Ibrahim Hindy – A Dua’ to unlock Allah’s love

Ibrahim Hindy
AI: Summary © The importance of learning the Prophet's teachings and pursuing one's values in order to achieve success in life is emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the need for strong values to attain a Mercy of Allah's, and the importance of serving the poor and not drinking to feed them. The negative impact of society on individuals, including false perception of worth, and the need for strong values to attain a Mercy of Allah's are also discussed. The importance of death and good deeds in achieving mercy is emphasized, and the need for love to achieve good deeds is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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mentions in a hadith,

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a dream that he has. And in this dream, he speaks to our Lord subhanho wa taala.

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And in this dream our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is told by his Lord

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de la de yeah Mohammed, Paul torsina wa Sal trapa. He said, it was said to me, oh, Mohammed,

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speak, and you will be listened to ask and you will be given.

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The Prophet said, Paul, as opposed to, he said, I then said, aloha. My name is Luca Femina. Hyatts what's our common karats? Well, herbal Moroccan, one tougher li what's our harmony with our Toby Reba dica with errata be calm and fitness in fatawa? Thani Ilikai one aroma have to and Allah who may may as

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well have done in your handbook or Bamiyan, Yoko ribbony will have the whereby new budget only her book this is an authentic hadith according to the conditions of the Buhari and and then also authentic narration of this, the prophets of Allah wherever you send him after relaying the story to the Companions, saying I made this dua.

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He said, In the HA, Lucha federal busua from metallic anymore. He said Indeed, this is truth. So study it and learn it

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or study it and teach it. What is true.

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The Prophet lately is saying My dream is true because the dreams of the prophets are true. The conversation he has with Allah is true.

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But he tells us to learn this and to study its meaning the DUA with the prophets of Allah where it was sent to me. Some say this is the only derive the prophet tells us specifically learn this to understand it.

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All the dua of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has meanings. Every one of the drive that is narrated in the Sunnah there is meaning in it, and often the meanings in it connect to one another. For example, when our Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam

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sought the refuge in Allah from coward dice, and stinginess being a coward and being stingy. And there's a relationship between these two. Right? People tend to be stingy when they're afraid. They tend to be generous when they're not afraid. So Allah subhanaw taala says, A che fine we are the common folk. Right? We have moral common fascia that indeed Shavon is commanding you poverty, he is telling you about poverty, he's trying to make you afraid of being poor. Right? So fear makes us stingy. Right generosity comes out of security belief in Allah subhanaw taala. And so this is one of the most comprehensive, powerful dua

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that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam gave us and we are instructed to learn it and to understand its meanings.

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The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam begins this dua and he says Allah Jimenez, Luca, fear Allah Hyatts Oh Allah I asked you for the ability to do good.

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This is Rasul Allah salAllahu alayhi wasalam. What is he asking? Allah is saying, Oh Allah, allow me to do good.

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And this shows us

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that the ability to do good can only happen when we have Tofik from Allah subhanaw taala. Doing good only happens with the permission of Allah. When Allah gives us the ability to do good. And if Allah doesn't want us to do good, we're not going to be able to do it.

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The Prophet of Allah, shall I even in the Quran, he says Zomato 50 In nebula I eat okay. And he, when he, he says, My trophy, if my ability to do this to call you to Islam to call you to Allah only comes from Allah subhanaw taala

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and we know that Allah subhanaw taala Yeah, he may Isha. He guides whom He wills and he leaves a stray those from He wills

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and we know our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned that our hearts are between the fingers of God, you believe working for your shot, he will alternate as He wills.

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We are in need of Allah subhanho wa taala. And because of this whenever we do good, we can never see the good that we do as if it is a favor we are giving Allah

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some people do this their relationship with Allah they think it is a transaction. I do this good. You give me this clear. I pray these prayers. You give me this much money in my bank account. We think it's a transaction.

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But the good you were able to do is only because Allah gave it to you. Only because Allah gave you that ability.

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Allah says he will know now they can.

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The people will come into the Prophet and they were acting like it was a fever.

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To the Prophet, that they became Muslim, but Allah

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and had our community man, Allah subhana, Allah says, rather Allah has given you the favor, that he guided you to faith.

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The favor came from Allah subhanaw taala.

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And we see this in many subtle places in our religion, for example, the more oven is giving the other

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and when he said in the ad and higher and higher, he tells you come to prayer. What is he telling you to do is telling you to do something good, come do something good. What do we say? That whenever

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we have no means and no power and no ability, without ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala the believer has to know this from the beginning. There is no way for us to do good without Allah allowing us to do good. And so we ask Allah this is the most important kind of dua to make, why the prophet is telling us learn this dua and study it and understand it is that we have to ask Allah to allow us to do good and yes it okay.

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Or Allah allow us to do good. And they'll hierarchy is general so means all of the good, the good that is in public and the good that is in private. The good that is very bad at worshipping Allah praying Salah doing vicar making dua and the DUA that is also helping other people helping the bad being in their service, helping them giving sadaqa building masajid teaching students, Allah orders us to do all of the hayrides the good. And in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala tells us for STEM people hierarchs raise towards all of these Hyatts all of these good deeds

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because the person

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who does care who does good

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is the one who knows that Allah subhanaw taala will repay them for it. And if you know that Allah is going to repay you for the good that you do. If this is something deep in your heart, you are completely certain of this. The good that I do now for the sake of Allah, Allah subhanaw taala is a shithole he is the most appreciative. He will repay me. If you know this, then you wouldn't do good deeds lazily.

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You would do it with all of your energy and enthusiasm.

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So Allah tells you for some people Hyatts raise tour towards the good

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unknown candle you Sadie Aruna Philippi Raja Allah talks about the prophets they were racing competing each other to do the good.

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Because you know, Allah subhanaw taala is the one who is going to repay you for all that you do. So we are asking Allah we begin the DUA, Allah and he said, Okay, fair enough. Oh Allah, I'm asking you for the ability to do good. What's our Kalamoon karats and to abandon all the evil, and then karate, again is general so the public evil, the private evil, all of the evil we are asking Allah subhanaw taala for the ability to stay away from it.

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And the first helps the second, why doesn't the do I begin saying Oh Allah, allow me to abandon evil and to do good? No, it says, allow me to do good and abandoned evil, because the doing of good will help you in abandoning the evil.

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The more good you do,

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the more you will surround yourself with other people who are doing good. The more you come to the masjid, the more you surround yourself with people go to the masjid

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the more you are engaged and doing good works, teaching learning Quran, studying Quran doing all of these things, you're surrounding yourself with other people who are like minded.

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And that will help you stay away from sins.

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And so the doing of good, allows the people to abandon the evil strengthens us when it comes to a bending, bending evil. And in particular, when we do Hyatts hieratic general, so it includes the public good, but it includes also the private good, meaning the good that we do when nobody sees us, when nobody is around us. The good that we do, that not your friends, not your community, Not even your wife, not even your children know that you do this, that kind of good deed. That is the secret between you and Allah subhanaw taala that can protect the servant from many evils.

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And so that will help the person abandon the evil.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, what have been my psyche and so I'm asking you to do good. And I'm asking you to abandon evil. And I'm asking you, humble Misaki and to love the poor.

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And this is a very beautiful that when you think about it.

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Many people in reality hate the poor. We like to think that nobody does. But that's not true.

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Many cities in the past have done this, they will load up the homeless people in their city, put them on a bus, drive them out to the middle of nowhere and leave them.

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Is this not hatred of the poor? It's happened many times in North America, not even talking about other countries talking about North America here. And our Prophet Sall Allahu Allah said in this dua, what is he teaching us he's not teaching us to serve the poor to feed the poor. Of course, he tells us to do these things. But he's telling us to love the poor,

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to ask Allah to allow us to love the poor.

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And another Hadith our Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam mentioned it's a hadith that says hey Muslim,

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he says that Allah will say to the servant on the Day of Judgment, in the eye the stuff I'm talking for them to me, they will say, Oh, son of Adam, I asked you for food he did not feed me. The son of animals see, or like a filter, amo Antara behind me It says how can I feed you and you are the Lord of the universe. And Allah subhanaw taala will say to him, it's not that I'm okay. I'm the fool and fundamental to my servant, so and so was asking you for food and you did not feed him? Didn't you realize that had you fed him, you would have found that with me, meaning the good deed of feeding him you would have found that with Allah's penalty.

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And then he tells him, if not Adam,

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Oh, son of Adam, I asked you for drink, and you did not give me drink. And again, he says, Oh Allah, how can I give you a drink, and You are the Lord of the universe? And Allah subhanaw taala will tell him, didn't My servant, so and so ask you to quench his thirst? And you did not give him anything to drink?

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Didn't you realize had you done that you would have found its reward with me.

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And then he says, Adam, north to from Germany, he says, oh, sort of Adam, I was ill, you did not visit me? Again. He says, Oh Allah, how can I visit you You are the Lord of the universe. He says, didn't you see my servants, so and so was ill, and you did not visit him? And had you visited him, you would have found me with him.

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Meaning you would have found the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala, to be with this person. And subhanAllah the scholars talk about these three

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things that are mentioned in the Hadith, because when Allah says, had you felt the hungry, you would have found Valley calendar, you would have found the reward of that with me. When he talked about quenching the thirst of the thirsty, he said again, you would have found the reward of that with me. But when he spoke about a Marine, the one who was sick, he said, No tenia and you would have found me with him. Now it means you would have found the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala and the mercy of Allah when you went to visit this person.

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However, why does Allah say you would have found me with him? Why does he give this extra, this extra

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praise for the act of visiting the sick. And the scholars say because

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the more a person is desperate, the more the difficulty the person is facing, the more the reward of serving them is. So the one who was hungry is suffering, but he can still go out and you can work and you can do things. The thirsty person is suffering, but he can still go out and try to do things. The person who's sick is stuck in his bed. He can't go anywhere. So the reward of serving Him and helping him is even more.

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And this shows us an inverse of what the religion of Allah teaches us, versus the cruelty that society often teaches us.

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That society the more desperate the person is, the weaker they are, the poor or the are, the more they want to abandon them and ignore them.

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And our religion tells us know the more we have to serve them and help them

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and our prophets of Allah who it was send them with, say Allah, Allah nashoni Malama Hey, Nina Skeena. We're mixing the mosquito actually if he's homeless in the second ailment Lima Oh Allah, allow me to live poor, and die poor and be resurrected amongst those who are poor. Now this doesn't mean that we have to literally be poor and give away all of our money. But it means we have to have the mentality

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of being poor in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala.

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Having that poverty mentality in front of Allah azza wa jal, we are in need of Allah azza wa jal and when the person has that mentality, how can you hate the poor the people who don't have money, when you feel like you are in need of Allah azza wa jal constantly, then just like they are in need, you feel in need. So how can you have hatred for them?

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And this should show in the community and in the attitude of the Muslim

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because our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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he taught the Companions

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught the companions that if

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if they were invited, even miss Erland said, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that if they were invited to a celebration, who's Serbian honey?

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What toto Caffee Alpha clear Amaran al Habib, Allah narrowed, he said that if we were invited to a celebration where it was only for the rich, and the poor were excluded from it, he said, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us not to go.

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The Prophet SAW Allah already said and said the worst walima is when the rich are invited and the poor are all not invited.

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Now ask yourself, honestly, is can we say we're living up to this hadith? In our communities, in our families? Can we say we even know who the poor people are in order to invite them?

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Can we honestly say that?

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And so it shows us we're not following what our Prophet sallallahu wasallam is teaching us.

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And maybe Roger, he comments on this part of the

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way the prophet is asking ALLAH to allow us to love the poor.

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And he says, because

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it's easy to love people who have the dunya the person has money, the person has power, they have status, they have this so it's easy to love the people who have the dunya he's ever the person who's miskeen has nothing.

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So why do you love them? Instead, you only love them for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada. So that love is a pure love for the sake of Allah azza wa jal is and this is why the believer should be asking Allah to allow him to love the poor. It is a branch out of your love of Allah subhanaw taala or have been mistaken.

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And then he says,

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When tough literally what's happening, and that you forgive me, and that you show me mercy. Now we asked Allah the DUA is you ask Allah to do good. And you asked me ask him to abandon evil. And you ask him to love the poor. And now you're asking Allah for his forgiveness and His mercy. Because even if you did everything good, and you abandoned everything evil, and you have love for the poor, and you serve the poor, everything that was said before, you still need Allah's forgiveness and you still need His mercy.

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The believer has to always know that they're lacking in front of Allah azza wa jal.

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We know that hadith of the Prophet SAW Allah I said, I mentioned that the man who worshiped Allah, in one narration for 60 years and another narration for 500 years. This person worship Allah every day and nights, lives by himself. The Hermit's woke up in the morning honeybadger once a bed wakes up next day at libata, sujood 500 years, according to one Hadith, he's doing this.

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On the Day of Judgment, Allah subhanaw taala will resurrect this man

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and tell him with the full Jana Yurok Mati you will tell him enter Paradise because of My Mercy.

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And this person will object to will say no Allah, I worshipped you every day and night for 500 years. I want to enter Jannah, beyond money because of my good deeds.

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So Allah subhanaw taala will order the angels to bring the MISA to bring the scale

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and on one side of the scale, they will place 500 years of very bad time.

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And on the other side of the scale, ALLAH SubhanA, Allah tells them put the nehama the blessing of his eyesight,

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and they will be equal.

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And that's just the blessing of eyesight, let alone all the other blessings Allah has given him to hear to have consciousness all of this to be placed there. So as soon as the man sees this, he turns to Allah and he says Belen, erotic and rather with your mercy, with your mercy with your mercy, and Allah will enter Him by His mercy. This shows us that all the bad that we do in this world is not equivalent to the mercy that Allah subhanaw taala gives us and the good deeds that we do are a means to attain the Mercy of Allah azza wa jal, they are not equal to His mercy, but they are a means to allow us to attain the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala so we are asking Allah to do good, but we need

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His mercy and the good deeds are to help us attain that mercy. And never where will our good deeds be equal to the Mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and then he says, whether or not to be calm and fitna for telephony illegal and illegal, or Allah if you intend a fitna a trial, then resurrect me bring me allow me to die.

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and bring me back to you while I have not been tested

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well and here's all the answer. Well, we'll continue the rest of the dwyfor quote unquote the hardest. Why do you do it yourself through in order for rocking?

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah who are the early he was so heavy on water.

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He says way the rock to be calm and fits in efforts Oh funny in a calm afternoon. If you intend a fitna for the people resurrect bring the back to allow me to die with me not being tested. First of all what is fitna? Pfitzner in the language means burning. Yo Mahoma Elena with 10 When the day that they will be upon the fire, you have to know when they will be burning. But usually we mean it as a test. It is the burning test, the difficulty of being tested and choosing right and wrong. That's fitna.

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So this to the Prophet is saying, Oh Allah. If you intend a fitna let me die rather than being tested.

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It's easy to choose good. When times are easy. It's very difficult to choose good when times are difficult. And the believer because you love Allah, and because you do not want to lose that love of Allah subhanaw taala. The believer should run away from fitna

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the interesting hadith of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is says yeah, you're a nurse, large it's a magnolia pa i do Oh, you who believe. Don't wish to meet the enemy. Some people say this is a warrior faith. This is a faith, a war mongering faith, a religion that we just want to fight. The prophet tells you don't wish to meet the enemy. The believers shouldn't want to meet the enemy. Why? Because what if you met the enemy, and you became a coward and you ran away and you showed your back to him? You committed a major sin. So you were tested and you failed. The believer doesn't want to be tested. The Prophet said was at Allah Allah if you ask Allah to protect you,

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instead, we're either lucky to move for hospital, but if you meet them on the battlefield and be patient, so if you're on the battlefield, you can't run away. You have to fight. You can't turn your back.

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If you're on the battlefield, you can't turn away.

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But you shouldn't want to be in that situation to begin with, because you may fail the test.

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Likewise, we want Allah's protection from being tested.

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And the Prophet sallallahu and you send them another point of this is that the Prophet is saying oh Allah allow me to die, rather than being tested. Rather than falling into fitna failing the test in the time of fitna, and that's very interesting because a lot of people think death is evil. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said if Nanea Corona and no Adam, there are two things the son of Adam hates, will have a higher level and is better than him if he knew. He said, I know it will know to hyrulean movement mineral fitna, he said death is the first of them and death is better for the believer than fitna.

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And the second one is can lead to null is to not have enough money. What can lead to Mal a call you ASAP and less money means less. reckoning on the Day of Judgment, you're asked less questions.

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So death can be a gift. And the prophet is asking Allah to give him death rather than fitna. If the fitna is coming then give me that. And this shows us how much we love our deen and Allah subhanaw taala we would prefer a death rather than to lose it.

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And all of this is connected to fairly clear hearts doing good Pfitzner someone might say what is fit and a half to do with Oh Allah let me do good. What's the connection between them? The Prophet says In another Hadith Badgett will be the amount of Salah do good deeds quickly. Probably yet to confit in Calcutta in daily Muslim before Pfitzner comes, that is like pieces of the darkness of the night.

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In it, the person will wake up a believer and they will go to sleep a disbeliever or they will wake up a disbeliever and they will go to sleep a believer.

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And this seems like the time that we are living in today.

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We see people raised upon Islam, coming to the masjid Subhan Allah it seems like in one day, they fall into cough and other people hate Islam and assault Islam and so the prophet for years all of a sudden they become Muslim.

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We're seeing both the Prophet says one version of this hadith up or model up

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you will be Aradippou Deena who we are at the minute Donna you will see one of you will sell their religion for a small offering of the dunya they get a little bit of the duty of the sell their religion for it.

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So what is the Prophet in this whole Hadith where he's talking about fitna? What does he tell you at the beginning of the Hadith that you believe a man of Saudi hurry to do good deeds? What protects us from fitna the good deeds? Don't wait, think tomorrow I'll do good deeds. Tomorrow I will do good deeds. You don't know if you're going to even be Muslim tomorrow. You know, your Muslim right now. You have in mind right now, don't take it for granted. Do the good deed right now and the good deed you do right now. That's going to protect your Islam tomorrow.

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But the laziness today and tomorrow, only Allah knows if we'll still have this now.

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So Allah gave you the gift of Islam today. That's why we're asking Allah to let us do good, because he gave you this gift today. So use it today. Hurry to do the good deeds today so that it saves us and hopefully our children and our families from evil. The final statements our Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam says, Allah Khomeini said Oka Hubdoc will have them in your handbook or Benu believe when they come back all I ask for your love, and the love of those whom you love, and the love of everything that will bring me to your love. And this conclusion of the DUA is really all of the DUA because everything in this dua has to do with the love of Allah subhanaw taala.

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doing good deeds, the good is because Allah loves it. Abandoning evil is because Allah hates the evil, loving the poor is because this is a branch of the love of Allah subhanaw taala asking Allah to protect us from Pfitzner is because we love Allah so much. We don't want to fail the test and lose our snap. Everything has to do with love. So the Prophet concludes that beautifully Oh Allah give me your love, and the love of those whom you love, and the love of anything that will bring me to your love may Allah subhanaw taala allow us to be of those who love Allah subhanaw taala and have his love in our hearts. I mean

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