Ammar Alshukry – Learn How One Hadith Changed A Cancer Patient’s Life
![Ammar Alshukry](
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The importance of mindfulness in praying and taking things for granted is emphasized, with the use of social norms and the negative impact of social norms on Muslims. The speaker discusses how Muslims were used to avoid social norms and introduce new foods and standards, and describes a recent encounter with a gang member who offered two lockers and gave him permission to offer a drink. The police officer questions the claims and questions the woman about her behavior and whether she had a diagnosis. The woman explains that she had a conversation with her family and her son, but she had a conversation with her son's father.
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So today Insha Allah, we're going to be preparing the ingredients for entering into the salah. And we'll be looking at steps that we can take both internal and external to mindfulness. And so the first one that I want to begin with is what the Prophet sallallahu Sallam actually advised us. And he said, Remember death in your prayer, for a man who remembers death will rightfully perfect their prayer, and pray the prayer of someone who doesn't expect to pray another prayer. And so we talked about how one of the things that robs us of presence is taking things for granted. If I feel like I have another time to talk to my mom, then I take advantage or I take for granted the moments that I
have with her or if I feel like I'm always gonna have time to have meaningful conversations with my father, then I will take for granted the conversations that I'm having with him today.
Similarly, with regards to the Salah, if I always feel like I'm going to have another motherboard issue, or federate, or what have you, then I can take the one that I'm presently in for granted. But if I really felt or if I put myself in a mindset where this is the last Salah that I might offer to Allah subhanaw taala then, and this is this is the salah that I'm going to seal my life with that I'm going to now submit to Allah subhana data that how would I actually pray, you know, there's a companion, whose name was COVID, who was captured in Mecca, he was captured in Mecca because of
the money the machine had wanted to take it had had wanted retribution after the Battle of butter. And so he was captured and he was imprisoned in Mecca. And the people gathered to execute him as a result of the loss that they had it better. And they did a lot of things that were unfamiliar, even to them so much, because normally a HUD home it's a place where everybody is safe and secure. But again, what's really interesting about Croatia is that they broke so many rules that were, you know, social norms that even they had to establish when dealing with the Muslims. Like you've never heard of people being persecuted because of their religion in Makkah. In fact, they were a very, very,
very multicultural society, they had over 360 idols. That was I mean, that's if you're talking about a pluralistic society, Mecca, is it so why were they so vicious and severe? And why were they always persecuting the Muslims?
It was something specific about Islam falsehood allows for other falsehood, but falsehood does not allow for the truth. Okay. And that's played out forever. But in any case, what they did was they gathered to execute Habib, and Habib was imprisoned in one of the houses of Mecca, and one of the daughters of had had in her house, and he had borrowed a razor to kind of groom himself, even though he's a prisoner in her house. And so she gave him a razor. And at the same time, a one of her sons had like a child had run up to go, like, just kind of sit on Furbabies lap. And when she saw her, they're, like, you know, like holding her child. He's got a razor in his hand, she panicked. And
then he smiled at her. And he said to her, Do you think that I would harm your child and he said, No, no harm is going to come to him in sha Allah. And a couple of days he was staying in her house. And she said, I would see him eating from grapes.
The like fruits that were unknown, or fruits that were not available, right, because they have different seasons and different access as far as fruits go, particular, wintertime, summertime, all of that type of stuff. And she was like, I would see these grapes with him, and I wouldn't have no idea where he would get them from. But in any case, he was then eventually he was gathered around him by a gang.
And this is all reported by the party. She says, when they took him outside the sanctuary of Makkah, so they took him outside of the sanctuary to kill him. Because Mike is still a sanctuary. Habib requested that they allow him to offer two lockers and they gave him permission. But even before that, the crowd was like so incensed. They they said to him, they said, Habib, would you rather that like you're being killed here? Would you rather that Muhammad be here in your place? And then Habib said, I would not rather that will sue loss, a lawless and then be picked by a thorn
while I am safe amongst my family, like forget what I love for the promises that have to be in my place, I wouldn't want for the province. I sent him to experience even the pricking of authority. They're trying to break him mentally. They're trying to get some sort of points because he's not he's not allowing them he's not giving them anything. He's not giving them
Have any sort of emotional fodder, he's not giving them any sort of
any, any way to be victorious, other than necessarily killing him and sofabed. He requested them to allow him to offer to rock as of of prayer and they gave him permission. And then he said, had I not feared that you would think that I was afraid of being executed, I would have prolonged the prayer,
oh Allah. And then he made out against all of them.
This actually terrified the machine again. And some people actually ended up accepting Islam because of that image of Habib in that moment in Makkah, and he was crucified. He was crucified and the Arabs did not normally crucify, but again, they're breaking a lot of their social norms, or they're introducing things that were not customarily known to them because of how incensed they were by the Muslims and sofabed set the tradition for any Muslims sentenced to death and captivity to offer a talk of prayer before being executed. And Habib, then
was killed are of the Allahu Akbar. But the question that I want to ask you is basically Habib, when he's praying the surah is and he's got this jeering crowd. And he knows that this is the last offering that he's going to give to ALLAH SubhanA data like this is the saliva person who's bidding farewell. This is a person who is the saliva person who is separating himself from the dunya. She sued him and he told me a story once he told me an advice
that he was given by a man who was an elderly man in his community. But this man had been diagnosed with late stage cancer, and they had told him that he had a number of months to live and this man, he was, he lives close to the masjid. And he was one of the people who used to open the doors of the masjid and he would make it on at times. He was a very kind man. And when they visited him, he told them that this hadith that we're talking about that remember death in your prayer, he said, it was something that really, really stayed with him.
And this hadith in particular touched him because he felt like he was living it not just with salah, but with everything else, like when he would pray. Now that he'd been diagnosed, he would pray like this was his final prayer. Anytime that he would have a conversation with his family or with his son or with his spouse, he would, he would have that conversation like this is the last time I'm speaking to my my son, this is the last time I'm speaking to my family members. And he would read Quran and he would read it like it was his last time. And so he said, you know, the advice that this man gave them was, he said, I really believe that if you apply this hadith without a diagnosis while
you're still healthy and that it would be transformative