearly you're messed up. You know what he said? He said hi Domine KD Kunta Nikita ko nauseam. Listen to the words. He said this is the kind of scheming you women do. Your your scheming is pretty amazing. Your scheming is and he didn't say one woman. He said women plural, which has its place in the story, but it's also foreshadowing that a bunch of women are going to be scheming, right? He doesn't even know that's going to happen,

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but his words became true further down the road. On the other hand, there's no foreshadowing, but musala salaam knows his friend knows of a scheme that's being hashed, and he comes in informs musala salaam.

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This is pretty ironic. Yusuf Ali Salam was found innocent but still jailed. musala Islam was found guilty but still escaped.

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And it's remarkable that Musashi Salaam escaped from one of the mightiest empires on Earth, with the biggest police state. And he escaped. And in both cases, it happened after the second encounter. But you've got this irony how things play out in the world, things don't play out as we expect, and Allah has, the way Allah designs, the story of our lives is not based on our expectations of justice and injustice. You know, the one proven no innocent should be set free, and the one proven guilty should be jailed, etc, etc. No, it doesn't play out that way sometimes. And Allah has a larger scheme and what people do to each other, they think they're doing it but allies even a bigger

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architect over their designs. You know, Allahu hollyburn, Allah, Allah, He, Allah has been dominant over has a situation the entire time. That's what Allah claims about Yusuf Ali Salaam.

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Now we come to the years of isolation. What do I mean by years of isolation, okay, the trial is done. In the case of use of Elisa Lam, he is going to get thrown in jail. So he's going to be isolated. I was going to write here social distancing, but I decided not to, because they were technically socially distanced. But anyway,

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years of isolation. So use of Elisa Lam is going to be in jail, isolated from his normal life, and from society. musallam is going to be out in the desert, isolated from the Egyptian people and in the society he's known and grown up with, not to mention his own family. So they're both isolated and separated. Now these years of isolation is what we're going to compare. Okay, so we compared before we compare their siblings, we compare their parents, we compare the trials they went through, now we're comparing the isolation that they went through, okay.

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So one is socially isolated and present, the other socially isolated in a desert. He meets two men in prison

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use of meats to men in prison use of meats to women in the desert. So you've got two and two, and on one side, men on the other side, women, it's pretty awesome. It's also pretty cool that the parental the parental figure in use of story was a male, and he beats two men, and the parental figure and Mussa story is a female, and he meets two women. Right, so the male theme is carrying forward and the female theme is carrying forward in both cases.

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So now, he meets to two men in prison, the two men approach him for help. They see him as different than all the other prison inmates, so they come to him. And they want to stir up a conversation with him, because they've seen some disturbing dreams that they figured maybe he can tell us what it means. He seems like a spiritual person. On the flip side, the two women don't approve approach Mussa, he approaches them.

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He approaches them, right. So for help, he looks like because they were playing some kind of tug of war, Olympic sport with their, with their goats and their sheep, their sheep see water, and they want to go drink it. But these girls are not letting them go drink the water, these two young women, and he's seeing them struggle, like the sheep are dragging them down the hill, and they're pulling them back back up, and they're dragging them down the hill, you know, W done, and he comes up to them and says, Mahatma, What's your deal? Like what's going on with you? Right? So he wants to come and help them. So there's a contrast the two approach use of and in Musa he approaches the two. So

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it's flipped. Now. He helps them with interpretation, which is his special gift. What do I remove? When you I limoux come into we did a Hadith, Yusuf Alayhi Salam special ability is to hear someone talk and figure out what's going on, including dreams. Right? And so that's how he helps them. When musallam offers the offers his help, what do they need from him, they need his strength, he grabs the sheep, he goes down to the water moves, the other men like flies buzzing, feeds, the animals brings them right back. And that's done deal. Because you know, his strength is already been described. So both the gift that Allah gave them is what they put to use. Also, we learned from it,

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that sometimes people will come to you asking for help. And if Allah has gifted you, with the ability to help them than you should, like if somebody asked me to interpret a dream for them, and I don't have that skill, and I don't have that skill, I shouldn't be helping them.

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And if I'm not strong enough to hurt the sheep, and the girls were stronger than I was, and if I go take the sheep, the sheep, they're going to run me not me running the sheep, and I shouldn't go offer my help. If somebody if somebody comes to you for help, if Allah has given you the ability to help them and in what they need, you should and if you see someone in need of help, and you actually have the ability to help them go and help.

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But there is also manners and ethics in helping is different when you help women. When you when you help someone of the opposite gender. There are different manners.

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involved. So in one case, use of is helping people of the same gender. Yes. But Moosa is helping people of the opposite gender, right? And they are also in they're both in case by the way, it's interesting there from context. We know they're young women. From context, we know that. Okay, Legend says Mr. Attorney, which means to women, but obviously they're of marriage age, which is what was said later on. So we know they're younger women. In the case of Yusuf Ali Salaam, he says he met two fatter young, two young men. So even youth is mentioned on both sides. One explicitly one implicitly. But you notice these manners that I was talking about, Yusuf Alayhi Salam doesn't just

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interpret their dream. He says, Listen, lunch hasn't been served yet. But before lunch comes here, I'll have your answer for you. But sit let me talk to you a little bit. And he starts talking about his father and his grandfather and his great grandfather, and the religion of you know, Islam. And you really think many gods are better than one God, and he's giving them that way. He's preaching to them. Look, you guys came to me, you wanted my help, I'm going to use the opportunity to give you a good message, and also give you what you need, right? But he's roping them into a conversation. And he even says, I won't waste your time. before lunch gets here. I'll, you'll have what you want from

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me, but give me a couple of minutes, right? But you contrast it with Mussolini. Mussolini. Sam has also been learning about Islam. And he learned about Islam from his wonderful mother and his stepmother. So you could go up to the girls and say, let me tell you something about Allah subhanho wa Taala. He doesn't do that. He just says, What's wrong with you, Mahatma Akuma. And they spoke and they said dynasty, Hatha Yoga stereo, una Shahin Kabir. We can't be we're not going to give our animals anything to drink until the rest of the flock is done in our data is too old to do this kind of work. That's all they said. He doesn't say anything more. That's it, that he's heard enough. He

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grabbed and he just took it. For sakala homosassa, moto Allah, Allah Villa, he gave the animals drink and went back and sat down under the shade. He doesn't even say No need to say thank you. There's no price for awesomeness. He doesn't he doesn't. He doesn't do that. Why? Because there's, if you want to help someone of the opposite gender, genuinely, then you're not interested in conversation, because conversation can go down the wrong path. Even if it's meant with good intent. So limit, give, offer the help and be done with it. That's it. But when it comes to the same gender, then you should take the opportunity to give some Darla, right, if you're a university student,

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you're not and you're a guy, you're the old? Are you the only human being left on earth to give this Girl Doll at the cafeteria for three hours? No. Okay, if we needed help, then you know, she had a flat tire that will fix the tire and go run for it. Get out of here. Don't Don't stick around because you're opening doors to fitness. And so that's actually one of the ethics we learn about helping and keeping things strictly business when it comes to the opposite gender. Now, Yusuf Ali Salaam is when he helped these two young men, he also kind of had an expectation. He told them look when you get out because the dream interpreted that one of them will get out, right? He's out when

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you get out. Cuz you mentioned me just at least mentioned me, because I'm being detained here without a trial. So I don't even have a court date. Can you just at least mention me? So that they maybe they'll put my court date on the docket? Right? Just do that much for me. Can you do that? Of course you helped us. We'll do that. I'll do that for you. So he expects to be mentioned, when musala son helped these two women. Did he expect anything in return? No. So there's a there's a contrast. Now one has an expectation. The other has no expectation. Let's see how that plays out. When use of expects to be mentioned, the guy leaves Jael never mentions him.

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musala salam did not expect to get mentioned, the girls go home. And what do they do? They mentioned him. They mentioned him. Sometimes Allah will open doors from you, for you through people when you never expected anything from them.

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And sometimes you will expect things from people and they will never give it to you. And you'll be thoroughly disappointed. Right? And Allah is telling us these different kinds of people. And this there's another part of this, sometimes you expect something and you spell it out, I expect something and it doesn't happen. Other times you never asked when you never asked and somebody helps. Anyway, look, he's homeless. He looks like his clothes are in tatters. He has nowhere else to go. his residence at the moment is sitting in the shade of a tree. These girls obviously know he needs help.

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So when they come with help, he's not going to turn to them and say, Excuse me, I didn't ask for your help.

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I didn't, I didn't ask I'm not begging. I have too much self respect. I helped you because this was for the sake of he's not going to do that.

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When someone is offering you help that doesn't humiliate you, that doesn't make you a beggar. When someone's offering you help and then they try to remind you that they helped you or humiliate you that they helped you that's something else. But when someone's genuinely asking your help, your first reaction should not

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Oh, this is a hit on my self esteem. I do things by myself. I don't need anybody else. No, you You didn't beg anybody, but somebody saw that you might need some help. And they came and offered help. And he did. They came and offered help. And he didn't say, Well, no, I did that, for the sake of a lie. Don't want your money. He said, No, no, let's go get paid. He was ready to go. On the flip side use of it some actually has an expectation and it wasn't met. So you were gonna meet all kinds of people. And unless help will come from all different kinds of ways. And sometimes we're hoping it comes from where we expect that it won't come from there. And sometimes we have no expectation it'll

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come from there. We also come in high school laughter Sim.

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Now one of the two men returns years later in the story of Yusuf Ali Salam years later, Imam Razi says maybe seven years later, there's no clear number, we know that Nene has mentioned with Sunni means less than 10 years. Okay, so it could be five years could be 10 years can be nine years, whatever. It's interesting. Also, the years of isolation, in the case of Musashi Salaam is eight to 10 years, right. So the numbers are somewhat similar, not exactly, but somewhat similar. But anyway, so one of the two men returns years later, and one of the two women returns years later, or hours later, not years later, hours later. So sometimes help comes immediately some kind of sometimes

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helps comes a long time later. And this idea of immediate help. And later relief, is also a continuous theme, and use of case jacoba a salon last use of and got him back years later. In Moses case, Moses mom lost Musa and got him back hours later. Later on in the story, Yusuf Alayhi Salam had expectation for someone to come back and they came back years later, and it moves on. Without even expectation, the girl comes back with help hours later, right. So that's an interesting, you know, bit a bit further to now. When when he does come back, the man does come back after a few years. It's interesting, he came back for selfish reasons. It's a pretty interesting character. This

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guy, he's kind of a sleazebag. He works in the court of the king. He serves drinks for him. The King sees a dream, he can't figure out what it means. his advisors say you probably ate too much biryani last night or something.

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These are meaningless dreams. This is too much spice in your food. That's why you saw these weird dreams. They don't mean anything. fat cows, skinny cows. What is this? And this guy pouring the drink for a king? He goes, Oh, I know somebody who was the guy who figured out my dream. I know the guy who could do this. But he doesn't say that does he? He says and it can be I can't tell you what it means. Give me a couple of days. Give me a little bit. I'll tell you what I mean. Because if he comes back with the interpretation, he knows he's going to get rewarded. He's going to get a promotion. He doesn't say I know someone I met in prison, on top of all of that didn't use of tell

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him. Can you just mention me? Can you at least just mention he won't do that. He won't do that. Because if he even mentions him now, not only will use of get out of jail, he'll get the credit for interpreting the dream, which he wants for himself. So he comes to him. And when it comes to him in jail, he says you serve? Are you as a de la Carranza you serve Oh my God, my most true friend. Oh my You're my like my real friend man.

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Like the most true friend I ever had we what we got is real lesson to the city comes from silica which is true. Right? So Sadiq has a friend said deca is a completely true sincere friend. And most usefully, some sees through he goes, I am telling you nothing until you get me out of jail.

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Your I this is not this is not happening. This is not happening. He's not playing the game. But he did come back for selfish reasons. And clearly the one who wants and that's why you so for summon because he doesn't have the answer, right? But who needs the answer the king does. The king is in need of the answer, and use of has the answer. So the one in need is the one calling him. This is the idea that I want to present to you. On the flip side. When she returns. When she comes back. She doesn't come back for herself. She came back for the benefit of musalla some selfless reasons, not selfish reasons.

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Now, he shamelessly asks for help, right? He should be ashamed of himself. He didn't even mention his name. And on the flip side, them she is still here. When she came walking to him to tell him my dad wants to pay you. Alyssa she walked shyly over. So there's shamelessness and their shame contrasted with the two individuals you know, so he asks to be tricked, taken out of prison. Most use if I'm asked, I want to pick up my case heard. And on the flip side, he was asked to come and get paid. You were asked to go and this is about the need. Now another interesting contrast is when

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Yusuf Ali Salaam got a chance to speak to these two men. He told them how blessed he is, what a blessed family he belongs to, meaning the blessings he has enjoyed in life. Now, it's interesting that he's talking about the blessings he's enjoyed in life while he's sitting in jail.

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musala salaam got a chance to tell his story a little bit when he finally came to get paid. And he's talking to the old fellow the father of those two girls, allowances for La Casa La Haile cosas. Allah lotta huff Jota minakami volley me. When he came to him, he told him the entire account about how he was supposed to be killed when he was a baby, and how he survived and how they're out to kill him now and how he's a fugitive from the law, and he's wanted for murder problems, problems problems. So when when he told a story talked about how he didn't talk about how my brothers did this to me, you said how he said he didn't talk about what my brothers did to me. And what happened

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to me, and I've been falsely accused. He didn't say any of that. He said, how blessed I am to be part of that family. But with Musa alayhis salam he talked about the trauma that he experienced. Right and how he's escaped. What does that tell you? That doesn't tell you and we we exonerate or we we exalt we hold in high honor both of these profits, what that means it is completely okay, in some cases, for you to tell someone the difficult things you went through, because they're weighing heavy on your heart, like who did Musa alayhis salam, Allah is not condemning him for telling that story. It was weighing heavy on his heart, and on the flip side, use of a sound and sometimes you can find

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yourself long term in a difficult situation. And if you find yourself long term in a difficult situation, then you need to now internalize that and focus on the blessings Allah has given you, despite all the negatives around you. Right and so Yusuf Ali, Sam is going to focus on the blessings that he enjoys.

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Then, I've already told you this one The king is in need of help and calls for him but he is in need of help and gets called by the sheer meaning Moosa himself is in need of help. Couple more left. So he is just a numbers thing. They met two people in the beginning I told you in isolation, and they met two people, but the story only continues with one of them and use case right and then he meets two women but the story only continues with one of them in Masada Sam's case also. So with that inshallah I conclude the journey or the the isolation portion of the parallels between the two. We've only got now the concluding pieces left. So I think we can be done with the comparisons

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tomorrow. I'm pretty confident and we can get into the solo eventually. barakallahu li walakum. We'll call it Hakeem. One of our new er can build it vertical hacking salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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You see what I did there. Yeah.

Trial & Isolation

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