Nouman Ali Khan – Studying Surah Al Mulk – Part 1

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The title of the Quran is the Surah, which is broken into six parts and focuses on the organization of the Surah and the meaning behind "brucato" in writing about it. The speakers discuss the importance of prioritizing good and bad outcomes in life, including the test designed to evaluate the value of the believer based on actions and prioritize deeds. They also use examples of words like "will" and "will" to describe the process of obtaining a job.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Allah tala de via the hill, monokuma Juana coalition in Cody, Allah the

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Taliban boo

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hoo ha for Allah de Kanako, sama, sama

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con todo de la

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de sobre el Toro I mean to Melbourne jalebis Allah colorata in a quite a bit la calabasa Rojas II.

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See, rubbish. Sorry, were silly Emery, Nakata melissani of cocoa leaf and hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He was a huge money from abroad once again everyone. Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Today, we're attempting to go through some lessons from skeletal mulk. And it is a difficult exercise to say the least for myself, because my consumers of the Quran easily get underestimated, and they get assumed to be all virtually the same or very, very similar. So you get an overview kind of thing. This ruler talks about the Acela, that one also talks about the Acela, this one talks about that one also talks about the hidden, we kind of kind of gloss over some

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of the beautiful nuances and intricacies that are unique, and that our identities of each and every one of these remarkable gifts from a large origin. So my attempt is not only to kind of give you Well, a lot of talks about this, and he does deal with this elsewhere, too. Well, we're dealing with this not elsewhere, we're gonna deal with this at a time and I you know, my own, you could say philosophy in dealing with the study of the Quran, that I hold very dear to myself is every soldier has a unique signature, and it has a unique message, and allows at the end of the day, the conclusions may be virtually the same. But the way Allah arrived at those conclusions is unique.

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Right? So the argument, the conclusion may be the same, but the argument used to present that conclusion is unique every single time and the kind of insights and the kinds of things Allah wants people to think about and ponder over are different pathways. You know, Lynette, the unknown, Susanna will guide them to work through our multiple pathways. And so each slot takes a unique pathway. And that's part of the beauty of the Quran. This surah is unique for many reasons. It's First of all, its placement in the Koran, even though that'll be a later study exhaustively. This is this begins the last chunk of microcontrollers in the Quran. So you have a cluster of Madani surahs

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that are together, that start wimps from sort of headed all the way to sort of Kadeem. So 57 to 66. And from here on roughly to the end of the last half, you have pretty much macaron so this is the final final area of the of the Quran, where solos get relatively shorter, the rhyme schemes are more apparent, the style of the solos are very distinct, they actually have a unique signature to them by themselves, the way the school is most of the students flow in this part of the Quran. The other thing that's very beautiful and unique about this surah is that it actually

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is one in which about which the Prophet slice alum commented multiple times. So I mean, typically you find one or two narrations about a surah. And the former, especially, you know, if you don't distinguish between what is here, and what is generally found in some Tafseer somewhere, you will find tons of tons of benefits of a surah blessings of a surah. But when you start discriminating in terms of what is authentic and what is not that's reduced to maybe one or two per surah. But sort of Luke is unique because there's multiple like it's it seems as though the prophets I sort of had a peculiar interest in making sure Muslims remain connected with this surah on pretty much a daily

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basis. And they give a lot of value to these words. So we'll go through some of these narrations to introduce ourselves in Surah 10 min kita Villa nahi Illa, Salah una Estancia de la jolla for us Raja Tama na, well adhaalath Jana. So it's a surah that from the book of Allied is nothing but 30 IOD and it makes a case on behalf of a person chef ideological intercedes, meaning it makes a case for a person and gets him out of the fire and enters him into Jana. So Pamela so that's what an introduction to the surah in the Sula terminal Quran Salah Funai attention fatty Rajan Hata, who fear Allah who a surah from the knoedler Sutra from the Quran. And when you have an Akira beginning

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in an Arabic classical Arabic sentence, Surah 10 middle Quran, that's actually to create a mystery. And it's also an incredible sutra from the Quran, made up of 30 is that makes a case on behalf of a person who feel Allah who until he has been granted forgiveness. Well, he has sought a tutor Baraka lady via the Hallmark and that's the surah that begins, the Baraka, Lady be at the helm of this surah This is intermediate and then the be sallallahu alayhi salam can ally Anahata chakra lm lm 10 Zulu Alif lamingtons zillah wa barakaatuh D bo D

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Elif lamington, Zillow GitHub, so the you know, he would recite that and he would recite sort of milk altogether. So he would, he wouldn't go to sleep until he would recite these the narration says Salalah Harrison and then

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Ronnie fell outside and the narration is long but at the end of it and change and understand what the Allahu Allah Allah who call Carlos hula he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Sula, tomato Koran ha summit and Sahaba a suit of a remarkable suit of neuron that argues on behalf of its companion interesting you know ha summit I'm sahibi ha, LA and Monica raha right. So he makes a case on behalf of the one not the one who recites it but the one who accompanied it, the one who became a companion to the soldier so the language of the prophecies that I'm here suggesting that one has to develop an intimate relationship with this surah had political agenda until it gets him into agenda and to have

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it Tamara candidemia delmark one more solo Tabarak Soto Tabata Kimani to me as I will cover

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that this surah Barak Allah DB et al mulk is a prevention it prevents from punishment in the grave. So if you notice all the other narrations were helping us get out of trouble on Judgement Day, and even pulling someone out of the fire suggesting somebody may already be in the fire and then be pulled out of it because of this law. That suggestion is there too. But here before even judgment day begins when you and I are in our graves, we are warded off from danger because of the benefits of the solar May Allah make us all US hub of this surah. Okay, so now just a little bit about how the solar is organized, I don't go into detail in the beginning, I like to have that unravel as the

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solar unfolds, and kind of give you bits and pieces as we go along. But essentially, the surah is broken up into six parts. The longest section of the surah is actually the second section. It's the longest it's a bit of the surah. It takes much of the real estate, and it's also unique in its signature. One thing that tells is very telling about the surah is that even though Allah will talk both about people who make it to heaven, and put people who are going to end up in *, there's a huge amount of bias, and much more real estate is granted to the people of hellfire. So talk of Gemini is very little talk of jahannam is much more and when that happens, and sometimes that

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pendulum is swings. So you have some sources where you have much more general discussion, much less jahannam discussion, right? So what does that mean? That actually suggests that these soldiers are, you know, Sooners that have that there's more talk of * than there is of heaven, are focused more on disbelievers. And the the the contention and the warnings and the discourse with the disbelievers has intensified. Right, so when in doubt is more. And it's awkward. It's more emphasized, that actually suggests according to some of us who don't even they use that as a basis to say this must have been later on in Makkah, as opposed to earlier on in Mecca, because it takes a heavier toll

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warning and being more aggressive. This is something that happened a little bit later on. Like the Koran is less, less and less and less, you could say soft, and it's rhetoric against those who came out and were you know, they weren't just disbelievers. They were not enemies to Islam, they were aggressive against the Muslims, they were, you know, things were, you know, getting heated up on both sides. So even the language of the Quran gets heated up as things intensify. Right. So that may be a suggestion that this is later McCann along with the other item

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there's actually virtually no narrations about the the sub renewal of the surah and that's okay, that's actually a luxury. So you have that for some soldiers but you don't have that for many soldiers. You know, but we know generally that it's McCann and from the style it seems that it's later mucking with

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the Baraka lady via the Hallmark wahala coalition Cody, let's get right into it. And Charla

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the word about UK is difficult to translate. I'll give you a rough translation and then rip it apart as we go. So the Baraka lady via the hill milk, often translated bless it is he in whose hand all Dominion lies or all Kingdom lies? Well who are other coalition Khadija and he's capable over all things. So that's a rough kind of general translation, bless it is the one and whose hand is all kingdom and he's over all things completely capable. But let's dig into the word about UK a little bit tougher elemental Baraka, it's the tafolla pattern is a certain verb pattern, from the word Baraka, well Baraka to kesulitan Heidi was the other two who was assumed Kalamata de la la vaca.

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Well, who am I Hoeven min baru kilberry This is a few things that I'd like you to take note of. You don't have to write this Arabic stuff down. But I'd like to read through it so I can refresh my thinking too, right. The first thing is the word Baraka in Arabic. We kind of mean it to as blessing, but in Arabic actually means access in goodness. Okay, excess in goodness, but I caught on high was the other two and actually, my azido talk or other will say what is beyond expected

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So for instance, this this this part, for example, you had one bowl, or you know, one container of food, Tupperware of rice or whatever it is, and you have eight people to eat, and they all ate from it, and they're all filled, and there's still some left that little Tupperware had butter. In it, it produced more good than was expected. More good came over time was expected, right? Similarly, boedeker could be that, you know, you said some good advice, you gave somebody some good advice, maybe you should consider, you know, trying to memorize a song or two or something. You just said that just a few words. But your words I'll give them Baraka. So what happened, they ended up

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memorizing the entire Quran. And then they made all of their children profile. And then they started a mandala site that teaches dafis and oh my god, all of that happened, because you said maybe you should memorize sort of go through, you know, so that would be Baraka, in your words, it's enhancing something far beyond expectation, that's the first meaning of the word bucha. Okay, we'll look at the meaning of the word and then what it does in the ir a little bit later, but let's just focus on the word for now, the second implication of this word, is actually

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to have something to last of something to remain of something to become permanent. And that's why Gurukul when, when a camel sits down in a budget, you do whatever you want, and it's not gonna move. Right, so that's called Gurukul. Very, they say brucato. Also, when birds are sitting for a long time on water and asthma, when versus just sitting there, and they're not moving. That's also called gurukula. And so the idea of it is not only goodness, that increases, you know, when something increases a lot, but becomes unstable, right? To give you a visual of that kids are playing with Legos, or blocks, and they're putting Block Block, block, block, block by block. And the more they

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add, guess what happens?

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The more the more unstable, it becomes, you know, the same thing happens with I mean, it's probably a bad example. But no such thing I guess, machines.

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When it's small, things are good. And they get really big problems occur. empires government, when Sahaba were a small band of people, no problem. When the numbers increase instability, there's the the insertion of hypocrites, right? And a great, you know, the great work of a lot of turning into Empire, for example,

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right? When businesses are small, lean and mean, when they grow bureaucracies, right? So, in anything that grows and grows beyond expectation, it comes with a lot of problems. But the word Baraka is actually interesting in that it prevents that from happening. Not only something growing, but it stays stable. It stays constant, it has forgotten it. So it's it's an interesting play on both of those ideas together. So now let's look at the implications on the idea of you know, what is the left saying about himself, desire the hero who attack Asada at Baraka fill hulky image Allah Fie him and Al Baraka. The first meaning is the one who has this ability to instill Baraka in everyone

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and everything that he created. So he, he's the one who empowers what you do and what I do, what you say, and what I say and what I earn and what you earn, with Baraka. He's the one who puts Baba inside a seed and it can grow into a tree. Right now he's the one who does that. So by calling upon him with that, with that attribute or that verb, that's what we're saying. Allah enhances things beyond expectation, without any desire that adequately shape what the other animal feed that he was fit. He was early, that he himself is beyond what you would expect. And you can never compare him to any creation, that he himself is more than you can ever imagine. Every time you imagine a lot to be

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something he will be more than that. So when we try to encompass the wisdom of Allah, whatever concept we have, he is more than we can encompass. When we try to encompass the Rama of Allah, the mercy of Allah, the care of Allah, the forgiveness of Allah, it will always be beyond what you can contain in your mind, it will always be more than that. So this is within the end, it's always going to be a constant, it's not something that's going to go away. Our concept of a love should be above our imagination. Like our concept of hope and love should be above what we put like we think about hoping other people right, we should think more or higher of Allah. So this is the two implications

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one he gives Baraka to, or he enhances more than expected his creation and things they do and what they are and himself he is enhanced more than we expect. Both of those meanings hold true.

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Then the word tabarka some of you are students of the Arabic language it's see little tougher Allah. This this pattern of the Arabic language is almost needed. ilaha illa Allah tala?

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tala Habana. In Arabic When you say Allah it usually is two parties. It's usually two parties like the one it's two parties. Okay, Arthur Shahrukh has two parties. But if there's no other party and you use it singular by itself, what certain words when this pattern usually occurs for to you

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Don't say an officer by itself. You have to sit an officer, you have to add the two people have to be involved. But when you have a verb by a verb by itself, like in the case of subotica, this actually becomes a kind of hyperbole, intensely empowered or embedded with the power to increase, it becomes intense, should go to school, as they would say, to attend fairly, why should that he miss Lou tawassul haben masala for rope to be connected tawassul or rope to be bound together, but they'll also learn from that pattern. It's very tight, it's very well wound up. So the idea of the Baraka is actually, it's different from even, you know, you can say Baraka, actually in Arabic, in a

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similar meaning to be full of blessing or to be full of Baraka but subotica is more empowered version of it. So extremely full of this power to enhance and extremely far beyond your expectation and more enhanced than you can ever imagine. is the one under the big helmet. Notice Allah's Name is not mentioned, unless there's also a robotic Allahu external highlighting, so we move on quickly to the next point. Although it doesn't mention his name. He just has a big hit mark. You know, well Hua Allah collision,

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no mention of Allah. I lead the Kanaka and motel had no mention of Allah who Masha Allah, you know,

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Allah Casa Martin tabacon, you're not gonna see a last name here.

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He actually made it a mystery on purpose. He made it a mystery on purpose. And this is part of the rhetorical style of the Quran. Sometimes Allah will not mention his name, he will say the one in whose hand all Kingdom lies, the one in whose hand all Kingdom lies. Now the thing is, when Allah removes himself from the equation by not mentioning his name, this is actually to show the limited mindset one of the things it does is it shows the limited mindset of people who did not believe in God. So when they thought of someone who has all Kingdom in his hand, you don't expect the mushrik to hear this and think of Allah, you expect the believer to hear this and they think about a lot.

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But when the the coffee, the marshaling the added, when they hear this, they don't think about Allah, unless you spell it out. They're thinking about some King, some king who has Kingdom all Kingdom in his hand. And now they're racking their minds thinking from their point of view. How do you have a king who's got all Kingdom in his hand?

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But if he has all the kingdom in his hand, then how is there more?

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How's that? Because if he's already got everything, how can there be more? You see what I'm saying? And so, and whenever we ever heard of a king that is that stable, that just stays and there's no challenging his authority. And you know, from the two meanings of sabara like he's actually establishing this unique Kingdom of his first I want you to think about this kingdom that doesn't budge from its place doesn't move from its place. Now think about the words via the hill MOOC. The one who in a big hill milk is actually macadam. The geometries macadam, which you don't know, is the one who only in whose hand there is kingdom, and llama list Iraq, Al mulk, only in whose hand lies

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all kingdom,

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all kingdom, so it's exclusively belonging to Allah, and all of it belongs to Allah. It's not some part of it is exclusive to Allah, all of it is exclusive to Allah. Now think about the word and look, you might also find it meaning podra was soltana zawada, sorrowful, kebijakan Lucifer de la de la fiesta, Fatima, look at the word work, which I'm translating as kingdom, or dominion. It actually includes every possible strand of meaning of grander.

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Everything associated with greatness is encapsulated in that one word mulk gelar glory, power kodra soltana authority is respect and dignity and the ability to legislate, what sort of and to do whatever one feels, while Kibriya and greatness. All these attributes are actually combined inside this one king, Al mulk, via the hill molk wahala coalition party. This is also even more unique, again, from the point of view of the giant from the point of view, because remember, there's so much mention of Hellfire in the surah. So there are people who are obviously in denial that are addressees. So from their point of view, when they hear and he's over, he's completely in control

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over all things. But who are Allah coalition Cody, right. And we will have to understand the difference between Mr. T and kuzia. To today. Mr. D, it means capable, it's the thought

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from alpha, alpha d. Well, Mr. T, right. So when we say he's controlling controller capable, we'll dig into that in a second. But I want you to understand what's going on here as far as the theme of the ayah you have a king imagine just some King not a lot. You know what?

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Some King and he's got a great king. He's got a massive Empire. Okay and some villages rebelling

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What's he gonna do?

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He's gonna send the armies me he's gonna send his army is he going to go himself?

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Somebody is speaking out against the king,

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somebody, you know, engaged in kind of rebellion against the king and there's they're speaking out there should be punished. Is he gonna punish him himself? Or is he gonna send someone? And by the way, did he hear the guy rebelling? Or did he have to hear from somebody who heard from somebody and it was reported to him is not the case. So, the bigger his kingdom, the less direct control he has? Isn't that the case? He may have control over his minister, the guy right next to him, on not all the servants in land, but at least a servant that serves him water he has control directly, but everything else is indirect control. He has no direct input on anything else. He's simply

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delegating. This King is simply delegating. Right? But how is it that he has all Kingdom in his hands, and he himself is capable over all things? Well,

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you understand this contrast. On the one hand, you've got this macro view of Kingdom. And on the other hand, you've got this microscopic every last bit, he's got control over this uniqueness of Allah azza wa jal established in this beautiful, beautiful ayah. But the other thing is Kadena simply doesn't just mean capability. It does. It has the meaning of constantly and always capable, by the way, well, who are the coalition party, and it's m sofa which which alludes to some kind of constancy, something that always last right. And we'll get to that in a bit when we get to the next idea. But understand one more thing here the word Khadija comes from the word cutter, which can mean

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a couple of things capability, but it can also mean limit called the Jalla LaValle. coalition contra, Allah has put a limit to all things. And Allah is the one who sets limits on everything else. Notice the first half half of the ayah gives limitless kingdom to a lot and only to him, and then enhances him and enhances him and enhances him beyond imagination. And he enhances his creation beyond imagination if he wishes, but he's also the one who's capable of putting limits. You know, he's the one the one who's unlimited himself can limit all things else. He's the one who can put you know, put a stop has it Columbia,

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usual una Mirage envy Machado de la barra, Nevada law, that's the next beautiful thing. This speech, it could be that it's simply a statement of fact, he is incredibly full of the power of Baraka. And he's incomplete and he has complete dominion over all things. And he's completely in control, right? This could be statements of fact, we use an akuna, Metallica in Sha husana in Allah as no LFC with a lemon in us. And you know, tabaka could also be a statement of inshot. Now, let me tell you what in chat is, in China, Arabic, refers in linguistics to a statement you make out of emotion,

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a statement you make out of emotion. Like for instance, the statement Alhamdulillah is a statement of fact, praise and gratitude, in fact, is rightfully belonging to a lot. But when you catch the bus, and you say go,

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you're actually not making a statement of fact, you're expressing your emotions. That's in sharp and sharp means when you say something emotional, not necessarily informational. And a lot of an informational statement is either true or false. You say yes or no at the end of it. And emotional declaration is no yes or no at the end. You don't say Alhamdulillah and somebody has false. It doesn't make sense. That's that that's not how it works. Right? So the language of Oracle DBA, the Hallmark wahala coalition, because it could be a bar could be a statement of fact, but actually from its language, just like we say jsoc alone.

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That's not a bar, the status bar, nobody comes up to the Nam jozani.

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Yes, he did. It's not a law rewarded you it's actually may Allah reward you.

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May Allah reward you, right? refer Allahu, Allahu, Allah forgive him. It's not to say when in fact, it's May Allah forgive him. Right? So similarly, tabarrok Allah, He, may he be?

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May he be?

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Or how blessing is the one who it's like a statement of emotion.

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It's and this is actually now illustrating how one should be in all of a law when they begin reciting this aura. Like, it's, you know, by the way, a statement of fact, employs your mind, and a statement of emotion implies your heart. Right? And so the beginning of the sutra is conquering our hearts and our minds. And just about a Columbia, the hill milk wahala coalition.

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Now, just one quick comment about a milk and we'll move on to the next ayah

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which is just an interesting thought about milk the way Allah describes it himself, you know, he says Dr. Malcolm and Tasha

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Tasha, Tasha to the lumen, Tasha

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be ethical. He says you grant kingdom to whoever you want. That's what we say to Allah, you grant kingdom to whoever you want you grant Dominion to whoever you want. You take it away from whoever you want.

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In other words, kingdom and authority. And what it means is actually something that is defined by Allah.

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And if you look at it in that sense, what mulk actually means to Allah, than are shallow definitions disappear. Compare Yusuf Alayhi, salam to the minister who throws him in prison, according to a low actually has work. You know, compare musar this router if you don't, who actually has a work, if there's a lot of work, there's a lot of authority and dominion, which, you know, a kingdom King is only as strong as the army standing behind him who's backing him. Right? Who's backing down and who's backing musala?

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Seriously, right. know who's got milk, the people, the number three times the number that are showing up from kurush, or the barely armed, so how bad butter but there's legions of angels behind them, they've got mold behind them, you know, so it changes our perception. When we say big hill mole Kahala coalition deal. If you're subjects of his kingdom, and your loyal subjects of his then he's got you covered. He's the one who protects you. You know. So in this in this beginning, I there's also not only the grander and the Kingdom of Allah, it serves two purposes immediately, it serves the purpose of warning those who will stand against this king.

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And immediately it serves the purpose of giving a sense of security those who are loyal to this game.

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You know, cuz if we were under his kingdom, we should be alright. You're messing with that King? Sure, in serious trouble. So before you even say anything else, that's established. That's that's where this is headed. You'll have to, you know, say about yourself, you'll have to declare about yourself, which side of this kingdom you belong to? Are you under rebellion? Are you under in submission? Now, the last I know, I've keep saying last, but another thing came to mind. So I should share it with you is actually about what's going on in Makkah at the time, who's considered the rebels.

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Croatia consider the Muslims rebels. They consider them outcasts crazy people that are questioning and defying authority, they're the ones in defiance, the opening of the surah actually flips that equation and says you're the rebels. And they're the ones respecting authority.

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So it actually criminalizes those who are criminalizing the Muslims. And it flips that equation entirely Subhanallah and just think about the fact that we're sort of lost sight saddam has no standing army has no authority in Korea. She's the laughingstock of these people, much less than the object of not just ridicule, but also of torture, and of scheming, you know, that by the end of the pseudo will learn they're hoping he dies, and their hope some of their evil hoping to kill him. That's why in Laconia Allahumma, Mallya comes up, you know, if Allah didn't even kill me, if he even did allow me to be killed, that comes up because they're hoping to kill him. And yet, you know, when

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somebody comes alone, I just want you to imagine this crazy scene, because you guys don't watch movies. So I'll tell you,

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you have this one guy, there's this huge army that shows up with like the king and the cavalry. And they've got their spears and shields and all of that stuff. And they show up and they're obviously now you're hoping the camera turns to the other side. And there's an equally large army on the other side before they run into each other. But there's one guy, they're just standing there, unarmed.

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And he's just looking at them. And he says, If you know what's good for you turn around.

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And they're all like, Who's gonna make us turn around?

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He'll says me, and they say You and what army?

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Right? Like, how do you? Who are you to say that? So that's a lot of big talk from somebody who's got nothing with him.

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You know, this is big talk.

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This is like aggressive speech. Coming from a person who has no physically visibly no position to be speaking like this. This is extremely offensive to those in power.

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Quran was actually extremely offensive, extremely effective. I have no qualms about saying it. It was

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how do you go to the authorities in the in your region of courage and just talk straight to them and say the Baraka Libyan Hindalco hawala coalition.

00:29:29 --> 00:29:35

It's not just a religious statement. It's not just about theology, you're challenging their authority to their face.

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And you're basically saying you guys are incapable of doing anything when you say Allah is capable over all things.

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First of all, you said you have no authority, he has all authority, all Kingdom in his hand.

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And he's got more than imaginable.

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And whatever little you have, he gave you.

00:29:54 --> 00:30:00

And by the way, he's capable of everything, which actually suggests that you're what's left for you. You

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Capable of nothing.

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What a slap in the face. This is how the soul begins. It empowers the believer as they understand that a lies behind them. It challenges the disbeliever in this aggressive, non apologetic kind of way. And then he goes on to describe that kink, the one who has all power in his hand and says, I love the holla called monta well hayata, Leah blue Akuma, ucommerce and Ramadan, the one who created death, and life, so he may test all of you, which of you is better when it comes to action, that's a rough translation of the

00:30:37 --> 00:30:42

women are taught how to feel safer than Hulk.

00:30:43 --> 00:30:55

And one of the most incredible, you know, manifestations of when he says, I'm capable over all things. Well, what's what could be a better demonstration of being capable than the power over death and life?

00:30:57 --> 00:31:25

What's a better case, you know, here's a sampling of what I'm capable of. Here's a sampling of what I'm capable of. By the way, there are several reasons why death precedes life here that we can think about. And one of the first that comes from the texture and the tone of the surah is, it is a surah of indar. It's a surah of warning. And when you warn someone, and you're talking about Allah warning you that Allah is capable of, well, he already gave you life, what's he capable of right now? death,

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he actually sets the tone for the I'm capable of giving you people death,

00:31:31 --> 00:31:32

and then the Hello call mouth.

00:31:33 --> 00:31:55

And it's not just a lovey Amata what I hear like he says, in other places, the one who gives life The one who gives death, the one who gives life No, the one who created death, the one who created death and life this is unique in the entire Quran, Allah does not talk about death as a creation other than here. He uses the verb he gave death Amata you mean to.

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And you're here to give life to give death and to give life. But to create the institution of death. That's this is the exclusive place where it is mentioned. And it's actually illustrating the unique power of a large origin we think of, we think of death as the absence of life. Right? But Allah is actually forcing us to change our thinking about death, it is an actual entity, it is a creation.

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It is a creation of Allah. Death, you know, and in the context in which we think about death. It's very different from a disbeliever we think of death, actually, as a bridge that we pass, and we enter into a different kind of life.

00:32:37 --> 00:33:02

It's a different, it's another creation of a law that we enter another creative phase for ourselves. Like this journey that we're going through in this world right now, as I as I live and breathe, is one phase that Allah created for me. And the other the one, the one that starts at the moment of my death is yet another phase that he created. For me. It's not the lack of existence. Death to the believer is not a lack of existing.

00:33:03 --> 00:33:39

You know, so the words helical motor very pointed. It's not just he gave you death, so you cease to exist. You know, it's not Adamu come, Adam. Oh, God come you don't exist anymore? No, no, no. This is a creation of Allah. And by the way, think of from from the from the ignorant point of view, the ignorant point of view is very important, by the way, to me in crime studies point of view is everything. If you're studying a passage about Yabba, Nusra, you better understand the Jewish point of view. He's talking to them. So what are they processing as they hear it? How would the rabbi think about this? understand their point of view, if he's talking to the Quraysh? Well, how would

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they process this? You know, we process this as revering believers, right, and sometimes our Mufasa rune or a hammer home Allah, they will actually document their thoughts on these ayat, as they are internalizing it from the point of view of revering, you know believers full of all, but it's also equally important to understand this from the point of view of the one who didn't believe because the Quran addressed all of them. What was going on in their minds, as they heard this has been mentioned by name yet? No, only a grand King was capable over all kinds of things, who created the institution of death, meaning he's beyond it, is beyond that. And by the way, think about kingdom.

00:34:16 --> 00:34:23

Think about King, imagine a king who's got every bit of control in the land, there's nobody that can stand up to him. What's the only thing that will get rid of his kingdom

00:34:25 --> 00:34:26

is that

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you could have absolute control. You could have every last subject in your kingdom, love you and be loyal to you and be ready to take a bullet for you and take the arrow in the spear for you. But your kingdom is still gonna come to an end Why? Cuz you're gonna die. You can't You can't outlive your mortality. That's not that's gonna come to an end. And by the way, as you approach your death, you know what goes down on me who Lucky's who fell Hulk.

00:34:55 --> 00:34:59

You become less and less capable. You become less and less capable. You're

00:35:00 --> 00:35:47

goes down bsdl molk wahoo Allah Khalifa in lemmya Kalka de, he didn't say is capable meaning immediately capable, he said constantly capable. He said constantly hit Why? Because unlike any other king who as even as they approach death, their ability starts going down. A loss is beyond that he created the institution of death for all else, but he is the Barack, he is above and beyond it, he is more than that he's more than any King, you can imagine. You see how the word Tabata cloud comes into play? You know, it's now it's beyond your concept of death and life or kingdom. You can think of him like any other King, he's taken that away now. So under the conical model here, that's

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one thing. The second is, you know, the power to create anyway, even when he says the word, like when he says hello, just in the word creating the fact that he's a creator.

00:36:01 --> 00:36:29

You know, when you think about a creator, you think about someone who is who produces unique things like an architect or an inventor, or an artist, and they, they do something only they can do, like a work of art that somebody produces, somebody could try to replicate it, but it's unique to them. Right? And it's something that they're, it's their invention. Allah azza wa jal is saying, He's the kind of King you can make, by the way, somebody can make a beautiful building, could another architect come along and replicated?

00:36:30 --> 00:36:46

It's possible. Sure, that's possible. Could somebody could a great, you know, seamstress who's very creative, come up with some kind of clothing garment and somebody else can replicate it easy. Could an artist make a painting and somebody makes the same painting possible.

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So anyone who creates it's possible that someone else can replicate their creation.

00:36:54 --> 00:36:56

He creates, he created death.

00:36:58 --> 00:37:00

He created this and he created institution life.

00:37:02 --> 00:37:21

You want to try to replicate those far behind you. He's metabolically in that sense to what he creates is above and beyond what you can ever do. desire you do desire you do who Allah halki is enhancement way above and beyond his creation. So this is the second implication here.

00:37:22 --> 00:37:29

Now under the helical moto was a lot of commentary you find it here about you know why it's proceeding.

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Philip D cannot be hookman mode can not follow a Torah when we say because in the beginning when he created He created us lifeless. For example, the dirt that he created is almost lifeless, are the notes for the drop of * is lifeless, etc. Right? will come from water and fire.

00:37:48 --> 00:38:01

And water and fire comes from Miami to come from where you come from LA to Jonathan Baqarah he'll tell us that the original state of view was what death so fall for moto who will also fail Tila for the current month overland

00:38:02 --> 00:38:23

you know commercial relations social worker official Takara so he mentioned in total Baqarah he you used to be dead and he brought you to life you know and then he'll give you a death it'll bring you to life again and then you'll be brought back to him. So he mentioned death first there right so he Some argue that this is a reason for which death is mentioned here first because that's the original creation of Allah

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and moat will hide Cardinal mode and l hierarchy. Aqua NASA Ian in anomaly min, NASA, NASA moto Bina he Oh my god, I love this one.

00:38:36 --> 00:38:43

Allah mentioned his death here before he mentioned his life because it gives you a sense of urgency, I better show my loyalty to this king before he gives me the death penalty.

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Nothing will give you get your act together than the prospect of you dying.

00:38:50 --> 00:39:02

So he actually created a sense of urgency by saying I created death by the way. You're You're in my death, not the definitely used experience before, but the death that's looming over us. He's talking about the death that's coming.

00:39:03 --> 00:39:16

And he put that first to give you a sense of urgency, just to think about even its correlation with one other condition. padeen Allah is in control of every single death. And every single breath of life.

00:39:18 --> 00:39:42

What a collision today, like it rattles the imagination, but actually have these fantasies and these thoughts and these reflections on what death and life could imply here, the one that I found the most compelling and from the textual point of view because of what's going on in the passage. And I'll try to explain that is cannibal multi and adonia is who our characters were an era t bill Hyatt Min hifu la Mota.

00:39:44 --> 00:39:52

He says Death and Life and Death is actually an illusionary reference. It's a reference to what we have in this world.

00:39:53 --> 00:40:00

What do you what you all you have in this world is actually some form of death. You know the Prophet slicin. I was told in Mecca, my youth and we're in the home. I used to

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Which translates into a number of things, it could mean, you're gonna die and they're gonna die.

00:40:07 --> 00:40:14

You're no doubt you're gonna die, and no doubt they're gonna die. But actually, as a journalist, me, it also suggests you are already dying, and so are they.

00:40:16 --> 00:40:46

You're already dying, we're experiencing a little bit of death. Every day, our life is running out, there's a few experience if you think of death as worldly death, as the running out of your human life, complete running out of human life. And that little sand is going through the hourglass, a little bit of it is going through every single day, every single minute. So we're experiencing droplets of death, constantly caught, and then a taste of it is given to us every night when we go to sleep. It's wild hamdu lillahi. Wa matana.

00:40:47 --> 00:41:26

You know, so he alludes to sleep as death too. So we're actually in this world, we are our exhaustion, our bodies decaying over time, as we age, all of these are actually Miniatur aspects of death. And of course, the ultimate decay is in the grave, when the body completely goes through decay, but it's not like it's not going to decay. Now, what I was capable of doing how I was capable of exerting my physical body when I was 18, is not where I am now, it's not going to be the same. It's not going to be the same 30 years from now. You know, 40 years from now it's not going to be, you know, the the wrinkles on our skin, we can control doesn't matter how much Botox you do, you

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know, the eyesight getting weaker, the hearing, the hearing loss, the hair going away, things are gonna happen to our body. These are all actually mini miniature deaths of some parts of our body.

00:41:39 --> 00:41:58

You know, it's not your whole being that's died at some part of you is constantly dying. So what I'm trying to say is when he says he created death is actually a reference to what what happens in life to you right now. And he created life, which is the ultimate life, where's their attention to? When does the face of our existence begin? When there is no more deterioration you stay exactly as you are?

00:42:01 --> 00:42:40

So actually, this is reference to he created worldly life, which culminates in death. And he created the Ultimate Life thereafter, which lasts forever, under the helical moto Hayato. And if you look at it from that point of view, then actually the rest of the ayah makes complete sense. The reason that compels me to look at this interpretation more than the others, is that it it makes the last part of this ayah fit beautifully. Leah blue Acoma, ecomax, and Ramadan, so he may test you. Let's just stop there, Leo blue, welcome. So he may test all of you. Look, if death, if this was referring to, like not the life that's coming afterwards.

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And there's no point in mentioning a test.

00:42:45 --> 00:43:05

Why is this life a test for the believer? how, you know, a test is something which you either pass or fail. By definition, when there's an empty law, or by law, you either pass it or you fail? When are we going to know if we passed or failed? What are this what is the benefits of passing, or the consequences of failing, faced by the human being

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after death in the next life, that's when I get to see whether I passed or failed. Otherwise, if that's not my concern, none of this is actually a really a test. It's just stuff I go through right now that has no consequences other than right now.

00:43:22 --> 00:43:55

The only reason you can you and I can call this a test is because in a test, you're being evaluated, and your value comes forward in the next life, the value of what you did or didn't do, comes forward in the next slide. So he created the institution of death and life thereafter. So that he may put all of you to the test. So he may test all of you so panela. Now, notice, if I keep going back, I keep going back because it's so amazing that the NASA and the leaving of the words of Allah, we started with the word de Baraka, which means something that is constant.

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And institution that's constant that doesn't fluctuate and also robotic means something that increases beyond expectation. Just like this world will let lead into death. And after death, beyond your expectation, there's another life.

00:44:10 --> 00:44:52

So he's much robotic in what he created, and one of the biggest samples of him being diabetic, he being full of Baraka to create more than what you expect is actually a mode or Battle Mode, al-hayat so it's actually a chronological sequence he created death that's coming and life thereafter. So he may put you to the test. Now what is that test a Yukon XL am Allah. So which of you is better? If some translations a bust, I don't like that translation. This isn't some of the little muqarnas for comparison purposes. It's not a fault of Neil because it's a modaf or explanatory. If you say, Allah, like Bill, Serena amarela. That's actually superlative. If you don't put the number 30, then

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it's not superlative. Its comparative is who's better? Who is better in terms of deed, there's a difference between

00:45:00 --> 00:45:01

Better invest, isn't it?

00:45:02 --> 00:45:06

You know when your best, and only one person can be the best.

00:45:07 --> 00:45:11

You can have two people that are the best. Best means number one.

00:45:12 --> 00:45:13

But when you say better,

00:45:14 --> 00:45:17

when you say better, you've got a lot of people that are better.

00:45:18 --> 00:45:27

And by the way, you may never be the best, but you can certainly become better. There will never be a day in my life, we'll all say, finally, I'm the best that I can be.

00:45:29 --> 00:45:33

But I could be able to say, Hello, I'm doing what I'm doing better.

00:45:35 --> 00:45:39

Right? It's actually a mercy of Allah, that Allah did not expect perfection.

00:45:40 --> 00:45:44

Expected improvement accent, not a lesson.

00:45:46 --> 00:46:02

It's actually just just show me improvement. Show me and by the way, some people improve slowly, some people will improve quickly. Some people make long strides. Some people are willing to give everything they own for the sake of a line, some people can give a percent of what they own. And that's that's improvement from zero.

00:46:03 --> 00:46:06

That's fine. You know, what

00:46:07 --> 00:46:25

was promised the most beautiful things to all of them. You know, everybody will make progress in their own way. It's actually a beautiful thing that created this institution to see which of you is going to make strides to improve. So it's not a fatalistic view. That's the beauty of this is not a fatalistic view, it's not death is coming, I'm not the best idea ever.

00:46:27 --> 00:46:50

You know, I this is very pointed to me, because of the culture I come from. This hits me in a different way, because of me being Pakistani. And for those of you that are Indian or being the Southeast Asians, you know, you know why? Because we're instill, it's, you know, it's instilled in us in our education system. If you don't score the highest in your class, I got punched in the eye. A maraca Jackie

00:46:51 --> 00:46:55

pica. If you didn't rank first in your class?

00:46:57 --> 00:46:58

Why aren't you dead rat yet?

00:47:00 --> 00:47:06

Don't even show me your face. Why do we even send you for an education? What's the point number two to

00:47:08 --> 00:47:09

you know, like,

00:47:10 --> 00:47:25

you know what, how many that means the vast majority of children that are going through this education system expect the only way you're worth anything is if you are the best. And if and by the way, those who are the best suffer from the most extreme form of arrogance.

00:47:27 --> 00:47:33

Right, they suffer from the most I came number one in my class and then that's that guy is on that drug is a whole life.

00:47:34 --> 00:47:56

You know, he can't get out of it. And the rest of them suffer from clinical depression. And that depression doesn't just remain relegated to the sphere of education in actually transfers that over into the kind of parents they become down the road, the kind of spouses they become, and the kind of view they have of their spiritual life. They'll say to themselves, since I am not the best believer what's the point anyway?

00:47:57 --> 00:48:07

And they'll give up on all their practices prayer all together, practice all together can I'm not perfect and the rationality will argue is amazing. Look, I'm not perfect, okay, I can't do all that stuff.

00:48:09 --> 00:48:15

They'll actually offer that rationale. And that entire diseased mindset is crushed in just one word.

00:48:17 --> 00:48:19

He didn't ask you to be perfect stupid.

00:48:21 --> 00:48:24

He didn't ask you to be perfect. So Panama or you can accent

00:48:26 --> 00:48:27

and we're gonna be here till five Okay, so

00:48:29 --> 00:48:42

now listen to this. They said fuck you, man. Yeah, man assure the one who understands properly isn't just someone who understands right from wrong, good from bad. Belief a key when you hire men and hire. Well, Charmaine Asha.

00:48:43 --> 00:48:51

actually truly understanding this who is better in terms of deed is actually understanding if you can distinguish between good and better

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and worse and worst. In other words, you're constantly gonna have to make choices in life. You have limited time, death is looming. I have limited time. We can do so many good things in our life. Let's look at the positive we can do so many good things in our life.

00:49:07 --> 00:49:31

You and I have to prioritize what good thing can I do that is of maximum benefit to me and the people around me that I can present before a lot of limited time. I'll give you the analogy because analogies help us get understand stuff. You've got 20 minutes left, and you have 30 questions to solve. Some questions are worth three points, some are worth 15 points, some are worth 25 points, etc.

00:49:33 --> 00:49:36

which should you spend your time solving first?

00:49:37 --> 00:49:59

The questions that are worth the most points you should probably tackle first before your time runs out. So even if your time ran out before you get to the extra credit, or the one or two pointers that you made the most of your time. Leon nukem you can Max and Rama actually embedded in it who is better in terms of deed actually suggests you actually constantly have to make prioritizations in your deeds.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:02

What are the things I have to tackle right now?

00:50:03 --> 00:50:33

What are the What's the best thing I can do? That's on the positive side. But this actually has a view on the negative side, too. So no ama also means to remove ugliness from our deeds, there are problems that I have, there are things I should better about myself. Right? None of us are perfect. We all have flaws. But there are some flaws that are mission critical, we need to get those get rid of those. And some things are, you know, they can take some time. It's nice if you got rid of them, but they're not mission critical. If, for example, someone's not praying.

00:50:35 --> 00:50:39

They're not praying. And on top of that they're not reciting Quran every day.

00:50:40 --> 00:50:42

They're missing out on two things.

00:50:43 --> 00:50:50

Which of them? Should they take care of? First, you've got a bigger problem. This is this is deducting major points from your acida.

00:50:51 --> 00:51:20

Why don't you get rid of this problem, first, prioritize this, and then take care of the other because you have limited time. So understanding the value of good and bad, and understanding what big bad things I have to get rid of what major flaws I have to work on, and what major good deeds should I be engrossed in right now, as opposed to things that can wait? At the end of the day, even in worldly life, you and I have a list of things we wanted to accomplish in the next 24 hours. And we never get through them.

00:51:21 --> 00:51:53

Right, I want to get them. And we don't get through them. And you know what happens? Most of the time, you have two kinds of people, you have people that have don't, they don't have a good sense of time management. So they'll just do whatever came to their mind. And then the at the end of the day, I had to do this, this and this, and I forgot it. You know, I was supposed to put that in the mail. I was supposed to open the account. I'm supposed to that I completely forgotten now I'm past the deadline. And then there are those who look at that list and say, Alright, what do I need to do today? And if I didn't do today, there'll be a problem. And the check mark goes on. They take care

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of those things first. And then if there's time left over, and this is smart time management, right? It's actually in the words clinical motto. Well, hey, Leo, Leo, Leo blue, welcome, maxima, Milan, is the entire philosophy of time management in the Quran. And the small phrase, okay.

00:52:10 --> 00:52:11


00:52:13 --> 00:52:15

well, who allows evil awful

00:52:16 --> 00:52:59

and he is the ultimate authority. And he's the ultimate grantor of dignity. Allah sees those two things, the one who possesses and grants dignity, and the ultimate authority as a judge called Tommy montenero Fela yaguchi the one who is an extreme supreme authority on whom no one can overcome. Oh no one can overpower is called the Aziz, this actually furthers the idea of via the hill milk, doesn't it? And that's why it's actually even macadam, Allah for. It's actually mentioned before the fool because the conversation is about Allah's authority primarily, first and foremost, okay. And as he is also who under the ADA Nemanja shadowman, a body the one who also grants dignity and grants

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authority and grants capability to whoever he wants from among his slaves. The word Aziz, or is, in the Arabic language is a combination of two things. abdelfattah is a great linguist of the Arabic language, his philosophy actually was that most roots of the Arabic language have two flavors, and then they blend. They allude to two things, and then they come together. So is that actually has two things. It has elements of kuwa in it. It has elements of elements of power, authority, things like that. And it has an element of current dignity and nobility. Okay, so well, it is our little slowly he will mean suggests Allah has the ultimate authority, but also possesses dignity. And that's why

00:53:37 --> 00:53:47

it's come as an antonym for local General, assuming Hmm. And as an right, it's comes as an antonym of those who are humiliated those who are dignified. And

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on the other hand, you have Aziz like Mr. Abdul Aziz, for example, right, which is an authority, the implication there is authority, but it's actually a combination of both of those flavors. Because sometimes you have an authority that doesn't command respect, that happens. And sometimes you have respectful people that have no authority. And then as these kind of combines both of them, right, both of them. So now, Eliza is that authority that commands respect, you know, as the King, but it also as an implication, is beautiful in that Ally's saying a level grant you the authority to be able to do good deeds, because only he can. He's an Aziz. So he'll actually grant you the authority

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so you can do what you need to do to make the most of your life. Also, if you were to do good deeds, he's the one who will grant you respect doesn't matter if the Quraysh make fun of you, or the disbelievers poke fun at you and everybody thinks you're crazy and humiliated, is that doesn't come from them. He's an Aziz he gives it you just do good deeds and you let the dignity come from Allah, not from people. We don't actually look for respect from people. We look for respect from Allah. We don't assume that we are only going to be able to act. You know, if we are granted authority by people, we're only

00:55:00 --> 00:55:40

Assuming that we are going to be able to have that ability when that authority is rented by Allah. So as this is actually it frees us from a lot of social pressure, that name and our relationship with that name frees us from a lot of those pressures now. Fine, Allah has given me the ability and he's honored me with the ability to do these good things. Am I going to do them to perfection? No, am I going to make the most of my life? No, I'm going to try to do better but I'll fall on my face quite a bit. Right. So you should also overlook if he's only a z then I'm probably not going to meet his expectations so beautifully he actually says what does he have for a level exceedingly

00:55:40 --> 00:56:07

forgiving? The and it's important to note that see little mobile Ah ha ha for for rule is actually mobile administering find laughter. Laughter one who forgives or for one who forgives exceedingly, and this is different from sify necessarily. It is sci fi is actually a dormant quality. I mean, there's some sci fi as a doorman quality, something that you possess like a Hakim, someone who has wisdom. That doesn't mean they're they're demonstrating their wisdom that they benefit of sleeping their hurricane.

00:56:08 --> 00:56:19

Okay, but as a food is only the food when they're engaged in the act of forgiving and a lot in the act of forgiving. So it's an act of quality. So Lars Oh, by the way, his authority is that there's some civil

00:56:20 --> 00:56:24

authority, he doesn't necessarily execute his authority on you all the time.

00:56:25 --> 00:56:48

He does, he gives you some freedom. You know, he'll give you some room. And he doesn't always grant dignity to raise Amanda. So they know when Tasha but he is actively involved in giving forgiveness is actually empowering the meaning of Allah for here at the end. And it's giving a lot of hope to the ones who listen that even if you've messed up before and you've been on the wrong side of this kingdom,

00:56:49 --> 00:56:59

you can come on through It's okay. You're gonna be forgiven and he's not just forgiving, he's exceedingly forgiving. And by the way, never lose sight of the fact that this ayah began began with a levy

00:57:00 --> 00:57:14

you can't lose sight of that fact. You know why? The Baraka levy via the Hillman kohala coalition. Cody, Cody tabarrok Tabarak Allah The hola como tal hayata li Abu Akuma Yocum action llama la barra Colossus

00:57:15 --> 00:57:39

that's actually what's going on here. The authorities above and beyond your imagination, his forgiveness is above and beyond your imagination and it's a constant it's going to be there so that's why the Olivier de somasole you know a continuation of what came before is critical and then that same to look under the Hala Casa Mata back I know I've been going for a long time but I really want to finish the first section is that okay with you guys tomorrow?

00:57:41 --> 00:57:44

And maybe holla cassava sama watching tobacco,

00:57:45 --> 00:57:59

the one who created the seven skies, seven skies. toboggan debacle means a couple of things. It's a difficult word in this ayah there are a couple of difficult words in this ayah By the way,

00:58:00 --> 00:58:30

milk has unique vocabulary, right? So it's a challenge for vocabulary so you'll have the foul word, photo, right? Ha see and Hasidism interesting language in the in the surah. Anyway, so let's deal with that first part, the one who created seven skies you can safely Bucklin layers of tobacco use an akuna masala, Tarbuck tobacco, tobacco, tobacco Matata cotton, what will be the sulfur bit Taka means for something to be

00:58:31 --> 00:58:34

a well course corresponding to something else.

00:58:35 --> 00:59:13

mudarabah can be the bricks on this wall, they correspond to each other, they connect with each other well, okay, when things work well with each other, they have to pop up. Okay, when things work well with each other and they are seamless together. And they have no tabaka not and no tabaka another word from Osaka is the box. So savasana Latin dibaca he made seven skies that are seamless, they fit into each other, they work with each other. Okay, that's one meaning of Taibach. And this because it's from the tabarka family the other family will see if I'd be here. So now what little mobila a shadow masataka

00:59:14 --> 00:59:55

kabob here it's incredibly well connected. Seven scars that are incredibly well connected, where you cannot see where one ends and the other begins. Right It's perfectly seamless. I am una ceiba Babu Holly Bergenfield ivam that they are also corresponding to each other and working well with each other synchronized with each other without using takuna t berkunjung. dubach can also be the plural of the word Babak, which means layer. He made the seven skies into multiple layers. So there are two meanings he made the seven skies seamlessly fused with each other. And at the same time, he made seven skies in two layers, obviously seven layers right. Now the thing is when you make things in

00:59:55 --> 00:59:59

layers, like a building in layers, you can tell one floor from another

01:00:01 --> 01:00:23

There's a distinct line. But this is also unique because the word debark suggests that they are in layers, but they're also seamless. Because one meaning of the above because it's seamless, it's just a continuous flow as a master and the other that it's actually at the same time levels. Right? The question that arises Oh man, I'm gonna drop this on you now.

01:00:27 --> 01:00:28

What is this doing here?

01:00:30 --> 01:00:32

He was talking about creating death and life.

01:00:34 --> 01:00:35

All of a sudden he starts talking about what

01:00:38 --> 01:01:09

skies are sky is doing here. You know, Allah azza wa jal in the Quran on multiple occasions. Listen to this ayah this isn't Baccarat years later. This is years later. Hey, Pathak hola Bella. He will continue to come from Miami to come from Miami to come from my little john. How could you disbelieve in a lie You used to be dead and he gave you life is there some similarity and subject to this what we're studying now? Death then life he created death he created life similarity. Yeah. The next tire whether the Haleakala coma of the Jimmy and Mr. Wallace Mr.

01:01:11 --> 01:01:13

Martin will be conditioning

01:01:14 --> 01:01:17

The next is little Baccarat is he created seven skies

01:01:20 --> 01:01:34

death life followed immediately by what seven skies here what death life followed immediately by What again? seven skies it's not like to privatizing them is consulting what was said in certain MOOC. Okay, let me do this.

01:01:36 --> 01:01:37

It's so seamless.

01:01:38 --> 01:01:41

There's there's no tabaka in the Quran.

01:01:42 --> 01:01:49

This column, Caliban valter, Barkin. kurama, booty barking, but listen to this. What's the correlation though?

01:01:51 --> 01:01:57

We I just told you for a non believer death is the absence of life. It's the discontinuation. It's a cut.

01:01:58 --> 01:01:59

For the believer, what is it?

01:02:01 --> 01:02:10

It's a continuation, seamless continuation, where you can't see where one ends and the other begins. The believer was lying there coughing and all of a sudden angels are saying, you know

01:02:12 --> 01:02:12

what, I'm

01:02:14 --> 01:02:14


01:02:15 --> 01:02:33

sure but and he's like, in a blink angels are congratulating him. It's completely seamless. And he says in the next ayah By the way, if you want to understand how seamless death and life are, I will remind you, every time we look at the sky, the one who created seven skies seamlessly, the one who also created seven skies and later

01:02:35 --> 01:02:39

incredible, incredible what he does, so hon Allah

01:02:40 --> 01:02:41


01:02:43 --> 01:02:50

I was thinking about this, you know why I thought about this, like where I found the answer to what's the correlation, hold on.

01:02:52 --> 01:02:54

What is the only other item that is used

01:02:55 --> 01:02:56


01:03:00 --> 01:03:04

you are going to rise and by the way, that I also starts with the sky.

01:03:07 --> 01:03:43

Incredible, incredible. You know, so the law says you are going to ride one stage after another, you're going to ride with an angel who's going to be your driver, your cab driver, and he's gonna drop you off into your mom's womb, and that's gonna be a topic, then you're gonna hang out inside the belly of your mom not paying any rent, that's a topic, then you're going to come out of there and you're gonna cry like a baby because you're a baby, that's when you're gonna grow older. You're gonna become an old man that you're gonna die. That's a topic you're gonna go into your grave. That's a topic you're going to be raised. That's a lotta kabuna topic on the topic was used for the

01:03:43 --> 01:03:51

layers of life that we are going to pass through the levels of life that we're going to pass through. And now we'll use that same word levels for what the levels of the sky

01:03:53 --> 01:04:30

and there's some other stuff to drop on you but I wait. Mata Rafi Hulk a lot of our you don't see in the creation of man in the creation of the exceedingly loving and the exceedingly caring. Notice Allah didn't safety Hulk Allah and this is the first time it was named as being mentioned in this surah azula that was supposed to be a warning to disbelievers that was supposed to establish authority from the very beginning and warn them of death that is looming over them. Now first, for the first time introduces a law's name and not as a law but as a man why when they were in denial of that name, so it's a slap in their face to you're missing out guys. He's a rock band.

01:04:31 --> 01:04:34

Why are you in denial of him?

01:04:35 --> 01:04:43

It's not like he wants to punish you. He wants to take care of you. So the first introduction to Allah His name and this is actually a man.

01:04:44 --> 01:04:59

Well, it's often referred to Hulk, man. You know, it's incredible. Allah didn't say you will not see in the skies. any flaw that's how it will dig deeper into you're not gonna see any flaw in the skies.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:04

He didn't say that. He said, you're not going to see any flaw in the creation of man.

01:05:05 --> 01:05:24

Now, when you say you're not going to see flaws in the sky, you're only talking about the skies. When you say you won't see flaws in the creation of man, then is the conversation limited to the skies? No, the conversation has now been open to what? all creation tell me this, what creation has just been mentioned so far.

01:05:25 --> 01:06:07

What No, no, not just the sky, death, life and the skies. And Allah says, now making the point himself, just like you don't see any flaw or crack or gap between the skies, you don't see any color gap or crack between death and life. It's a continuation. So will you see all of Allah's creation, he doesn't create things with a gap. He doesn't create things with a flaw that's just not him. And he is too merciful and caring and loving to do that. In other words, the fact that he gave you a new life after your death is an act of his care and love and mercy. And everything you see around you that he created. The You know, when you when you know how you say somebody creates something, and

01:06:07 --> 01:06:28

they call they call the engineer, when you design a new car, what was your motivation? Or some musician came up with a new song, what was your motivation? Well, my grandmother used to slap me on the back all the time. And that's why I wrote the song, this country song or whatever, you know, they asked what their motivation was, what is the motivation illustrated of Allah behind all creation in this ayah

01:06:32 --> 01:06:38

and exceeding overwhelming love care and mercy drives all creation of Allah,

01:06:39 --> 01:06:42

all creation of Allah Mattila, man.

01:06:43 --> 01:06:50

And the reason you won't see flaw in it, the reason you won't see any gaps in it is because he put too much love and care into it.

01:06:52 --> 01:07:12

It's not, it's not some mechanical thing, some factory that produced creation, you know, when you create something of your own, and you just keep perfecting it and fixing it. And, you know, and a lot of care went into it. Like, you know, when a when a wife cooks something for her husband or something, or a mom makes a meal for her son. You could, you could taste the love in the burrata.

01:07:14 --> 01:07:24

You could taste it. You know, it's different from like, the burger joint or something. It's different. You know, she could wife your wife could make cereal for you, you'll taste the love in it.

01:07:25 --> 01:07:26

Cuz you

01:07:28 --> 01:07:31

know, something about the spoon, I don't know,

01:07:34 --> 01:07:34


01:07:36 --> 01:07:57

element of what is one of the most incredible views of life. And by the way, this should shape how a believer thinks, right? That's the point, of course, is to shape our worldview. They think about how many Muslims that we look at the world around us and things allies created, and the people allies created, and the society that allies created and the times that allies created that we live in. And all we do is complain.

01:07:58 --> 01:08:01

And we don't see allies mercy nor health care known as love.

01:08:03 --> 01:08:09

And he says, The reason you see things to complain about is you've removed a man from the equation.

01:08:11 --> 01:08:30

You're not conscious of the fact that this is not man's work. You know, the exceedingly unimaginable unimaginably loving and merciful for a large man a charlatan O'Hara in a cot in Omaha Monica Jamie Oh Javier de la Alessi. Ella t Masato Jamia

01:08:31 --> 01:08:39

it was all creation was created, with the with with mercy with Allah's mercy, and it has touched everything he's ever made. It was he at

01:08:40 --> 01:08:55

my mercy, My Mercy, in fact, it has extended to all things was the article in Russia. So before it was I'm in complete control over everything. And now he's saying I haven't created a single thing that I don't love to put love and carrying to, so called Allah.

01:08:57 --> 01:08:57


01:08:59 --> 01:09:30

by not by by limiting or not limiting the conversation to the seven skies or to the creation, Allah has actually opened our eyes, to explore a less Kingdom more, he's actually invited the human being to look around, and just constantly remind himself not off your monument of power. So next time you travel, and you're looking at the sky, or you're looking at a mountain, and you're looking at a child playing, and you're saying modeled off a confederate monument, it's actually extended your view of this ayah to all of your experiences in life, you know.

01:09:32 --> 01:09:32


01:09:33 --> 01:10:00

it is his extent, by the way, in the in the context of the discussion, though, in the context of the discussion, the primary creation, Allah mentioned was death and followed by death, a new life. And that was corresponded with the seven skies, there was a correlation made between those two things. And if you tie that to the idea of of mine, it is the exceedingly merciful who didn't end your existence with death. It's actually an exceeding act of His mercy that he gives you a new life thereafter. People

01:10:00 --> 01:10:21

should not think of the afterlife as a curse or something looming over them that's going to destroy them. Why did Allah have to bring me on judgment day? Why was this? No, no, no, no, no. The motivation behind it is Rama. What drives it is Rama. You know, my father in law who be who Allah says, What's the login and get out of punishing you? You know? Illa Mara Mara bucola Delica Hanako

01:10:22 --> 01:10:28

you know, for the purpose of showing the mercy and love and care that's why he created them. So now

01:10:30 --> 01:10:50

if they laugh, what is the power let's let's dig into the word power. And if they laugh, well, I want to follow up something that has contradiction, something that doesn't add up something that is flawed, something that is divided up broken up and doesn't go together. liable to barbu bargain. It doesn't seem it doesn't skip one into the other.

01:10:51 --> 01:11:04

Below Kanika Casa La Cana arson an akula FEMA who have a feed forward look kinda like an action. It's something if something has stuff out in it, this word in it, then you look at it and say, Man, if it was that way would have been better,

01:11:05 --> 01:11:45

that you could suggest an alternative. Yeah, criminal forwad will fold fat any shape when a sub County was the habit honey. It comes from the word forward, which means something that I skipped or missed. Allah has nothing that's ever been missed. There's no time that's been missed. There's nothing that's been skipped the word without suggesting anything that's been skipped. The flower the shade on the bottom of a beautiful word, man, oh my god. This is actually Tommaso kalama debarquement something that goes similar seamlessly together. Now he says moto Rafi monument of our tafawa actually means things that move far apart from each other and are clearly distinct from each

01:11:45 --> 01:11:46

other about Adama Bahama.

01:11:48 --> 01:12:06

So let us not create things that are distinct from one another. And by the way, in the in chronic philosophy, I would even argue and that's something I talked about in my previous lecture series in sort of neuro this came up a lot talks about natural phenomenon and know caught on, and he constantly in the Quran ties it to a spiritual reality.

01:12:07 --> 01:12:23

In this case, seven skies, a physical phenomenon was tied to the institution of death and life. Right. So spiritual truth is connected to a physical, visible truth, right? And so even between the physical and the spiritual realm, there's no tough hours.

01:12:24 --> 01:12:45

There is no gap. There is no I'm pondering over creation, as opposed to I'm pondering over revelation, it is actually seamlessly connected. So you can't possibly ponder over the sky without making you think of Revelation. And you can possibly think of revelation without making you think about the sky and the earth and the tree and Subhanallah not alive mattala monumenta our

01:12:47 --> 01:12:49

elbasan Health Robin photo.

01:12:51 --> 01:12:59

strange language. Let's start with that strange language. Therefore five and five suburbia. Therefore, bring your gaze back.

01:13:00 --> 01:13:01

Bring your gaze back.

01:13:02 --> 01:13:07

return your gaze. Why not? Look

01:13:08 --> 01:13:17

for elbasan return your gaze returning suggests that you were already doing something you left it and you came back to it, doesn't it?

01:13:18 --> 01:13:37

But this is the first time we're being told 4g actually it's highly Tara, you know? Allah says mattala we skipped that part mattala if you have a mental health Robin photo for gel masala and photo, Allah saying that you've been looking at the sky your whole life.

01:13:38 --> 01:13:44

You think you've been looking at illustration all all this time? I'd like you to go back and look at everything again.

01:13:46 --> 01:13:46

Why did you elbasan

01:13:48 --> 01:13:52

look at it as though you've never seen it before. Start over.

01:13:53 --> 01:13:54

Start off.

01:13:55 --> 01:14:27

Don't make any assumptions. You will be surprised what you see. A loss of Hannah Montana. And this incredible is telling us it's all about the perception with which you see reality. Everything changes. Everybody will see a tree someone will see a tree and say man, this tree is so uncapped another will see that tree and say so hard Allah, Allah brought that tree out of the dead earth like he will bring me out of the dead Earth one day. Another will look at that tree and say this tree offer shade and provides benefit what kind of creature Am I I don't provide benefit to anyone

01:14:29 --> 01:14:38

else that same tree, but how you look at it is going to change everything. And now that you've understood that all creation is Hongkong ramen.

01:14:39 --> 01:14:53

Now the way you look at things should change entirely. So it's like you're looking at things for the first time. That's why fudgier elbasan go back. And by the way, the jeweler UBC in Islam for example, if a Muslim Raja elaphiti

01:14:54 --> 01:14:57

when someone came to Islam, they have gone back to their original nature.

01:14:58 --> 01:15:00

So now go back to

01:15:00 --> 01:15:02

Look at reality as you were always supposed to have looked at it.

01:15:04 --> 01:15:10

Don't look at it from a materialistic point of view a scientific point of view only, you know, and

01:15:11 --> 01:15:18

a soulless view change your view change your view how did you elbasan healthcare I mean photo

01:15:20 --> 01:15:36

Do you see any flaw at all? Any crack at all? Any rip any tear at all? Now some have of course because of its proximity to the previous I assume it's saying look at the sky Do you see any flaw but if you pay attention to the previous is not limited to the sky? Yeah.

01:15:38 --> 01:15:53

All creation of mine. So go ahead and look everywhere. Of course beginning with the sky because that's the most recently mentioned creation. But it's not limited to that go look around at everything. See if you find any photo. Now the word photo God drove me crazy.

01:15:54 --> 01:15:56

I lost a lot of sleep over football.

01:15:57 --> 01:16:33

Why? Because the word football means a schuco caused a rift a crack and hook a breach a tear. That's what the word like if that's somehow in photography when the sky tears open, right? The Goddess Amartya Tatianna, right? This guy is going to tear open yet the same word is used in a positive sense file. It'll somehow it went out under the fattorini the one who created the translated is the one who created me. Ignore boss with the Allahu taala and who says Malcolm to agree Malhotra sumati Well, I had no idea what it was, but I felt better when I read this.

01:16:35 --> 01:16:35

It's like okay,

01:16:37 --> 01:16:37

I didn't know.

01:16:40 --> 01:16:49

Attorney Albion yes to see money in sakala huduma. an avatar to her. I adapted to her for her.

01:16:50 --> 01:16:59

until two Bedouin Arabs came to me arguing and they look they were arguing over well, who owns the well, and one of them says, I am the father of it.

01:17:00 --> 01:17:03

I was the one who started it and dug it up.

01:17:04 --> 01:17:24

I'm the one who the first ditch was mine. When Allah says fault it'll somehow what is different from Holly Cosima, what he's saying the first one to dabble into creation, the first steps of the creation are taken by him the most initial phases of it, the most initial phases of it, okay.

01:17:25 --> 01:17:45

So then Allah says when he says that I'm in full tour, it does mean both of those things initial beginning and rip. And let me tell you the correlation like even Fathers will argue the correlation between something that is initial and something that is ripped, when you are, you know, making an outfit when a seamstress is making an outfit or tailors making an outfit, what do they do first,

01:17:46 --> 01:18:13

they tear they tear, when you are building something, what do you do first? You break you mold. You know, the first phase of creation is actually manipulation, breaking, tearing, joining, right? So photo capture is that initial phase of creation. Okay? Now Ally's basically saying so can you see where it all began?

01:18:15 --> 01:18:27

Can you see that? Can you look around? Can you see where it all started? Are you able to see that? You know why he says that? Because it's almost like he's asking us, asking us if we're witness to the when the beginning when the creation first started.

01:18:28 --> 01:18:56

Allah says elsewhere Masha, Allah Azza wa T. Well, voila, can you see him? I didn't make them witness this creation of the skies in the earth. And I didn't make them witness their own creation. You weren't around because what's the original state of creation? death? be humbled? That the things around you that you see, are they in some kind of, you know, under construction phase, or do you see them mature in their creation? halterman photo? Do you see something that's not quite done yet?

01:18:57 --> 01:19:29

You know, do you see somebody just just started out or do you see them in full maturity? You know, so he puts the human being in his place when he says hello Tom in football. former general boss are almost done. So much elbow sakata Now take your eyes back again. Thereafter, stare and gaze again, twice over twice over here means that Luna and uttara here Ruby takes some actually means take your time. ponder over it. Come back and look at it again. Let me tell you why this is

01:19:30 --> 01:19:31

when you

01:19:33 --> 01:19:34

when you go to a new city.

01:19:36 --> 01:19:38

Right Sam Fisher always wanted to go.

01:19:39 --> 01:19:45

We went to Hawaii or something. You're amazed by the place. Everything was awesome.

01:19:47 --> 01:19:51

Then the next time you go but it's not for just 24 hours you go for a month.

01:19:53 --> 01:19:56

Still pretty cool. But do you start noticing certain problems.

01:19:57 --> 01:19:59

It's not as awesome

01:20:00 --> 01:20:02

It's good but you know it's got certain issues.

01:20:03 --> 01:20:06

So you start noticing things when you take a second look

01:20:08 --> 01:20:11

so that at first glance something might seem very impressive.

01:20:12 --> 01:20:25

When you get a little closer, take a deeper look. It's not as impressive. You're not as amazed by it. That's the nature of the experience human experience. Allah says in his creation in what he created, take a look.

01:20:26 --> 01:20:29

And maybe if you take a second look, you might find some flaw.

01:20:31 --> 01:20:37

Once you look again, okay, do it again do it another time. Gorilla thing actually means kind of the camera, the camera the camera.

01:20:39 --> 01:20:51

You know how you say in English look again and again. How many times you say again, twice, that's actually a an expedited expression. corradini look again and again. Look, time and time again.

01:20:52 --> 01:21:16

Mauritania mana Houma, rotten, rotten. We're in Santa Barbara time. It's actually again and again, even if it's more than two, it's an expression. keep on looking. In this eye, there's also motivation for you to go back and stare and go back and stare and go back and ponder over less creation over and over again. But it's actually you can tell from the language is talking to the defiant first, why don't you reflect?

01:21:17 --> 01:21:19

Why don't you go back and find the flaw this time?

01:21:20 --> 01:21:23

By the way, they're asked they're asked to use their eyes are they not?

01:21:24 --> 01:21:30

This is an important bit of Quranic philosophy that you must internalize. The Quran is an oral message.

01:21:31 --> 01:21:33

kurata is an oral message.

01:21:34 --> 01:21:37

And people who disbelieve save you will not believe until we see.

01:21:39 --> 01:21:50

We're not interested in what you have to say and only in what we hear we will only find something believable if we want to see it. The Crohn's response is there's plenty for you to see already.

01:21:52 --> 01:21:54

The Quran says Whoa, look at creation.

01:21:56 --> 01:21:59

That should be enough for you to see. And now listen.

01:22:00 --> 01:22:05

So they say show us something special allow say what the sky isn't special enough.

01:22:06 --> 01:22:17

This is a show some miracle. He'll say you're on creationism miraculous enough. Well, that's not enough. You have Have you even thought about it. That's the Crown's argument. They're looking for special effects.

01:22:18 --> 01:22:30

They're looking for a mountain turn into gold. They're looking for springs come out of the water. But a law says you wouldn't be amazed by any such thing. If you saw it, you'd call it magic anyway.

01:22:31 --> 01:22:38

Or Sukira Tom sarona when that new coma spoon, if you will, Quran came down floating paper from the sky

01:22:39 --> 01:22:45

and came on your hands. You'll see so kiloton saw our eyes have been drunk. We are some kind of drugged

01:22:47 --> 01:23:02

what kind of magic has been cast, we're spellbound. So Quran doesn't waste its time trying to tell you that there are some special effects miracle are coming. And then the Quran makes another argument have visually and you know, dazzling miracles come before

01:23:03 --> 01:23:12

they have a staff has turned into a snake water has parted before. Blind people have been able to see before that this has happened, didn't help those people

01:23:13 --> 01:23:17

know and by the way, when he does show those things

01:23:18 --> 01:23:20

that track record has been people still didn't believe.

01:23:21 --> 01:23:26

And if he goes out of his way to show you something, and you still disbelieve what happens to you,

01:23:27 --> 01:23:38

you get ripped apart in this world. Forget about the next that's coming. You get destroyed in this world. So when did nations get destroyed after miracles?

01:23:39 --> 01:24:10

So in this surah he is not showing you a miracle. He's saying if you want to see look at the creation of our one right? And now it gives you a new flavor of the meaning of our man. It is actually because he wants to continue to be excessively merciful to you that he's not showing you anything else. If he showed you anything else, you will be following the same fate as everyone who came before you. You will be annihilated This is a Rama Avila that is not answering your stupid question.

01:24:11 --> 01:24:19

You understand? This is actually the point that's being driven home here. Just look at this. Know show me some that go back and look at it again.

01:24:20 --> 01:24:36

Now let's go back and look at it some more general bizarre karate young Taliban like Albus Rojas II and hahaha see this part also drove me nuts for a while like what is Allah saying here? Your I shall come back ha see

01:24:37 --> 01:24:44

your if you do exhaust yourself looking around looking at the sky looking at creation, your I will come back exhausted.

01:24:45 --> 01:24:59

Has it one of the meanings is exhausted but it's actually one of the meanings of exhausted. hos it actually means my throat shooed away. You do this for monkeys and dogs actually in Arabic literature. Okay, caca is

01:25:00 --> 01:25:01

So one knee Get away from me.

01:25:04 --> 01:25:08

So when someone is humiliated, they there has it actually,

01:25:09 --> 01:25:29

when they're humiliated, they're harassing, when they are, like kicked out of somewhere when they don't belong. And I have certain thoughts on this but I'll first I'll give you the linguistic meaning a little bit, and has it all buried under the liat Roku, Roku and Amazon in San Jose and isoflurane. us who who do satin

01:25:31 --> 01:26:07

in the Arabic language they say someone who has made you ensure that they're far away from you, because it's not you you are uncomfortable with them being close to you. Someone who you feel is so inferior or so beneath you are so disgusting to you that you want to keep them at a distance and hockey and I fall hate on someone who is solid doesn't just mean small like little figure. Literally smell it actually means small in your eyes. Someone miniscule or insignificant is classic. You wouldn't want to associate with them. That's a hot seat. Right? And then tomorrow do so hot when you harshly kick someone away from you.

01:26:08 --> 01:26:36

That's actually the meaning of classic now this is used for example, who knew peloton has entered into monkeys that are shooed away? Right? Who's being your I will be shooed away. What does that mean? Your I will be exhausted and shooed away pushed away, kept at a distance. What in the world does that mean? I'll give you an analogy to help you understand inshallah, as best I can. And then we'll proceed we'll make sense to and this is the last part of our first section for out. This is the first section.

01:26:37 --> 01:26:39

Okay, so here's what it is.

01:26:41 --> 01:26:48

It look, I give weird analogies. This is a disclaimer ahead of time just to get the pointer. If it gets the point across. It's my goal, okay.

01:26:50 --> 01:27:11

So you're at, you're kind of newly got a job. And you're making like $45,000 a year, and you're on top of the world. And you even got yourself like a Prius. And you got yourself like a you went to Macy's or something. And you bought yourself a $300 watch. And you're sitting next to this guy was your age.

01:27:12 --> 01:27:28

And he's kind of wearing like a dilapidated old t shirt. You know, and he's in the machine and you're like, Hey, what do you do? I just kind of sit around. I have a job. Where do you live? Are those apartments? That's the big ones. Yeah, I got I rented one of those.

01:27:30 --> 01:27:49

Can Can I come over to your place sometime? And you kind of want to test his? What's he done with his life? You've been away and you've been out of touch with him for a while. You guys went to the same school. And you're just catching up and he looks like he's homeless? virtually. And you kind of want to show him that, you know, got what you got. What do you want? What do you drive? What do you do? He goes, I just have a bicycle.

01:27:50 --> 01:27:53

Alright, let's go to your place. I just got a bike. I got a car.

01:27:54 --> 01:27:58

Let's go to this place. So you pull over to his place. And there's just a gate.

01:28:00 --> 01:28:11

Like, where do you live outside this gate? He opens the gate and there's an endless driveway trees on both sides, mansion, beachfront property. From here to there. You can't see the end of it. And you're just like,

01:28:15 --> 01:28:17

and you were insulting him the whole way.

01:28:18 --> 01:28:20

Right? What just happened?

01:28:22 --> 01:28:22


01:28:23 --> 01:28:33

sense of inferiority, your sense of superiority in a flash turned into a sense of what if you already because you underestimated someone

01:28:34 --> 01:28:36

and you thought that they don't have much to offer.

01:28:37 --> 01:28:44

And when you actually looked at reality, it dawned on you how utterly outrageous you've been?

01:28:45 --> 01:28:54

And how we how you should actually get out of here right now because instead of there being the one humiliated You're the one that has it.

01:28:55 --> 01:28:57

You're the one that security guards concern is he with you?

01:28:58 --> 01:29:01

You know, you just got put in your place.

01:29:02 --> 01:29:08

Allah azza wa jal talks to the most arrogant and he turns to them and says, Go look at the creation of Allah.

01:29:09 --> 01:29:11

And if you genuinely take a look at it,

01:29:13 --> 01:29:15

you're gonna feel humiliated who you were questioning.

01:29:16 --> 01:29:18

You're gonna be like Albus Rojas, Ian.

01:29:20 --> 01:29:25

That's gonna come back to you. With a sense of like, you know, you're gonna feel like a dog that should be shooed away.

01:29:26 --> 01:29:29

And you're gonna regret what you just did. Well,

01:29:31 --> 01:29:34

and your your, you know, people's you can see the regret in their eyes.

01:29:35 --> 01:29:37

You can see people's regret and shame in their eyes.

01:29:38 --> 01:29:43

Your eyes will you will make eye contact. That's why you gotta be like elbasan

01:29:44 --> 01:29:59

the eye will come back, the gaze will come back back towards you. You just looked down and you'll be filled with regret. If you have any ounce of shame on you. So panela you know the world has seen amazing I thought haseen hustler you know regret nothing.

01:30:00 --> 01:30:08

And Madonna but actually cache to cache and cache will have a lot of data. The one who is armed is called a data. A hazard is someone who's disarmed.

01:30:10 --> 01:30:23

Someone who's wearing a helmet under the lobby, why not see someone who's wearing a megaphone is actually a dad or someone whose helmet their head gear, the thing that was protecting their head, which actually means protecting their pride is taken off. They're called a house in

01:30:24 --> 01:30:55

house alakina on Canal hemani to remove something actually, you will feel like your pride has been removed, you'll feel like your dignity has been removed. If you truly truly gaze you'll be humbled like you've never been humbled before. First muscleman to another, then I'll hustler to attalla Whoa. So welcome. hustler actually means anxiety and feeling really sad. And, you know, to be to be regretful, and to be full of shame. What have I done? How could I have done this?

01:30:58 --> 01:31:04

And by the way, young Calibri little buzzer Oh Ha, see, and this is the now concluding this passage in Sharla.

01:31:06 --> 01:31:08

One passage Subhanallah Look at this.

01:31:10 --> 01:31:12

This passage began with the kingdom of Allah

01:31:14 --> 01:31:16

was in complete control over everything.

01:31:17 --> 01:31:23

And at the end of it, you started glimpsing at some of his kingdom and you realized how insignificant you are.

01:31:25 --> 01:31:30

In the beginning, he's, he owns all kingdom, and by the end, you're the one humiliated.

01:31:31 --> 01:31:34

Right? It's this contrast between the slave the human being and a lot.

01:31:35 --> 01:31:39

You notice that a lot of what you're talking about death, and life.

01:31:40 --> 01:32:07

He talked about death in life. And then he correlated it with the creation of the skies and the earth. Notice the language. I love the halaqa Motorhead, I love the halaqa savasana what how many times did you mentioned creation? twice, twice. Then twice, he said, bro, take your eyes back and look, take your eyes back. And look. He mentioned creation twice. He mentioned looking around twice is perfectly symmetrical, is perfectly symmetrical.

01:32:08 --> 01:32:52

In the middle two out of this passage, he said seven skies, he created seven skies, he made them seamless with each other, do you see that mattala fiachra monumenta forward, you don't see any gaps. And then he tied it directly with altara main photo, do you see an even rip gap is far away rip is when you rip something there the gap is even closer. So he goes forget finding out you won't even find photo. And if you move out a little bit, Allah azzawajal mentions, you know, death and life to things in general bizarre karitane look at look at get Take, take a gaze again twice over once for death once for life cannot attain. I'll tell you one last thing about this passage. And we'll

01:32:52 --> 01:32:55

conclude and this is going to take two minutes, I promise. And that is that.

01:32:56 --> 01:33:12

I personally, I shared this with a couple of scholars and they agreed with me as a possible reflection on this passage. Unless as he created the institution of death and upon death, a believer and a human being is taken up into the skies. their soul is taken up into the skies and then they're brought back. Right.

01:33:14 --> 01:33:26

And if Allah created seven skies, you can appreciate how seamless they are from here. And that's pretty well established by the next passage. Because as far as stars are concerned, that's still the first guy.

01:33:27 --> 01:33:34

Right? So if Allah says he created seven seamless skies, you wouldn't be able to appreciate that unless

01:33:35 --> 01:33:37

you went up there a little bit. Yeah.

01:33:39 --> 01:33:41

So the Allah says he created the institution of death.

01:33:42 --> 01:34:03

And then he says to us upon death, go up there and see if you find any flaws. And as the soul is being taken up, it's looking around and it sees no flaws. And then it's brought back down some solar taken all the way up to the seventh heaven. Some are just the first some second right and then so as it's being brought down, it sees it again.

01:34:05 --> 01:34:12

You saw the skies on the way up. You're seeing the skies on the way down 4g elbasan foam or gel bus or karate

01:34:15 --> 01:34:17

see the sky and see it again.

01:34:19 --> 01:34:28

And you know, so how Allah Subhana Allah so it's it's a remarkable remarkable beginning to the slaughter barakallahu li walakum wa salaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah.

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan delves into extracting the gist of Surah Al Mulk. This magnificent Surah is exemplary and is unique in the following manner:

  • Its placement in the Qur’an – it is one of the last of the Makki Surahs.
  • It is actually that Surah about which multiple narrations are being made by the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ via Ahadith and thus, ensuring that we are majorly connected to this Surah.

The Surah is broken into 6 parts: the second portion is the longest and there is more talk of HellFire and less about Jannah in this Surah. Thus, it is more focused on the disbelievers. Atheists talk about the creation of the universe, contradicting the basic laws of thermodynamics, evolution and they can rationalize their thinking while making baseless theories to convince them that they found differences and gaps in God’s creations, but in vain.

Close scrutiny of the universe reveals that Allah is the Most Powerful and the Most Blessed. He has created this world with a purpose- as a trial and test for man as to who adopts the right path and who the wrong one. A necessary outcome of this trial is that a Day will come wherein the righteous be rewarded and the misguided and the wrongdoers will be punished. 

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