Nouman Ali Khan – Surah An-Najm #29 – Allah Knows Your Struggle

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of "verbal" in the internet to describe actions and behavior, and the past tense "verbal" in English to describe actions and behavior. They also discuss the concept of "verbal" in French to describe actions and behavior, and the use of "verbal" in Arabic to describe actions and behavior. The speakers provide context and references for further research on the concept of harms and their impact on behavior, as well as the use of "naughty words" to indicate bad deeds.
AI: Transcript ©
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I got to save myself from temptation but I've also got to save myself from the ugly deeds that spread ugliness among humanity.

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That's all included inside of this word. When

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Najimy either

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male baldness or if you become one of our

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that's when a group of men surprise King doubt in his chambers. He's the prophet that had 99 wives, right so it says hey, just us being a TV we break down every section of the Quran into straightforward, understandable pieces. I started by doing a TV to make the Quran accessible for people of all levels of understanding the beauty and guidance found within his passages shouldn't be limited to scholars click the link to start your journey into the Quran and Arabic today.

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Our own used to want to show off as well, especially in a poor neighborhood to make people feel bad, the gardener to gardeners and certain gaff, one guy was showing up how much how much blink he's got. And this is a very severe thing to Allah. This is * worthy. When the gifts God has given you, Allah has given you, you use them to demonstrate your status and put somebody else down. You could have parked your newly bought Mercedes way in your own, you know, in your own house, you parked it across your friend's house, who's looking for a job and rides a bicycle to work. And you say Yo bro just got it handled in there. So grateful. You could have been grateful in your garage. Right? This

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is this is this man, this is actually as bad. But then when you don't have that view, then what happens? Oh my god, like my pension below the ankle, I'm gonna go to hellfire.

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You know, and then that becomes your religion. And then since I'm going to * anyway, they're below the ankles. Let me drop some other standards to you understand the seriousness of this issue. So we have to really understand what the major sins are. And then on top of the major sins now let's get word by word in this ayah identified when access to facilities and mouth Illa ah, then a boon. Previous is an action they excelled. Remember they did their best that was in the past tense. But this is saying the ones who did their best, who continue to ignore to continue to avoid the present tense is being used. It's strange to use the past tense and then use immediately why the present

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tense tenses don't work in Arabic and classical Arabic the way they work in English. Now, the purpose of switching tenses were many and one of those purposes was to illustrate continuity. This is actually saying that they

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keep having to get away from major sins, because the major sins keep coming in their face.

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And they keep having to do the work to get away from them. They can't just know that I got out of that life, it's away from me now, the devil brings it back, the old friends bring it back to when they drive by the old neighborhood it comes back at the workplace, it's thrown in their face. It's the major sins are not some hidden away thing on top of a mountain somewhere. It's always in your face the major sin and the major sins are always and you have to go out of your way to sidestep them. And that's where we get the word yesterday rune come from Janet Janet means the side job actually means closeness to so we'll Sahibi we'll jump in the Quran. If you're riding on a bus and

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there's a person next to you. That's a sad Belgium. Right? They will use to use Jana for a guy who wanted really badly wanted to rent win the race a horse race. And he just at all costs I need to win. It was not a it's not a short, it's like a marathon, right? So he would, he would use the two horses in the marathon when he's riding on and one that he's holding the row. So when this one gets tired, he can jump on that one. It was a stupid idea because they're getting tired at the same time. But still he tried.

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This guy was this was a genetic thing. The point is it's right next to you from it became kind of the the soluble map. So when you say Jen Nava or Genova also means to make sure you get as far as you get rid of the closeness to extend out by means to actually get something's trying to get close to you, and you're trying to get far from it. You know, like the opposite sides, sides of a magnet that repel each other. So these are the people that constantly repel major sins. What that tells you that is major sins keep coming after them. They keep keep running after them. The tempt the urge to just get into rebar keeps coming after that. That coworker keeps trying to hit on that something

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keeps happening over and over again. And they're just trying to get away from and what Allah says then is one hour and my before I go on the perfection of the Quran, the avoiding huge turnover. The past tense of is used once when you start out with pa hoods and every time Allah mentions me

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Your sins he uses the present tense if no action correctly points this out it's remarkable. Getting away from false gods is a once in a lifetime decision. You left the false gods you came to the worship of one God. That's why the past tense is used. But getting away from major sins is an everyday struggle. It's a continuous battle. So he uses the present tense to illustrate the continuity incredible so eternal Buddhahood and yesterday we're gonna cover if you will for wash. Now

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let's keep moving this is this is about the the idea of gender but I already explained that to you. Now, and Latina yesterday will not cover some numbers. Let's talk about the word aneurysm which I keep calling sins. Quran has lots of words for sins. One of them I already mentioned to you say yards or so. Right the corpse remember that one? Ugliness indeed,

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the word ism was used for a camel when it was slow it slow down because you put too much on it. When the camel Naka became Azeema when you put too much on it, and it slowed down, we'll book with Declan Owlman, Hamlins happy when something slows down because there's too much load on it, shut up to this Mahatama Lakhmi. That's why they used to call alcohol ism, because it slows down your brain. So the one of the words for alcohol and Arabic is Actually ism, it's pretty cool. Non alcohol is not called a phenomenon can that can is does have a real cool, I'll hammer Well, it's mortal wisdom. And SM is anything super heavy, you know, like athletes in order to improve their speed, we will put these

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weight weighted vests on that have extra pounds on them, and then they'll run on the track. Because if they can meet, definitely the point of it is to slow them down. But if they can break through that then running without that is much faster, right? So the idea of a weight that is meant to slow you down is an estimate from it, you get the idea of a a a sin that is going to cost you that is going to be a levy on you. And that's why it's actually used for a heavy fine, Assam el Osama a heavy fine that's going to be burdened on you is actually called an Assam and so with these meanings when you get to the word SM it means these are things that are punishable. These are things that

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whose burden you have to carry. You can't just shut the burden like being late to class. Okay, I was late but it's okay. I'll be on time tomorrow. But if some major sin happened, you're like, Okay, I made Toba. You move on. No, no, you gotta sit on this one a little bit. You gotta you gotta feel the weight of that sin a little bit. In fact, Musa alayhis salam, in his mind committed a major sin when he punched the guy and the guy died it was murdered. Right? And Allah forgave him immediately. When he forgave him immediately, he should have not felt what anymore. He should have not felt the weight of the sin anymore. But Allah azza wa jal later on when he reaches, you know, Medina and Allah azza

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wa jal even describes when Musa al Hassan helped those women, he said edema and delta in the Yemen Hierin fatigue, whatever opportunity of good deeds you give me, I could use it because my back is broken from the burden fucker actually means of the of your back to be broken from a burden. And this is going back to the idea that the SM the burden of the sin is so heavy on him that he wants to do more and more good because in the Hassan attitude hipness, a good deeds can then remove the burden of bad deeds. This is the proportionate response, the idea of good deeds is if I've done something bad, the only way I can fix that is I gotta do some good stuff. Not I'm going to do good

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stuff, so I can do bad stuff.

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I'm gonna get the credit, then I can use it on the slot machine. And debit Oh, now my reserves are low, I gotta get some extra credit then I can use the debit, you know, Ramadan mentality,

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get all the credit. And then from AIDS, all the debits

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the normal 11 months of debit then we'll have 112 credit and then we'll debit it again. Right? That's not the mentality in the Quran. The point in the Quran is yeah, you will make a mistake, but immediately after a mistake, what should you do run towards opportunities to do good things. That's that's the concept that's being taught here. Now, let's talk about alpha which I didn't know this I actually learned this today. About for a while which I assumed that I knew what the word meant. I didn't I will modify which is under the ethical levels of bananas. wetter I'm not I'm not a fashion person and with the factors is someone who purposely insults people and says bad words to them. Or

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someone who's really sarcastic mean you know trolling nasty with their their criticism, and it's doing it on purpose to cause pain, that kind of person meaning your mother in law. No, I'm kidding. Isn't whatever hash and flesh attack difficult

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Well, jab, jab fish actually means you you go too far when you talk.

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Like you said something bad, and they didn't hear you or they didn't respond. Did you hear me? I called you fat? Did you get that? You know, I called you fat because you're really overweight. You're not saying anything is that because you're too fat to respond.

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And you keep you keep poking and poking and poke. This is fresh. This is fresh. And then after that, if somebody does respond, well, if somebody you know, said something, you know, they say, I don't like what you said, Oh, you don't like it, huh? You want me to stop? There are some people, when you ask them to stop, that's when they go the extra 10 miles.

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person to say, Oh, you want me to stop? And then there's a pause, like how much? How much worse can I make this and then they dig their whole way deeper. That kind of a person is called and flush. Those are the kinds of people you're even scared to tell them to stop because they're gonna make it even worse.

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That's that's their nature. They just make things even worse. So FeedDemon baraita Haitian they used to use this for a bug bites. If the bug is by is so bad that it made you bleed, or it created a scar or a huge like, What the * is that? But the bugs is that it's not that ugly. It's not that nasty. It's not fun. It's It's okay. You live. Like if you're just whining about a little mosquito bite. Come on. It's not fun. But if like a local locusts bit you are something like a scorpion or like a, you know, something, and it's like a huge, ugly, nasty thing. And you're like, oh, that's disgusting. Oh, that's fine fish. So it was associated with something ugly and disgusting. That's

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why again, the ancient Arabs were not politically correct. They were okay with shaming people on their appearance. photoshopped and Maura. The Arabic dictionary by the way, full of insults. It is so entertaining is full of insults. Oh my god. FICO shuttle, Mara. karuma Couplehood was hundreds. When an old lady becomes really old and scary and nasty looking. They say photoshoots like if she looks like she's from a horror, like almost like a zombie type look like the hairs calling? You know, I can't do it well, but you get the idea. We have Islam taught us, you know, respect for our elders. This was before Islam. Okay. So what they used to do is for like a scary looking old lady.

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They will say purple shirts, as Mara. So all of this has to do with St. Hubba. And I listed and the shirt and fashion or the Fill book will actually ugliness that manifests itself as greed, someone who's ugly with their money, someone's ugly with their speech, someone's ugly with their character. All of that is fascia.

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Which actually boils down to mannerisms and how you treat people.

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Allah says they stay away from major sins, and from all things that create ugliness between people. That's Fela Hush now. Denia 10 will start me like, can I attend and Xena? What can I

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say something without saying it? That's Denia okay. For what hash is used in the Quran as a key nya for adultery.

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Or fascia is used as a key nya for fornication and adultery.

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It's not the Arabic word for fornication or adultery. It's the hint, the Quran is creating a hymn. Now the problem is, fornication and adultery in every society is beautified. It's associated with the temptation of beauty. It's not associated with ugliness. And this is the Quran spiritual worldview. It is teaching something that didn't exist. It's teaching that Zina, as tempting as it may be, as much as it may be drawn, drawing the person in because of its beauty is actually ugliness. The reality of it is is for watch. And it's pointing out another reality to a washer will make the inside of a person ugly, the true self agree

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that these are the Hichem inside of this word. And also there's other Hichem because fascia is used for extreme lack of control and speech. Right? So this person is an animal with their tongue. When someone's an animal with their body, their, their, their fat fish, you see, and similarly, this it's associated with extreme selfishness. And the act of fascia is extreme selfishness, you have an urge you the Allah gave us the institution of marriage to fulfill that urge. And you can take because the institution of marriage makes you take responsibility. But if you don't want to take that responsibility and just fulfill your urge, then you're you know, you're extremely selfish. You don't

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care about the other person, not in this dunya and not in the asset, because so long as it's convenient. You're there, the moment it becomes inconvenient or you just don't want to move on or whatever, that you can quickly just dump and go and there's no sense of accountability. Right? So it's

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The idea all of those ideas are merged together. This wouldn't be there if Allah just said Zina. But it's there when he says our hash in the plural suggests that it's not limited to one thing, by the way, even something ugly like slandering somebody, you know making up stories about them or spreading rumors about them. In sudo node, Allah describes all of that as fascia. You would think sudo to node would describe Zina as Mahisha. Actually certain node also goes out of its way to describe slander and rumors as as a kind of fascia to in Alladhina. You're a Buddha and Tasha and Aisha tufin Medina Amanu. Those who love to spread, spread fireshot among the believing community,

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there was a rumor spread about Ayesha, right. Allah doesn't say those who spread rumors, what did he say those who spread the shot because they're spreading ugliness. And they're depicting the ugliness of somebody's character, and they're going out of, and it's an extremely selfish thing to do, and a ruthless thing to do. And that's why that word was used. So Allah has put a lot inside of this word. Now. The thing is, some of the Hawa like Xena is a major sin, slandered by the way, also a major sin because it's punishable femenina jilda Some something that's even punishable in this dunya that's gotta be a major one. Those are big ones. Now the issue is,

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what is what is the thing about slander for a moment, slander isn't, I have falsely accused someone.

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That's that's both done. But then if you heard my accusation, and said, I mean, he said it.

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He didn't just make it up, obviously. So it's got to be true.

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You have direct evidence or no, you know the case yourself or no, you know, the person's motives are no, you know, nothing, right? You have this.

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And then what do you do? I hope it's not true, but I'm going to post about it and say I'm really disturbed about it.

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Right? And when you do that, what are you actually doing according to the Quran? Allah Sha.

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Allah here says people of excellence ah, then you will not cover era ism. Well, hello, hush. I got to save myself from temptation. But I've also got to save myself from the ugly deeds that spread ugliness among humanity.

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That's all included inside of this word. This is actually one of the most remarkable phrases that describes our commitment of the law of Allah. And the morality given by Allah, law and morality two separate things of Kabbalah it's uncover the law as the law which covers the morality. Hey guys, you just watched a small clip of me explaining the Quran in depth as part of the deeper look series. Studying the Quran in depth can seem like a really intimidating thing that's only meant for scholars our job at Vienna is to make deeper study of the Quran accessible and easy for all of you. So take us up on that challenge. Join us for this study the deeper look of the Quran for this surah and many

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