Mufti Menk – Ramadan 2007 – Day 20

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the importance of the symbol "naive" in Islam, as it relates to the passage of time and the end of life. It also touches on the negative impact of Islam subhanhousing on people's political and mental health and the need for forgiveness. The transcript provides advice on forgiveness, avoiding evil, and learning to use the language in public. The transcript also touches on the historical context of Islam, including the use of the Quran and the recitation of the statement "has been overpowered by Islam".
AI: Transcript ©
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We'll be learning Amina shame on your ad. bs mean.

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Excellence presents jewels from the Holy Quran, a series of lectures by Mufti Ismail Ibn Musa menke.

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Lecture 20 choose 24 salam aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

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smilla rahmanir rahim In the name of Allah most Gracious, Most Merciful Alhamdulillah he lillahi wa kafa wa salatu salam ala Abadi, Medina, Safa. All praise is due to Allah subhanho wa Taala blessings and salutations be upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Alhamdulillah Hilary Hayden and he had amaku Marina de Allah, Allah, we praise Allah subhanho wa Taala for having guided us to this Deen and for having given us this goodness having made us from amongst those who are following Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had it not been for the guidance of Allah subhanho wa Taala we would have all been astray. May Allah subhanho wa Taala accept our deeds and our efforts and May Allah

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subhanho wa Taala forgive us during this month of Ramadan and may He soften our hearts

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on our beloved brothers and sisters dearest listeners surah Zoomer a surah wherein Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of the groups that will be entering the fire and the groups that will be entering paradise and what they will be saying, how they will be entering. Before we get to exactly those verses Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about how he takes the souls away.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala says, along with our friend fusa Hina mabuti ha

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moochie man,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala takes the souls of the human beings away when death has been written for them. And he also takes them away during their sleep, which means the connection of the body and the soul is being explained in this verse. At the point of death, the soul is extracted and removed from the body. But even when a person is asleep, the soul is taken out of the body, how exactly that happens we have not been given the details. And that is why when we are waking someone up Allah subhanho wa Taala says, for human SQL not in Kabbalah, you

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will you will see

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in a journey.

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In a person's sleep, when death has been written for that person in their sleep, we don't send the soul back we leave it with us. So one of the easiest pangs of death, or what is known as Sakura. The final moments one of the easiest pangs of death, when a person is asleep and they've died in their sleep, they've hardly felt that because the soul is taken away. In fact, it is just kept after the point of sleep. And Allah continues to say that when we have written life for that person, after they have slept, we return the soul so the soul goes back into the body. And this is why when we are awakening somebody, we must make sure that we do it carefully. If you scream, or if there is a loud

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sound, you find the person gets up in a fight, or the person gets up in the heartbeat is actually not quite normal. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all understanding. Remember one thing, Allah subhanho wa Taala has kept the knowledge of the room and the soul with him. He has only released very little information with us, we must be happy with what Allah has told us. The rest of it, we don't even need to want to know because Allah subhanho wa Taala did not tell that to us. Sometimes when it comes to certain aspects of knowledge, some people ask so strange questions, which we are not going to be asked on the day of piano. Like I know one person once came up to me and told me

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that is it true that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will marry the wife of Iran in the era. And I was sitting and saying, Do you know what? Even if people have gone into the discussion, it is absolutely unbecoming of a Muslim to even question in that regard. is Allah going to ask that to me? subhanho wa Taala? is Allah subhanho wa Taala going to ask it to you? Is he going to ask you to anyone? Is there any mention of it in the solid evidences of the Sharia? If not, leave it aside. let's worry about our salah and our Sokka and let's worry about ourselves. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us all strong. So the message here is

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Whatever Allah has told us, we know it, whatever he did not tell us we don't know it, we won't know it. We don't even have to ask about it. May Allah subhanho wa Taala really grant us the understanding of the of what he has told us And may Allah Subhana Allah Allah make that be enough for us and maybe not have minds that go beyond what Allah Subhana Allah has permitted us to go.

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Then the famous verse which we always repeat the verse of the ultimate Mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala the forgiveness of Allah, the greatness of Allah subhanho wa Taala has mercy and forgiveness, we always repeat the best it is in Surah to Zuma Kalia Eva de la de

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la bonato Mira mattina in nama.

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Omaha mozzarella, while he was informed those of my worshipers who have transgressed against themselves, never lose hope in the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala no matter what you have done, Allah subhanho wa Taala will forgive every single sin that you have committed. May Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive myself and yourself. This is the verse of the hope of the mercy of them in the hole in the of the hope in the mercy of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us what Annie boo

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mimouna who

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turn to Allah and submit to Him before the punishment overtakes you and then it won't be of any help and you will not be assisted in any way. Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive us before that.

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What Debbie Oh x Anima

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de la la mirada beacon mill Min caudalie. To como la da boo boo.

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follow the best of what Allah Subhana what Allah has revealed, follow Allah subhanho wa Taala turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala before the punishment comes to you suddenly and you won't even realize that the punishment is already here. May Allah subhanho wa Taala not do that to us. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says we don't want someone to come on the day of the AMA and say, Oh will be upon me destruction be upon me, I should have done something much better. I definitely was astray at that time.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala says we don't want anyone to come and say Allah give us another chance because we know that we will not get another chance. And Allah says in another place in the Koran, we've spoken about it hear that even if man wants to be given another chance, men would still turn back to his bad ways and habits. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all understanding

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and Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks of the fire and then he makes mention of whom he is going to save from the fire. While you wanna Jean.

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Taco Bhima faza team, Allah subhanho wa Taala will grant success and he will save those who used to be conscious of him during their lifetime. Those who used to be conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, He will grant them save here from the punishment he will save them in every way and they will be granted success May Allah make us from amongst those who are conscious as we've repeated time and again, that we need to turn to Allah out of human weakness. Sometimes we falter and we fall but we must realize that Allah subhanho wa Taala wants us to attend to him. It is not difficult to seek forgiveness. And Allah subhanho wa Taala is waiting for that. And Allah subhanho wa Taala wants

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to forgive us, then Allah makes mention of the group's listen to what he says the first group, that group which is going to go over those groups which are going to be entering the fire, they will be entering in groups. Was he kalevi NACA foe Elijah

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mizunara Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala says de kuffaar shall be led into jahannam in groups.

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Now, do you know when a person is going into a jail when someone is being driven into the jail? Are the doors of the jail open? And do they just walk straight past and in? Or are the jail, gates closed and when they get there, then they open then they go in? Then they shut again. We know that it is the latter not the former. So Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about that here. Also

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He says

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when these groups shall arrive to jahannam footie hat

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that is when the gates shall be opened and they will be led in and the gatekeepers will ask them a simple question. What

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yet Luna

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the gatekeepers of Johanna musei didn't a warner come to you to warn you about this day and to warn you about this punishment? did know Warner's from amongst you come to you. The answer will come kalu Bella, they'll say yes, definitely people came to us. But we didn't take heed. We didn't realize that this message was serious. Now lawmakers from amongst those whom when messages get to our ears, it softens our heart and we turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So that on the day of the AMA, we are from this the other group and not from this group that we've just spoken about. Who are the other groups Allah says was he called levena

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iljin at Zuma, those who are conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala shall be driven into Jana in groups also. Now when you are invited to a palace and you get there Mashallah when you get there they are waiting for you red carpet, the doors are open, everyone is welcoming you not that when you arrive there and suddenly the big iron doors begin to open No, they are waiting for you. You are a VIP and the guest Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of that here had

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Well, 14 hats.

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When they get when these groups get to the doors of gender, they will find the doors already open. That is the difference between the two. One says footy hat, which means the doors shall then be opened and one says what 40 had a Baba which means when they arrive already the doors shall be opened,

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will call Allah whom kasana and the gatekeepers of gender will say, what do you think they will say? Salah alaikum Peace be upon you on this day. You have definitely done lots of goodness.

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Further who are needy, you may enter the doors of Jenna forever and ever Allahu Akbar. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from amongst those inshallah, who shall enter gender and who will be told to dwell therein forever and ever. The next era Allah subhanho wa Taala has spoken about in the opening verses His mercy and that is why it is named Surah

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Surah, making mention of the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah, Allah says in the opening verses of our theory,

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it is Allah who forgives the sins, and another name for the same surah is Alma Minh because in it, meaning in this surah there is a story of a certain man from the family of Freetown who hid the fact that he was actually a believer in Musa alayhis salam. And he hid the fact that he was following Allah commands, but from within the family he kept on reminding the family of Iran and the others to say, Do you know what this man if he is telling you the truth, then punishment shall befall you and if he's lying, it's going to be against him not against you. So Allah makes mention of that in this surah and that is why the surah is also called Surah Al min. And in this surah Allah subhanho wa

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Taala speaks about the angels

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and how the angels declare the praise of Allah subhanho wa Taala they believe in Allah, and they literally seek forgiveness for all of us who are also believers. Listen to what Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us about the angels you serve be hoonah be hemmed in Europe be more you may know Nabil via stone to Nina Nina Amano. They praise Allah subhanho wa Taala they believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala and they seek forgiveness for all those who have believed what do they say? Robin our

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motto, Allah you have encompassed everything with your mercy and your knowledge. Your mercy has encompassed everything and so has your knowledge for virally levena tabula rasa bealach. So forgive those who are seeking forgiveness Yama, the angels are making to ask for me and you every day yeah ALLAH forgive those who are seeking forgiveness from amongst the believers. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us forgiveness. Imagine could we have anyone

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higher than us calling out to Allah subhanho wa Taala to forgive us

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We have those who are closest to Allah subhanho wa Taala they are known as homiletical they are the angels closest to Allah subhanho wa Taala they are saying yeah ALLAH forgive those who are seeking forgiveness yeah Allah we are seeking forgiveness yeah Allah, Allah forgive our sins and they continue

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robina whom

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Allah Grantham Jana Grantham Jana Yama the angels are making the dua for us. Allah grant them Jana and grant their family members Jenna, those whom you have promised the Allah grant him this January Allah wa t hemos. Say

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is being asked by the same angels for us. Yeah, Allah safeguard them from evil. Allah protect them from evil. What is the biggest evil? The biggest evil is a person who comes on the day of the AMA and loses that is the greatest loss the biggest evil May Allah protect us from the loss of the day of the AMA. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says, making mention of the Tao of these angels, that they say, woman say to my

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loving, the one whom you have safeguarded from evil, and the one whom you have safeguarded from the evil of that day of tiama is the one who has definitely succeeded for that is indeed the greatest of success, the success of the day of tiama May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us all success on the day of piano, then Allah subhanho wa Taala asks the question on the day of the AMA, he will pose this question and it is already mentioned here. Lee monomodal Emmanuel Coolio.

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Who's is the kingdom today Allah will ask, When all those who claimed to be leaders and kings of the dunya if that made them haughty, and if that made them forget the presence of their own creator, Allah subhanho wa Taala will ask them right who is the king today? Who is in complete ownership of this day?

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And all of us every day, so many times a day we read the verse, Maliki amin, the Owner of the Day of Judgment is Allah subhanho wa Taala and that is why the response shall come in chorus. Lin.

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This day belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala the one the most powerful May Allah subhanho wa Taala really make us his true worshipers and may take us into gender. And may You grant a success on that day when he is the only one who will be able to grant a success. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about that men, that men from the family of around who was hiding his he man, he says what he cuca de la caribou. We're in Casa de

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la buena de PUE. Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of what this man said. He said, Look, if this person is lying, if he is telling a lie, then it's going to be against him. But if he is telling you the truth, then the punishment will befall you may Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us. And this is why when someone comes to us giving us good news and when someone comes to us warning us about the evil that we might be engaged in, we must we must regard it as a gift from Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and Allah subhanho wa Taala says regarding the same man that he told his people, via comi Oh my people, Molly other Oh, come

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on Annie.

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What is it that I am calling you towards Savior and being protected and you are calling me towards the fire? I am telling you that this is good. And you are telling me No, it is bad. When Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. And may He also grant us the power to stay away from that which is wrong and the power to engage in that which is good and correct. And Allah subhanho wa Taala then speaks about how the people of Ghana shall be calling out to each other, they will be different types of people in Ghana, some of them will have been the leaders in the dunya some of the people will have been the leaders and the others would have been

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those who followed them. Now when both parties go into jahannam. Those who are followers will then be saying to those whom they followed that you know what we followed you. So can't you shoulder a little bit of the punishment because you guys were the leaders in the dunya and Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of this and he says

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what if we

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do nothing, when they will discuss with one another and when

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They will be communicating with one another in the fire, fire Columbo, alpha only Latinas duck bow, the weak ones who are weak in the dunya will be telling those who were the leaders and who are haughty in the dunya in Nakhon Allah, tada, we were just followers we used to follow you in the dunya. You are our leaders, you lead us astray for *.

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No, no. no see.

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So are you going to show that even a little bit of the punishment for us today seeing that we were just following you? And Allah Subhana Allah to Allah says, Allah levena stackable those who will respond which means that the ones who are haughty in the dunya they will respond.

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In kulu fi ha definitely. We are both we are all in the fire. We are all in the fire Allah has decreed and decided that we will both be in the fire How can we show that anything? It was your fault? And because of this, we must realize that when people tell us something, always ask yourself, Is it right or wrong? If they are wrong, stay away from them. If they are right, then inshallah that will be good news for us. Allah subhanho wa Taala make us all strong.

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about how the people of Johanna will tell the gatekeepers of Johanna.

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What will they tell the gatekeepers of Johanna wirkkala Levine effin really has an IT Jehan.

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Back when you have FIFA

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they will say, oh, gatekeepers have Johanna. Call out to your Abba, that he should make less for us this punishment and at least give us off one day he must give us off from this punishment. One day he must lessen the burden just one day

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and the gatekeepers will answer with another question. While I'm Dakota t kumerow Sudoku bill.

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Did the messengers not come to you with news Didn't they inform you of this day? Didn't they give you the clear signs callooh Bella again the response will be Yes, they did come the messengers did come further, warmer

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caffeine in Laffy Mala. So the response will not make us from those who shall be cast into hellfire.

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala in the next surah speaks about in fact that surah is named hammy as such, because it starts with the word Hamming. And in it there is a such that we read the sajida and because of that one of the names is hammy mas such that but it is also known as Surah facilites because in the opening verses Allah describes the Quran as that which has made very clear and that which has explained everything so kita boost relate to, it is a book wherein the signs of Allah explained Allah Subhana Allah to Allah grant us the understanding. So Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks in that particular surah about his greatness, and he speaks about the kuffaar once again, and he

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speaks about how they treated the Quran. And in the opening verses Allah subhanho wa Taala poses the question, he tells Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to ask the co founder of Quraysh cool in Kunal attack phoner ability holla Buffy omein, whatever Watashi wa Luna who

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ask them that are you disbelieving in the one who has created the earth in two days? The one who created the earth in two days? You are now this believing in Him and you want to associate partners with him? That is the question. Now, do you know sometimes when the non Muslims look at the Quran, and they they think that they want to con the Muslims by telling them that there are contradictions in the Quran, one of the verses they use is this one. They say look in this Quran Allah says that he has created the skies and the earth and what lies between them in six days. And here Allah is saying he only created it in two days. So which one is right and which one is wrong?

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But that is very foolish. Why don't we continue reading the verses, those verses where Allah spoke about six days? He says, Allah Allah, Allah subhana wa T one hour Bahama by Nina whom FEC

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Allah created the sky's the earth and what was between it what is between it in six days? And here Allah says, in akula, tech funa

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or Buffy omein? Are you disbelieving in that Allah who created the earth in two days, he didn't get speak about the skies and what was between the two?

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And if you read the next verse, it says, What Gylfi has

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About a coffee,

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a lot with the mountains, and he distributed whatever he wanted to distribute. And he continued and he completed it in four other days, which means six days in total. So there is no contradiction. And this is why it is very important that when we don't know how to answer these questions, we ask those who know so they can tell us you know what, there is no contradiction in the Quran because what law he I swear by Allah who has raised the skies without fillers, that definitely there is not a single contradiction in the Quran. May Allah Subhana Allah Allah grant us the understanding. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about what the kuffaar used to say. When the Quran was being read. You see,

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the verses of the Quran are so powerful, that people who hated Islam, they went out they were going out to kill the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam like

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when the verses of the Quran pierced their hearts to three verses change their whole lives.

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With Amara mill katabi Allahu anhu. We know that he came out to kill Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam someone told him Why don't you start with your own family members. So he went to the house of his sister, and they after a struggle, he heard the verses or

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in Groton, ma me a

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follow up on our summer,

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Murphy summer

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That was enough, he began to cry, he was weeping. And he says, Take me to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he went there and he declared his Shahada

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because these verses were so powerful, the kuffaar used to say what Allah mentions here were called levena lattissima only had anyone

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come Tony boo, the kuffaar used to say

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do not listen to this Quran and make noise while it is being recited. Whilst the Quran is being recited, make lots of noise so that you can be successful and you can overcome and overpower the Muslim in.

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This is what they used to say. Now what is the instruction that Allah has given us as believers? In another place in the Quran, Allah says, for either puri Allah for me rula who,

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Allah Allah come to Ramune the addresses to us when the Quran is being recited, be quiet, listen very attentively try to understand it so that mercy can overtake you in Sharla. So that is the command for us. But they were the kuffaar and they were the ones who were saying, Don't listen to it. make noise in fact, they will put their fingers in their ears as we have mentioned and Allah subhanho wa Taala says on the day of piano, the same kuffaar will be calling out what will be the call on that day. Listen to what Allah says. Work Allah levena cafo robina Marina Laney Alba Lana Nina Elgin

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Niger on Houma, taco de me Jimena de akuna Minal Esfahani in the kuffar will say,

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show us those from men and from Jean who led us astray. We want to put them underneath our feet and literally stamp them so that they can be the lowest because now we regret they lead us astray.

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And this verse also draws our attention to good company once again, we must never have company that leads us astray. Never ever be in the company of those who take us away from Allah subhanho wa Taala rather be in the company of those who can bring us to the houses of Allah subhanho wa Taala and closer and closer to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. So Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks of that. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks of the one who has the best speech.

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And Allah says, woman x and o Kahuna

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in a law Why me lasagna? Well, Paula in any meaningful Muslim mean, can they be anyone better in speech than the one who calls towards Allah subhanho wa Taala so positively, and he says, in fact, he himself does good deeds and he says I am from amongst those who have submitted to Allah subhanho wa Taala. This verse is encouraging us to learn to put in

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To practice to say that we are submitters and to go out and convey the message to others. Sometimes we are weak, we might not be able to communicate the message with our tongues to large masses and crowds but it is not difficult to get a good book printed and distributed or to get some cassettes copied and distributed some CDs copied and distributed. If we do that, inshallah, it will be written next to our name that this person tried their best to deliver the goods and to deliver the message of Allah subhanho wa Taala far and wide, so it is not impossible. Let's not think that this only means that those who have the opportunities to get up in the massage, they are being addressed know

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the addresses for every single person. May Allah subhanho wa Taala use us to spread the good word in one way or another.

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Then Allah subhanho wa Taala at the end of the part, the 24th part of the Quran that we completed tonight, he tells us that it is not him who oppresses us, Allah does not oppress, and Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Man amela Sani, funny enough See, whoever does good deeds, those good deeds will help himself or herself.

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Woman as

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whoever does bad deeds, it will be against his own soul or her own soul, or Malibu cabbie one lamb in IB need, definitely your ob is not from amongst those who oppresses his own worshipers and his own slaves. So we should understand. Allah subhanho wa Taala is looking for any and every excuse to forgive us. But have we given him that excuse? Have we even raised our hands once to Allah subhanho wa Taala when we are sitting all alone, in the darkest corners of the night,

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rolling down the womb tears from our cheeks or onto our cheeks and we say yeah Allah forgive me Allah. Allah I've done so much wrong Allah we know we've heard every day we hear about your mercy Allah, Allah I am turning to your life I promise you that I will not be the bad person that I was in the past year Allah, Allah grant me the power and the ability and acceptance to be steadfast and make me strong and yellow when you take me away Take me away with the Shahada on our on my tongue Allah and Allah take us all the way in a condition that you are pleased with us and not in a condition that you are displeased with us. Yeah, Allah sallallahu wasallam albaraka Nabina Muhammad

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Subhana Allah who become the satanic Aloma become the Ganesha to Allah Allah in lantana stone

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